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Postby Seethe » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:00 am

Brinala listened intently to the story and thought about its meaning. Even when the son fails, the father rejoices just to have him back. To Brinala, the idea seemed a little... quaint. But on the other hand, she didn't think it was a bad thought and it did give her a certain feeling of comfort. While she didn't believe that it would always prove true, as quite a few families would disown a son who failed in the world rather than allow him to bring dishonor to them, she felt that it was still a story she would want to remember.

At the offer of another one, she had no objections. End seemed especially enthused, and Brinala was growing more interested as well.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:06 am

"Hmm? Another? Uh... Already? Alright. Um... how about the Parable of the Talents? Or maybe the story of Job? That one's pretty awesome... or maybe the story of Adam and Eve? You'll find out why we're all useless, worthless pieces of trash..."

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Postby Kelne » Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:54 am

"Don't sound loik much of a story if dat's da message ya take home from it," Gnashrak said, "Can't imagine it goes down well 'round da fire, neither."

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Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:12 am

"Eh. These stories aren't REALLY about what mortals would do. Think about it. What kind of HUMAN would accept their child back after all that? It's about God. ... the gods, to you guys. Sorry, I'm an offworlder, we only had the one. And no matter how badly you screwed up... ...

"... submit yourself to Him, and BANG. You're back in.

"Anyways.... story of Job? Trust me, it's FUN..."

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Postby Kelne » Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:39 pm

"Alroit, den," Gnashrak said, "But after dat, we'll hear from someone else." He had already decided that he was going to tell the story of how orcs first stole fire. None of this metaphorical rubbish.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:25 am

"OK, OK, OK. Don't worry, this ACTUALLY happened. No foolin'. I got a book back home that's FILLED with these stories. Real and created as an object lesson.

"Everyone ready?"

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Postby Endesu » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:27 pm

The metaphorical content didn't really matter to End. He simply liked to listen to stories, regardless of their basis in fact or fiction.

"Yeah, go ahead, already."

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Postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:48 pm

"... kay."

He hesitated a few moments.


"HA! Just messing with you. Here I go...

"Once upon a time, in a land called Uz, there lived a man named Job. He was a man blameless and upright in the eyes of his God. He was virtuous, noble, and at the same time, wealthy, blessed with many children, and respected in the eyes of his fellow man. He envied no one, but was humble and thanked his God for all the blessings he bestowed upon him.

"One day, the devil (basically, a fallen angel and God's major opponent in the battle for souls to go to hell or heaven) entered Heaven, and told God that, even though Job was his favourite, that he would renounce him if he took away all his creature comforts. God, confident in Job's love, allowed the devil to do whatever he liked to Job, as long as he didn't physically harm him. And like that, all his animals were gone, his fields were destroyed, his children all died in a collapsing house... and still, Job just said 'Naked I came into this world, and I'll leave it that way too. God gives and God takes... may He be praised.'

"The devil was not convinced. He still believed if Job were to fall ill on top of everything else, he'd renounce God. And so, God, still confident in Job, let the devil afflict his body, but not kill him. And so, the devil struck Job down with leprosy, a horrible disease that slowly makes your body parts fall away from your body. Job was forced to sit in ashes, and scrape the boils and dead flesh away with a piece of broken pottery.

"But still, through ALL that, through his anger and frustration and confusion, Job never lost his faith. His wife, his friends... they all told him to reject the God that inflicted such horror on him. But through it all, he said, 'We gladly take all the good God gives us. Why shouldn't we take the evil, too?'

"In the end, God rewards Job's faithfulness, with twice his riches, the blessing of a new family, and a happy and peaceful life.

"Just goes to show you," Cardinal said, concluding, "You can think the gods fickle, uncaring, but stick by them and you'll win in the end, one way or the other.

"... probably the other."

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Postby Kelne » Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:37 am

"Bit rough on da old family, though," Gnashrak said, "Bein' squished just so dis god could win a bet." He didn't seem particularly impressed by Cardinal's god thus far.

"Any'ow, my turn," he said, "Since I don't think ya heard it before, I'll tell ya da story of 'ow da orcs stole fire from da dwarves."

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Postby Seethe » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:56 pm

The second story left Brinala a little confused. Cardinal's god seemed so superhumanly compassionate judging by the first story, but the second story made him sound a little sadistic. Wierd.

As soon as Gnashrak announced his turn, Brinala turned her attention to him.

"Sounds like a proper legend," she commented. "Should be interesting."

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Postby Endesu » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:34 pm

End, too, was somewhat confused by this tale. Weren't gods supposed to be above the level of taking on bets? He didn't think about it for too long; he simply shifted his focus to the next story teller.

"Go ahead, go ahead!"

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Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:08 am

"Roit den," Gnashrak said, apparently assured of an appreciative audience, "Back in da old days, da orcs didn't 'ave ya fancy modern stuff loik metal an' buildin's an' suchloik. It was just us an' da world. Nothin' ta get in da way."

"Any'ow, back den, da tribes would fire livin' out in da wild after lightnin' strikes an' da loik. Dey'd bring it back ta da camp an' feed it wood an' stuff, an' ya get light, warmth, hot food an' all dat. Less ya forget ta feed it, den it dies."

"An' dat's pretty much wot happened. Guy by da name of Asrek was on fire duty one night. Asrek was smart, but a bit of a lazy git. He figured dat da fire'd be alroit while he took a nap. No chance. Da fire went out, an' man was da chief pissed. He said dat since Asrek let da fire go out, he'd 'ave ta get a new fire, an' not ta come back till he did."

"So dere Asrek was, banished from da tribe till he brought back fire. He figured he'd go see da next tribe over, borrow some of theirs. No such luck. Da Dragon Fangs'd moved on, followin' da herds. An' dere was no chance of askin' da Skullcrushas - dey'd kill ya as soon as look at ya. So Asrek headed east, towards da mountains, hopin' ta find wild fire, free for da takin'."

Gnashrak paused and took a swig from his canteen, moistening his throat a bit after the talking.

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Postby Seethe » Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:20 am

Brinala noticed Gnashrak say "us" in reference to the orcs. She wondered about this for a moment, considering that Gnashrak looked just like an elf. However, she didn't interrupt to ask about it.

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Postby Endesu » Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:28 pm

End nodded and kept quiet, interested, but not enough to interject.

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Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:26 pm

"... continue."

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Postby Kelne » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:00 pm

"Asrek walked a long time, huntin' for food an' fightin' off da odd creature dat wanted ta make a meal of him. But no matter how long he searched, dere was no sing of any fire. Asrek began ta think he might never see his home again."

"Until, one day, off on da horizon, he saw a plume of smoke. Asrek hurried towards it, darin' ta think his long search might be at an end. He figured it'd either be wild fire, or another tribe. Instead, he found two very strange creatures. Much shorter dan an orc, dey were wearin' some kinda shiny hides, an' smokin' da meat from a beast dey'd killed over a fire."

"Asrek could've attacked dem, of course, but he was curious. He figured he'd watch dem, see what dey did, an' take da fire when dey left. Asrek watched dem for da rest of da day, but couldn't understand their speech. At last, with night comin' on, da pair packed up da meat dey'd smoked, an' got ready ta leave. Asrek waited, knowin' dat he'd soon get da fire."

"Den, ta his horror, da creatures poured water over da fire, puttin' it out. Asrek was ready ta attack dem den an' dere, but somethin' stopped him. Dese beings had put out da fire loik it was nothin'. Dey hadn't tried ta keep any of it, ta carry it with dem or anythin'. Asrek was even more curious, an' decided ta follow dem an' find out why dey didn't need ta keep da fire."

"Long inta da night, Asrek followed da pair, relyin' on his skills an' cunnin' not ta be seen. Finally, da pair's path brought dem ta da very foot of da mountains, ta a dark openin', leadin' ta da depths of da earth. Inta dis openin' da pair stepped, an' at last Asrek knew what dey were."

"Dwarves. Powerful warriors, strong as an orc an' with skin loik stone. Keepers of powerful magics who lived in da dark places beneath da world."

Gnashrak grinned, "Dey were shorter dan what he'd expected."

"Anyhow, Asrek had a choice. He could follow da dwarves, bravin' da creatures of da endless night, an' hope ta find out some of their secrets. Or he could turn back. Stay in da world of light, an' hope ta find fire some other way."

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Postby Seethe » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:35 pm

"Ooh, ooh! I bet he goes underground!" Brinala predicted with a flush of excitement about the thought of a dwarven hold and all of its engineering marvels. "Make him go underground!"

A moment later, though, she caught her composure.

"I mean, uh, do continue."

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Postby Kelne » Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:39 am

"Course he did," Gnashrak said, grinning, "Down inta da dark, creepin' along behind da dwarves, usin' all his cunnin' ta stay unseen. Da passages were dark an' twisty, but da sound of da dwarves clompin' along kept him goin' in da right direction. Long hours stretched by, till Asrek began ta wonder if he'd made da right call."

"Finally, after long sloggin' through da tunnels, da heat began ta rise, an' da sound of heavy breathin' filled da tunnels, an' in da distance, firelight flickered. Asrek thought he knew da dwarves' secret now - dey'd managed ta chain a dragon, which'd breathe as much fire as dey'd ever need. It was a frightenin' thought. Only da greatest heroes of legend had ever beaten dragons, an' none had ever tamed dem. If da dwarves had managed it, dey must be beings of terrible power, an' Asrek wouldn't stand a chance against dem."

"Still he kept on, hopin' ta catch a glimpse of da dragon, an' maybe a clue as ta how da dwarves had bound it. Instead, Asrek peered round a corner ta see a strange sight. Two more dwarves stood in a cavern, standin next ta a small stone cave, with flames roarin' in it. One was liftin' an' droppin' da handles of a strange bag, makin' da breathin' noise Asrek had heard. Da dwarves stopped what dey were doin' ta greet their mates, an' den set ta eatin'. All da while, Asrek watched, waitin' for his chance ta steal some of da fire."

"But after dey'd finished eatin', da dwarves set ta feedin' da fire, tossin' stuff inta its cave ta feed its hunger. An' Asrek realised dat dis was fire like any other. Nothin' special, just a campfire like his own, only hotter."

"An' he began ta wonder what da dwarves'd do if their fire went out."

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Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:27 am

Cardinal looked at him oddly.

"I have absolutely no idea why you're pausing. Continue. Till the end, if possible."

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Postby Kelne » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:10 am

((Okay. This is a placeholder post.

It's become clear to me that I'm taking far too long to wrap the story up, but I simply don't have the time to devote to telling it properly, and I'm holding things up. So at some point in the future, this post will be replaced by the finished story.

Key points: Asrek did indeed find a way to extinguish the dwarves' fire, through a combination of low cunning and sheer brazenness, though it took a couple of attempts. He observed the dwarves relighting it with flint and steel, which he subsequently stole, to the dwarves' considerable annoyance.))

"An' so," Gnashrak concluded, "Asrek returned ta da tribe, bringin' with him da secret of fire, an' makin' himself a reputation he'd spend da rest of his life livin' up to."

"A lot of things've changed since den, but ta dis day, da dwarves're still da keepers of hidden knowledge an' da masters of fire."

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Postby Endesu » Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:51 am

End tapped the side of his head thoughtfully. "Huh! Very interesting. I had no idea dwarves had all of that knowledge, or any of that other stuff, but then again, I've only ever met one dwarf. Very nice!"

The moogle nodded thoughtfully before turning to Brinala. "An' what about you? D'you have a story to tell, as well?"

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Postby Seethe » Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:07 pm

Brinala thought about the question for a few moments.

"Yes, I believe so," she finally said. "It's called The Story of King Oka."

And without delay, she began.

“Long ago, the country of Nekonia was not ruled by a single royal family, but was divided between a great number of tribal prides. One pride, called the Illari, had built a town prosperous enough to surround with a stone wall.

“At that time, Nekojin males, when reaching a certain age, were often required to either leave their pride or challenge the ruling male for the right to remain. The Illari had long abandoned that tradition, though they still held an annual festival at which the most promising of the young male warriors would duel the king for honor. If the young male were to actually defeat the king in this duel, then the royal title would be conferred to him.

“One year, a young warrior named Oka was chosen for this duel. Oka had always been quite ambitious and was always seeking to prove himself. Thus, it was his desire to win the duel no matter what it took.

“One day, while pondering on how he would accomplish this, Oka was approached by a large housecat. To Oka’s surprise, the cat stood up on two legs and its tail split in two down the middle.

“Then the cat spoke, saying: ‘I am the King of the Dead. If you would serve me, I would grant you victory in the festival duel. But you must remember the debt you owe me, and be not hesitant when I ask you to return this favor, or else great disaster will befall you.’

“Oka replied: ‘I should like to accept your offer. Thus, I pledge to you my service and swear not to forget my debt.’

“To consolidate this oath, Oka split his own tail down the middle as a sign of his allegiance. The next day, Oka dueled the king at the festival and prevailed, and the crown of Illari was conferred to him. In celebration, a grand hunt was held and many great beasts were killed.

“Now the King of the Dead came to Oka and said: ‘You are now king, therefore I ask you to repay the debt you owe. The great hunt you have led has brought you much honor, and now I ask you to honor me by burning the meat in sacrifice.’

“But Oka said: ‘The meat from the hunt is of such great value that burning it would surely bring me to ridicule. Surely there must be some other way in which I can repay you.’

“The King of the Dead replied: ‘You have broken your promise. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance to repay me.’

“Soon Oka decided to take a bride. Searching all around, he found a female who was said to be the most beautiful in all the land. To her he proposed marriage, offering her family the meat from the hunt. She accepted and came to live with Oka as the princess of the Illari.

“After the wedding, the King of the Dead came again, saying: ‘To this female you have given what was mine by right. Thus I demand that you give her to me, that she may walk the Halls of the Dead as my bride.’

“Oka, angry at this demand, replied: ‘She is my wife and I will not give her to you. Find some other way for my debt to be repaid.’

“And spoke the King of the Dead: ‘You have now broken your promise twice. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance.’

“It was not long before the season of war came, and the Illari prepared for battle.

“The King of the dead came again at this time, saying: ‘It is also the season of war in the Spirit World, and thus I need an army. A living army would be more novel than a dead army, so I require that you grant me all the warriors of your pride.’

“But Oka said: ‘If I grant you all of my warriors, then how will I myself give battle?’

“So the King of the Dead said: ‘This is the third time you have broken your promise. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance.’

“The Illari marched and made war against many armies. The clash of metal and the cries of battle were heard throughout the fields and the forests. The Illari plundered many villages and captured a great quantity of food and drink, a great number of weapons and flags, and many princesses.

“The King of the Dead appeared again and said to Oka: ‘You have profited greatly, but without an army I have fallen into poverty. Thus it is only right that you should grant me the plunder you have taken this season.’

“Oka replied: ‘If I grant you all of this plunder, then I shall be the one who is impoverished. Thus I ask you to find something else to require of me.’

“But the King of the Dead said: ‘Four times you have broken your promise. I will not tolerate this. I warned you that disaster would come should you be hesitant in repaying my favor, and now it will be so.’

“So the two-tailed cat departed. At that moment, in ran a desperate-looking messenger.

“The messenger bellowed: ‘Takama Dell is marching against us! We will surely be destroyed!’

“At this news, Oka gathered his warriors and went to meet Takama Dell. But in the first battle he was routed, in the second battle he was forced to withdraw behind the walls of his town, and in the third his gate was broken through and he was taken prisoner. And at the end, under the executioner’s blade, Oka cursed himself for having failed to fulfill his oath.”

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Postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:33 pm

"So... don't try to make promises you can't keep, huh?" End scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Sounds about right. Guy shoulda gone with the first option, as it was. The more he refused, the more he woulda' lost.

Great story, though! Makes ya think about that kind of stuff."

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Postby Seethe » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:53 pm

"I think it does too," Brinala said, looking at End. "So, do you have any stories you'd like to add?"

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Postby Endesu » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:56 pm

End looked downward, a faint tinge of embarrassment manifesting itself. "Oh... me? Um, I have a few stories, but they're nowhere near as good as the stuff that you guys have been telling. Dunno if I should... might make all of ya dumber in the process, to the say the least!"

Whether or not he was serious on this point was clearly up for debate.

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Postby Seethe » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:41 am

"Well, alright," Brinala said. "Maybe we should be heading belowdecks and claiming our quarters anyway. I know I'm pretty tired from all the walking we've been doing. And, you know, we need to get rested up for our big upcoming fight with the sea monsters."

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Postby Endesu » Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:45 pm

The Mooglish vigorously clapped and nodded to this suggestion of thought. "Well, ya know, actually, I might be up for a bit yet, but I can appreciate if everyone else is willing and ready to take a nap. One can never know when a Zog will approach. Or the Kraken. Or a Drakee, though they're usually confined to grassy areas on land..."

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Postby Kelne » Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:31 pm

"Wot's a kraken?" Gnashrak asked curiously. He didn't seem particularly tired, and it was a good bet that he'd be up on deck for a while yet, possibly chatting with End, possibly peering over the side in hopes of spotting some terrible sea creature.

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Postby Endesu » Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:05 pm

"Oh, a Kraken... you gotta watch out for 'em, buddy. I've heard stories from all kinds of folks about there being this monster with tentacles... like a Zog, I guess... except even bigger! Supposedly big enough to take in a whole ship, just like this one, and either destroy it, or swallow it whole! It could snap down a number of smaller folk like the two of us in a matter of moments!" Saying this, he waved his hands about in the air, attempting to reproduce the sheer size of the beast much as one might demonstrate the size of a fish they had recently caught.

"Rumor has it, too..." End whispered, drawing a bit closer, "that there's an asshole somewhere on Gaera who either owned one or owns one now! They say he does some pretty weird stuff with it, though I dunno if that means it just eats people or they have some sort of loving relationship going on..."

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Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:06 pm

Cardinal thought hard.

With a smirk, he quipped, "I'll have to let it taste me to be sure..."

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Postby Endesu » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:21 am

End scratched his head. "I dunno, buddy... I don't think human on gigantic sea monster relationships typically work out, saving that one guy I mentioned... what was his name? Well, whatever. First of all, there's the size issue, and then there's the... uh, the incompatibility between... uh... hm."

He was once again moving his hands out, perhaps attempting to place some sort of scale on a potential human to gigantic squid ratio. "Well, maybe..."

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Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:42 am

"There is a land far, far away called Neepawn, my friend. There, giant squids and people having ... knowledge isn't that ... well, it's farfetched...

"But it's desired. Don't ask me how I know. Please."

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Postby Endesu » Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:29 pm

The moogle scratched his head. "Well, maybe, if you take it in one way..."

He squinted slightly and turned his head sideways, before turning his head the other way, before standing on his head, and finally standing back on his feet.

"Okay, I think I understand now. I have this pet monster that has a lot of tentacles and such, and if it ever gets loose, it seems to go after various birds so it can... do stuff to them. Weird, to say the least, but I guess I know what you mean."

He paused. "Can't say I'd care for that treatment myself..."

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Postby Seethe » Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:56 am

As the conversation progressed along its course, Brinala listened silently and contemplatively, feeling nervous about the subject being discussed.

"Do... do you guys think that we can fight something without tentacles?" she finally requested in a small voice. "'Cause, you know, as a catgirl I kind of... try to stay away from... things with tentacles."

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Postby Kelne » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:29 am

Gnashrak contented himself with a muttered, "Zoggin' mages're crazy," and headed off to the rail. It seemed a conversation on the sexual prociivities of mages and krakens didn't interest him.

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Postby Endesu » Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:16 pm

End laughed slightly. "Really? Huh, I never would've figured. Thoughts you guys were too fuzzy, or summat. But, okay, let's change the topic to something more pleasant.

So, what do you guys think about Drakees? They're usually only in heavily grassy areas. What's up with that?"

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Postby Seethe » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:50 pm

Brinala thought back to her academy days for a moment.

"Well, you see, from what I understand, animals like Drakees live in these things called 'habitats,'" she answered. "It's not really like their houses, though... it's more like their towns. Different kinds of animals are supposed to be best at living in different kinds of habitats. So, I guess the Drakees are best at living in grass.

"Oh, and did you know that there's another kind of Drakee that usually lives underground? I think it's called a Drakeema."

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Postby Seethe » Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:16 pm

(OOC: Looks like time to move on.)

The voyage continued for the rest of the day, the entirety of the next day, and the first half of the day after that. Brinala was again walking the decks when the island came into sight. It didn't look like they were going to get their fight with sea monsters after all.

But then the ship suddenly shook hard enough to knock Brinala off her balance. The sailors on the deck suddenly stopped what they were doing and ran to the side of the ship to look over. Wondering if they had run aground, Brinala ran to look over as well. The water below didn't look shallow, though.

Just then, a sailor came running up from below decks.

"The lower hull is breached!" he shouted in a panic. "Sahajin are boarding!"

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Postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:39 pm

At the time of this breach, Cardinal had been napping in his bunk. Not soundly, mind you... in his head danced visions of... death, murder... his child splayed open by his own hands... nasty business. Not something to be discussed.

The ship's shuddering bounced the former priest from his bunk to the hardwood floor of his cabin. Sadly for him, he had been sleeping facedown, and nearly put his nose out of joint upon landing.

"DAAAAAAAAH! Hah.... hah...." was his response, a mix of pain and fear as he scrambled to a sitting position. Upon hearing the commotion outside, however, he grabbed his weapon, and headed outside, wondering what on Earth was going on...

... Gaera. Sorry.

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Postby Kelne » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:00 pm

"Da wot, now?" Gnashrak didn't wait for an answer though, pulling his axe and darting below decks. Whatever a Sahajin might be, he'd find out soon enough.


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