To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

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To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PopoSujo » Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:47 pm

Please state here why.

If it's because I add no content to the forum, I'll not even reply, as the place I spam is in the spam forum. I have yet to get into any RPs, though I have applied to two that aren't yet running, and am working on some fanfiction. I would do art, but it is so atrocious that I would be doing more by not posting anything.

To somewhat appease those of you who want me capped, I am going to further reign in my rampant posting. <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

I am The Incompetent Boo, Prime Minister to the Ice Cream spitting Llamas, and the being whose Indian name is "One Who Dances While Not Wearing Pants."</p>



Unread postby Rube » Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:26 pm

Becuase you don't seem to pay a damn bit of attention to what's being said about you?


Re: ...

Unread postby KraKeN » Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:38 pm

Why should he? <p>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image<br />"Now apparently just apathetic."</div></p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:42 pm

Why should he?

Because obviously if he doesn't, it will piss people off? Which he might want to avoid doing, like many sensible people do?

Honestly, I am one who doesn't care at all one way or the other, so... <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>



Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:44 pm

Oh that's right. You missed the whole period where we encouraged people to post intelligently. Or at least, if they couldn't manage that, don't post. It was that period that actually killed off the ADV! forum, because it was discovered that nobody over there knew how to post intelligently anymore.

The point is, just because it's the spam forum, doesn't mean that we want people running around posting whatever's at the forefront of their mind. The reason for this is simple: whatever's at the forefront of people's minds is usually boring and stupid. And it encourages the next person who posts in that thread to say something boring and stupid. So basically what happens is that we get four or five interesting threads going on, and then Popo signs on, and ten minutes later we have four or five threads that have 10 or so interesting posts each, followed by twice as many boring and stupid ones.

Anyway, you've been here for what, two weeks? And you have 900 posts already. That's more than 60 posts a day. And of them, maybe 2 are worth reading. Usually only because someone made an interesting comment about them, and your posts have to be read to give it some context.

And if you respond to this with "But it's the spam forum!" then you're a bigger idiot than I thought.


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PopoSujo » Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:11 pm

I've been here for over a month, EKDS5k.

I talked with Sprite earlier and found out that the more posts there are, the more it costs to keep the board pop-up free. Besides that, I have no idea why a majority of the people here care so much about post count. Does it incur rank? Does it make someone better? If it doesn't, why do some use it as an argument?

I am sorry that I tend to derail topics, and I know that I have a tendency to do this. I realized today that since I can usually only access the board at short intervals, I tend to flood, and will work on that.

As to the chain of posts by Rube, Kraken, and AM, I do care what's being said. I wouldn't be trying to fix the problem at all if I didn't, and I sure as hell wouldn't be posting this topic. I intend on staying at this board for quite a long time, and being on unfriendly terms with a healthy portion of the members here isn't going to make that fun for me (or them).

I will not, however, be scared off. You can take every single post I make, break it down and point out all my mistakes, call me an idiot, laugh, throw rocks, etc. If I leave this board, it will be because I want to or because one of the admins forces me to.

And finally: It's the spam forum :D <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

I am The Incompetent Boo, Prime Minister to the Ice Cream spitting Llamas, and the being whose Indian name is "One Who Dances While Not Wearing Pants."</p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:27 pm

Two weeks, a month, whatever. That's still 30 posts a day.

And post count is usually only mentioned when it increases at an alarming rate, but nothing of interest is being put onto the board. Much like your posts. We only mention it because we have to point to something when we say "Look, you're posting too fucking much, and you're stupid. Knock it off."

Lord McBastard

Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:32 pm

Dear Popo,

Post to live, don't live to post, dumbass.

Yours etc,

Brandon. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn"-Call of Cthulhu</div></p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Choark » Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:51 pm

I don't think he should be capped at all honestly cause quite frankly I don't care how much he does or doesn't post in the spam forum and he hasn't spammed anyother place so it doesn't matter.

And the fact the spam forum gets quality spamming without Popo there is pretty much up for debate as well.

We at one point used to have a spammer who replied to every spam topic with "indeed". Theres not much quality there but it was spam so no one cared - and it was even good for a laugh or two or at least it gave CronoCatfish a punchline for his comic. If it pisses you off so badly then just ignore it or use it to fuel bitter resentful remarks later. I think capping someone for spamming a spam forum is a little.. I dunno. I can't even find the word. Petty would be one.

I'm also amazed you're letting something as silly as this get to you.

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Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:03 pm

Cho wins the prize for saying, almost verbatim, what I was thinking. HAH. NOW HOW WILL YOU BE ABLE TO SLEEP AT NIGHT?

Also, consider this: We love Emouse, but Popo seems to be persecuted. Meditate on this. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PopoSujo » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:42 pm

Cho: I was only capped once, several weeks ago, and it was abritrarily removed. Today I was just told that several of the older members wanted to cap me.

The only reason I am posting this is to try and get back on somewhat even ground with the members that I offended. It doesn't really bother me that they dislike me, but it would make me, and hopefully them, happier. <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

I am The Incompetent Boo, Prime Minister to the Ice Cream spitting Llamas, and the being whose Indian name is "One Who Dances While Not Wearing Pants."</p>

Teal Musing

Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Teal Musing » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:43 pm

Anal. Hypocritical. Absurd. Supercilious. Am I getting close, Choark?

<p>Zemyla: May the forces of good protect you from the forces of stupidity.</p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby KraKeN » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:58 pm

With Cho on this one....and I am very rarely with anyone on all the shiz that goes on here. <p>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image<br />"Now apparently just apathetic."</div></p>

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Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby SorataYuy » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:08 pm

Today I was just told that several of the older members wanted to cap me.

Depending on who it was that told you, I would take it with a grain of salt. I was told once by someone that Bob wanted nothing to do with me, and when I asked Bob about this, he was taken aback and said he thought talking with me was okay, I just needed to lighten up more. I've had no problems with your posts myself, and at least they're not illegible drivel-ridden crap that would make even Mother Teresa want to hurt you in some form or fashion. And from what I've seen, most of the ones who seem to be criticizing you are the ones who I have found criticize -everyone-. At least, everyone that doesn't meet some standard they never really bother to fully disclose, except for things like 'Be wittier' or 'actually say something'. So, with the slight exception of the 'flooding' bit, you seem to be doing okay here to me. <p>I BUKKAKE FOR JUSTICE!!!</p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PopoSujo » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:11 pm

Sorata: I have it from a very reliable source, who I know would not lie about such a thing. At least, pretty damn sure wouldn't lie.

Also, you people need to learn from PPPP, and I quote:

WTF?You people are so harsh..learn how to give some positive in with the negative before the world swallows you up and brings you to me and I shoot your head off and dance in your blood.

That is all. <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

I am The Incompetent Boo, Prime Minister to the Ice Cream spitting Llamas, and the being whose Indian name is "One Who Dances While Not Wearing Pants."</p>

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Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:36 pm

As much as I might be annoyed by Popo's antics

I don't seriously think he deserves a post cap. >:

That is all <p>

Chao Griff: Bite me.
Amy Aya: You know, I will if I wanted to.
- Enemy ZERO</p>

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Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:55 pm

I suggested to Popo that he should post this here to actually find out what you guys really thought, becaue in chats and spam threads it's far too jokey to tell whether the talk of post caps and even banning is serious or not. Sometimes it seemed as if it was. I'm glad at the mixed response I've got, because frankly it's what I expected. True Popo has some to learn about controlling the spammer inside him, as we all sometime must resist stupid pointless repetitive replies.

Let's see whether Popo should stay not based on the spam forum, which after all is not the true basis of this board, but on his rping ability, the foundation of RPGWW. I know he's in none now, but he's lined up for two, and this will be where he proves whether he stays or not. <p>

I am just too damn British.


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby SuperRube » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:57 pm

Quick responce to Cho: The 'Indeed' thing became legandary because it started to piss people off.

Anyhow, I find myself siding with Doc, despite the fact that I've rarely had anything of worth to post as of late.

However, I would like to suggest that Popo try that magical thing known as "Going the fuck outside". I've found it does wonders.

THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PopoSujo » Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:01 am

Rube, most of my time is not spent at a computer. On nights such as tonight when I don't have to work and don't have a night class, I try to be online for a while because I usually can't. Most of my time is spent working or going to school, not online.

Also, before you throw out petty criticisms, try and understand the situation. <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

WTF?You people are so harsh..learn how to give some positive in with the negative before the world swallows you up and brings you to me and I shoot your head off and dance in your blood.


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:10 am

...why are you wasting all your online time here then? And you know what else? I go to work and school as well! Small world, ain't it? And I still manage to go out and hang out with people and do other things that aren't related to posting on this board! HOLY FUCK, HOW DO I MANAGE IT?

Oh wait. Can't be petty now, can I? I'm sorry for criticising your hectic merry-go-round of an action packed life that I can't ever possibly hope to understand. Can you ever forgive me, your grand fucking highness?

...see, now that's being petty. <p>
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby KraKeN » Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:16 am

Rube loses :( <p>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image<br />"Now apparently just apathetic."</div></p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:35 am

And yet I'm not the one making posts that say "Please love me :(" <p>
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>

Lord McBastard

Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:35 am

Har har! Rube get's this for his hilarity.

And perhaps a post cap will make Popo think "Am I actually saying anything?" before he grunts out a steaming pile of text.

Occassionly interjecting in a thread and saying "I have nothing of relevence to add to the subject at thand *ups post count*" can be humourous, however interjecting into a thread several times with a different message but overall effect is annoying as ever loving hell. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn"-Call of Cthulhu</div></p>


Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:38 am

Damn... <p>
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>

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Re: To Those of You Desiring to Cap Me.

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Nov 21, 2003 2:11 am

Emouse. Dis-fucking-scuss. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>



Unread postby Phil » Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:22 am

Well Popo, all I can say is that just like the rest of the world, RPGWW has its share of complete and utter assholes. And again, just like the rest of the world, some of those assholes have mod powers. If you wanna RP here, there's really no choice but to just ignore the assholes whenever possible, because not everyone's going to treat you like garbage. But if you're oversensative like me, this place may not work well for you, because the assholery here is very much unchecked.

Kadrin Mk3

Re: ...

Unread postby Kadrin Mk3 » Fri Nov 21, 2003 2:49 pm

I guess I'll have to repeat what End and the others said. I don't think he deserves a post cap. *shrugs*

Also, Rube, there's a spelling mistake in your sig.

"We're better then you." should be "We're better THAN you."

...And that's all we have time for in today's episode of PWNED! :D

Teal Musing

Re: ...

Unread postby Teal Musing » Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:02 pm

Kadrin: I've eluded to that on occasion, but I think Rube's attached to it.

Rube: You don't, because you know it would be pointless. *winks* But I must say that I haven't heard anyone else do it recently either...

Popo: You know what I think, so I don't have to repeat it, but I will... I have no problem with your posts. Besides, you've cut back a lot. And you have never posted just to be insulting or vicious, unlike some, as our Official Lurker has pointed out, so I see no harm done. Post on, Babe!

Image <p>Zemyla: May the forces of good protect you from the forces of stupidity.</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby PopoSujo » Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:25 pm

....why are you wasting all your online time here then? And you know what else? I go to work and school as well! Small world, ain't it? And I still manage to go out and hang out with people and do other things that aren't related to posting on this board! HOLY FUCK, HOW DO I MANAGE IT?

Why am I "wasting" all my online here? First, I don't consider it a waste. Second, because I want to. Gunbound is fun, chatting with people on Trillian is fun, but I have the most fun here.

When did I ever say that I didn't do anything but post here? If you even read my post, then you would know that several times I said that the majority of my time is spent at school or at work, not online. Also, I do hang out with people; I get together with friends just about every single day I'm off.

Oh wait. Can't be petty now, can I? I'm sorry for criticising your hectic merry-go-round of an action packed life that I can't ever possibly hope to understand. Can you ever forgive me, your grand fucking highness?

I imagine that you understand my life just as much as I understand yours. You have no idea what I do day to day, so you don't even have grounds for an arguments in that entire post. Where did the "grand fucking highness" come from? As far as I can tell, the only one acting superior here is you.

....see, now that's being petty.

I concur.

And perhaps a post cap will make Popo think "Am I actually saying anything?" before he grunts out a steaming pile of text.

Once again, the spam forum's forte is not intelligent thought. In Kotoki's, I do post inanities, and quite often, but I keep it restricted to the spam forum.

Occassionly interjecting in a thread and saying "I have nothing of relevence to add to the subject at thand *ups post count*" can be humourous, however interjecting into a thread several times with a different message but overall effect is annoying as ever loving hell

I have never (and most likely won't) put *ups post count* in one of my posts. I see many people here posting replies to a topic that have nothing to do with it; it isn't just me. Why don't you go ask the admins to put a cap on all of them?

I would like to add that even though I am arguing with some of you, everyone's comments here are very much appreciated, both the good and the bad. Thanks much ^_^ <p>

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

WTF?You people are so harsh..learn how to give some positive in with the negative before the world swallows you up and brings you to me and I shoot your head off and dance in your blood.
--PruePiperPheobePaige</p>Edited by: [url=>PopoSujo</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/21/03 3:40 pm

Teh Kev

Re: ...

Unread postby Teh Kev » Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:37 pm

Well I might as well say my two cents.

Like a few have said, I don't mind your constant posting. Its just annoying when you have nothing really to add to the topic. Although I am glad to see you are toning down. Spam is fun, but posting to every single new thread isn't always cool. Anyway thats all I have to say... <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

E Mouse

Re: ...

Unread postby E Mouse » Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:59 pm

I am an octopus, flapping my octopus wings.

And with that said, I get the feeling that Priam wants to go all 'backstab dmg to fatmuskthxplz' on my ass. :( <p>-------


"I'm here to burn the lollipops."</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby SuperRube » Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:24 pm

Popo, when you take my 'argument' point by point like that, it's funny how out of context each point becomes.

But seeing as how baiting you is working so very well, I see no reason to stop now.

HOWEVER: I will say that what Phil says is true. There are assholes here. Not all of us are assholes. Not all of the assholes are assholes one hundred percent of the time. But if you CANNOT deal with people acting like assholes then you SHOULD NOT be posting here.

You will note that there are people who post here despite the fact that they're not universally loved. Hardly anyone can tell what the hell BunnyGirly is posting half the time, and she still posts. Hell, DarkPheonix or whoever keeps posting even though it's very obvious that nearly everyone here sees him as the prefect example as to what's wrong with the internet.

See, the way I sees it is that treating people like dirt is a bit of a screening processes. Sort of a 'hazing' for lack of a better term. We bully the people who rub us the wrong way and some of them can't take it and leave. Others deal with it and stick around and become valued members of the community. Or they just continue to be annoying. Whatever.

I suppose that I should clarify my stance on the entire 'post cap' thing. Honestly, I see it as a non-issue. When it was first brought up, I saw it being more of a threat then anything that would actually happen. Sort of like when a corporation threatens a smaller business with a law suit to keep them in line. The larger business has no intention of following up on the suit half the time, they just want to scare the little guy into doing what they want.

...okay, that's not the best of examples, but I'm sure you follow me.

Anyhow, what I'm saying is this: You have the right to post whatever you want. Just know that others have the right to mock you for what you're saying. And if they feel that you're posting 'too much' then they have the right to say so as well.

Funny how free speech works, ain't it?

And a quick note to all who would like to attempt to discredit me by pointing out that my sig has a typo or whatever, please allow me to say that you are so totally smart and that I have absolutely no right to say anything at all seeing as I'm so totally stupid compared to your grammar lovin' ass.

And finally, to Priam: Fatmus is cuter :( He also told me the trick to finishing event match 50 in 'Super Smash Brothers: Melee', so that makes him okay in my book. <p>
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>Edited by: SuperRube at: 11/21/03 8:27 pm


Re: ...

Unread postby PopoSujo » Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:16 am

I already said that I did not intend in leaving unless I, myself, wanted to. I have taken more in real life than anyone over the internet could possibly dish out, so, as you said about the post cap, that's a non issue. One of my good friends is a complete asshole all the time, and freely admits it, but I can deal with him.

However, the whole point behind this was not to say, "Pity teh Popo, he is of getting threatened with being post capped ohno!" I am not going to lay down and take this. I will respond back. People are free to mock me as much as they want, but I'm free to respond to those insults in turn, and in any manner I see fit.

Funny how free speech works, ain't it? [/not so veiled insult] <p>
When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

WTF?You people are so harsh..learn how to give some positive in with the negative before the world swallows you up and brings you to me and I shoot your head off and dance in your blood.

Teal Musing

Re: ...

Unread postby Teal Musing » Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:56 am

Rube: Wow, is that all it would take to discredit you?

And a quick note to all who would like to attempt to discredit me by pointing out that my sig has a typo or whatever, please allow me to say that you are so totally smart and that I have absolutely no right to say anything at all seeing as I'm so totally stupid compared to your grammar lovin' ass.

I had no idea you were so easy! *grins*

<p>Zemyla: May the forces of good protect you from the forces of stupidity.</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby SuperRube » Sat Nov 22, 2003 3:06 am

...right. Anyhow, now that everyone's got the stupid out of their systems and out on the world wide web for everyone to see, can we declare this the worst topic in recent history and have it locked? <p>
THE BROTHERHOOD OF ELITIST BASTARDS We're better then you. See if you can prove us otherwise.</p>

Lord McBastard

Re: ...

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Sat Nov 22, 2003 3:15 am

Not before I get what I have to say in.

Teal: Dear god......just.....dear god.

Popo: Ditto. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn"-Call of Cthulhu</div></p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby BrainWalker » Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:20 pm

Is it just me, or did this topic totally get out of control?

I didn't touch it 'cause I knew this was going to happen :/ <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:34 pm

This thread has been pretty stupid from the get-go. I think I'll oblige folks and lock it. <p>
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "If it smells like a discussion, walks like a discussion, and talks like a discussion.. it's a.. duck" -- Crawling Reshiki<p><center>Image</center></p>

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