Alternate GURPS RP, con queso.

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Squintz Altec
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Alternate GURPS RP, con queso.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:36 pm

The classroom was busling. "You know, a tiny butterfly could flap its wings and dsetroy Tokyo with a tornado, and then what happens to the world?" One of the many troopers leaned back in his seat, hypothesizing.

"Well, what if the dinosaurs never died out?" Another pointed out.

The Colonel smiled to himself at this. The United States of Lizardia, though not well known, played this scenario out to its end, but his troops were still far too green to learn about that reality. In any case, he had let them talk amongst themselves for far too long. "Attention!" he shouted. The Colonel was pleased with how fast all the troops snapped to attention, though much of it was probably enthusiasm wasted on the youth.

"Now, men (and ladies, he forgot to add), we've discussed some of the more esoteric and strange worlds, like Ezcali, where the Aztecs survived and conquered America, or Roma Aeterna, where the Roman Emprie never fell, but it's time that we moved beyond the whimsical, yet still somewhat explainable, and into the realm of the plain weird."

"Sir, just how weird are you talking about?" One particularly eager trooper shouted out.

The Colonel smiled. "Well, for example, for the better part of a decade in Washington-2, all of England was ruled by a dog. I'm talking weirder than that."

An audible murmur spread through the room, despite their millitary training. Still, the Colonel continued on. "Stuff of legend. Stuff like psis, and magic."

"Sir, no disrespect, but that is pure bullshit." Another trooper said.

"I'll forgive you, cadet, since this is new to you, but only because of that." The Colonel was grim. "Magic exists, but not here on Homeline, or many parallels, for that matter. But I want to get beyond that. Magic, while strange, isn't the only thing that's weird about some parallels. Today I'm going to talk about one parallel in particular, the world of Gaera-2."

"What about Gaera-1, sir?"

"Gaera-1 is a hell parallel. We're not exactly sure what happened on it, but what we do know is that it's completely uninhabitable. Clouds of toxic gas cover the entire world. Gaera-2 is similar in land mass and some of the ruins match. We believe that Gaera-2 may be an echo of Gaera-1, but this is irrelevenent at this time."

With that, the Colonel took a deep breath, and began his story.


I'm going to start a GURPS RP in the near future, on the world of Gaera-2. While the name is similar, that's where it ends. Gaera-2 (Or just plain G2 from now on) is a completely different world. Characters will be from G2, working in the employ of the King of Doma.

Some specifics, though. G2 is a land without magic. If and when you create characters, they CAN have Magery and knacks, but since magic doesn't exist, they can't use these skills, nor can they train in new ones. Don't let that stop you, though.

TL is roughly similar to Gaera, with the exception of air travel, which is much more prevalent. A map will be coming soon.

This will be a campagin, in chapters, on the board. People joining in are expected to be in for the long haul. Any questions? Ask me on AIM.

Anyone interested?

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:21 am

A brief history on Gaera-2, and the nations thereof (Map coming soon!)

The world is divided into several countries. These countries are Doma, Nagra, Ciet, Terrokar, the Outlands, Thrace Major and Thrace Minor.

Doma is the most powerful nation, milliarily speaking. While there aren't currently any wars, many have been reconsidered, just in the face of Doma's millitary superiority. Doma hungrily eyes Nagra, but an invasion would be a political nightmare, and thus is unlikely. The most population dense part of Doma is along the Varrok river, which is also where the capital, Doma City can be found. Doma is ruled by a king and a parliament, though in recent years, the parliament has gained much more powers than before. There are a few small towns further up north, until the glaciers, that's when civilization stops.

Nagra is the cultural center of the entire world, most famous for its Gunnir Academy, which has produced the greatest minds G2 has ever known. Many farms dot the landscape in the south and immediate north of the Varrock river, but much like Doma, its sister nation, that ends at the glaciers. The capital of Nagra is the port city of Kohligen, which is found at the spot where the varrock river meets the Great Sea. Artists and thinkers heavily populate the city. The natives of Nagra are peaceful, which is why an invasion would be seen as too cruel.

The desert nation of Ciet is a barren wasteland, and would probably be deserted if not for the rich mineral resources the Shuman mountains in the northern parts of the nation. As such, most of the population of Ciet lives in the mountains, or the few livable portions in the west and south. The Haunted Woods, in the southwest, is abandoned more on principle than anything else. The capital of Ciet is Baron Castle, though few actually live there. While Ciet has made a select few rich, the rest of its people are miserable, staying in their land more out of spite than anything else.

Terrok forest, to the east of the Ciet desert, is home to the nation of Terrokar. Terrokar is more a collection of cities than an actual nation. While the area is very nice, and a few settlers have made the city of Shattrah, the rest of the nation is very isolationist, and as such, is left alone. The sylvan races live in the forest, though few ever see them and thus ignore them. The city of Shattrah has declared itself the capital of Terrokar, but it has little to no sway over the rest of the villages.

If Terrokar is a colection of villages, then the barbarian Outlands is pure chaos. Protected from all exploration by the World's Edge mountains, the Outlands were almost unexplored until the invention of air travel. Since then, the barbarians have quickly tried to catch up with the rest of the world and become "civilized," but they still cling to old traditions such as hunting and gathering. There is no capial per se, nor are there villages. The people that live in this nation are nomads, though they are slowly starting to consolidate into what looks like an impressive force.

Thrace is where the scholars of Gunnir go to practice their craft. The former colony of Doma split from its parent country over 20 years ago, and after a small conflict, managed to retain it. Thrace's saving grace is its burgeoning technology trade, which supplies the newest inventions to the rest of the world. Their greatest invention remains the Airship, which was named the Zeppelin after the capital city of Thrace, Zepp. Zepp is located on the largest of the island chain, with the seven other islands holding up their own areas of research. The eighth island of Thrace, Thrace Minor, recently declared its independance.

Thrace Minor is a small island that declared independence from Thrace. Thrace proper is worried this will cause the other islands to spilt and form their own nations, so it's desperately trying to find a way to regain control of its former territory. Other than that, the rest of the world doesn't care about the small country, seeing as they haven't actually done anything yet.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:53 pm

What does this mean?

The basic stock for G2 is Human. There are no nekojin, no inujin, basically anything that is -jin doesn't exist. Elves and some fae races DO exist, but for the most part, they keep to themselves and never enter society. Any that do have to take a Social Stigmata disadvantage, and have a good excuse and the Unusual Background advantage.

Since your character will be in the King's Guard, they will need some slight Legal Enforcement powers (10 points), though these are only usable in Doma. Doma is not a patron, being that the Guard is on the blacker side of the millitary. Literacy is a 5 point advantage. While most of society is begining to become literate, not everyone is yet, and thus it's likely, but not completely likely, that your character is literate. Thus, it's a discounted advantage.

Technology is around Gaera's (which is around 4, I believe), with Thrace starting to creep towards 5. Guns are avaliable, while clunky and mostly musket style.

The Zeppelin is the most common form of travel, each major city has at least one Zeppelin port. It's affordable, so almost anyone can take one. The skies have zeppelin "highways," where many of the ships fly. Sea travel also exists, mainly from Kohligen to Thrace.

Any inherently magical advantages and disadvantages are not really allowed, though I will allow some on a case by case basis. Weirdness Magnet is allowed, mainly 'cause I love that disadvantage to death. Magery and magical knacks ARE allowed, but keep in mind that G2 is a no mana world and thus you can't use or study in them to improve, nor can you know spells that aren't knacks.

All characters will be made from 125 points, with no more than 40 points in disadvantages, unless you have just one big one, which I'll allow if not completely encourage. I'll be using 3e rules, unless I change my mind, in which case I'll let you all know.

Other than that, the sky's the limit. Your character doesn't have to be a seasoned millitary vet. The King's Guard employs scholars, diplomats, and anything else under the sun. There will not be a lot of combat planned, but good roleplaying is encouraged. If you want to make a barbarian named Krug, I don't care so long as you play him well. Of course, something like that would require Unsual Background.

Any other questions? Ask me on AIM. Sign up here if you're interested!

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pd Rydia
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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:22 pm

Weirdness Magnet
Oh lawd, you said the magic words.

This sounds more and more awesome. Board RP through and through?

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:44 pm

Through and through. Chat's tough for me, but board is around all the time, and I can do it through work (like I am now).

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Re: Rules

Unread postby Archmage » Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:01 pm

Squintz Altec wrote:Any that do have to take a Social Stigmata disadvantage, and have a good excuse and the Unusual Background advantage.

Man, I know that if I had the Social Wounds of Christ disadvantage that people would look at me funny. It would certainly be unusual!

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:11 pm

This just in: Brian is a poopy head.

Also, Social STIGMA. Though if you wanna have a stigmata, you're a freak.

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pd Rydia
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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:41 pm

I dun' be interested in this hyar RP. I'll need to get GURPs stuff off you, and I'm certainly interested in those maps.

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:58 pm


Map of G2 can be found here.

It's big, be warned.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:27 pm

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:39 pm

Thanks a ton for that.

So far, I have both Dia and Shaun interested. I want two more players, a group of 4 is preferred. Anyone who needs the GURPS stuff, I have the basic set for 3e, and compendium 1, which is really the best collection of advantages/disadvantages and little known skills, and highly recommended. Just talk to me on AIM and I can get those to you, and talk you through designing a character if you don't know how.

One last thing. Starting money is 1000 gold pieces, which is the standard currency for G2. Add or subtract to that if you have wealth/poverty, and so on, feel free to equip yourself with any TL4 or below gear as you see fit, and SOME TL5 gadgets are usable (For example, the Zeppelin is a TL5 gadget that normally wouldn't be in a TL4 world), within discretion and an explanation.

I have everything mapped out, so when I have 4 players and 4 character sheets, I'm good to go!

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:46 pm

I am interested, for one. Or four. Character pending--what's the rules on psi; same as magics: only knacks?

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:58 pm

Psi is something that I haven't completely decided on. Talk to me when I'm out of work (about 5 PM EST) and I can hammer something out with you.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:11 pm

I'm out of work at closer to 7. I'll hit you then.

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:35 pm

Just a reminder to everyone interested that if you need any help at all, just contact me on AIM. I have the 3e sourcebook avaliable, however! And Compendium I (which anyone who wants to play GURPS needs) for anyone who wants.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:56 am

Just bumping this. I still need a fourth player. Shaun has given me his sheet, so I'm set with him, Dia and Priam still have plenty of time to decide on a character. Once everyone's ready (and I find a fourth), give me the details so I can start.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:28 am

I've decided to go ahead with just the 3 that have expressed interest, so as soon as their characters are completed, then we'll move out. However, there still is room for a fourth, so if anyone's interested, let me know and I can work your character in from there.

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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:07 pm

Attention! It has started!

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pd Rydia
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Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:08 pm

Shit! :monocole:

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