Null's Game

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:51 pm

Chapter 5: Rain

Just inside Nekana's southern border- 221 PS- Thursday, 6:00 PM

Only a couple of hours after the encounter with the time bubble, Elvenblade, Lancaster, and her gigantic wolf, the team crests a small hill overlooking the farming village Kyrie and Red mentioned. Though there are only a few albeit large homes and a few public buildings, the large fields scattered around the town are bustling with activity of many Nekana men, and a few women, trying to get whatever gear and equipment they can put away before the storm hits. They've reached the village of Hatakuma, and not a moment too soon. The storm continues to blow in from the west, with warm drops of rain occasionally pattering against the otherwise cold terrain.

Kyrie's gut still hurts like hell and it's still weeping some blood, but thanks to the field assistance she's received, it's relatively minor. Triya is still tiny, and the horses are absolutely exhausted by this point, even if they ARE machines and Sana's feeling much better herself. Still, it's likely best to stop for now and get some medical assistance and rest, and allow the storm to pass.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:45 pm

Oleai was quiet most of the trip, mulling over what Kyrie had suggested. That wasn't something she'd ever want or even considered! Windspeaker magics weren't for fighting. They were for moving, communicating and helping.

Right? Keeping busy as she could in the wagon while not moving for fear of squishing tiny Triya underneath her backside, the Plainsrunner had found a needle and thread in her pack and set to mending clothes that had acquired unwanted stabbings. "I hope some of the other Nekana are willing to help. Do you think they have a doctor? Like a real one?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:39 am

It seemed Sana thought throwing more magic at Triya in order to fix the problem wasn't a good idea, so she was stuck at her tiny size for the time being. Triya had wound up tucked into one of her giant-sized gloves for warmth, making a sheepish request to Oleai to see if she could put together a warm outfit in her size. She'd salvaged a couple of items from her pile of clothes, including her ring, of course, but hadn't felt there was much point lugging the rest of it about. She wasn't going to get much use out of a 15-foot long scimitar, for instance. Thankfully, she'd left her pack with the wagon, so most of her belongings would still be usable if and when she recovered.

That 'if' was a scary thought. Still, there were people she could talk to back home if things didn't come right on their own. For now, Kyrie was the priority.

"I'm sure there'll be somebody who can take a look at her," she told Oleai. Sana seemed confident, of course, but it wouldn't hurt to get another opinion, and a night in a comfortable bed, as opposed to jouncing about in the wagon would probably work wonders.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:47 pm

Slowly recovering, Kyrie already looks to be in somewhat better safe; in those few areas where one can see skin she still looks pale, but no longer dangerously so, and her strength is beginning to return. Still, the cart travel is no great joy as they rush for the village, and though she's managed to restrain most of her reactions, to her every slight bump in the road is another reminder of her wound.

She's kept quiet for the most part since they set out for Hatakuma, conserving her strength, but Oleai's question seems to warrant a reply. "Mm...probably. Villages out here...they need locals to care for them. All sorts of accidents while farming...usually not enough time to go to the next over. Can't speak to how good they'd be...but there'll be someone."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:16 pm

Rasmus had been quiet, and not in the 'I'm bored' way that he had been during the earlier part of the journey. Every so often he would cast a worried glance over in Kyrie's direction. Less often, he would glance over in Triya's direction with a somewhat more amused look.

Then they were arriving in the village.

"Oh! I can go find a doctor!" he hopped up. It seemed that he had just been waiting to be useful again.

"..Wait, can I find a doctor?" He peeked out over the village and asked, "Do they know Common here?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:43 pm

"...ah." She frowns; that issue hadn't occurred to her. In the city everyone's taught it in school, but out here? After a bit of thought, she soon realizes she has absolutely no idea what schooling is like in a farming village. Still, no need to let that worry her.

"...someone's...bound to speak it, I'm sure. But if not, I can try and come along...translate for you."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:41 pm

As if to answer Rasmus's question (as well as confirm Kyrie's response), a pair of Nekana kittens leap onto the sides of the cart, running up the sides before jumping off. Behind them, a young Nekana woman calls after them. "Maxim! Tia! Get down from there before you hurt someone!"

As the kittens charge ahead, a black and white Nekana about Kyrie's age wearing blue Genin armor runs up alongside the cart, trying to catch her breath. She looks up toward the occupants she can see, bowing slightly. "My apologies, my siblings are too rambunctious for their own good. They didn't damage anything, I hope."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:22 pm

As she speaks, Kyrie looks out the cart with perked ears, pleasantly surprised by the sound of an old friend. Her voice still weak, she tries to keep herself from reacting too strongly, but she can't "Serena? I didn't expect to see anyone here...when did you leave the city?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:40 pm

The Nekana looks into the cart, eyes going wide in surprise as she sees Kyrie. "Kyrie! What...Er, I was sent out here for advanced training. What are you doing here?" Serena glances at the others, and then adds something quietly in her native tongue.

And who are all these crazy looking people?

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:52 pm

Looking about the rest of the group with a slight smile, Kyrie replies similarly.

Traveling companions. And I doubt I look much better at the moment.

Continuing in Common, she adds, "We were hoping there'd be a doctor in the village. Do you think you could bring them here, if so?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:56 pm

"Oh! Of course!" Serena says, quickly darting off in another direction. Medical help is on the way!


Minutes later, they're escorted by Serena to one of the larger buildings in the town. As the group gets off the wagon, they notice a thick smoke smelling of burning herbs wafting out the door. Within, a number of women talk loudly to one another in Nekana while playing some sort of tile-based game, though only one deems the intruding outsiders interesting enough to even look up from it. It's a bit of a pain navigating Kyrie through the tight confines of the building (Though probably not so bad for Triya), but they're taken to the back, where an old Nakana woman wearing a simple robe and sash is slowly grinding something with a mortar and pestle. Also occupying the room are a pair of Genin, one in red armor and the other in an earthy brown. Without even bothering to turn, the elderly woman speaks in a heavily accented voice. "Both, on the table, on the table." She turns slightly, tipping her head at one of the Genin. "You two, outside. Outside."

Silently, the two Genin turn and shuffle out as the group is brought in. They give the group a look, ultimately turning their noses up at the party as they make their way out.

"Don't mind them, don't mind them." The old woman says, indicating a sanded down wooden table. "Let's have a look, let's have a look."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:41 pm

Kyrie gives the two genin a glare as they depart, muttering something under her breath after they leave too quiet to hear. Letting go of Oleai, she carefully makes her way to the edge of the table and takes a seat. Her ears twinging with every slight movement, she tries to catch her breath but can't help to give a quick hiss as the healer unwraps the bandages from her wound. Her eyes squeezed closed as she speaks, she does her best to focus in hopes of driving the pain from her mind, to unfortunately slim effect.

"How does it look? Isn't infected, I hope...pain's been up and down..."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:19 pm

The old woman leans in close, even sniffing at the wound slightly. "No," she says bluntly. "Not infected; just poisoned, just poisoned." She turns away, scanning through a shelf full of dusty old bottles. "Heir of the Dog. Very rare. Not deadly, but very painful, very painful." She finally finds what she's looking for, pulling a pair of bottles off and soaking a rag in one, then thee other. "Feels like burning and stomach cramps, quite nasty, quite nasty." She wrings the rag out in a wooden bowl, placing it near Kyrie, and then pressing the soaked rag into the wound. "You!" She snaps her fingers at Rasmus. "Blue man! You hold this, you hold this."

She looks around at the others. "Who else, who else?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:06 am

Rasmus shuffled forward to press the rag against the wound as told, and then proceeded to stand there dumbly. He glanced up and slowly looked around the room before settling back on Kyrie.

People in the village did speak Common. Who knew?

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:27 pm

All too pleased to assist, Oleai takes a bit of her winter coat and re-purposes the inner lining into a tiny poncho that would do for covering Triya - along with a bit of string for a belt to keep it cinched.

She'd even offered to tote Triya around in her belt pouch! It would be dangerous to walk on ground level when you're prime stomping size, afterall.


In town, Oleai tried to just focus on getting Kyrie to a doctor. Offering tiny waves to any Nekana who gawked or sneered at her. Internally hoping that at least ONE of their destinations would be full of friendly, happy people. Instead of violent, greedy, crazy or cannibalistic ones.

When the doctor asked if anyone else needed aid, Oleai shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Uh.. T-Thank you, ma'am." Trying to make a good impression, and keep out of the Nekana physician's way. Life as a giant rabbit is a lot of this, apparently.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:02 pm

Triya raised a hand, enlisting aid in getting up onto the table. "We think it's some kind of backlash from being briefly turned into a giant," she said, knowing that this was likely well outside the Nekana's area of expertise but seeing nothing to lose from getting an opinion. She'd certainly diagnosed Kyrie pretty quickly, and of something none of them would have known to even check for.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:15 pm

The old Nekana woman blinks at Triya, making an odd face. She steps away a moment, opening a wooden chest and pulling a device out. Fixing it over her face like a high-tech eyepatch, she adjusts the lens and focuses on Triya. "...Very interesting, very interesting." She says quietly. "Not just backlash; something more, something more."

She steps away again, and begins to look among her books. "A great power has occupied your body; very strong, very strong." She finds what she's looking for, flipping around til she finds a page, displaying it to the group. While the writing is in an old Nekana dialect, there's a crude diagram in three parts- A crude drawing of a person, then that crude person with some sort of aura around them, then that person with an aura around them within a simple bottle. An outsider's basic gist of how a genie is created. "Greater still than this, but very similar, very similar. Power is still growing inside, much bigger, much bigger. But as power gets bigger, you get even smaller, even smaller. The more small outside is, the bigger inside is."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:33 pm

"I'm going to get even smaller? Where does it end?"Triya asked. She was already pretty darn small, and decidedly unhappy about it. "And what is this power going to do?" Beyond being, well, tiny, she didn't feel any different. There was no sensation of vast magical power at her command, though after that allusion to djinn, some contrary part of her was urging her to click her fingers and see what happened. That part was sternly throttled down.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:52 pm

The woman seems to think a moment, then makes an odd face; she's clearly unsure. "Maybe you change like this." She indicates the diagram again. "Maybe you just get even smaller, maybe, maybe. Maybe the power within like you and sticks around, and you become tiny goddess. Maybe you can access power soon, but for now...You just get smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller. She thinks for a minute more, before realizing this may not be the most reassuring thing for Triya to hear. "But, power inside cannot be hurt! As long as it stays within, same for you, same for you. Nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about!"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:06 pm

Triya looked a bit dubious about the 'nothing to worry about' reassurance, but it sounded as if that was about as good as she was going to get. "And if the power does leave me, I go back to normal?" she asked. As things stood, this sounded like the best-case scenario. Becoming a tiny goddess didn't hold much appeal.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:35 pm

The healer nods. "Right back to normal, right back to normal."

As if on queue, the power within Triya decides to make itself known; she feels herself tingling all over as she suddenly dwindles another inch. However, she suddenly becomes aware of power currently using her as a vessel, as a field of blue energy explodes into being around her, lifting itself into the air over the table, Triya floating as if weightless in the center. The good news is that it's totally comfortable inside, and she feels some connection with the power inside and the power around her; allowing her to move freely in three dimensions.

The problem is that she's once again extraordinarily naked, the field blowing away the impromptu coverings she had.

Triya hears a tiny voice from somewhere within the field. She can just barely make it out with her ears, but she hears it clearly as it echoes off her bubble.

"Try to relax. You'll be okay, I promise."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:13 pm

Oleai gasps, clapping her hands over her mouth. Ears lowering.

Reaching out to retrieve the tiny outfit, and holding it for Triya to take. Though, this floating blue orb was worrying and she didn't try to breach it. "Can't.. we ask Sana about this?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:19 pm

"So people tell me," Triya muttered in a somewhat exasperated tone. Sana had given her own reassurances that everything would probably be fine earlier. Still, it was a relief to find there was an intelligence at work here, rather than some unreasoning force acting according to who knew what principles. "So, who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, I defer to my esteemed colleague," Sana put in from her spot over by the door, "We can keep an eye on things, of course, but I think she'll be okay." Sana looked more amused than anything else by this turn of events.

Triya seemed somewhat distracted, floating back and forth across the table as she got the hang of moving about, lips moving as if carrying on a conversation. Rather than reaching out to take the proffered clothing from Oleai right away, she frowned briefly and tried a small experiment, seeing if she could sculpt some small part of the power flowing through and around her into an outfit.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:40 pm

Triya focuses on the energy that's currently all up in her personal space, and finds that while it's reluctant, it does begin to respond after a moment. Wrapping around her tightly and then turning physical--At least, Triya's current reckoning of physical--She ends up with an odd, formfitting blue and white suit extremely similar to what Eli and Lil wore. The bubble around her shrinks ever so slightly in response to the change, before ballooning out slightly bigger. But hey, Triya's not naked anymore!

"My name's Minen!" The voice replies, again having to echo off the inside of the bubble several times before Triya can make it out. "I think She chose you for a reason, so She won't let anything happen to you!"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:56 am

"Alright," Triya said, "But what have I been chosen for, and by whom?" Triya was actually feeling a bit calmer now; Minen seemed friendly enough, and the opportunity to put a few questions to somebody who might know what was going on was a welcome one. Triya was beginning to suspect that Minen might be considerably smaller than her, explaining the tiny voice and need for amplification by echoes.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:47 pm

The old woman begins to clean up again, since no one else comes forward with any sort of problems. She takes a moment to guide Rasmus's to dip the cloth in the mixture before reapplying it, then turns out and calls to someone outside in Nekana tongue, though the words 'Lillen' and "Yandice', are mixed in there, clearly not Nekana words.

"One of you idiots get word to Lillen and Yandice! They'll want to see this as soon as possible!"

"Um...Huh?" Minen replies, a little thrown off...her(?) game by Triya's question. It's as if she doesn't understand how Triya doesn't know who She is or what Triya's been chosen for.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Visavis » Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:01 pm

Rasmus blinked a few times as he tried to clear his mind. There was something he was forgetting. He felt sure of it. Something to do with where they were, or something the old woman had said. Perhaps the fight had taken more out of him than he had realized, or he was just plain exhausted. Then he glanced down and remembered the gashes Lancaster had given him, thanks to said gashes still being present. Hadn't Gytrash given him quite a knock, too? Those may have been worth bringing up. If Lancaster's blades had been poisoned, and he had been slashed by those blades..

"Hey. There's.. I think I need some.. something. Lancaster, she cut me."

A glance down confirmed that, yes, the cuts were still there. He pointed at the gashes with his free hand.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:08 pm

The woman leans in to look at his cuts, ear flicking wildly (maybe in annoyance?). She rubs her chin, thinking with a quiet 'hmmm.'

"Also cut, also poisoned, but not so deep. Snow Elves much more resistant, much more resistant." She applies a much more basic salve, and then wraps the wounds quickly. "Just don't pull bandages."

Having looked at the other three, she smiles her pointy-toothed smile at Oleai. "My dear, what about you? What about you?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:20 pm

"...what?" Having been distracted by Triya's change, the healer's words draw her attention, causing her to look oddly nervous. "They-"

Glancing around the group, and catching herself — it's been too long since she's had need to speak her language — she stops and begins again, the same two words also noticeable in her own speech.

"They don't need to be summoned, do they? I'm certain that Yandice and Lillen have better things to do than to concern themselves with us. We're just passing through, we'll be gone by next sunset if all goes well."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:35 pm

The pair of colorfully armored Genin appear once again in the doorway, venomous smirks on both their faces. "Oh, it's no trouble." One says in perfect Common. "They're already in the area." The other replies. "The can be here by morning if the Runner is true."

"Hey, Kitten." The first says to Kyrie. "Tummy not feeling well?" "Got a boo-boo?" The other adds, both mock-pouting.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:49 pm

Grumbling to herself, but surprisingly restrained, Kyrie lookss to each as she grips the table, claws digging into either side. "This is an actual wound. From combat. I'm not surprised you two wouldn't recognize it. Did Yandice finally get tired of you? Kick you out of the city?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:37 pm

Oleai shook her head to the old Nekana, "N-no ma'am. I'm okay." More than a little sheepish around older folk. Especially older folk of a race famed for hating her own.

As the other Nekana began to taunt Kyrie - who stood up for herself just fine - Oleai kept quiet, if scowling.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:12 pm

"She's here, dummy." The Nekana in Red says. "In town." Brown finishes. "How'd you manage to get stabbed by a poison that can't be made?" Red continues. "Are you so inept that you're doing battle with countries that don't exist anymore?" Red adds.

The doctor gives Oleai a look, but backs down. "Don't be shy, don't be shy. Such large, lovely legs! So much meat on your bones, so much meat on your bones! Nice and tender, I'm sure, nice and tender..."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:27 pm

Oleai's ears pull back, fur bristling in what could be a flush or irritation. "T..Thank you? .. You're not planning to cook me, are you? I've had a lot of that lately and I'd rather just be told up front this time." She tugged down on her loincloth as if the fabric was in any way capable of concealing more of her legs. Back home this wasn't any kind of problem, but since her forced exodus gawking had been an issue. Just not one Oleai thought or cared about before finding herself constantly in imminent mortal danger.

Giving her ears a little tug before they spring back up into place, Oleai decided to take the old Nekana's advice and not be quite so sheepish. She took a bit more of a confident stance, and a deep breath to keep herself steel.
Riding this mentality she points an accusing finger at the bothersome other Nekana pestering Kyrie, "You two! You've a funny way of showing concern! Why don't you go off and bother someone else 'til she wants to answer your questions? Or be nicer about it!" Oleai made big sweeping motions with her arms to shoo the Nekana away - each motion creating a gentle but verymuch present gust of wind outward. Bunny was getting fed up.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:41 pm

"Ohhh, no dear, no dear!" The doctor says. "I wouldn't cook you, dear! Wouldn't cook, wouldn't cook..."

She pulls out a pair of medical calipers, slowly adjusting them while glancing at Oleai's thighs, mumbling something about tartare...Whatever the heck that is.

The two look at Kyrie, narrowing their eyes. "Who let the giant in?" Red says. "Aren't you a little far from the hutch?" Brown adds.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:59 pm

"Hmph. Kimi, Masa, leave her be." Pushing herself into a sitting position, Kyrie stares down the two genin, largely ignoring the doctor's comments. "She has seen more combat in the last month than you two likely have...hmph. Ever." Pausing briefly, she continues after a short hiss of air. "And we both know that I could still beat both of you like this. Remember the fountain?"

"Just go running back to your sister before I send you crying to her."

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:09 pm

Following Kyrie's response, Oleai lets the matter rest.

After sticking her tongue out at the two Nekana.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:16 pm

"What's this about a fountain?"

The doctor suddenly finds something fascinating in the back room to deal with, the twins look to each other and then quickly turn and kneel. Another Nekana pushes her way into the small room, the twins shuffling out and taking a knee again. A brown furred Nekana with short chopped hair and white splotches takes the twins place, frowning at the assembly of outsiders. Clad in heavily modified Jonin armor cut to leave her midriff exposed. At the small of her back, two short Nekana blades are sheathed in ornate scabbards, and small belts of kunai are scattered all across her outfit. Most surprisingly is a holster at her hip, carrying a dull grey revolver.

She crosses her arms, giving Kyrie a sneer. "Hello, Kitten. It's been a while, hmm?"

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Oleai » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:28 pm

"Did.. did you grow up here, Kyrie? I thought this was just some town." Oleai rubbed her head, defiance subsiding in the face of some intimidating Nekana in fancy armor.

Why would the doctor just walk off? Was this more trouble? Look at that, Oleai is learning to be cautious.

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Re: Null's Game

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:46 pm

Though she'd been expecting this meeting, at seeing Yandice Kyrie still finds herself hit with a flash of nerves that sends her back to her childhood, time after time when Yandice had the better of her, never failing to remind Kyrie of her place. Even if it's been years since the last, she's heard enough story and rumor since to be under no illusion of that having changed any time recently.

Ears flat, she bows her head with the twins as Yandice makes her way inside, her tone as respectful as she can manage in her current condition. "It has, Daimyo. And we were simply...reminiscing. It has been some time since I'd seen your sisters as well."

After a brief pause for breath, she continues in her own tongue, hoping at least to avoid another obvious insult to her companions.

"What has brought you so far from home, Daimyo? Not myself, surely. There are no problems at home, I hope?"

At Oleai's question, she glances to the side, shaking her head. "I grew up in the capital. It seems merely...a pleasant coincidence that we've had this...reunion." Though she hesitates, fearing another comment like Kimiko's, it would be unseemly to not introduce the others now that Oleai's spoken up. She returns her attention to Yandice, raising her head just slightly. "May I introduce my traveling companions, Daimyo...Oleai of the Plainsrunners, Rasmus of the Snow Elves, and Triya of Partia."


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