Kirby Academy for the Gifted

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:06 pm

As the environs return to normal, so does Lucja, quickly getting her orientation back as she sits up, settling herself. "Agh...what was that?" She gets back to standing fairly smoothly, as if nothing was wrong, giving Panoram a befuddled glance. "Was that...oh, that's your power, huh? That was...weird. I don't even know what it felt like."

"Hey, where'd Charcoal go?" Once she has her bearings back, she glances around, just catching sight of Abrams hauling her down the corridor; if she holds any ill will towards Panoram, she doesn't show it, instead just glaring off in her general direction. "Ugh, she's a jerk. She's totally gonna be a supervillain, I bet. Are you okay, Panoram?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Oleai » Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:42 pm

> - WARNING Sensory Input Compromised
> Adjusting.. Correcting..

Bluebird had stepped further into the room before the small tussle broke out, and Panoram's use of his powers during the struggle had set her sensors a little wonky - receiving the same muted sound and distorted vision any other might. Her sensors were made to replicate human experience afterall; just augmented. The processors in her mind devoted to these augmentations working lightning fast to reinterpret the distorted audio and video into something resembling normal.

This only had to last a moment though, as Panoram's powers subsided and Astella was once more temporarily blinded as the auto-correction needed to be reversed. (It seems her weakness would be rapidly fluctuating audio and video distortions.) Something Bluebird was well aware of, but could do nothing to correct with the technology on hand.

"I imagine he's fine, Lucja. They are his abilities, afterall." With Abrams gone along with the riffraff, it was time to get into some productive trouble - she thought.

> Scanning...

She took a quick scan of the room, perhaps seeing through camouflage? If she could spot Drow or not, her next words were the same and directed at everyone in the room. "Care to join me for a little exploration?" No sense not to bring the others along, should they be caught again they would be harder to contain or harm. Moreover, if this 'Riot' thing was some hostile entity outside the Faculty's control - she certainly did not want to be alone when she discovered it.

With the offer out, anyone who made themselves known and followed would get to watch Bluebird in her purple-ish powerarmor step back into the dark of the hall and set off.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:45 am

"Yeah, I g-" Something finally clicks for her as her eyes widen, and she looks between the students gathered about "Hey, wh-...I never'd you guys know my name?" She actually looks a slight bit panicked as she glances between Bluebird and Panoram, eyes wide. "Did I slip? I was trying to be so careful! Agh..."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:15 am

"You.. it was still a secret?"

Panoram's brow quirked as he thought.

"You said it during the assembly when you came in late, and then you said it again when you were introducing yourself to Bluebird in the breakfast line. But.. I don't know if you said it any more than those times. ..So, uh. Sorry, Pryzmat."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:46 am

"...I did?" She cringes, turning slightly red. "I didn't even notice...I thought I was being so careful too! Ugh. This's harder than I thought it'd be. And the whole school probably heard me too..." She sets off after Bluebird, not wanting to get left too far behind, looking to both of them on the way. " you think they'll forget?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Talen Lee » Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:27 pm

A page turned. A twitched hand. Karif shifted slightly against the sofa, listening as much as watching. No pencil, so no notes this time. Everyone was... uncautious. It made sense, most of them had had powers thrust upon them recently, and only just were grappling with that responsibility, right?

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby AlwaysAPrice » Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:09 am

They manipulated light. Alan felt more in control of that particular situation once he understood what exactly it was the Drow part of him curdled at. While it would be infuriating to the thing inside of him, any damage they might do would just cause it to flee into wherever it hid inside of him and leave him himself again. Which, sure, could be bad if for some reason he had to fight them, but neither of them seemed the type to pick a fight. The boy in particular seemed like he might even be useful if he was the one responsible for the light fluctuation - Pryzmat likely wasn't behind that effect given how much it seemed to shake her up.

Depending on Bluebird's available modes of vision, he might have been entirely visible to her - the Drow's camouflage depending on both psychic and chameleonic components, it would have likely been an incomplete disguise from someone whose eyes could analyze a scene in any way beyond normal human vision. It didn't even occur to him that he might have been seen, but he still stepped away from the wall, a moving cutout of it for an instant before his skin and clothes snapped to their natural colors -- well, the clothes did, his skin remained Drow's coal black and his hair and eyes silver. "Yeah, I'm coming with you and your arm."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:44 am

The group of young Metas, now reunited (and feeling so good) begins to explore the halls. Every so often, they come across someone else doing the same, or a group going from point A to B, or what seems to just be a student out for a midnight snack. But as they walk, and it gets a little later, the halls become more and more deserted.

It's a little past 1 AM when it begins. The group, walking alone down a quiet, deserted hallway, feels a sudden chill in the air. The lights flicker, and there's a sudden noise on the air. Just the feintest, most distant whisper.

"Vocos..." The voice whispers, before it begins to grow angry. "Gl'v'croq-rou...Wruph'qoxx..." It says, volume rising, before finally it asserts in a loud whisper...


Bluebird: Translation available:

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Oleai » Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:37 am

Bluebird's vision was independent of the remaining meat of her brain, rendering it immune to flat psychic illusion. The bending of light may fool her censors for a while, but the distortion would appear on scanners if she studied a scene long enough. Even still, she had the courtesy not to point at Drow shouting his name, or even call attention to the boy before he did so himself. He might have seen her iris' clearly focused on him for a few moments, though. "You did." Bluebird said tersely, "Astella was my name." She reminded, or admit, depending on who was playing audience.

Out into the halls they went! Bluebird's scanners zeroing in on every student, camera, ventilation duct and locker. Creating a three dimensional map and guidance system in her head. This school would be like the back of her hand in no time, if she had anything to say about it.


> Translation Software Engaged..
> Language Unknown..
> Access Kirby Academy Lexicon...
> Match Found.
> Output: "Shame.."

"Shame..." Astella echoed, in a low voice. Translating for her company. The ominous tone and lack of clear speaker had the cannon on Bluebird's left arm spinning up already.

> Output: "Dishonor.. Torment..."

"Dishonor... Torment.." Her face went emotionless, reverse CPUs switching off emotion simulation in favor of faster computations for the sensors. Her scanners running wild to trace every errant fluctuation on every frequency.

No such thing as ghosts.. No such thing as ghosts..


> Output: "DIE!"
> High Alert Engaged!

"... DIE!" Astella translated the last quietly shouted whisper with a bit more volume than the speaker itself. The cannon on her arm whirring loudly as it retained a charge, ready to blast a pulse at the first thing that came into sight.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:32 am

Jeremy, on the other hand, did not wait for the threat to become apparent. As he gave a frightened cry and rose his arms defensively, the light again bends, but this time, it's accompanied by heat that leaves the ceiling tiles and flooring just ahead of them seared and a loud screech much like the sound of twisting metal. In an instant, it's gone, and Jeremy is running in the opposite direction, leaving behind the group and whatever hope they had of not raising an alarm.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby AlwaysAPrice » Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:39 am

"Fuck this I'm out." Drow spun around on one heel and headed right back the way they came.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:16 pm

The bulbs flicker again, and suddenly increase in brightness...Before exploding with a quick series of loud pops!

Great. Now the group's stuck in a long stretch of pitch black hallway. Good thing there's two light manipulators.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:46 pm

Lucja was quick to follow after Drow when the lights exploded, shuddering and going pale at Bluebird's translation. She lets out a slight shriek as the bulbs above blow out, and quickly conjures a small glowing orb in one hand, freezing now with her back to the wall and peering down either direction back and forth for any sign of the ghosts she's by this point certain are about to strike.

"What was...Bluebird, do you see anything? Can...can you see invisible ghosts?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Oleai » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:17 pm

"I'm scanning everything I can.." Bluebird spoke quickly and concisely. The voice module didn't allow for a tremble in her voice, but it certainly should be there. She kindof wished it was.

Her scanners, and eyes, never left the dark at the end of the hallway, cannon spun up and ready. She calls back without looking, "Did those two seriously run away?!"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby AlwaysAPrice » Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:29 pm

Drow had not. His departure was already calmer than Jeremy's bolting, and was decided by irritation with the mounting levels of weirdness in this place rather than actual fear. He'd set off determined to find his way back to his room, pack his stuff, get some sleep, and figure out how to leave in the morning, but then the lights burst and plunged the area into darkness. Drow was overtaken with an empowering sense of being at ease, in his natural element in the pitch blackness as Drow as he ever used to be in the water as Alan before his symbiote showed up. When Lucja conjured her little orb of light, he looked back and reflexively sneered, then crossed the hall to avoid the radius of its glow, becoming just two specks of silver floating at eye level and reflecting the glow.

"I'm still here - the dark's kind of comforting." Drow looked up and down the hallway for any sign of...well, anything. He didn't actually know what kind of weird stuff, if any, his symbiote might be able to detect if it wasn't attacking him directly. "...literally, I mean. Not in an emo kid way."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:53 pm

Jeremy, on the other hand, had dashed off at a full sprint. When the lights suddenly went out, he was already out of earshot of the rest of the group. He stopped, not so much out of a desire to get back to the group as for a chance to catch his breath and avoid running into anything in the darkness.

"H-hello?" he asked the darkness with a quavering voice. Unsurprisingly, nobody had appeared nearby since the lights went out.

'What would dad do?'

Panoram tried to focus his ability. The light, what little there was, and noise began to bend around him as he tried to gather enough to see by. A deep sort of warbling noise came with the effort, and after a few seconds, he had gathered enough light to dimly illuminate his immediate surroundings. Then his concentration broke and it all disappeared. An exclamation of disappointment soon followed.

Jeremy reached out and fumbled in the dark until he found the wall, then slowly began following it in the direction he had been running before. The others could be brave; he was going to find help.

Several feet on, he noticed dim light coming from beneath a door. Another glance back from the way he came revealed nothing. Jeremy approached the door and, after a moment's indecision, timidly knocked on the door.. which Panoram quickly followed up with a knock that might actually be audible.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:17 am

Jeremy knocks on the door...And finds that nobody is answering it.

Back with the braver side of the group, Bluebird's scanners keep track of the far end of the hall, and every so often, detect a spike of electromagnetic activity in the air.

...Just like a ghost.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:38 am

Panoram waits until he's certain nobody is coming, gives it a frown, and then tries opening the door.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:42 pm

And behind the door is a faint violet fog, spread all across the room. It gives a gentle glow, rising and descending softly, like particles of dust reflected in a sunbeam. Then, mere seconds after the door creaks open, it starts to collapse on itself. The mist grows thicker and denser as it comes together, no longer filling its space, stretching and pulling until it's nearly the same height as Jeremy. Its features grow more human, sprouting a pair of arms and legs and a vaguely human head. The first thing to grow on its face is a thin lipped smile, and, still eyeless, it grins broadly at him.

"Hello!" it chirps, its voice high and feminine. "It's been a long time since anyone's come down here!"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:54 pm

"Wh-wh-wha?" Jeremy gaped at the strange.. thing that had appeared in front of him, likely longer than was polite. Fortunately, he managed to regain his composure. A brief glance back into the dark hallway convinced him that yes, this was potentially a better alternative.

"H-hi, I-I'm.. Panoram," Jeremy stuttered while wearing a quickly faltering smile.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:57 pm

Everyone Else:

Hey, look! There's a light down the hall where Jeremy ran off to!

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:49 pm

Once Jeremy goes silent, the thing stops its transformation, and its smile vanishes as the mist becomes completely still. Then, when he smiles back, its broad grin returns... followed by a button nose and a pair of vaguely defined eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, Panoram!" It pauses to give a shake of its head, signaling the growth of hair... or the silhouette of hair, at least. "My name's Ama-I mean, my codename is Neon. Blue Neon!"

Ignore the fact that the mist girl is not, in fact, blue.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:02 pm

Lucja glances over with a jump and a gasp, surprised that Drow had stuck around, still gazing about for some ghost or something to jump out at them. "Um...oh...okay...but I think Panoram did still. Should we should try and go after him? Just in case?" Any number of horror movies come to mind; at first she thought he might've had the right idea, but now she can't help but worry for whatever might be going after him now.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:28 am

The color was not something that escaped Panoram's attention. For a moment, he stared into the violet mist. He had hoped to escape from the ghost and get to safety, but something was telling him this was not the place to find it. Despite that feeling, it seemed unwise to simply run away.. this time.

"A-are you a, uhm.. a student here?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:42 pm

"Oh, about a year now," she says, just as chipper as ever. "Though, I wouldn't call myself a student... I mean, it's not like it was much of a school til just now. And you need a school to be a student, right?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby AlwaysAPrice » Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:52 am

Drow glanced in the way Jeremy had run at Lucja's question. "Looks like a door's open down there, maybe he found something. Or something found him. I'm gonna keep going, I want to see who's trying to screw with us." By this point, Drow had remembered where they were and realized how probable it was that it was probably just one or two other students messing around with voice-throwing and glass-breaking powers. Maybe some kind of freaky sonic-powered bat-child.

Though... "Hey, what the hell language was that, anyway?" Drow mused out of the darkness in Bluebird's direction, as he made his way further down the hall towards the weird EMF activity he wasn't aware of.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:43 pm

"Not.. much of a school til now?"

The room, despite its light, was no longer looking like a possible safe place, on account of its strange occupant. Jeremy was wishing that he was even back with the others again, even if they were possibly dealing with a ghost at that very moment.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:37 pm

"...we should follow after him, Bluebird! We can't let Panoram stay alone right now, not with all this and all..." Lucja stares after Drow, frowning as she keeps a grip on the ball of light. While she's eager to head after Drow, she's not splitting away from the giant battle robot in a situation like this.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Oleai » Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:42 pm

Bluebird wasn't so much a battle robot as simply a cyborg who now more looked the part.

She lowered her arm, giving a nod to the two as she started off toward the activity, "There is some anomaly down here, so stay on guard. Also, the school provided me with a lexicon of languages for my translator. I'll need to doublecheck which one was used later, I don't want to peel apart my console to see just now. We are hunting a ghost afterall." She joked, trying to sound sure she was above the situation or had a handle on it.

She didn't.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:51 pm

"Oh, more like a camp..." she says, putting her finger (oh, hey, she has fingers now!) against her chin. Now that her face is more developed, he might notice that her chin is rather pointed, in contrast to her rounded cheeks. Its kind of like someone stuffed a turnip in a wig and stapled some gauze to it.

"You know, a camp for people like us! Well, not like you, I would have seen you around ages ago, but - well, for people who still need to get the hang of their powers and stuff."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:42 am

Bluebird doesn't manage to take two steps forward before there's another awful wailing noise...And a loud banging. Suddenly, electricity is sparking off the floor ahead, bouncing across the hall and climbing up the walls. It seems to be a steady current, but it's several feet long down the corridor...They could try to jump it, but it's probably pretty risky. The safer option would be to turn around--Coincidentally, back the way Jeremy ran!

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:36 am

"I-I still need to get a hold of my.. my powers and stuff," is all Jeremy has to say in reply, still torn between running and not running quite so soon.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby AlwaysAPrice » Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:49 am

Drow's curious stroll, which was developing into more of a prowl, or even slink, with every step, was immediately arrested by the high voltage display sparking in the darkness ahead of them.

"Ooooon second thought."

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:36 pm

"Well," she says, just as chipper as ever, "This is just the place for you! I mean, look at me. Just a couple months ago, you wouldn't know the difference between me and a pixie fart! I just wasn't so good at holding my shape, you know? But now, I can do this"

And with that, the vaguely girl-shaped fog turns into actual fog-shaped fog, losing her form and melting back into vapor. The purple mist slides low to floor, spreading itself thin, and swiftly slides out of the doorway and into the hall.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:12 am

The group, dissuaded by the electricity surging through the section of floor, turn around! ...Only to find a purple cloud floating towards them. A purple cloud with a girl's face. And an oddly pointed nose. The lights flicker again, though don't turn back on fully. There's more...Shrieking. Though the more they hear it, the more it sounds more like a kid throwing a tantrum than any sort of apparition.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:22 pm

This was...not at all what Lucja expected to see here. At first she simply silently blinks at the cloud; it's startling, but far less frightening than what'd been running through her mind. Once her thoughts catch up with her, she speaks up hesitantly, still keeping her distance a bit.

" Are student here?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Visavis » Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:52 pm

After the initial surprise at having the mist girl slip past him, Jeremy stares off down the hall where she went, and then at the newly unoccupied room. He glances down the hall once more as the shrieking picks up and.. slips into the unoccupied room and quietly closes the door behind him.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:24 am

Jeremy finds a well lit stairway. Leading down. It's like any other school stairway- A little chilly, concrete floors and walls, more than a bit of an echo and metal pipe railing to prevent falling. Yes, this was worth sneaking into.

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby NebulaQueen » Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:04 pm

"I sure am!" she says, as proud as ever. "One super heroine in the making, right before your eyes! And...heeey, wait a minute."

She crosses her arms (or rather, a vague approximation of arms) and continues, "I never asked - what're you guys doing down here, anyway? You're not just visiting little old me, are you?"

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Re: Kirby Academy for the Gifted

Postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:15 pm

"Uh...we were exploring the school, about you?" Now that she knows it's not really a ghost, Lucja quickly relaxes, smiling a bit even at this new encounter. "Oh!'s your name? I'm Pryzmat! Have you been going to the school long or are you new too?"


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