Supervillainy, Inc.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:07 pm

"Hell, doc. With all the paperwork I've signed, I'm surprised you even feel the courtesy of asking, I'm sure my ass belongs squarely to you people now..." he kept his tone semi-serious, but broke into an invisible smile.

"Sure, we can do that. These dizzy-spells are just temporary anyway, build up power quick enough." he took the vials, looking them over before putting them in the front pocket of his hoodie.

"Right, I'll go fry her circuits for now," he gave a little shrug and threw his duffel bag over his shoulder, "which way's the gym?"

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:29 pm

"Third floor, so you can just go down that stairway over there," Paracelsus replies, jerking his head to the corner of the room. "Mogul tries to keep me accessible. You'll have to do a short physical too, but it won't take too long. Gold's the one with the astonishingly appropriate facepaint."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:50 pm

"My goal as a trainer isn't just to boost your powers. It's to make sure that you're not a one-trick pony, regardless of however the outside world might see you."

Such a direct answer. And yet it makes so much sense.
There is so much more to anyone than just some lone superpower.
So many people seem to completely lose sight of that, especially with Shades.

But not her.
This was an intelligent woman...
This Godde...


"...stop stop stop STOP." Shades tells himself.
Now is not the time to get distracted.
All his life, people focused solely on his obvious power.
For her to say there are other things to consider, that is important to him.
For that, at least, she deserved some kind of an explanation.

...For now.

"To be honest, I'm... still not entirely sure on the extent of my powers." Shades begins to tell her, leaning against one of the weight lifting machines,
"From what I do know, I seem to be able to manipulate shadows. I know how to... well... hmm, I guess the best explanation is 'blend' myself into them. I can also manifest things from them somewhat. But, in a bright room like this, it's very limited. That's why I try to rely on using a bo-staff most of the time."

As he thinks to himself briefly, he supposes the last part is somewhat true, .
Out in daylight or brightly lit areas, his powers have always been severely diminished.
However, it's the entire reason.
At least with the bo-staff, he knows he has complete control over it.

While his powers...

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:49 pm

Haywire nodded and headed up to the stairway, looking down.

"A physical? Haha, well, shit, I haven't done that since grade-school." he cracked his neck as he grabbed the railing, sending a weak current through it despite his insulation, "'s gonna be interesting... we get access to the gym right? Might need some exercise to get the stiffness out of my joints..."

He stepped down the staircase and descended into the gym, noticing bold Goldie and and Shades... huh, well, he wasn't exactly in a hurry.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:47 pm

"Then we can work on that some other time, and dim the lights. For now, let's see what you're comfortable with. You can use the bo staff if you wish, but we'll cover unarmed combat as well."

Gold looks up to Haywire, and gives a brief wave.

"Hey there. Haywire, correct? How about stepping up here with Shades? Might as well kill two birds with one stone."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:13 am

Haywire gave Shades a casual glance and threw his duffel bag down by one of the machines, giving a short laugh.

"Shades, huh? Can't see why you'd call yourself that, he he..." he stepped up to the two and folded his arms, feeling rather proud of himself and the effort he'd put into making his outfit. Hell, compared to this guy, who only wore a shirt, pants and a pair of shades, he had the whole thing down... even the mysterious half-hidden face and the hair and the boots... shit, he was cool.

"So, you're Golden girl? Which one are you? Dorothy, Rose?" he chuckles until he realizes he just made a reference to a day-time soap starring old ladies. Fucking old ladies... damn, there went the cool points... then again, he said it kind of flippantly, so that'd make him ironic. And ironic was cool, he knew about the Golden Girls... ironically. Yeah, still cool.

"Doc up there told me I was going to fight you, yeah?" he looks over at Shades and grins beneath his scarf, "take it easy on me, I'm a newbie."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:19 pm

"No. I'm the Golden Girl that kicks your ass in the ring," Gold replies, with her little teeth-baring smile. "Congrats for a new annoying name though. As for fighting... yes. You can pick your weapons, or lack thereof. I'll be going unarmed. But first, I just want to do some basics with weights and running a mile. It's not a full workout, but enough for me to see your general level of conditioning. Unless one of you has super strength or speed, which tends to muck things up."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:55 am

Already, Shades can tell he's not going to like this guy.
They're supposed to be learning important stuff here, and he's treating her..., treating this situation like a joke.
He's tempted, oh so tempted, to tell the guy off.
But that's probably not going to sit well with Gold...

...the company.

"Godsdammit, focus man!" Shades shouts to himself in his head

He walks over to the weapons rack, picking up one of the staff weapons.
He then goes up to the area Golden Girl referred to earlier, making a few practice motions with.
He spins and rotates for a little while, to get a sense for the weight and balance.

", are you going to keep quoting old sitcoms, or are we going to actually accomplish something today?" Shades comments to Haywire.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:04 am

Haywire shrugged at Goldie's response, smiling beneath his mask as he shook his arms a bit to get some blood into them, cracking his neck as he watched Shades go out and pick some... ninja-stick or another. Hah, well, fuck, if they were going to do any actual exercise he was screwed.

"Haha, guess you got that then?" He said to Shades as he walked over to the rack as well, looking over what was available... huh... well damn, this could be interesting. He took out some... weapon, wooden training sword, something, not really important. But he'd play along for now... hopefully neither would've read his file, or know what he's capable of. It would be awesome.

"Right, whatever, just tell us what we need to do..." he weighed the weapon in his hand, clearly not having the kind of expertise Shades had with his staff. "Are we going to just wave these things around, or do we go running laps, or...?"

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:25 pm

"Twice this area's perimeter, but not around the pool. Too many 'accidents' that way. You don't have to carry your weapons while you run; not this time, at least. Later, you will be expected to be able to move quickly while carrying whatever you're using, but this is just a real basic assessment. Afterwards, head to the bench and I'll spot you for how much you can press."

She fiddles with her wristwatch, obviously ready to start and growing impatient.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:11 pm

Haywire didn't feel confortable with this at all. His outfit wasn't really meant for running... For one, his damn boots were, well, boots. Friggin' steel-capped boots! ...It was a good thing he didn't really sweat anymore, his 'internal combustion' after the change made his body produce very little, if any waste, so at least he wouldn't go around stinking all day... but on the other hand, he could get exhausted, and from what he knew from experience, pretty damn quickly too.

"Alright, yeah, sure..." he dropped the blade and started off running... and felt damn stupid while doing this.

Is this really what professional supervillains do? he thought to himself as he felt the familiar burn in his legs as static began to build up, but beside it also the familiar ache of his muscles complaining about having to work. Run laps and bench weights? Shit, if I'd known I'd be doing this, I wouldn't've wasted my time getting that degree...

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:08 pm

Gold, almost as if she can read Haywire's mind (or at least his reluctance,) gives a faint smirk that probably comes off as condescending.

"Mobility and endurance can take you through any fight, if power levels are evenly matched... or even if they're not. Qlobber-" she continues, pronouncing the Quintessential Quartet's strong-man's name as 'Clobber', "- for example, can take down pretty much anyone with a swing of his fist. Fortunately for the rest of us, he's not that fast. As long as you can keep moving, you can take your time whittling down anyone. Even Mighty Miss. It's not really the speed I'm trying to check out right now so much as your stamina."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:19 pm

As much he complains to himself about his previous lifestyle, this could be one time his life on the run pays off.

As he gears up to run, he boggles at Haywire's attire for it.
Either this guy wasn't too bright, or he was a lot stronger that he was letting on.
He's also reminded of Clobber when Gold briefly speaks of him.

That big loudmouth... drove him crazy anytime the guy was around.
Of all the people to call "HIM" a freak... talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

The way they made a fool of Globber, during Shades 'rescue', is probably one of the few good memories he still has of PAETA.

Rather than put the weapon down, he straps it to his back.
After all, if he's going to be out in the field, he'll be lugging around something like that anyway.
He then gets started, going after Haywire down the track.

This is supposed to be just a test of his endurance.
However, he'd be lying to himself if the though of impressing Gold, or one upping Haywire, wasn't crossing his mind somewhat.

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Unread postby la_chibi » Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:45 pm

Unfortunately for Shades, despite Haywire being less conditioned, his long legs are making up for a good portion of the difference. Apparently being that big has a few advantages! However, the distance slowly closes between them as they complete their first lap. Haywire will probably notice Shades coming up, though whether or not he attempts to one-up the boy is open.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:16 pm

Haywire hadn't really thought about being any kind of challenge for Shades, but it appeared he'd gotten a good head-start! Well shit, that was unexpected!

He wondered for a moment whether he should give Shades a shock once the other obviously new guy passed him. Not a big one... well, he couldn't guarantee that... but through the glove maybe...

No, no that'd be dirty. Too dirty even by the standards of these people. Besides, he didn't want to make an enemy the first day out of someone who seemed as new to this as he was.

Or was he? Hell, he'd just assumed that since he was doing this Physical, they were on the same level, but he seemed to know what he was doing... Oh shit, he's catching up! Realizing he'd been drifting into thoughts he tried to force his legs to work harder, but it was hard to drop out of the gait-like run he'd fallen into. Still though, he'd be damned if he wasn't going to win this one!

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And now, what you've all been waiting for!

Unread postby la_chibi » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:56 am

Unfortunately for Haywire, Shades' better conditioning ends up winning the day! With a furious finish, Shades ends up completing the prescribed route ahead of Haywire.

Gold merely notes their times at the end, giving a slight nod.

"Not too shabby. Could be improved, but neither of you is going to be the schlub holding everyone back on a mission. Unless the mission involves speedsters or similar annoyances at least," she adds, correcting herself.

Checking how much they can bench is a much briefer affair, with Gold giving them a brief breather before seeing the maximum amount they can bench-press once. Since neither of the two has super strength, it may be slightly unnerving to see Gold casually lifting or tossing around weight stacks that weigh more than either of them weigh. Then again, they have signed up with an organization catering to supers....

"Now, for the fun stuff," Gold says, setting aside the weights. She gives a slightly crooked grin. "We'll be sparring. We're connected to our doc's lab by a stairwell, so any injuries that come up can be healed. If either of you have notions of chivalry, please set them aside for now. You can use your powers in this fight, but please try not to rely on them; too many supes who do that end up facing someone who's immune to it. Now which of you gentlemen would like to go first?"

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:41 pm

Haywire was a bit pissed to be beaten but, honestly, this guy... Shades, he seemed to know what he was doing when it came to fighting... and lifting weights? Hell, that couldn't be further from his everyday life. Good thing they'd have access to this gym, if he could figure out a workaround to his insulation-uniform, he might get into this. Swimming laps... not so much.

"Nah, you go first," he nodded to Shades, "I need to take a breather... 'sides, you look like you've got more pent-up aggression to deal with." he chuckled.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:08 pm

Funny, how quickly the thrill of victory turns into... well... There really isn't an old saying that covers this situation. Other than it really sucks. It was such a nice feeling, showing he was good at something. Especially for her...

And now he finds that he has to fight her. Suddenly, dealing with Haywire's apparently attitude seems nicer than it did a few moments ago.

With a visible hint of hesitation, Shades reaches for and readies his bo-staff. He tries to mentally pep talk himself about this. She said they were both showing promise so far. Coming from someone like her, that had to mean a lot. And it's not like she was some fair damsel, waiting to be rescued...

...Oh God, why was that thought even popping into his head?

Regardless, this is a highly-trained super.
She has regenerative powers.
She has probably faced down much more dangerous people than you.
This won't end up like...

...that time...

...oh God... Shades, what the f#$k did you do?!

Is he... is he going to be Ok!?

Hold on, man, please... just hold on a little longer!

Weren't you paying attention?! How could you let this happen!?!?

I'm trying to heal him, but he's hurt really badly....


No, he... Shades wouldn't... he's...



"I'm.... I'm ready when you are." Shades tells her, getting into a defensive posture.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:13 pm

Gold takes Shades' defensive posture in stride, shifting into a fluid attack. Nothing hard; just a softball jabwith her right fist. While casual- far too casual if this were a real fight- her defense is air-tight, with no wasted movement. This is just a gentle probe of Shades' defenses.

(OOC: Will do dice-rolling as necessary, but trying some back and forth with combat descriptions.)

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:45 pm

Ok... this is just practice...

just need to calm down...

stay focused...

remember what you taOHHOLYCRAPFIST!

Shades does his best to side-step out of the way of the rapidly moving jab.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:37 pm

Shades steps out of the way just in time; even going easy, Gold isn't exactly slow. She uses her forward momentum to vault into a spinning cartwheel, feet lashing out in a wheeling kick that Shades is able to parry using the bo staff. Flipping to her feet again, she flashes a clear 'come and get me' grin, fists loosely held in front of her.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:18 am

Haywire was sitting on a weight-bench with his arms folded, watching the fight with an amused look, occasionally gripping the steel bars or legs of the bench to discharge some built up electricity discreetly, he didn't want Goldie to know about his powers just yet.

Shades seemed to be holding his own in the fight, and the electrical maverick was starting to find some slight respect for him. If the guy was good, then possible team-ups weren't out of the question. Besides, his calm, demure, holier-than-thou attitude would clash well with his own, which would mean great tabloids... He smiled underneath his scarf as he considered possible headlines in the future.

HAYWIRE & SHADES - Only crime bring these two together!

The Electrical Maverick & ...uhh... SHADES - The Dastardly Duo of D... du... Destruction?

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:35 am

Holy crap. I'm not lying down on the ground, completely emasculated.

...well, at least not yet.

No time to be nervous, or distracted.
This goddess of womanho...


...GOLDEN GIRL, is waiting to see what he's got.
And he'll be damned if he doesn't try to prove himself.

He knows trying to attack head on is right out, unless he wants a super-powered fist in the face.
He needs to take advantage of his quickness, see if he can trip her up somehow.

Bo staff at the ready, he moves as if to attack head-on, but prepares a sneaky low-hit instead.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:14 am

Unfortunately for Shades, Gold sees through that immediately, instead almost blurring with movement as she pops a punch to his nose. While it is very sharply pulled, so that it stops less than an inch before contacting skin, he can feel the rush of air from it.

"Your defense isn't bad, but you're a little sloppy on the attack. Try not to telegraph your movements," she says lightly. "Try again, and don't be afraid to put some feeling into it."

With that, she slides back, hands down.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:28 pm

Haywire watches half-interested, already distracted by all the training equipment around here. Man, if he could just swallow his pride and get on a program, he would be in tip-top shape in no time... and Goldie here might even offer to be his personal trainer or something...

Well, you know, he could always come here incognito, wearing normal clothes... when he didn't apply ridiculous amounts of wax to his hair, it didn't look half as badass as it does now. No one'd recognize him.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:05 pm

"Man, you look good enough to eat," says a raspy voice directly into Haywire's ear. The gender is indeterminate; it could be a high-pitched man, or a deep-voiced woman. And this is clearly not a pick-up line.

The owner of said voice managed to sneak up without Haywire noticing, but retreats slightly to survey him from a distance. Just as the voice was indeterminate, so is the figure standing beside him. Short-- but not unusually so-- with a slight build and tousled chestnut hair, the person examines Haywire with dark, pupilless eyes. He? She? It? wears a no-nonsense glorified wetsuit, the type in fashion only with the most old-school supers or those who need clothing that can accomodate shape-changing. 'It' doesn't look old enough to be old-school, while his/her collar with a metal ID tag dangling from it further supports the latter idea. A reddish stain lurks at the corner of hir mouth.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:55 am

Haywire started, almost getting up and staring at the... thing that was accosting him. Wow... freaks, yeah. Haywire'd considered himself a weirdo, but these guys... Goldie, Shades and now... Wetsuit?

"Looks can be deceiving..." he growled, standing back himself to check out this weirdo, "I think you'd be in for a shock if you tried anything, so keep those thoughts to yourself."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:31 pm

"Heh," the creature replies, snickering. "Yeah, the Mogul already told me hands off coworkers. And teeth. Last time I tried ripping a piece off Gold, she beat me half to death with her own arm. I like her. She's the person I'd want to be stuck with on a desert island. Never run out of food that way."

This person obviously isn't completely there, at least mentally, but there is a certain predatory light in its eyes.

"I'm Wyld Chylde. Never quite figured out the spelling. So you're the fresh meat? What's your handle?"

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:45 am

Haywire relaxed a little... but just a little, and his fingers stopped rubbing against each other... it was a nasty habit he'd started recently, whenever he was agitated he began building up static like a maniac, and he gripped the handlebar of one of the weights, discharging into it with a 'FZZT'. He even made a point of letting it all out at once, to show this "Wild Child" he wasn't the new fish she... uh... he(?)... it could toy around with. That would be Shades.

"Haywire." he extends his hand, a small amount of current still there. Shi can take it, but shi's going to have to learn that he means business.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:29 am

Wyld Chylde observes the discharge dispassionately, and looks at the extended hand curiously. Shi leans down to sniff it, and a few beats pass before going "Oh." Without a trace of embarrassment, shi then continues to shake the hand, wincing slightly at the current.

"That's the kinda juice Butterfly used to use on me when I misbehaved. You ever met Butterfly? Crazy lady. Hate her," Wyld Chylde says, whispering in mock confidentiality. "Sparks tried to do it on me too, but Intern told him to stop. I also threatened to eat his dog. Intern scolded me. Lots of rules, but still better than PAETA. Nutjobs. You ever work with them? Or did the lone wolf thing?"

While there are a few supers who use Butterfly as part of their code name, the connection with PAETA confirms that she's probably mentioning Madame Butterfly, one of PAETA's members.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:59 am

Haywire'd obviously let out a bit more juice than he'd intended too... but then again, he wasn't much for subtlety. He liked the cut of hir jib, this was one cape who wasn't fucking around, and shi's certainly not hiding it.

"Huh, PAETA? Man, no, I never went there myself. I went solo for a while, but, you know," he raises an eyebrow and grins beneath his mask, "'though I figured I can handle myself, better to have some big guys take care of the numbers while I do the smashing."

"So 'sides eatin' whoever you don't like, what's your thing?"

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I suck =/

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:24 pm

God dammit.
One attack and he's already making an ass out of himself.
Time to focus, man. Get your A-Game on. Show what you can do.
She mentioned telegraphing his moves.
He supposed if he really wanted to take her by suprise, he could always use his pow...

Oh God... Shades what have you DONE?!

It's... I'm trying guys, but it just wont seem to stop...

YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!, he can pull this off without using it.
Maybe he can't control that, but the bo-staff should be like an extension of himself by now.

Telegraphing... oh God, how stupid!
The big wind up to swing at her must have done it.
He figured with her super-power, he'd need a harder than normal hit.
Unfortunately, that's probably giving her more time to react.
He needs to try and widdle her down...

...if that's possible.

Still, won't know if he doesn't try.
He makes as if to do another wild swing, but prepares to move in with a quick jab instead.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:28 pm

Shades' jab connects squarely with Gold's jaw, and she gives a slight grunt. While she doesn't seem terribly bothered by it, that seems more due to her powers than a failure on Shades' part.

"Good! That's more like it. I don't think you're fast enough to take on anyone with enhanced reflexes, but you're not bad. See if you can make contact a couple more times."

Wyld Chylde observes avidly, licking hir lips in an unsettling manner.

"Mm... Paracelsus sez I'm a walking appetite. I can shapechange, but only to stuff I've eaten before. And my metabolism's all kinds of messed up. I can only use my powers if I'm on a high protein diet, and tofu just don't cut it. I went kinda feral before PAETA picked me up, and then their whole 'don't eat the tasty meat!' schtick really got me. God I hate 'em."

Wyld Chylde grins wolfishly.

"Picked up a new shape today. I don't get his powers, but hey! Whatever! Humans ain't for profit, just fun."

Without waiting for a response, Wyld Chylde's features melt together, though the savage grin remains in place, like the Cheshire cat. Bone and muscle begin restructuring themselves as shi grows taller and puts on more muscle, ending up looking like a square-jawed, muscular black man with a small goatee. The glorified wetsuit and collar have adjusted themselves accordingly.

"So this is what Hawkman looks like in his zip form," Wyld Chylde says, voice now a resonant baritone. 'He' laughs coarsely. "Always figured the dude was compensating for something."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:04 am

Haywire hid pretty well how creeped out he was about this discussion. Shi actually ATE people? He'd thought it was hir shtick to, you know, joke around about it... but shi'd actually eaten Hawkman? ...Wow, he'd seen that guy in action once, pre-experiment, and the guy could pull off some mean acrobatics... he'd have to watch himself around this Wyld Chylde in the future, chances were she was the company's clean-up policy...

"Ha, you took that creep out?" He chuckled in a way that sounded the most convincing to himself, "heard he got in through a window. Good going there, those PAETA sound like some real pain in the... seems like a lot of people're connected to those super-freaks."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:24 pm

Shades can't help smiling a little.
This was far from over, but at least he somewhat redeemed his earlier stupidity.

The question now is, how to use this against someone with super strength and healing factor?
Then again, that's the whole point of using the staff.
It's not about strength. Anyone with enough can swing a giant stick.
It's about having something to act as an extension of your body.
Another tool to control the situation, if you're skilled enough.

Maybe he can't win in a straight up fight, but there has to be some way to immobilize her, even temporarily.
Maybe if he...



Shades happens to look over at Haywire, and can see 'Hawkman' casually sitting next to him.

The one he's quite sure they were posting an alert over earlier.

"...what... the fuck?" Shades says aloud, looking over at him.

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Unread postby la_chibi » Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:16 am

"Hey, toots!" Wyld Chylde calls over to Shades, waggling his fingers obnoxiously.

Gold looks over, and rolls her eyes.

"Chylde, quit messing with the rookies," she says briskly.

"Can always mess with you instead," he replies, grin widening.

"You're disgusting."

"You're delicious."

This is obviously a long-running feud, but the Golden Girl tightens her features into an impassive mask, nodding to Shades.

"That waste of space is Wyld Chylde. One of the most disgusting colleagues it has ever been my privilege to work with, and that includes the Flasher. The reason I can tell that's not Hawkman is because the real Hawkman is apparently missing a wing and locked into a holding cell," she says matter-of-factly, not quite glaring at Wyld Chylde. "If I had reason to suspect that's not Hawkman, say, such as this person picking a fight with me, of course I would rip him limb from limb."

Wyld Chylde's lazy grin fades slightly, but he slowly shifts back to hir original form.

"Yeah, yeah. One of these days I'll figure out how to kill you. Maybe swallow you whole, like a shark."

"Been done. Ripped my way out. Besides, wouldn't your little mistress get upset?"

"...prob'ly." That seems to vaguely disquiet Wyld Chylde, who immediately changes the subject. "Why don't you go back to teaching or whatever? I'm gonna swim." With that, Wyld Chylde begins walking to the pool. Gold continues to glare after Chylde.

(OOC: Opportunity to attack Gold, if Shades feels like trying to be sneaky. Or Haywire, I guess. =P)

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:26 pm

Haywire watched the rivalry play out with a relaxed look. It was good to know there were people who wanted to kill each other on board, and the fact that someone, or something, was scaring Wyld Chylde was another point he'd make sure to remember... and find out more about as soon as he could.

As Wyld Chylde headed off for the pool, he resisted the urge to follow after. He probably wouldn't be able to beat up Goldie here, considering how happy-lucky-emo Shades was doing, but he could at least give Wyld a little shock in the pool. That would've been hilarious... but no, he put his hands on the back of his head and leaned back a bit, still watching Shades and Goldie.

"Whenever you two are done."

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat May 01, 2010 11:53 am

...well, this is an unexpected feeling.

Back in the PETA days, Hawkman had always been a bit of a thick-headed, overconfident prick.
And this WAS the same person who wanted to beat him senseless after... the incident.

Still... once or twice the winged doofus had saved his bacon during a couple missions.
To him, having that wing ripped off must've been like losing an arm or a leg.

Poor bastard.

...but Shades can't afford to think that way. Not anymore.

Hawkman won't be the last former associate he runs into, after all.
While not completely by his choice, he's part of this company now.
And they're the best shot he has to figuring his powers out.

Right now, he has to get back to more important priorities.
Namely, not looking like a completely incompetent moron in combat.
He turns back to Gold, getting back into a fighting stance.

"...I'm ready when you are." Shades tells her.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby la_chibi » Sun May 02, 2010 9:33 pm

With a grin, Gold gets back to training Shades.

There is quite a bit of back and forth; testing Shades' limits, rather than attempting to push past them. A few times she snaps at him to hit harder, going "Dammit! My bones heal faster than you can sneeze!" At the end of it though, she appears satisfied, and pats him on the back. While Shades will probably feel as if he's just been through a sauna, Gold has barely broken a sweat.

"Not bad for your first time. I wouldn't put you in any combat-heavy missions by yourself yet though," she comments, wiping one arm across her forehead. "We'll get you there though. You can hit the showers here or at whatever dorm they've hooked you up with."

Lazily cracking her knuckles, she looks to Haywire.

"Ready to roll?"

Apparently she's not bothering with a breather between opponents.

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Re: Supervillainy, Inc.

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon May 03, 2010 5:12 am

Seeing his round come up, Haywire felt a growing sense of unease in the pit of his stomach. Shit. He wasn't ready to go toe-to-toe with some muscle-building creep, he wasn't even able to run up a flight of stairs without breathing heavy. At least he didn't sweat anymore, that was a slight relief.

"Well, sure, hell, why the fuck not?" he grumbled and got up next to Shades, striking a deep kung fu pose before laughing and shifting into standing normally, shuffling about in some sort of embarrassment. "I can't fight for shit, so you're going to have a great time pounding me into the dirt."

Inside, he was considering his options... if he could work up enough of a static charge and dodge Golden Girl's punches for a while, he might be able to fry her circuits enough to leave an impression. Once he'd blown his load, though, that'd be it.


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