A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

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A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 10:44 am

(OOC, pre RP GM's notes:

This is a serious, plot driven Philsys RP, much like my previous two RPs, Rise of the Guild? and In Pursuit of the Darkness! were. There is to be no spamming of this RP, and all out of character dialogue is, as is the usual custom, to be posted in () or posted in the OOC RP discussion forum. Everyone should be familiar with the rules of RPing, and there should be very few problems, I would expect.

This RP will most likely take shape in a manner reminescent of tabletop RPing, just like RotG and IPotD did. If you are familiar with those two RPs, you should know what to expect. Players, my decisions as GM are final. If you feel I have made a mistake, you are welcome to bring it up with me--it's possible that I actually DID make a mistake, of course, instead of doing whatever it was in that manner on purpose.

The RPers participating in this RP are Squintz, Nakibe, Nekogami, Divinegon, and LadyDragonclaws, or whatever name it is that she uses on our new forum, I'm a bit confused by it myself ^^;;;

And so...let's get to it! Have fun everybody!)

You've been traveling for a few days now. Either you were sent here, or else you decided to investigate the rumors for yourself. Word has come from the coastal town of Telluria that the city is caught in the midst of a war, a war largely unknown to the majority of the country of Doma, much less the remainder of Igala. However, the kingdom's army currently has its hands tied with various other matters, and the Doman officials cannot afford to dispatch anyone in particular.

So you were hired, a mercenary or wandering adventurer. Perhaps you heard the rumors and only wished to see if they were true, or to see if you could help. Or, you could be like poor Darin Prentiss, and have been sent off by an old friend to investigate in his stead.

The time mage had been wandering on the road for a few days, and had finally reached the outskirts of Telluria. Amazingly, the trip had been fairly safe thus far, and he had only had to deal with two or three threats of any sort. The goblins in the forest had quickly fled before him as soon as he demonstrated his capabilities. It was a shame, really, he thought, that he had to kill half of them before they fled. There was enough death in the world already, and he hated to add to it. The only other real threat had been present before the trip even began--the threat of Hakaril wishing to load him down with magical artifacts, potions and scrolls. While the archmage meant well, Darin remembered all too well Hakaril's attempts at enchantment and the like from their days at the Academy. While the items tended to work beautifully, they did have their side effects. One student, he recalled, had flourescent pink skin for a week after trying one of Hakaril's brews. An alchemist, Darin decided, Hakaril was not.

Just as he could see the city was only an hour's walk or so away, the time mage encountered...

(Giving someone an opportunity for an intro here--everyone else has to find one. It shouldn't be that hard...I've given plenty of room for it!)

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 10:52 am

(OOC: Squintz's character sheet)

A tall, slender man was standing. Not moving, just standing. He seemed to be looking at something, or maybe he was deep in thought, like he always was. Masqueets Theodoric Torias, or Squintz Altec, as he was better known as, was doing the latter. He knew that something was up, and as a servant of all that was good and Holy, he had started to come to Telluria, just so he could get to the bottom of this. However, his thoughts got in the way again. He hated to leave Kaelick for such a long time, but he figured she would be fine. Dhargun would watch over her, though she wouldn't know that.

Squintz raised his hand and brushed his orange hair. Maybe someday, he would dye it back to his natural color. Standing there, Squintz seemed almost completely oblivious to the approaching Time Mage.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:00 am

Darin blinked and calmly walked up behind Squintz, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hello...are you also on the way to Telluria? It...certainly looks that way, it does...I don't believe I've seen you before, have I? My name is...Darin, yes, Darin," a slightly melancholy voice echoed in Squintz's ear.

(I thought I'd provide you with a couple of clips of Darin's voice, because it's very difficult to describe/type. You can find them here and here.)


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:07 am

Derill had been wandering for some time now. He had brought himself out of his rather long seclusion, hoping to see the world, with the knowledge that he would never be his old self again. An old self that he had been trying to recover during the seclusion.

As he travelled, he started hearing rumors. Rumors that there was a war going on, and that the war was too much for the "Doman army" to handle, as they were busy with other problems.

Doman army? Derill thought. I wonder how they can't fix this matter. What could be tying them up?.... Anyway, if they're not going to get off their lazy butts and fix it, I will. I'd just better be compensated for it.

With this thought, Derill set off for the coast, eventually reaching the town that, rumors had told him, was stuck in the middle of this mess.

Derill looked around upon entering the town, looking for something or someone that would help him get to the bottom of this.

(OOC: Derill's character sheet - Derill doesn't have a human form, as another note.)


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:16 am

(By the way, I've read through your sheet before, Div, but rereading it, I realize I quite like it. ^_^)

Telluria was much like any other Doman fringe town, although a bit larger than the majority of them. Wood and brick homes, inns, taverns, residences, people milling about in the streets, vendors on the side of the road selling hot food and cold beverages, and the occasional law enforcment officer, a worried look in their eyes, passing by.

Most of the people making their daily rounds, living out their lives as usual, barely noticed Derill, being too consumed within the hustle and bustle of their own existences. The few that did had varying reactions, ranging from quietly scooting away to giving him glances of awe.

A small child, a little girl holding a plush chocobo doll, shyly approached Derill. "Mister...are you a dwagon?" The youngster's eyes sparkled with interest, fear and wonder, all at the same time...

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 11:18 am

Squintz had practically jumped when he heard the voice in his ear and the tap on the shoulder. Luckily, Squintz didn't sense any danger from the voice, or else, Darin's head might have been rolling across the ground now. Squintz turned to look at Darin.

"Yes, I am also on my way to Telluria. My name is Squintz. A pleasure to meet you." With that, Squintz extended his hand to the Time Mage.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:22 am

Darin shook Squintz's hand, obvious apprehension in his eyes. Not fear, but apprehension, and a bit of sadness. "...and you as well, it is a pleasure," he said softly.

"Why are you here?" he asked, motioning towards the city. "I was sent by my friend, the General of Doma. He wanted me to investigate, and told me it would be good for me to get out and do something fun...though...I don't understand...why..."

He shook his head slowly, glancing at the ground as he did. "Maybe we are here for the same purpose?"


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:26 am

Derill was sort of unprepared for this. So soon he had come to the town, and a little girl had approached him. He thought someone bigger would come to him.

He kneeled down, turning his mouth away from the girl and trying to otherwise face her with only his eyes pointed directly at her, so that he wouldn't pose any accidental threat should something go wrong. "Y... yes, I'm a dragon." Derill's voice was deep, thought not extremely so.

(OOC: It's very hard for me to describe Derill's voice. Unfortunately, I don't have a sound clip, nor the means to record one, so I'm having terrible difficulty describing the voice.)

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 25, 2002 11:30 am

I remember it like it was yesterday.

There was something.... not right about the house. I don't know exactly how to describe it exactly... maybe it was that horrible laughter.

I came in, and I saw... mom and dad, both lying on the floor. They weren't moving, and I was terrified. And there was this dark shadow hanging over them. It was SCARY... very scary....

"Solis? What're you doing?"

Damian's voice shocked Solis out of his rememberance. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, Big Brother," came the reply. "Just thinkin about how we met." Solis smiled up at the suddenly somewhat frustrated Damian.

"Haven't I told you not to call me that?" said Damian. After all the time that they had known each other, Solis REFUSED to stop calling Damian "Big Brother". At this point he'd really given up on having Solis call him anything ELSE, because the little kid simply wouldn't listen to a word he said against it. And besides, it was definitely better to him than some of the OTHER names he'd been called in the past.

"Hey, big brother?"
"I'm gonna go out and see the city. Is that fine with you?"
Damian chuckled and idly wondered why Solis hadn't brought this up earlier.
"Sure. Just promise me you won't get into too much trouble, OK? I've still got some things to take care of here, too. So don't you wander off TOO incredibly far, OK?"
"Ok. I'll mind-speak to you if I need anything, K?"
"Go out. Have fun."

And in his usual childish manner, Solis ran out of the inn, full of the energy that comes with his youth. Quickly he found the best game to play for the busy streets. "VRROOOM.... I'm a RRRRACEER!!!!! VRRRROOOOM VRROOOM!!!" He was having tons of fun ducking and weaving between the travellers as they were going about their business... till he slipped in a small puddle of water and crashed into a somewhat odd-looking (and slightly scary) man in purple robes with long black hair.

"Ow.... that hurt..." Dusting himself off quickly, he turned to the man. "Oh, mister, I'm really, really sorry for bumping into you like that..." he began.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:35 am

Darin lurched forward briefly from the impact of being used as an improvised speed bump, his eyes widening for only a moment as he steadied himself so as not to fall flat on his face. He turned around, looked down at Solis, and gave him a half smile.

"I'm sorry...it was my fault. I was standing in your way, after all," he apologized quietly. "Are you going to be alright?"

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 11:40 am

Squintz sighed. "I heard that there was something afoot here. Wherever there is something bad going on, that's where I will be. So...perhaps we are thinking of the same thing...."

Then the child hit Darin. Squintz was surprised for the second time this day.

Edited by: Squintz Altec  Image at: 5/25/02 3:41:13 pm


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:50 am

The small child who had approached Derill's eyes shimmered in adoration as she peered up at the dragon. "Reeeeally? Cool!"

She blinked, unassuming, and gave her plush a squeeze. "My mommy says it's dangerous here now..."

Without warning, a harrowed young woman stepped over towards Derill and the child. "Jennifer, now what have I told you about talking to...strangers..." she stammered, hoisting the little girl up and holding her.

"But mommy, he's not a stwanger. He's a dwagon," intoned the youngster.

"Good for him," the mother smirked. She set her daughter back down on the ground, patted her on the head, and glanced sternly at Derill. "Jen, go play for a bit. Mommy and the dragon are going to have a little grown-up talk, OK?"

"Okies," replied the smiling little girl as she skipped off through the market.

"Now," the woman said, clearing her thoat to ease her anxiety, "what are you doing here? We've had nothing but trouble from strangers lately..."

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 25, 2002 11:56 am

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm really really sorry. I didn't watch where I was going and, well, I was kinda zooming along pretty fast and I just.... " Solis looked close to crying as he looked up at the (Still somewhat scary) man looming over him. "I didn't meant to hit you, sir. Really I didn't."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:00 pm

"I accept your apology," Darin nodded solemnly, eyes closed. "All is well...as well as it can be, within the world in which we live."

"Where are you going, and what is your name?" the time mage asked Solis. "My name is Darin..."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:04 pm

Now Derill felt that his opportunity to prove the rumors true had come. He was able to ask someone who probably had more awareness as to what was going on. Though the thought of directly being called a stranger was a new experience for him...

He replied, "That's why I came here. I've heard rumors of some sort of conflict occurring somewhere around this town." He paused for a few thoughts and added, "And I heard that the town is stuck in the middle of it. So I decided that maybe I should figure out what's going on."

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 12:05 pm

Squintz nodded. "My name is Squintz. I am curious to know why a child is running throughout the streets..."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:09 pm

The woman sighed audibly at Derill. "Oh, everything is fine now. For that matter, it could stay that way all day. In fact, it could even be alright tomorrow. But next thing you know, your home is being destroyed in the middle of the crossfire..."

She lowered her eyes. "I don't really understand all of it, but I understand that there's two powerful mages, or something, and they're at war with each other. Sometimes it's skeletal warriors, sometimes ghosts, sometimes the crops die, sometimes people get sick. I guess you'd have to talk to someone who knows more about it."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:18 pm

Derill now stood up. The woman hadn't given him all the possible information, but he now knew that the rumors were true. But the idea of two magi fighting with what Derill perceived to be armies of skeletons and such? That was something he had never even HEARD of at all.

"Oh well. At least I have a start on this," Derill told the woman. "So long. I'm going to try and learn more on this, as you seem to suggest that I should do so."

With this, Derill started walking around, hoping to find someone who knew more on this matter. Let's see... I'll have to get as much information as I can before I get going to fix the problem, Derill thought.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:29 pm

As Derill traversed the streets, he noticed the typical reaction tended to be similar for the majority of the people he encountered. Some shied away, as though fearful. A few fascinated glances were whipped his way, and one in particular seemed more than a little interested...

A fairly old looking mage, one starting to show the signs of his aging with greying hair and slight wrinkles in his cheeks, stepped out of the crowds and gave Derill an appraising stare. "Ah, yes...a dragon. Haven't seen one of your kind in years, to be quite honest. I wasn't aware you sorts liked to mingle with us common mortals, eh? Coming down from your caverns for a quick trip to market? Running low on olive oil, are you? Well, we'll have to fix that won't we?" The man jabbered at an incredible speed, running sentences together and speaking as though he were under some the influence of some sort of haste spell.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 12:55 pm

Derill resisted the sudden urge to laugh at such fast talking. He most definitely hadn't heard anything like this quick speech in years... and he perceived that the person talking to him had no clue what was really on his mind.

"Please, sir, slow down for a minute." Derill then tried to remember all the questions that had been fired at him. "I'm trying to get used to common mortals, having just come down from my... 'caverns', as you put it. But I came because of something much more serious than simply buying something."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 2:24 pm

"Ohhh, I see, I understand perfectly, yes, yes...wait...let me guess...you're a wandering do-gooder and you want to give the populous of our fair hole in the wall a hand! Yes, that must be it!" He grinned widely, wrinkles clearly visible on his cheeks. Reaching into the pocket of his robes, he pulled out a tiny, well crafted crystal and peered into it curiously.

"Yes, yes. You'll want to see the governor, then, I should think, he'll catch you up to speed. But, of course, I predict you'll need more help than he can give, yes, hmm? You can always come back to me, you can, yes..."

Suddenly, Derill had a brief vision, one which lasted for only a second but felt as though he had known of it forever, revealing the location of a building within the city. Somehow, Derill knew that was the mage's residence.

"Yes, well, you have important things to do, right, right, hmmmmmm? So be off now, go!"

And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 25, 2002 3:43 pm

"Oh. Errrr.... umm...." Solis scratched his head a bit, surprised at the odd reactions he was getting from the two men. Usually when he ran into someone like that, they either shooed him away cussed at him till he ran off. "Hi. My Name is Solis. And I was just... umm... looking around your city here. It's really nice, really. Well, except for the wierd scary thing that my Big Brother was talking about.... something about..... worry?" And Solis, now thoroughly distracted again, began to think up some worries of his own. "You aren't.... scary bad men, are you" he said with wide eyes and a trembling lip.

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 3:47 pm

"I'm definetly not a bad man. At least, I try not to be." Squintz crouched down, so that he was at the child's head height. He would have to become better with children. "Anyway...you know about this Big Scary Beast? I'm looking for it..."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 3:52 pm

Darin blinked at the both of them, and then glanced over to the side, spotting Derill out of the corner of his eye.

"If we're all here for the same reason...if you want to that is, wouldn't want to be a bother, of course...perhaps we should join forces? I just overheard...I mean...it was obvious, but that man just told that dragon to see the governor, so perhaps he's here to investigate, too? Maybe we can help him out as well?" Darin blinked again, hoping his newfound companions would think he had touched on a good idea. After all, his ideas were rarely good, he thought, not nearly as good as they could have been. Others, of course, knew their way just as well if not better than he did, so what right did he have to give them suggestions or try to lead them?

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 3:53 pm

Squintz stood and nodded. "I like that idea. I think that working together is always best."

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 25, 2002 3:55 pm

"Oooooh...." said Solis excitedly. His eyes were open even WIDER than before, clearly more interested in the two men's doings now than any possible scariness that he had seen before. "A Dragon? I've never SEEN a dragon before. Let ME see. LET ME SEE!!!" And with that Solis happily hopped up and down, hoping to jump high enough to get a glimpse of the dragon that Darin was talking about.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 4:08 pm

"Don't worry, Solis. I'm sure that you'll see him soon enough. If you just come with us, you'll be sure to see him." Squintz kept his voice in a smooth, even tone, trying to be as convincing as possible.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 25, 2002 5:21 pm

"Really? Ooooo..... ok. I'll just let my Big Brother know what I'm doing real quick."


Damian, not having his charge's telepathic abilities OR the presence of mind to stop Solis before he had finished broadcasting could only answer back with an astonished <Guh?>

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sat May 25, 2002 6:08 pm

"If ya want something done right, ya gotta do it yourself..." Aya muttered, drawing her hood over her face a bit more, once again garbed in the dark green robes she wore when she first happened upon the dimension.
A war going on in Doma and no one told me about it unti l a week ago? Unbelievable, I the Queen for Ceiphied's sake, I of all people shouldn't get cut out of the loop, jeeze it's just like that Shango thing...
"Hey you, how much longer until we arrive in Twoson...er...Timma...ack Telluria?" she asked a middleaged man who was walking along beside her.

"Eh, 'bout a half hour I figure..." he replied, glancing at his map.

"Good..." she muttered, shifting her gaze back ahead of her. Good thing I found this guy...no way I woulda made it to the place on my own. I wonder if the guards notice that I'm gone...eh, doubt it they aren't the brightest bunch in the world afterall. Aya Mythril-Domanda took a quick glance behind her, checking to be sure that her long golden tail was concealed beneath the folds of her robe. "Let's quicken our pace sir, we don't have any time to lose...." ..before my absence is noticed....I should send my sister in to "sub" for me...

(ooc: Aya's stats )


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat May 25, 2002 8:35 pm

Once the mage disappeared into the crowd, Derill thought for a minute. He was astonished that the mage had apparently read his mind. That's unusual... someone with the kind of skills I've got. Okay, so I have to go to the governor's residence. After that, if I still need to know more, I can visit the old guy again. But should I go alone to the governor's house?.... I'll decide that once I find it.

Once Derill was done with his thoughts, he started looking around for where the governor would be... then he had a sudden suspicion. A suspicion that someone else was trying to stop him in this matter before he even got started.

After he got this suspicion, he looked around again, trying to look for either the governor's house or anyone else who could have possibly cared about the information he had just been given.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sat May 25, 2002 11:43 pm

...and thusly, Derill noticed Solis, a young boy apparently wided eyed at the prospect of seeing a dragon for the first time...

Darin smiled slightly, the first time Squintz had noticed him appear anything but depressed.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sat May 25, 2002 11:53 pm

Fortunately, Aya's journey took less than a half hour to finally reach the town of Telluria, a smile on the ryuuzoku's hidden face as she turned to the man she had hired to be her guide. "I thank you for your help, trust me in the near future you will be rewarded handsomly for your effort.

"Um Miss? I don't think I ever really got your name or anything...."

Aya smirked I loooove doing this... "I am the black mage known as DragonClaws. Stick around this town for a few days and I'll see to it that you are paid...." she said, glancing about the town. Beneath her robes, her tail gave a small twitch.

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sat May 25, 2002 11:59 pm

Squintz rose his eyebrow in response to the smile of Darin. That kid is too somber, Squintz thought. In a way, Squintz was reminded of himself, not too long ago. He looked back at that many times, as a reminder to never be that way again. Squintz chose to keep quiet, seeing how this would turn out.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Sun May 26, 2002 12:36 am

Solis ran right up to Derill and stared at him for a moment.


After his initial amazement, he almost instantly began poking and pulling at Derill's scales and ears.

"Hey, mister. Are these real? They don't LOOK real to me. Are you sure you didn't just glue them on or something?"


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun May 26, 2002 9:21 am

(OOC: For a little clarification, whenever I use double quotes in italics, it means that that's being said telepathically. Single quotes in italics are dialogue during either dreams or flashbacks. I'll be sticking to this for the whole RP.)

Derill wasn't used to this either. How could someone contradict the fact that he was a dragon? And why was he being poked so much?

Rather than try to tell him to stop by speaking, however, Derill decided on another approach. He put his left hand close to his head, placing the first three fingers of that hand on his forehead.

He then telepathed Solis...

"Of course they're real, young one. Please, stop prodding me like that."

Lowering his fingers from his head, Derill's wings, folded behind his back, and tail twitched slightly. He hoped the young boy would understand what he meant by "like that"...

Squintz Altec
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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun May 26, 2002 10:23 am

Squintz looked at Derill. He had seen a few dragons in his day, but none of them actualy were in a DRAGON FORM normally. What was wrong with this one? Squintz walked up to him, looking at the dragon.

"Sir, why are you not in a human form? If this offends you in any way, I am sorry."


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun May 26, 2002 10:32 am

Derill gave Squintz a hard glance. He suspected that Squintz had no clue as to what he was like. For one thing, Derill thought that, for the most part, human forms were for weaker dragons. For another thing, Derill didn't even HAVE a human form, and would not have had the choice to, either.

"Human form? I don't HAVE such," Derill told Squintz. "Not every dragon has a human form, you know." This was followed by a slight growl - as if Derill disapproved of Squintz's words.

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Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun May 26, 2002 10:39 am

Mahou listened to a large axe-wielding man brag about how powerful he was.

"Ah'm da strongest man in the world, lassy. I can uproot an entirrre trrree!" He flexed. "Once I beat a drrraagon wit my own two hands. RAH!" He swung his axe for emphasis.

"I don't care," Mahou said calmly.


"I said, I don't care. If you think you can imress me with tales of barbaric strength, you'll be dismayed to find I'm utterly uninterested."

The big man shook. "Look 'ere, lassy! You'd be lucky to be seen with a man like me!"

Mahou stared at him with an emotionless gaze. "That's funny....I still don't care."

The big man raised his axe over his head. "Ah'll show you carin'!" Mahou didn't seem worried and shifted her weight arrogantly to another leg.

"I'll call you bluff."

A small crowd gathered waiting to see if the dark-skinned elf would be cleaved in half or if the big lug would tuck his tail and lumber off.


Re: A War of Two Evils! (Philsys RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sun May 26, 2002 10:46 am

The man's gaze quivered, wavering, uncertain, as though he were somewhat unsure as to what to do in this situation. Dat lass's insultin' me honor, he grumbled inwardly. Bu' I cannae...

He lowered his axe slightly, shoulders drooping. "Ye win this round, lassy. Ah'm not aboot teh cleave yeh en half en front'o dese people." The barbarian huffed angrily, turning around and walking off, disappearing into the crowd with a slightly humbler, more meek look painting his face.

Small cheers were heard throughout the crowd, and a tall, blonde-haired young man stepped forward and grinned at Mahou.

"I can't believe you stood up to that brute like that!" he exclaimed. "In fact, I'd bet you could handle anyone, or anything, just with all that confidence!"

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Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:28 pm

You talkin' ta me?

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun May 26, 2002 10:51 am

Mahou looked at the young man for a moment and turned. "Confidence can win a battle before it starts but put your life on it." She walked away.

These people are willing to put there livelihoods on anything that comes their way. It's pathetic but in times like these sometimes people can't help but to be pathetic.

"Now to find out more about these two mages. I'm not as so arrogant as to take them on myself." She was standing a few feet behind Squintz. She surveyed the area for possible intelligence.


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