White Machine

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:05 am

Since the tasks begun, the Septumvirate had been maintaining itself within the Dragon Array, the computing center of the worldship donated from its own connection: a spherical chamber precisely 57 meters across, fore-center of the ship. And hovering throughout the chamber, the objects that grant it its name. Artisan-crafted sculptures of various draconic beings carved from a ceramic/metal hybrid alloy, eyes studded with oval-cut diamonds that flicker with light across the spectrum. The statuary maintains itself in perfect position relative to the Worldship, spaced every 2 feet and filling the chamber but for a small passage from door to center. Here, the ship gravity doesn't take hold; a special request from the Septumvirate to ensure proper functioning. Between the myriad of statues, beams of lights flash and flicker from eye to eye like neurons of a giant brain, using some arcane process to manifest the computations necessary for the great vessel. Here is the place within the ship that the Septumvirate calls home, having little care for material goods - what little it has kept for sentimentality, it's merely consigned to a private vault within the storehouses.

Merely a fraction of the Array once held deep in the fathoms of its secluded island, it has taken much time and effort to properly adjust it both for its lessened size and its new role. The Septumvirate hasn't yet found that nature that will provide optimum computational power, but it's quite closer, the slowly increased power and speed likely noticed by the Attendant during its own work. His work is halted temporarily, though, at the sound of the communication echoing across the sphere. It keeps silent, first utilizing the Dragon Array to enhance its own capabilities of sense in an attempt at deriving what it can of the disturbance on the surface.

(Not rolling yet since I'm not sure if the Dragon Array actually would provide any mechanical effect here; wanted to check that first)

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:15 am

The sensation began as a distant and dull ache, indistinguishable from the weariness that permeated its existence. As it sharpened, however, the Exemplar found itself stirred from its torpor. The systems of the Hall had detected promise in the words of the Attendant and now forced its sole resident to awaken. A sharp pain stabbed at its mind, forcing it from the dreamless sleep it had been submersed in. The warrior entity spilled from the rejuvenation tube, armour clattering on the floor as it struggled to rise as the great champions of ages past stared down at it, their features grave and unmoving. A threat had been detected and the Exemplar had been withdrawn for too long.

It regained its footing, recovered its shock lance and went searching for answers, the tantalising promise of combat giving it the strength to seek them.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:13 pm

"Trivial" was not something the Bargainer worried about; he had cronies for that. And "unpredictable" was not his favorite descriptor. Under normal circumstances, he would kick back and allow more traditional methods to play out.

But he knew the Septumvirate would gravitate towards anything "unpredictable," and when the Pontifex indicated interest the Bargainer knew this would be something to see, and it would be best that he involve himself.

Not bothering to announce his intent over the comms, instead preferring the impact of simply being there, the Bargainer set down the tome he was reading on a table in his main room, dressed himself in a sort of smart diplomatic attire, and set out to apply his Jack-of-all-trades skills to whatever trivial-or-terrible event had befallen their vessel.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:17 am

It took little effort for the Septumvirate to direct the prognosticative powers towards the task. Currents of data swirled into patterns that encircled all possible reasons for the disturbance, seeking to deduce the cause. The notions held within the light-being closest describable as a 'heart' would've leapt-- despite the answer not being found. There was simply too much data to reach a meaningful answer. Active sensors were blinded, deafened, and seared by the source of the anomaly. This was a dream come true-- even the wrapping it came in was a delicious mystery!

Those travelling topside, the Bargainer and the Exemplar, found themselves slipping up the same set of stairs. Two beings tend to know the goal of the other when it is their own. Thuswise, the two found themselves ascending step after step together, with that knowledge.

The Attendant replied to the Pontifex's question in a manner that could be construed as honest concern, or pure snark, or something else: "If there is something built into the Worldship that could address this, you of all should know. The expectation of such a thing indicates that you believe it to be the optimal state of being, and, well, if that's the case, you and your...followers should really bring things up to standard, right?"

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:39 am

Ah, the suit of armor again. They'd met before, howsoever briefly, on the threshold of the Worldship as existence concluded, but had not exchanged words, and the Bargainer knew it wasn't solely due to his poor athleticism.

He expected this meeting to go similarly. Dressed in full battle gear, such a being would either find conversation appalling--leaving the Bargainer a perfect opportunity to put himself in one of the least favorable positions possible--or would consider itself something of a superior generally--in which case the Bargainer had best let it speak first, and in its own time. For his part currently, he matched the Exemplar's pace and position in silence, careful not to pass him by any margin as a display of respect.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:54 pm

Though quite certainly excited at the mysterious occurance just beyond the hull, the Septumvirate knows that this is a situation for which rushing would only lead to danger and perhaps even dissolution. The first step before determining more on this phenomenon must be finding a way to attenuate the data, cull the chaff and leave only the important aspects of its being for analysis. But how can one determine how to restrict the data from something so rich with information that it cannot even tell if it is matter, energy, or another form of existence entirely?

Perhaps its first thoughts were not as hasty as it had considered. Material probes, not for the sake of collecting data directly, but merely to determine the effect this disturbance has on various forms of matter. The Worldship must have means by which material shells can be projected into this object. In fact...this, humorously enough, seems to be precisely the area of expertise the Exemplar encompasses. It should, and shall, seek out that being, ask what means it would have to accomplish such a task. And then, depending on the end results, more research may be accomplished.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:07 am

The Bargainer was astute, not that the Exemplar would appreciate such a trait. It barely acknowledged him as it climbed the stairwell, the time between each clattering footfalls diminishing as purpose, however vague, granted it vigour. It only spoke as its pace steadied, the visored helm staring ahead and upwards.

"What is known of the threat?" it asked, its tone urgent.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:17 am

"Too much, and yet almost nothing."

The Septumvirate emerges from the wall beside the two, its body saturated with blues and yellows as it appraises the two fellow expatriates. "And yet, this conundrum is one which I think you may be best suited for resolving, Exemplar. This anomaly is utterly saturated with information, quite dangerously so in fact. I require, then, some form of device that could project a device to collect deeper knowledge, allowing it to pass through this unknown and be collected again beyond. As that with the most knowledge of weaponry amongst our guests, I was of a mind that this was something your prodigous skills could be bent towards. Have you a mind for how this could be accomplished?"

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:51 am

The group emerged topside, cresting a ring of grey stone which marked the entryway downwards into the ship. These portals dotted the landscape, every few miles- some small, for the circulation of light and vital gasses (both purified by internal workings of the ship, thanks Attendant!), while some were large, much like the loading bays, for heavy duty use. Omniscript chiselled into the ring of stone denoted this one's location: an hour or two South of Surtr's encampment. These details were almost certainly submerged to the sheer amount of visual data brought on by the view.


The Worldship's axis was skewed, obviously, as whatever fault the anomaly caused had prevented it from fully righting itself. Morning was breaking, to the right, at a jaunty angle. There was snow, spreading out to the horizon, which was washed in the colors and the light of day: something that would not have been possible in all of the aeons the old world had existed. But to the North West, some miles to the left of Surtr's domain, was something odd- something that had all the appearance of being a second rise of dawn.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:12 am

The Exemplar had turned with a clatter of armour as the Septumvirate emerged. The being and its words were of little interest to it, though the warrior managed to gleam the essence what it said. It wanted to fire something to gather information. It struggled with the concept. Distorted memories of a bygone age where conflict had been less refined, less pure, began to surface, drawing out a snarl of displeasure from the entity recalling them. What it saw as they stepped onto the hull of the ship gave it pause. The Exemplar simply did not know how to react. So it stood there in silence, attempting to gain an understanding of what it had been confronted with.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:10 pm

The Pontifex ignored the snark it received as it ascended, or descended depended on how you perceived things, to the others. It joined them solemnly, dressed in a fabric woven this time from a single, simple cloth. Still, no features were discernible but for the vaguely humanoid shape underneath the cloth, and the thin, pale fingers that grasped the railing of the stairwell as it ascended smoothly upwards. Its one servant went after, a woman of early age now that she wasn't wearing the covering outfit she'd been donning during the ceremony. Her pale flesh was as white and pure as snow and her eyes as vast and black as the deepest ocean. Her lips were dark, cold blue, like the look of the ocean as you sail across it. She gave the others in the party the occasional glances, but said nothing.

As they reached the outside of the World the Pontifex froze for a brief moment, observing it seems the surroundings before it moved to position itself at the back of the party.

"These twin suns are the fault of whatever is affecting the ship," the woman sang suddenly, her voice light and vibrant, "the fault is not in the architecture. This is known to the Pontifex."

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:55 pm

"Indeed, I would agree with your determination, Pontifex." At the surface of the ship, the Septumvirate takes in the surrounding visions with glee apparent in its voice. "And isn't it simply amazing? I must admit, I cannot help but imagine just what the nature of this anomaly might be." Noting the Exemplar's discomfort, it makes an attempt to get his mind refocused on more important concerns. "Exemplar, have you yet considered the nature of my request? The sight which surrounds us, it must be understood. There is no question to that."

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:47 pm

The sight was magnificent to behold, the collection of forces gathered together here in such pristine condition despite the purported erroneous nature of the circumstances. Never again would there be a moment like this one, this introduction to forces yet unknown, gathering at the cusp of this novel chaos. The skylights were pretty, too, he supposed.

The Bargainer had little to say in these matters, and merely knitted his brow, holding a hand to his chin in consideration. The upcoming moments would prove most enlightening, or perhaps calamitous, and he dared not ruin the moment with small talk.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:32 am

A growing wind was at their backs. With the apparent anomalous source in their sights, it seemed to be an encouraging gesture. It would be hard to say what the correct course of action would be, given that the very cause of their inquiry was, by definition, unknown. The mystery-light was not wavering from its position, and would, within a few hours, be rendered invisible by the spreading line of dawn.

It was a testament to the Worldship's mostly-complete activation that time was happening.

And, as natural, it had quickly re-asserted itself as a pressure upon one's actions.

(There are a few obvious choices for how to proceed, either heading directly to it, swinging by Surtr's encampment for assistance, or Septy's scheme of analyzing it from a safe distance.)

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:39 pm

The Pontifex swayed silently to and fro, having no interest to conduct any investigation into the matter unless someone else took point. Tiny bells in their clothes chimed softly as the wind pulled them from their dressing and they slowly turned to consider the others.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:54 pm

"A suitable weapon lies within The Hall of Champions." The Examplar announced, its words slow and carefully considered. "Reconnaissance is not its intended purpose," it noted with a hint of spite, "though it was designed to cast whatever munitions the wielded possessed. You will need to engineer your own projectile."

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:14 pm

"Excellent!" With a cheery tone, completely ignoring the Exemplar's own, the Septumvirate keeps its attention on the point of light for now. "And I am certain that amongst our eclectic group here, we must have the means to do so between us. Are there any requirements for this projectile that need be maintained, Exemplar? Any specifics which must me kept in mind before we proceed towards construction?" And as it inquires, it searches its mind for knowledge of the manufacturing capabilities of the Worldship, where might be the location best suited for the design of the necessary probe.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:36 pm

Ah, there was the noise. The special melodic cadence of a being who wanted. It was a little risky, being at the threshold of whatever this mad twist of reality was, but the added uncertainty only made it that much more appetizing. The Bargainer refrained from even inwardly wondering what could possibly go wrong.

"How likely do you think it is," the Bargainer asked the Attendant, "that this anomaly has brought about new, fully formed life?" A proper score cannot be played without an overture, after all...

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:40 am

The Exemplar dredged up more memories. A few related to the weapon. The rest concerned the concept of a team. It was something it had rediscovered when the world ended, but now it had to deal with what it implied for their "eclectic group" outside of combat.

"It is a bolt caster. It casts bolts." It ran a gauntlet along the opposing forearm. "Fashion the warhead as you wish, but make the bolt that long."

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:45 am

"Whatever is encountered," the girl said in her sing-song voice, "The Pontifex shall tolerate no threat to this expedition. Should it come to it, The Pontifex shall teach them the eight sacred paths of suffering."

Whether or not the Pontifex intended to make good on its threat, the air turned just a slight bit colder, no, clammier, as if cool moisture had enveloped them.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:50 am

The Septumvirate knew there were foundries, deep in the Worldship, capable of fabricating most tangible objects. The being was not familiar with their use, beyond theory, and materials would be needed, and time was slipping. There would hardly be time enough for the bolt caster itself to be retrieved. Thoughts would need to be applied in other directions for a solution to be found.

There was a tugging at The Pontifex's inner perceptions. Over the horizon, with the light flowing across that hill, there was something incomplete. Something bad and wrong. It was not a corruption of anything, nor was it a recognizable and primal threat. It was something else entirely, and the precarious nature of the scenario made this ten times as dire.

The Bargainer intuited the situation well enough. There was a need that needed to be fulfilled. That anomaly needed testing, that test required the instrument, and the instrument required a special sort of 'bolt'. The demand had been supplied. Now to test its elasticity.

(The anomaly proper needs to be Approached, Located, and Dealth With. As it stands it is only detected by those with special senses, and only because it is a sort of 'void'. You guys have about two in game hours before it will become much harder to find, as it will be drowned out by the light of daycycle. It will take an hour for someone to walk to the Hall of Champions and return with the bolt caster. It will take about an hour to walk to the area of the anomaly. TICK TOCK!!)

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:06 pm

The Septumvirate appraises the distances involved, the times, and comes to an entirely unacceptable conclusion. "Hmph. This method may be less effective than I initially assumed. I doubt there will be sufficient time to craft the required ammunition for this purpose...unless. Bargainer, I believe I have an offer to propose. You do have powers of manifestation associated with your role, after all, correct?"

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:02 am

"We shall approach, and we shall see to this anomality." The Pontifex and its servant made to move, drifting across the surface to whatever the strange thing was. "Procure your 'boltcaster' if you need it, we have ways to deal with this menace that require no tools."

And so both Pontifex and servant moved away from the rest of the group towards whatever was causing this strangeness.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:29 am

The Exemplar followed after the Pontifex, reading hostility in its intentions. That vague promise was more than enough motivation.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:43 pm

The call to sales was made, but the source was unexpected. "Such a vulgar term, 'manifestation.' But I can get you what you need."

He'd overestimated the suit of armor, probably. He'd assumed the emphasis on classifying his bolt caster as a "weapon" indicated a warrior-race origin where the spilling of blood was the greatest of glories, a violence-as-worship nature. But it didn't respond to the possibility of living beings to extinguish at the site of the anomaly! He was sure that would get some sort of....well, anything at all, from the armor. Perhaps he was from a civilization more reverent of weapons than eager to use them; the sort where the childhood parables' morals fall--well, fell--along the lines of "make sure you always wipe the blood from your sword." A culture of respect--though respect for metal over flesh.

He would have to watch carefully. Such mistakes in judgement had proven costly in the past.

His attention snapped back to the Septumvirate, and he wondered briefly whether this being who he'd assumed he'd sized up comprehensively fairly early on might hold some similar surprise. He put such concerns out of his mind--no use worrying further about such conjectures for the moment; there was business to take care of, and rules to set. "I should make it clear that the price is non-negotiable, though not all sales are as final as Tosh's. I can assure you will get what you pay for," he added, somewhat presumptively, and rather backwards.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:48 pm

Septumvirate's colors churn as it simultaneously watches the Bargainer and makes every attempt at inspecting the anomaly from this distance; doomed to failure, to be sure, but it cannot be helped. "Yes, certainly. I expected as much. And what would the price in question be for this request?"

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:27 am

"Now, now. You haven't even told me what you want to buy." The Bargainer touched a white finger to his nose. "And all you need to know is what I told you before--that you pay for what you get."

This was an unfortunate situation. A buyer with sufficient power to have enough comfort to walk away from the purchase was bad enough, but these situations of sudden desperation were the worst. Such arrangements were the snack foods of marketsmanship: dry, unfulfilling, insubstantive--strictly speaking enough to get by on, but not satisfying in any meaningful way. No doubt the Septumvirate would pick up on even his suppressed expressions of his resentment of having to pick up the dregs of dealership.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:47 am

"Ah, of course, my apologies. I desire an object capable of being propelled by this 'bolt caster' of the Exemplar, outfitted with technologies of all sorts that would allow it to collect information on the nature and being of the anomaly there. I can elaborate if need be?" A roil of color, and a vague tone of amusement. "I am unsure as to the specific nature of these deals of yours, but I do hope this level of specificity is sufficient."

There's a moment of quiet, as the Septumvirate once more briefly turns its notice to the anomaly, before it directs its attentions back to the Bargainer. "And of course, depending on my satisfaction with this purchase, I may be more willing to consider future transactions. There are a number of projects I have thought on, but have lacked for resources by which to implement their study, and your skills may be quite the apt solution for this conundrum as well."

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:22 am

The Bargainer stretched his neck a little, recomposing himself. It was clear the Septumvirate was on to him, and he couldn't allow further insights so cavalierly. A moment's breath, and the path was clear: the point of sale had been reached.

"I think you will be pleased with your purchase. The essence lies in the intent, to be frank you could have told me in any of a thousand tongues beyond my comprehension and still find your quarry. The magic lies in the asking." The Bargainer's eyes glazed over for a moment as he prayed, or communed, or imagined, or somethinged with whatever entity it was that had more direct power over "inventory" than the Bargainer. It certainly knew that an order was in without him "telling" it so, but there were formalities about these things.

In a moment, he knew. The Septumvirate had already implied agreement to the deal, and in his experience that was enough to close a sale. Forsaking the showmanship of the line and the snap, the Bargainer held out his open palm, and awaited the impending arrival of the Septumvirate's munition-probe.

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Re: White Machine, as run by a literal piece of garbage

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat May 19, 2012 10:13 pm

The Bargainer didn't feel the usual responsiveness from his powers. There was a slight lag-- a sudden tenseness-- before the transaction occurred. From over the mountains came an invisible line of force, passing over the head of the Pontifex literally and the Exemplar's figuratively. It terminated in the palm of the Bargainer's hand, as a grey metallic cylinder was conjured. The Septumvirate couldn't help but feel something akin to buyer's remorse-- even without being fired, the weapon had served its purpose as a probe. The anomaly had something to do with the gleaming leyline that was once the world they'd seen destroyed. And this diamantine tipped clot of alloys had just been plucked from it. Even with their amazing plan ruined, and a strange sense of loss spreading through their minds, this seemed to be an interesting enough development-- and far easier than wrangling that armored one into a fetch quest/exploratory mission. Bargainer was left to see how an immaterial being would accept their purchase.


The Exemplar and the Pontifex trooped ahead, up pebble laced slopes, before cresting a hill and reaching a flat grassy area, swept with wind. The full view of the daycycle's light was coming at them now, as dawn began its ascent. The line of force that had zipped overhead previously was nothing to cause concern to one as well versed in particular arts as the Pontifex, but this was practically a rain of such energies. What's more, they seemed to be distorting reality to a small extent. For instance, a bird that was rapidly phasing through itself.


Even this blatant strangeness was apparent to the Exemplar.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun May 20, 2012 10:21 am

Slender, blueish-white arms rose out from the cloth covering the Pontifex as disembodied chanting began, the Pontifex trying to decipher what matters of magic or other malevolent forces were acting upon the reality of their ship. The girl, the Pontifex's handmaiden for lack of better words, was singing a wordless, hollow hymn along with the chant, swaying back and forth to aid her master in their undertaking.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 20, 2012 9:42 pm

"...Hmm. Now that is interesting, yes. It seems that you have answered my question through the very act of your service, Bargainer." Awash with yellow and blue, it shimmers. "My initial questions are answered already, yet it would not do for me to not honor the deal I have requested. This device may yet come in handy, should similar issues arise."

Surrounded by a nearly-invisible aura of much similarity to the Septumvirate itself, the probe lifts from the Bargainer's hand, drawn into the Septumvirate's form. "Now, I am yet uncertain at this stage of our arrangement. Do I offer a price, or is the degree of your recompense that which you propose? And shall it be made at this very moment?" While it speaks to the Bargainer, it begins further observation, attempting to use the nature of his conversational companion's abilities themselves to determine more of the anomaly, to pinpoint its location and perhaps even find a means by which it can analyze it more directly. Given the idea, it further begins to explore for other signs of their departed leyline, something which could perhaps identify more precisely the nature of this enigma that beseeches it to unravel.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri May 25, 2012 9:39 am

"The price has already been exacted," the Bargainer relates, his mouth twisting into a cryptic smile out of muscle memory more than genuine enjoyment. "Though you may not yet have paid it. I can assure you that the price is, was, and will be fair, when the time to collect comes." The Bargainer, who was accustomed to rather large-scale deals with tyrants and insurgents and egotists, felt this seemed a rather small-change sort of deal. Perhaps the best business introduction, a fitting inaugural purchase in the new fringes of existence.

And what a pleasant development. Not only did the Septumvirate seem to have the proper understanding necessary to remedy the Worldship's developing situation, but it seemed to do so in a manner that piqued his interest in the art of the deal. That could only be good for business. He lowered his outstretched hand to his side, and gazed into the anomaly, wondering, planning--and wondering at how poorly his plans had gone, lately (though not without profit or amusement).

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:32 am

The Exemplar watched the distortions with interest, attempting to discern some pattern to the rays. A focused assault? A detonation of some entropic device? Its mind struggled to put the rising of an unfamiliar sun into terms it could comprehend. It failed swiftly, deciding instead it watched the bird in an attempt to gleam some insight by seeing how the fragile creature dealt with the disruption of its body.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:40 am

The Exemplar leveled its gaze at the bird/s' situation. The bird jittered slowly and fast through the sorts of mundane tasks a bird would take while scavenging for a bug. It simultaneously cocked its head to one side while cocking its head to the other side. It pivoted while standing still. This was unlike the trailer cloaks that obscured the visage of more deceptive warriors, throwing off illusions in their wake- those were just telepegraphic in nature. This was an overlap of two realities. It didn't notice itself enough to become territorial over a mealworm it had chanced upon, and began to eat it from both ends.

The Pontifex's ritual allowed for a state of mind to best absorb the sense data. These energies were overwhelming in their volume, but seemed to be almost entirely benign. No searing bursts of heat, eradicating kinetic forces, or even anything the ears would pick up as noise. Just that shimmering distortion of light focused on that bird/s. And yet those energies couldn't just vanish. Rain seeps to the ocean. The waves overtake the shore. The bird/s consumed an insect now, pecking away at the head and tail. And then a third bird was present, biting away at the center of the mealworm.

The Septumvirate recalled the heading that was recorded earlier, and its relation to the leyline. Indeed, the anomaly's focus was somewhere along that path. The bolt probe's mass had come from that infinitely compressed spit of dead world, and it seemed that it still had some unknown functions. How could The Exemplar and The Pontifex, being bereft of the vast mental capabilities of the lumiform being, already be scouting out the optimal vantage point?

The Bargainer would pick up on the truth that certain desires only lead to more desires-- were this not the case, his line of work would be a relic. Already Septumvirate was working on the next task which very well might require more tools to suss out. When you're holding a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The Bargainer's hammer could theoretically do most things anyone could want. The anomaly looked good.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:25 pm

The Exemplar watched the bird for a few seconds longer. Then it raised its weapon and fired at the puny creature, for once striking out of curiosity rather than bloodthirst.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:08 pm

Curious as to how they'd discovered as much as it so quickly - if indeed they had - the Septumvirate casts its senses off in that direction, speaking to the Bargainer in a tone tinged with distraction. "Excellent. I appreciate the efficiency with which you engage in your transactions, Bargainer. Quite impressive, your performance. We shall speak later on it, perhaps, though for now I am afraid I must direct my attentions to another matter of concern. It is likely to be relevant to these investigations, if they still draw your interest."

At that, the Septumvirate veers away from the Bargainer, drifting towards the two traveling companions gathered in the distance. It notes as the Exemplar levels and fires a firearm at...a very intriguing phenomenon. It stops for a moment, itself also eager to see the result of the action.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:13 am

A thin hiss emits from the throat of the woman servant as the Pontifex pauses in its ritual to observe the effect of massive kinetic energy inserted into the phenomena. It says nothing, but a thought clings to the air like the clammy stench of rotting seaweed, dredging up against the minds of the others. 'Fool', it seems to say, but the Pontifex, nor its servant, has uttered no words.

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Re: White Machine

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:08 pm

The Bargainer looked on, content to let the others wrack their minds for solutions and courses of action. His involvement was inevitable, and he would have the patience to wait his turn.


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