just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

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evil bee on air

just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby evil bee on air » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:18 pm

hey ... similarly to an earlier post, i am doing some research on MUDs and RPGs. i was wondering if you all wouldn't mind helping me out a little bit by answering some questions and maybe explaining things to me (e.g. rules, ettiquite, how to join an RP, why you like RPs, what kind of relationships one can form in an RP, etc.) if you're interested in helping me out, drop me a line here, or you can email me evilbeeonair@hotmail.com (don't be wierded out by my email address ... i'm a radio dj part time, and all of my love/hate mail goes to that address.)Image
thanks so much! i can't wait to hear from you all.
~ biz

evil bee on air


Unread postby evil bee on air » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:21 pm

i am intelligent ... i swear that i can spell ... i meant to put "etiquette" ... not whatever horrible misspelling i actually typed. sorry ... Image


Nice ads....

Unread postby KraKeN » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:45 pm

Can't capitalize your "i"s though....Image

[Edit: RAR! I actually corrected someones spelling....I feel so dirty.....] <p>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image<br />"Now apparently just apathetic."</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kraken@rpgww60462>KraKeN</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 4:46 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:57 pm

Almost everything you mentioned there in your first post depends entirely on the RP community. If you want to know about this community in particular, I can help you out there. If you want to know about RP communities in general, you should probably drift to other communities...pardon my bias, but RPGWW is kinda exceptional, and not representative of RPs in general. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:31 pm

I would not mind contributing my experiences for the sake of research, for what it's worth. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

evil bee on air

Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby evil bee on air » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:32 pm

i realize that this is not the typical RP, but that's actually why i've come to you guys. from what i've read, you're pretty hard core, and you have an investment in this. you want it to be good, if not the best even. and i respect that. who better to talk to than people you start out respecting right off the bat?

what i'm looking for seems ... random, at best. if you feel like answering some questions and not others, that's fine. i'm just happy that you're willing to help me out.

- how would you describe yourself?
- what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
- would you classify your computer as a personal space?
- how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)

- what is your character in the RP like?
- would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
- does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
- does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
- are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
- do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?

- how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
- of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?

well ... i guess that's it for now. any and all responses are more greatly appreciated than you may realize. thank you so much for your time. if you have any suggestions/comments/questions for me, please feel free to put those down too ... everything is welcome! thank you so much!!!!!!

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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Oct 23, 2003 12:38 am

- how would you describe yourself?
Human? Male?
To go along with my recent moderate obsession, I am, by the [url=http://www.keirsey.com/>Myers-Briggs], an INTP personality with a good amount of T/F fluctuation. I generally keep to myself, am not comfortable in big social presences, think more in the abstract than the concrete, consider things objectively more often than I consider with a 'kind heart,' and I don't care much for deadlines. The site has more information, should you care to investigate.

- what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
Not a whole lot. Most of my computer time is spent either on these boards or in the related chat sessions, with the occasional diversion towards a multiplayer game called Gunbound. Just going by the hard disk occupation, One might well come to the conclusion that I am a fan of techno music, collect a good number of anime music videos, and enjoy classic console gaming.

- would you classify your computer as a personal space?
Not really, considering this is technically my parents' computer. Now, if we're talking about MY computer, as I do have a laptop for school, the answer is still no, but for a different reason--it is a tool, not a social medium or any sort of attachment.

- how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
I've always wondered. I know at least a few people see me as a caring, sensitive guy who is always good to bounce introspective ideas off, and who can occasionally give some good advice. I also know that I am seen often as cocky, pompous, and self-important.

- what is your character in the RP like?
First things first. This board isn't all one RP like many others. This board is more like a group of Role-playing gamers collected together, who run RP sessions on occasion, any of which may or may not be connected in any fashion to any other RP sessions the group has ever seen. The transpirings of this board are more easily likened to a bookshelf rather than one large novel.

That said, I have nearly ten characters moderately established here. To name a few:
Anion Duprei, a time mage with a roguish streak. Fantasy roleplaying.
Fresca Stevens, a hardened cop with some psychotelemetabolic abilities. For dark, futuristic settings.
Milo D'Asperge, a blacksmith/inventor with minimal magical skill, working on inventing the first automobile. Fantasy roleplaying.
Ingram Duprei, who is actually the same person mentioned above as Anion Duprei. Travelled forward in time to the dark, futuristic setting, and is much more duty-bound and less likely to cause trouble.

- would you say that the characters are like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
I should hope so, since they are birthed from my mind, and my personality shapes their own. Each character any of us creates is like a splinter personality, the way I see it--taking a particular aspect of our own psyches and deforming it until a different personality is completed. One cannot accurately roleplay a mindset one does not understand, after all--I would be wholly unable to portray some of the other characters I've seen roaming around, because they simply aren't anything like me, and don't think anything like the way I think.

- does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
Probably. I'm not really sure how to go further in depth on this subject, since I'm not sure exactly what other people do and do not see in my persona.

- does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
Fresca Stevens (listed above) does, and it was a sort of whirlwindy quick, passionate thing. I dropped roleplaying in that setting a while back, though, and though if I were to pick it up again right now I could easily continue that relationship idea, I could just as easily legitimize my time away as having contained a breakup.

- are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
Yes and no and yes. I am emotionally affected by the game--after all, a lot of the events portrayed are quite exciting and/or dramatic--and I do feel good when something neat happens to a character while I am roleplaying him/her. However, I also feel good when something BAD happens to my characters. In fact, one of my favorite characters is a dead man, and I've been known to say, "I should probably kill off one of my characters sometime soon." Death is as much a part of life as birth, and has an equal, if not greater, capacity for emotional intensity and drama. I am quite proud of all of my character deaths through the years--not because I enjoy killing, no, but because it makes for such memorable, impressive scenes.

- do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
In a sense, I suppose I have learned something, but it seems more a refinement of what skill I already had than the explicit learning of a new skill. I was involved a little bit in theater before I became a regular here, and I'm sure that through my roleplaying I likely have become a better actor, in a sense. It's good to step into another mind for a moment and try to see through someone else's worldview; it can make for some interesting eye-opening experiences.

- how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
A great many. Estimates might go to about 30-40 hours per week, on a high week. Part of this is due to my lessened ability to attend social functions--an aspect related to my current field of study--and a month ago, I might have spent closer to 10-15 hours, tops, on the computer per week. On a heavy week.

- of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?
Very few. I'm not the most active RP'er around here, so my answer would have to be close to 1 or 2. Now, if we're talking about my doing things relating to the community, then that's a different story entirely. Change that 1 or 2 to a number closer to 20-25. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

evil bee on air

Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby evil bee on air » Thu Oct 23, 2003 9:12 am

thank you SO much for your reply. you've been extremely helpful! in fact, you may have been the most helpful person that i've encountered thus far!

based on your answers to my original questions ... i have a few more for you, if you don't mind answering these as well.

- based on what you said about having multiple characters -
-- do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?
-- do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)
-- you also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?
-- do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?

- based on what you said about the time that you spend on the computer doing things related to the community -
-- could you please define the community?
-- what is this comprised of? friends? RPers? strangers?
-- do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?

well ... i guess that's it for now. i'm getting some really great input, especially from you; which i appreciate SO much. if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask away! thanks and have a great day.

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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 23, 2003 9:50 pm

how would you describe yourself?
I try to avoid describing myself, because it gets too complicated to accurately answer in anything less than an essay. It's also confusing, as there's a lot of contradiction in me (which makes more sense when you take into account that I'm bipolar). When I have to summarize myself, I stick to easy, verifiable facts such as: I'm a 20 year old woman studying Spanish in the midwestern United States.

what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
Hmm. First and foremost, they could tell what kind of music I like...almost everything, with a distinct preference toward metal and its subgenres. You'd also discover that I collect dragon image files, and perhaps you could infer that I like dragons very much. You might get a very small insight as to what I find funny (I save such files occassionally) as well as a small introduction to my artwork (visual and written, I keep a small amount in my files). You'd also run across a good deal of my college essays, so I guess you'd learn what kind of classes I've taken and how well/poorly I complete written assignments for them. You'd also note that my files are kept in strict order, with patterns of folders and subfolders and filenames -- I'm a very organized person.

would you classify your computer as a personal space?
YES. I keep very personal files on my computer, for one thing, so in one way it's like a journal. For another, I use it to communicate regularly with my friends, family, and boyfriend. You mess with my computer, and you will have serious problems from me. Hell, you might even run across problems with me if my computer is messing up on its own.

how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
Depends on the person. As I've mentioned, I'm bipolar, so I'm capable of some very differing extremes. Also, I'm less open around certain people, more kind around others, more of an ass around others, etc.

what is your character in the RP like?
I have a mass of characters, well over three dozen, so it would take a long time to answer this as thoroughly as it could be. There are...a LOT of personality types, but I favor three types in particular:

headstrong characters
intensely shy characters
blissfully happy, to the point of apparent ditsiness, characters

would you say that the characters are like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
All of them are like me to an extent, as they would have to be. Like Priam explains, they are products of my mind and my understanding of the world. Because my own personality can vary so drastically, there are few traits I can say are never like me. The only kinds of traits I can say are definately never like me are such things as, say, a fear of spiders...straight-forward, factual, objective like traits.

does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
Maybe? If you were really insightful? I couldn't say.

does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
If you mean relationships in the boyfriend-girlfriend-fiancé/e sense, then yes, a small minority of my characters are in relationships. One is close, one isn't, one is in the middle. I honestly don't RP relationships much.

are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
Definately, I have a strong sense of character empathy. I rely on it to RP my characters realistically.

do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
Hm. Yes. I've developed my writing skills, to a small degree. In chats, I've developed an ability to make sense of a jumble of messages, learning how to tell what messages are directed at whom and in response to what, even when this is not clear. I've also developed a sense of when clarification of my own messages (both content and to whom they are directed) is needed. I've also learned RPing jargon, and RPGWW-specific jargon, minimal as that is.

how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
Too many. About 4-6 hours a day, each day, so that's 28-42 hours. Depends on my school workload and other factors, such as interesting books I'm reading, visitors, etc...

of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?
All of them, and yet not quite. If I'm online, I'm almost always in the regular chat room we have going here. However, I'm also almost always multitasking -- talking to my boyfriend, family, browsing comics, answering emails, etc.


do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?
I would say yes, based on intuition, but giving the matter more thought, I don't think so. Somedays I feel like RPing one person over another, but there seems to be little rhyme or reason to this. They're just random urges, like food cravings.

do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)
Nope. However, the vast, vast majority of people in this community know me passingly to very well. They have an overall sense of who I am, separate from my characters.

Relatedly, I'll note that a good number of people on this message board know my full name, my age, where I live, and several even know my phone number and how to drive to my house. I meet up regularly with a group of the forumers who just happen to live nearby (about an hour and a half drive away).

you also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?
Well, I'm female, but I have some male characters. This is fairly common, for RPers to have characters of the opposite sex. Some people RP them very well, and others have troubles. I find it easiest to RP males who are either very young, very old, or an unintelligent beast (such as a dog). I know for a fact this varies greatly with different RPers.

Around here, at RPGWW, I know everyone's proper sex, because I ask. A few people have tried to avoid giving their sex, which results in a negative backlash. These people never stay. I imagine it's much the same for the others here.

do you feel that your male characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?
Nope. Then again, I'm a tomboy to an extent. :D

could you please define the community?
RPGWW is a meeting of terribly groovy people. There few exceptions. That sums it up right there.

what is this comprised of? friends? RPers? strangers?
All of the above.

do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?
Only my friends and the people I respect (which are normally one and the same). <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 10/23/03 9:56 pm

evil bee on air

umm ... so ... you rock.

Unread postby evil bee on air » Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:34 am

can i just tell you, rydia, that you rock my world?!?! you all are being so helpful! i love that you all are so verbal and expressive, but i guess that comes with the territory here, huh? i really just cannot thank you enough.

really have only one question at the moment ... why are you helping me? i realize that it's kind of a morbid, self defeating question, but i'm truly curious. you don't know me, i'm not an established member of your community, yet you've taken me in and offered me assistance that only you are qualified to give ... maybe i'm just not hanging out in the right corner of the world ... but i thought that the good Samaritans were gone ...

seriously ... thank you so much. i really appreciate the candid nature of your responses. you are the bestest!

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Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Oct 24, 2003 1:46 am

how would you describe yourself?
I'd probably use words.

- what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
I'm extremely disorganized. I keep things far too long, as can be determined from the fact that I have a Desktop/desktop/desktop folder from all the reformats... that sort of thing.

- would you classify your computer as a personal space?
God yes.

- how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
I figure it's a sort of situation where they all claim to like me and probably talk behind my back 'n stuff. But I'm paranoid like that.

- what is your character in the RP like?
Around here, I play the Neo Vanists. They're sort of eccentric, stick very rigidly to their beliefs...to unbelievable levels...

- would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
Honestly, the Neo Vanists are probably like me more than I'd like to admit.

- does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
I suppose, if somebody analyzed all the Neo Vanists long enough, they'd find facets of my personality or something.

- does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
The Neo Vanists have deep -platonic- friendships with each other. Yes, I see you giggling.

- are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
I know that occasionally I've almost cried at some RP scenes. I also laugh like hell when neat things happen.

- do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
I have teh mad skills.

- how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
Way, way, too many.
- of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?

Maybe, like, 1-2, here, and probably 2-3 each day elsewhere.

- do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?

I find Diran Ilsvire comes to mind when I'm feeling bitchier.

-- do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)

Here, they treat me one way. On the MU* I play, where I generally play a female character, I'm treated significantly differently.

-- you also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?

Depends. Here, everyone knows everyone's RL gender, generally. ElseMU*, it's actually against the rules to publically speculate.

-- do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?

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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby WillBaseton » Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:21 am

how would you describe yourself?
You really want to know, eh? I'll give you a little tidbit, then. I'm a very hyperactive guy. Being a college student does that. Other than that, I'm a compulsive videogamer and a hopeless romantic. I love to write. Not much else.

what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
They'd learn that I'm a massive pack-rat. I've only had this computer for two years, but I have things on there that I transferred from my previous computer. I'm a gamer, and from the number of shortcuts on my desktop, it's quite obvious.

would you classify your computer as a personal space?
YES. ABSOLUTELY YES. Nobody goes onto my computer without my express permission. It's password protected! I've had issues with hackers, prying brothers, and annoying friends caused by letting others use my computer. It's my special safe haven.

how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
As Dia said, it depends on the person. Some see me as a whiner or a pessimist (both of which I can be at times, I'm a very jealous person), while others see me as a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving guy.

what is your character in the RP like?
As with Dia (again), I have a MASSIVE amount of characters. As for active ones, I have maybe three or four. I'm only going to discuss my avatar, though. He's the one I use the most anyways. Will's a cocky, honor-bound man of many talents and many weaknesses. He's desperate to be loved, yet has a hard time trusting people due to his inner conspiracy theorist. He's a single father (his wife recently left him) and the adoptive brother of a queen. Thus, he tends to use his status to get his way.

would you say that the characters are like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
All of my characters share traits with me. They have to. Each of them inherits a piece of me, some more than others. Although I have to say, I've been RPing Will for so long (eight years as of this June), that I'm more like HIM than he is like ME.

does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
That's possible. I'm not one to try and make my characters TOO like me, but it's possible that others might see it that way.

does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
As of right now, only one does. Will was married until just last month. My other characters are all single as well. Then again, I don't use most of them enough to develop relationships. The only character I have that's in a relationship is Rachel, a clone of Will, who's in a close relationship.

are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
ABSOLUTELY. Will, for example, gets picked on a lot by his peers. I take that hard sometimes. I'm also an empath when it comes to other people's characters, as well.

do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
Only one real skill that I've developed is my ability to mask depression. I'm a naturally depressed person, but I've learned how to mask said depression through my roleplaying. That skill comes more in handy offline, however.

how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
Far, far too many. About 6 hours a day. I need to cut back, I do.

of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?
It's random, really. Sometimes I'm RPing, other times I'm playing LAN games with people from school. Other times, I'm (GASP!) doing homework. All depends on the day.


do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?
Yes, I definitely do. All depends on the mood. Will is basically my backup character. If I can use him and I don't feel like using someone else, he pops out. Just the way it goes.

do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)
Yes. Absolutely. Some people like some of my characters more than others, and make sure I know it.

you also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?
I have a few female characters. Will actually has a curse that causes him to become a woman sometimes, but that's different. Yes, it's common here. We don't often judge, it's not that big a deal.

do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?
I wouldn't think so, but perhaps my naive nature and my deep-seated innocence even when I'm acting perverted tend to personify themselves more often in my female characters than in my male ones.

could you please define the community?
RPGWW is a melting pot. We have our loud people, our quiet people. We have our nice people, our utter jerks. Hell, we even have people from other countries here. If there was a definition for the quintessential melting pot RP setting, RPGWW would be it.

what is this comprised of? friends? RPers? strangers?
All of the above. I try to be friendly with as many people as possible, even if I'm a chat-man, rather than a board person.

do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?
I have several people here who I feel are some of my best friends. I see it as my responsibility to try and always be there for them, and never let them down.

I hope this was helpful...if not, oh well! <p>
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Re: just wondering if you could throw a little wisdom my way

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:52 am

-- do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?
Sometimes, certainly. I had one character for a while (though not with this particular group) who had a rather risque personality, and I dropped her like a brick on fire when certain things happened in my life that made the opposite-sex issue rather touchy for me. Most often, though, it is the scenario that guides my choice of character--if one character has a better 'opening' into the scene that's already going, I will certainly show preference that way.

-- do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)
Well, I'm not sure what form you are asking this, so I will answer both parts. People will respond to my characters THROUGH me differently per character, of course. But the people around here and the people I RP with in person have good enough out-of-character/in-character distinction that when I step out of character (OOC) that they treat me as me.

-- you also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?
I'd like to think so, but really this is not often the case. I've found that as a general rule, male roleplayers will have at least 90% male characters, and female roleplayers will have at least 75% female characters (I can't say any higher with any certainty, because in many cases females are quite rare in roleplaying groups). This community may be an exception, I'm not 100% sure as I don't keep up on the general roster, but there does seem to be a good mix of female/male characters per player here.

-- do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?
Quite the contrary! Playing Fresca has been a lot of fun for me, because I often have her do everything that bugs me about women. I had her flip out on her love interest once with metamessaged marriage-talk--it was quite satisfying, especially as it elicited the desired response from both her love interest AND the love interest's player.

-- could you please define the community?
I could no more define the number two. The community is comprised, mainly, of regular posters here, but also contains people who used to post here but no longer do, and people who have stumbled into our established chat sessions and have never actually seen the boards. There is no one main comprising factor--some of us RP, some of us don't, but all of us are nonetheless part of the community.

-- what is this comprised of? friends? RPers? strangers?
A little of all three. Some of us knew eachother before RPGWW, some of us met on RPGWW and then found out that we live close to eachother. Some of us RP, some of us never do and never will. And some of us, well, nobody really knows much about. Just like real-life interest groups.

-- do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?
As much as I do to people I interact with in person, which is to say yes. If I promise people here something, I will hold myself to the promise as best as I am able. If I hold a certain authority, and thus responsibility, I will owe up to it. The mere fact that most people here could not contact me or find me should I shirk my obligations does not release me from my self-applied comittments. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

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Re: umm ... so ... you rock.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:45 am

Evil bee on air (from now on known as "Eboa"):

Hee hee, your screenname acronymifies to Eboa. :D

*coughs* Anyway, yeah. You're welcome. ^_^; As to why I'm helping you...well, why not? You've been polite and intelligent enough, and anyway it's actually kind of interesting to fill out a survey like this, and to read others' responses.

As for how helpful we are...well, that's part of what makes RPGWW so rockin'. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: umm ... so ... you rock.

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Oct 24, 2003 11:43 am

Indeed. I figured that you were nice enough, seemed perfectly good-intentioned, and didn't ask any privacy-invading questions, that no harm could possibly come of answering honestly and completely--it could only help. Why would I withhold?

I would like to ask, though, what you intend to use these responses for; or, failing that, possibly for a copy (audio or text, whichever is relevant) of the completed work based on this information. I can only see things from my end of the story, and other people's perceptions always intrigue me. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

evil bee on air

my paper

Unread postby evil bee on air » Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:09 pm

i can send you a copy of the completed work ... i've been asking you guys all of these questions in preparation for a paper that i'm writing for a seminar in personality. my professor is really into how people 'interact' with the internet ... like ... whether or not their comp 'becomes' a part of them ... how intense their online relationships are ... especially with relation to role playing games and multi-user domains. if any of you have read any of sherry turkle's work (like 'the second self' or Constructions and Reconstructions of Self in Virtual Reality) it's really indicative of what my prof is interested in.
priam ... from what you've been saying (and the way you kind of analyze yourself for me) i think that you might find this interesting.
personally ... i do not agree with turkle. i think that she tends to portray the people in her books as having major issues dealing with other people in face to face manners, or as anti-social freaks who need major therapy. i think that people who like RPs and MUDs are normal. sometimes even more well adjusted than people who don't play those types of games. but she's entitled to her opinion ... she is/was a prof at MIT after all ...
i really want to thank you guys again, i really really appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my questions. i'll either post a link to my paper in a couple weeks (assuming the revision goes well) or i'll email it to someone if they really want it (it's a little long to post on this board, i don't want to take up your server space.)

thanks so much, again. you guys really do rock!

~ biz
(you can call me that instead of eboa ... sounds like the Ebola virus ... and i really don't kill entire African villages that often.)Image

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Re: my paper

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Oct 24, 2003 2:22 pm

Biz: I think many people here would be interested in reading your work. I think I speak for all of us when I say to feel free to post it up here when you're done. I know I want to read it. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: my paper

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:00 pm

How would you describe yourself?

Well, I’m a drama student, and in many ways I embody the stereotypical thespian – Loud, confident, and quite happy to act stupidly. I do go through periods when I’m quieter and more withdrawn, but they don’t usually last long.

I like to think I’m usually a nice person. I guess you’d have to ask around to see if anyone else agrees with that.

What could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?

That I spend a lot of time working on anything to do with roleplaying, and that I’m generally creative, and that I wish I had a better connection than a 56k (It’s a pain in the arse to download large files on this damned thing!).

would you classify your computer as a personal space?

When I’m on it, yes. By that I mean that if you look at what I’m doing while on the computer, I’m probably not going to like it, and nor am I really going to like anyone getting close enough to look in the first place.

how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)

I couldn’t tell you, really, because I know for a fact that it depends who you ask. Some people love me, some people hate me, and some people fall in between.

What is your character in the RP like?

I have a ridiculous amount of characters. A number of them, including my “avatar”, Blaze Schwartzsturm, belong to a group known as the wardens, who all share certain characteristics: They’re good, loyal, fair, treats others with respect and are generally nice people.

Most of my characters are ultimately good people, but I’m not averse to roleplaying evil.

Would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?

I have to agree with Priam that each character shares certain facets of my mind with me – if you observed all of my characters you could piece my personality together from parts of their own.

Does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?

Probably? Maybe? I don’t know. I don’t deliberately put hidden messages anywhere in my character’s designs, but maybe I do subconsciously. Who knows?

Does your character have relationships? How close are his/her/its relationships?

A lot of my characters are in relationships, because I enjoy roleplaying relationships thoroughly. They warm me up inside, or something! The nature of the relationship depends on the characters, but most are quite close.

Are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?

Yes and no. I’m usually happy no matter what happens but if something happens in the game that I don’t think should have happened I can feel frustrated and upset.

Do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?

Nah, again I agree with Priam – it’s more a refinement of what was already there. It’s helped me develop my writing style considerably.

How many hours per week do you spend on the computer?

So many that I don’t remember the total count.

Of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?

Most if not all of them.

- based on what you said about having multiple characters –

Do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?

Certain characters are easier to play in certain moods, yes. If I’m angry and upset aggressive characters become easier, for example.

Do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)

I haven’t noticed this happening, no.

You also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? When you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?

I’m fully prepared to RP characters of the opposite sex. In fact, I have plenty of female characters. At RPGWW we tend to know enough about eachother that confusions over gender are rarely an issue.

Do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?

They're more caring than I tend to be, but so are my male characters.

- based on what you said about the time that you spend on the computer doing things related to the community -

Could you please define the community?

The community is the roleplayers rather than the site and the RPGs. Even without those two we could still enjoy time in chats together, and if RPGWW ever dies I’m fairly certain the current community will live on and evolve in one form or other.

What is this comprised of? Friends? RPers? Strangers?

Everyone helps make the community what it is, even those that I might like a little less than others. And strangers don’t remain in that state for long at RPGWW, so...

Do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?

If I make a promise to an RPGWWer or say I’ll do something, I feel obligated to see it through.

"Pantient people can think while wearing pants. Inpantient people have to go free from pants or their brain stops working." ~ Myself on the definition of a spelling mistake.

Best Quote Ever: The treat of Keet grabbing his crotch worked last time, but... *shrugs*

Fiddle Reject:         ...Shini?
Fiddle Reject:         Your future sex life is none of your business.</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=blazeyamatospirit>Blaze] at: 10/24/03 5:04 pm

evil bee on air


Unread postby evil bee on air » Fri Nov 07, 2003 1:10 pm

is anyone still reading this forum? i have a few more questions so that i can finish my revision ... then it's all yours to read, critique, etc. is anyone interested??
again ... feel free to email me evilbeeonair@hotmail.com
thanks so much.

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pd Rydia
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Re: hmmm

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Nov 07, 2003 1:41 pm

Still reading, and waiting upon your post. Feel free to post any more questions up here, I'll be sure to answer them to the best of my ability. <p>
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "If it smells like a discussion, walks like a discussion, and talks like a discussion.. it's a.. duck" -- Crawling Reshiki<p><center>Image</center></p>

Teal Musing

Re: hmmm

Unread postby Teal Musing » Fri Nov 07, 2003 2:04 pm

Some of us were actually speculating on how you were doing with your project in chat a couple of evenings ago. So, how's it going?

<p>It's really tough to type with the ninja toddler climbing all over you!</p>

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: hmmm

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Fri Nov 07, 2003 2:17 pm

- how would you describe yourself?
Religious, goofy, somewhat outgoing and artistic. But that honestly doesn't describe me well at all. I'd like to think you're average 21 year old small farming town college student.

- what could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
They would find far too many games, most of which are strategy or RPG's. I have over 300 images in my pictures folder, and i'd say 3/4's is my own artwork. 1/2 of that is artwork of my rp characters, or others around here. Tons of random homework and sounds, and the fact that I have no filing system whatsoever and obsessively save chats I find amusing.

- would you classify your computer as a personal space?
Definitely! I hate it when people use my computer when I'm not around or without asking. Alot of what I do is on my computer and someone going through it would be as offensive as someone going through you're bedroom drawers, or peeping in your diary.
- how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
In town, I'm either the smart kid or the artist. On the internet, a goof. It depends.

- what is your character in the RP like?
Well, I have about twenty characters. But I've noticed none of them are shy. Another odd thing, few are unattractive, a habit I intend to break. Not terribly realistic is it?

- would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
All my characters start out with an idea, then I add one aspect of myself, then amplify it. So there's a tiny bit of myself in them. But it's generally good policy to not play a character too close to yourself.

- does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
I wouldn't think so. I sure hope people don't pick things from my characters and attribute them to me. I mostly play oddballs...

- does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
Yeah, I have a few characters that are married, dating, engaged etc. One with children. If that answers anything.

- are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
It depends. Sometimes I can distance myself, then other times I get really worked up about it.

- do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
I believe it's definitely helped my writing.

- how many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
I do not know. And on that note, I don't want to know. Far too much really. But take into account that I'm in a multimedia degree for college and the fact that talking via IM is cheaper than a phone bill to my boyfriend.

- of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?
A good portion. It's my time to just sit back and be creative, or be horribly bored. You never know with rps...

<div style="text-align:center">
Happy Halloween, you bastards!


Re: 6.6

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:55 pm

How would you describe yourself?

Well, I’m a high school gratuate (working for a year to get tuition money)

I’m usually a nice person. But you should probably ask someone elses opinion on that ^_^; I'm an RP freak.

What could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?

That I am overly obsessive of game sprites and the creation/editing of them. They would note that I am a fan of Anime, gothic rock and a much much larger and wider variety of music from all places you could think of. (Including game music and anime music) And that I am a very creative person, as per the artwork I have CGed that is on my comp.

would you classify your computer as a personal space?

Hell yes >_>; If someone touches my comp without permission, there's hell to pay. My computer is my way of expressing myself. I do some of my artwork on it, I talk to friends, and do things I enjoy doing that my parents may not approve of, such as role playing and watching anime :P
I cannot stand and do not like people standing over my shoulder/watching me while I am using my comp.

how do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)

It depends who you ask. Some people enjoy being around me, some people think I'm an ass, and some people just haven't made up their minds yet.

What is your character in the RP like?

I have ludicrous amounts of characters. (Aprox 95, though some I haven't used in a while) My 3 most used characters, and you will probably sense a trend here are Firnthuleien(My first RP character here), Fool(Viewable in my sig and avatar), and Frian.

Most of my characters are good/nice people, but I have a nasty nasty character (or at least angsty character) here and there. I do have some wacky characters also.

Would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?

I agree with Priam also. Every character of mine has at least some part of my personality in them

Does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?

I don't deliberately put hidden meanings into my characters, but one or 2 of them could, I suppose.

Does your character have relationships? How close are his/her/its relationships?

Only a few of mine are in relationships. 1 is married and very close (with 2 children also), one is in between so to speak, and one is semi-into one.

Are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?

I agree, word for word with this response, made earlier:

"Yes and no. I’m usually happy no matter what happens but if something happens in the game that I don’t think should have happened I can feel frustrated and upset."

Do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?

I would say, it's helped me to become a better writer, and in some ways, has made my people skills better.

How many hours per week do you spend on the computer?

So many that I don’t know the total count.

Of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?

Most, if not all.

- based on what you said about having multiple characters –

Do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?

I would say yes. For example, when I'm in a silly mood, I'm more apt to play Fool, then one of my more solem and conservative characters.

Do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)

I have not noticed anything like that.

You also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? When you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?

Well......I'm female....But I do have lots of male characters, if not more than female characters(I need to tally them again ^^). It's not really an issue that people tend to worry about here at RPGWW.

Do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?

Well....As mentioned above, I am female....But I do believe my male characters express my more "rough and tough" side, so to say, as I heartily enjoy playing rugby. ^_^ Though I do have my share of "rough" female characters as well. Trust me, you won't find many of my characters, male or female, to be push overs ~_^

- based on what you said about the time that you spend on the computer doing things related to the community -

Could you please define the community?

I also agree with this statement, said before:

"The community is the roleplayers rather than the site and the RPGs. Even without those two we could still enjoy time in chats together, and if RPGWW ever dies I’m fairly certain the current community will live on and evolve in one form or other."

What is this comprised of? Friends? RPers? Strangers?

A mish-mash of everyone....And strangers don't stay strangers for long. ^^

Do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?

If I make a promise to someone, I try and fufill it to the best of my abilities, though at times, RL situations come up that prevent it temporarily if not permenantly (depending on the seriousness)

And that is it, in a nutshell... ^^ <p><div style="text-align:center"> Image
(9:58:37 PM) Shinigori has entered the room.
DWSage008 (9:58:39 PM): I'm disturbed. How about you?

evil bee on air

Re: hmmm

Unread postby evil bee on air » Sun Nov 09, 2003 12:08 pm

yey! i'm so glad that you guys are still interested in helping me!
ok ... this is going to sound kind of weird ... but if you just humor me, i should have my paper to you in 2 weeks or less. *hopefully less*

- which character do you tend to use for RP's most often?
- describe him/her/it in as much detail as possible, please.
- take the test on this website: Jung Typology Test (some of you will be familiar with it, as it was posted in this community before.) please be as honest as possible. if you feel comfortable, post your "type" here, or email it to me evilbeeonair@hotmail.com.
- take the test again ... this time, respond as your character (the one that you described above) would respond. please post your "type" here, or email it to me.
- if you're feeling frisky, take the test a third time, this time not as yourself or as your character, but as your ideal self would respond. please post your "type" here or email it to me.

i know that this sounds weird ... but i swear ... it's going to be the coolest paper ever. i'm so excited about it *which is saying something!* thank you so much for your help! if you have any questions/comments for me ... feel free to email me or anything!

(btw ... it's really cool that you guys were talking about my paper and that you're so into helping me ... i seriously cannot thank you enough!)

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Re: hmmm

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:29 pm

For the record, the Jung/Myers-Briggs results are more wholly [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/frpgww60462frm11.showMessage?topicID=584.topic>here.[/url]]<span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

evil bee on air

Re: hmmm

Unread postby evil bee on air » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:03 pm

Priam, if you could please email me, that would be great ... coz i have some questions that i'd like to ask you, of a different nature. thanks.


Aw, what the hell.

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:13 pm

• How would you describe yourself?
Diabetic, member of the Baha'i Faith, Graphic and 3D artist. A little messed up mentally due to public education. I used to write a lot. Even before I came to RPGWW, I was fastidious about my grammer online.

• What could someone learn about you by looking around on your hard drive?
Well, first of all, they'd notice I'm a Mac user. I'm an artist, as evidenced by my well used pen tablet and less used scanner. I like games, most notably The Sims, Sim City 3K/4, Diablo 2x, and StarCraft. I write some too.

• Would you classify your computer as a personal space?
Oh, my goodness yes.

• How do you think people "see" you? (how do you think others describe you?)
Skinny (thanks to the Diabetes), eloquent. Other than that, not sure.

• What is your character in the RP like?
I've got a few, these are my most active ones:
-Dalis is a furry mouse. She's young, lives on the street, and doesn't like crowds. She used to be a petty theif before Ensifer took her in, and now shes a busker (Music; flute, fiddle and voice.). She also does Illimintation (Illustration of scroll work.) and caligraphy for Ensifer. In her free time, she does emboidery and cross stitch. Ensifer tought her fencing to defend herself, and she uses an epee and either a dagger or a cloak. Shes a bit eccentric too.
-Ensifer is a scholar, not a noble but upper middle class. He's an excellent fencer. His name means Sword bearer in Latin. (Note: I named this charactor before I played FF8)
-Fox LeBlanc is a furry arctic fox (White). He's an ex-mercenary, trained in sword and polearm. Now he wanders from town to town, looking for a sense of purpose and belonging.

• Would you say that the character is like you? if so, in what ways? if not, in what ways is the character different?
They're more like childeren... they all have parts that come from me, but are individuals. Dalis has my love of music, art, and a sense of Carpe Dium. She also reflects what I consider abnormal about myself. Ensifer takes from my intellectual features, and Fox most heavily represents myself in personality. I also share Fox's wish to belong in a group. Most of my charactors are fencers, because I'm a fencer. It all comes down to what I know leading to what I know I can make my charactors do.

• Does your character reveal things about you that most people wouldn't guess?
I couldn't say. I don't know what I show. I do know that I do things with my charactor that I wish I could IRL.

• Does your character have relationships? how close are his/her/its relationships?
Havn't played enough to form relationships with the ones above, but on another board, my charactors make friends. I also find that sometimes, my charactors form relationships with each other, like Dalis and Ensifer.

• Are you emotionally affected by the game? i.e. if something bad happens to your character do you feel bad? if something good happens, do you feel good?
Oh, yes. Most certainly.

• Do you feel that you've developed special skills for the game?
How to speak in chats (Short hand for what is an action,*Stabs Kobold* and saying what my charactor is thinking, IM: What the hell?), my typing skills, drawing skills for illustrating charactors, And familiarty with system for charactor creation and active RPing.

• How many hours per week do you spend on the computer?
Most of them... Five-six hours a day at least.

• Of those hours, how many are spent doing something related to the RP?
Anywhere form five to two.

---------Part 2

• Based on what you said about having multiple characters -

-- Do you feel that you are more apt to play one character over another when you are in a certain mood?

Yes. Dalis when I'm looking for social interaction, Fox when I'm moody and introspective, and Ensifer when I'm feeling cerebral.

-- do you find that people treat you differently when you are playing one character, as opposed to how they treat you when you are another character? (male character v. female character, beautiful character v. ugly character, smart v. dumb, etc)

Not really. They do treat my charactor differently.

-- You also implied that even though you are male, you have some female characters, (since i'm fairly new to RPs in general, bare with me here) is this common? when you are RPing, is it typical to not know whether the sex of the RPer behind a character matches the sex of the character?

Actually, allmost half of the chars. I've played online are female. Wierd. In real life RP's I never use female charactors, however. I also find that people genneraly do use the opposite gender, and people rarely hide their own gender.

-- Do you feel that your female characters express a different aspect of your personality that you don't get to express in similar ways in real life?
My female charactors are more unreal and extreme than my male charactors, I find. Probably because they are less like me than my male charactors, I can distance myself further from their actions. Allthough this is steryotypical of me, I prefer charactors that are more dexterous, agile, and swift than they are strong and powerful. This reflects my preferance for fencers over standard knights or swordsmen.

• Based on what you said about the time that you spend on the computer doing things related to the community -

-- could you please define the community?
The community is a group of people. This group meets on the boards, in chats over Instant Messaging, and will meet at cons (I have been unable to thus far).

-- What is this comprised of? friends? RPers? strangers?

-- Do you feel that you have a responsibility to the people that you interact with here?
Yes and no. I am not requred to show up every day and I am free stop participating if I wish (I did so at one point). However, I refuse to hurt or attack anyone here, and am responsible of the concequences if I do. If I say I will do something, I must be responsible for that.

I hope that helps. <p>From the GURPS Magic sourcebook:

When creating demons, the GM should not be bound by believablility or common sense.</p>


Heh ^^

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:34 am

Which character do you tend to use for RP's most often?

Well...There are actually 4 that I RP the most often. They are Fern, Fool, and Frian.

Fern: A long red haired elf with ice blue eyes (who always wears green) She is an illusionist and carrys a sword. She's always looking for ways to try and help people and is an all around nice, giving, caring person.

Fool: Shown here in his jestery glory :D is also a very nice person. He'd give his life to save the innocent, being especially enraged by demons. He has no memory of where he came from or his real name, though. (Currently leading up to a resolution to this in an RP ^^)

Frian: Is a bungling, clutzy, ditzy "messenger" who means well. She's depressed alot, has attempted suicide once and has died and come back (not because of the suicide attempt ^^; ) She has black hair and deep green eyes and is almost ALWAYS seen in her messenger uniform, which is all different shades of green, with a golden winged horse brooch.

Test 1- I am really quite at a loss to what much of this means, but I'll C/P it here for you.

My Type is
Introverted: 44% Sensing:1% Feeling: 56% Perceiving: 33%

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed perceiving personality

Test again

For Fern's Type:
Extroverted: 1% Intuitive: 22% Feeling: 44% Judging: 44%

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:
slightly expressed extrovert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed judging personality

Fool is:
Introverted: 33% Sensing: 1% Feeling: 33% Perceiving: 89%

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
very expressed perceiving personality

And Frian is:
Introverted: 78% Sensing: 44% Feeling: 56% Perceiving: 78%

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:
very expressed introvert
moderately expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
very expressed perceiving personality

(Whoo....Lotsa ISFPs ^_^; *chuckles* I hope all that helps you, and I look forward to reading your paper!) <p><div style="text-align:center"> Image
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