Hi, it's me, the new guy.
I had this interesting idea that I am pretty sure has been used before. People could use portraits (a GREAT picture hosting website is http://www.pix8.net it's free, has 100 mb space, but the only downside is that the images can't be bigger than 500 kb (JPEG/JPG fixes this)) for dialog.
I had an example planned out but I saw that "globally banned" thing on the header of the forum, so I decided not to.
So just give me some feedback on what you think of this.
A good sprite webpage: tsgk.captainn.net
It has 3000+ sprites from various games from various consoles, and they're great. Also a nice little border would be a good touch to the pictures.
Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=stormxwiz>StOrMxWiZ</A] at: 1/7/05 16:01