From Hell to High Water

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From Hell to High Water

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 1:37 am

(Uh oh.. yes, I took a suggestion and STARTED a new RP. Now, the deal on this is, if anyone wishes to post or add their character in.. go ahead. If not, then, I'll flesh out the story myself on this board, and anyone who wishes to read it may. ^_^ Yay.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 1:43 am

1. The Hit
a. End is picked out for assassination by King of Doma
and meets up with a random band of 'heroes'.
b. Rumbles of the DemonBeast? End is given an amulet.
c. End flees just as his were-dragon half reveals itself.
d. End finds himself near the Doman Castle and manages
to kill two guards before being slaughtered by a
e. He is mysteriously brought back and is warned of
a threat that may grow to be greater then even the
DemonBeast just as another band of 'heroes' meets
up with him. Before he can start to venture with
them, his draconic self interferes again.
f. ONCE AGAIN, End meets up with a band. But his own
troubles prevent him from traveling very far with them,
and he and the amulet go off, perhaps to do something
about the DemonBeast.
g. End visits the Oracle's Cave, and as he exits, he feels
odd emnations..
h. Another wise man above is supposed to help him along,
but he is dead when found. End returns to the Oracle..
the Oracle is dead as well.
i. End flees the mountain only to meet up with Astrynax..
his archrival.
j. During the struggle between the two, End's amulet
flies to the ground, and the clash begins.
k. This amulet is later found since it's critical to the plot
and thus End helps save the world.. somewhat.

The fight between End and Astrynax leads into..

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:26 am

2. While The Hit Reaches Its Conclusion
*Rather then place this RP bit by bit, I will explain it in a
series of sentences.. probably be easier to read.*

End and Astrynax warp off to finish their fight, and both are apparently killed. Astrynax uses a bit of unknown power to revive himself and flies off to his home base, whereever that may be. End receives a warning from an unknown figure about the force of 'Mu' impending upon the world, and shortly after End is revived by Rydia. The two decide to travel to Blarhg together to consult with Dragan, apparently Dia's mentor of sorts. Along the way and into town End learns of the Rivans, a rival faction fo Dragoons, and gets to know them rather well after being captured by them, where he learns that Astrynax is the leader of this band of Dragoons, which is odd -- seeing as how Astrynax was the one who had wiped out End's original 'home'.

As End escapes, Dragan and Rydia decide to try to find the Dragoon -- the warning of 'Mu' seems to be one not to taken lightly, and as the three eventually meet again, End reveals some tortuous background on himself.. and on Astrynax's ultimate plan.. just as Astrynax orders the Rivans to storm the town. Around this time, Lance (who had a role in The Hit, too -- go read it, now) shows up, joining for his own reasons, and as the Rivans close in, the group, using Dragan's warping ability, goes to a safe location.

It seems that Asty's ultimate goal is to gather all of the crystals, absorb their latent energy, and use it at a point where magic force is strongest and release the force of Mu upon the world. In whatever case, the group decides to prevent any more Crystals from being stolen, and Lance reveals a few things -- he's a vampire, and the castle he's from had a Dark Crystal of its own.

They make their way to the Castle, just as Astrynax's Rivans are decimating the vampires.. they meet up with Asty himself at the Crystal room, and after a fairly equal battle, Astrynax simply grabs the Crystal and Warps himself away, leaving his army behind to die, no longer needing them.

As the party leaves the castle, Dragan seems to sense the planet weakening. Indeed, the earth itself seems to crumble as the winds die, the waters grow still and dark, and the skies begin to fade. It seems that Astrynax has already gotten most of the Crystals, and the final, most crucial one, is on a landmass called the.. FLOATING CONTINENT! *bum bum bum*

The Floating Continent can only be revealed by those with great magical ability and a pure heart. Astrynax has both (a pure EVIL heart, natch) and swiftly finds its location. The heroes ponder this little legend of the FC, as explained by Dragan, but End questions this, saying that even Astrynax is able to make it to the Continent, how can they?

The answer: Fluffy! Rydia manages to goad Fluffy into somehow revealing the Continent's location, and End again questions how they're going to get to it, even if they can see it. Rydia yells at End for being an idiot, reminding him that he has Black Magic and can just 'Warp' there. End yells back, and they argue briefly.. then go.

The Continent is beginning to crack apart, and End seems to sense that its core, its Crystal, of both Light and Dark, is being eaten away at by Astrynax. The group rushes forward to find themselves being pushed at and attacked by random elemental forces, but End and Rydia manage to find a way to block off these forces for a time and push until they meet with Astrynax at the center.

End finally asks Astrynax why he's gone from destroying a Dragoon Center to trying to have the world perish into Mu, and Asty simply replies that his entire Black Mage clan was destroyed by the same group of Dragoons that End himself belonged to. Rydia yells at Astrynax, saying that that's no reason to try to destroy the planet, and Dragan agrees, questioning Astrynax's attempts to 'avenge' his fallen brethren.

Astrynax simply smiles and shatters the Crystal in half. As he does so, the Continent crumbles and sends everyone falling as elemental forces spill out from the remains of the island and begin to eat away at the planet below. The Black Mage manages to catch all of the heroes with a simple incantation and tells them that they will be the first to witness the Void itself.

Dragan thinks quickly and manages to break the paralysis surrounding everyone just as Asty summons Mu itself, cracking open the atmosphere of the world itself, as the Void begins to consume the planet.

Lance rushes in and manages to rip off one of Astrynax's arms but not before he is thrown back by a lunge of gravity into Mu itself, but he is caught by End as Rydia pulls off every summon spell she knows. Dragan himself can only stand by and watch, having used his last MP to break everyone free from paralysis. Astrynax is annoyed to the extent that he begins to reflect the summons casted at him, and Dia can only do her best to dodge. Fluffy is suddenly hit, and Astrynax quickly grabs the little dragon and apparently kills it. Rydia seems to snap, and End is so enraged by this development that he finally regains full control of his draconic half and becomes a full-blooded Reshiki Dragon. He and Dia, both raging with Draconic power, begin to fight with Astrynax but finds themselves easily beaten back now by the raging succession of spells being casted by Asty.

The world is beginning to fade away completely now. End and Rydia are severely wounded, and Lance must hold off Astrynax as long as he can as Dragan, End, and Rydia begin to try to formulate a plan.

Meanwhile, the Rivans begin to head home, declaring themselves the better for having lost their PMSing-leader..

There is one last chance: End asks for everyone to make one combined attack on the Black Mage. When questioned why, End simply smiles and turns to Astrynax. Lance falls back, pondering if this is the day he dies, and Dragan criticizes him for saying so.. saying that any sacrifice in the name of preservation is a good one. The group agrees to make one last stab at it, and the three attack, being knocked back, but setting off Astrynax and his magic just enough so that End can rush forward, seize the Black Mage, and plunge into Mu, finally destroying the Black Mage once and for all.

The world itself begins to rebuild. The Crystals were not destroyed, after all -- stealing their energy does not destroy them, and will even cause them to reform with even greater energy. Dragan refers to this as greater forces at work within the planet itself, allowing the elements to once again return.

Rydia goes back to Blarhg with Fluffy (see, he's alive!) and Dragan, and Lance heads off on his own way.. apparently disappearing.

As for End.. no one knows for sure.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki  Image at: 6/12/02 3:03:33 am

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Half a year later..

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:32 am

Another day begins. The crystals sit as they were when the battle finally ended, reformed and fully charged, and the weather reflects this.

"Damn weather."

A single figure, wrapped up in a stained trenchcoat, muttered as the rain beat down on his head violently. He cursed himself, the weather, and his employer -- what kind of crackerjack gives a job for something at a time like THIS?

Damn it. Well, regardless, he had to do what he had to do.. he had to get money somehow. But next time.. the job wouldn't be in Zozo..

He knocked on a door hidden in the paint of the nearby 'Inn', and a tiny slat pulled by at its base. A pair of hostile eyes regarded the figure. "And you are here for..?"

"To deliver the goods on The Tower, what else? Mind letting me in?"

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The Tower..

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:56 am


The two were set in darkness. One, the figure from before. The other, an unknown.

"What have you found out?"
"The Tower? Well, it's old."
"We gathered that, genius. Anything else?"
"Yes.. lots of legends surrounding it. Supposedly built at the area of a great battle centuries ago between warring kingdoms."
"Interesting. Anything of tangible value?"
"Potentially. It's kept under constant lock and guard by guards from each of the kingdoms, so it's almost impossible to take a personal peek -- but rumors say that there's an almost limitless supply of gold and other things buried inside.. said to be part of some memorial to the war."
"I see. Well, I have a new job for you, now."
"What!? I haven't even been paid for THIS one!"
"You will, in good time. If you do this simple task, you will be paid TWICE the original amount."
".. what is it?"
"Put out flyers.. see if we can hook someone in. Tell your people to spread word around that we need an adventurer or traveler or rogue or somesuch nonsense to investigate an ancient ruin."
"How much around?"
"The entire WORLD, of course. Odds are, we'll at least get one. Now go."

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The Rivans..

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 3:51 am

Ever since Astrynax had arrived in Blahrg and offset the natural balance of the Rivan organization, there had been a desperate attempt to reorganize the faction. With the disapperarance of Astrynax, this was made possible.

A bit of a power struggle escalated, and different districts of the town were offset, representing a split in beliefs between separate members, as each had no reason to fear showing deference to the higher order.
There was no higher order. And that was what had to be ultimately decided.

For weeks on end, arguments raged on between the various representatives of each group of the Rivans, sometimes coming down into physical bouts. Something had to happen that would make the ultimate decision as to who would become leader of all of the Rivans and ultimately settle the split in beliefs.

As for their dragon hunting ways, they continued on in this relentless pursuit..

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Blarhg itself...

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:04 pm

.. remains now in a state of martial law, having become the victim of petty political debates between various Rivan factions. Those who oppose the state of this unconditional law are dealt with. As for those truly capable of opposing the rule of the Dragoons, Rydia and Dragan, they have disappeared from town.

It is around this time that the flyers begin to appear around town..

Red Seph

As promised.

Unread postby Red Seph » Tue Jun 04, 2002 4:30 pm

Seph wrapped his cloak around himself even tighter, muttering to himself. He thought he had convinced himself that he was slipping comfortably in the merc lifestyle, that nothing about it bothered him now. Yet here he was, cold, soaked, and quite unhappy. He ducked under an overhang, a brief respite from the almost ever-present rains Zozo was known for. Not the only thing Zozo had a reputation for, unfortunately. Shaking the excess water from his hat, he looked around for an inn, and his next job.

He had been staying in village not too far from this miserable city, searching for work as always. A grimace spread across Seph's face as he recalled his best offer: a request from a farmer to sneak into his neighbor's barn and "take care of" a prized pig, thus leaving the farmer's own pig with no competition in the annual fair judging. That was when the flyers began to appear, and Seph pounced on it. He was gone immediately, hoping to reach the Zozo before the position was filled. Investigating ruins, seemed simple and painless.

He finally spotted an inn, it's sign swinging wildly in the foul weather. Replacing his hat, he reentered the onlaught of rain and rushed towards the door. He thought: They had better have a fire going.

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Re: As promised.

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Jun 04, 2002 5:15 pm

(OOC: Hey, End-chan. Just wondering, is this alternate universe? Or is this Gaera, just the effects of after The Hit?? I'm confused as to where exactly it takes place. And where is Blahrg in relation to Doma, if so?)

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 6:38 pm

(I suppose this would be Gaera after The Hit.

As for Blahrg, it's actually located on the western edge of Riva, hence the 'Rivan' Dragoons...

Thus making it somewhere north of the region of Doma.)

Refer to this link:

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The Innkeeper..

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 6:47 pm

"...." The unknown from before now stood as the innkeeper in Zozo. He bounced up and down slightly as he stood there, awaiting his employee to return from the flyer job.. his ears flopped over slightly in the way that only a black rabite's can, albeit a mutated black rabite with legs.

Finally, he heard someone coming and looked to the door, as it opened. He closed his eyes as he heard someone rush in from the thundering rain outside and simply growled out, "Have you finished the job?!"

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Re: The Innkeeper..

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Jun 04, 2002 8:26 pm

(OOC: Oro. . .are you directing this to me or is it part of the storyline? o_o;)

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jun 04, 2002 8:50 pm

(Whatever works for you)

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The Black Rabite speaks..

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:43 am

"Hey! What's taking you so long to.. oh." The rabite blinked in surprise at the sudden visitor, Seph. "A customer!.. what brings you to this humble inn?"

"Trying not to be drowned out." The man responded, squeezing the rain out of his soaked hat.

"If you weren't expecting the rain, why did you come here to Zozo, then, my friend?"

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Re: The Black Rabite speaks..

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Jun 05, 2002 2:27 am

"Bah. . ." Molo trudged back in the rain, behind Seph. "I wouldn't even be here if. . .oro?" he looked up, seeing RedSeph in front of him. "You're not the scary rabite guy who's making me do grueling work because I stole all his food by accident!" he peered around Seph's shoulder. "Oh."

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Re: The Black Rabite speaks..

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 05, 2002 3:40 am

"An' YOU!" The black rabite growled and spat at Molokidan, and we all know how scary that is. "Did I say you could come in YET? Did y'even BOTHER to get that damned Rust-Aid?!"

"Well, friend.. regardless.. what can I do for you?" The Rabite turned with a bit of hostility to RedSeph.

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Re: The Black Rabite speaks..

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Jun 05, 2002 10:26 am

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. . ." Molo put his tounge out while the rabite was looking to Seph, and Molo set the rust-aid bottle down at the door. "Yo, let the guy out of the rain, at least!" Molokidan grabbed Seph's arm with two hands and pulled him inside the inn, setting him down at a table in the lobby. He wiped his hands off on his jacket and sat down in a chair across from Seph. "Too cold out there. . ."

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Re: The Black Rabite speaks..

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:43 pm

The rabite sighed in disgust, but finally lamented. "FINE. You may have a 30 minute break for now. Don't think it won't get harder from here, y'fool."

The Black Rabite groused to itself for some time now, wondering if his contact was EVER going to return...

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The trenchcoat returns.

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:47 pm

Only a moment later, the door swung open to reveal a trenchcoated figure. "Hey, boss -- why weren't you behind the secret ent--- ohh." He looked about to see two people inside.

"Idiot.." The black rabite muttered. "Spill it all to our visitors, why don't you?"



"I don't know what you're goin' on 'bout, Rabite, but my job is done. My people have sent out advertisements the world over. You found anyone to take the job yet?"

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Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Jun 05, 2002 1:05 pm

Molo cocked his head slightly. Something was obviously going on here. He had just been sent up to deliver some goods to the guildmaster in Zozo by Kotoki, and he was SOOOO hungry. . .

He sat back in the chair and watched the events unravel. Hopefully he could find a way back to Doma!

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Re: Oro?

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 05, 2002 3:25 pm

"Fool.. well, regardless.. no, not yet." The black rabite hissed. "We've only had these two come in, and THAT one.." The rabite pointed over to Molokidan as best as he could, "stole all of my damn food."

"You had it coming, I think, since you left it out on the front table directly in front of your innkeeper's stool."

".. quiet, you. Not my fault that he came here first to steal all of my damned food. Just my luck that the guildmaster of Zozo is out of town anyhow.."

"So, all we can do is wait?"


"What about my money?"

"Oh... yes. Let me get to that."

With a single leap and bite, the black rabite killed his contact. "There's your payment."

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Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Jun 05, 2002 5:36 pm

Molo's eyes popped out of his head, and he slowly edged his chair over next to Seph. "Hey. . .do you have any magic or something?" Molo said. "I know I'm faster than that easter bunny reject, and I have a concealed weapon he doesn't know about. . .I know we could take him together!" Molo sweatdropped. "I just really want to get out of here before I'm next!!"

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The Rabite..

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:05 am

.... leered over at Molokidan with a somewhat menacing look on its little face.

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:00 am

In Blahrg.

Finally, it had been decided. A lone Rivan Dragoon would be sent by one of the split groups of the faction and would help determine if the group he was from would be the one to reign supreme over the others.

The process would be to allow each group to have their own shot. And he had been chosen first, above all!

His chest swelled with a bit of pride as he reflected on this before it deflated as he realized that he had at least 50 more miles to travel before reaching The Tower. He, Okan, leading Rivan Dragoon of the first offshoot of the Rivan faction.. had been reduced to a mere traveler.

He mumbled to himself over the mediocrity of it all as he pitched another rabite onto the open fire before him.

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Okan begins his quest.

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 2:11 pm

Already, Okan had covered about 10 miles of his journey. Remember, he's a Dragoon, a 'master of the skies', so to speak, and so he can Jump to and fro all across the landscape. Meaning, within the half hour that he had started, he had already covered roughly a tenth of his journey.

He still reflected on how he had been chosen, and was wondering why he had been chosen.. many of the others back in Blahrg were capable candidates.. and what of the rest of the county of Riva? Why were they not chosen as well?

He was about to argue that they WERE chosen, then he remembered his higher-in-command informing him that he would be the only to continue on this quest.

Then, as he landed, he had to wonder, why another Dragoon of the same faction (Rivan) was charging at him with obvious hostility..

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:47 pm

(Yay, Seph should post sometime today or tomorrow. This RP will be on a bit of a hold until he does. ^_^)

Red Seph

Re: O_O

Unread postby Red Seph » Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:47 pm

Seph finally turned to Molo, having sufficiently warmed and dried. "Of course I have magic," he replied. "Now calm down, will you? I'm not going to 'take' anyone just yet."

He stood and nodded to the rabite. "I'm here in this miserable city to find whoever put out these," he held up on the flyers. "Perchance you would tell me who to talk to about taking this job?"

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Re: O_O

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:12 pm

"Son of a.." The rabite nearly cursed to itself. "Well, my friend.. I'm the one to talk to! I'm glad my fool contact managed to place these ads far and wide enough..

But first, before you ask me any questions, I have to ask you: who are you? I can't very well give a job without knowing my employee, now can I..?!"

Red Seph

Re: O_O

Unread postby Red Seph » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:27 pm

Good, Seph had found his new employer easily enough. Now he just had to get hired...

"Of course, my name is Seph Kellner," he said with a winning smile. "I am a mage, versed in the ways of both magic and swordplay. What may I address you by?" Not that he cared much, all he wanted was the terms of the job and any information he had to offer. It never hurt to be polite, however.

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Re: O_O

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:32 pm

"Seph, eh? And you know magic and fighting? Good enough. And as for my name, I'll let you know when I want you to know." The rabite frowned. "Any more of your crap pleasantries, or shall we get down to business?"

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Meanwhile, with Okan.

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:44 pm

"Augh!" Okan felt a blinding swipe of speed as his fellow Rivan Dragoon blindsided him, leaving a deep, clean, gash in his flesh, the Scale Lance having cut through his armor.

"What are you doing?!" Okan screamed at the Dragoon. "Our groups have not come to war yet! My journey to The Tower is to be a peaceful one!"

"WAS to be." His brother in arms snorted. "You have been singled out to be killed."

Red Seph

He's not very nice....

Unread postby Red Seph » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:46 pm

Seph's eyes widened a bit in surprise. All right, so maybe he was wrong. This was Zozo, after all, home of the uncourteous.

"Very well, then," he said, sitting back down. "Let's talk business. What exactly do you need me to do?"

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Re: He's not very nice....

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Jun 06, 2002 5:53 pm

"Aw, man. . ." Molo said fidgeting in his seat obnoxiously. "I hate sitting around and waiting! so boring. . ." he said, knocking a spoon against a beer mug repeatedly. "Bah. . ." he stuck his tounge out at the rabite. "Hey, since you got this guy here, can I go home now?"

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Re: He's not very nice....

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:28 pm

"YOU.." The rabite looked to Molokidan. "You leave when I tell you to leave. You leave beforehand and you die."

"And as for you.. 'Seph'... I need you to investigate a set of ruins. Called 'The Tower' because, well, it's a tower. Said to have a lot of treasure in it. It's also heavily guarded, and 25 miles away. If you can get there, confirm the existence of treasure, and bring it here, then you may help yourself to 50%. I am being generous because of the difficulty of the task.

Now, what say you?"

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Okan again..

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:21 pm

He stood there. "What?! You must be joking!"

"Would I have attacked you otherwise?"

"Well.." Okan snorted. "Regardless, why?! What have I done to deserve this?"

"I'm not in the mood to inform you." The Rivan Dragoon snorted as the fellow Rivan, Okan, looked back, glaring.

"Someone will die this day.."

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Re: Okan again..

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Jun 07, 2002 1:27 am

"Hey, can I go too?" Molo jumped up quickly, looking for any way to get as far away from the black rabite as possible. "I can be of help to him, you know, as like. . .a human shield. . .and stuff." he said blatantly. "Uh. ..yeah."

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Re: Okan again..

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:39 am

"Depends," The rabite snorted, "On whether he's willing to take an idiot like you along. I'm hoping that he does leave you.." The little creature snickered for a moment.

Red Seph

Re: Okan again...

Unread postby Red Seph » Fri Jun 07, 2002 3:48 am

50% of some unknown treasure from heavily guarded ruins, it was a dodgy job, at best. He waited a moment, giving the effect that he wasn't quite as desperate for a mission that he accepted such things immediately, then gave his answer. "All right, I'll do it. As for you," he said, turning to Molo, "you can come if you want to. Understand that you're not getting any of the treasure, though."

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A done deal

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jun 07, 2002 3:59 am

"Good, good. Take him with you. Probably be best for us both if you killed him instead of me." The rabite smirked. "On another note, I can supply some food and basic supplies -- but only the basics. The rest will be up to you, Sir Jack of all Trades."

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Re: A done deal

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Jun 07, 2002 12:20 pm

"Yes!" Dan jumped up. "Great, I'll take care of all the food!" he said happily, scampering off. "Don't worry, I won't take any of your treasure, Seph-san." he said. "Just food!"


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