Eyes on the Past

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Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:12 pm

(OOC: I am aware other fics of mine have gone unfinished, but I have given up on those and decided to try something a little more readily available in my head. Comments and criticism appreciated greatly - in fact, I ask for such.

In case you're wondering what character I'm writing for, this is the backstory of Jameson Roulakki. Starting from Jerrin Userui's last fight.)

Chapter 1: A Bitter Path

It comes back in dreams now.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

In front of me, the huge, thorned rhino-demon stood in my path, not letting me travel through the alleyway. The iron bat he was holding in his right hand, and resting on his shoulder, seemed his attempt at trying to scare me into giving him something. But his eyes said something else. His eyes were telling me he wanted me dead.

Behind me, a red lizard-demon with spikes coming out of arms, legs... heck, some wrapped around his face like a cruel helmet.... the lizard blocked my retreat from the rhino. Even without any weapon, his spikes were menacing enough. His eyes shared the opinion of the rhino's. I was trapped.

I had always had bad feelings about this alleyway. The smell... the refuse thrown here... my minuscule relatives crawling around the whole place. All of it made me disgusted. But I had no choice but to walk that alleyway because, days earlier, someone had asked for lessons in the martial arts, and this was the only way I knew to get to where they lived.

It was a bitter path to travel, and it had just become worse. I checked for my staff. Thankfully it was there. I don't know what I would have done without it.

I leapt at the rhino with the staff out. A foolish move, but it was his fault for staying in my way. Then again, ramming the staff between the nostrils was my idea and not his.

Just as I came down, a cold scaly hand made an appearance on my shoulder. The lizard knew his friend was in danger, probably looked ready to rip an arm from me. About then, the rhino had gotten his bearings.

The rest of it I don't remember well. All I know is that there was a nasty fight. Several times my arms and legs felt cold and dense iron, as the rhino's bat was like a hammer being used by an inexperienced carpenter. Supposedly my chest was the nail he kept missing.

All else I remember of that fight was when I dropped the lizard and slammed my foot into his neck like a woodcutter slamming his axe into a fallen tree. The rhino was already down some time before, a poor example of an obstacle.

As I was starting to walk away, I noticed the rhino lifting his head. The words flowing from his mouth still echo in my mind to this day: "May this be the last."

Before I knew it, a force like a fallen boulder hit everything in my body. I could hear my bones shattering, feel the pain of the rhino's last effort to make my success a vain one.

In that moment, I realized just what my blind bravery had gotten me.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=divinegon2130>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/17/03 9:31 pm


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:40 pm

(OOC: Before I start, rather than try to represent voices with color, standard text voice will represent Jerrin, bold is for Ghakim and italic is for Nergal. But only for this episode. I'll mention my standard for whose voice is whose before each chapter.)

Chapter 2: Bitter Privilege

I lay there, in the middle of the alley, broken and battered. Unable to move, to do anything besides simply breathe, I watched and hoped.

A couple of hours later, an usagijin wearing a headband came across me. Her reaction was a stern one. "....this alley isn't for sleeping. Get up."

I let my apathy dominate the sound of my voice. "Body's broken. Asshole rhino and nimrod lizard both amb-"

Right then her eyes went wide. "WHAT??"

She didn't hesitate to pick me up, carrying me as if I were an oversized infant. She struggled with me for a while, eventually bringing me into the upper floor of a house, where I was placed on a bed.

Right then a familiar face, its sharp, normally eversmiling teeth twisted in anguish. His voice was almost like a rumble, like a boulder rolling down a cliff. "You're telling me WHAT, Nergal? That you found this guy just lying there?"

"That was what I saw, Ghakim. He mentioned a rhino and a lizard too."

"...Rax... and Kaier... they should know better than to bring innocents into this."

That was how I spent what I believed then to be my last days. In the care of Ghakim and Nergal. Being brought food and drink I considered a bitter privilege, but I had to take them as they came.

A week brought the bad news. "Bad news. There's no way we can heal him."

"You're telling me I won't be able to move again?"

"Looks like it. Dunno how long we're going to be able to take care of you."

"......find my brother. Name of Khoray. Bring him here, because I have something to tell him."

Kadrin Mk3

Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Kadrin Mk3 » Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:11 pm

I'm not a very good critic but I have to say that I liked what I read, though bigger chunks could make the fic in general flow along better. But that's just my opinion.

Good stuff! Write more!


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:07 pm

(OOC: *notes comment on writing style*)

Chapter 3: Talking to the Reaper

Soon as Khoray came, I told him the bad news. I would've waited to tell him, but I knew my days alive were numbered and just when my life would escape my body remained unknown to me. At least then. Around the tenth day, Ghakim noticed I was starting to get colder and more pale. I couldn't hear his voice when he spoke to me, and my sight was starting to cloud. After noticing me not responding, he put a hand on my forehead.

About then, I started to have a vision. Reminiscent of a nightmare I used to have when I was very little - even before the tragedy that turned my brother into a bloodsucker. I was hanging on what I discerned to be a cliff edge by only one hand. My grip was slipping and I didn't know how much longer I could hold. Voices were beckoning to me telling me to reach out my other hand. When I tried to I found that the arm wouldn't move.

Resigning myself to my hopelessness, I let go from the cliff. Just then, I looked down. The bottom of the cliff started to light up with flame and brimstone. I was falling into hell, all the way into an agonizing future.

In the middle of that fall in my vision, something caught me and stopped my fall. I felt my body halt, not like what happens with most falls where everything else in your body keeps going. I mean my whole body stopped. I got a look at what had cut my fall.

Right above, there was a small outcropping of the cliff. Upon this stood a small catgirl, her paws right under my shoulders. I couldn't recognize her at all, even despite the scythe that lay next to her. I don't remember what exactly she told me, but I know it was about 'going to the other side' or something along that line.

About then, I snapped out of my vision. I was suddenly on the roof of the house, a pair of nekojin hands clutching my sides. Weirder still, I felt... outside of myself, in a body not my own, hardly with substance. And yet the little catgirl was still able to grab me. I again asked her what was going on. She told me she had to send me 'to the other side' just like before.

I tried to get an explanation, but she let go of me for a moment. I kept asking, but she ignored me. When I saw her summon a scythe into her hands, I suddenly knew why she'd ignored me. I was a dead man talking to the reaper. It was over.

All I could do was close my eyes as her scythe went into me. And when I opened them, I hardly believed what I saw.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:56 pm

Not too shabby, Div.

A suggestion, though. Don't use special fonts for voices. Instead, let the context of the words tell the reader who is speaking. For example, tell us what Nergal's voice sounds like, then let Jerrin realize who it is. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:13 am

(OOC: *makes note of Pervy's suggestion as well*)

Chapter 4: Stars Colliding

I found myself wandering in the afterlife. A place I'd never expected to be. I felt I had to learn why I'd been given the chance to go here. The question bothered me for some time, would've eaten at my mind had I ignored it.

The meditation I had done every day while I was alive continued, but I no longer kept to such a rigid time as I had before. This lack of rigid timing made me feel more free. Yet the dilemma continued. Why had I been sent here instead of my soul just being rended apart? Was I wanted by someone?

The answers came like a kick in the balls and seemed as unlikely as stars colliding.

A while into my so-called second life, and during the meditation I had done for so long, I heard a voice. It seemed unusually high, barely recognizable as a man's voice. And all it said was, "Sir Jerrin Userui, I take it?"

Normally I wouldn't have even bothered to answer him, since I was in the middle of meditating. But this was different. The man seemed to know me even though the voice wasn't one I knew. Not only that, I had no clue why someone would seek me this much after my death. I suspected I was being stalked.

I turned to look at him.... when I realized I wasn't even talking to someone I'd have a clue of knowing. The man that had approached me seemed to have a humanoid shape, but his limbs had a lion-like build. Most of his body had golden fur, except for his shoulders and his distinct hawk-like wings, which had feathers. What I thought was most unusual was his face, shaped much like a hawk's and even having the feathers and the beak to go with it.

All I asked was, "Who're you, and how do you know me?"

His voice came again, not a hint of change in its tone. "Who I am doesn't matter. But I would say you had a lot of nerve doing what you did."

Again I spoke. "What are you talking about, and how did it draw your attention?"

He extended his left arm, turning the palm of his hand upward. "Many people would panic and surrender when surrounded like that. I've seen it before. It's too rare when someone will actually risk themselves and fight back."

It seemed a little implausible to me, but it brought a hazy thought to my mind. A man fighting alone against many people around him..... nah, that couldn't have been me. Then he continued what he was saying, a bit of scorn starting to emerge in his voice. "Particularly when it's demons. I see far too many give up to one, cowards that they are. Before your run-in, I don't think I've known anyone to fight against two. A brave one you are."

I couldn't believe it. Had I actually fought two demons alone? I probably would have if the situation arose. So I shrugged, saying, "They had it coming eventually. After all, they're just demons. Sooner or later someone's gonna get them."

The man - whatever he was - put the hand he had extended upon my shoulder. My first instinct was to push it away, but the hand made me feel unusually calm. Again, I didn't know why. The scorn vanished from the man's voice; in fact, he seemed to be speaking as if I were a close friend of his. "I'm starting to like you already."

I thought I had gone crazy. However, probably against my better judgement, I waited as he continued. "There's quite a few beings that mourn your death. I don't like the idea that most of them are quite.... dark in nature, but what would you say if I told you that you'd get another chance to be with them?"

I was simply dumbstruck. He'd given me the answer I was looking for. But how could I believe he was capable of this? I asked him, "Just what are you?"

Just then, his eyes seemed a bit brighter as his voice came. He seemed to be expecting the question. "A glynn. Which, before you ask, is a kind of celestial. Bravery is what interests me, and it's how I found out about you. Judging from your actions, you seem to be just the kind that would fit."

Almost instantly I asked, "Fit for what?"

He chuckled, seemingly expecting this question as well. "I can help you become a celestial as well, and bravery's the ideal that fits you best. Though I can't do anything unless you're willing."

He paused for a moment before adding, "So I leave the choice to you."

At this point my curiosity took over. "Please. Lead me there."


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:25 pm

(OOC: Since no one has commented on my latest segment, I'm just going to write another one.)

Chapter 5: Disappointed?

The glynn seemed more than pleased with my willingness. If there is a word to describe his reaction, it's a word that I don't know. He slowly brought the hand that had been on my shoulder down to my hand before he spoke. "Come with me, then."

He grabbed my hand and suddenly started walking away - rather than let myself be dragged, I went with him. The pace which he moved at was quick. Maybe he'd gotten a little too excited. It didn't matter too much to me, because after a while, the afterlife I recognized seemed to change. Slowly it became more vivid, relaxing..... put simply, even more peaceful than the glynn's presence alone had been. It almost reminded me of the living world I used to be a part of.... at least its better parts. The glynn picked up his pace. I would never expected a celestial, particularly one of bravery, to be so light on their feet. He was headed somewhere.

That 'somewhere' turned out to be the home of a human. At least he looked human.... until I saw his white feathered wings. An angel, I realized. I felt this was the glynn's home as well. Then the glynn stopped before the angel, who had been watching him. In a soft voice, the glynn asked, "Zeten?"

The angel responded, in a rather kind voice, "....is this perhaps the one Asoroc asked about, Taen?"

The glynn, apparently the one that the angel had called 'Taen', spoke in the same soft voice, "This is he, indeed. I was..... rather disappointed at a certain fact, but I shall leave that to Asoroc to ponder."

Seemingly knowing what 'Taen' was talking about, Zeten responded, "Very well. Allow me."

Taen let go of my hand and proceeded further into the house. Zeten, meanwhile, carefully took my hand - the same one Taen had taken - and looked at me for a moment. Finally he responded. ".....hmmm.... I see why Taen was disappointed."

Having not spoken for a while, I suddenly asked, "Huh? Disappointed?"

Zeten quickly spoke again. "We're aware of what happened to you. What disappointed Taen, and may disappoint Asoroc, was that you consorted with demons. It seems surprising that some of those demons actively tried to save you."

I was also hasty to respond - maybe a little too hasty. "Apparently they thought I was innocent, and when I tried to tell the-"

Zeten simply interjected, as if he had heard everything before. "Hated enemies of theirs. I know." He paused before adding, "Be patient. It may take Asoroc a while to get here."

I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything, he continued, "He's an angel of Purity. I've heard the question many times. We're going to let him make the decision."

I knew what decision he was talking about. I had been thinking it would all be easy and simple once I accepted. My thinking was about to be shaken.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:38 am

I find how Jerrin was left alone in the afterlife and on his own until approached by the glynn very interesting. Not a bad piece overall, and the glynn's viewpoint is well done, I think. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:33 pm

Chapter 6: Spinning

After a few minutes, Taen came back, along with another angel. A larger and more muscular one. The claymore he carried on his back gave me some suspicion. His almost booming voice, directed at Taen for the moment, didn't help. "This had better be the right one, Taen."

Taen tried to remain calm. "Relax, he is."

The angel and the glynn came fairly close to Zeten and myself before they stopped. Zeten backed off as the angel came up to me and put a hand under my chin. "This is all?"

Zeten started vouching for me, though what he said seemed like it was not much. "Please, Asoroc. Look at him closer."

Asoroc then continued looking me over. It seemed to me like his eyes were focused on Zeten a good portion of the time, though. But after a few minutes it didn't matter. Asoroc removed his hand from me and continued in his nearly-booming voice, "Well... I have to say, I AM disappointed.... though judging from what he had to deal with, and the way some of those demons actually tried to save him... it surprises me that the impure can be that way. Nevertheless, I think this one will be fine."

Taen seemed to get a little excited, but it wasn't too extreme. I figured this was because of the company he was currently keeping. Asoroc started to leave, and that is when Taen came up to me again. "Shall we?"

This is when I did something I don't recall ever doing in my lifetime. And that was stutter. "Y-y-y.... yes."

"Then come." That was all Taen said as he started to go through the house again. I followed, more out of taking an order than anything else. Eventually we reached another room, this one with a rather large table in it. I could guess what he was going to tell me next, so I went and laid down upon the table, face looking up.

Before long Taen was looking into my face. "I'm afraid I'm going to need you face down."

I obliged, after which he rested his hands on my shoulders and continued looking into my face. "This may feel a little weird. Try to relax."

He kept looking into my face, his hands still on my shoulders. I was surprised his position didn't tire him out. There was even more surprise when my body started to tingle a bit. So I asked him, "What're you doing?"

"You said you wanted to be a celestial, right?" Taen's voice would make someone think he'd asked that question far too much recently. "There are things that have to be done."

Right then, I started feeling a bit light-headed. The tingle seemed to concentrate into my face, my back, and my tail. I had no clue what it was that had to be done, and right now I didn't care. Then I could swear my world was spinning, as a light glow surrounded me. About ten minutes later, it was over. Taen lifted his hands from my shoulders and stopped looking directly into my face. His voice got quiet. "Come out when you're ready."

With that, he left the room, leaving me completely baffled.


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:20 pm

Chapter 7: Reflection

Once Taen was out of the room, I tried to get up. But my body still felt..... weird, in a way I couldn't describe with words. My muscles I could describe, though; they felt unusually weak. After some trying, I let myself slip back down.

When my snout hit the table, the noise it made was like that of a bird pecking at a tree, only louder. I knew something was up. Thus I reached up and grabbed my snout..... but it didn't seem like a snout anymore. It was more like a hardened beak. Then a bronze-ish feather fell right in front of my face.

Knowing that there were no birds in the room, I readily assumed that it was one of Taen's feathers. I tried to get up again, and had more success this time, as some of the weakness in my muscles slipped away. Slowly I leaned up from the table, and then put my feet on the ground, standing up. Surprisingly, there was no weak feeling this time.

I walked out of the room, but I felt something hit the sides of the doorway on the way out. I ignored that feeling, though. Taen was outside as predicted, watching me. "So I see you're almost ready."

"What do you mean 'almost'?" I reactively spit out.

Taen wasn't at all surprised. "You've forgotten about something."

At this point he held up what looked to me like a mirror. I was certain it wasn't reflecting me, though. What I knew is that it was reflecting something looking very close to what Taen looked like. So to find out who it was, I put my left hand to my face. The mirror double followed my move. So I turned my face to the side, and the mirror followed that too. I then realized it was indeed my reflection, and that this must have been what the tingle feeling was about.

What bothered me most about my new look was the pair of bird wings on my back. It struck me that it must have been those that had hit the door, and it was the feather of one of my wings that had fallen in front of my face. Taen kept watching me. "You see? This is what we had to do."

All I did was shrug as Taen continued. "Now follow me. You still have a bit to learn."


Re: Eyes on the Past

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:11 pm

Chapter 8: Lessons

Taen then went outside. As instructed, I followed him again, still trying to get used to the added weight on my back. As I walked, I had a feeling of doubt in my mind, as to whether this had been such a good idea. The two of us walked for what must have been a couple of miles.

Eventually, Taen and I reached a place that was mostly an expanse of grassy land, with only a few trees here and there. The trees, however, seemed to have been placed rather perfectly, adding more strange beauty to the landscape. I had no time to admire it, though, as Taen addressed me again. "As the glynn you now are, there's some things you still have to learn. That's why we're out here."

He spread his wings partially, indicating that he wanted me to do the same by nodding slightly. Having never had wings until now, I was quite confused. Apparently giving me another cue, he brought his arms in closer to his body and opened his wings fully. I decided to try the same, and when I brought my arms in closer I could feel where my wing muscles were. I closed my eyes and tried to contract those muscles.

Surprisingly, it worked, my wings fully extending. After I opened my eyes, Taen then folded his wings, again insisting I do the same. I realized what he was doing; he wanted me to get used to the wings. Knowing what was coming next, I closed my eyes and tried contracting the muscles to bring my wings in closer. This worked as well, though taking a bit more effort than extending my wings. Taen then spoke up. "Some beings in the mortal realm will try to hide their wings, thinking they are shameful. Let me advise you to be proud of them. Keep them exposed for others to see."

Taen turned around, walked over to a nearby tree, and sat down with his back to it. "Once you've gotten used to your wings, and can move them without the full concentration you've been showing, we'll move on to the next part."

I felt the need to guess. "Flying, right?"

Taen, however, only answered with a nod. Apparently he wanted me to keep my mind on the task he'd presented. With my question answered, I thus got to work adjusting to the extra muscles on my back.


Note to self: The Celestial Realms are not ALL perfect.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:59 pm

Chapter 9: First Crash

After about an hour of adjusting to my wings, I went over to Taen. The look on his face suggested he didn't think I was ready, but he simply told me, "Alright, we'll move on to the next step."

He stood up and took some steps away from the tree. Taen then flapped his wings and lifted himself into the air. I went ahead and followed what he was doing. Of course, having never used these kind of muscles before today, it was a while before I could even lift myself off the ground. It took all my effort to get as far off the ground as Taen had - which was about fifteen feet.

Once I got there, Taen told me, "Good. But this is only part of it. Follow me, and keep in mind one thing. Flying is almost like rowing a boat."

He started flying, in a direction away from that tree. I actually didn't understand what Taen's last comment meant, so naturally, when I tried to follow, I lost balance more than once. Taen slowed down to make sure I could keep up, but he was nearly out of sight before I managed to get the hang of flying. I could tell he was waiting for this, so the two of us continued flying. For him it was exercise - for me, it was basically a first time flight.

And, as I was soon to find out, it came with a first time mistake.

Later in our flight, Taen went into a sort of dive toward the tree, but not without insisting I follow him. I thought he was crazy, but in the end I followed him. Within what must have been ten feet of the tree, Taen halted and lifted, just floating above the tree. I tried the same. But I didn't stop in time, so when I tried to halt the same way Taen did, my right leg hit the highest branches of the tree.

Feeling that I'd hit something, I landed nearby to see what had happened. It wasn't until then that I felt the sharp pain in my leg, realized my leg was broken, and sat down to alleviate the pain of it. Taen landed next to me, seeing my hurt condition, and he kneeled down to reach for my leg. I was about ready to draw it back, and sternly told him, "It's BROKEN, Taen."

Taen just gave it a look, and even touched it. I reflexively drew it back, but his hand just followed my leg's movement. I didn't persist staying away - after all, every time I'd tried to resist him before it turned out to be pointless. After a while he said, "You're right. It IS broken."

At this moment his hands glowed. Almost all the times I'd seen glowing hands before, they'd preceded healing magic, so I assumed this to be it. Then curiously... my leg was glowing as well. I could feel the worst of the pain subside, but not all of it. After a while, Taen offered a hand. "All right, get up. I'll get you somewhere where we can let that leg heal."

I thought right now that he'd gone insane. But slowly I took his hand. He draped it over his shoulder and helped me get up.


Grabbing inspiration before it slips from me.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:53 pm

Chapter 10: Disturbing News

As Taen helped me back into the house - which took a while, as I still could not use my leg without risking pain - I began to wonder what it had been like for the other celestials I had seen. How they had gotten here, what their initial reactions were... those are the kinds of things I wondered.

When I was once again sitting down inside the house, Zeten came to have a look at me. The way he examined my injury, it was like he had a seventh sense about what happened. Especially since all that Taen had told him was that it had happened during flight lessons. When Zeten was done looking, he had told me the injury wouldn't take long to heal. After some silence, I decided to bring up the issue. "I've been wondering about something... Zeten..."

His attention was on me swiftly. "Yes?"

"What....... was it like for you to arri-"

I immediately stopped, as I realized the question seemed to have caught him off guard. His reaction had surprised me - I thought celestials were never supposed to show a reaction like that. I soon found out why Zeten was acting weird, as he answered, "That is..... something most of us dare not involve ourselves with. What happened then stays there."

To me, this meant I'd eventually have to forget my past. I was certainly not ready for it - and I doubted my ability to ever be that way. He continued, "Since our cases are so..... related, however-"

As soon as I heard the word 'related', I almost jumped in shock. Despite perhaps noticing my action, he did not stop speaking, even for a moment, merely adding, "-I'll give. Of these impures you dealt with, did any mention a library in northern Doma?"

I shook my head. "Not one of them."

"I should have figured. The only impure that would have been there and able to tell about it later was an assistant by the name of Marduk. Several centuries ago, the library was raided by an army of undead. I had been there at the time, and I knew that I had to help in stopping the army. Their leader was a lich, and near the end of the battle they put a ceremonial knife into her neck."

He hesitated here, and I took this chance to ask. "What happened to her then?"

"That I... did not know at the time. That was the last thing I saw before... one of the undead... s.... split..... my n.... neck." Zeten was seriously hesitating and becoming somber now, as if there were some sort of distress every time he spoke. "I... learned later..... her soul had... been trapped.... and....... I can't say more of it."

Without another word, he left the room I'd been put in. Watching him act the way he had made me realize how stupid I had been to ask such a personal question. After that incident I didn't see Zeten again for a long time. Maybe he had been worried about me asking more about the incident - after all, he had not gotten to the part where our fates had been related.


Re: Grabbing inspiration before it slips from me.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:58 pm

Chapter 11: The Return

After that incident, I never felt the same about the Celestial Realm. I spent some time thinking about it over what must have been the next few months, and I came to the conclusion that even as a celestial, I did not feel right here.

I took the first chance I got to return to the.... living world, the trip there being much less eventful than the one to the celestial realm I had endured. When I got there, I recognized Doma again, but it seemed to be in an uproar. I asked around and it seemed a war had just been won.

But among the uproar, I heard perhaps one person crying and yelling. I looked for him, and I discovered the strangest thing - it was Ghakim again. He seemed to be yelling about an End Reshiki - a name I did not remember too well at the time, though I probably should have - and asking why he had been left behind. I rushed over to try and console him, but Ghakim must not have noticed me. He headed to the nearest bar and whipped the door open. Unfortunately for me, I was right there, and he wound up hitting me with the door.

It's a funny thing, because from that time until I met Ghakim again, I don't remember a thing of what happened. The first thing I do remember ever since the hit is rather disgusting now that I think of it. Ghakim thought I'd remember myself better if I saw how I used to be - he apparently kept my body in his basement. I considered seeing it so incredibly disturbing that there are claims I did not leave Ghakim's house the night I saw the body.

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