Children of the Sun RP!

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Children of the Sun RP!

Unread postby Nakibe » Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:15 pm

Okay. The last time I tried this it sort of failed, due to lack of... well, people. And strange new system. But this time I have advantages~! First off, I was planning to run this in the Children of the Sun system. No, this isn't a system I made up. Its actually a several-years-old thing that I found and love to DEATH.

The Link is Here, folks.

For those that are interested, I'm going to be running RPs in this system hopefully. A few starter RPs with a location in the setting I already know, and then maybe start plotting the demise of characters from there.

The setting is the system basic setting. A magically-infused world just getting out of the chaos and horror caused by their WW 2 equivalent, wherein the Elves waged war against the rest of the thinking races in hopes of proving that their way was the most awesome. This is JUST after that war ended in the defeat of the Elves, so people generally don't like them. Nations are busy rebuilding their economies and tensions still run high despite a historic alliance between peoples that ended the conflict.

Magic is the basis for science here, sort of. The two intertwine heavily enough that technology is developing in new and bold ways. Airships powered by Arcane Engines exist, and some even rumor of other things made to travel areas no man has been able to before. IN essence, this is a world that's just now getting its hope back.There's still much to fear out there, though. Mutant freaks from the Elven camps. Ghosts and monsters roam the frontier lands, and, more importantly, the sins of Men and Elf alike run rampant through the land preventing it from being all it can be. Etc etc.

I'm going to start you on Krace, the vaguely America-ish continent which the main book best-covers. MOST of it hasn't been explored, actually. The Green Sheath which hosts Krace is mostly an old growth forest, mysteriously grown in so many layers that the actual ground can't be felt anymore. In fact, a good portion of what seems to be grass is actually the tops of trees millennia old, with new life taking hold right on top of the old. Occasionally nasty things rise up from the Sheath, so generally the towns TRY to stick to the outer edges of the island. More to come after I find my NOTES. >.<

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:39 am

An obvious first question would be to ask whether this will be chat-based, board-based, or something-else-based. But I would kind of like another crack at this system, since the combat seems pretty neat and I didn't really get to mess with it much last time.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:29 pm

Ready as always.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:08 pm

Chat-based if at all possible. Also, Ashley has asked me to post more setting info, and I will in a little bit.

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Unread postby FlameRaven » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:13 pm

Hm... looks pretty interesting. I'm in.
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Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:02 pm

I'm interested....

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Unread postby Seethe » Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:28 pm

I think I'm interested even if it's done in chat. Not the most convenient thing for a person who still has dial-up, but I've always wondered what chat RPs are like.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:45 pm

Lets see... I have been asked for racial outlook here, and thus I shall provide. Folks, don't be too afraid of asking me to post info that I probably have around here somewhere. Its good for you, and better for me because I get to have a place to look to remember it all. >:P


Avendera used to be at one point part of the mightiet nation on the planet. An empire of wide fields and open greenery. They speak of a betrayal from this time beyond memory, though, even to their children. Because of this, they have trouble trusting outsiders. Some even would say they'd never trust one. They generally live apart from the world as a result, in underground areas and secluded locations, only rarely venturing into the outside world. For those that care, they look distinctly leonine, with a short muzzle split at the center, similar to the way that a great lion's muzzle is shaped.

The Avendera find great beauty in poetry, artwork, and the world around them. As artists, they work at their mediums till they are satisfied that it displays the quality and talent they feel it deserves. They value bravery, honor, and peace, among other things, and are often seen by other races to be melancholy. But perhaps this is because each one feels a distinct sadness at what their world has become...


To themselves they are called "The Trees' Memory", and its not exactly hard to see why. Their culture is old and passed down through song, with each settlement lead by a Royal Singer, whom learns and sings the Song of the Forest. This song is their record of events that have affected the forest. They reproduce by creation of unusual cocoons attached to living trees, a process that takes several years. When the cocoon "ripens", a new Filida is born. To other races its as if they are born as adults, and when they die, they revert back to the sticks and berries and wood that they were born of. Because of their connection to trees and plantlife, it should surprise no one that they are particularly talented at harvesting the bounty of the forest. In order to retain their almost miraculous services, some towns even agree to pacts with the Filida to limit clear cutting of forests. Filida have also been known to travel the world, wishing to experience all that the world and its creatures have to offer.


It would be comfortable for the rest of the admittedly biased world if elves all were the same like some would argue. The blessings of the Elder Spirits have provided these people not with just beautiful and highly disease-resistant bodies, but has also blessed them with a diverse culture and love of discovery that served them well in exploring (or attempting to explore) the world.

The Great Conflagration has changed much, though, and Elves throughout the world are being held accountable for the actions of the nation of Lysirial. Riots, hanging, and beating of elves became common sights during the Conflagration, and even Elves not from Lysirial were drawn into the mire, shunned, and even killed. The only exception to this is Krace, which was and still is ruled by the great Poet-King Aetheri, second king of the realm. In doing his best to both prevent the Conflagration from occuring as well as extending the might of Krace to defend it, he is known to be a friend of all. By the nature of his mostly successful rule, the people of Krace have been made prosperous. As such, elves are reasonably well tolerated in Krace, if only tolerated. Bigotry follows them even in Krace, despite the King's best efforts.

Despite this, the elves have continued to live alongside Humanity. It is thought that the energy and excitement that humans bring to the world prevents the Elves from succumbing to ennui and depression in their long existences. Elves NEED humans to retain their drives in their lives, although they also share in their brother race's hardships and heartbreaks. This is especially important now, after the Conflagration's end. Though the war is over, the scars left both within the Elven race and outside it may take a long time to heal, assuming that they ever do.


The Hu'Kra originally lived on an inhospitable island where the major source of food were the herds that roamed it. These may have been enough ages ago, but in recent centuries their population has been too large to maintain them.... and this is what drove them to make first contact with the peoples of other cultures.

At first, they used what few resources they had to create 13 boats, which traveled to distant lands in hopes of fostering trade and diplomacy.. All but one of these attempts failed, with the one being from the nation of Gemyshev, who offered them small portions of their northern lands in exchange for gold. Gold, however, was in short supply for the Hu'Kra, and with the failure of the other attempts at diplomacy, few answers presented themselves. Because of this, the Hu'Kra went to war. After all, if they could not bargain themselves a place in other lands, they would have to steal gold and use this to buy lands in other nations. And thus did the Hu'Kra become raiders that were known and feared through the nations. For many centuries they did war until they were finally contained by the armies of the Unforgivien, and treaties were signed to take care of their settlement.

Now, most Hu'Kra live in the Thang mountains, north of Gemyshev, although many stil wander the lands in search of fame, honor, and fortune. Many become warriors and adventurers because of their spirit and their drive to gain fame among their brethren. In the Northlands, though, there are still a scattered few tribes who still raid and pillage as their ancestors did.

Hu'Kra society is probably the most egalitarian on the face of the planet. Men and women are equal in all things, with the men and women deciding in couples how their children are raised. Usually, one will hunt, and the other will raise the children. Each clan is lead by a Clanfather or Clanmother, who reports to an Earl, who reports to a Jarl, and the Jarls sit on their council, called the Great Althang in order to make policy for their nation and to settle clan disputes. Their priests are the main lawmakers and judges, although Hu'Kra law is brutally simple and in-keeping with many of their ancient traditions. It is notable that, although their priests do make the laws, there is no true unified church.

At 10, all Hu'Kra warriors are sent out into the wild and given a sword and dagger. Once these are given, they are cautioned not to come back until they can cloak themselves in the skin of a single animal bigger than they are. This cloak is set aside, worn again only in their first battle (Where their god is said to bless it), and then once more on the day of their wedding. After this point, the cloak is used to clothe their newborns. Needless to say, many warriors never return from their quests.

Aside from their traditions of sailing and the arts of war, they also have poets and bards. One of the most amusing and unusual games to outsiders that the Hu'Kra often play is one of the fireside story, where each warrior tries to tell a more fantastic and exciting tale than the last. Often it happens that one or another will claim to have discovered nearly ANYTHING one can think of, from a new land to a new spell to a knew technique for weapons. Their honor is important to them, and thus to mock it is to bring their rage onto one's head. Not surprisingly, they adore competition in all of its forms. Even yelling contests can be a favored pastime for them.


The Luparathi are a race first recorded before the founding of Krace, when the Church disallowed travel to the island. Trade attempts between Humans and the Luparathi did not go well, and Luparathi at first were seen as only a plague on Human settlements in the area, as they stole off supplies and trinkets on occasion. "Civilized" Luparathi, however, grew up in camps from pups where they were trained in Human ways and the common tongue of Lysirial. In fact, some were actually trained as mounts, and might still be in some isolated areas.

In most areas, Luparathi are generally regarded as rather intelligent animals. Their instincts are constantly at odds with polite society, their forms unfamiliar with clothing and armor. They have generally been taught to use simple tools and weapons. Personal property is usually not a concept that they understand, although some can learn to do so... barely. Luparathi with Talent tend to feel their way through Techniques as often as they actually cast them from memory or learn them from books. Civilized Luparathi have begun to learn appreciation for the arts and for beauty in its various forms. They have even begun to take to self-decoration, although most are just as likely to take shiny beads as anything truly valuable.

Their native language is usually short and designed to convey danger or direct needs more than any complex emotions or ideas. There is indeed Luparathi music and song, although there are usually no instruments other than drums made of logs and sticks. Even so, a true Luparathi stomp-dance is a wonderous sight few have actually beheld. Some rumor that it even shakes the mountains of Krace when done. The appearance of a Luparathi often frightens others, though, and most would turn them away... if only they had the courage to do so.


This race has a history that is as long as any other race's. However, the most unusual thing about their history is simply its undistinguished nature. The Thorqua have had few wars and generally live in harmony with nature, or at least try to. Their Magi shape the land with their Techniques and plant fields for them, and they even fashion their tools, weapons, and clothes from things taken from the land. Thorqua villages are usually within five miles of the coast and are centered rigidly around the Koradji-circle, a rock formation of complex geometry. Their musical song-maps describe the area around the village as well as the distances to other villages around the world.

Each tribe of Thorqua has its own song based on the tones emitted by their specific circle. Thorqua believe that the existance of the circle and these songs causes the land to continue flourishing, and each tribe also has a battle hymn called the Song of Unmaking, which is only used when they are forced to battle darkness. Their songs have been known to devastate armies, level cities, and crack the earth. Some Thorqua have even managed to rise to high status in other governments during their travels. Their tradesmen all believe that each object they sell has a soul, and their farmers are truly dedicated to their land and their traditions. Because of all of this richness, the Thorqua are not well understood by outsiders.

In their society, men and women have specific roles, and their initiation into these rolls is vitally important in all cases. For the Thorqua, the respect of the tribe comes with both age and the knowledge that they can demonstrate of their unwritten code. If they live up to the standards of society, they are taught, they and their children will prosper. However, they are a slow breeding race. For an average 500-person community, less than 10 children are born each year. During the four months that a female carries a child, they are sung to by the elders of the tribe a song they call the Song of Dreaming. This song tells the egg their tribal history and their customs. After this period, the egg is laid, and gestates for another full year. Within moments of hatching, it is said that a Thorqua already knows how to walk and eat simple foods. Within 2 weeks they can run, climb, play, and handle complex foods. At 2 months they can talk in simple sentences.

Individuals in Thorqua society are marked by tattoos and shell markings which indicate both their state in life and their place in society. Tattoos on the right side of the face indicate that one is of age, and on the left indicate marriage. Elders and important folk of the tribe get tattoos on the lower portions of their face. Collectively, these tattoos spell out the name of the Thorqua in their tonal geometry. The front of the shell is almost never decorated.


The Jhe are said to have sailed the world in ancient times in red ships with golden sails. They were the eternal enemies of the dark and baneful beasts which rose from the earth in the illustrious time-before-time known as the Time of Nightmares. And then the Darkness came to rest at the steps of their Silver City. Though they would be destroyed by their efforts, the Jhe fought this darkness to the very end, their Eternal Emperor fighting it with words of such passion that none could hear them and live. The Dreamer himself was moved by their passion, and, for an instant, he is said to have opened an eye. For their great sacrifice, the Jhe were reborn in the light of the Dreamer as the Zheol-Jhe, the People of the Deep.

Even now, the Silver City is the most holy place of the Zheol-Jhe, and one of their largest population centers is built upon its remains. They live in a militocracy, where fighting lords preside over the commonfolk. The Sea provides them with the plenty that allows them to trade with the surface world, providing goods otherwise not seen in the world. The pregnant are honored for bringing new life to the nation, and the insane are put to death to free them from the corruption of the Darkness. The people of the Jhe are continuously seeking to out-perform one another in hopes of being promoted. Some even dream of being part of the Triad, the 3 most powerful soldiers of the realm. The Triad themselves selects the Emperor, who rules the nation absolutely. Despite being adapted for sea life, they cannot descend safely below 500 feet due to something unusual about their blood chemistry. The Zheol-Jhe cannot ingest red meat, although they require twice as much water as most races when travelling the land. Their language is fluid, and adapted for underwater speech. It is said that even now their fight with the Darkness continues, never truly ending.

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Unread postby Seethe » Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:43 pm

Some more details about Krace would be useful. I'll need enough information to decide how to go about creating an inhabitant of the continent.

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Unread postby FlameRaven » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:12 am

Indeed. We've got the races, what about some geography?

Still, all in all, it looks really promising.
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Unread postby Seethe » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:10 am

Also, I need a list of firearms, melee weapons, and armor available.

Also the Second, I need to see a list of spells available under a few select pillars. The two primary pillars I'm interested in are Mind and Energy, and the three secondary pillars I'm interested in are Corruption, Decay, and War. I'll need to know what combination of pillars are required for each spell on this list because I'm only considering using one primary pillar and probably just one or two secondary pillars.

Also the Third, I need to know the racial abilities of humans, elves, and Zheol-Jhe.

Also the Fourth, I need to know just exactly what Zheol-Jhe look like.

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Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:21 am

I'm curious about body->entropy for the moment. Whenever you're diving through that area of the source material, I'd appreciate whatever you can post for that.

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Unread postby FlameRaven » Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:24 pm

Mkay, finally had a chance to look at this more in detail. So, info I need:

Racial traits for the Hu'Kra

Info on Matter>War and maybe Matter>Corruption

Edit: Oh, and is it possible to buy levels of dice with EXP? To change those d4, say, into d6?
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Unread postby Nakibe » Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:37 am

Lets see... info about Krace.... I can do this, yes.

Krace - The History

The Kingdom of Krace sits on a large island, which once was called the AldesKel, the Home of the Elders. It was given this name back when the Church ruled the land as well as men's hearts, when it was thought to be the home of the Divine, a strange and holy place no man dared to approach. But that was hundreds of years ago, and things have changed. Much has changed indeed.

The island, now called GreenIsle, was once a colony of the country of Lysirial, its northern neighbor. For years it was ruled justly, wisely, by Governors who did not tax the people more than they were able, but that did not last. A corrupt governor by the name of Amael Jurith changed all that. Governor Jurith was not pleased to rule a single backwater colony, no matter how prosperous. His dreams were much grander, and these grand dreams demanded funds. Governor Jurith mercilessly squeezed every peny and dime out of the people of GreenIsle, and for 36 years he squirreled away this money, secretly building an army which he hoped would rule Lysirial. But the other Governors learned of his plans, and demanded answers of him. Jurith hoped that he could get away on the pretense that he was intending to use his army to break the Salinese lock on sea-going trade. When the governors refused to believe his lies, the mad Governor was forced to spring his surprise early. For Amael Jurith, it was too early, as his forces could not hope to defeat the Lysirialite forces. As such, he retreated to GreenIsle, barricading himself in his castle, and building up his forces at the few open ports of GreenIsle. With that, he declared himself the King of GreenIsle and set policies to ensure his long and "prosperous" rule. For two centuries he managed to rule. And during these two centuries he sentenced all seditionists and dissenters to mining camps, from which he intended none to return alive. One such man branded a traitor to this tyrant-king was Johnathan Krace.

Krace was sentenced to die in the mining camps for the murder of a loyal and trusted servant of the king's, a man who brutally raped and murdered Krace's wife. Three years after being imprisoned, he lead a revolt in the mines and ordered the guards to be buried under piles of rock on either side of the entrance road. Krace united these fractured prisoners and turned them into more. His guidance turned these fractured and disillusioned revolters into a true force for change on GreenIsle, Five years later, Krace was seen as a legend among the people of the isle, and his ranks grew daily. He even managed through his bold ideas and leadership, to gain a powerful ally in the King's former General Uriel Primus, whom the King ordered put to death for refusing to burn down the city of Killian's Ridge for harboring Krace's forces. With the help of General Primus, the fight escalated from a small rebel uprising to a full-scale civil war against the tyrant king.

Six more years passed in this fight before it finally ended, with Johnathan Krace slaying Jurith with his own hand. Krace was now King of GreenIsle, but he had little idea what to do with it. He lowered taxes and sent ships to Salino to trade away Jurith's opulent holdings in exchange for the grain his people so desperately needed. He created The Unforgiven, an elite cadre of knights comprised of those criminals who had redeemed themselves by following him into the war. And then the Hu'Kra raiders came, and Krace and his forces valiantly fought against him. But perhaps, most mysterious to all is how, one night in 1519, King Krace the First Sovereign of GreenIsle, abdicated the throne to his friend and adviser, Aetheri the Poet. Taking a few of the Unforgiven Knights with him, Krace set off for places unknown and was never heard from again.

King Aetheri, Second Soverign of GreenIsle, has ruled wisely and well to this day. His first act as King of GreenIsle was to rename the country after his valiant friend, who lead wisely and made the nation what it is today. And thus the Kingdom of GreenIsle became the Kingdom of Krace.

GreenIsle - A quick Geography lesson.

GreenIsle is slightly larger than 700 miles aat its widest point and almost 1,200 miles long. It sits in the middle of the Central Sea and is ringed by dangerous shoals that were the original reason that people never came to the island. With the advent of air travel, its central location has made it the primary spot for Airship ports. The mountains that ring the island average a height of almost 2,000 feet above sea level, and after that the island gets even more mysterious. First, the island is the major exporter of the fine trees known as Culihanne, quite possibly the hardest wood known to man, said to be formed by the Dreams of the Dreamer himself. The thick covering of trees reaches heights most would scarcely imagine, and even overreach the mountains of the isle.

Perhaps more amazing to travelers is realizing that they do not walk the island's surface at any point beyond the mountains. In fact, the space between the mountains is known as the Green Sheath, a region which is covered in Cuilihanne trees so thick that their intertwining boughs make up the walking surface almost entirely. Giant monstrosities that few men have lived to see live in the darkness under Sheath and occasionally wander out to trouble the Dreaming Races of the world. In most places the Sheath is just as solid as walking on stone, although in some places open holes may be masked by the green leaves or dirt deposits or other things, causing unwary travellers to be dropped into the horrifying depths below. Barring this, it IS entirely possible for one to walk from shore to shore of GreenIsle by trvelling the Green Sheath and hiking through the mountains on either end, and this is further helped by a few old roads blazed across the countryside where the wood is hard and worn to a uniform level. The major problem with these roads is that they often become conduits for rainwater during seasons of heavy flooding, so at those times travel may indeed be impossible.

Most homes on GreenIsle are founded with the abundant Culhainne wood, although the rich prefer to import stone or steel from other areas. Cities that have large structures are usually placed on top of the boles of an exposed tree or collection of trees, where the surface can sustain the weight. Only land-locked cities or castle-cities built from a single tree carve their own sewers. Others simply sink a well-tube down to the lower Sheathe to dump garbage in, where it falls to the lower reaches of the isle.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:37 pm

Alrighty, you folks have stopped JUST shy of asking for the whole book, so eh. >:P Lets see what happens here. Next:

Melee weapons~!

Code: Select all
Note: Weapons are rated in Quality dice, with the number of dice representing the Quality of weapon you have. 2 dice is average for all weapons and, presumably, all armor as well.

       Name      | Price | Size | Quality (#Hands) |Range| Weight
Utility Knife    |     3 |   0  |  d4-4 (1H only)  |  1  |  0.25
Knife            |     5 |   0  |  d4-2 (1H only)  |  1  |  0.3
Throwing Knife   |     6 |   0  |  d4-2 (1H only)  |  2  |  0.5
Dart             |    10 |   0  |  d4-2 (1H only)  |  3  |   .25
Dagger           |    35 |   1  |   d4 (1H only)   |  2  |  1
Short Sword      |   150 |   2  |   d6 (1H only)   |  -  |  1.5
Light Sword      |   200 |   2  |   d6 (1H only)   |  -  |  2
Long Sword       |   250 |   3  |   d8 (1H only)   |  -  |  3
Bastard Sword    |   375 |   4  |*d8 (1H) d10 (2H) |  -  |  5
Two-Handed Sword |   450 |   4  |   d12 (2H only)  |  -  | 10
Hand Axe         |    50 |   2  |   d4 (1H only)   |  1  |  2
Throwing Axe     |    75 |   2  |   d4 (1H only)   |  2  |  1.5
Long Axe         |   100 |   3  |  d4 (1H) d6 (2H) |  1  |  4
War Axe          |   200 |   3  | d8 (1H) d10 (2H) |  -  |  5
Battle Axe       |   325 |   4  |   d12 (2H only)  |  -  | 10
Javelin          |     2 |   3  |  d4 (1H) d6 (2H) |  3  |  5
War Spear        |     5 |   4  |  d6 (1H) d8 (2H) |  2  | 10
Long Spear       |    20 |   5  |   d10 (2H only)  |  -  | 20
Pike             |    30 |   6  |   d12 (2H Only)  |  -  | 25
Lance            |    50 |   6  |        SP!       |  -  | 30
Hammer           |     4 |   1  |   d4 (1H only)   |  1  |  2
Mace             |    15 |   2  |   d6 (1H only)   |  1  |  3
Light Sledge     |    35 |   3  |  d6 (1H) d8 (2H) |  1  |  5
Sledge           |    50 |   4  | d8 (1H) d10 (2H) |  -  | 10
Maul             |   100 |   5  |   d12 (2H only)  |  -  | 20
Cudgel           |     5 |   2  |   d6 (1H only)   |  -  |  3
Staff            |    20 |   4  |  d6 (1H) d8 (2H) |  -  |  5
War Club         |    40 |   4  |   d10 (2H Only)  |  -  | 15

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:42 am

This has not been forgotten. Quite the opposite. But I find myself copying down good portions of the source material here. Ah, well. Labor of Love and all that.

Missile Weapons and Firearms!

Code: Select all
Name                       |  Price  | Size | Damage Type | Multi | Range | Weight
Sling                      |      1  |   0  |      d4     |   -   |   4   |   .25
Rocks                      |  Free!  |  --  |      -      |   -   |   -   |   .1
Hironaka .10               |    150  |   1  |      d6     |   2   |    .2 |  2
Short Bow                  |     75  |   3  |      d6     |   1   |   5   |  3
Recurve Short Bow, Hunting |    150  |   3  |      d8     |   1   |   6   |  5
Recurve Short Bow, War     |    350  |   3  |      d8     |   2   |  12   |  7
Composite Bow, Hunting     |    300  |   4  |     d10     |   1   |   8   | 10
Composit Bow, War          |    600  |   4  |     d10     |   2   |  16   | 11
Long Bow, Hunting          |    500  |   5  |     d12     |   1   |  10   | 12
Long Bow, War              |  1,100  |   5  |     d12     |   2   |  20   | 13
Light Crossbow             |    125  |   3  |      d8     |   1   |   8   |  5
Military Crossbow          |    300  |   4  |     d10     |   2   |  20   | 10
Dual Crossbow              |    750  |   4  |     d10     |   2   |  20   | 15
Heavy Crossbow             |  1,500  |   5  |     d12     |   2   |  25   | 20

Hironaka Dart              |      1  |   0  |      -      |   -   |   -   |   .05
Short Arrows (6)           |      2  |   1  |      -      |   -   |   -   |  2
Clothyard Arrows (6)       |      4  |   1  |      -      |   -   |   -   |  3
Light Bolts (6)            |     1.5 |   1  |      -      |   -   |   -   |  1
Heavy Bolts (6)            |     2.5 |   1  |      -      |   -   |   -   |  2

                   Name                   | Price  | Size | Quality | Damage | Multi | Clip | Range | Weight
.20 Patch-and-Cap Pistol                  |    275 |   2  |    2    |   d8   |   2   |   1  |   5   |  2
.25 Survivor                              |    750 |   2  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |   4  |   6   |  2
.25 Duelist                               |  1,250 |   2  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |   7  |   6   |  2.5
.40 Lawmaker                              |  1,500 |   3  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |   6  |   7   |  3
.40 Rolling Thunder                       |  1,900 |   3  |    3    |  d12   |   2   | 6/12 |   7   |  3
1.13 "Maul" Scattergun                    |  1,200 |   4  |    2    |  d20   |   2   |   1  |   2   |  4
.505 Havoc Revolver                       | 15,000 |   3  |    4    |  d20   |   2   |   5  |  10   |  5
.20 Patch-and-Cap Rifle                   |    500 |   4  |    2    |   d8   |   2   |   1  |   7   |  4
.20 Patch-and-Cap Dual Rifle              |    850 |   4  |    2    |   d8   |   2   |   2  |   7   |  6
.25 Fire Pike, Break Action               |  1,225 |   4  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |   1  |  10   |  5
.25 Fire Pike, Bolt Action                |  1,525 |   4  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |   1  |  10   |  5
.25 Fire Pike, Lever Action               |  1,625 |   4  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |  10  |  10   |  5.5
.25 Fire Pike, Semi-Auto Clip Fed         |  1,925 |   4  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |  10  |  10   |  6
.25 Fire Pike, Full Auto Clip Fed         |  2,125 |   4  |    3    |  d10   |   2   |  20  |  10   |  6
.35 Marov Seven Rifle, Bolt Action        |  1,875 |   5  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |   1  |  12   |  6
.35 Marov Seven Rifle, Lever Action       |  2,075 |   5  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |  10  |  12   |  7
.35 Marov Seven Rifle, Semi-Auto Clip Fed |  2,375 |   5  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |  16  |  12   |  7
.505 Long Rifle Semi-Auto Clip Fed        |  2,950 |   6  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |  10  |  18   | 10
1.13 Scattergun, Single Barrel Break      |  1,700 |   6  |    3    |  d12   |   2   |  10  |  18   | 10
1.13 Scattergun, Dual Barrel Break        |  1,950 |   6  |    3    |  d20   |   2   |   2  |   3   |  8
1.13 Scattergun, Pump Action              |  2,500 |   6  |    3    |  d20   |   2   |   6  |   3   |  7.5
1.13 ThunderLance                         |  3,200 |   5  |    4    | d20/d6 |   2   |   4  |   1   | 40

Blacke Powder, pistol (1)                 |      3   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .2
Blacke Powder, rifle (1)                  |      5   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .2
Firing Cap                                |      1   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .01
.20 Ball-and-wadding                      |       .1 |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .01
.25 Cartridge                             |     15   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .01
.35 Cartridge                             |     20   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .015
.40 Cartridge                             |     25   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .05
.505 Cartridge                            |     35   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .1
1.13 Shot Cartridge                       |     75   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |   .2
Shell, Heaven Shaker                      |  2,000   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  | 25
Shell, Hellfire                           |    200   |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  |  5
Invested Shells/Bullets                   |  4x norm |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  | As Base
Clip                                      |  2x Clip |  --  |    -    |  ---   |   -   |  --  |   --  | 90% Of bullets

And to keep all of this crap together, notes.

The Havoc Revolver is NOT for sale to the public. Its not just a military weapon. Its a military weapon made specifically for an elite cadre SPECIFICALLY by one guy. As such, you will not be able to start with one. Period. As if you'd be able to afford that black market price there. >;P

The Thunderlance is NOT a standard firearm. It is, in fact, a shotgun hidden inside a regular Knightly Lance. Again specially made. Again off-limits to you folks.

... actually now that I think about it most of the firearms are just plain out of your price range. If you can explain to me why you, as a n00b, would have one (I feel dirty for using that term), then you MAY get one. Otherwise? Assume the word for the day is "No".

Otherwise... Heaven Shaker shells are... shit. I don't know what they're for. Ask me later, as I have a plan brewing...

INVESTED Shells, however, are blessed ammo. Yes, someone thought it'd be good to dip their bullets in holy water and Garlic. Can't imagine why or what that'd be useful for... 9.9

Since the Summary for Hellfire shells is missing as it is for Heaven Shaker, I will have to do something with that as well. By the price they're probably Explosive shells. Increases die type Stick to that idea until further notice.

Yes, folks, the scattergun damages ARE awesome. But, much like real-world shotguns, they actually lose damage over range. Damage die types decrease drastically if you're trying to hit anything at a decent distance. 1 type per 3 yards.

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Unread postby Seethe » Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:17 pm

Now that you mention it, what's the monetary spending cap for new characters going to be?

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:53 pm

Actually there's a whole profession-based list and such in the book, which is why one of the steps in the thing is to settle on a profession (or set of them) and give it skill ranks. However, since you asked for Cold Hard Numbers....

Highest paying jobs are $250 per rank, you start with 3 ranks, and if you did NOTHING with your starting points aside from hand them to your job skill... you'd have rank 6. So $1,500 is the best possible. A more likely figure for PCs is 125 at rank 4, for $500.

"So Shaun", you ask, "Why don't you have the professions tables up on here too?" Simple, really. Its because the Professions tables leave ME a lot of leeway to push you one way or another (usually up), AND each job starts with appropriate starting gear. Moderately decent armor, a normal quality weapon, etc. There is first, no point in making people jealous because they didn't get high results, and second, no reason I can't give you something if you, you know, ASK FOR IT and have a DECENT BACKSTORY to go along.

In short, Rules Lawyers and Space Monkeys.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:02 am

I may as well link this thread, being as the character I intend to use for this is there.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:26 pm

As is the one I mean to use.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:24 pm

And now for other interesting things. Armor, in particular.

Code: Select all
          Armor Name          |  Price | Rating  |Helm?| AGI loss|Failure| Weight
Padded Clothes/Woodsman Armor |    250 |  2d4-2  |  -  |    -    |   6   | 10
Leather Armor                 |    300 |   2d4   |  -  |    -    |   8   | 15
Sheath Armor                  |    300 |   3d6   |  -  | 2 dice  |  15   | 30
Explorer Leather              |    400 |   3d4   | Yes |    -    |   9   | 20
Chain Mail                    |    700 |   3d6   |  -  |  1 die  |  12   | 30
Show Knight Plate             |    750 |   2d6   | Yes |    -    |  10   | 40
Kevaara Leather               |    900 |   2d6   |  -  |    -    |  12   | 40
Storm Chain                   |  1,250 |   3d8   | Yes |  1 die  |  15   | 40
Lancer Hard-point Harness     |  1,750 |   3d8   | Yes |  1 die  |  20   | 30
Ranger Rough-Ground Armor     |  2,000 |   4d8   |  -  |    -    |  20   | 30
Plate Mail                    |  2,500 |  3d10   | Yes | 2 dice  |  25   | 50
Unforgiven Plate & Chain Mail |  5,000 |  4d10   | Yes | 2 Dice  |  25   | 50
Meershat Silk                 |  6,500 | 3d20/d6 |  -  |    -    | 40/10 |  5
Full Plate Mail               |  7,000 |  3d12   | Yes | 3 Dice  |  28   | 70
Titan Assault Suit            | 10,000 |  5d12   | Yes | 3 Dice  |  30   | 60
Seraphim Assault Armor        | 20,000 |  4d12   | Yes |  1 Die  |  25   | 50

The "Helm?" section is because not every armor comes with a helmet. The ones marked "-" you have to buy a seperate helmet for. If you don't HAVE one, then you might want to buy something to protect your head, as you are considered to have NO armor there. Failure Rating is how hard you can be hit in one blow before the armor starts buckling. "AGI Loss" is the penalty to your agility applied to your actions while in this armor. And note: The Meershat Silk uses the high protection/failure rating vs projectile weapons only. The second gets used for everything else.

Code: Select all
    Helmet Name      |Price|Protect|PER loss|Failure| Weight
Turban               |  10 | 2d4-2 |   -    |   6   |  2
Leather Helm         |  15 |  2d4  | 1 die  |   8   |  4
Kevaara Leather Helm |  75 |  2d6  | 1 die  |  12   |  5
Chain Coif           | 100 |  3d6  | 2 dice |  12   | 10
Full-Faced Helm      | 175 |  3d8  | 2 dice |  20   | 15
Tempest Helm         | 225 | 3d10  | 3 dice |  25   | 20

And the above are your helms. "Per Loss" is the penalty to your Perception rolls, SPECIFICALLY for vision. Can't See Shit, captain? Yeah, that's because of your face-covering armor. >:P "Failure" is the failure rating for just the helm.

Code: Select all
         Shield Name           |Price|Size|Protect|Failure| Weight
Buckler, Rimmed Wood           |  25 |  1 |   1   |  10   |  4
Buckler, Culhainne             |  37 |  1 |   1   |  13   |  6
Buckler, Rimmed Culhainne      |  50 |  1 |   1   |  16   |  7
Buckler, Metal                 |  75 |  1 |   1   |  20   |  8
Small Shield, Rimmed Wood      |  50 |  2 |   1   |  12   |  8
Small Shield, Culhainne        |  75 |  2 |   1   |  15   | 12
Small Shield, Rimmed Culhainne | 100 |  2 |   1   |  18   | 14
Small Shield, Metal            | 150 |  2 |   1   |  22   | 16
Large Shield, Rimmed Wood      | 120 |  4 |   2   |  15   | 16
Large Shield, Culhainne        | 180 |  4 |   2   |  18   | 24
Large Shield, Rimmed Culhainne | 240 |  4 |   2   |  21   | 28
Large Shield, Metal            | 360 |  4 |   2   |  25   | 32
Tower Shield, Rimmed Wood      | 200 |  5 |   3   |  20   | 25
Tower Shield, Culhainne        | 300 |  5 |   3   |  23   | 32
Tower Shield, Rimmed Culhainne | 400 |  5 |   3   |  26   | 36
Tower Shield, Metal            | 600 |  5 |   3   |  30   | 40

Note: Shields are kind of unusual for this system. Instead of directly reducing damage like armor, a shield reduces the number of Strength dice the other guy can apply. That's what the "Protect" line in this grid is for, to tell you how many dice they lose from Strength on an attack.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri May 04, 2007 2:50 pm

"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Nakibe » Wed May 09, 2007 10:17 pm

I still wish for times and such, which is probably more important now that I'm out of class and sort of kind of ready to DO this. Also, 660 spells. Good fucking luck getting me to actually write all of THOSE out. >:P

Instead, you should suffer with what little I as a horrible person am willing to give you all. >:{{{

Slowly getting back to work on this stupid list of spells. Anyone who wants exact gaming details behind these please feel free to ask. Eventually I'll have basic descriptions of all of them up here.

Body Blade - Changes one's hands into melee weapons
Cannibalistic Agility - Increase Agility die type, but your Strength loses dice while active
Keen Eyes - Improves the user's distance vision
Nails and Teeth - Grow vicious claws and fangs to tear your enemies apart.
Toughen Skin - Absorb blows like one is made of steel

Alter Height - Allows one to play basketball... or not.
Cannibalistic Strength - Increases Strength die type, but Agility loses dice while active.
Close Vision - Stop spending money on magnifying glasses.
Improved Hearing - Increases Perception dice for hearing.
Stretch - Slowly elongate one's limbs to reach high shelves.

Alter Animal Trait - Temporarily change the abilities of animal
Burn Tissue - Make an unlucky person's skin deform at a touch
Induce Vomiting - Next time, don't eat the Mystery Meatloaf.
Keen Eyes, Enhanced - Increases die type AND number of dice used temporarily.

Armored Skin - Forget skin LIKE steel, Skin OF steel is much better.
Disguise - Fashion your face after No One In Particular
Grow Tool - Temporarily form one's hand into any small hand tool.
Painful Healing - Powerful healing effect can remove Wounds, but causes great agony to the target.

Close Vision, Enhanced - Examine much tinier objects without use of a microscope.
Horns and Spikes - Grow huge spikes and horns of bone.

False Face - Mold one's face as if it were putty into new and interesting shapes.
Shape of Beast - Become any nonsentient creature of your size or smaller.

Drop - Whoops. Sorry. I hope that guy didn't need that precious vase
Nudge - Spell used to get people's attention... or to break their concentration.
Slow - Lowers the Initiative speed and movement speed of the target
Spoil Aim - If cast on someone attacking with a weapon, their next attack is spoiled
Trip - If cast on a moving target, they trip over their own shoes.

Clumsy - Penalizes all of a target's AGI rolls.
Deflect Blow - Causes muscle twitching that ruins weapon attacks.
Hoist - Target levitates about a foot off the ground, and hangs there for the duration.

Augment Strength - Increase your strength temporarily
Detain - Target is unable to move from the spot they're standing on.
Enhance Blow - Adds dice to a melee attack you make.
Store Air - Wanna go diving? Sure, why not?
Weaken Blow - Reduces the amount of damage a target can do for a while.

Control Corpse - Concentrate on moving one dead corpse as if it were your own body.
Induce Sensation - Fool your friends with really fake sensations.
Suppress Emotion - Make a target temporarily immune to ALL attempts to change their moods.

Clumsy, Wide - Can't help it if you're ALL clumsy idiots, now can I?
Dislocate - That guy wants to pull your leg, huh? How about pulling HIS out of its socket?

Control Person - You can exorcise a level of control over a living person's body. It moves as you will for a short time.
Spasm - So sorry, you can't attack me right now. You're too busy trying to control your violently spasming muscles!

Corrupt Joints - Cause a target temporary pains. Ow, my EVERYTHING.
Disfigurement - Make sure that rival never gets a date. Not with THAT acne.
Oozing Steps - When looking for slimy characters, its best when they leave a trail.
Shaking Hands - Good luck picking locks while you've got the shakes, buddy.
Slippery Hands - Not that picking locks is any easier when your hands feel like they've been greased

Body Pain - Rather than temporary phantom pain, it causes real pain and damage to a target's body.
Hard Skin - Hardens a target's muscles to make it harder for them to move.
Predator - You know, I think that nearby Bear likes you. For lunch.
Tongue Lash - A little more literal than your last argument was. >:P

Corrupt Muscles - Every muscle in the target's body catches a cramp. Next time wait an hour before swimming.
Disfigurement, Enhanced - The target won't win any beauty contests after you cast this. Ever.
Flesh Puppet - Turn one dead body into your personal zombie. Doesn't hunger for your brains, but its still kinda stupid.

Evil Eye - Ewww. When you said you'd keep an eye on things we didn't think you meant LITERALLY.
Iron Limb - Hardens one limb's muscles till it is completely locked.
Oozing Steps, Wide - Good for finding more than one asshole at a time.

Corrupt Bones - Good luck taking hits when your bones are practically paper.
Predator, Wide - Every predator for miles would praise you on your good taste. Now just stand still and let them take a bite.
Wither Limb - Hinders the use of ANY tests made involving a single limb. Might be why Casey struck out.

Growths and Lumps - How the classic "Old Ugly Witch" is made.
Liquefy Muscle - The aforementioned predators appreciate your efforts to cook and tenderize their meat.

Calluses - Harden your skin somewhat to handle dangerous things better.
Lend a Hand - Ever wish you had an extra hand or two for your work? Here you go!
Manifest Creature - Hey kids, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
Prehensile Tail - Grow a cool tail to help you swing from vines... or hit your brother.

Sucker Feet - Allows you to walk up walls. Spiderman will soon sue you for infringement. >:{
Tentacles - And now you sprout octopus tentacles. Just like Cthuhlu used to make
Third Eye - Haven't you got eyes in the back of your head? (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Manifest Gills - Soon you'll be swimming with the fishes. In a way less damaging to your lungs.
Manifest Swarm - Fill the skies with bees. Or whatever other symbol of your hate you like.
Organic Bandage - Improves natural healing of a subject.

Centaur - ... I'm... not sure what to say to this one.
Replace Body Part - Damn hands. I keep losing them. One or two more.

Body Sheath - Your skin provides armor in addition to armor
Two Heads - Because they really ARE better than one.

Manifest Wings - I believe I can FLY...
Replace Body Part, Enhanced - Can now replace arms or legs.

Ache - Target's joints pain them slightly when they try to do things
Impair Healing - Doubles all wound-healing times for current injuries
Rotting Stench - Horrible body odor even deodorant can't cure.
Sap - Target has a little less resistance to noxious effects
Weaken - Suddenly that circus strongman can't lift paper

Baldness - Enough to make Lex Luthor look good.
Bleeding Wounds - Target takes damage based on their current injuries
Stiff Joints - Reduces target's speed.
Thin Blood - Target suddenly doesn't have as much energy as they used to.
Tire - Reduces the target's Vigor for the duration

Aged Appearance - Make your target look old long before their time.
Aura of Entropy - Increases the user's ability with Decay-related effects.
Dim Sight - Grandpa just can't see like he used to. Reduces target's Perception dice for the duration.
Unstoppable Bleeding - Causes slow and inexplicable internal bleeding.

Hard of Hearing - Huh? What was that? It reduces Perception die type? WHAT?
Hideous Stench - No amount of bathing will make you smell any better for a few days.

Dystrophy - Curses the target to slowly wither away to nothing in a short span
Fast Fatigue - Increases the speed at which Vigor dice are used during actions, making you tire MUCH faster.

Groggy - Its like the target has just awoken from a deep sleep.... a couple weeks of it.
Impair Healing, Enhanced - Wounds of a target simply refuse to heal, seemingly in defiance of all treatments

Detect Magical Control - Figure out if a person is being possessed by something.
Dodge - Become a slippery character, better able to dodge attacks and techniques.
Leap - Sudden leaps are no problem for a user of this technique.
Unruffled - Target seems more calm and composed, no matter what they may feel like doing.

Clever Eyes - Your eyes adjust faster to sudden changes.
Detect Unnatural Effect - Figure out if something you touch is being changed by Techniques, and which Pillars are being used
Steady - Helps you keep your balance even in the most challenging situations.

Culhainne's Hardiness - Increases a target's stamina
Dodge, Enhanced - Just when people thought you were aggravating ENOUGH...
Meld with Environs - Effect makes you so in tune with your environment that you could hide nearly anywhere.
Windswift - Increases one's agility for its duration.

Hibernation - Sleep like a bear, but gain an increased healing rate.
Rapid Healing - Heal all your wounds in half the normal time.
Resist Corruption of Body - Gives you a bonus to resist Body/Corruption effects
Resist Decay of Body - Gives you a bonus to resist Body/Decay effects

Clever Eyes, Enhanced - Your eyes don't just adjust fast, they can also see in new and interesting wavelengths. Like infrared.
Free the Mind - Makes basic body functions automatic so that you can, like, trip out, man.

Glide - Its almost like you had decent wings.
Pass Freely - Move at a normal pace on any semi-solid surface, leaving no trace that you were ever there.

Comfort the Fallen - Eases the pains of the targets, assuming you didn't CAUSE them.
Detect Poisoning - Allows you to check to see if that school lunch is actually edible. Or something.
Endure - Temporarily ignore pain in the hopes of doing something normally.
Grunt of Strength - Increase your strength for a moment.
Healing - Used to heal minor wounds.
Undeath Ward - Keep those zombies from devouring your juicy brainmeats.

Antidote - Reduces the effects of poisons, and may negate some entirely.
Coagulate - Stops bleeding damage. That way you can die of more painful things. >:P
Fight Disease - Temporarily treats your horrible illness.
Harm Undead - Blast a single undead creature with your life energies.
Heal Fast - Increases natural healing speeds

Destroy Undead - Directly attack the energies holding an undead target to this plane.
Endure, Enhanced - Same as Endure, although it keeps you from injuring yourself further through your efforts.
Grunt of Strength, Wide - This version of the spell also affects anyone trying to assist you.
Healing, Wide - Heal wounds on all within a radius.

Avatar of Life - That's right, folks, try your hand at being an exorcist.
Healing, Enhanced - Can heal more serious wounds done to a target.
Restore Health - Instantly cures most mundane diseases, and potentially can be used to affect more powerful ones.
Undeath Ward, Wide - Better than a circle of salt at repelling dead things and their servants.

Harm Undead, Wide - Remove Dracula's minions in one swoop.... although the man himself may be displeased....
Restore Youth - Cures someone that has been unnaturally aged. Won't work on your standard wicked witch.

Grunt of Strength, Great - HUUUUUUUUGE!
Healing, Great - Heal even life-threatening injuries done upon a person.
Undo Corruption of Body - Can attempt to undo Corruption effects on a person in one fell swoop.
Undo Decay of Body - Attempt to do the same for Decay effects on a person.

Deft Attack - Increase your capability at striking
Deft Defense - OH SHIT *BLOCK*
Grow Spines - Won't have to worry about your relatives wanting hugs with THIS up.
Phase Scabbard - Hammerspace! Doesn't even require boobs. >;P
War Shout - Bolster your friends combat abilities by flailing about and yelling like an idiot.
Weapon Meld - Attack with your weapon like it was an extension of you.

Rally Cry - Call for help? You just might need it.
Resilience - Increases your ability to take damage for a short while.
Unarmed Fury - Channel your energies into blows that can, you know, hit hard.
Wade - A meditation that makes it easier to fight multiple opponents.

Blurring Attack - Moves too fast for enemies to easily block.
Catch Breath - Meditate in order to ignore minor injuries.
Fireproof - Makes it harder for you and your possessions to burn.
Hedgehog - Curl yourself into a small spiked ball.

Exude Poison - Makes your sweat, saliva, and blood toxic. Will PROBABLY keep neighbor's dog from chewing on you as well.
Living Weapon - Bond so well with your weapon that you'll never leave it at home again. Or something more useful. >:P
Multiattack - Like D&D Whirlwind Attack, but cooler.

Awesome Blow - Why just hit your opponents when you can ALSO hurl them into the next room.
Spew Poison - Your friends will tell you to lay off the bean burritos and garlic mouthwashes.

Catch Breath, Enhanced - Recover strain while defending, rather than just being a useless lump
Rock - Moving a mountain may be easier than moving the caster from his chosen spot.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu May 10, 2007 2:10 pm

Tuesday through Friday, after 8 is preferable. Saturdays, SUndays and Mondays all change around alot now.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri May 11, 2007 12:49 am

Availability (may vary to degrees, all times in Eastern Standard):

Sunday: Open availability
Monday: Not Really Available
Tuesday: Available 5 PM to Midnight
Wednesday: Not Really Available
Thursday: Not Available, Even Remotely
Friday: Available starting around 2 PM (possibly earlier, possibly a little later, no later than 5 PM) and ending whenever
Saturday: Open availability
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Seethe » Fri May 11, 2007 1:14 am

I'm afraid I'll have to duck out. It doesn't look like I'm going to have time to take on any more RPs at this point.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat May 19, 2007 2:43 pm

FlameRaven? Neko? Kai?
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby FlameRaven » Sat May 19, 2007 5:17 pm

...I'm having a really difficult time compiling any sort of character with this minimal information. Is it at all possible for you to just give us a PDF or something of the book?

As far as availability... it looks like I'm going to be booked on weekends, so the only times I could play would be Monday or Tuesday nights. :/
[url=]Parallel Parchment[/url]|[url=]dA[/url]|[url=]Sketch Journal[/url]

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sun May 20, 2007 1:52 pm

Unfortunately I have been completely unable to find a .pdf of this game at all, so I can't just hand it to you. And also: I'm pretty much copying all of the info from the book directly without setting information. MOST of what is needed for character creation is here except for the full list of racial abilities, which are my fault for not putting up just yet. But eh. You could IM me if you want, to see what else you can ask about.

Aside from that, seems like games starting at 8:30 Tuesday are the way.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Tue May 22, 2007 5:13 pm

Ugh. Sorry for the lateness, but my D&D session this week got moved to today, so I won't be able to start the game up today. This upcoming Sunday, perhaps, now that Drawing the Line is complete, but I'm not sure how Jason's schedule for then will come out. Perhaps Tuesday of next week will prove more suitable. *shrugs*

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue May 22, 2007 10:13 pm

So the roster is myself and Bes?
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue May 22, 2007 11:12 pm

It does seem that way. It's kind of sad, when you think about the fact that we had characters made BEFORE Shaun put up all the extra information.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:14 pm

Updated availability:

Weekdays: 5pm - midnightish available
Weekends: Generally open availability

Until further notice.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:02 am

Okay, so I've become more busy lately, but variably so at my command. What this means is that I am still free the above, more recently-updated, hours; but I will need a little notice to make sure I don't get myself into stuff that evening. And by 'a little' I mean a day or so, or perhaps even an AIM message within two hours of game start. Google Talk is even better, if you got it.
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:49 pm

I've said this via IM, but: I'm basically avaliable whenever Priam is. I might need to wait until 8PM on weekdays, depending on what's going on at home that day.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:36 pm

So, how about doing something Wednesday, June 20th?

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:00 pm

I will try to be there.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:17 pm

This should not be a problem. I will make sure not to plan anything for that evening (circumstances willing).
"You haven't told me what I'm looking for."
"Anything that might be of interest to Slitscan. Which is to say, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's audience. Which is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections."
--Colin Laney and Kathy Torrance, William Gibson's Idoru

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