For Bucephalus!

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sat May 07, 2011 8:56 pm

Draw. Ready. Shoot.

Emhyn does it all in one quick, reflexive motion. Not a gunshot, but something more dangerous to an invincible rogue android.

A camera shot. From a cellphone camera. He glances over the preview image displayed to make sure he's got it. As he does this, he gets ready to run faster than he's run in a long, long time the very instant he's ascertained that he has the evidence in hand. Odds are he's going to need to run faster than any pure human could possibly.
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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun May 08, 2011 2:42 pm

(Gonna drop my accent, I don't think I have it entirely figured out anyway. It's french-ish)

Alistair cracked his neck in a swift move at the sight of the wunderkind-thing identifying itself as Sin. Now this was new. He was pretty sure that they couldn't stop the girl in front of them with guns, but if she came a-chasing, he knew a few tricks or two. Especially considering the state this house was in.

"Gentlemen, I suggest we retreat for now. We have two perfectly useful companions with us, neither of them men, funny enough, so perhaps it is time we call in the cavalry?" He chuckled before putting on a pair of somewhat thick work-gloves from out of his pocket, flexing his fingers a few time. "This, I believe, is not an immediate threat we can deal with."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun May 08, 2011 4:08 pm

"Wait!" Sin says, eyes going wide as she throws up her hands. "I'm not a threat! I'm not a threat! It wasn't me, it was the dead man!"

On Emhyn's cellphone, there is...

...It's kind of blurry, but with a better resolution screen you could make out her upper half easily enough probably.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 08, 2011 4:18 pm

"Ze dead...Doctor DesMonte? Vat do you..."

Valentin gives Alistair a brief glance, keeping his gun levelled. "If you say, sir. But ve cannot risk her leaving vhile ve get zem, I think. Somevone should stay here and vatch to ensure she does not escape. Either zis girl is a suspect, or she is a vitness; either vay, she must be brought in vor questioning. I volunteer to keep vatch on her, sir."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun May 08, 2011 5:46 pm

"No, the other dead man." Sin says, seemingly annoyed. "Why is it adults can't see anything except what's right in front of them?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sun May 08, 2011 5:57 pm

Not great, but it will have to do. Emhyn wishes he had brought a real camera, but them's the breaks. He checks his listing of previous calls... and curses inwardly, realizing that he doesn't have Cannonaid's number. That would save a great deal of trouble and running.

"Only having eyes in the front of our heads, I would suspect," he says dryly, "if you know something, speak plainly."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun May 08, 2011 6:04 pm

"I am speaking plainly. It was the dead man. Look at our hands-" She holds up her own. "The designs painted in the man's blood were very detailed. But we have giant robot hands. Our weapons have to be special made for us to hold most of them. Our fingers are too thick to have made designs that intricate, unless it was a special model. And then, the hands would be too small. More, we're very strong, but very heavy. If we landed on the roof, jumping from that window, the whole roof would have caved in. So it had to have been someone much lighter."

Sin smiles, as if she thinks she's being helpful. "It was the dead man."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed May 11, 2011 6:56 pm

A familiar voice could be heard speaking enthusiastically well before he came into sight of Alistair, Ehmyn and Valentine.

"-measurements fit perfectly! The tracks and markings and the force required to do the damage dealt to the body leave no question! The murderer is..."

Amleth stopped short, eyes locked on Sin as he stumbled to a halt and began to stutter.

"a w-w-w... a uh... wunduh... kind.

"Oh god."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed May 11, 2011 7:03 pm

"For the last time --" Sin began, "It was the dead man!"

She seems to be getting a bit annoyed at having to repeat herself over and over.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 15, 2011 7:46 pm

Valentin hasn't moved an inch, still keeping his gun pointed right at the new figure; for someone named Sin and covered in blood, she's oddly cheerful, despite her annoyance. It unnerves him; what is she that she can be so calm at her age in a situation like this?

"Vat name? Zere is no ozer dead man." Stepping back as Amleth comes in, and stepping around him, he doesn't break contact with Sin for a moment, though he does lower his weapon slightly as she increasingly shows herself to be no threat at all, merely a somewhat frustrating, and very disturbing, child. "Lieutenant Emhyn, you are ze only police officer here. Shouldn't you take her statement, and bring her in to be kvestioned? Zat is procedure, yes?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon May 16, 2011 7:17 pm

Sin begins to hum to herself, repeating in a sing-song voice..."Dead man, dead man, dead man, dead man..."

..From behind the trio, there's an unusual sound- Metal sliding against metal. A sword being drawn.

They turn to find a giant of a man, seven feet tall, covered completely in red and black leather armor- No features available on him at all otherwise. He holds a very, very long katana, and a black smoke seems to rise off his armor. "You really should listen to what children are trying to tell you."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon May 16, 2011 7:28 pm

At the sound of the metal, Valentin spins, appraising the situation. A tremendous figure, heavily armored - in actual, literal armor at that - and brandishing a...very out of date, but still deadly (and enormous) weapon towards them. He barely even has to think, and the figure is barely more than halfway through his sentence, before Valentin fires off a trio of rounds into...whoever this is.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed May 18, 2011 9:52 pm

Amleth turned at the sound of a new voice, and screamed a choice expletive at what he saw there. He half jumped half fell against the nearest wall and stared at the "dead man". He was just wondering what the hell they'd gotten themselves into when Valentine fired three rounds. He clawed his way towards the exit, hoping to alert more people with guns so they could follow Valentine's example.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed May 18, 2011 10:07 pm

Valentin shoots the man three times into the man's chest. He looks down at the bullet holes which...Don't seem to be doing anything. No oozing blood, nothing. "Hmph." He says simply, raising his katana again.

Sin interjects infront of him. "No, Lelorniel. The master said no."

She turns, smiling sweetly at the trio of men. "Forgive Lelorniel, I think he's compensating for something. We will let you go now, but I'm supposed to give you a message, first. From the Master."

"All your lives you've stared at the sky, searching for some light to pointlessly guide your sorry ways. A god of love, a god of care, a god of hope and a god of will. But it's a god as lost as you are blind. You seek a god to stand above you, wrapping healing arms around you. But soon you'll find another god- A god of pain, a god of suffering and tears."

She smiles dreamily, holding both arms out, as if grasping for something. "Give your self unto your god; sacrifice yourself to gain. Burn your thoughts and erase yoru will to my god of suffering and tears. Tie hallowed bonds around your hands and kneel before his seat of shame, and maybe you'll be spared."

Lelorniel puts his hand on her shoulder, and she blinks, as if snapping out of it. "...That's all we had to tell you. Come, Lelorniel. The Master is waiting."

With that, the Wunderkind girl, Sin, and the zombie, Lelorniel, begin to leave.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Thu May 19, 2011 11:11 am

That's... less than heartening.

Emhyn can't stop taking pictures, though. He snaps a couple more of the zombie and the wunderkind, notably focusing with one on the bullet holes and their lack of effect. He puts the phone away while Sin gives her speech. Someone will find those very, very interesting.

And their master, aside from being a complete loon, had told her to spare any pursuers? He's not going to let that go unexploited. "Pray forgive me if I might interject," he says with a hint of sarcasm, "what if we decide we don't need a god at all?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun May 22, 2011 6:10 pm

Sin stops while her zombie bodyguard continues on. "Then you'll be crushed into a puddle of gibbering madness with the rest." She says without turning, and continues to walk, the puddle of blood following her as she goes, oddly leaving no trace of blood at all.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun May 22, 2011 11:20 pm

Once the two horrors have gone, Amleth manages to choke out:

"What the hell was that?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 22, 2011 11:27 pm

Valentin scowls at the complete lack of reaction the...thing has to his gun. With little else to do, he holsters his weapon, letting them leave and making no reaction to Sin's little jab at him.

At Emhyn's question, he glances over, still scowling. "I haf no clue, but perhaps ozers vill. Vat I know is I am vearing my radio from here out on zis case. It's strange enough as is, I haf no vish to proceed into a situation like zis again vithout backup."

With a slight grunt, he heads out, looking to see if the two are still in sight outside the room. If so, he follows them off; otherwise, he heads outside for the lead investigator, to report the incident.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu May 26, 2011 9:23 pm

Alistair merely chuckles slightly, having had his hands in his pockets for most of the exchange. As Valentin begins to move, he follows behind, not saying a word. Although there is a slight crease on his forehead.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:22 pm

Amleth is quick to follow after, having no desire to be alone in this place.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:58 am

Emhyn heads to the head investigator regardless of whether or not the others are following the wunderkind and the zombie. He needs to get this evidence into the system, and quickly. If they're heading in the opposite direction, he gives them a brief salute and explains this. If not, he just follows.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:51 pm

The investigation party charges back towards their new commander. Cannonaid is still at the mobile command center, flanked by by giggling woman and the heavier man with the loose clothes. He nods to the group, waving them over. "What have you got for me? Something interesting, I'm sure."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:28 pm

Valentin approaches Cannonaid, and nods at his comment. "Ve do, sir. Two individuals. Vone vas anozer..."vunderkind". A very strange vone, a pale girl vith tears of blood, calling herself Sin. And ze ozer, a...some form of creature, sir, but it did not seem human. At least seven feet tall, vearing a..." He can't help but scoff a little as he continues, "A suit of armor, and vielding a sword. It threatened me vith its veapon, I fired back and hit clean through its armor, but it vas completely unaffected. It may have been vearing some sort of kevlar, but it barely even moved. She called it 'Lelorniel', and all but said explicitly it vas the vone who killed Doctor DesMonte. Ve had no vay of fighting zem, and ve vere forced to let zem withdraw. But Lieutenant Owen vas able to gain some pictures before zey departed. Your orders, sir?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:34 pm

Cannonaid frowns. "Sin and Lelorniel working together. That means..."

He looks up, and raises a hand, making a circular motion in the air. "Pack it up. We're heading home to consolidate what we've got."

People begin scrambling for cars, Cannonaid taking a step back towards his own. "You guys head back for the night. We'll collect what we got and debrief you tomorrow."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:36 pm

Of the various reactions he expected from Cannonaide, this was not one of them. "You...know zese two, sir? Ve aren't to attempt a pursuit vith greater firepower? Vith all due respect, sir, vone of these beings has most likely killed Doctor DesMonte, and may kill again."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:41 pm

Cannonaid leans against the passenger side of his humvee, as the woman circles around to climb in the driver's side. "We persue, we're dogfood. We gotta go about this carefully, or we're gonna get gibbed."

He opens the door, and is about to step in, before stopping. "This is what we do. We don't get kicked down and come back with bigger guns. We're outmatched here ninety percent of the time. And we end up taking a swing at least eighty. This just happens to be in that twenty where we know what we're dealing with and know it's safer not to risk it. Lelorniel could take down this city block if we're not ready for him."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:34 pm

Amleth, listening in as Valentine and Cannonaid spoke back and forth, he wondered if maybe he shouldn't have gone ahead and gotten drunk earlier today instead. He probably wouldn't have a job now, but that would also probably have been the safest thing for him as it turned out. He tried to shake off the fear that Lelorniel had inspired in him. Whatever they were dealing with, he was over reacting a bit. No one had been hurt, and so far no one was going to be apparently. He was with these people now, frightening work or no. He had signed on with the military to do dangerous, life saving work. Acting like a baby now that he wasn't looking right at the giant in armor with the huge sword felt ridiculous.

Calmed down a bit, he asked the next question that needed asking:

"So what do you want us to do next?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:19 am

"Sir," Emhyn gives Cannnonaid a nod, letting the others talk. Valentin missed something, though. Owen hardly blames him; having a giant armored zombie and a rogue wunderkind show up is bad for one's attention to detail. "I think it's worse than that. If their talk was to be believed, they were acting under orders from someone. They wouldn't say who, of course, but I don't like the sound of this master of theirs finding that god of his. Oh, and I have the pictures," he holds up his cellphone, "you can have one of your people look them over any time you like, in case they're important."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:31 pm

"If it's a question of the master of a fallen angel and an unliving abomination finding it's "new god", then it's got to be Vannansa Cranston." Cannonaid frowns. "Believe me, gentlemen. I'm not trying to sell you or this situation short. But there's not a lot else we can do here right now. We're better off getting back and planning our next steps very carefully."

He leans against the car again. "Anything else for me?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:04 pm

Emhyn shakes his head. "I hope we've been of some help, at least."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:50 pm

Cannonaid smirks, climbing into the passenger seat of the car. "More than you know. Get some rest, gentlemen. We'll see you tomorrow."

He slams the door shut, and one by one, the white humvees drive off in a grand game of follow the leader. The police remain to clean up the scene, as the snow over Bucephalus begins to pick up again, shrouding the city once again in white.

It was going to be a long season.

Mission: 1- Crimes and Misdemeanors - Complete!
Location: Bucephalus- Residential District
December 10th, 3756
2:12 PM.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:54 pm

(Double post! Intentional!

If your character is doing anything notable over the rest of the day or the night, go ahead and throw it into your next post. Gonna start the next mission immediately to keep things rolling.

If it's something that needs a GM, hit me in AIM. You all know where to find me.)

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:16 pm

Mission 2- The Mage, the Assassin, and the Fallen Angel
Location: Imperial Palace, White Brigade briefing room
December 11th, 3756
9:00 AM

The snow continues heavily through the remainder of the 10th, and into the night. The city is grinded to a halt on the 11th, with schools shut down and many businesses closed. However, that doesn't stop the men and women of the White Brigade.

The white humvees are sent for the new recruits, retrofitted with snow plows to help navigate the gummed up city. Before long, all the men are at the palace, and escorted to the briefing room for the White Brigade.

The entire squad, something to the tune of 20 men and women, has been assembled. The stout man and the woman continue to flank Cannonaid. The commander himself stands on the podium, sipping a cup of coffee as the last few enter in. "Good to see you all this morning. I hope nobody had too much trouble getting in. We've compiled a list of what we know about the situation so far. Does anyone have any questions before we begin?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:48 pm

Amleth did two things during the remainder of yesterday afternoon. The first was to report to he regular duty station, and learn that his duties had been reassigned. He was now totally committed to the White Brigade, like it or not. The second was to spend a long time relaxing and convincing himself he had not seen a zombie yesterday. Just a very large ugly brute of a man with some very fancy body armor. Because Zombies don't exist. Of course neither do robot kids. Oh dear.

He was picked up like all the others and reported in a timely fashion, dark circles under his eyes but otherwise unharmed by the previous day's excitement. He smelled of cigarettes and strong coffee. The former was to calm himself, and the latter was because all his self assurance hadn't helped him get any sleep last night. He sat looking somewhat dull with his eyes half lidded and his expression unchanging, but he was attentive. He had no questions for Canonaid because he really truly didn't want the one question he could think of answered. He'd let someone else start in on that. If he had to guess, probably the annoying fellow with the outrageous accent and the never ending supply of both chipperness and smarm.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:48 pm

As the mission ends, Valentin has much the same experience as Amleth, learning that he's been reassigned entirely. A bit peeved for such a major change on such short notice, he still keeps himself together, gathering his things and returning home before the roads close things entirely He does his best to relax, working through what happened in his mind, what exactly he plans to say upon his eventual debriefing. Robotic children are...strange, but not unbelievable. And that massive person...well, he doesn't have any reason to trust the claims about him. He could've simply been wearing kevlar under that armor, and in the heat of events it just seemed like he was untouched.

Rationalizing things as best he can, he eventually gets to sleep, awakening the next day to the blanket of snow that's wrapped over the entire city. After readying himself for the day, he spies the White Brigade plow heading towards the barracks, heading down in duty uniform to meet them. It's a quiet ride to the Palace - not where he expected to be taken, but he can hardly complain - and upon his arrival, he walks swiftly under guide to the briefing room, sitting down and keeping at full attention, looking entirely ready for the events to come.

At the request for questions, he clears his throat, speaking up after being acknowledged. "Has zere been any update on ze status of ze suspects since las' night, sir? Haf zeir been any more reports on zeir actifity?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:41 am

Alistair arrived looked obnoxiously well-rested and calm, like he always did, with only his unshaven face out of army regulations. He was wearing his usual uniforms, though he'd tied his jacket, heavy with medals and stripes, around his waist, his impressive physique more obvious when he was only wearing a tank-top. A pair of dog-tags hung around his neck and he stretched lazily as he nodded to the other arrivals.

"My thoughts exactly," he mused, "I cannot say I was pleased with last night, I'm not used to not being told all the details... I certainly hope this won't happen again."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:39 pm

The grinning woman and the stout man head to opposite ends of the room, handing folders to be passed around. As they come around to the recruits, they contain photos and data sheets of the known suspects. One photo shows the giant from a downwards angle, as he prepares to strike the camera person from a balcony above. As before, he's fully covered in his leather armor, including a hood, and not a single patch of skin is shown.

The other is the Wunderkind, Sin, as taken from the side. Her arms are out to the side, and her eyes are closed. Judging from the look of her knees being slightly bent, and the toes of her massive boots pointed downwards, it would appear the several hundred pound Wunderkind is somehow floating. Her mouth is open, as if being caught mid sentence.

Cannonaid pulls a clicker from his pocket, and smacks it against his opposite hand twice, before clicking it. Over head, a projector shoots the images of the two onto the boards on either side of him.

"Gentlemen, this is what we have. After five years, Lelorniel has resurfaced. The last sighting of him was during the Doomsday incident back in '51. Lelorniel, last name unknown, is identified as a Revenant, an advanced type of zombie created by Donovan Jobbs to be his personal attendant and bodyguard. One of the things we do know from our mages studies of Lelorniel is that, alongside being impervious to harm, he cannot act without a master. What does that mean, gentlemen? Someone else has convinced Lelorniel to join them in whatever they're planning. Lelorniel is what we call a "big stick", and we'll likely only see him where his master absolutely needs a win."

"Um...Excuse me..." Someone says from the back of the room. Men and women scoot out of the way. The three Wunderkind girls are positioned in the back, sharing a single handout between them. Janda steps forward, lowering her raised hand. "...Uhm...I was in the Doomsday incident a few years ago, and I actually fought Lelorniel. He can't be hurt physically, but he can be hurt by magic..."

The mention of magic- Despite Cannonaid's mention of mages previously, causes a few chuckles. Janda frowns, sinking back again, with Em stepping in front of her with a stern expression.

Cannonaid simply nods. "Good. Good intel, kid. Zeke, add that to the sheet."

The stout man nods, and begins to write. Cannonaid shifts, indicating the picture of the Wunderkind. "Likewise, Sin was a known entity, but decidedly not hostile. She was situated on a small island, watching over the children orphaned there during the Doomsday event. We've sent men to take over her charge and to find out how long she's been gone from there. Information on that is still sparse."

He shifts his weight and continues. "Whatever it is, she's been rejuvinated into a Wunderkind- She was a teenager before- And recruited to the side of whoever plotted the murder. We've had a few sightings of her previous, as you can tell from the photo, always about the same context that you gentlemen-" Cannonaid nods to the recruits- "Saw her yesterday. Singing about the true gods of sorrow and pain. We currently have no information about any combat potential she has, but as a Wunderkind, we have to assume she's capable of cyber attacks, as well as the benefits a Wunderkind body grants normal children."

Cannonaid surveys they room. "Any questions so far?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:48 pm

"...Yes, I...haf vone."

Valentin looks at the other recently-enlisted members of White Brigade, hoping to see the same level of confusion and disbelief as himself.

"...Ven you say zombie, I assume you mean some sort ov...brainwashed soldier, yes? Not monster?"

After a pause, he continues. "And vone short follow-up...your vat studies of Lelorniel?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:57 pm

"No, I mean what I said. Walking dead. We'll get into that shortly here. And as for the follow up, our mage's. As in, people who use magic."

Cannonaid smirks. "It's a real science, gentlemen. You've even got a support member in your squad who can use it. Em, get up here."

The crowd parts, as the blue and red Wunderkind with the white jacket steps up. Cannonaid nods to her. "Show them."

Em grins, and raises her hand, palm up. After a moment, a blue light flickers into existence there, with a number of small ice shards dancing over her palm, cross crossing each other as they defy gravity.

Gee Cee
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:18 pm

Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:46 am

Emhyn, for his part, has remained silent through the presentation. He's had three cups of coffee during the debriefing alone.

He had realized last night that he wasn't going to be able to sleep, and instead took out a wide variety of unsolved case files and old newspapers to study. Seeking, searching for more hints of what Cannonaid had spoken of and more. He was not, could not be satisfied with simply rationalizing these things to himself, of thinking it was the psychotic ramblings of a madman and a madgirl and a commanding officer who was simply having him on. He would find the truth. As a policeman, he did not have the luxury of simply ignoring the evidence in front of him.

Of course, newspapers and case files paint an irritatingly vague picture of what he's looking for (when they bother to reveal any clues at all), so he doesn't mind finding out that he too has been requested for a more extended liaise with the Whites. He notes the familiar faces. Good, it will be helpful to have them along as well. He coughs and speaks up.

"You mentioned a Vannansa Cranston as this person's probable master. What's known about her?"


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