Belelmund: The Folly of Sitanest

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Unread postby Kai » Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:35 pm

Once again, Myrnal sat silent to hear Dan out. She didn't consider herself a particularly good listener, but there was not much she wanted to say to him anyway. Might as well wait for him to get done with all this stuff he needed to share with her. Not a damn bit of it was any of Myrnal's business, and she wasn't sure where he was going with it all. Everyone's life had worth and even people who did terrible things deserved a chance to turn themselves around and do things right. What she was not certain on was whether Daniel was more concerned with reforming the orcs she'd killed, or with reforming Myrnal herself.

Even if there was little she felt like sharing with Dan, there was a lot that she should say. There was a lot that maybe he'd have cared about, and maybe something drifting down in the self-imposed mangled mess of Myrnal's conscience was what he'd been looking for from the start. Then there were a few things she could say that might even get him to think, get him to change his mind.

It's just that she wasn't good at sharing any of those things. It would have been useful, had she the inclination or the talent for making herself understood on that deep a level, but Myrnal was a woman who did not even do a very good job at understanding herself.

So it took her a while to figure out how she should reply to Dan, though she knew she must. Eventually, after mulling over a much more personal explanation than she'd expected from Dan, she decided to answer as directly as possible. She shrugged to soften the impact of a very short statement. "You're right about chances." In fact, she herself had been given more chances than most people. Several times she had started her life over, and every time she'd made it happen. As a child, she found the Shalienzas. As an adult, she learned what it meant to sacrifice for others, and even what it meant to lose too much. Every time, there had been someone there to give her another chance.

She knotted her fingers together and stretched her arms to pop the joints. "But there's a problem. People don't always kill because they don't care. Nasty things have to be done. They just do. And people who don't like killing can only get away with it if they've got people to do it for them."

And then, with about as much personal detail as Myrnal cared to include, "Some people kill because they don't care who lives or dies. And some people kill because they do." It wasn't something Dan would likely understand, putting some people above others. How could someone with a heart also be someone who can kill without hesitation? But the fact was, Myrnal couldn't let anything happen to her allies. She couldn't deal with herself if someone fell because she'd done less than her best to protect them.

It wasn't a matter of caring for her enemies. It was about caring for her allies, and this was the only way Myrnal knew to show that she did. "Got it?"

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:09 am

Daniel isn't quite sure what to think. From her initial reaction to his question, he thought his initial assumptions were right.

She just smiled. After ending the lives of those orcs so violently, she just smiled. How could anyone just smile after doing something like that?

Obviously, she enjoyed killing them. Obviously she enjoys ending the lives of others. Obviously, life means nothing to her.

Obviously, she must be a monster of a person.

...But, it seems he made a terrible mistake. What Myrnal said contradicted many of his assumptions. Assumptions all made off of one expression on her face. Without even speaking to her.

"...I guess, sometimes, I forget I'm not the only one who kills out of necessity at times."

He switches the halberd to his offhand, and extends his right hand to Myrnal.

"I'm sorry, for assuming the worst." Daniel says to her.

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Unread postby Kai » Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:01 am

Dan's grudging concession was unexpected to say the least. Myrnal had gotten used to the idea that Daniel was just not going to understand that someone could appreciate even the most dangerous and vicious acts if they knew that they were making someone else safe by doing it. As a result, she'd resigned herself to him hating or--worse--fearing her until they finally parted ways, at which point she could only hope Stephan understood that Myrnal had done her best.

She jerked backward as he presented his hand, but quickly realized just what he was doing. Her stunned expression was also keenly appraising as she looked from his hand up to his face to see if he was really serious. Clearly Daniel was not the only one who had made some unfair assumptions on very little information.

Unaccustomed to such sudden peacemaking gestures, Myrnal grunted vaguely and took his hand to signal her assent. There wasn't much else she could say! He was not the first to assume terrible things about Myrnal, and many had done so with far less justification. Nor would he be the last, she was certain. At least she didn't have to worry about explaining to Stephan how someone as overwhelmingly idealistic as his brother had come to despise her. And that was good.

Of course, on another level, Myrnal was simply relieved not to be hated. Some kind of twisted pride in her own self-loathing forbade her from indulging freely in gratitude that someone was treating her better than she'd convinced herself she deserved. It was a complicated thing, mainly because it didn't actually make a whole lot of sense.

Nonetheless Myrnal felt better, and what she could not acknowledge to herself she could also not conceal. Much of the usual sullen indifference dropped out of her voice. "Don't worry about it," she answered quietly.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:21 pm

Leothe, Annetta, Trevor and Anthony enjoy an uneventful cart ride from the oasis to the naga city, their escort being largely quiet for the duration of the trip. If questioned, they'll simply say that they're being taken to their friends. The trip takes quite a while, and they have to stop to make camp at one point. Come morning, they're off again. Around Ten O'Clock in the morning, they can see the settlement, it's markets currently shaded and doing brisk business while they approach.

Dan, Myrnal, Neb and Paul are treated to some news in the morning; Firstly, their friends who could be retrieved will arrive shortly, within the hour. Secondly, their friends who could not be retrieved, the King of Doma and the orc Kobakk are not dead. They are on their way back to Doma capital, for reasons that are unknown to the Naga. They entered the Shumans this morning, and the King is taking advantage of good relations he has with some of the natives there to speed his way home.

An hour passes, and those who were lost in the desert arrive at "Big Rock." Trevor climbs out, and streatches a bit after the long ride. He is still disguised to look very much like a relative of Dan's. Anthony follows suit.

"About damn time we got out again! I've gone all stiff, sitting on a wooden bench for two days!"

(Myrnal, Dan and Neb can be where ever, greeting their comrades, off having tea, etc. Leothe, Annetta, Trevor and Anthony are climbing out of their cart. Paul is sleeping in.)

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:25 pm

There are many things going through Daniel's mind at all the news. Most prominent in his mind right now, however, is relief and joy at the sight of Trevor and the others. He quickly goes to greet them as they arrive at the settlement.

"Thank the Goddess you're all Ok." Daniel says to the group, smiling, "What happened to all of you?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:34 am

"Put simply, we were cast into the Underdark," Leothe said, "Not an experience I would care to repeat. Thankfully, we were able to escape alive, and I must say it's good to see you safe and sound."

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:56 pm

Neb is the second to greet them, and the relief on her face is evident to all who see her. "Don't worry, I won't ask," she said with a wave. Soon after, though, her brow furrowed in concern, and she asked, "But are you all alright now?"

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:04 am

"I've been through much, much, much worse." Annetta says, dusting her shoulder.

...She really had.
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:24 am

Trevor gave Annetta a sidelong glance as she replied to Neb, but then simply turned to the other and smiled a little.

"We had a few close calls, but we're fine. What about the rest of you? You look well."

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Unread postby Kai » Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:10 pm

Myrnal, quietly shadowing Daniel as usual, nodded back to Trevor. "Doing all right, sir." She folded her arms. "Had some messy close calls, but we made it out in one piece."

If she knew Trevor a little bit better, perhaps she'd have gone into more detail. He might have been interested to know who was responsible for splitting them up, and gotten some good intel about the people living in this area. However, Myrnal did not want to risk making him feel even more guilty and anxious than he probably already did. The man was walking into a potential war-zone to reclaim his throne from usurpers. He didn't need to be fretting over Myrnal, and she'd taken care of the others so that he didn't need to worry about them, either.

More discussion could happen later. Maybe they could share messy stories later; Myrnal was curious about the Underdark. "We can check on Charles and that other guy later. Keep them posted or something." She shrugged. One less monarch to protect, though the orc was a loss to the group's fighting capability. All in all, probably a wash. Could be much worse.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:27 pm

Neb nodded along with Myrnal's words, and, assuming no one asked more detailed questions, decided to give a more in depth explanation later. But for now, there was one thing on her mind.

"So your Majesty," Neb said, while she gave a slight bow of her head, "What's your current plan?"

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:00 pm

Trevor rubbed his chin briefly.

"The Naga seemed to know who I was right off, though I'm not sure how. Since the secret's out anyway, I'm going to see about meeting with their leaders and getting us some supplies and transportation to the border. After that... I'm not certain, honestly. We don't have Charles any longer, so it's hard to claim we're on a diplomatic mission. If any of you had a brilliant idea, though?"

He looked from face to face hopefully.

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Unread postby Kai » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:33 pm

Trevor made an excellent point. Without another officially-recognized Seriously Important Person, they had little to no reason to be going back. At least, Trevor did not. Daniel could be claiming to visit family but then again... he might not want to involve whatever family he had back home in what they were there to do. What if they were connected to the usurpers? Or worse, what if they were still loyal to Trevor and Dan's presence with him blew their cover?

The fact that the nagas knew who Trevor was did not mean that they could not resume the false pretense starting now. The nagas were their allies, and they'd trusted them this far. They had to understand the situation, and Myrnal didn't have much choice but to hope they stayed on the right side.

In order to have an unquestioned purpose there, though, they might need more safe excuses. They might need something to do there besides interfere with the government, or someone relatively expendable to be 'visiting.'

Myrnal visibly squirmed with distaste at the idea, but it might work. She had to suggest it. "I think... that I might have some people on my mother's side of the family on the far side of Baron." She held her palms out to forestall comment. "I don't know if they'd be willing to help us, but if they're not... well, they've got enemies, too. And I can try with them. Assuming they're still around at all, that is."

After that Myrnal shoved her hands back in her pockets and shut up. It was something to contribute, a connection that might be of some use, but it wasn't a whole plan of itself. She'd just thought perhaps it might be helpful.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:35 pm

Neb waved her hand, and said, "First of all, I'm a merchant. Second of all, I was on a business trip before all of this, you know. I'm taken care of."

The moment she stopped speaking, though, Neb's eyes widened in realization, and she glanced quickly between Trevor, Daniel, and Myrnal. "Now, I already have bodyguards," she started. "But it's awfully dangerous to travel from Doma to Baron cross country, isn't it? Not to mention how difficult it can be to manage clients all by myself..."

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:41 am

"Your ideas are foolish." Annetta says fairly forcefully. "You're trying to make excuses from the sound of it, as if you expected to be ousted right away. I say we continue on as if nothing is changed, and if worse come to worse, I shall deal with whoever needs to know why."
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:22 am

Trevor gave Annetta a wary look, as though he were regarding someone who had just jumped onto a table and declared that they were the queen of lizards.

"How did you plan to 'deal' with the border guard, madam?"

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:51 pm

"They'll simply have to understand they're dealing with a higher power."

Whoops, did that slip out?
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Unread postby Kai » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:51 pm

Myrnal snorted, mostly to herself. This woman had no attractive features or compelling personality to speak of, and was therefore not worth Myrnal's time. Perhaps a bit objectifying and misogynist, but Myrnal was a woman herself, and she figured sometimes she was allowed a little annoyance with her own sex.

Myrnal had to give her one thing, though: Annetta was surprising. And she had a very interesting plan.

They would sally forth without so much as a cover story, and anybody who asked a casual question or inquired about them in an official capacity... well, they would simply all have to be 'dealt with.' Myrnal was ready to admit that not everyone had quite her command of stealth, but even this was crossing some kind of line into common knowledge.

"I'm no expert in the diplomatic stuff, but isn't it kind of a stain on the king's mission to have his escort bumping off everybody that comes by asking questions? I mean, politics isn't my game, but even I know that killing lots of people for no good reason is generally... y'know. Not going to be good if he wants to... perhaps stay on his throne and get the goodwill of his people behind him."

She lifted her hands defensively, feigning uncertainty. "But y'know. Maybe I'm wrong. I could be way off. By all means, kill everybody who looks at us funny. What's the worst that could happen?"

From the woman who had just carved a bloody gaping hole in the population of an orc village, that was saying something.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:42 pm

"Did I say kill, you halfwitted barbarian? I said they would be dealt with. Please, for your own sake, learn to deal with a situation in ways beyond stabbing it until it goes away."
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Unread postby Kai » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:17 pm

Myrnal rolled her eyes and waved one hand in a dismissive shooing motion. "If you really thought that was how I solved all my problems, you'd be more hesitant to piss me off. Otherwise you might not like how I deal with you."

She shrugged, clearly trying to throw the issue off her shoulders. "And perhaps if you were capable of explaining yourself clearly, people wouldn't misunderstand you... and let me tell you, coming from me that's pretty serious. If you've got something more precise or intelligent than the plan you vaguely alluded to, it's common courtesy to inform the people you're working with."

She snorted in disgust and muttered, "Even the average cut-throat for hire has got reason to show a little professionalism. Frigging short-fuse hacks are going to be the death of me."

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:33 pm

Annetta stood, and walked evenly towards Myrnal. "I do not have to answer to you, child. Trust me, and your lifespan will increase dramatically. But in the meantime, I would love to see you deal with me."

As she reached the halfway mark, there's an intense, but short lived flash of light. As it diminishes, Annetta herself is gone. In her place is a much different person.

She is now over six feet tall, and pointing a large, crystaline two handed sword at Myrnal. She wears ornate black armor carved with sigils and runes, some of which glow a mild blue. Worn on her shoulders and back is a blood red that extends up to cover her face below the nose. Most notable is the pair of large wings that have sprouted from her back, pearly white at the stems of the feathers and dyed a slight red near the tip.

"You are dealing with powers you cannot possibly comprehend, child. You would do well to know your place." Anita sneered.

(Crushing Presence, going into effect on Myrnal.)
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:17 pm

There are many reactions to Annetta's display. Paul yelps, and Anthony curses as he starts in surprise. Naga all over the desert city look over in all manner of different emotional states. Myrnal feels something trying to bowl her over, and just as suddenly break against her like a wave against a sea cliff. Yet her legs are steady; It was not her body that was assaulted, but whatever had happened didn't seem to have impacted her.

Trevor, to the side, was caught off guard, but recovered quickly. He studied Anita now.

"You're a celestial."

(Myrnal makes her Cou check, and is unaffected! No one else was targetted by a spell effect, but your quiet half elf did just turn into a big angel woman in a flash of light.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:59 pm

Leothe had been caught rather off-guard by the abrupt transformation, but from what he could see, the situation was, if anything, more tense. Myrnal did not strike him as the type to back down in the face of a show of force. Having encountered numerous celestials before, Leothe honestly couldn't say what Anetta's next move would be. Most were generally peaceable, but one could never tell the lengths they would go to in order to prove a point.

Thus, he decided to step in rather than risking matters taking a turn for the worse. His stride was measured, placing him firmly in between the pair, "That will do," he said sternly, focusing his gaze on each in turn but reserving the lion's share for Anetta, who really ought to know better, "We are not going to solve anything through threats and posturing."

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Unread postby Kai » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:17 pm

Myrnal flinched and put one foot back reflexively under the assault of... whatever. She drew one long shuddering breath as she fully absorbed what this woman had launched at her. She swallowed, and pulled her thoughts together. What was that? It felt so damned fami--

And then it hit her. The realization struck like a clap of thunder, and Myrnal also found a whole new layer of anger beneath her affront at an attack by a member of her team, someone she ought to have been able to trust and would likely have attempted to assist in a fight should the need arise. But no. No, this one had brought it to blows. Unfortunately this traitor might not be so easy to dispatch as the last one had been--though that balanced out thanks to her effectively having to kill him twice.

But it wasn't just that. There was something about the way that felt, some familiar tang in the back of Myrnal's mouth that tasted somewhere between a snarl and a scream. It had that touch of the divine about it, which made sense given Annetta's new appearance. Myrnal might have assumed it was an illusion if not for that old terrible dread.

The archangel Christopher had had it, though he hadn't dared actually bring it to bear on Myrnal or any of her friends. But he was just another asshole of a celestial, and again... he hadn't attacked her.

Someone else had, or several someones who lived under his command. That crook-backed green-skinned scheming deity of sadism and hate for its own sake. She remembered him, all right, and what he'd very nearly cost her. She remembered it just well enough not to put her hand to her belt and split that celestial's throat open with a blade. She wanted to. The part of her that had attracted Nikumu in the first place truly did want to see what would happen. She might even have succeeded.

Still, somehow it would go poorly, and she owed it to herself--and the friend she'd nearly killed last time, and the deity who'd given her a second chance--to do better this time. But she wanted it, and she thought about it.

"Dan..." she said, her voice quiet, her words careful and slow. "You see how good I'm being? Haven't even drawn my weapon."

The word remained unspoken. Yet.

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Yay, no more vagueness!

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:11 am

The reactions from everyone to Annetta's 'change' seems to be varying degrees of shock. For most of the group, it's due to the sudden realization that they're traveling with a celestial. In Daniel's case, however, it's not the fact that she's a celestial.

Truth be told.... Daniel already knew she was a celestial.

He found that out back in Doma, after the attack on Neb's caravan. She revealed her true self, in order to help Daniel save the lives of the slain men. However, the price for that help was his silence; a promise to not reveal her true nature.

Thinking about that conversation, Daniel can't understand what Annetta is doing. He decides the time for keeping secrets is far past over. He only hopes the others won't be too angry with him.

"Myrnal... everyone... I... think I owe you all an apology." Daniel says, "You'll understand why in a moment."

He then turns to Annetta, appearing nearly as upset as Myrnal.

"Annetta... you swore me to secrecy about this, to help those men back in Doma. I swore to Ishtar herself, that I would not talk about what you are, and what we did. You told me if others found out about this, we would be in grave danger. So what in the bloody name of Ishtar are you doing!?"

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:45 am

Seemingly ignoring Myrnal, or completely forgetting about her already, Anita turns to Daniel. "It's simple, Sir Hyral. The king of Doma, Charles, is stupid. He was the main problem. Without him, the risk goes down substantially, and makes it safe. Furthermore, the child did threaten me. I was simply educating her that she was making a dire mistake."
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Unread postby Kai » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:46 am

"Actually," Myrnal commented. "The child was commenting that if you really thought she stabbed everything she disliked, you would be more careful about ending up on that list, just like everyone else who assumed I'd come after them." And wasn't that a long list. "So either your Common sucks, or you were just looking for an excuse to go after a colleague."

Non-fluency Myrnal could handle, as it wouldn't really be the woman's--celestial's--fault if she misunderstood a language with which she was not well-familiar. A far more likely explanation was that Myrnal was right and the woman was a hack. Most people didn't respond to slights to their professionalism by proving their accuser right with what amounted to the ultimate breach of mercenary ethics--don't turn on your team. No matter what.

"But since I'm the only one who's worried about working with someone who'll strike out at allies..." she shrugged. "Everybody but Dan can watch your own backs with that one--"she pointed at Annetta. "--and enjoy the consequences."

That was a bluff, as anyone who knew Myrnal would be aware, since if Annetta went after Neb or Harvey, Myrnal wouldn't just let them go down at the hands of an alleged ally. Still. The temptation was there to wash her hands of the whole stupid business, and the only thing keeping her here was her own business, business that had very little to do with Baron's courtly politics.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:35 am

"That won't be strictly necessary, Myrnal."

It was Trevor, breaking the silence. His face was unusually hard, and his eyes had been trained on Annetta since her sudden transformation.

"She's going to behave, or she's going to leave. Do I make myself quite clear?"

Annetta, and anyone else looking, could see a build-up of arcane power in the ex-King's aura. The school, however, was difficult to make out.

Armed Naga were quickly approaching the group, and the Clan Father came with them. They were still a good hundred yards off just then, though.

(Anyone who wants to and has appropriate Mag can attempt to figure out what the King has up his sleeve.)

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:29 pm

Anita shook her head, looking amused. "You truely have no idea, do you?"

There was another flash of light, and she returned to her previous state, the short half-elf form. "If I leave, you are all truely lost. I am your hope, your salvation against what is to come. Without me, all will be lost. Archangels are not usually sent to do mundane tasks such as guard mortals on supposed diplomatic missions. I would suggest, dear child, you calm yourself before you make a horrible mistake."
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:16 pm

Trevor didn't look particularly moved by Annetta's speech.

"All the same, you and Myrnal can either stop taunting one another, or I will formally Dismiss you both."

The naga, slithering as fast as they could, had nearly arrived. They would reach the group in a few seconds. Trevor let his aura relax, and after giving both Annetta and Myrnal a hard look, he turned to the approaching snake men. They arrived, and the Clan Father looked about in a state of concern, bewilderment, and barely checked anger.

"The Mother felt a great disturbance! What has happened here?! What are your people doing?!"

Trevor bowed breifly, letting his disguise drop, and revealing the rather impressive silver haired, lithe man who was until recent months the easily recognized ruler of Baron.

"My apologies, your highness. I became too excited upon our reunion and made a bit of a magical light show. My fault entirely. Perhaps we should return to your chambers and talk in a more tranquil atmosphere?"

The clan father did not look half convinced, but he nodded warily, and ordered his men back to the settlement, before he and Trevor began to walk and slither away. Trevor turned briefly.

"I will negotiate for us alone, I think. Neb, we will make use of your plan. Coordinate with the others and make any preparations you think are needed. Good evening to you all!"

(There's time for a bit of CI, and then barring any further conflict we will push forward again soon.)

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:58 pm

There was no longer a six foot tall celestial pointing her sword at a potentially explosive young woman. There was no longer an incognito king threatening to banish them if they did not play nice with each other. And there was no longer a group of naga, rubbernecking and trying to see what was going on. Neb took a deep breath, and ignored the pounding in her chest, and the throbbing at the side of her head.

Perfectly composed, Neb looked at her compatriots, and said, "Well, you heard him. I'll give you a brief explanation of what our plans were, pre-ambush. Originally, we were going to deliver supplies and goods to the Farnsworth Society, a historical group located in Baron's capitol. While most of what our caravan contained were antiques, there were some ...other things as well."

She made a mental note to talk to "Anetta" about what happened later. First, though, she had to take care of this.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:02 pm

After making appropriate preparations and the conclusion of Trevor's negotiations with the Naga leaders, the largely reunited group set out for Baron once more. They were now plus another two carts and some supplies that would accommodate them on their long trip, and sandy colored chocobos to pull them along. Nigel had requested to accompany them, and received Trevor's permission to come along. Trevor disguised himself once more, again to look like a relative of Dan's, and they set out.

Over the course of another day, they passed out of the desert and onto grasslands. Dan would know that this meant they were about to cross the border as well. They were nearly in Baron. A few hours later, they were stopped by some border guards. Their inventory was briefly inspected, their peoples looked over. Then they were let through with a warning to be gone again before the month was out.

They travelled on, directed by Neb, for some time without event. Then, late in the day, they could see themselves coming up on someone else who was walking in the same direction. The person was little more than a smudge of silver and blue in the distance, though. They could only just make out that the silver color was some kind of fur or hair at the moment, rather than armor. What would they do now?

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:44 pm

Daniel is surprised at how quickly the situation has changed.

Nearly a day earlier, he was upset with Myrnal and her actions with the orcs. He fully expected a falling out, or Goddess help them, a violent confrontation. But that didn't happen. It seemed, for now, they would agree to disagree.

However, now he finds himself very upset with Annetta. A situation he entirely didn't expect. After all, despite her unusual request, she *did* help him save lives. But her actions thus far worry and upset him. After making Daniel promise to hide the truth, she decides to let it out on a whim. Her belief that only she can truly understand the gravity of the situation, angers him. Especially since she's still not telling the entire truth.

How can she be so certain? Even a divine being can't possible know everything there is to know about mortals... can they? How can they be properly prepared for this threat, if they don't even know what that threat IS?

As he ponders these latest developments, Daniel's line of thought is interrupted. There appears to be someone, or something, walking the road ahead of them. From this distance, its difficult to tell who or what the person is. It could just be another traveller on the road. But given the circumstances, Daniel isn't comfortable with taking chances.

" looks like we may have company soon." Daniel says in a hushed tone, "I don't suppose anyone would mind going a bit ahead to see who it is?"

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:47 pm

Well, that was relatively pain free. The passengers and the goods had passed inspection without a second thought, and Neb hoped for a peaceful journey to the capitol. It almost seemed like she might have gotten one, if not for the silver traveler ahead of them. Now, he (it?) wasn't automatically a threat to them and all they held dear, but after the other "interruptions" they had to deal with on the road, Neb was still somewhat wary.

She turned to Dan, and said softly, "I'll go. Are there any other takers?"

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:55 pm

Daniel nods to Neb.

"I'll go too, I"m not about to ask someone else go alone."

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:30 pm

"I, too, will go." Anita says, bringing her blade around to her side for easy access.
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Unread postby Kai » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:10 pm

Myrnal sat in her usual manner, knees drawn up to her chest in relative quiet.

'Relative' being the operative word, since the silence was frequently broken by the loud kkchssskdkk of her sinking her teeth into an apple and tearing off pieces. These really were the best apples Myrnal had ever had, and after spending time at an old friend's orchard her standards were pretty high.

Those apples were not nearly so good as these.


The company had been better, though, Myrnal noted with no small degree of nostalgia. The usual spike of bitter annoyance killed that as quickly as always. It had been Yanette's choice to marry that rich jackass, whatever excuses she gave about obeying her parents. It had been her decision in the end, her call to make. And she'd made it.

These hadn't come from anywhere so near, though. Myrnal could not believe that these were ordinary food, particularly not considering how she'd come by them. It seemed that Celestials were always apologizing to Myrnal for one another's behavior. She hoped that Annetta did not require so many apologies as the archangel Christopher, though this one had presumably come from a superior. Something told Myrnal that Christopher didn't even really have those.

Still. If anybody were actually holding Annetta's leash, they needed to tighten the lead a good bit. Whatever gave them the idea that this woman was fit for fieldwork... it wasn't her people skills. That observation carried a certain weight coming from Myrnal.

Didn't matter. They might trust Annetta well enough to send her out to complete these tasks, but Myrnal proudly claimed a distinctly-mortal stubbornness that required others to compensate for it by actually proving they were trustworthy. Myrnal had seen nothing of the kind from this overgrown blessed brat, and she was disinclined to invent what was likely not there just because it allowed her to maintain a more charitable opinion of Gaera's Celestial guardians.

Myrnal was interrupted from her apple by the observation of a man on the road. He didn't seem to be coming their way, and in fact from the outside it looked far more likely that they were pursuing him. Still, the others were concerned. After the last little meeting with strangers on the road, Myrnal could not fault them.

But she'd had to sit back last time while the fighting was wasted on guys like Dan who didn't even really appreciate it.

She finished chewing her latest piece of apple, holding up a finger while she swallowed to indicate a desire to speak. "Now, Dan, you got to go last time. No hogging all the interesting stuff." And, it went without saying, if the stranger were friendly... Annetta might not be best suited to handle a civil conversation. Even Myrnal had her beat there. The thought was briefly encouraging and depressing at the same time.

"I say Neb and I go. Two women are less immediately threatening and if we get into trouble, everyone else can back us up."

Provided neither of them kills the other, she amended privately.

"More than that and it'll be us accosting some poor random ass who may not even mean any harm. Which is stupid."

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:43 pm

His gut instinct is to say no to her. After the near-fiasco with the clan mother and father, Daniel's faith in Myrnal's diplomatic skills is somewhat low. And that's being nice. He can't help but picture a conversation with her going badly and turning violent.

However, after their brief talk earlier, Daniel realizes he may be viewing Myrnal with a lot of unfair bias. His apology would be meaningless, if he didn't give her the benefit of the doubt. Even he didn't completely handle himself properly with the two leaders, after all. And when he thought about it, she is probably a better choice. Being stealthy by trade, she likely has a better chance of noticing something 'off' than the rest of them.

...and, worst case, at least Neb would be along.

"...well, if Annetta has no issues, I think you do make a good point." Daniel says to her.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:21 pm

Myrnal did raise a good point. Not only that, but they also happened to be two of the least visibly armed members of the group, with Leothe being the only other main competition (not that Myrnal was ...unprotected, she was just able to hide it easier than Daniel or "Anetta").

Neb nodded her assent, and said, "I have no problems with it myself." She glanced between her bodyguard and Myrnal, and back towards Dan. "Shall we?"

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:16 pm

Annetta (Anita? Whichever, now.) Looked warily at the two volunteers, shrugged, and sat down once again.

If Anton was going to come and appologize for her, she certainly wasn't going to go out of her way to do anything useful at the moment.
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