The Planewalkers' Journies

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:27 pm

Salix frowned deeply as the gith retold the story of how he had ended up in the well, welll, not entirely in it, sort of in it, but not, on another plane? Dreamworld, yes, feasible enough, on the planes the will is the strongest force and, hm, will he had, and will creates dreams.

But who don't have dreams?

"Well, whoever it is, I agree with Rosalyn, we should try to find them. If we're lucky, they don't know that we know, and we might catch them off-guard... perhaps we should hear about these... 'navimas' and 'everchanging order' at the guild? Someone might know more about them."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:00 pm

AstralPlane - TorNav'Roc

Aeryv'nir frowns at Kongunvir's query, glancing upwards. "I will, yes. Taking those I can with me. Even now, Claakith senses my presence, and dispatches her knights to attempt my capture; I am far beyond that where she would normally call me for consumption. Those among the gith that wish to join me may, but for you of the Guild, I would suggest returning as soon as possible. Battle will soon come again to this godcorpse should you remain, a battle in which I doubt any of us could triumph. The Stair has not yet regenerated its connection here, I sense; with the destruction here, I cannot say for certain it ever will. But your ally Flea can return you to your home between planes with the gift I've bestowed her."

"Seeking out those that wish to maintain the plague does seem to be a good option, but I would suggest caution. I cannot glean details of them, but that they are very intent and very violent. Should you encounter them, be wary of yourselves."

He turns to the three surviving gith. "Who shall come with me, and who shall not?"

Tonuin'li stands hesitantly, while Jen'lig and Mericass scowl. She speaks up for the both of them, scoffing. "Not a chance. We'll be following them out, finding somewhere safe. You two have fun talking sense into Zerthhounds."

With a nod, Aeryv'nir stands at Tonuin'li's side. "Good luck to you all, then. And to you of the Guild; if I find anything further on this plague, I'll inform you immediately. It threatens us all should it continue unchecked."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:56 am

"That it does." Kongunvir said as he stood, looking to Flea. "Let's see what this gift of yours can do."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:20 pm

Flea purposely flops her hair and rearranges it to cover the side of her face. "Nope."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:26 pm

Astral Plane - TorNav'Roc

"...Eh? Flea, dangerous beings are approaching now." Aeryv'nir frowns with concern. "If your group does not depart, you all will very likely die."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:27 pm

"Oh." Flea says. "Well you should've said something, I'm not a mind reader."

With that she uses her AWESOME NEW POWERS to..make a doorway to the Stairs.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:40 pm

Astral Plane - TorNav'Roc

Flea opens the door to their building with a flare of her temple's gem, but rather than the city beyond, instead the foggy vista of the Stair spans within. Stretching off as ever into the distance, spanning beyond.

And with a slight chuckle, Aeryv'nir offers a smile to the group. "Again, I wish you luck. Farewell, all." With a bit of focus, he and Tonuin'li vanish in a flash of white. And the remainder of the group is now able to return home, on a bit better footing than when they left, and with a few leads that may yet help their goal. After a few days, they return to the headquarters of the Guild, where they're able to speak with Asp on his own mission, and perhaps gather plans for the future.

Okay and the mission is now officially over! Only about a year or so?

Anyway everyone gets 5000 XP, everyone levels. I'll get with people about said level up soon as possible. Next post will be following a timeskip of a few days to a week, depending on what people are doing. Let me know between-mission plans as usual, and after that we'll get to the next one. Post for that shouldn't be after too long.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:52 pm

Infinite Staircase - Planewalkers' Guild Headquarters

The party reconvenes at the staircase, soon encountering Asp, who tells them of his own events; he departed to Arcadia, where he discovered Kilctrik, a formian hive-city under the effects of the end-stage of the plague. Having grown so apathetic that the locks of their underwater dam failed due to lack of the regular maintenance and care they required, a good portion of the city was flooded, with a large number of fatalities. He discovered further that the plague had spread from that city through a portal to Limbo due to an evacuee, the missing queen of the city; it seems that those that carry the plague have the potential of spreading it elsewhere. On Limbo, it even took ahold of the slaadi, rendering even as innately chaotic a race as them slow, lethargic, barely able to even act. The survivors were most all evacuated thanks to Asp's efforts to a nearby village, as few as there were. One, however - an itinerant gnomish ambassador from the pantheon's realm in Bytopia by the name of Hannock - joined Asp back on the Stair. There, they noticed something also noticed by the other Planewalkers: the instant one suffering the plauge steps foot within the Infinite Staircase, all signs of the plague seem to vanish, the mind clears itself in an instant.

And alongside all this, Asp's hair has become a bright blue as a result of his trip.

Asp learns of that which the Astral investigators also learned, and for the next few days, they have the opportunity to research and determine their next destination. While gone, Hav'run had free Planewalkers determine the destinations of the other realms mentioned to them - while the lillendi might not be eager to have any random person investigate, this at least seemed reasonable to them. Not all were identifiable from the brief glance allowed by the lillendi, but they determined what they could from the portal endpoints on this end.

  • The Queen's Domain - The evacuated formian hive-city of Klictrik, as determined by Asp.
  • The Ridged Land - A dark tunnel with a gusting wind, rock unidentifiable by the Planewalkers; not in a dark section, so likely not Pandemonium or a similar lower plane, but the specific location is unknown.
  • The Swirling Realm - an unknown, abandoned building apparently, from the view through its windows, within the plane of Limbo.
  • The Place of Wind - Blurophil on the Plane of Air, already known through Theller's past experience.
  • The Silver War - the destroyed city of TorNav'Roc, as determined by the investigative party.
  • The Unclimable Mountain - A lone archway in the middle of a dusty field free of plant life, the skies identifiable as some region of the Outlands.
  • The Jingling City - Jangling Hiter in Baator, already known to the Guild.

They have some more leads as well, the two terms mentioned by Aeryv'nir: "Navimas" and "Everchanging Order". The former, no research turns up anything useful. The latter, however, they find aslight few references too. IT's a book. Specifically, a little-known book from decades ago written by a Guvner of almost no note on the theoretical commonalities between Law and Chaos, expressing a belief that they were in fact not inb opposition, but rather cooperation. Unfortunately, it was such a minor and such a derided book that they can find no copies of it within either the Planewalkers' libraries or any nearby sources; it had only whatever hand copies its author produced and never went into widespread publication due to the scandalous nature of its contents to most Guvners, who would sooner rob a bank than claim kinship with Chaos. Asp determines that the author, a bariaur named Ghuntomas of Thorn, was expelled from his faction. It's Rosalyn's digging, though, that learns of what happened to him after he left Sigil. He still lives, having the city of Blurophil.

With this, it seems two of their destinations have, for now, become more prominent than the rest. Blurophil is one obvious one, of course, and yet Asp's trip through Klictrik to Limbo showed that things there are growing perhaps worrisome.

As said, I forgot to mention: anyone that enters the Staircase loses all sign of the plague. However, Asp's experience shows that it is able to spread through other portals.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:18 pm

Salix had not enjoyed the venture and had, after bidding the others in the party a fond farewell for now, retired to his small greenhouse cum laboratory, his pet spider fast behind. He would research the plague in the safety of his lab whilst the others continued their explorations.

So it came to be that a man of a particularly haggard complexion came walking through the tent-city of the Guild of Planewalkers, crossing through it with a calm look on his face. He walked along no set path, but seemed to criss-cross through the area as if picking out a trail least filled with hazards, and true enough he seemed to dodge most of the wagons, ropes covered in laundry and children fighting with sticks.

The man was in his late thirties, maybe early forties, with a pock-marked and scarred face. One side of his lips was pulled up in a slight sneer from an old wound and his thin lips were parted just slightly because of it. Dark black, oily hair grew out from his scalp with a narrow line running up along it where no hair grew, and on the sides of his head the black turned to ashen grey. He was dressed in a dark-brown, almost ox-blood boiled leather armor with reinforced bits here and there, definitely at strategic places for someone used to being attacked. Strapped to his back, too big for a normal sheath, was a large, two-handed sword of particularly plain design. Clearly intended for cutting, it certainly looked to fill that part, but there were no ornaments, clever designs, and the pommel was a dull, leather-strapped thing.

After a while, the man came upon the continuously expanding home of Magpie, the construct who had begun building her home there. He entered, finding the place housing not just her, but a slew of others. There were children playing inside, someone cooking in the small but well-stocked kitchen and the sound of wood being sawed from upstairs.

"I'm looking for Kongunvir, heard talk of a plague going about."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:47 pm

One of slew turned his head at the mention of the name. He'd been bound for the stairs, eager to see how one of the few true structures of the Guild was progressing, when the unfamiliar man had spoken.

"That would be me," the dwarf said with a nod, appraising eyes glancing over the newcomer's gear, "and you must be new here if you've only just heard of the plague. Who sent you my way?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:55 pm

"Asked around. Plenty folks here know you just came back from investigating it. I want in."

The man stepped up to the dwarf and held out his thick-gloved hand, "Jon Rory, joined the guild six days ago against my better judgment." Despite the perpetuate sneer, there was no humor in his voice. If anything he took on a more severe face. "Haven't seen a bitin' copper since joining up, figured I might collect my reward in trinkets and loot if at all. Where you lot off to next? I know my way around most parts of the planes, got no love for the elementals though. Fought in the Blood Wars for a couple of years if it makes any difference."

He wasn't trying to brag but seemed more inclined to sell himself and his services. Considering his scars, it was hard not to pick up the fact that he was, or at least had been, a sell-sword.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:12 pm

Kongunvir took the man's hand and gave it a firm shake. "You'll see spoils soon enough, and until then you'll find that the guild takes care of its own." The human seemed straightforward enough; a seasoned mercenary and veteran of perhaps one of the most infamous wars in existence. Kongunvir was still learning about the planes, but the Blood War wasn't unknown to him. Later on he'd think on what sort of employers the Jon had served, but for now he saw a simple soldier before him.

"We're not set on our next destination, though we're spoilt for choice. In a way." He spent the next few minutes recounting the leads known to them; the Ridged Land, the Unclimable Mountain and all the others. "Figuring out where to go next involves figuring out what each of these places are. You heard of anything like them in your travels?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:32 pm

Jon returned the shake, smiling for real for once, even if it was curt. He listened to the dwarfs explanation and frowned for a while in thought and then shrugged.

"Afraid I only know one of those places, the ones you already know about. The one in the plane of Air I wouldn't know about, like I said." He moved to sit down at a bench, cracking his neck.

"Been to Jangling Hiter a couple of times, never once found any reason to stay longer than necessary. It's a bad place, if you're inclined to think of cities like that. Made o' chains, all of it. Even the bloody roads. Best place to get a mail though, or just about anything with chains in'em. Kytons run in, foul sort that, chain devils." he chuckled suddenly at a memory, "Bleed like anyone else though. Gotta be careful you don't go to the wrong place, they don't like that."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:09 am

Kongunvir listened to the man, masking his disappointment. He'd hoped for more, but at least the human was familiar with one of the locations, even if it was one the Guild already knew something of.

"Could be that there'll be a party heading there soon, though that depends on whether any other leads turn up between then and now. Whatever the case, there'll be at least one group heading out to investigate the plague before long. Join up and you'll get a fair share of whatever comes of it."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:56 am

Jon nodded sternly and rolled his shoulders, popping a joint loudly.

"Might just do that..." he grunted and stretched a little more. "So, two things then. Who do I sign up with, and when do we leave?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Seethe » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:34 pm

It just so happened that Rosalyn had been looking for Kongunvir, still needing to report what she had dug up on the Everchanging Order, and found her way to the house as the dwarf was speaking with the new member of the guild.

"If you're looking to sign up, the dwarf right in front of you is as good as anyone you could talk to," she answered the man, jumping into the conversation. "And we may be leaving right away. I have a lead for us."

With that, she turned to Kongunvir.

"It turns out that the writer of The Everchanging Order is still alive," she said. "Apparently, he's in Blurophil now."

Then she looked to the former sellsword again.

"I'm Rosalyn LaChaille, by the way," she said. "Nice to meet you."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:03 am

Asp had opted to take a break from his studies and had, as somebody looking idle, been roped into minding a group of children. An uncharitable person might suspect the guild members had figured out that an idle kender was something to be feared and hastily manufactured a task for him. Then again, perhaps not, since Asp hadn't really been all that terrible to date. In any case, Asp was delivering a rather animated and theatrical account of some event called the War of the Lance to his young charges. Naturally, it seemed to be wildly embellished, with epic clashes of armies, desperate chases and quests for important artifacts. At any rate, it seemed to be holding the childrens' attention, though Asp's familiar Nora had curled up in a ball and was studiously ignoring him.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:15 am

Kongunvir nodded to Rosalyn as she approached, a smile spreading across his face as she spoke.

"Sounds good, providing the old gith wasn't feeding us nonsense. Do the others know yet?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Seethe » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:30 am

"You're the first," Rosalyn answered. "I only just found out myself."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:44 pm

Infinite Staircase - Planewalkers' Guild
Magpie's Home

"Found out what?" From behind a tent, the trio spot Florence. "Oh, you're the new fellow, aren't you? Florence, pleasure to meet you. But you found a new lead, Rosa- oh, Asp!" She glances over with a smile at the collection of children nearby, and the Kender entertaining them with his tales of valor. "When'd you make it back? I hadn't seen you yet. Did everything go well?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:43 am

Jon nodded to Rosalyn and gave her a quick, humorless smile. "With that dealt with, I suppose I'm in. A lot less formal than most of my contracts, but I guess the guild run things differently." He listened to what she told Kongunvir and when Florence arrived he shook her hand as well, his grip firm and a little too hard, like he'd forgotten how to be gentle.

"I'm ready to move out at a moment's notice. Don't usually carry around more than I need and I've been assured my things will be safe here when we're on a job... Guess I'll just have to trust that." He gave Asp a sideways glance and added. "Just to make things clear, I'm around for as lon as I feel like, I ain't your hired sword and I won't kill people who look at you wrong, but if there's a fight I'll be on your side 'til the fightin's over unless circumstances oppose."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:19 am

"Hello, Florence," Asp said cheerfully, "I've been back for a few days now. Just been busy researching leads on the plague. The trip went pretty well, I think. Found out lots of interesting stuff, even if we don't have a fix yet."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Seethe » Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:51 pm

Once she had a chance to speak, Rosalyn repeated her information for Florence, explaining what the Everchanging Order and its relevance were in case word hadn't gotten around to her about it. Or to Jon, for that matter.

Then, after Jon spelled out his terms, Rosalyn glanced at him with a slight half-smile.

"That basically describes everyone here," she said.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:00 pm

Infinite Staircase - Planewalkers' Guild

Florence nods to Asp and Rosalyn, offering a smile to Jon. "Rosalyn's right, that's about the same for all of us. We're glad to have you with the Guild."

At that, she looks back to the others, thoughtfully. "It sounds promising, certainly. So, is Blurophil the next destination, then? Or do you have other thoughts in mind first off?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:18 pm

"It's the most solid lead that we have." Kongunvir said, giving Florence a nod before looking to Jon. "It might not be the sort of work that you were looking for, but it would surprise me if we didn't run into trouble before too long."

(Good to go here.)

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:48 am

(Good to go, sorry for my absense, girlfriend was here and I sort of lost track of time, she's from Slovenia so we don't meet often)

"Just making sure" Jon said with a sharp nod. "On the planes, you'd be surprised how often you forget to read the fine print."

He glanced at the others and cracked his neck a little, smiling at the dwarf. "I'm sure I'll find something to occupy myself with. Besides, a job without any trouble is a good job for me."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:16 pm

Infinite Staircase

Readied for the next leg of their investigation, the party departs upon the Infinite Staircase, Flea joining up to tag along just as they depart the landing. The party follows a route Rosalyn and her companion, at least, have traveled once before. With her leading the way, this trip's likely a bit more confident than the last, knowledge of their path well in hand. It's a brief journey this time, a mere three hours before they reach the door opening upon the city of Air. When the party passes through, they emerge into a kennel packed full of strange hybrid animals. Hgaun, the past visitors recall and the nearby sign reads: local pets and hunting companions, creatures with canine bodies but bird-like heads, sparkling multifaceted eyes staring out at them. Their slim wings, just barely large enough to keep them aloft were they allowed to fly free, flutter at the appearance of the strangers. The group heads out just as the squawks of the hgaun start up in earnest, emerging from the kennel into the city of Blurophil proper.

As they step foot out, they have just the barest of chances to look out upon the city; a broad, sprawling settlement with few especially tall buildings, a flickering, transparent dome of magical energy stretching over the entire endless expanse of sky overhead, a clear blue (tinted slightly by the dome) with only the slightest of clouds dotting it. Dots flit about in the distance; whether birds, people, or something else entirely, far too indistinct to tell.

Before they can take in too much, though, they're just about run into by a tall, elven woman. An adventurer or perhaps a mercenary, judging by the leather armor and sword at her side, she stumbles back a bit from the near-collision, blinking at them with her coal-black eyes. "Apologies...oh, you're travelers by the Stair too, aren't you? I'd figured there were others, but I'd never encountered one!"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:06 am

"That we are. Planewalker's Guild, in fact." Kongunvir looked the elf over, taking a second before extending a hand. "Kongunvir. You heading back to the Staircase?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:58 pm

Plane of Air - Blurophil

She nods, returning the handshake with a pleasant smile. "Mosicaon. That I am; Planewalker's Guild? I don't think I've heard of you! You all are from this guild? Where are you all from?"

She looks back to the city, a look of conflict on her face. "I've been walking the Staircase for a few months now, myself. There are so many interesting sights to see from it! Places I'd never even dreamed of! But this city...I never imagined I'd be disappointed by a massive piece of stone floating in an endless sky, but this place is so...lifeless." She sighs, looking to the rest of the group. "You might wish to just head back yourself, the way things are here. Shockingly low mood for what's meant to be a festival."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:32 am

Flea had no idea why she was here. It was as if some divine hand of fate looked at her and said, 'okay, you will be going with the rest of those losers. And the dwarf he's a pretty okay guy.' And then suddenly she was in the Plane of Air. But then, everything clicked and made sense.

She had been lurking towards the back of the group, letting her drab brown cloak and hood just fall over her. But at the mention of a festival, now THAT got her attention.

Festival meant people. People meant gathering. Gathering meant possessions! Possessions meant stuff! Stuff meant objects! And all objects belong to Flea in the end! It would be the crimewave of the century! Though is it really a crime when all things belong to you anyway, and other people are just holding them?

Flea darted to the front of the group, throwing her cloak and hood back, and pointing skywards, grinning like an idiot at nothing in particular. "WE'RE ON THE JOB!"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:31 am

Kongunvir grinned at Flea's outburst, oblivious to her kleptomaniacal intentions. "That we are." He chuckled before looking back to Mosicaon. "There's a plague infesting the planes." He announced with a small measure of seriousness. "Magical in nature, it induces apathy in all those that contract it. The Staircase cures it as far as we can tell, but no one is sure of what the cause is." He paused, letting his exposition sink in. "How bad is it here?"

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:25 am

With a couple of people already busily interviewing the newcomer, Asp wandered off to investigate their surroundings, humming cheerfully to himself. That dome looked to be powerful magic. He wondered how they did it. Maybe he'd find a fellow wizard to enlighten him. Or other interesting stuff. Cities abounded with stuff, after all.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:56 pm

Plane of Air - Blurophil

"Hmm. That...sounds familiar for what I'm seeing here. It's supposed to be some great festival of the arts, but it's so...staid. No energy, no creativity, just...bleh. There's still plenty of pieces, performances, but there's hardly any passion behind them, like they're just going through motions." She frowns, glancing back towards the city briefly before continuing. "'s a disease? But the Staircase cures it, you say? it fatal?"

Meanwhile, Asp breaks from the group, heading further out into the open. It appears they didn't emerge too far from the edge of the city; just a few blocks beyond, he finds the city rim, a vista of the entire Plane. Nothing blocks the sight here, the dome stopping a few dozen feet before the edge; here, he can see the perfect blue sky stretching out in all directions, a few smaller bits of rock floating here and there. And standing along the entire rim as far as he can spy are a set of windmills bridging the entire gap below the dome, each sending the occasional tendril of energy up into it, apparently sustaining it through the very winds of the plane.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:56 pm

Jon had decided to keep in the background for now and leave the talking to the seniors of the guild, but once Asp trudged off he gave Kongunvir a nudge and inclined his head towards their companion. "Your kender's off lookin' about." he gave a non-committed shrug, "Just a suggestion, when a kender's bored something'll happen that will make your purse lighter. Least, in my experience."

He gave the elf a short, business-intended nod and crossed his arms.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Kelne » Tue May 01, 2012 6:27 am

As it happened, Asp's initial impulse was to sit down and start making sketches and notes about the magic in play here. Who knew you could harness magic through windmills? But no, they were on a mission. Best be about it, Asp decided, looking about for a local he could ask for directions to Ghuntomas of Thorn.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri May 04, 2012 8:11 am

"Not heard of such, but the planes being the planes it's not impossible." He glanced up at Jon as he was nudged, listening to what he said. "Go keep an eye on him, I'll be along shortly."

"I don't suppose that you've heard of a bariaur named Ghuntomas, have you?" He asked the elf. "We believe he may have some answers concerning this plague."

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri May 04, 2012 5:50 pm

Plane of Air - Blurophil

At Kongunvir's comment, she seems unsure whether to be relieved or nervous. Still, she thinks for a bit at his question before shaking her head. "Ghuntomas? No, I can't say as I have. Who is he? Is he the one responsible?"

Meanwhile, Asp begins to scour the local town, leaving word in his own way here and there to pick up a lead on Ghuntomas. Quite some time passes, however, before he finally catches a line at a local pub. Though it isn't exactly what he may have expected. The barkeep knows Ghuntomas; not as an author, but as a bubber he finally threw out of his place some weeks ago when he didn't have the jink to pay his tab for the third time in a row. He has a street - Narrowstone Way, near Twilight's Wall - if not a precise address, but it should be enough for him to go on.

Kelne: I took Asp's checking as a Diplomacy check to gather information; he passed with a 15 total, d4 gave 4 hours spent.

Everyone else: Once conversation wraps up with the elf, we'll have a timeskip to catch up with Asp. During those 4 hours, people can either be said to have met up with Asp in checking for Ghuntomas, or taking care of other business while others poke around for information.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun May 06, 2012 8:46 am

Jon shrugged, gave a silent nod and walked after Asp, catching up with him and making sure the long-fingered kender didn't get them all in any trouble.

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu May 10, 2012 5:19 am

"He may be connected," Kongunvir said sharply, "but we don't know how as of yet." He appraised the elf quickly, wondering if he'd been wise in telling her anything. The last thing he needed was someone in hysterics spreading panic. "Whatever the case, the Staircase will see to anything you've picked up. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a kender to attend to." He nodded politely and headed off after Jon.

(Kongunvir will follow after Jon to try and find Asp. If by some twist of fate the kender proves hard to find he'll spend his time gathering info on their quarry using Diplomacy.)

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Re: The Planewalkers' Journies

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue May 22, 2012 3:16 am

Plane of Air - Blurophil

Leaving her to head on, the others head out to track down Asp; they do so quick enough, and the information he discovered is exchanged. Now that they have a general location, it only takes them a bit of inquiry to track down his house in particular. The neighborhood seems to be well-named - despite the plane's ever-present light, the wall cutting through this part of town still somehow manages to cast a shadow upon the area. Not quite cloaking it in darkness, but at least casting this area in a dimmer light.

When they come upon Ghuntomas's home, they find a spot in dire need of repair, much as many of the buildings along this street. Patchy roof, peeling paint, warped door that barely stays in its frame. The inside - what they can see of it through the windows, at least - seems to be in similar condition, looking as if it hasn't been cleaned in months. They can't immediately spot him inside, but the locals assured them that this was the place.


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