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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:35 am

Alistair had been walking around, checking out the glass, and the blood, frowning just a little. He wasn't sure how much he could contribute to the investigation at hand, the fact that the glass was broken from the inside obviously meant that the person who'd com...

"Zere were no signs of forced entry into this room? Is it possible zat ze murderer was... let in by ze vict-"

Then a bunch of children came into the room. Alistair momentarily lost his train of thought as he just... looked at them. Ellastic had left, a wise choice; he had heard of her exploits, but he didn't want a child to see this, used to blood or not. But now here were... some... children dressed in strange uniforms.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:18 pm


The STARS captain outside shifts his weight and clears his throat before responding. "We had a team of snipers on the rooves of two of the adjacent buildings. We had a team on the roof of the main building ready to repel in and make dynamic entry from the window- That was just before it blew out. We had a squad on the ground here, covering all exits, and another team breaching from the hallway."


The girl in blue begins to look around. "Wow! Someun made a hyewwwwge mess!"

The brown haired one, in the yellow, facepalms. "Yes, Em." She turns to Alistair, bowing a bit. "My name is Janda Purvis. This is Em...I don't know what her last name is honestly. Scarlett can introduce herself. We're Wunderkind, we'll be working with you. Don't worry about us, we'll try to stay out of your way. Let us know what we can do."

"Yeah, fo' rizeal." Em says.

The STARS Captain inside rolls his eyes. "We came in, and saw this, sir." He replies to Valentin. "We didn't touch it after."

Amleth finds...Nothing. No containers, no bodies, nothing.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:03 pm

Ignoring the children for now, paying them only the slightest glance as he tries to restrain himself from a deep sigh, Valentin nods to the STARS captain. "Zen I haf three further kvestions for you. First, vas anyvon in your team familiar vith the Director's voice prior to zis mission? Second, how large vas ze breaching team? And third, vat did you do after discovering ze scene? Vere did you call in ze discovery?"

In the doorway, Scarlett cringes; she was expecting something big for her first mission, but not...this. She can't run out and follow Ellastic's lead, though - she's Wunderkind! She has to stay firm.

Tearing her eyes away from the body on the floor, she speaks up after Janda, doing her best to suppress the tremor in her voice. "...Ae'm Scarlett O'Malley...we're just here t'help."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:26 am

The Captain counts off on his fingers-

"We'd only heard recordings before, five men is the normal size, and as soon as we saw this, we called you guys."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:46 am

Valentin nods, pondering this information. After a moment of thought, he looks to the others. "I belief I haf a theory. I'm not certain yet, and I am still clueless on ze matter of ze murder itself...but to my best guess, here is vat I think happened during ze breach.

"Whoever commited zis crime vaited here. Ve know someone vas in here, ve know there vas a gunshot, ve know no one vas seen to leave. I think ze person zey spoke vith vas in fact ze murderer. Posing as the director, zey did zeir best to give ze impression he vas still alive at the time. . Ze STARS officers had only heard recordings. It vas a stressful situation, and through a door at zat. It vould not be hard to belief ze voice vas misidentified.

"Ven ze time came, ze murderer fired a shot through ze window, shattering it. In ze chaos of ze sound, ze sound of ze vindow could easily haf been missed. Our murderer kvickly found a secluded spot, out of direct sight of ze door; zis is a large apartment, and zis sight upon ze floor vas an excellent distraction, it vould not be difficult to find such a spot. Following ze breach, ze murderer need only pose as a member of ze breaching team, and valk out before ze presence of an extra member vas noticed."

"As I said, of course, zis is merely a preliminary theory. Flaws please, gentlemen, sirs? Anything I haf missed?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:45 am

"That is a reasonable assumption," Alistair mused as he went over to inspect the window again, looking down to the street below," feigning an escape through the glass window would have thrown us off the track, for I do not think that this jump..." he indicated the distance to the other building, "was something initially considered. Or am I wrong?"

He folded his arms as he looked over his shoulder, "Zere are too many unknowns, can we meet the men who first arrived at ze scene? Are zere any reports about ze findings upon the initial investigation?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:11 pm

Emhyn considers for a moment. His work with the military was many years ago, so the exact nature of their operations isn't something he's up to date on. STARS, on the other hand, he has worked with much more recently. Reconstructing the arrangement of the STARS team, he attempts to figure out which entrances they hadn't been covering. A man jumping in or out of the window probably would've been seen by the team on the ground... but something small crawling in the drains wouldn't even have to be out of the ordinary. And the window...

"When did the glass blow in, exactly?" he asks the STARS Officer, "before or after the standoff?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:43 pm

Amleth stood back for now. He had come up with a lot initially, but now he wasn't finding much new to put in... which was fine, because it gave everyone else a chance to take a crack at things. He didn't need to show off, just be useful. At the very least he was still learning by listening to the questions and observations of others.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:51 pm


"Seems to me like the story is sound." The STARS commander says. "As for the men who were here first, they're still inside here-" The captain gestures to a few men around the room. "With one exception, Jenkins has been dismissed already. He's clean though, he was with me all morning even before the call."

Scarlet sees something on the floor. Some sort of paper, folded in half and pinned under the leg of the coffee table.


"The glass blew out just before the breach inside. Snipers didn't see anything weird, other than the glass blowing out."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:16 pm

Valentin nods, pondering. "Hvy vas this 'Jenkins' dismissed today? Even if clean, it vould be good if ve had ze chance to speak vith him ourselves alongside ze other STARS officers."

And for her part, Scarlet takes the chance of distraction and heads up to snatch the paper. Though surprised no one else has noticed yet, she doesn't object too much; at least it's something besides the somewhat-hard-to-deal-with crime scene right now.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:21 pm

"He was pretty shaken up. He's new and honestly, this is a bit outside the job description."

Scarlet looks at the paper...It has writing on it. Hastily scrawled, but still legible-

"Borrowed light, borrowed chaos. Her grasp cannot surpass her reach."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:49 pm

"Um..." Stammering a bit, Scarlet keeps staring at the paper, not wanting to catch a glimpse of the body. "Ae think ae found somethin' here...a paece o' paper..."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:37 pm

(Posting from my new PSP. Keeping it brief.)

Amleth looked up as Scarlet spoke.

"May I see that?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:10 am

Nodding briskly, she hands over the slip of paper, stepping back and getting very interested in a nearby coffee table all of a sudden. Anything to avoid seeing that dead body. She wishes it didn't bother her so much - she should be better than this, she is embarrassing herself and everyone in front of the officers - but she just can't seem to fight it much as she tries.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:11 am

Janda steps over, placing a hand on Scarlet's shoulder.

Here, let me help you.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:53 am

Alistair stepped over to where Amleth was, looking at the slip of paper with a slight frown on his face.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:34 pm

Scarlet blinks, looking around. Visibly relaxing, she smiles to Janda.

Thanks! How'd you do that?

Looking back to the other investigators, she stands ready with her hands clasped. Now it'll be much easier for her to put on the appearance of a proper Wunderkind. None of this cowering or whining, she can put on the face they deserve!

Meanwhile, Valentin continues to think. "I suppose zat rules out my theory mostly. Zough the glass...I still think zat vould be related to ze gunshot. If it blew before ze breach, ze timing still seems to fit. Captain, you vere there, vould zat theory fit ze timing you observed?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:13 pm

Amleth studied the note for a bit, looking perplexed.

" 'Borrowed light, borrowed chaos. Her grasp cannot surpass her reach.' ... Does that mean anything to anyone?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:02 pm

(After some consultation as to the situation on the ground and a couple of questions.)

Emhyn's mouth twists into a frown. Of course, they couldn't have known that things would turn out like this, couldn't have known that they were dealing with something out of the ordinary. But even so, this was sloppier than he would prefer. "The two officers who initially responded to the call, before you arrived," he is still consulting with the STARS Officer, handling a sheaf of papers. "We'll need to call them back and interview them. Their accounts are vital for identifying the impostor. Also," he considers the situation; there was no mention of who had called the police in the first place, "their station should have a recording of the call; we'll need that as well."

He looks up at the apartment, shattered window and all. What a mess. "This is my cell," Emhyn scribbles a number across one of the papers and hands it to the officer, "let me know when those are in." In the meantime, he follows where the creepy-looking woman had gone. If Cannonaid had her on staff she was probably trustworthy, but there was something about her that was unsettling...

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:44 pm

Alistair had his hands in his coat-pockets as he balanced back and forth on his heels for a bit before stomping off to the wunderoo-kiddos.

"So you three are ze secret weapon everyone has been talking about?" He gave a slight chuckle, bending his knees to go down to eye-level with the wunderkind, "children turned into machines... I heard mention, yes, but I never bozered to read ze reports, too many numbers." he extended his right hand, "it is a pleasure to meet you all, I am Alistair, I am looking forward to working on zis case with the next step in... ze human evolution, is that how you said it?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:38 pm

Taking the hand, Scarlett gives it a firm shake; thanks to Janda's help, it's as if she wasn't ever nervous at all. "Ae'm Scarlett O'Malley. It's naece t'meet you, sir. But...Ae thought we waer moore secret'n that? Ae thought nae one knew 'bout us yet."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Emhyn finds a path into the building, following that woman. He finds her lounging in the apartment, leaning against a wall, smoking her cigarettes. "Nah." She says to Scarlet. "The Empire's put out a few investigative slips 'bout you kids already, but they're labeled weird an' not really easy t' access."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:20 pm

He looked up as people spoke back and forth, looking both confused and disbelieving. The girls, robots? That would explain why they were here and all, but... They just looked like kids in funny super hero outfits.

"No way. Seriously? Robots?"

He looked the girls up and down again.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:19 pm

"I was briefed only a little, I know close to nozing of how you operate, which perhaps is for ze best, non?" he gave Amleth a nod, "As far as I understand... not robots. Children to begin wiz, zen changed. How, I do not know." he stood up and looked around, scratching the back of his head.

"I fear... I come up wiz blanks. Zis investigation is run by so many, it is like ze proverb... Too many cooks spoil ze soup, non?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:34 pm

Emhyn listens to Alistair's bit of exposition wordlessly, filing that bit of information away for later. Seriously, children turned into robots? Well, he's almost halfway there himself...

He nods curtly to the assembled, adding one more cook in a soup that would hopefully need a lot of ingredients. "Have we found anything new?" is all he asks.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:30 am

"We ain't cooks." The woman in white says, flicking her cigarette into the trash. "More eyes on the watch..." She thinks for a second, furrowing her brow. "...Shut up."

Janda shakes her head. "There's no new information, as far as I know. Other than the scraps of paper lying around."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:33 am

Amleth looked on half disbelievingly. The Whites had said that they would see unusual things, but he hadn't been expecting semi-robot girls. Girls in the sense that these appeared to be children, too. He'd noticed that they were young before of course, but somehow he'd assumed that armor wearing kids might be just the kind of thing they were talking about. It would definitely qualify as "weird" by itself.

"... Huh. Uhm." Might as well forge ahead for now. Except... "I'm not sure that I know where to go from here. Where did the body end up? Do we know?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:23 am

Alistair gave a brief shrug. To be honest, he didn't know what else to do either. Walking up to the window, he looked to the distance of the next building, frowning.

"Are you girls capable of a leap as far as zis?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:43 am

Scarlett heads to the window, looking across. "Probably! Bu' laemme see t'be sure."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:30 pm

20 feet? ...With enough charge on their hydraulics, they could make it.

"This hole is way too big for a gunshot." The captain thinks. "Especially with the glass they make these windows out of."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:43 pm

Looking back to Alistair, Scarlett nods again, grinning broadly. "Aesy! Wouldn't even haeve t'try!"

At the captain, Valentin simply nods, doing his best to ignore outright the Wunderkind. First rubber children, and now electronic? Nothing but more of the city's ridiculousness, something that will just get in the way of real work if he lets it. "Zen I vould say our next step should be to interview ze other members of your team, Captain. Vonce ve haf a better idea of ze situation, perhaps things vill become more clear."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:29 am

Emhyn treads over to the window slowly, lining up his vision with the rooftops below, making note of the buildings he had been told there had been snipers on.

"If you were to jump through when the window was whole," he says to Scarlett at last, "would there be blood on the glass? Any traces of anything? And would it shatter about like this?"

He has the most unpleasant feeling growing. Frankly, he would prefer it if it were the work of a ghost, but...

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:48 pm

Janda looks at Scarlett, before turning to Emhyn, going ahead and answering:

"No, our entire bodies are armored. The glass wouldn't hurt us at all. And we're dense enough that we'd shatter the glass that much, I think..."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:07 pm

Scarlett nods. "Aye, wha' she saed. Why?"

Only a moment later, her eyes narrow. "...'ey! Y'ken i' was onna us? Tha's crazy! Nuh uh, wae're th'only ones in th'whole Empire, th'three of us. An' we dinnae do it! You're silly!" She crosses her arms in a huff, glaring at Emhyn. Doesn't he know Wunderkind are good guys?

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:19 pm

"She's right, ya know." Em says. "We've got our unnerpants on th' outside, tha's textbook superhero. Plus we can't really hide with these bodies, we stickowt like a...Like a...Like somethin' that sticks out."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:50 pm

"A sore thumb," Emhyn replies mildly, "yes, you do. Frankly, you three stick out so much I'm surprised I haven't heard about you before now. My compliments to the Emperor's finest, I suppose." He frowns and turns to face them. "I am not accusing any of you. But we were brought into this for our lack of preconceived notions, and 'you're the only ones in the Empire' is as good a preconception not to have as any. I doubt you would consent to an interview, so I would like your opinion now, if that is acceptable."

"Now, if you were to jump," the hydraulics in his legs shift quietly as he crouches down and examines the floor in front of the window, looking for scuff marks, cracks, anything that could indicate that someone had been running on it, "where do you think you would start? And where do you think you would land?"

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:06 pm

"I would start from...Here." Janda says, taking a position about midway through the room. "Depending on hydraulic strength, I'd land anywhere between...That smokestack and the skylight."

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Gee Cee » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:23 pm

Emhyn gives a low whistle as Janda points out the maximum distance for her jump. "That's much better than I could do," he notes, impressed. A little scuffing on the carpet near where the Wunderkind had started. The perpetrator had roughly comparable hydraulic strength, most likely. "How hard do you think you would land?" He looks out again, making note of where he had been told the snipers had been posted. Her maximum landing zone was well past them. He traces the trajectory...

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:25 pm

"Well, I weigh...Nearly five hundred pounds. I'd land hard enough to shatter the glass on the skylight."

...If one were to look, the glass on the skylight was, indeed, shattered on the landing roof.

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Re: For Bucephalus!

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:43 pm

"...Excuse me, Lieutenant, but you think a child commited zis crime?" Valentin gives Emhyn a look of disbelief. "I zuppose ze evidence does seem to vit, but ze idea zat even a child here could do zomethink zo...horrible..." He scowls, unwilling to continue on.

And Scarlett nods. "Aye! We dinnae even have our weapons unless our superiors let us!"


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