Belelmund: The Folly of Sitanest

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:41 pm


On the positive side, he isn't that worried about his performance earlier anymore.

On the negative side, the forced smile is definitely gone from his face, as he looks over at Myrnal wide-eyed.

"...oh Goddess, did she just say all that out loud!?" Daniel thinks to himself, What if she just offended them? What if they violated some kind of cultural taboo for these people? What if they're in league with whoever is overthrowing Trevor? What if...

He closes his eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths.

"...not again. Stop it Dan... calm down... CALM.... DOWN...

He tries desperately to compose himself, struggling to think of something to say. If they are against either royal, they will be in trouble no matter what he said. But if they truly are allies, then he needs to make sure they stay that way.

"I... um... well...I... don't know if I would have... put it quite that way." Daniel says, doing a terrible job of hiding the nerves he's trying to maintain control over, "But... yes, we were... traveling with Charles Domanada, ruler of Doma, and Trevor Harvey, the... the former ruler of Baron. I'm certain Charles would reward you for aiding in our reunion somehow..."

He stops for a brief moment to think. He's promising something that they don't have. That definitely won't go over well. He needs to get back to what Myrnal alluded to herself.

"...but, I realize that's somewhat an empty promise right now. As Myrnal said, I think we're all more than willing to help you in any way we're capable. We all know we wouldn't be standing here, if it were not for your people. We do owe you a great deal, especially with your willingness to help us further. Thank you."

For the briefest moment, Dan almost lets out:
" long as what you ask of us is just.

But he catches himself before saying it. That, he's certain, would definitely NOT lead to a pleasant conversation.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:25 am

Well, Neb wouldn't have put that offer on the table. Still, she couldn't bring herself to be as upset as Dan was. Instead, she only felt a vague sense of annoyance. If she was honest with herself, she couldn't quite tell if it was because of what Myrnal said, if it was because of how Daniel reacted, or if she was just miffed that she didn't get the first comment in.

Oh well, they probably would have found out eventually. She might as well make the most of it. "And if that isn't enough," she said, as calmly as ever, "I do have a wagon that's being watched over by some of the guards. It still has supplies, as well as potions and some luxury items." Bethany would kill her if she came up short, but for now, Neb was willing to take the risk.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:15 am

Whatever the Clan Mother and Father might have expected to be offered, it was plain that this was not among those things. Their expressions were those of one waiting for the punchline of a joke. However, Dan and Neb's reactions following Myrnal's statement saw them looking less disbelieving and more... concerned. After silence fell once more, they turned to look at one another. The Mother raised her eyebrows. The Father paused... then looked over at the man in black armor, and from him to the Assassin, the Faux-Paladin and the Shop keeper once more.

"We will need a few minutes to discuss this. If what you say is true, then certainly you will have our aid, in every way we can provide it. For now, however, I must ask you to leave us..."

He looked to the man in black armor again.

"Go with them, Sir Nigel? It would appear you have much to discuss."

The man nodded, and headed for the door at a leisurely pace.

"In the mean time, feel free to explore our home at your leisure. You are barred from the lowwer caverns, I am afraid, but all else is open to you. We will summon you before one hour."

Their hostess gnawed on her lip, though a queer smile was there, too. She spoke quickly enough, though. She didn't seem to be looking right at Leothe anymore.

"Things have gotten worse, I'm afraid. Not many people gave it a thought before recently, but the military of Baron was never a united force under the nation itself. They all swore to the crown and all that, but... Well, now there's no crown..."

Trevor shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but kept quiet. The lady went on:

"Well, some of them have decided to swear fealty to the Council, and others... haven't. Before it was just tense. Now it's getting violent."

A deep, somewhat rough voice spoke from behind them. Definitely a man, and from the sound of it, he was standing about where their hostess was looking.

"Indeed, it is."

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:40 pm

Neb nodded, and said, "I understand. Thank you very much for your kindness." She bowed her head in gratitude, before she straightened her posture and turned to her companions. Relief swept through her body, and although she managed to keep her composure, she did not bother to hide the small (and sincere) smile on her face. Admittedly, she wasn't entirely sure how helpful their hosts would be, but if they were honest - and capable of what they were considering - this would be a boon. No more mysterious assassins. No more wandering around without a single clue. They'd finally be able to find their companions, and get moving. Neb figured that perhaps a cautious optimism couldn't hurt.

However, there was still the matter of their "friend" in dark armor.

"So," she announced, after clearing her throat. "Shall we?"

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:18 am

"...I could go for something to eat right now." Daniel says to the others. It's obvious from the grimace that he's upset about something. But whatever that may be, he seems to be doing his best to avoid bringing it up.

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:30 pm

Myrnal folded her arms and listened in stubborn silence as Dan tried to follow her statement with appropriately diplomatic simpering garbage. What was he so nervous for? Nothing was true now that hadn't been true five minutes ago. They were separated from the two monarchs they were supposed to be protecting, and already in significant debt to the nagas here. These things had been true since the situation arose; difference was now that the nagas knew it. Myrnal's allies could not have kept it from the nagas forever, certainly if the clan's Mother and Father were going to help in the search.

She figured she'd done Dan a favor. Now he didn't need to stand around fretting over how much the nagas knew and whether it'd be best if they knew more or less. What's done was done, and he could just put his big-boy drawers on and deal with it.

Thankfully the nagas seemed interested at least. Their stealthy armored bodyguard--a combination Myrnal was still curious about--hadn't struck out at them and the nagas hadn't seemed edgy. Just sober and concerned. Good.

Myrnal offered a bow to the nagas as the others left and followed them out. Normally Myrnal was content to leave conversation to the others, particularly when Dan was looking particuarly pissy. She was sure she'd have to hear all about it later, since it always seemed to be over something she'd done. She couldn't even save all their lives without upsetting him. She wondered how Stephen dealt with it.

She nodded in reply to his brief statement and turned her gaze to the man known only as Sir Nigel. Dan was hungry and they had a guide. Perhaps Myrnal could recruit him to interact with Hyral so that she didn't have to. "Not a bad idea. Recommendations?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:13 pm

Leothe shook his head sadly at this news, before turning in place to regard this new arrival. It seemed that Baron was heading swiftly down the path to civil war, and it was difficult to say what anyone might be able to do to prevent it.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:14 am

For the moment, Anetta was quiet, but she spared a glance at the newcomer.

Why must humans decide the best way to prove they're right is to kill the people who disagree? Well, at least a certain pain in her back wasn't around to insist they do something about it.
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:19 pm

Fudail, just outside the audience chamber where they'd left him, looked up immediately upon their return. He looked somewhat concerned at Dan's expression, but it didn't prevent him from answering them:

"I have a friend who sells some most excellent aloo mattar and rotis, though I've heard that most Domans don't like their food as heavily spiced as we make it... Be careful on your first bite, I think. Follow me."

He slithered off the way they entered. Nigel, so far, made no extra effort to make conversation. He just followed along for the moment. Paul made a point of walking behind the fellow, his palm resting on the hilt of his sword.

They walked for a few minutes, before stepping, or slithering as the case may be, back out into the light. It was almost blinding at first, but given another minute or two their eyes adjusted. From there it wasn't long til they arrived at the business of this friend of Fudail's! They're quickly seated, and have some strong tea to sip from while their meal is made.

The voice belonged to a man standing in the Doorway. He looked to be either argovian in descent, or else a very, very tanned main-lander. He kept a somewhat scraggly black beard and mustache, and had bright almond eyes, fading to honey yellow rings around his pupils. He had bothered to put on a shirt, showing off a very well toned physique. His pants were simple, loose beige linens, tied with an orange, red spotted sash. On his feet he wore unremarkable cream colored leather boots, with a rough, almost felt-like surface.

Already having everyone's attention, he continued right along, taking a seat as he spoke.

"Welcome to our home. I see you've already met my wife. Have you introduced us yet...?"

She shook her head quickly.

"Ah. Well! I am Trayvon, and my wife's name is Jana. Now... I'm curious. How did you, ah, stumble onto our little home?"

Both Leothe and Annetta notice immediately that the atmosphere has suddenly changed. Before, things were casual and inviting. Now, things have gone sort of quiet, the air tense.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:47 pm

"Chance." Annetta says simply, glancing around. Something wasn't sitting right, and although it could hardly be said that she was in any danger, it was still a bit annoying.
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a general description of the currently non-descript tea =(

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:02 pm

There is plenty that Dan can worry himself over at the moment. The fate of two monarchs. His uneasyness about Myrnal. The recent performance given before the two leaders of the Naga.

Fortunately, he is easily distracted by the cup of tea placed before him.

He pics up the cup, passing it under his nose briefly to take in the aroma. Then he takes a sip, letting the liquid linger on his tongue for a prolonged moment before swallowing.

", this is really good." Daniel says to their host, finally looking a bit more cheerful again, "If you don't mind my asking, what do you use to brew it?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:54 am

"A rather brief explanation, but true enough," Leothe said, flicking a glance at Anetta. They were the intruders here, and she would do well to remember that.

"We were separated from friends following an orc attack, and followed a set of wagon tracks out here in hopes of finding them."

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:39 pm

Fudail sips from his own cup before replying:

"The recipe varies with the brewer, but some of our favorite ingredients are the leaves of the pear tree, jasmine petals, mint, saffron, tamarind... many other things. This tea, I believe, has a hint of scarab. Expensive, difficult to brew. We have been honored."

Fudail took another sip from his cup, and his smile deepened.

Trayvon looked over the four of them appraisingly after they answered. He scratched his beard, and replied:

"... Unfortunate, that. But, have no worries. I and my company will gladly assist you in finding your friends, for suitable compensation of course."

The atmosphere relaxed once more, and plates of food were placed in front of them: Something that could qualify as a salad, made of desert greens and skinned cactus flesh, with small sides of heavily spiced meat.

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:19 pm

Myrnal wrapped her hands around the cup of tea, puzzling over it. It smelled good. It tasted good. Everyone here was being very solicitous and welcoming.

Didn't feel right.

Myrnal's first impression of these people seemed to be that they were great big clan of people like Daniel. She'd messed up their little plan to disrupt the slave trade by ensuring that the best buyers around were the most merciful. She'd had her reasons, and they were enough for her. Undoubtedly the Clan Mother and Father had heard what she'd done.

Was probably why they had that Nigel guy with them. In case the crazy woman flips out and kills everybody.

A wise precaution, but a somewhat sobering one. Even if its cultivation was her own damn fault, sometimes Myrnal found her reputation difficult to deal with. It meant that she couldn't do anything right, because all anybody saw was death. Myrnal was just that woman who killed everyone by now, and it had undoubtedly been true for a good while.

It wasn't untrue. It just wasn't all there was. But there wasn't any way to discuss things like that. Dan and Fudail were discussing the tea now, and while Myrnal wanted to convey her appreciation to their hosts... it was better if she gave them a chance to forget about her for a while. Thinking about her only seemed to upset everybody, so the best she could do was remain a silent presence until they needed her again. Maybe slay their enemies again. Get resented for it again... until she managed to disappear from their thoughts once more.

S'how it goes.

Plates of food were brought out, and something was set in front of Myrnal that looked to be mostly sauce. Recalling Fudail's warning, Myrnal looked around to see how other patrons were managing it. She wiped some of the sauce onto a piece of bread, maintaining her careful silence. For all she knew the sound of her voice might put the others off their damn food, so anxious and disturbed did Dan seem. Silence was better for everyone, and certainly much more comfortable for Myrnal. The young woman who had once gone weeks without speaking as a child was perfectly willing to do without again.

For that reason, when Myrnal took a bite of the heavily-spiced food and felt as though she were chewing hot coals, she didn't curse or comment as she might have normally. Instead she winced, blew air through her lips to cool her mouth, and silently grinned at herself. Took a sip of tea. Helped a little, but not much. She shook her head and turned that incredulous grin at Fudail as if to accuse him of enjoying her helplessness in the face of his people's impossible weaponized meals.

She shook her head and suppressed a chuckle. Myrnal Shalienza, the great and brutal slaughterer of... well, everything lately... being vanquished by a plate of defenseless foodstuff.

Defenseless my ass. Shit. And these people were intimidated by me?

She could not have been much more impressed had she learned they ate tacks and broken glass. If this was the pain they put themselves through just eating, Myrnal didn't want to know what they were capable of surviving in a fight. Probably for the best that they seemed to like these ragged humans who'd shown up on their proverbial doorstep. What could Myrnal do to hurt them that was worse than their food?

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:24 pm

"Naturally," Leothe said, not particularly disturbed by this development, "Though I should note we don't have a great deal of money on us. Perhaps we could arrange some other means of repaying you for your aid?"

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:35 pm

The man nods at Leothe understandingly.

"It all depends on what you do have, friend: We trade in all manner of spices, fine fabrics, liquors, tea blends, the odd trinket or mystical piece. Most things have some value to someone. What can you offer us?"

Fudail looked up, noticing Myrnal's discomfort.

"It does not agree with you?"

Nigel smirked.

"Lady's delicate palate can't handle a bit of curry, eh?"

Nigel then sopped up a large dollop of his own curry onto a bit of bread, and popped it in his mouth. His face reddened almost immediately, and he swallowed with obvious trouble. He coughed for a moment, and drained his cup. Fudail laughed quietly, but said nothing. His eyes dart from Myrnal to Nigel more than once. Perhaps he's inviting her to get in a retaliatory barb before he jumps in with his own?

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Unread postby Kai » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:34 pm

The annoying comment hadn't come from Fudail, but rather from the Mysterious Suspicious Dark Knight at the table with them. Myrnal rolled her eyes at the remark, but did not reply until she heard the telltale cough.

Big strong man's delicate palate can't handle it either, eh?

The mercenary held back her smile as best she could. She didn't need to say a damn thing. He'd already made an idiot of himself, and still more amusing had been emasculated by his own assessment of what "delicate ladies" could and could not eat.

She forced as pitying an expression as she could manage before sliding her cup over to him in exaggerated mute sympathy.

The sympathy was partly real, but the grin she restrained so poorly said that he could not accept it without taking yet another blow to his pride. She raised her eyebrows expectantly, a silent nudge for him to make up his mind already.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:36 pm

Nigel didn't hesitate, taking her cup and downing it as well. It seems pride was less important than making the burning stop.

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Unread postby Kai » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:46 pm

Still grinning, satisfied that she had managed to help and get a dig in simultaneously, Myrnal turned her plate so that she could dig into the plain bread. When she felt a little braver after her last adventure she'd dip into the sauce again, but for now she was not at all confident in her ability to sustain an assault on her dinner plate.

Furthermore, now Nigel had finished her tea.

It was not a bad sign, though. It meant that he was bound to get on her nerves, but that he wasn't actually as much of a swaggering jackass as his remark had suggested.

It was also an interesting bit of information. If Nigel hadn't realized his own helplessness in the face of local food until just now... that meant he couldn't have been eating it very long. Which meant he probably had not been here very long.

Certainly worth looking into, Myrnal mused. If he were not actually a member of this community, he might have been a recent expatriot from the mess that was his home country. That meant one of two things: he was either on the losing side and rather unhappily so--in which case he was an ally--or he had a stake in ensuring that Baron stayed in the hands of Trevor Harvey's rivals. That made him an enemy.

Either way, he was notable. Worth watching, that one.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:20 pm

In a strange way, Daniel is grateful for Nigel's rude comment to Myrnal. While everyone is busy watching the two, he hopes no one noticed the brief look of disgust that slipped onto his face at the mention of "scarab's".

Almost immediately, a mental image of bugs crawling out of the tea pops into his head. But after a moment, Daniel starts telling himself something to keep the image from his mind.'s still bloody good tea... you've tried tea with stranger ingredients's still bloody good tea...

In an effort to reinforce this, Daniel takes a small sampling of the sauce onto his bread and takes a bite. Almost immediately, he's very aware of the burning sensation starting in his mouth. He sips down more of the tea, his desire to lessen the burning now outweighing his mind's reaction to the ingredients. For now, it seems to be working.

With that problem temporarily dealt with, he watches as Nigel starts downing Myrnal's cup of the tea. He can't help but smirk a little as well, despite his own near-embarrassing reaction to the tea. It is one thing to make a fool out of himself. But to belittle someone like that, just because they're a woman? That just isn't right.

Maybe it was the statement applying to some of his friends.
Maybe it was the reminder of rude comments to his mother in the past.
Or maybe it was the indirect suggestion that his wife was weak, simply by being a woman.

Whatever the reason, Daniel can't help making a comment about the man's hypocrisy.

"It seems you may be more 'delicate' than you realize, sir..." Daniel comments, sipping some more of the tea down.

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Unread postby Kai » Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:00 pm

Myrnal looked up briefly, casting a look in Dan's direction that was difficult to read. Mostly it was surprise, but not all. There was wariness in it as well.

As the weather between them soured further and further, the mercenary was beginning to get used to the idea that Daniel had no special affection for her, and in fact likely found excuses to disapprove of the way she walked and breathed. It was an odd and unexpected little flicker of solidarity with Myrnal for Dan to stick up for her like that.

It was not unwelcome, not by a long shot. She just wasn't sure she trusted it. Not knowing what she knew.

She rationalized it away. Very likely it had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with finding the first easy target on whom to take out his frustrations. If that was Nigel, so be it.

Myrnal took another bite of the bread. It at least was safer than her main dish and less confusing than her traveling companions. It was a far better target for her attention than any of the above right now.

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Paul's still there, no really...

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:56 pm

Nigel tried to reply, but while his coughing was less severe now, he couldn't quite get a sentence out. He settled for an irritated look on his purple face that Dan was, by now, very used to seeing from a certain close relation and an accompanying rude gesture. Fudail cuffed the man while Paul laughed openly. For his part, he seemed to be doing rather well with his plate, but he also worked on it very slowly.

Fudail waited until Nigel put his hand away, and then said:

"While we're all gathered and comfortable, more or less, why don't you tell us just who you are, Nigel?"

Nigel wasn't quite up to replying yet, but he sounded like he might be able to soon. Fudail signaled for more tea, which arrived quickly.

(Last call to do STUFF before I fire the exposition ray~)

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:09 am

"Well, I do still have one healing potion remaining," Leothe said, producing it from its padded pocket, "And I can brew more given time and supplies." It would be a task encompassing a couple of days, assuming he could locate the right plants out here, but if these people were willing to send out search parties or otherwise gather information, they'd be staying put in any case.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:20 pm

Trayvon rubbed his mustaches as Leothe spoke.

"Normally we have Jana make our potions, but it is something of a chore, and we have better things to get on with most of the time... How long do you think it would take you to produce, say, thirty phials?"

Nigel eventually found his voice again, and nodded.

"Just... Just a moment..."

He coughed once more, but this sounded more natural: Just a man clearing his throat.

"Nigel Sommersberry, Dark Knight and Witch-hunter under the Duke Osborr, Loyalist to the Crown. And an acquaintance of your brother's, Mr. Hyral.

"First thing the new administration did when it moved in was to disband us and escort us to the border, except for the Duke... He haven't seen him since this mess began. The others are waiting somewhere we feel is secure, and an oracle we hired hoping to divine our next move. All we got for our zante (not that it was worth much to us just then anyway) was some weird directions, which got me here. It was something to go on at least, you know?

"I met with the Mother and Father, of course. They didn't know anything about Baron until I showed up, and when I asked for military aid... well, let's just say they didn't agree. Not much I could offer them, or even a plan of action. I was a more than a little put out, you can imagine.

"So, imagine my surprise when you lot show up just a night later. I hadn't even sat down for a bit of tuck until just now! Sorry for sneaking up on you earlier and such, but like I said, I was hoping to figure out if you were the folk I was supposed to meet. After that, I thought it might do to wait a bit to talk. I meant to ask the Mother and Father if they could mediate for us... And then you showed up at their door.

"It seems like I've been a step behind everyone since I got here, now that I say all that..."

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:10 pm

There is a lot of information to take in, and even more questions to go along with them. This man is a Dark Knight, which is not exactly a path many in Baron look favorably upon. Yet he worked for the government at some point? Not only that, but who were these others he spoke of? What was this divination that lead him here?

...However, despite being irrelevant to the safety of the kings or Baron, one question in paticular is nagging at him severely.

"...what do you mean, you know my brother?" Daniel asks.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:43 pm

"Was acquainted with," Nigel corrected.

"I happened to meet him some years back, when the corps was being formed, we tried to recruit him and I happened to be present. He had the skills we look for, but he was... less than interested in working for the government. I'm sure, having lived with him, you can understand when I say speaking with him is... 'memorable'."

He wears a rueful smile.

"I thought you might be him when I first saw you, but it seemed odd that you weren't cursing every few words."

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:16 pm

"Yes, he... has that effect on people."

Daniel can't help but sigh at the story. Just once, he'd like to meet a former aquaintance of Stephan's on good terms. Most of these meetings seemed to involve his sibling shouting profanities at the person, maiming the person, or... activities Daniel would rather not think about.

But all that really isn't that important right now. What is, however, is getting more information on Nigel's story.

", you say you're a 'witch hunter'? I can't say I've heard of them before." Daniel tells the man.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:59 pm

"Given ingredients and a bench already set up? Two days," Leothe said promptly, "Add a bit more time if I need to supplement anything."

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:32 pm

Nigel nodded to Daniel.

"Not surprising. We wouldn't be on any big official books, I would wager. 'Witch-hunter' is mostly another way of saying 'bounty hunter', and that I favor taking down mages. It's half true; That's what I was usually assigned to do, and it was a decent way to get people to let their guard down and offer up information more freely."

Trayvon smiles jovially.

"Excellent. We'll get you set up tonight, and start looking for your friends in the morning. We'll need a good description to go on, but if they're nearby and the orcs haven't maimed them, we'll find them."

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:08 pm

Dan tilts his head to the side slightly, appearing a bit puzzled by Nigel's words. He looks around at the others at the table, wondering if they're thinking the same thing.

"...I'm... failing to see how knowing that would get people to let their guard down. I'd think it would do the opposite, honestly." Daniel tells the man.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:39 pm

Nigel's smile falters.

"You've obviously never tried to help a town exterminate a rogue wizard before."

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:34 am

Myrnal was pleased that Dan had asked the obvious question about Nigel's witch-hunting career, though she supposed she had a slightly better perspective on it. She knew a man who seemed to specialize in mage-hunting, though he'd kill just about anyone he was paid to kill. Even someone he'd worked with before. Probably even Myrnal. She could respect that.

'Witch-hunter,' though, evoked images of angry torch-carrying Rivans lynching magic-users in the night. It was not something Myrnal would have mentioned, but then this guy was evidently someone who'd had professional contact with Stephen. If Stephen could generally not be expected to choose carefully the most diplomatic turn of phrase available, she would expect him to attract similarly-minded potential employers.

It was something to consider, but not terribly important in the grand scheme of things. The point of all this was to get out of here, get to Baron, get whatever stupid political crap finished, and return home with a minimum of life-changing complications or revelations.

Not like the last time Myrnal had gone far out of her way for a job.

"You've obviously never tried to help a town exterminate a rogue wizard before."

Myrnal remembered tracing Elaith Thenswick's footsteps all over Igala while the man accumulated one artifact after another, chasing his apprentices and in general mucking around with a lot of crazed mages who seemed to think that it was worthwhile to enslave powerful extraplanar dragons and cover Ka'thalar with undead armies at their beck and call to impress a woman who was proving inconveniently resistant to Thenswick's advances.

Wizards. The hell. Weirdos, all of 'em. Even the good ones were still weird.

Myrnal shook her head at the memory, a brief grin slipping out that was quickly driven back by the memory of how that had all gone down in the end. She'd been there after a fashion for the endgame of that whole mess, but it was... not as she'd have wanted.

Wizards were trouble. Even the good ones.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:51 am

"That would be marvelous," Leothe said, "You have our eternal gratitude." If the conversations were more or less done, he intended to finally dig into some food and then perhaps get some rest. It had been a stressful day.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:13 am

On its own, there is not much to read into Nigel's comment. After all, people usually want something for their services. However, combined with the man's earlier jab at women, Daniel finds himself starting to dislike the man. It almost feels, to him, that Nigel is prouder of getting things for his 'help', rather than the act of helping others.

But his own dislike of the man's attitude needs to take a backseat at the moment. Much as he'd like to give his own opinion on 'helping others', there are more important things that need to be discussed.

"So, when was the last time you saw this Duke Osborr?" Daniel asks him.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:25 am

Nigel opened his mouth to reply, when an unfamiliar naga approached the table. HE stopped short, presumably wondering what she wanted. The girl was young looking, probably in her mid-teens, wearing only an elbow-length cotton shawl. She whispered into Fudail's ear, who nodded, and then began to leave as quickly as she'd come.

"We are summoned. Perhaps they've come to a decision."

The meeting with the clan mother and father went smoothly on the group's return: They had agreed to use the Mother's powers to locate the Kings, as well as their other friends. For half an hour the Mother questioned them about the appearances of each individual, before sending the group away while she performed her craft. Nigel chose this moment to separate himself from the group, temporarily.

The next morning, Fudail woke them with good news: The Mother had found their friends, and was sending a small patrol of her people to collect them. With any luck, they ought to have their friends back by noon the following day.

Leothe is provided with all the tools he will need to create a supply of healthy potions for questionable hosts. The work is tedious, but he's allowed to work in peace, and Trayvon seems to be keeping up his end of the bargain, or so he claims to be as he sends his men out into the desert. Annetta, Trevor and Anthony sit in relative comfort in the intervening time. Just as Leothe reaches the two-thirds mark, however, Trayvon and Jana approach him.

"We won't be needing the rest. The rest of your payment has been arranged for by another party. Apparently, they're here to pick you and your friends up; They say some other group you're with sent them here."

Leothe, Annetta, Trevor and Anthony are soon sitting in a covered cart, riding towards the Naga city.

Brooming forward a bit, sorry. If you want your characters to do anything between this post and when they all meet up again in a day, post it before the 15th.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:19 pm

Daniel smiles at Fudail, thanking him for the good news. However, he can't help but glance across the room at Myrnal shortly afterward.

Throughout most of that night, Dan found himself troubled. Oddly enough, however, it wasn't the welfare of Charles and Trevor weighing heaviest on his mind.

It was Myrnal's actions during their escape.

Deep down, he knows he can't expect everyone to have the same standards. His sibling especially is proof of that. Even so, there's something about that escape he can't seem to let go of. Something he finds himself lashing out at her over. Unless he wants to keep doing that, he has to face up to what's bothering him. And that means talking to Myrnal about it.

Politely excusing himself from Fudail, he heads over to her. Already, he can feel the knot forming in his gut. This is could either resolve the issue, do nothing to help, or Goddess forbid, make things much worse. But that could be said for anything, really. He simply has to hope for the best... but brace himself for the worst.

"Um... Myrnal, can... can I talk to you for a minute?" Daniel asks her.

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Unread postby Kai » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:38 pm

It had been a quiet evening, and Myrnal had gone to sleep feeling a bit better about her irritating traveling companion. It was quite probable that if she didn't talk to him, he would not talk to her. And then they would stop interacting altogether except when fights broke out, and then... well, Myrnal wasn't certain what then. But she did feel quite secure in her assumption that a solution would present itself if she only avoided social contact with Daniel Hyral.

The undeniable fact that she had never actually solved anything this way was irrelevant. Surely that just meant she was even more likely to succeed now. Sheer probability as she understood it--which was evidently not particularly well--dictated that if she did this long enough it would eventually work.

So it was with surprise and some muted disappointment that she registered Dan's continuing effort to heap his ridiculous short-sighted and idealistic judgments upon her. At least, she couldn't think of any other reason he'd want to 'talk to her for a minute.' With her fingers she tore a piece off the flatbread she'd stashed away during their last meal and chewed it slowly as she silently regarded Daniel.

With a sweeping motion of one hand that was simultaneously indulgent and dismissive, Myrnal indicated that he should go ahead with whatever he had to say.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:44 pm

...well this is certainly off to a good start. Daniel thinks to himself, noting Myrnal's less-than-thrilled reaction to him. Still, she didn't tell him to 'f#$k off', so that was something. If he can face demons from the hell planes, he can deal with Myrnal's dismissive attitude.


"...look, I'm sure you've noticed I've been a little upset around you lately. And... I haven't been straight forwrad about the reason for it. So... I'm just going to say what's on my mind. Make of it what you will."

Daniel takes a deep breath, before he talks about the thoughts weighing on him.

"You probably think I'm upset with you because you killed the orcs. I won't lie, I wasn't happy that things came to that. But I'm not naive either. I know that sometimes it's necessary."

He makes a point to hold up his halberd a bit, before he continues speaking.

"I wouldn't carry this weapon if I thought otherwise. We really didn't have many other options at the time. I wish we could have known help was coming... but we didn't. All we knew was that orcs wanted to kill us, and nothing short of killing them at that point would keep us alive. So for that, I don't fault what you did."

He stops and takes another deep breath, before he continues. He looks very uncomfortable about what he's going to say next.

"...but... there was something you did, that I'm still not sure how to take. And unless I ask you, I don't think I'll come to a fair answer."

There's something odd about the way he looks now. It's not anger, or scorn. He almost looks sad.

"I just want to know... why were you smiling, while you killed them?"

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Unread postby Kai » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:44 pm

The mercenary listened to Dan, and the only sign in her silent and impassive manner that she was even paying attention was her unwavering gaze. Yes, she had noticed he was upset. Yeah, he was being a pain in her ass about it. What she didn't understand was what there could possibly be to discuss. Either he was okay with her killing his enemies or he wasn't.

But when he conceded that she had done something understandable in killing them, done the only thing any of them knew to do at the time, she focused more closely. To her that's all there was, what needed to be done by the people who could do it. What else could there be? She'd killed orcs who did not merely want to kill them but enslave them, which to Myrnal was worse by a long shot. If he didn't fault her for that--which he shouldn't--then what was he all in a twist about?

She tried not to look bored, but this really was a bit tedious. Couldn't he keep his moral conflicts to himself? Myrnal had more than enough of her own to deal with without some relative of her friend coming to dump his all over her.

"Why were you smiling," he'd asked. "while you killed them?"

Now that was a question. Myrnal hadn't even registered that, but she could believe it of herself. She probably was the kind of woman who smiled while she killed. After all, wasn't everyone just a little stronger and a little freer when they were doing the only thing they were good at? Why shouldn't she smile when she was reaching out with a blade to do the thing she had been born to do? She was killing what needed to die. There wasn't anything else.

But this time had been different. Her existence and her ability were an accident, a near-providential coincidence as far as she was concerned. Who else was there who cared enough about the fates of her friends and had the skill to kill and kill and kill to see that things turned out the way she wanted, the way her friends deserved? Who else?

Her mouth hardened into a line as if she were visibly chewing on his words. She weighed whether to answer, whether he would understand. Whether he even deserved to know after his unhesitating willingness to assume the absolute worst, even if it would have ordinarily been true. But Dan wouldn't take it well if Myrnal did what she wanted to do, which was roll her eyes and stand up. Walk past him, shoving him aside with her shoulder as she left him alone with his stupid hateful little question that she didn't even want to think about.

Daniel would either get angry and shut her out further, preventing her from doing her job, or he would continue harrying her until he got his answer.

"It's what I do," she answered curtly, her voice sounding loud and rough to her own ears after a day of disuse. "And 'what I do' is only sometimes right." She spoke slowly and deliberately, daring him to disagree. "This time, I was right."

On some level, everybody probably enjoyed being able to do 'the right thing,' whatever that meant. For Myrnal such moments came only rarely, and she was willing to bet that if she had been smiling while she tore through their enemies... that was the reason why. No matter what she looked or how terrible the carnage was that Myrnal left behind, she'd done the right thing in causing it. Everyone under her care was alive and everyone was free, and like a master praising her dog, Myrnal could finally tell herself 'you done good.'

Who wouldn't smile?

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You knew the wall of text would be back =(

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:44 pm

Daniel remains quiet for a moment, every so often starting to speak, but biting his lower lip. It's difficult to decide what to say to her. Years ago, he would have simply started ranting. Explain to her about the value of life. Possibly even yell at her for her lack of compassion. But as he looks at Myrnal, it reminds him of a situation that happened several years ago...

"...all I'm saying, Stephan, is you had so many other options available. Why was it so hard to..."

There is a loud clink of a teacup hitting a saucer from Stephan's side of the table. A few patrons look over, curious what the commotion is this day at the Jade Dragon. On the other side, Daniel has a teacup stopped halfway to his mouth. He seems surprised at the other man's reaction.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asks, watching as Stephan gets up from his seat. The brother stops, pressing his lips together hard. He takes a moment to think before he speaks, resisting his usual urge to snap at Daniel.

"I'm leaving, before I say something I can't take back."

Daniel seems confused, as he sets the tea cup down on the saucer.

"But, all I'm doing is..." Daniel starts to say.

"Stop it."

Now Stephan is glaring at his sibling, clenching his teeth together.

"Let me make this as clear to you as I possibly can. Because you can't seem to get the bloody f#$king point on your own. I don't think like you, Dan. I can't think like you. You want to treat everyone as if they deserve to live, without question. But everything I've experienced in my life tells me, your way is a fast way to end up dead."

He leans down, bringing himself face to face with Daniel.

"You can sit there an lecture me all you want. You can tell me all virtuous, righteous reasons for doing it your way. But you're not going to change my mind. So, you can either keep trying to preach to me, and I'll just stop coming here all together. Or you can accept that we're going to disagree, and find something else to talk about."

He leans back up, and starts to turn around and walk away. Daniel clenches his fist shut, starting to open his mouth as if to shout. However, he stops, relaxing his hand and slumping down a bit in his seat.

"...did you know Austin played with his first cat today?"

Stephan stops, his shoulders raising and sinking a moment as an audible sigh escapes him.

" huh? I guess he really does take after you."

He turns around, the frown on his face shifting to a subtle smirk.

"The poor bastard."

He walks back over to the table, re-taking his seat across from Daniel.

"So, no problems with the first cat experience, I hope?"

Daniel smiles, taking a quick sip of his tea before answering.

"Not really. He was really gentle with her. But, um..."

Stephan appears puzzled by the hesitation, as he picks up and starts to sip some of his own tea.

"He did mention... that, um... the kitty sounds like Uncle Mid."

A slight spray of tea escapes from Stephan's mouth, as he starts snickering and coughing into his hand.

"S...should I *COUGH* warn *COUGH* him Austin *COUGH COUGH* thinks he's a cat now?" Stephan asks, struggling to talk and cough the tea.

Daniel opens his mouth to speak, but stops. He looks down at his teacup, then back to Stephan.

"That's up to you. I'm not going to tell you what to do."

As Daniel looks back at Myrnal, he finds himself coming to grips with the reality of the situation. They are two people that grew up with very differnt lives. He can't simply expect her to throw all her experiences away to agree with his beliefs. But at the same time, he can't simply pretend that her actions didn't happen. That would go against everything he holds dear.

Somehow, they both have to come to terms. After mulling it over for awhile, Daniel decides to speak up again.

"I... just want you to understand where I'm coming from. At least, hear me out. My beliefs, everything that drives who I am, is pretty much founded on one important thing. I truly believe that every life on Gaera has worth, and deserves a chance at living on this world. Even those who have wronged in the past. It's not just because I follow Ishtar. It's not just because it's a proverb in a holy text. It's because my own life, my being here, is a result of that."

Daniel seems hesitant to speak for a moment, looking at the halberd at his side. Then he looks back up at Myrnal.

"My father... did a lot of terrible things, before I was born. By all accounts, there was nothing redeemable about him. He only cared for himself, and damn the world as far as he cared. Had he been caught for his crimes, he would be dead. But he found something worth starting over for. My mother. I exist today, and so does Stephan, becausee he got a second chance."

Dan stops for a moment, looking away and swallowing. It seems talking about this is bringing up a few feelings.

"I... I know my way of thinking can bite me in my arse. And I won't lie, it has several times. But for me, if there's any chance at all that someone can turn their life around, I have to try and take it. Without a chance like that, a person like me wouldn't be born. That's why I always feel horrible, when I have to end a life. And that's why I get upset, when others don't appear to care at all."

Daniel just looks at Myrnal a moment, tilting his head to the side and scratching the back of his head.

"...You're not me. I know that, and I can't expect you to be. But I'd hope you at least listened to what I have to say. All I ask is that you think about it, from time to time."

He simply stands there, waiting for Myrnal to respond.


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