The hell?

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Dr Ninja

The hell?

Unread postby Dr Ninja » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:14 pm

I try to participate in discussions and add something to the otherwise inane threads around here, and I get slapped with a post/view limit?


Re: The hell?

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:25 pm

Seems that way.

As a total shot in the dark as to why it could be your general attitude and tone of your posts.

Maybe its stuff like:
Dr Ninja PhD Quote:
This must be the special ed class, then.

Or even:
Dr Ninja PhD Quote:
That was the worst rebuttal ever.

Or could it be:
Dr Ninja PhD Quote:
Way to handle authority, guys. Real mature.

Or maybe stuff like:
Dr Ninja PhD Quote:
and add something to the otherwise inane threads

Though I guess that last one couldn't of been it.

Or maybe someone's just having a laugh at your expense? Or maybe someone just wanted to really wind you up so you'd post something like this? I don't know! Didn't stop you posting anything though so if it was serious it seems it didn't have the intended effect anyway. Maybe it wasn't even us and someone else did it somehow? I have no idea how these things work. I'd ask someone as ya told me to but I'm online at work and can't really spare the time to do so so maybe someone after this pointless post can fill you in. <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: The hell?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:57 pm

What Cho said. It's fairly obvious that your attempts to "engage in serious discussion" were pretty much just a way for you to throw around some sense of superiority over the rest of the board, especially when you take into account your snipes against specific members here. Civilized discussion usually tends away from insulting the validity of arguments and more towards disproving said arguments.

And honestly, if it were up to me, I'd say trying to bypass said limits by posting anonymously would be grounds for a total ban.

(By the way, that spam I had to clean up in an active RP thread the other day doesn't much help your case of supporting the community.) <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin

Dr Ninja

Re: The hell?

Unread postby Dr Ninja » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:57 pm

I guess it's good that it's not up to you, isn't it?

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Re: The hell?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:26 pm

...Way to prove the point. <p>
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Re: The hell?

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:47 pm

To be fair, I'd rather see some messages first along the lines of "cut it out, dickshit" before action like this. And to be more fair, I think it would be more productive to take measures like this on Lloyd, who has been told he's a whateverwhatever a number of times in recent history on the boards. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: The hell?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:52 pm

What makes you think such measures weren't taken on Luj, Priam?

And honestly, what effect do you think warning them first would have? <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
</p>Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 6/7/06 23:53

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Re: The hell?

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:38 am

Making us sound less like asshats ourselves? <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>


Re: The hell?

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:24 am

Oh God a Quote:
And honestly, what effect do you think warning them first would have?

Maybe nothing but the point is it's the polite, and more importantly, the right thing to do before taking such action on someone, even if they are dreadfully rude, or insulting people or whatever. A post, or personal message that said "If you continue to post the way you are we will restrict your access" would of a least allowed him to take note someone was displeased with how he was posting, so then he could of chosen to ignore it, then be restricted, or tone himself down or something.

Of course for all I know he could of got a message and replied with a "Yeah, you and who's army" kinda thing. *shrugs* Also I wonder if one admin decided to do it on there own or if they asked the general opinion of some people or what? *again, shrugs* I suppose the restricted access thing may be a personal message saying: Continue this way and we'll ban you. I'm not sure. I mean, do we know who did it? Maybe it should be talked about over AIM, there's a chat link somewhere around here.

Or maybe someone took issue with him being the 666th member? <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: The hell?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:49 am

And are we supposed to poll the community every time a mod or admin decides to get rid of a drive-by spammer as well? I have never seen Doc express anything but disdain for the other members of the community besides Luj. If this was just him indulging in sarcasm from time to time, like FD or Rube, sure; in fact, there wouldn't be anything to present to the community in that case. But can you show us a single piece of evidence that he holds any respect at all for anyone here? Personally, as far as I can tell the only reason he has stuck around is so that he can continue to make himself feel superior over the rest of us, so he can prop up our "otherwise inane threads" all while he prides himself about what a good thing he's doing and how horrible the forums would be without him. He doesn't present himself as a member of the community, he presents himself as a beneficiary to the community.

Right there, in the rules:


Don't be an asshat. We're not trying to be a big, warm, fuzzy community where everyone loves and admires everyone else, but please do put a little effort at some basic respect for one another.

Show me when he's done that. Show me a time that he has even hinted that he respects someone here. <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin


*refuses to use the quote tool in this one*

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:23 am

No, we're not supposed to poll for drive by spammers. Then again I was never sure they were actually banned or just had there posts edited after they up and left. I supposed I just thought Doc had been a part of this place long enough for at least a single warning, is all. I assume we would of heard if he had a warning as he would of probably mentioned it somewhere. I won't lie or anything, he annoys the hell out of me and I'm not losing much sleep over the fact he has been restricted, I'm not even that upset over the fact there seemed to be no warning, I just think its a civil and polite thing to do and I would of done it.

And I really can't be bothered to find any post where he may of said something nice but yeah, for the most part, especially since he used that new name thingy (if its even the same Doc that I'm trying to remember), he's been a complete ass, no question, not even debating that, I'm not defending him. So I'm not saying it was a completely bad thing to do, I would of just liked knowing he was warned first, is all. As it

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Re: *refuses to use the quote tool in this one*

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:34 am

See, I don't see this as drama. I see this as stopping drama. Drama is them posting armchair psychoanalysis of another member as a long, drawn-out insult, spamming an RP because they don't care for its members, or fanning the flames of a dead and settled discussion under the auspices of fairness.

And on that quote, Cho, I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that would consider something like that as respectful to any degree, really. <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin


Last post in here unless I'm actually called for.. whatever

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:57 am

"And on that quote, Cho, I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that would consider something like that as respectful to any degree, really. "
Hardpressed yes, but you could find someone, which was more the grewsome point. Scary isn't it? I know the idea frightens me. (Frightens me even more that I actually know someone like that.)

And now I wash my hands of this, if it was for someone else I may continue resaying the same thing over again but, as nasty as this is to actually say outright, considering whom it happened too its not worth as much effort as I put into all those posts as its kinda halfhearted anyway. So, yeah, wish there was a warning, really do for some reason, hope if it happens again with someone else there is one, that is all.

Also: "spamming an RP because they don't care for its members"<- considering this, I'm taking it for a warning of banning because... what the hell!? <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: Last post in here unless I'm actually called for.. whate

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:19 am

You are not contributing to intelligent discussions. Respectfully disagreeing with a person's opinion and backing up your own opinion with facts and the like to support yourself in a respectful manner is intelligent discussion.

Resorting to ad hominem attacks and statements phrased in ways to clearly incite the other parties is not intelligent discussion.

Reviving a topic that had been deleted after arbitration between both offended parties had been performed and lead to some sort of resolution is not intelligent discussion.

Reviving irrevalent topics that are nearly two years old to post inane comments is not intelligent discussion.

Furthermore, the behavior of both of you in other forums (practically ALL of them from what I understand) is also immature, unfunny, and inflammatory. It is aimed specifically at inciting the members of this messageboard into various states of rage. This is called "trolling" as I am sure the both of you are aware. Your actions show that you are clearly doing this on purpose.

This is my warning: stop and find something else more productive to invest your time and smouldering residual teenage angst in or further action will be taken.

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Re: Last post in here unless I'm actually called for.. whate

Unread postby GC130A » Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:04 pm

To be fair, a post limit is hardly more than a slap on the wrist. I would think it makes an adequate warning all on its own.


Re: Last post in here unless I'm actually called for.. whate

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:44 pm

Hardpressed yes, but you could find someone, which was more the grewsome [sic] point.

Irrelevant, really; you could find someone here in America, I'm sure, who thinks murder or robbery is totally acceptable, but that doesn't mean it isn't against the law or punishable.

In any event, the matter is settled now. I do not consider people whose only apparent purpose is to snipe and insult others under the guise of "discussion" as part of the community, and as such, excising them causes me no pain.

The internet is not a majority, and whether there's popular support or not (there seems to be, from any angle), my decision as an administrator is made. This is over. I am under the impression that I have support from other administrators and moderators as well.

The trolls are dead. Long live the trolls! <p>
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Dr Ninja

Re: Last post in here unless I'm actually called for.. whate

Unread postby Dr Ninja » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:48 pm

I'm not dead yet!


Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby wolfbelly » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:02 pm

Looks like the bans finally came. A full phase ahead of what we expected no less.

Go here if you want to be continue being annoyed.

So I learned some interesting things in this time.
1. I have too much time on my hands.
2. Whether you like it or not, the amount of posts increased immensely when me and Doc were posting. (Kate, I find your comment funny when you state that we posted nothing of value. Activity in the places where we generally stayed increased immensely, no matter what our style of posting was.)
3. Internet communities are something along the lines of distillations of real life communities. When I started this, I also started doing research into other communities that fell apart. The phase system that me and Doc devised effectively demonstrated the progression of social groups towards collapse/destruction.

All right, I guess that's that. Take care people, nothing personal.


Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:07 pm

Dude, that's actually pretty funny.

You're still banned, and I'll just re-ban whatever IPs you post from, but dude, that's a hilarious idea in some context. A+ for effort.

Oh, and not all of us are ugly. Or fugly. I happen to be damned sexy. <p>
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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Kai » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:19 pm

I checked out that community. It's actually kind of an interesting social experiment, if clumsily implemented by kids who've watched too much Fight Club.

Nonetheless. Neat project whose end goal seemed to answer the ultimate question, "How long will it take for this forum to finally get rid of worthless nuisances like us?"

Glad to hear we exceeded your expectations and booted you early. Your next homework assignment is to destroy a piece of corporate art. <p>-------------------------
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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:44 pm

And so it all comes full circle. <p>

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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:53 pm

Congratulations. You can make piles and piles of pretentious bullshit, make fun of some people, and then hide behind the premise of an experiment while you're off masturbating to internet drama. Awesome display of superior intelligence there. <p>
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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:19 pm

I did laugh, quite much, particularly at the summarization of various significant forum members.

Also, I was kind of wondering what had happened to Doc; people change, but the way he presented himself on the forums lately was not at all like the way I'd seen him present himself back some three years ago. Good to know he's still being the same way and having the same kind of conversations, just with someone else.

Good times, all. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:59 pm

Oh no. I'm a crappy artist?
What ever will I do? Wait, how about not care?

Their silly attempts to wrangle anger from me has failed. Though replying to the subject of their LJ is just giving them the attention they want. HM.

Edit: And I give advice on sex! Oh lord, that made me laugh. <p><div style="text-align:center">
</div></p>Edited by: [url=>DragonMistressSCV</A] at: 6/9/06 5:13

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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:53 am

That project is ridiculously silly and while I strongly disagree with the goals and methods, it was executed as well as could be hoped.

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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Ganonfro » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:57 am

...What? Should I comment on this? I'm surprised I got on the top 9 list... You know, lacking any real information on me. I guess. I figured Doc disliked me enough, but I don't remember Luj ever really talking to me.

Well done.

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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:10 am

Ah, fuck!

I just realized, who's gonna tell us repeatedly about their JAPANESE GIRLFRIEND (She's from Japan, you know.) now that Doc's gone?

We'll never get to hear about how great DATING AN ASIAN IS! Because Asian girls are really hard to find, and you have to be some kind of special to get with them, what with THEM BEING ASIAN. <p>
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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:10 am

Ah, Chris! Thanks for reminding me!


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Re: Hey, check it out ...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:22 am

Wow, it's exactly as I suspected. I always wondered when the day would come when I encountered an instance of trolling that was so professional to the point where it is almost a psychological experiment.

Furthermore, did I specifically say either of you didn't post anything of value, "Doc"? No. In fact, your statement is largely irrevelant now since "value" is clearly subjective. I personally did not find your trolling and flaming comments valuable, but you clearly did as it sparked the sort of reactions you were looking for to collect as data in your experiment.

Best luck to furthering your amusement with the denizens of the internet and goodbye.


Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:37 am

Yay silly comic!

Its a little upsetting that ya all mocking them now but they've been banned so can't see it ;___;

Also Jak and Me weren't worthy of there character attacks because we're English, therefore already inferior to them and everyone else on the board. It shows you how much of an attention whore I am when my first reaction to reading it all was "Oh, they didn't say anything about me." I was mildly upset about that. I still stand by my warning first comment but I don't seem to be standing by my last comment in this thread comment so Boo on me anyway. I'm obviously a spineless pussy who needs to be fucked by a dick and protected from the assholes.
An AM Quote:
Irrelevant, really; .

It was, which is why it was a side note in a post and not what I was actually getting at in the first place! Also:
Holy shit I'm using these out of boredom - it's AM again Quote:
you could find someone here in America, I'm sure, who thinks murder or robbery is totally acceptable, but that doesn't mean it isn't against the law or punishable.

Bingo! I was not going "Oh he might think its not Bad Manners to say this so lets let him off!" I was more of saying "Oh, he might not think its bad manners so he's an obviously more of an asshole." Which was why I included...
[quote]I'm Quoting Meself here:
To most people, like me, it

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Re: Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:00 am

Scott needs to stop making sense =[

Damn English know-it-alls, I tell ya...

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Re: Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:22 am

They didn't say anything about me either! Aside from the fact that I dated Brian once, but that's about it.

The entries in the journal do bring up some damn good points about the treatment of new people around here and as much as I'd hate to validate their hateful trolling, the community could stand to reflect upon what they brought up. Honestly, a lot of people around here are unnessesarily hostile. It's been acknowledged several times before that this place has problems with it. How come nothing's been done about it?

I'm taking this as a learning experience. Now that I know the system, I know how to spot it and put an end to it before the shit really starts hitting the fan, like we SORT of managed to do here.

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Re: Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:30 am

... they had some fun with the name "fivetoedsocks". If someone were honestly so offended by that that they'd leave, would we care to have them here anyway? That's not insulting, that's simple joking. o_o

Edit: Yes, Chris was a little sarcastic. Doc was also intentionally stating the obvious, as though he was a simp. Chris's reaction to people acting like ignorants, or treating him like one, probably shouldn't be taken as a measure of how the whole community acts. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>Edited by: Besyanteo&nbsp; Image at: 6/9/06 9:35


Re: Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:46 am

I think its also This thread Bes, that was sued as an example of our assholey to other people.

EDIT: Wrong link, change getsu! <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: Check it out now, the hump so brother?

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:59 am

Um, yeah, I don't being able to deal with saracastic jokes should be an entry-level requirement for acceptance to the community. It may seem like not such a big deal to us because we're used to it. New people are not, and frankly, it's not very encouraging.

Over four years ago, I posted to a RP thread and nothing else, you know, just jumped in. That sort of behavior would have me laughed off the board if I tried to join in that manner now. What happened back then instead? Ash made a welcoming thread for me. The RP I joined ended up dying, so if that other thread hadn't been made, I probably wouldn't have stuck around.

And honestly, we don't even have a new person forum anymore. Forcing them to post something in the character closet that the mods can rip to shreds or some sort of inane post in the spam forum really isn't so great for introductions. There is the distinct sense of having to prove yourself before being "accepted" here and frankly, that scares people away.


On the side!

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:07 am

YES YES YES!! I Finally found me!
Wolfbelly says: Here's probably the picture that offended me the most. ... llipop.jpg
Hello Kitten says: what the hell is that?
Wolfbelly says: Everything that is physically wrong with humanity.
Wolfbelly says: And a giant lollipop.
Hello Kitten says: *makes faces*
Wolfbelly says: *shrugs*

Holy shit thats the highest honour EVER!! I'm "Everything that is physically wrong with humanity." HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!! Holy God in the stars! I outranked Pervy, who got a if he goes on the bus people say stuff like "'Pleasedon'tsitbyme. Pleasedon'tsitbyme. Pleasedon'tsitbyme.", in that conversation! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!! Oh that has seriously made me a happy man, knowing I was one of the most destested by these guys. Aaah, sweet.

Well, that whole entry Here speaks great lengths about the people who done this. As a personal thing my favorite quote from this is:

Wolfbelly says: Me and Dr Ninja have been hated on there for ... well ... a long time. I know I've been hated on there ever since I began posting there.
Hello Kitten says: why?
Wolfbelly says: *shrugs* I dunno.
Wolfbelly says: Maybe I'm a little too "real" for them.

Ha! <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: On the side!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:18 pm

That is indeed some high level trolling, there. Count me impressed. I guess I've been lurking about too much to be mentioned, though. Bummer. <p>

<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:xx-small;">Curtis: Dannyboy, look at you. You've changed considerably, into a badass, if I may.
Dan: Yeah, you've changed a lot too, into an old man! I went to see the devil, now it's your turn!
Curtis: Oh, my pupil, so tenacious of life, guess I have to kill you again.
Dan: Shut up, before you run out of breath!
Curtis: I got rid of those smiles, there's no one left to disturb our game. Just you, and me.
Dan: Sounds fair, 'cuz I hate holding back, even for an old fart like yourself.
Curtis: Talk all you want, I won't need six bullets for you.
Dan: Or four for you.</span>

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Re: On the side!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:02 pm

Kate: That's what I heard when I came in, which was a loooong ass time ago.

Cho: ...That's a link to Brian's talking to Luj and Doc after they got banned. I'm not sure how it applies to our assholery to new folks. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>


Re: On the side!

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:07 pm

Strange, the date on it is 2006-05-13 13:15:00
and thats waaaay before they got banned. Or are you on about&#058;

WAIT! I see what happened. I copy and pasted the wrong link! I meant! THIS THREAD!

Sorry! <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
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Re: On the side!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:09 pm

Yeah, that makes more sense. <p>
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