Wedding Day in Doma

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Unread postby Endesu » Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:14 pm

End stood there for a moment longer, shaking with all-too-apparent rage, his lance shivering and seething with dark energies, his Moogle form temporarily losing focus and definite shape, nearly giving way to a darker soul within..

.. and then End sighed slightly and waved a paw as if this was all just a bit of acting. "Heh, thanks for the compliment. D'you seriously think I'd mind if someone as cute as you would call me something like that?"

That said, and his traditional mark of unpredictability made, End resheathed his lance.

I would like there to be no more interruptions today.. perhaps if everyone shuts up just as this girl did, then I would be a lot closer to finding out about that cake! That's all I'm in for, and yet I've had one hell of a day trying to get to it!

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 9/21/02 7:37:11 am


Re: Hmp >_>

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Wed Sep 25, 2002 9:23 am

Janice just stood there for a while, staring blankly into mid air as End spoke so kindly to her, speaking with lack of certainty about what to say next. "Y-yeah, I meant that..." 6_6;;; She said, hoping that she didn't touch the same nerve a second time.

(OOC: hey End, we should stop for the moment, it kinda seems stupid that Janice and End are advancing in time while everyone else is frozen... e_e If some people could just get on with it maybe this would do a little better.)

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*Is a lazy SOB v.v*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Sep 27, 2002 10:04 pm

(OOC: Not much I can say... other than apologise to everyone. Guess this turned out to be more work than fun ^_^;;; If you've already given up on this by now, feel free to write yourself out, I wouldn't blame ya.)

**Embarrased Sister **

*>_>*;;; "Um... yes..r...right away ma'am..." Katherine stammered, quickly hurrying down the hall toward Kyra's room.

*v.v*;; Goodness, how embarassing... she thought to herself, shuffling down the hall in her intricate robes, Not recognizing the bride of a wedding in the name of the Goddess? Isthar shall be most displeased with me... ;_;

She felt terrible for what she had done, as well as embarrased. Every part of her just wanted to get out of that home, and hurry back to the church. Out of sight of the scornful stares of the bride and groom, and able to make peace with the Goddess.

She knocked on Kyra's door, staring down at her feet and trying to slink into her robes. If only she could hurry up and leave, if only she could avoid the prying eyes to come. If only she were unable to be seen...

She heard the door open, and bowed briefly before starting to mutter off a quick apology.

*v.v*;;; "Ms. Ryujin, I'msoterriblysorrypleasedon'thateme!!! >.<;;;" Katherine pleaded, getting down to her knees in a prayer position, "I never meant to insul..."

As she finally gained the courage to look up at her, two things became immediately apparent.

1) The Bride literally TOWERED over here, nearly 5 feet more in fact.
2) She was significantly closer to the ground, the nearby scrapes in the floor appearing to be deep gashes.

*O.o*;;;;;;;;;; "Oh no... NOT AGAIN!!!" the sister squeaked out, her migit-sized body making a bolt under the bride's dress and diving under a nearby chair. Once again, her nervousness had caused her to unconciously cast a 'mini' spell on herslef.

*>.<*;;; Maybe she didn't see me.. yes... she'll just leave, and then I can sneak back to the church to repent... the small sister thought, her squeak of a sniffle barely audible from under the chair...


Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 9/28/02 2:40:45 pm

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*And the puppy saves the day! :D!*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Sep 28, 2002 9:59 am

**A Grateful Trio, Plus Two**

As the castle trio were glomped together in the back of the cart, hoping with all hope that Forte would eventually tire out, said chocobo showed no signs of slowing down. After all, that horrible creature could show up at any minute, ready to chew him to pieces with it's horrible, scary long teeth. Not like...

Forte blinked a few times, his pace suddenly slowing down as he shook his head to the sides a bit. His thought suddenly turned to happier moments, such as all the kind people who came to feed him and say hello at the Castle. He thought of Dan, smiling and talking to him, even though Forte never understood the odd noises humans made. He thought of Kyra, who always had an extra carrot on hand when she came to see Dan.

-.- There sure are a lot of nice things... the chocobo thought, his face slowed down to a slow trot, eventually coming to a halt. He let out a brief yawn, the strain of the run finally catching up to him. Lifting up a wing, the bird crouched down, resting his head under the wing and drifting off to sleep. In the back, the trio blinked a few time, before finally realizing the cart had stopped.

O_O O_O "...WE'RE ALIIIIIIIVE!!!!!" Daniel and Midoku both shouted, glomping the rather distracted swordsman next to them. He could have glomped the wizard by his side as well, were not for a 'mild' problem.

@_@;;; "...major...blood...loss...going...faint..." Stephan slurred, as Noel had chosen to dig her claws into his skull to hold on, small blood trails down his face.

ó_ò;;; "Oh goodness!!" Midoku shouted, getting out some potions as Dan coaxed Noel off of his sibling's face.

6.6;;; "There there Noel... it's Ok now..." Daniel coo'ed, gently petting the scared kitty.

@\/@ "...HEY!! What about me...u..uhhhnn...." @_@;;;; Stephan started to protest, before passing out face first into Midoku's shoulder.

>.O;;; "....uh... I shall take care of Stephan, perhaps you should secure Forte while he's calmed down..." Midoku suggested, Daniel nodding in agreement. Gently placing Noel over his shoulder, he got out of the cart and grabbed the Chocobo's reigns, securing him to a nearby tree.

>.>? ...well, that was strange... it usually takes HOURS for Forte to calm down this much... Dan wondered, glancing around the nearby area, ...How the heck did he calm down so quickly?

A small rustle nearby caught the groom-to-be's attention. Turning toward some nearby grass, he cautiously approached, spotting what appeared to be a small tuft of red fur wagging about.

o.ó? ...what is that? Daniel wondered, keeping his hand ready over his weapon...


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*Tries to do a couple more before calling it a day*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Sep 28, 2002 10:40 am

**The Last Attempt at Peace**

Idama blinked a few times, surprised the captain had not attempted to chop his head off. He wouldn't have been surprised, as such a thing had happened to him numerous times in the past in his store. In fact, there was that one time a rather irate Dark Knight attempted to stab him in the throat, over some kind of flowers he was...

...but now was not the time to reminisce. Apparently, the man doubted the merchant's sincerety, even after Idama clearly expressed the great shame he had brought upon his himself with a ritual bow (Not that Pervy would know anyway ^_^; ).

"...I... truly do not know what more you expect of me, sir." Idama confessed, getting back up to speak with the captain, "I have already told you why I apologised. It was not until a moment ago that I thought back to our conversation, and realized I had misunderstood your proposal. You wished me to find your friend a pet, yes? And as I have already stated, I am terribly sorry for causing you any trouble."

Idama reached into his sachel, producing a handful of Doman gil and placing it into the Pirate's hand.

o.o "Unless I have miscalculated, that should cover more than half of the usual price that a larger pet would go for, such as a large canine. Should it prove too little, you are always welcome to come to my shop for further re-enbursement. Should it prove too much, you're welcome to keep it or use it as you see fit. Given how good a friend he is, I'm certain you will be able to find him something he will like." ^_^

Idama glanced back up the road, recalling the nervous bard he had left behind. He turned back to Pervy, giving the captain a brief bow and nod.

-.- "If you will excuse me, there is a friend I must speak with. I wish you good day sir, may Mother Gaera watch over you..."

Without waiting for a responce (OOC: Cause the GM needs to get the plot moving and characters chatting ^_^;; ), Idama started back the way he came, eventually meeting up with Brandon as he was heading back to Kotoki's.

^_^; "...well, I believe I have done all I can now, sorry for leaving so rudely." he told Brandon, glancing down the street back toward the Inn, "By the way... do you have any idea what is causing all that noise back there?" <.>?


(OOC: And now... TEH PLOT DEVICE! Image !)

**A Nervous Priest**

<_<;;; "...never before have I seen such... well... 'angst' in an individual before..." Father Rudal thought to himself, as he walked down the city streets. After over an hour of trying to speak with the strange winged man, the Father had decided to leave the man alone and get back to work preparing for the ceremony. Five minutes after that, he left to take a walk and clear his thoughts, the pressure of such a momentous event starting to take its toll on the man.

v.v;;; "...why did it have to be at my church?" he thought, staring down at his feet as he walked, "...I'm not a great speaker, surely a priest at the Castle Chapel would be much more appropriate for handling such a l...l..large congregation..."

>.<;;; "...Goddess... am I truly meant to join these two souls together for life?" he half spoke/prayed out loud, "...I just need a sign, some guidance that this is what needs to be do..."

His vocal call to Ishtar was interrupted, as he found himself walking face first into a rather large man with white robes. He feel backwards to the ground, his head hitting the ground with a mild thump. Groaning, the priest picked himself back up off the ground, rubbing at the small lump forming on the back of his head. He adjusted his light blue lenses, keeping his head nodded down slightly.

-_<;;; "Pardon me sir, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." he told the man, bringing his head back up to look at the man, "You weren't hurt, I ho..."

He glanced at the white robed man for a moment, blinking a few times as he recognized the dark pirate's hat and face full of hair.

O_o? "...Pervy? Is that you...?" he said to the bearded Pirate Captain...


(OOC: If this is Ok with ya man, feel free to BS a little bit of backstory if you want to, just keep in mind that he rarely travels very far from Doma. )

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 10/2/02 2:20:28 pm


Re: *Is a lazy SOB v.v*

Unread postby Kotoki » Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:47 am

Brandon shrugged and smiled weakly. "I really have no clue. Would you like to go back and check?"


Kotoki, meanwhile, was scribbling furiously in her notebook. Had anyone read it, it would have looked like this-

'Expect presents. Where to put them? The attic, maybe. Donate to charity? Would that be proper? Get Jak to take care of it? Would prob. burn them.'

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Tries to do a couple more before calling it a day*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:39 pm

The pirate didn't know what to think about Idama. On one hand, he had missed the point entirely. The merchant didn't know truly what he was apologizing for, only that he had to do it.

Normally,Pervy would have bristled at that. Normally he would have taken the sack of gold and lobbed it right back at the Merchant's head, and shouted several obscenities involving bribery and trying to throw gold at one's mistakes.

But something about the merchant's, about his body language touched the pirate. Maybe he wasn't full of @#%$; he was just dense.

"Eh," the Pirate says with a shrug, and looks down to count the gold. He lowers his hand for Ushyu, so she doesn't have to stand on her tiptoes to see it. However, before he can get past Gil three, somehting slams solidly into his back. He reels a bit from the blow, turns around and looks down.

"Careful there, Matey," the pirate says, offering the smaller, older man hand. Then as the other speaks, his eyes widen a little.

"Rudal! Ya bloody bastard!" he says happily, "Tis good t' see ye when I ain't gotta flask o' Headhunter's Washrag in me belly! Hell, last time I saw ye, twas also seein' pink elephants an' a demon wit' a fryin' pan dancin' on th' Jade Dragon's Roof! Twas th' best Sober spell I ever got, that twas."

Pervy's face becomes a bit more solemn has he helps then man up, and he asks, "So what're ye doin' travellin' out an' about? I dun think ye managed t' figure out anythin' 'bout Limiters an' come huntin' me down t' tell me, did ye?"


*and thus begins the great posting*

Unread postby Choark » Sun Sep 29, 2002 6:56 am

*The Fight of the centuary!*


The barbarian grew impatient and decided that now was a good time to test his oppenets strength. He wasn't sure what spell she had began to power up and get ready but prehaps he'd get to see it when he attacked.

Power pushing himself forward he swung his Warhammer round in a huge arch, gaining speed and power until finally, once it got a fast as it could and as much strength behind it, it collided with its target.

A sickening "Crash" echoed into the air, and sparks of lightening flew over the hills from his Warhammer as the magic eurpted from it after the blow.

However, Shelia had not been hit at all. The Warhammer hung in the air in front of her, being pushed against a magical barrier that she had set up.

"Wow! Thats awsome!" Shouted the young barbarian ninja over the sound of the protective barrier being assulted by the warhammers magic.

Soon Choark pushing against the magic tired him and he jumped back, looking at his oppenent smiling.

"Lets see if ya can do that again huh?" Choark grinned, even his simple mind understood that mages had trouble casting powerful spells over and over again.

Bringing his Warhammer back again he charged forward.

This time however, he was stopped mid-attack as he found himself being lifted up by some wind. Looking at the old woman in surprise he asked "How?" before being thrown high up into the air by a huge gust of wind.

All Shelia did was shrug at the question, it had not been her magic that had done that.

When he landed, it was head first, sounding out a rather nasty 'THUD'. That was then followed by his Warhammer crashing down right near him and falling over and smashing into his back.

The barbarian ninja had been defeated.

Pig walked out from where he had been 'watching' rather annoyed.

'Boy?' He boinked at Choark, kicking him where he laid 'What have i taught you about randomally attacking old people?'


( OOC : The magical power of fading to black )

On the airship, Choark ran about arms spread wide, chanting "I'm flying, I'm flying!" never stopping to take a breath.

Pig, not really wanting to get involved in all of this, slept near an open window, his pink fur flapping in the cool wind as it rushed into the cabin.

Settingly down a bit Choark stopped long enough to go to Shelia and say,

"Thankies for the ride Daniels ma!" The two had finally reconised each other from when they breifly met at a christmas party. "It was alful nice of everyone to let us on!"

In the cabin the other customers and crew pressed themselves as far into the corner as they could. They weer unsure who they were scared of more.

The rather large Wolf that looked as grumpy as hell and ready o rip them apart. The engeritic muscle, no brains idiot that was running around that broke a table by accident. Or the old lady who had efeated them in combat.

All they were sure of is they weren't going to argue with them any time soon...

( OOC : I hope this is okay FFFan ^_^ Just tell me what ya want editing if ya want to change it a bit. )

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YAY! Postage!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 01, 2002 6:47 pm

"Kyra?" Dia called out, somewhat glad for the interruption of the sister. This seemed a most opportune time to slip away from Mrs. Ryuujin...heck, maybe she would even forget all about dressing up her hair.

"Are you..." the dragonhalf edged back toward Kyra's room, looking around. "Um...where is the...?" Dia trailed off, blinking in confusion and wondering where in the world the sister had gone. "Um...uh...oh...nice dress..."


Way to go, Dave. V^_^

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:11 am

a small, fuzzy red fox peeped out from under the bushes nearby, taking a glance at Daniel with an ever-so-inquisitive expression on its face. It yipped at him once, making sure not to do so loud enough to startle Forte a second time. It crawled out from underneath and sat there on its haunches, looking at Daniel happily as its tail flicked left and right on the ground with a steady rythm, like a metronome.

It looked as though the fox was very familiar with Daniel, just sitting there as though a dog would to its master, waiting for a treat. "I wonder if he'll recognise me like this..." he thought to himself, his tail flicking a bit more rapidly now, pleased with his success at saving his friends from a generous amount of pain.


*posts again FOR GREAT JUSTICE*

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:19 am

Janice thought for a while, as though trying to remember something important that she had overlooked in some way.

"Mother! I forgot I was supposed to meet her at the church!" ><;; She shifted her gaze down onto the white fuzzy Moogle, and asked, "Are you going to Daniel's Wedding too? Because I was on my way there, we can go together, if you like."

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* Tries to post while he can think of stuff ^.^; *

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:34 am

**A Walk with a Bard**

"I think that would be wise." Idama said, nodding his head, "I doubt the Inn Keeper there would want to deal with such violence on the day of a ceremony... perhaps we can assist her?"

As the two started back, the merchant made a bit of conversation, considering how long it had been since he ran into the Bard so long ago.

"So... Mr. Brandon, I don't believe I've seen you since... Um..."

The merchant stammered and blushed slightly recalling their first meeting. The bard had consumed a fairly good amount of alcohol, and had done a few things much to the merchant's surprise.

One act in paticular came to mind, causing Idama to wince ever so slightly.

<.<;;; "Um... you were a tad bit... 'intoxicated' with a drink..."

^_^;; "Anyway... how have you been?"


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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:48 am

**The Priest and the Pirate **

"It's good to know you are well, Captain." Rudal smiled, giving Pervy a hearty hug and pat on the back. He looked mildly serious for a moment through the smile though, adding "Although, I do hope you took my advice that night to heart. If one is so intoxicated they require a priest like myself to clear their mind, perhaps you should cut back on your alcohol... or at the least be certain you don't drink alone ^_^;;;"

Hearing Pervy's questions, and hearing the part about the 'limiters', the priest's face fell slightly, making it obvious before he spoke that the news wasn't good.

v.v "I'm sorry to say... I still only know as much as you told me." Rudal sighed, "Most of the Priests and others I spoke with knew nothing of these 'limiters' you spoke of, and the ones that did simply knew of their existence. However..."

The priest managed a small smile.

^_^ "If there are those who know of their existance elsewhere, I'm certain you will find someone who can help you, Captain."

...which quicky faltered to adressing the Captain's other question.

v.v;; "...and as far as how I am doing... I could be better." he confessed to the Captain, "I have a wedding to perform today... and my confidence is not quite what I would expect of myself. I suppose I'm just not used to giving the word of the Goddess to so many people though... especially so many of such importance." ^_^;


Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 10/2/02 3:02:30 pm

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Sorry RF, I *HAD* to do this XD ^_^;;;

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:05 am

**A Confuzzled Groom**

Daniel looked over the fox for a moment, mildly confused at the way it was acting.

<.<? Weird... it doesn't seem to be afraid of me... but most foxes should be? Daniel thought, ...unless... it's not an ordinary fox...

6.6? He looked over the small furry red creature again, noticing the calm way it was sitting there looking up at him. Almost like it knew Daniel...

0.0 Wait... fox... knows me... OF COURSE! he thought, crouching down and smiling to the small fuzzy creature.

^_^ "...Hey Folx!" Daniel said cheerfully.

(OOC: *awaits ebil retribution*)



Re: * Tries to post while he can think of stuff ^.^; *

Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:25 am

Brandon blushed bright red. "Erm... yeah... I've been, um, good. I'm kind of working at Miss Kotoki's now... As a resident bard. Um, I'm still sorry about that... how have *you* been?"

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:39 am

**Fear Da Kitty ^_^**

e_e+++ "...Ok, that does it..." Stephan growled, pulling away from Midoku and standing up.

9_9;; "S..stephan? What are you doing?" he inquired of the irate swordsman.

6\/6++ "Dan may put up with that bird being stupid, but I'm not." he said, starting to walk toward the front of the cart, "I'm gonna ride on that bird and hold a @#$@#ing blade to it's throat. Maybe *THAT'LL* keep the damned thing from running off."

ó_ò;; "...I'm not sure that's wise, Stephan..." Midoku quietly said.

>\/> "Neither is trusting this thing to not flip out, apparently." Stephan grumbled, climbing over the driver's seat, "So I'm just gonna go ahead and.."

Stephan had barely placed his first leg over the seat when he spotted something that nearly made his heart stop.

Noel was standing on Forte's back, staring back at the swordsman on all fours. Stephan's eyes went wide as the small, pregnant feline glared right into his eyes, uttering what seemed to be an impossibly loud growl for such a small cat.

o.o? "Stephan? Is something wro..." Midoku started to ask, before he found Stephan falling backwards into his arms, glomping him tight."

>.<;; "IT WANTS TO KILL ME, DON'T LET IT NEAR ME!!!" Stephan started yelling hysterically into the mage's shoulder. Midoku looked up over the seat, only to find Noel sitting on her haunches, grooming her paw and face.

e_e;; "...Stephan... for the hundredth time... it is only Daniel's cat... I sincerely doubt it is going to hurt you." he half sighed to his significant other.

>.<;;; "YES IT DOES! ONE OF THESE DAYS ITS GONNA TRY TO RIP MY THROAT OUT I KNOW IT!!!" he kept shouting, Midoku sighing and trying to comfort the swordsman with a hug.

v.v;; "...everything's gonna be fine, Ok?" Midoku told him, rubbing his shoulder as he took another glance toward the cat, "The 'mean kitty' isn't gonna d..."

o.o ........

As he glanced at her, the cat happened to glance back in the pairs direction for a brief instant, before returning to her grooming.

o.o -.- o.o ........

And for a brief instant, Midoku could've sword the cat's eyes were glowing a soft red.

...It must have been the light... or I just imagined that... Midoku tried to rationalize to himself...


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Re: Wedding Day in Doma

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 02, 2002 12:14 pm

**More High Flying 'Fun' **

On board the Barionian airship, which was quickly approaching the capital, much hushed discussion was going on in the corner of huddled passengers.

"My word... I can't believe they allowed that dangerous man on board."
"For Gods Sakes, back in *MY* day, we'd just throw the guy overboard."
"Awww... but look at him. How could you throw that innocent face overboard?"
"Hey... that guy's kinda cute actually... 'tee hee'
"That guy almost smashed up the airship too."

Shelia, on the other hand, was the only passenger willing to stay in her original seat, the Barbarian Ninja taking the occasional moment to stop imitating an airship and speak with the lady.

<.<;;; Good Goddess... how could I forget about this young man? Considering he tried to make a fiest out of my poor boy's cat... *GULP*... she wondered to herself, letting out a soft sigh.

v.v I worry about my little one sometimes... all these strange things he told me about in Doma, he really needs to get settled down...

>.>? Perhaps he needs to come back home for a short while... a good two or three years would probably do him good, yes... Shelia thought, her motherly instinct overriding any logic telling her than Daniel was an adult now.

Since the passengers were obviously not in the talkative mood, she decided to at least attempt to converse with the blue haired young man.

<.<? "So um.... you said you know my son, Sir?" Shelia asked...




Unread postby RebelKitsune » Wed Oct 02, 2002 12:20 pm

The fox stared at Daniel, confused, for a moment, tilting its head to one side and letting out a cute little inquisitive "grao?". It then straightened out its head, but it looked as though it was staring at something distant, through Daniel. =o.o=

After a brief moment, it let out a cute little giggle, quite unusual for a little fox to do so in reality. Telepathically to Daniel, it said, =^_^= "guess again..." Smiling to itself as it did so.

Uncle Pervy

*Huggles Dave* Good Job, man! You're doin' it!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Oct 02, 2002 12:33 pm

"Didnae think so," Pervy replies, as he takes off his hat and shakes his head; letting his unkempted hair fall into a new, more comfortably disarray. His ears flip a little to sort out their new surroundings, as the pirate replaces his hat.

"Dun worry 'bout it, it dun seems like anyone's ever heard o' the bastards. I'm startin' t' think that Flatbeard might've brought th' damned things wit' 'im from Spain; wherever th' Hell that tis..."

Sensing the priest might be a little confused, Pervy changes the subject. "So many important folks, ye say? Hmmm... That means yer likely gonna be at Danny an' Ky's Weddin', ain't ye? All sorts o' important types there."

He reaches into his pocket, and produces a small silver flask. "One hit o' this'll take care o' all that. Calm yer nerves right proper, t'will."

With a smile, the Nekojin holds out Flaskie, offering it to Father Rudal.


Push! To the next level! :P

Unread postby Choark » Mon Oct 07, 2002 7:02 pm

Choark, always a face with a gormless grin, smiled at Shelia.

"Yep! I know D-man!" He pipped out. "Me and him are buddies! We've been all sorts of places! Like a town that grew while we were around! A Chrumbpus party where he met his ma... YOU!" He said, pointing at her. "We went to a Ghost town" That was said with the oddest look and is face and a shiver.

"Plus we hang around. Mostly in bars! Last time we went in one he got drunk and tried to kill us" Not one word of that was said nasily too, it was all said out of the same smiling face.

"OH, we also rode on two Black Chocobo's together! Harley and Davidson!" He squarked out in the next instant, as if that was as important a fact as Daniel trying to kill him.

"He's getting married ya know! I know cause he told me, and we drank Ale last night because of it too! It was great fun, plus Pervy was there too!"

"And I know Kyra too. I taught her how to fight! Sort of! That was fun"

Choark then kneeled in front of Shelia and looked up at her. "So ya his momma right? Thats cool! Say, what colour Egg was Daniel when he was born? I bet it was yellowish. No one ever told me my colour, but I know my sister had a pinkish egg before she hatched"

( OOC : Choark.. taking speed talking and nattering to the next level! EXTREME! )

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:22 am

Ignoring Janice's somewhat nervous nature, he asked her the question that he REALLY needed to an answer to.

"Do you know anything about the wedding soon?"

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<-- *Bows and such*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Nov 04, 2002 12:17 pm

(Massive OOC:

I just wanna apologise to everyone for essentially letting this RP fade and die. While it's no excuse, the honest truth is that I don't have the necessary drive and desire to mantain the RP as it is (with 5 or 6 concurrent stories), or let alone board RP lately. Maybe it's burnout, maybe it's RP'ing for over a year, maybe it's just wanting to do other things, I dunno. However... I'd like to attempt to get this finished, so I'm gonna be using some uber GM'ing to move the plot along. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to keep this going the way it was, and hope no one is too disappointed in me v.v)

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*cracks knuckles*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Nov 04, 2002 3:43 pm

** Prelude to 'The Big Moment' **

Nearly an hour passes in the Kingdom of Doma, as events continued to unfold that early morning in relation to a big event that day. Two Officers of Doma, the Chancellor and the Archmagus Generals, were busy preparing for the big celebration at the castle, each coming up with their own 'unique' way to congratulate the couple. A few guards familiar with Daniel and Kyra have some bets going, trying to decide which of the two is going to break the groom and bride first.

They're all quite familiar with the pair's tendency to faint.

Back in the city, as most of the populace continues on with an 'ordinary' day, there is also a lot of preparing going on. The Grey Elf and his lovely wife are still 'discussing' her choice in wedding attire. The Tymmison clan continue to find the right way to explain the day's special event to their little'lovely' daughter. The Kilmetts are already on their way into town, the Mrs. going from excited to angry, to nervous, to angry, to sad, to nervous, to... well you get the idea.

Outside the city, an airship from Baron makes a landing, the standard regiment of Doman soldiers making their rounds for anything suspicious. It doesn't go on for long though, as dozens of people storm down the gangplank to get out, trampling the small regiment. Before they go unconcious, some of them can swear they see a large, wolf-like creature leaping out of the craft, an Angry looking old woman hanging onto a laughing, blue haired barbarian on it's back...

...or was it a ninja?

In the Ryujin's home, after much coaxing/fainting/facefaulting, the ladies manage to convince Katherine that no, she has not discraced her Goddess and doomed herself to a life of hardship and repenttance. Once calmed down, she started to help Mrs. Ryujin and the rest of the ladies with getting ready. She never missed a moment to compliment the Bride on her wedding dress, or how well the Bridesmaid looks in pink.

After much talking/catching up/convincing Stephan that they'd keep the 'demon cat' away, the Groom and company finally arrived in town, making their way to Kotoki's to get ready for the ceremony. RedFox decides to talk with Janice and End (as well as keep Noel the heck away from Stephan, on Dan's request), Forte sticking around with the Kitsunejin as the trio enter the Inn, to get ready for the ceremony. Everything seemed to be in order, except for a tiny, tiny problem.

Father Rudal was currently faceplanted on the bar of the Inn, Pervy sitting back and chugging down some quality ale as the Priest mumbled something about being 'lonely'.

All of this causing Dan to go into a massive facefault. O_@


(OOC: Pretty much a catch up/MASSIVE GM broom rushing post ^_^;; )

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 11/4/02 2:48:36 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: *cracks knuckles*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 04, 2002 4:15 pm

The Pirate glanced over at Rudal, more than a little worried. The old priest apparently wasn't used to alcohol, not even the watered down ale that he had ordered.

"And here I went an' though all them clerical sorts hit on th' communion wine when serve twas over..." Pervy mutters, grinning ruefully, "Ah well, guess they can't all be like Parson Hodges back home, eh?"

If the priest heard any of this, he gave no sign of it.

"Right then, Rudal," Pervy declares, as he stands, "Better hie yer arse back t' th' temple, afore ye collapse on me..."

I hope he ain't th' only one there that knows sober...


Welcoming the wedding party.

Unread postby Kotoki » Mon Nov 04, 2002 4:25 pm

Kotoki grinned and gave the entire party hugs. "Glad you're finally here!" she said cheerfully. "Dan, do you want the honeymoon suite for tonight, or do you have other arrangements?"

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Re: *cracks knuckles*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:12 pm

After much torture and abuse (at least in Dia's mind), Rai Dia stood awkwardly in the Ryuujin living room. Her hair had been tugged, combed, and brushed into a simple style, the top half of her hair pulled back into a braid, and the remaining half laying down underneath it. Her ears stuck up cheerfully, disturbingly fitting in with and complementing her hairstyle...

And her dress remained horribly, horribly pink. Poor Dia.

It's like there's some...some sadistic god or goddess...who purposefully throws these horrible situations into my path! Dia thought to herself, trying her best to keep from facevaulting in front of the sensitive priestess.

"So...uh...Kyra...should we head to the um, church now?"

(OOC: With all due respect to White Knight, whose joke I stole...*hide*)


Re: *cracks knuckles*

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Tue Nov 05, 2002 11:11 am

Red had a black kitty on his shoulder, and a green chocobo by his side, and he himself being half animal made Janice as excited as a cat that just devoured half a pound of nip. Janice rubbed and stroked Forte's feathers in all the right places, giving Noel an odd scritch behind the ears every so often. RedFox was astounded by her, she had a mental state that he had never come across before. RedFox immersed himself in deep thought as he idly scritched Noel beneath her chin, "This is amazing... she seems like another person from what i see inside her mind... as though something burnt a personality that was never there in the first place... But at the same time it is welcomed by her. I hate to think what state the poor girl would be in if she couldn't accept what she is... But what is she?"

Janice then hugged Forte by the neck and whispered out a soft, comforting "Wark", for no real reason. She just liked to care. As she shifted her gaze to Noel, to RedFox, then to End, she said, "I never knew there was so much cute fuzz around Gaera!" ^_^

RedFox blushed, making his light colored muzzlefur almost as red as the rest of his fur. He didn't say anything, just kept on thinking about her.


... A very angry 'mother' stood right outside the chapel, tapping her bare foot on the paved path, still waiting for the girl who was donned in the green grass gown while glomping the matching chocobo. "Where could Janice have got to??" >.<+

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Nov 05, 2002 11:00 pm

End was desperately interested in getting OUT of this small group and off to the actual WEDDING.. but, as they made their way, he realized that he still had to get a gift for Dan's wedding..

Taking a quick look at the local shops, he found the perfect book for the couple to be..

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To Hell in a Handbasket. >:D

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:46 pm


"...I...I...I, uh... O_@" Dan fumbled to the InnKeeper, his face still twisted in shock at the sight of the priest faceplanted at the bar.

"*Sigh*, he'll take the room, K?" Stephan sighed, speaking for his sibling as the Pseudo-Paladin walked/half lurched over to the bar. Daniel looked at Father Rudal, who now appeared to be half-sobbing into the bartop, then to Pervy, who simply seemed surprised at the Priest's current state.

e\/e+++ "...YOU GOT THE BLOODY PRIEST FOR MY WEDDING SLOSHED!?!!?!" Daniel yelled at the pirate captain.

"*Sniff* I mean... is it reawwy two mooch ta ask foaaar? I...I just want sooomeone to WUV!" Rudal sobbed, fumbling for the bottle of b00ze and promptly knocking it off the bar... right onto Daniel's armor.


Stephan watched, sighing as he turned to look at Midoku and the Inn-Keeper.

"Kotoki, could you set this up with Mid for now? I have to keep my bro from getting himself @$@#ing killed..." Stephan sighed, walking over to try and stop Dan before he ended up a crumpled heap of a groom. (OOC: I'm assuming Stephan knows Pervy )

"Well, um.... this has certainly been an interesting morning, has it not? ^_^;;" Midoku stammered to the Innkeeper.


**Fwuffy Wainess >:D***

Noel mewwed with glee, enjoying the undivided attention she was receiving from Janice and Red. Forte pretty muhc had the same mindset, his usual aversion to strangers not kicking in as the nature girl stroked his feathers. Yup, it was the picture of peace, calmness, and for certain fuzzy dragoons, much sickening wainess...

...and it was just about to get worse.

O_O "PUPPY!" A small voice called out, as a blur of brown hair and a small, green thing wizzed past the moogle toward the wainess club. Noel looked down from Red's shoulder, to find that a small human with brown hair was glomping the kitsunejin's leg. Realizing the fox would be too busy to give her undivided attention anymore, she looked for the next nearest shoulder to perch on.

...and promptly jumped on the Dragoon's shoulder.

=-.-= "Mrao..." Noel let out, circiling and curling up on his shoulderpad.

9.9 "Hi Mr. Puppy person." ^_^ the girl smiled up to Red, staring at him with bright and cheerful green eyes.

"Gina!? Sweetness, what have I told you about hugging strangers like that..." a mildly annoyed voice let out. A rather tall and built man with short, slicked blonde hair, and green dress clothes of some kind approached the group. Behind him he pulled a small cart, containing a few small objects, as well as a woman in a formal dress of somkind. Said woman also looked about due to add another small one to the obvious family.

o\/o "Gina, I've told you this how many times now? ESPECIALLY in Inustan and Nekonia?" Jonas lectured to his little girl, "Just because someone has fur does NOT mean you can just huggle them."

;_; "*sniff* I remember when people used to hug me... BEFORE I GOT HUUUUUGE!!" the woman started to sob into her lab, her husband turning away and blushing mildly.

9.9 "That's my mommy, she acts really silly now that her tummy's big." the little girl told Red confidently.

<_<;;; "*AHEM* Um... sorry to trouble all of you... ^_^;;;" the man apologised to the group, especially Red. He stopped short, as he was starting to recognise some of the other people present.

o.o "Oh, hello Janice. It's nice too see you again. ^_^" he smiled to her, "How are things in the woods of Do...?"

"...JANICE!? OH GODS NOW MY HUSBANDS CHEATING ON ME CAUSE I'M HUUUUUGE!!!! ;_;" Lisa sobbed even louder into her dress, as her hand went behind her toward the cart. Suddenly, she pulled out a rather large axe, her eyes narrowed.

O\/@++ "I'LL SHOW YOU TO BE AFTER MY MAN!!!" she screamed, as Jonas dove toward her promply grabbing the axe out of her hand.

o.o? 9.9? "What game is my daddy playing? He always said cheating was bad?" <.>? Gina asked the fox, confuzzed.

O_o;;; "Honey I'm not cheating on you!" Jonas yelled, "She's just a friend of mine, like Dan or Midoku. Honest!"

o.o Lisa seemed to calm down mildly, allowing her husband to put the axe back.

>.> "Lisa, you know you're the only one for me. ^_^" He smiled to her, pecking her on the cheek. This seemed to have the desired effect, the expectant mother closing her eyes and smiling.

^_^ "So there's no need for you to worr..." Jonas started to say... before Lisa glomped him in a near-strangehold.

n_n "You're just the sweetest, most wuvvable man in the world, yes you are!!" she cooed, smooching him on the cheek.

@_< " please don't mind her ^_^;;" Jonas stammered, blushing even more, "She's just a bit..."

He would have continued, were it not for another face he suddenly recognized. The short dragoon with a cat on his shoulder.

O_@ ACK!!! ACKWARD MOMENT!!!! Jonas thought to himself...


Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 11/6/02 12:00:25 pm

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*Ebil, Part 2*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:59 pm

**It's Time... just about ^_^;*

^_^ "See? Isn't it just PRECIOUS?" Katherine nodded to Mrs. Ryujin, pointing to the two large pink bows she had tied to Dia's ears, "Of course, your idea about the carrot pins could work to, Mrs. Ryujin."

As Katherine and Mrs. Ryujin debated over accessories for the two ladies, the Sister in Training happened to glance at a timepiece nearby, and promply facefaulted.

O_@;;; "Oh goodness, the wedding starts in half an hour!" she panicked, "And there's still so much I have to do! I haven't approved the drapery sizes, or the color of the walkway carpet, or the number of flowers, or the font to use on the programs, or the..."

It was quite obvious the Sister was having another panic attack, as her height was currently down to Dia's shoulder.




Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Nov 06, 2002 3:15 pm

"It sure has," replied Kotoki with a cheerful smile. "Would you and Stephan like a honeymoon suite as well, or will you two be staying elsewhere? Rest assured we'll take good care of the bride and groom."

Uncle Pervy

Re: To Hell in a Handbasket. >:D

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:37 pm

"Right," Pervy says, looking at Daniel, "I didn't know he was about t' get this pissed. So there's only one thing I can do."

Pervy stands up, claps Danielon the shoulder, and says, "I can marry me ouwn crew members. So ye get t' be a pirate fer a few hours, Danny."

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.. torture!

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:28 am

.. somehow, End was still stuck with the same group. After that particularly.. odd scene, and the cat on his shoulder, End could only curse his luck..

.. he petted Noel, though. He liked kitties.

.. no, damn it! He had to keep his mind on track! Must.. concentrate.. Dan's wedding! Cake! Bring present for said wedding! Must..

... but, still, he DID like kitties.. and Noel was fluffy..

@!#!#$@# End mused to himself.


Ride like the wind Pig!!!

Unread postby Choark » Fri Nov 08, 2002 2:13 pm

"YAHOO!!!" The barbarian ninja shouted out loud as he held onto Dan's mother while Pig ran down the path, his sences being shook up by the smells of the city.

Looking round the city he tried to work out where he and where he was headed.

" Well Boy!? " Pig growled as he ran " Where are we going!? "

Looking around again Choark rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry Pig, the city never moved so fast before, I ain't got a clue... prehaps erm... forward?"

Rolling his eyes Pig charged forward, maybe the Gods would somehow guide him to where ever in Doma he was meant to be heading to...


Re: To Hell in a Handbasket. >:D

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Sat Nov 09, 2002 6:27 pm

Red jumped slightly at the sudden contact of the little girl to his leg, but his tail soon flattened out its bushy fur at the sight of such an innocent face. =^_^=

"oh, don't worry about it. It's no trouble." RedFox patted the girl on the head gently.

Janice waved back slightly with a hand, smiling her usual wide smile, and she opened her mouth to reply to Jonas' greeting, only to be interrupted by Lisa's yelling. She was startled at first, then terrified of the enormous axe, so she hid in the best way she knew. She turned into a small animal, namely a cabbit, and hid behind Red's feet. RedFox explained to Gina,

"don't worry, it's just a little misunderstanding.", never ceasing the gentle patting on her head. The sight of Janice changing form really did it.

"My gods... =o_O= ... I knew she wasn't human... But she's not anything really normal... So confusing... =<_>=;"
Janice peeked out from behind Red's feet to see if all was safe, and she crawled out a bit, her belly held as close to the ground as possible. She then sat there, looking around precariously, mostly at Lisa, as any frightened cabbit would do.

Edited by: [url=>RebelKitsune</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/9/02 5:37:43 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: .. torture!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:40 pm


She looked at Daien for a moment her eyes wide, searching for the proper word. Word's were rather tricky and nasty creatures. Often sounding and looking much the same but with quite opposite meanings.

Finally the small flash of light illuminated her thoughts and she yelled out "RICE! WE NEED RICE!"



Jazz bit her lip just hard enough to draw a prick of blood. Her mind conjured ways she would "torture" Dae about this later.

"Daniel is getting married, Jenna. Your father and I are going. I expect your vampiric behind to stay here."

Then Jazz closed one eye and glared, arms crossed. This was the pose for the mother who knows the hurricane of a child's temper was about to make an appearance.

(o.o sorry about no postiying. i honestly didn't think this was still going. ^.^;;; hope i'm not too too late.)

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jan 23, 2003 8:07 pm

(OOC: Well, uh... it sorta hasn't been going... for months... cause I couldn't get myself to GM it >_>;;;

Dia was spiffy enough to write a fanfic telling the end to this, though ^_^

Although, I guess this really should be RP'ed out up to that point... I just don't think I can do it right now @_@;;;

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Re: To Hell in a Handbasket. >:D

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:43 pm

(Well, how about this? Let the people who want to RP do so, up until the part of the ceremony, where the fic begins.

Those who don't want to, merely need extract their characters. Most of your chars, Dave, are already independent of others' chars, and a short post can extract the others. [Father Rudal: OMG I'M HAVING A BABEE! *runs out of the bar into the darkness of the night*] Then people can have fun in the setting you created, and get themselves a-situated. ^_^

Sound good? Want help extracting your characters?)

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: .. torture!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Jan 26, 2003 5:54 pm

( i did not know of this. i be sorry. *uberhugglies* 's my fault entirely for not bothering to look for the last date posted. v.v)

Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 1/26/03 4:56:24 pm

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*Hopes he doesn't regret this*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Jan 28, 2003 12:43 pm

** Boozed Up Priest **

This is so... so... SOOOO NOT GOOD! Katherine thought to herself, as she hurried down the street from the church. She had made some last minute adjustments to Dia's dress (namely, adding even MORE bows, orange this time to match the carrot pins) before hurrying off to finish getting the ceremony ready. Once she arrived at the church, however, one of her fellow sisters mentioned that Father Rudal had left. After a brief search, she had discovered that he was last seen heading to Kotoki's. That happened to be where the groom's party was getting ready, so Katherine assumed he had gone to have some last minute words with the groom.

Once she arrived and entered the Inn though, her face faultered. The groom was standing by the bar, apparently shouting something at a white mage at the bar... in a pirate hat? The groom's brother, a rather nasty fellow as Katherine recalled, was holding the man back, yelling at the groom to shut up before he got himself 'freakin' killed (freaken, of course, being another word that she would never dare say). And over at the bar, laying facedown, was the Father of the church, sobbing apparently.

"OH MY GODDESS!? W...what has happened?!" Katherine asked, looking around in a mild panic. She suddenly felt something on her shoulder, looking over to see a man in green robes and a yellow hat looking at her.

"It... would appear the priest is intoxicated Miss..." Midoku told her, "...and Daniel does not appear to be taking it well ^_^;;"

"...he's DRUNK!?" Katherine gasped, her hands going over her mouth in surprise, "..b...but he would never... he...I've never seen him... it... I mean..." <_>;;;;

"Regardless, he does not appear to be in any condition to perform the ceremony today." Midoku told her, patting her on the shoulder, "But I am certain he will be Ok in a few hours. Would you like some assistance with getting him somewhere to rest?"

" Yes, thank you... that is most kind of you..." Katherine told Midoku, the wizard leading her over to the bar to get the priest. Working together, they each got one of the father's arms, helping him to walk.

"Miss Kotoki, could you let Daniel and Stephan know I will meet them at the church? I wish to help the sister here with her... situation ^_^;;;" he smiled to the Inn-keeper, nodding to Katherine as the pair moved in step helping the priest to walk back to the church.

"Oh! And um... I shall take you up on your offer for the suite... thank you *^_^*;;" he added to her, before heading out of the Inn.

"Oh father.... how could this have happened?!" Katherine wondered out loud, as the pair helped him down the street back to the church, "You've always been s.. so kind... and... and such a good rolemodel... why did you do this?"

"...K...Katherine...?" the priest muttered, his eyes still semi-glazed over.

"Y..yes father?" Katherine asked

"D...deed eye eber tell ju dat yure purrdy when ju shmile?" the priest slurred with a sappy grin, causing the sister to go beet red with a blush.

"... Perhaps we should make haste ^_^;;;" Midoku interrupted, hurrying his pace. As they walked now, however, he noticed the strain of carry the father had increased. Glancing over at Katherine, it appeared she was barely as tall as Midoku's shoulder.

He could have sworn the woman was taller a few moments ago...


** Departing Merchant **

As Idama and Brandon chatted about the goings on in both their lives, the merchant caught sight of a clock, eyes going wide as he remembered something.

"Oh my! I forgot about my sale today, I need to be running my shop."

He turned to the bard, giving him a friendly hug, "I apologise for cutting our conversation short, but I would hate to disappoint any who are looking forward to this."

He bowed to his friend, smiling to him as he raised back up.

"Perhaps I can stop by your place of work sometime and get properly caught up with you?" he asked. The two suddenly flinched, hearing loud shouting still coming from inside the Inn.

~_~;; "...when it is less.. 'busy'... of course." Idama sighed, his smile returning as he waved to the bard.

"Take care friend, may Mother Gaera watch over you."

With that, the merchant was off, back to his shop.

Whatever is going on, I can only hope it is nothing *too* serious... Idama wondered.


** Departing Family **

"Ack! Common sweetness, we need to get going or we'll be late for Dan's wedding." Jonas called out to his daughter from their cart, his wife still squeezing him tight with inhuman grip.

v.v "Aww... I wanted to talk to the puppyman more." Gina sighed, though a quick glare from her father told her she'd better do what she was told.

9.9 "Bye Mr. Puppyman." She told the Kitsunejin, giving him another big hug, "Hey, if I see you at Mr. Dan's wedding, maybe I can throw you some flowers! ^__^"

She pulled away from the hug, waving as she ran back to the cart with her parents.

"Goodbye everyone, um... see you at the wedding I suppose Janice ^_^;" Jonas said. He suddenly felt the grip around his neck tighten, Lisa's face looking enraged.

e_@++ "" She growled, Jonas doing his best to calm his wife down as they rode up the street to the church.

<.<? I wonder if mommy's gonna be silly like this forever? Gina wondered idly.
<.>;; I hope to the Gods Lisa won't be like this forever.. Jonas wimpered to himself.


** The Remaining 'Fuzz' **

Finding the Dragoon's shoulderpad less than comfy, Noel decided to hop back onto the chocobo's back, curling up to rest as Forte watched the entrance to the Inn.

Where did the humans go? Are they coming back? Forte thought to himself, What if they leave me here? OH NO WHAT IF MORE SCARY THINGS GET ME WHILE THEY'RE GONE?!?!

Some of his feathers seemed to puff up a bit, as a mild expression of panic was starting to form on the Chocobo's face...


** Irate Groom **

"Dammit Dan! This is *NOT* a big @#$$@#ing deal! We'll just find someone else to marry you." Stephan yelled at his sibling, holding him back and sighing in Pervy's direction, "Sorry about this @#$@#$ man, he's just overreacting like he always @#$#@$ing does when he gets stressed out."

"OVERREACTING?!?! THE GODSDAMMED PRIEST IS $#@$#@$ING DRUNK! HOW THE @$@#$#@ ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED *NOW*!?!" Daniel screamed, Stephan growling slightly and giving the sibling a quick headbutt in the back of the head.


"SHUT UP. NOW." Stephan growled at his sibling, looking over at Pervy.

o\/o? "Hey, you follow Ishtar or something too right? You know anyone else 'round here who could marry the sappy duo?" Stephan asked the pirate captain.


(OOC: Alrighty... I'm gonna try to get this finished, at least up to Dia's spiffy fanfic of the ceremony:


So, uh... hopefully this is gonna get done this time ^_^; I've written out a good chunk of the characters I had in this, so it won't be as difficult to keep updated. Don't be surprised if it takes a few days between updates, due to work/lack of ideas, but I'll try to update when I can.)

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 1/28/03 11:48:59 am


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