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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Jul 27, 2002 7:06 pm

Sarah could tell very quickly that Richard took offense at having that said to him. "Geez, all I'm trying to do is remove his armor. Honestly, I didn't think it would be so hard in that form. And, I'm sure as hell he won't be needing it anytime soon, so SOMEONE's gotta put it to use."

He then proceeded to try again, this time using his hands. Hopefully THIS time it would be easier, since he didn't have true hands the last time he tried.

For the moment, Richard ignored Ilken. He only ignored him in the sense that he didn't respond, however. He surely heard him, and was going to answer his question after he'd gotten what he was after.

(OOC: Richard's going to try to "salvage" (remove so that it's usable) the captain's chainmail again, this time using his hands.)

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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jul 27, 2002 8:44 pm

Knowing that the Drow was still alive, Sarah hoisted Kira up onto her back till the drow decided to wake up.

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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Jul 28, 2002 2:11 am

Griff was still staring at the corpses of the guards...

"Wow, this must have been quite a the hell?!"

Griffs eyes moved from the corpses to where the wereraven was just a moment ago.

"What happened to that that....ack!"

Griff sat in silence, staring and richard, for a few moments.

"Wow...First time I've seen one of those!"

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 8/1/02 8:02:37 am


Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Jul 31, 2002 4:01 pm

Richard now turned his eyes to Griff.

"Not too many people hear about wereravens. Mostly because we stay in human form as long as possible."

(OOC: What is going to be occurring with this RP, now that, from what I can tell, two of the RPers are going to be gone for a few weeks?)

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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 01, 2002 4:00 am

(Ack, consider what Griff said a VERY delayed reaction! I didnt see C_Cs post about turning back ^_^;;)

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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Aug 04, 2002 4:15 am


RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Mon Aug 05, 2002 5:30 pm

Ilken looked at the assembled group.
"Now," he said to Blackwing. "s' pretty obvious your description'll have gotten around soon, so it seems to me that th'best option t'ensure your continuous survival'd be to trave with us."


Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Aug 05, 2002 9:15 pm

Richard thought of this for a moment. Finally, he responded.

"Not a bad idea. As long as we agree to defend each other, I'll come with you."

He then resumed his attempts to remove the chainmail from the captain.

(OOC: Can he remove that armor? Or is it too difficult for him?)

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

No problem, now lets get to CHAR INTERACTION!

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Wed Aug 07, 2002 6:44 pm

OOC: Yeah, you can easily get the chainmail off.


Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:26 pm

Richard, after some work, managed to free the chainmail from the captain's remains.

After doing a quick check for any blatantly obvious chinks, Richard took the chainmail in both hands, trying to determine whether he could possibly wear it from how heavy it felt.

(OOC: If this chainmail is what I think it is, Richard should be "barely able" to wear it - in other words, if he were any weaker he couldn't wear it. Of course, a misunderstanding is possible....)


Maybe if I make motives more clear....

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Aug 11, 2002 12:00 am

(OOC: Since no one is posting, I'm going to make a second one on C_C's suggestion.)

Richard, setting down the chainmail for a moment, drew out the short sword and gave it a look.

Holding said sword in his right hand, he transferred it to his left and picked up the captain's longsword in his right hand.

Comparing the longsword to the short sword, thoughts generated by his own mind passed through his head. The smaller blade he had kept... how was he managing to survive by defending himself with it? Why hadn't he tried to find a better blade from the start? Why was trouble always looking for him?

These thoughts eventually passed, however. Richard took one last look at the blade he had kept.... and dropped it to the floor.

Anyone nearby could hear him muttering something like "Why is such pain always looking for me?"

After he did this, he took the longsword, set it on the ground, and put his foot on the hilt. This way, he was able to use both of his hands to pick up the chainmail again.

He then looked for a place that was somewhat out of sight of the group, so that he could put this armor on without being watched.

Before actually HEADING to said spot (if he could find it), Richard attempted to 'sling' the entire suit of chainmail over his left shoulder and hold it there with his left arm, so that he could pick up the longsword with his right hand.

(OOC: In other words... I'm equipping these two items. I'll wait till C_C makes the necessary post here for anything else.)

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Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 12, 2002 3:04 am

Griff stood with a look of utter confusion on his face...

"Y'know what? Don't bother trying to explain what happened to me, I doubt I could grasp it anyway..."

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Re: Maybe if I make motives more clear....

Unread postby Deeum » Tue Aug 13, 2002 1:22 pm

(( i'm just waiting for a decent GM post, so i know WTF i'm doing with Kilra.. >>;;; ))

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

Re: Didn't think of that...

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Thu Aug 15, 2002 7:40 pm

OOC: Sorry about the slowness! I'll just get things to a point where char interaction will be easier.

Kilra slowly regained consciousness, as she heard a voice she didn't know (Ilken) saying something.
"Now, seems to me it'd not be a good idea to be gettin' out of here, aye?"

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Re: Maybe if I make motives more clear....

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Aug 17, 2002 1:59 pm

Sarah turned around upon feeling the drow shift around.
'feeling any better?'

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She's alive! ALIVE!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Aug 18, 2002 7:31 pm

Kilra sat up slowly, clutching at her assorted wounds, which were still hurting like hell. She then noticed the people around her, and the odd lady who'd addressed her.


IM: "Seeing as I'm not dead, these people must know I'm a good guy. Good...."

"A little, I guess." she mumbled, looking around for her weapons. She spotted them, and attempted to rise and walk over to them.

And promptly dropped down to her knees, wincing in pain and clutching at one of her worse injuries, muttering a curse silently.

"Who were those people, and what did they want with you?" she said, her voice quiet to match her shallow breathing.

"For that matter, who exactly are you all?" This time her voice was louder, the drow having recovered enough from the strain she'd exerted on herself by trying to stand.


Re: Maybe if I make motives more clear....

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Aug 18, 2002 7:55 pm

Richard turned his eyes toward Kilra. He wasn't sure what to say, especially for the fact that he had never seen a drow before.

In his mind, he started to panic a little. Oh crap! he thought. I never told them who I was!

"...I've realized I never introduced myself to the rest of you." His voice showed obvious uneasiness - there were too many people around, and they'd caught him off guard. "And I'm thinking I'd better. Just call me Richard for now..."

Then he took note of Kilra's sorry condition, quite a while after she had dropped to her knees. He was not about to let someone just go limping around - he was not the type for that. But his mind was growing awfully weary.

"Hold on a minute, ma'am," he said to Kilra. Then he started a small chant that he had known for some time, the one for a basic healing spell that seemed second nature to him... even as he felt the trouble his mind had from channelling an overall high amount of mana over a short time.

(Cure, directed at Kilra. Richard's at 1/55 MP after this, I think. I don't remember his other stats.

And C_C, should I go ahead and update the other stuff?)

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Re: She's alive! ALIVE!

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Aug 18, 2002 10:36 pm

Sarah stood by Kilra to make sure that the healing spell was strong enough to heal her wounds up decently.

'After us.. um...' she trailed off not really sure if the drow should even be told such information without their recruiters permission.

She then walked over to Ilken semi upset. 'Those were some strong people coming after you. Lord knows why they would send THAT many muscle bound men after a wimpy bard.' Sarah sighed and turned her back, questioning on following this group or not. sure, this God had her curious, but Christ, It almost got her killed!

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Re: Maybe if I make motives more clear....

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Aug 19, 2002 1:09 pm

Kilra blinked once as Sarah walked away, somewhat surprised by being ignored, as Richard's spell began to take effect.

Edited by: Jak Snide  Image at: 8/19/02 5:09:54 pm

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

Move the plot!

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Wed Aug 21, 2002 7:16 pm

"Aye," said Ilken, "Now let's be getting OUT o'this town before th'reiforcements come."

(If everyone keeps standing there, I probably AM going to send more guards. With antimatter rifles.)


A personality conflict....

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Aug 21, 2002 8:26 pm

(OOC: Don't forget that Richard just cast Cure on Kilra, C_C. That is, if you haven't already taken care of it.)

Richard was about to agree right away with Ilken. However, he had a sudden thought. He had turned himself into a target for the guards. If they saw him (or Enrik, for that matter), they'd surely go after him and try to kill him. What was he to do?

Then Richard thought of what seemed to be the perfect solution. He'd go into his raven form and stay perched on the shoulder of another group member.

"Okay, then hang on a second," Richard told Ilken, as he bent down to one knee to let his raven form come over his whole body.

(OOC: Hopefully Richard has enough TP remaining to enter his full raven form.)

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Aug 22, 2002 2:59 pm

(Presuming that the Cure spell will make Kilra feel a little better....)

Kilra, feeling a little better now, listened to Ilken's words. She knew them well, avoidance being one of her main concerns.

"Ugh...I have a place we can go..." she said, pulling herself to her feet, and hobbling over to get her swords, clutching at her side as she winced in pain.

"..they won't fine us there, hopefully." she finished, turning around and grinning slightly at the others.

IM: "I can trust them, they're the good guys after all! I mean, they're against the oppressive forces of evil, after all!"[//i]

(Hopefully, it'll be alright with you if Kilra leads them off to her little hide out, C

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Re: A personality conflict....

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Aug 22, 2002 4:56 pm

Sarah walked to the still in pain drow 'Need me to carry you again? you don't look well..'

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Aug 22, 2002 6:08 pm

"A..again?" she muttered, moving away a step. She was far too proud to be carried around.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." she added quickly, hoping not to offend her new ally.

"I'll need to be walking if I'm to lead you anywhere, anyway." she said, turning and moving towards what remained of the door. She was feeling uncomfortable due to all the attention.

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish


Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Thu Aug 22, 2002 8:07 pm

Ten minutes later, they were at Kilra's hideout.
"Looks as good a spot as any t'spend th'night." said Ilken, looking around. "A sight better'n some inns. 'Course, we'd better be leavin' in th'morning."

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Yay! Now...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Aug 22, 2002 8:31 pm

Kilra, understandably weary for having the crap beaten out of her, muttered a response then collapsed onto her sack bed, falling asleep immediately.



Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:58 pm

(OOC: This post is assuming that Richard is indeed in full raven form. If I've made an error, C_C, say something and I'll edit this.)

Richard flew down to the ground. He'd made a snap decision that, rather than perch himself upon the shoulders of someone else, he'd fly along. Of course, this required coming down every once in a while in order to wait, since he flew a little too fast, but he didn't mind that badly.

Now that he was in this 'hideout', Richard knew it was time to get some sleep. First, however, he looked for a spot out of the sight of the group, though still inside the 'hideout', to return to his human form.

Once that was out of the way, he returned to where the group was. He eventually found a spot to sleep, though it could have been a little too close to the others. He'd figured this out by starting where Kilra was and, in his head, counting out about fifteen steps from her position.

He laid down about there, his right hand reflexively holding itself against the sword he had just recently acquired. Richard was rather used to sleeping on an uncomfortable floor - he found himself doing this quite a bit whenever people near his location got a little too hostile and he was trying to hide.

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No bar? OF YAY :D!

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Aug 25, 2002 7:41 pm

Sarah stood around outside, sitting against the wall near the entrance.
She was alittle tired, but figured she would keep an eye out on everything.. also.. she was almost the only female in the group so thought it would be best to rest away from the others.. just incase one of the other hired mercs decided to get fresh.

Moments pass and after many attempts to stay away, she nodded off, still laying up against the wall.

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish


Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:07 am

(Okay, I'm not waiting for everyone else.)

The next morning, Ilken shook everyone awake.
"Right, so what's our plan f'r today?" he asked, more cheerfully than one might expect from someone wanted by the law in the early morning.

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Maybe the pace will pick up even more now?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:04 pm

Kilra opened a single eye at the sound of Ilken's voice, muttering in annoyance as she gazed into the sunlight which had peeked through the holes in the boarded up windows. She really did hate daylight. Still, she had to get used to it somehow, no matter how much of a pain it was.

Rolling over onto her knees and standing up, she patted out a few creases in her clothes, feeling substantially better than the night before. And thinking a little clearer. She was suddenly quite uncomfortable with the surfacers in her "home." While she knew that she'd helped them by letting them hide here, she wished she could have taken them...somewhere other than here.

Still, they had things they needed to do today. Things that she couldn't do without a party of fellow good-doers at her back.

"I say we pay this countess or whatever a "visit."" she half yawned, figuring it best to investigate exactly who this countess was. And put a sword through her gut, since she was unquestionably evil.


Option two....

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:38 pm

Richard was barely awake when he heard Ilken's voice. He blinked a little, stretching and then standing up. He was still not very alert.

Then he heard the drow make her suggestion as to what they should do today. Richard was not one to be barging in on people, so he had his own opinion.

"I wouldn't go off chasing evil people just yet. We still have to prove that his story is true," Richard said, directing his attention to Enrik to indicate whose story he was talking about. "I'd suggest we find evidence that this 'god of flame' is indeed dead. They may listen if we can prove our story true."

It's a gamble either way, Richard then thought. He knew that it was only a good chance that they'd listen if the story could be proven. He also knew that if they still didn't listen, nothing could convince them. Of course, in his mind, charging in on this 'countess' was more dangerous, no matter HOW laughably weak her guards were.

(OOC: *assumed that when Kilra was talking about this 'countess', she was talking about Lady Fanshen*)

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish


Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:58 pm

(OOC: Should I just assume that Griff and Kraken spontaneously disappeared?)

Enrik looked indignantly over to Richard.
"Why should they require proof? They can sense his death as I can! Their god is no longer watching over them."

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:30 pm

(OOC: Krak might post here in a moment. If not, I'll poke him about it tomorrow.)

"Does it really matter if this god is dead or not?" Kilra said, yawning as she finished the sentence. "I mean, it's not like those guards would be more justified for attacking you all back there if this god wasn't dead."

As far as Kilra saw, those people were just another group using the divine to commit evil deeds. Whether or not the god actually existed was irrelevant.


Kids, watch and learn from Richard here.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:53 pm

Richard gave Enrik a glare that indicated that the 'bard' had misread him.

"You misunderstand. It's obvious to me that the guards are defending something. That is their job, after all. I have a feeling that they could easily be thinking they're defending this god of theirs. And they also think we're completely against the deity's interests. Thus, the attempted use of force to compel us to believe their god is alive.

"If we can prove they're defending a false cause... a dead cause, rather... it's very likely they would stop..... Unless their minds have been corrupted THAT badly by Fanshen.... If that's the case, she has to die because of what she's done.

"But I'd rather not be spilling her blood just yet. Murder is not something I encourage if there isn't a distinct reason. And only something as serious as mind corruption would be distinct enough."

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 02, 2002 3:51 pm

Kilra normally would have argued her point with a passion, seeing it as pointless to try an opponent already proved guilty.

Then again, she'd just woken up, and was frankly too tired at the moment to care what they did, as long as they did something.

"Alright, let's wake the others up and get moving then."


Re: Kids, watch and learn from Richard here.

Unread postby KraKeN » Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:46 pm

At this point Kraken who had been curled up on the floor covered in his black cloak sat up and stretched.

"So guvna'", he said fixing his eyes on Iken, " what are we up to today then?"

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

Re: Sleepy.

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:56 pm

"Invadin' a god's sanctum, 'parently" replied Ilken.


Re: Kids, watch and learn from Richard here.

Unread postby KraKeN » Tue Sep 03, 2002 2:44 pm

"What!", yelled Kraken, "what's the point in doing that I thought we were only supposed to protect the bard when he was playing and stuff, not when he was assaulting well established religions."


Re: Sleepy.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Sep 03, 2002 3:18 pm

Richard turned his visage to Kraken and started to look him over.

"We're just doing him a favor," Richard responded. "The guards are still going after him, and we're trying to figure out how we're going to get them off his back. One possible way is killing whoever's leading these guards. From what I've heard, her name's Lady Fanshen - and though I'm surprised to see a lady leading that many men, she could very well be corrupting their minds and not letting the truth sink in.

"The other way would be finding physical evidence to prove that their 'god' is dead. If we can convince the guards that what he's saying-" -at this point, Richard directed his left hand towards Enrik to indicate who he meant- "-is true, then the guards may not want to kill him.

"Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather look for evidence of the god's death, personally. If the evidence turns out not to be convincing enough, THEN we worry about Fanshen."



Unread postby KraKeN » Wed Sep 04, 2002 12:38 pm

"Wouldn't it be easier to just leave", replied Kraken, " I mean I thought bards were supposed to travel and stuff."


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