PhilSys Coliseum!

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PhilSys Coliseum!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:18 pm

Somewhere, some time, some place, exists an edifice of stone and sand. This massive structure is a dedication to all things violent. Holding a number of seats seemingly beyond counting, in this Coliseum a crowd of all races has gathered. They howl and hoot and jeer, impatient to see the first match begin. Their eyes are on portcullises, made of shining mythril, that hold back men and beasts of all kinds.

This is where Idran Casmosis and Darin Prentiss find themselves this afternoon. They are ushured out into the sand of the great bowl, knowing full well that only one of them is going to leave under his own power.

(Here we go folks; Idran wins the initiative.)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:29 pm

With a glare across the field, Idran shouts over to his opponent as he casts!

"Pft, you're the one that stole my name, let alone my concept? My 7-year-old daughter looks tougher than you, and she's not even entirely physical!"

(Casting Flight. :O)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:37 pm

Idran's spell takes ahold of him, and he is lifted from the ground, hovered just a few inches over the sands until he wills otherwise.

(Darin, you're up.)

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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:07 pm

On the other side of the battlefield, Darin Prentiss blinks. How did he get himself into this mess? The long-haired half-angel dusted off his purple robes a bit and gaped at the flying man who was threatening him so brashly. It was not in Darin's nature to be fighting, especially not when it was something he was forced into doing to protect the people he cared about.

Somewhere in the stands, a raucous blue-haired mage, waving a huge tankard of ale in one hand and a giant purple pennant with a drawing of angel wings in the other, pushed his way to the front of the screaming crowd and started casting some kind of spell. Even the local colloseum hooligans wanted to keep their distance from crazy wizards, so it was very clear to Darin who had enchanted his voice to sound like it was being projected from a bull-horn.


Oh, Hakaril. Why had he insisted on buying tickets to this event? Darin shook his head. He would never understand why his friend got so excited about things like fighting. But now Darin had no choice; he would have to defend himself or suffer ignoble defeat.

He's a magician too, thought the half-celestial. Then there's only one thing to do.

The half-celestial muttered a few brief words under his breath before a swell of arcane energy rippled through the air around him as he finished the incantation:

"Embrace of the goddess, guard me from entropic forces with your loving arms! SHIELD!"

(Shield; Darin's MBlock goes up by 6.)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:18 pm

Darting upwards to gain some height on the passive-seeming foe, and giving an amused glance to the stadium stands, Idran turns his gaze back to Prentiss.

"...Chants. actually still use chants? You know, every time I hear one of you Gunnir folks spellcasting, my opinion drops less and less.

"Chants. Wow."

Chuckling a bit in disbelief, he flicks his arm suddenly towards the fellow still on the ground, a whirling stick leaving his grasp and arcing towards his target.

(Boomerang toss, no tech used.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:23 pm

Idran flings his boomerang! His finger catches a little on one end, and it doesn't fly very straight. Darin sidesteps the flawed throw without difficulty. Recovering quickly, Idran just barely manages to recover it on the way back.

(Darin's go)

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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:45 pm

Darin shakes his head in disbelief. His opponent is...taunting him? Suggesting that he's fighting for the honor of every Gunnir mage before him, and that his personal actions reflect on the entire school where he advanced his art?

Oh dear. This is too much pressure for the poor mage. He had better use what he learned at Gunnir to its fullest...including everything he learned about how to fight.

The time mage gestures forcefully toward Idran, and another small surge of arcane energy swells up around his body, but no attack spell comes forth; instead, Darin closes his eyes for a moment and places two fingers on his own forehead, a faint glow washing over his figure.

(Intuit. Darin is +1 to all rolls until he discharges the spell for the bigger bonus.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:53 pm

(effects noted)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:56 pm

"...Hmph. Well, I don't know what you did there, but at least you didn't shout it out loud. I guess you're improving!"

Keeping his position about 20 feet above the surface of the arena, Idran decides it may be good to give himself something of an edge as well. Giving his own quick enchantment, he slows down the universe around him, waiting to see just what wingboy's capable of.


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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:06 pm

Darin sees Idran suddenly speed up. He speeds up alot, too. He flies around like an a house fly on speed!

(Haste noted! New temporary init per round is: Idran, Darin, Idran.

Edit: Darin's turn is now.)

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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:49 pm

Darin stares at the speedy mage, his eyes following Idran as he swoops around in the air. This is going to create a problem, he notes, drawing his scythe-blade from his robe's inner pocket in a smooth motion and extending the handle to its full length. Gray light swirls around Darin as he gestures with a free hand before he tightly grips the polearm and levels it at his opponent.

Within his mind, he repeated the incantation he associated with use of this spell. Gunnir mages, he knew, were taught to chant as a focusing mechanism to increase the power of spells, but more importantly, the purpose of chanting was to draw attention to the mage if it was necessary to be intimidating. This was not one of those time where this would be successful.

A burst of silvery light, vaguely shaped like a distorted, smoky clock face, erupts from Darin toward Idran...

(Slow, with Use Focus to grant a +5 bonus to his spellcasting roll.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:58 pm

And, much sooner than it was due, Idran felt the world slow back to a crawl. The two temporal effects combined, and canceled one another out entirely.

(Idran loses haste. Init returns to Idran, Darin. Idran is up.)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:08 pm

Frowning, he mutters, just barely audible by Darin on the ground.

"Complete and utter ripoff, I tell you..."

And he begins another casting, giving Darin a taste of his own enchantments in such a vein.

(Sending a Slow back down to Darin :D)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:19 pm

Idran casts! He prepares his spell, and Darin sees a familiar, if smaller, clockface headed his way...

Which dissipates before contacting him. It would appear that Darin is not affected.

(Darin's MBlk laughs at you, and the Goddess of Victory is waving her underwear in your face! Darin's turn. New init after this round)

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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:36 pm

Darin blinks at the retaliatory spell, looks up at the flying mage, and shrugs. If Darin were the kind of man to stick out his tongue and taunt his opponents, now would be the time for him to be taunting like a madman.

No, he had Hakaril in the stands to do that for him.

There was something excessively cocky about the way Idran was soaring around the arena like that. The fact that he had no way to reach Idran with his weapon was largely inconsequential, but it was still somewhat aggravating. However, it was a problem that could wait for later, and Darin felt confident that his defenses were going to hold for the time being. He had to shift into the next part of his strategy.

Inside the depths of his mind, he went through the focus for his next spell...and as he thrust his scythe forward, a set of black tendrils whipped toward Idran, trying to snag him and drain the life from his body.

(Lesser Desalination, Use Focus for +5 to hit.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:47 pm

Darin lashes out with those magical, black tendrils! They wrap around Idran, and filter into his body. He suddenly feels terribly, terribly ill. It's hard to concentrate, and he feels like he needs to vomit. His head swims and his vision blurs breifly.

(Idran is is desalinized! he loses 16 HP, has a -4/-4 AT/PA modifier. He has 2 rounds until he starts making checks to remain concious. Activate Porous Aura or not at your discretion; No seizure. Yet.

Redit: Initiative changes! Less dramatically!
It is now Idran, Darin, ????? !


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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:07 pm

Grimacing at the feel of the tentacles sapping at him, Idran glares down at Darin. No quips this time, just...vanishing! Hey, where'd he go?!

(Time Push on himself, one round into the future.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:09 pm

Idran does indeed disappear. What the hell, man?!


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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:17 pm

Where did he go? Darin doesn't seem to mind; this is just another opportunity for him to play to his strengths. He closes his eyes momentarily, and a firey golden glow erupts around his body...

(Bolster. Darin's MATK up!)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:24 pm

(????? Holds their turn.)

And... Idran pops back into being! Right where he was before! ... Well then!

(Idran's turn)

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:26 pm

"You bloody half-mad sorry excuse for arbiters! Get out of my damned way. Hey! Ah insist you take ya hands--- well that's better, then."

The sounds of a characteristically-displeased feminine voice got louder as she apparently got closer to the portcullis. "Now Ah will not tolerate this nonsense! Ah told that man if he evah wanted a fair price on potions in this city again his guards'll get outta mah way. Ah sweah by all Ah hold sacred y'all will regret causin' me a problem and Ah demand thatchy'all open that damned gate!"

With some mild cursing the gate was opened and a fuming mad blonde woman strode through, but not without pausing to wag her finger at the man cranking it up. "And Ah'm just horrifah'd at how long ya took to shuttup and listen ta me. Bruce, Ah honestly thought ya had more consideration." He grumbled and looked away.

"Can't believe Ah've gotta nag mah way in." She stormed across the battleground and stopped to point her finger and the whole arm behind it at Darin's personal fanclub. "Hakaril, Ah'm shocked at you. The hell is wrong with you?! If yer itchin' fer a fight so bad Ah'll come up there and take this outta ya hide mahself!"

With a wave of dismissal toward Hakaril, she resolved to ignore any response the mage might have. All of his opinions were henceforth rejected. "Man needs his ears boxed until they ring fer a week."

She lifted her chin haughtily and gazed down her nose at Darin. She cleared her throat and her customary Baronian accent returned. "Now what, I ask you, is going on here? All I see is a lot of bloody madness I never imagined I'd find you mucking about with." She sighed. "But this is what it is, and I suppose I can't let you go gallivanting off into combat without me."

"And you." She turned her attention to Idran. "I certainly hope I don't have you to blame for all this idiocy." Levelling her gaze on him, she gave him the full brunt of her disapproval.

(Tassi is using her tech "Not Angry...Just Disappointed." Total roll of twenty-five on her intimidation check. He rolls d20+cou/cou/str. Should Idran fail, he takes a -2 to all rolls as long as she's around.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:34 pm

Idran finds he can't look away from this woman, whose eyes tell him that he's behaved foolishly. No, worse, he has behaved in a manner that is profoundly idiotic. Suddenly, in his mind, every woman he has ever known or cared about is staring him down, daring him to respond to that woman. He doesn't even know her name, but he knows that she is right.

(Idran critfails his check to deal with the disappointed woman. He takes a -4/-4 to his AT/PA, in addition to the one he was already suffering. He is, in DnD terms, shaken. Also: Idran's turn.)

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:48 pm

Blinking, all but frozen in place by the intensity of Tassi's disapproval, Idran hangs in the air. With no clue how to respond to this accusation, and as bad as things seem to be going against this pretender to the "a,d,i,r,n" crown, he does the first thing that comes to mind.

Blows 'em up.

(Bomb 2 on both of them.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:56 pm

Idran casts his spell, and sand flies everywhere! ... However, the air just seems to glide over Tassi and Darin's auras. This does not look good.


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Unread postby Archmage » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:01 pm

Darin brushes the dust out of his eyes, blinks, and begins to glow with a reddish aura. He glances over at Tassi, the aura wavering for a second..."what are you doing here, Miss Tassi!? This is...well, I would never...presume to tell you that you do not belong in a fight...but...oh...nevermind."

With that, the "reaper of time" twirls his scythe in a circle before lashing out and slicing at...the air? But this isn't just a practice swing; a crimson slashmark is left behind, and it sails toward...well, under Idran.

(Dispel Enchantment on Idran's flying effect. Use Focus for another +5 to MATK.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:12 pm

Idran has an odd moment of vertigo, his stomach threatening to turn violent... and he realizes he's falling. He's going down like a like a fly hit with a fly swatter. The fall lasts for perhaps a few seconds, but it feels like a short eternity before he finally hits. The resulting series of snaps and white hot eletric pain that consumes every nerve in his body is... stressful.

(As per falling rules, Idran suffers 57 damage for a fall from a height of 25 feet, or 50+2d10. Idran's right arm is broken, and everything feels like pain. I will not willingly apply another penalty on top of the pre-existing -8/-8 to AT/PA from other ailments. Porous Aura activates.


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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:22 pm


Glaring upwards to whoever runs this dump, Idran shouts out, gritting through the pain of breaking the same arm yet again.

"...Hey, this's hardly fair! Two against one! I'm calling for a partner myself!"

Turning his gaze back to the pair facing him, Darin specifically, he grimaces as he lays on the ground.

"Ganging up on me with some woman isn't going to let you hold onto my identity, you...thief!"

IM: ...Bah, I'd think of something better if this wasn't so damn painful.

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:25 pm

Tassi watched the mage fall, flinching and taking a surprised step backward when he hit the ground. She had some idea of how badly that must have hurt, and ordinarily she'd be horrified by her own involvement in such an injury.

At the same time, she could tell by looking at their opponant was still a formidable enemy, and fully within his rights to retaliate. She looked from him to Darin, and did the only thing she could until her healing abilities were needed.

She warped the astral to pour holy energy into her hands and held it, waiting for the time when it might be necessary.

(Holding her turn until a more appropriate time to act. She's preparing to cast Cure 2 on herself or Darin, whoever ends up needing it first.)

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:15 pm

"...what the f#$k is this BULLSH#$!?"

A few rows down from the intoxicated, blue-haired general, a man can be seen shaking a gauntlet-covered hand at the combatants.

He seems prepared for battle himself, wearing a suit of blue platemail with lighter blue trimming. A bandana the same blue color as the armor holds back the man's brown, short and mangy hair. He glares down into the battlefield with his green eyes, eyebrows scowling along with them.


Next to the loud and angry man, a person in green robes can be heard sighing loudly, under the shade of a large yellow steeple hat.

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Unread postby Lenore » Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:29 pm

A small figure sits, dangling her legs over the edge. Her hair is long and silky black, her eyes striking violet, the same colour as the four scales decorating her white furred forearms on either side. She's wearing sandals on her feet, and her paws are resting on either side of her. Her head is tilted slightly as she watches the fighters.

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:32 pm

Sorune was quietly sipping tea while Stephan berated the combatants, shaking his head. "Pipe down and watch. You might learn something anyway. I'm sure weapons and stabbing will come later, though I'll always hold them to be just a bit...inferior to the grace and nuance of magic."

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:29 am

Closer to the drunken general, another blue-haired guy sat; not intoxicated, and definitely not a general. His purple eyes were clearly distinctive, and his silver-trimmed ivory coat was...okay, so it was a coat. This is ignoring the bardiche and rifle slung to his back, the black gloves, and all sorts of other things, but I digress...

Leaning back with an unopened bottle of sake, the mercenary decided to join in on the battle commentary, looking slightly bored...

"I'm with Hyral here. Magic may have an appeal, but it tends to have more of one when the casters are actively trying to kill each other. I came to watch a fight, not a chess game. Even if that fall was brutal..." he shook his head, "I came to watch people trying to kill each other. And as such, would prefer to see more "violent" means, whether it'd be more offensive magic or weapons."

The Valthi rested a hand on his chin as he watched...

Hopefully, there might be some violence. Perhaps more explosions, perhaps some actual use out of that scythe...whatever, as long as it was violent.

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