by Idran1701 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:38 pm
Though she'd been watching it here and there while the horses were stabled, Kyrie too starts from the sudden caw of the bird, scowling at it as it flies off to wherever bladehawks go. At Oleai's question, she glances over, shrugging. "Who knows. I'm just glad the thing's gone, finally. It was getting a bit eerie."
At her comment, Kyrie looks a bit confused. "...all right? You want me to remind you, then, or...?" And before Oleai can respond, she's caught up in the snowball fight, as Kyrie continues to look on in befuddlement. With a slight sigh, she leaves the war behind, forcing Oleai to fend for herself as she heads back into the warmth of the stables, looking to the rest of the group still around.
"Next would be finding a place to stay, I suppose, but once we do that we should start asking around. Looking if there've been any signs of Null agents nearby. I'm not entirely sure yet what we should check for, besides just asking about someone using the name. But I bet they've heard about us by now, and they might not be using that name anymore. Garpaath doesn't tend to get a lot of traffic, so maybe just ask about any other travelers that have been down this way recently? But if you have any oth-"
Interrupted, she lets out a strangled cry, hissing and freezing in place with a wince as a snowball smacks the back of her head.