Cool idea.

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Cool idea.

Unread postby StOrMxWiZ » Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:45 pm

Hi, it's me, the new guy.

I had this interesting idea that I am pretty sure has been used before. People could use portraits (a GREAT picture hosting website is it's free, has 100 mb space, but the only downside is that the images can't be bigger than 500 kb (JPEG/JPG fixes this)) for dialog.

I had an example planned out but I saw that "globally banned" thing on the header of the forum, so I decided not to.

So just give me some feedback on what you think of this.

A good sprite webpage:
It has 3000+ sprites from various games from various consoles, and they're great. Also a nice little border would be a good touch to the pictures.

Edited by: [url=>StOrMxWiZ</A] at: 1/7/05 16:01

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:39 pm

You're talking about during RPs, right, Stormy? Or just during posts altogether?

If it's the latter, I think that could get a little annoying. But for RPs, it is a pretty awesome idea.

But then, does this thread belong here? Maybe it should be in the OOC Forum....

Anyway, good idea, although people who don't have access to their own fileserves to host their pics would be pretty screwed. <p>---------------

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby StOrMxWiZ » Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:49 pm

Just for RP's. Out of RP-discussion with all portraits would be just plain annoying after a while.

Does apply to that?

The global ban thing wasn't very specific. Because we "own" our picture library but we don't "own" the website.

It hasn't really been cleared.

- one more thing, seems to have some sort of 'bandwith' limit for your pictures, and it lists how many times they have been viewed. I guess that's the price to pay for a good free 100 mb of space.

I guess an Admin can move this topic to the OOC forum.

And by the way, I can't seem to connect to the RPGWW Chat channel on AIM.

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:46 am

Bandwidth is the amount of data transmitted over connections. If you have a 5 kb image, and ten people view it once each, then you've used up 50kb of bandwidth.

This is why it's a very nice idea to actually save any movie or extended audio files you download onto a notable part of your hard disk--so you don't have to download it again and raid the crap out of someone else's bandwidth.

This is also why the global ban thing was put into effect: If you, without authorization, link to an image in a post, whether it be as an avatar or simply in a post, then there are a *lot* of people who will view it. Repeatedly. And then whoever *does* own the space has to pay out the nose, and possibly other orifices, for the extra data transmission.

If, on the other hand, you *do* have authorization to use a certain host's webspace for offsite linking, then by all means, tag those images all over the place. Of course, I reserve the right to kick your posts in the nads if you do dumb things with this special power.

I personally recommend [url=>photobucket[/url]]<span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>Edited by: PriamNevhausten&nbsp; Image at: 1/8/05 4:47

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:31 pm

I was thinking that perhaps we could pool our money and get a dedicated server with more bandwidth than God. Then we could let everyone who donated have an account on it, and that would solve all of our image problems. <p>-----
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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby Ganonfro » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:21 pm

I don't know.... God is rumored to be the maker of bandwidth.

You might have trouble getting more than him, without becoming a god yourself.

....That'd be alot of money, mind you.

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:21 pm

I already have more bandwidth than God.

I don't have very much of him at all, so it's not that difficult. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:39 am

I'd be more than glad to help out (Donating, even!) with a totally RPGWW owned server. That way I wouldn't have to bug people to upload things.

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Re: Cool idea.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:01 am

I've got my own server (well, shared with a friend). We get 250 megs of space and 5 gigs of bandwidth a month, all for just shy of $60 a year between the two of us.

Scanning, they also seem to do a deal with a gig of space and 50 gigs of bandwidth a month for a rate of $9.95 a month (but paid annually). That's just shy of $120 a year. Double the bandwidth and space specs and you pay ~$15 a month instead. Those are listed as business hosting services, though. The personal one is what I described originally, which turns out to be ~$5 a month.

Now, as long as I've had this account I've been hosting my own stuff (more or less) and some stuff for other people as well, all on top of my friend having a website on our domain. Never broken the bandwidth cap. As long as a domain doesn't turn into an impromptu mp3 hosting service (which is prohibited, anyway) then the $5 a month plan would probably provide for all your image hosting needs.

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