Cervant's Diary

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Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:36 am

OMG new literary effort from Shini? Hoorj! :(

From the journal of Cervant L. Amanziani, Daughter of Frederick W. Amanziani, former Grand General of Barius-

Reshtara 12, 1300

Dear Dairy-

I'm afriad I don't quite know how to best start this, though Father said that I write in this book as if I where writing to a friend, and all friends know eachother's names, right? I'm Cervant Lyone Amanziani, and I'm currently 7 years old, and I live in Barius, in the City of Storms with my father and brother. I'm writing here because Father asked me to- He said it would help me 'come out of my shell', whatever that means. I think he's referring to my not having many friends. I don't think he knows how hard it is when half of the people I know make fun of me, and I'm afraid to speak to the other half- They might make fun of my stutter. I don't see why he doesn't concern himself with Griff as much as he does me- Griff hardly ever says a word to anyone, and when he does speak, it's often harsh and rude...I love him, I love them both, deeply, but...Well, sometimes Griff scares me. He's too quiet. As if he's trying to hide something. And Father is too busy worrying about me to notice. Griff said once that I remind Father of Mother....

...Mother. I wish I knew her. She died the day I was born, I never so much as got to see her face. Father says I look just like her, but I'd still have liked to know what she really looked like. I suppose that that's why he worries so much about me- I look just like Mother did. Well, my hand is begining to ache, and my candle is dying, so I suppose I should stop now. Good night, diary.

Reshtara 15th, 1300

Dear Diary-

I feel awful. No, worse then awful. I don't think that there even is a word for how bad I feel right now. I suppose it may help to write a bit about what happened, but...I'm not sure if I really want to...Oh well. I suppose I should just suck it up and write about it anyway, if nothing else than to vent emotions. Griff got in a fight today. A fight with a bigger boy- Two, actually- and got badly hurt. And it's all my fault.

You see, I mentioned being made fun of in my last entry because of my stutter. I can't help it. It just happens. But I let it get to me more than I should, so I get teased about it alot. Today was a bad day for that- Alot of the other children at the academy where teasing me. Then the boys came- I think their names where Ivan and Antony- and began on me...I began to cry. I couldn't hold it any longer. One of Griffs friends, maybe Miguel (I had seen him in the group earlier- Not teasing, simply observing) must have told him, because he ran from nowhere and punched the bigger one- Ivan, I think- in the face. The laughter stopped, and Ivan simply looked at Griff as if he were either trying to figure out if he had really been punched, or if he was trying to decide if Griff was sane. He and Griff stared eachother down, Miguel came to stand guard over me, probably at Griff's request, but Antony seemed to have run off...Ivan raised his fist twards Griff, Griff simply let it hit him, trying to be the big, tough guy he likes to think he is, but it hurt him- I could see it in his eyes, even though Miguel was telling me not to watch. Griff raised his fists, Ivan did the same- and they began fighting. Before anyone knew what happened, Antony reappeared behind Griff. Miguel tried to warn him, but it was too late- Antony had a knife, and he used it to cut deep into Griffs back. I can still hear Griffs cry in my mind- Playing over and over, like the time Hanger fell in the pit and kept calling for help until Father arrived. I hadn't ever seen Griff in such pain, I thought he might just die right there, leave Father and I- Like Mother had years ago. I felt so powerless, I had no way to help him. Miguel quickly went and fetched a healer, as I stood, watching, crying as Griff tried desparatly to do something about the deep cut in his back.

It's all my fault. Had I been stronger, had I not given in and cried...Griff wouldn't have been hurt. I hate to see people get hurt like that. I hate to see people fight. I hate violence.

Reshtara 20th, 1300

Dear Diary-

I think I've found my calling in life.

Father says it's nonesense- Girls don't know what they want to do until well into their lives. But I truely think I know what I want to do- I want to study and become a healer.

I spoke to the woman who helped Griff the day Antony cut him. She told me such interesting things! Did you know that the magic we refer to simply as "Healing magic" here is called "White Magic" on the mainland? It's also holy, or so the woman said. Father says it's nonsense- No Barian could ever use 'holy' magic. He says the gods hate us. It's why we're forced to live on our island, in our cities of eternal rain, snow, wind, and icy-rocks. It's why they sent the demons to kill our ancestors. It's why Mother was taken from us, why I stutter, why Griff is so eerily quiet. I don't beleive him, though. I know I should, because he's my father, but....I don't. Anyhow, I spoke with her for awhile, and she said anyone with magical talent can learn the art of Healing Magic. And if I knew Healing Magic, I could help Griff the next time he gets hurt. Just as he tried to help me when I was being made fun of. She even gave me a small book on it- She said that if I read it carefully, I should be able to cast a small healing spell, to heal things like paper-cuts, or scrapes. It's not much, I suppose, but it's a start. Father, however, wants me to continue my studies into Lightning magic. I don't know why he wants his daughter to be able to summon lightning- There's enough in this city as it is. But for right now, I think I'm going to go get started on my studies. Wish me luck, diary!

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 10/7/03 12:39 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:46 am

Needs more inconsiquential details, like lunch and little things in the day.

Aside from that, I like it. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:54 am

not much critiquing from der Jason. But I likes. Do more, please! :D



Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:16 pm

Cervant is a very articulate seven-year-old. ^_^

But me approves.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Wooters!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:26 pm

I could see Cervant begin articulate; it fits in her overall character.

Now an entry from Griff... >:D <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Wooters!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:18 am

Reshtara 24th, 1300

Dear Diary-

Sorry for writing so late, though I havn't had much privacy today. You see, it's my birthday, so people have been keeping me from my privacy all day. I don't intend to sound rude, but sometimes it's a bit much. We've had more visitors today than we've ever had. So many people brought gifts, it's a bit embarassing to know so many people think of me enough to know what today was. I think Griff told, as even Miguel visited. He and Griff gave me a pair of books- One on Healing Magic, and another on something called 'Benediction' magic. I have no idea what that is, but it sounds interesting. One of fathers associates, I think it was Mr. Zalinakina, gave me a staff...He said "No healer should be without a staff", and did that laugh that makes me laugh myself. Father brought home some gifts from King Lezone, which surprised me. They where some pretty looking white robes decorated in red triangles, Father said it was a fasion for healers in Doma, and though they're a little big, I'd grow into them in time. Though of all of them, I think I like Father's the best- It's a painting of me and a woman I've never seen before...I like it because Griff and Father tell me that the woman is mother...And I guess the painting is the closest I'll ever get to actually seeing her.

I think for now, I'm going to go practice my magic a bit more. I think I'm getting better!

Istara 2nd, 1301

Dear Diary-

I did it! Today I actually did it! I used Healing Magic! I've never felt so good in my entire life! It was an incredible feeling, knowing I had helped someone. Griff, no less! Both he and Father say they're very proud of me...Except something about the look in Griff's face as he said it made me think otherwise. He looked...Annoyed. Maybe even a little mad. I wonder why? Was it because I didn't use a spell from the book he gave me? Or that I picked up magic more quickly than he did? I guess it doesn't matter much...

Anyway, I went to visit the woman at the healers again to return her book. She said it would be a little hard at first, but with enough practice, it would be alot easier. She also showed me a couple of neat tricks, too, like making her hands glow white, purifying toxen, and setting up barriers and stuff. She said the last one was actually called Benediction...I think that was the name of the book Miguel gave me. But she also showed me it could be used to destroy as well as mend- She demonstrated by using her magic to shoot a beam at a glass container and broke it. I don't understand, though. Why use Healing Magic to destroy?

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/11/03 5:03 am

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Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:56 am

I approve muchly. :D The idea of Cervant in a white mage outfit makes me wish I could draw better. Fanart ahoy!

Anywho, more please.

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 08, 2003 4:51 pm

In an oversized outfit, at that.

Grooviness. Continue, yo. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:20 pm

Istara 12th, 1301

Dear Diary-

Today was so exciting! I got to meet the king! Father took me to see him so I could thank him for his gifts. He's such a nice man! Father told me that they where old friends from a long time ago. He wasn't even insulted when I acidentally mentioned out loud how dark his skin was- He said it was because he spent alot of time outside the city, where the sun shone. Why would anyone want to do that? The sun is just hot, I don't think it can really make your skin change colors! After meeting with the King, Father took me on a tour of the castle. I got to see places like Fathers office, and the Kings bedroom...He also showed me the Water Dungeon, and told me they where thinking of making it something different- they hadn't had any use for it in a long time, or something, and the Spire on top of the castle. Father said that lots of men died to get it put up there, but in the end, it would attract alot of the lightning and make things safer for the people living in the city. It was beautiful- It stood high on the castle, poking the sky, and was lit up by the lightning alot. Something about it, though, scared me...I don't know what, though.

Also, when we got home, I tried using some of that Benediction stuff. I'm not very good yet- I don't think it did anything. Father tells me to keep trying, but Griff....He's started to become angry when I bring it up...He snapped at me yesterday when I tried on the robes King Lezone gave me. Father says he's just in a bad mood about something, but I get the same feeling when I look at Griff that I did when I saw the Spire....But I'd best start on my schoolwork now. My instructors at the Academy don't like it when work is late!

Date: Dunno.

Deer Daire-

If you couldent tel, Im haveing Griff rite 4 me tonite. I hert my hand at schol today so it herts to rite. Aneway, i tried more of my bennydickshun majik today. I still cant get it to werk. Dad sez to keep triing and ill get it someday but i wish i culd get the hang of it soonir. Also, griff is cool. he is the coolest ever. i wish i could be just like him when i get older, and not be some stupid hea

Ishtara 24th, 1301

Dear Diary-

I really wish I hadn't asked Griff to write for me. As you can see, he's not the best writer in Barius, and I caught him writing things that I didn't ask him to..I don't understand what's going on with him...I wish he'd just support me like he did when I first decided to become a healer, and not be difficult like he is now. Anyway, my hand is much better, but it still hurts to write a little...I should pick up on writing again soon, I hope. Until then.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/11/03 5:03 am

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:30 pm

*feeds the ego and requests more ficcy goodness* <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Oct 11, 2003 3:36 am

Gaerara 10th, 1301

Dear Diary-

I saw the most beautiful thing today! I woke up, and it was the strangest thing...I didn't hear the rain! Everything was quiet...At first it scared me a bit, but I got up the courage to look out the window...The rain had turned to snow! I had seen snow before, in Blizzardia, but never in the City of Storms before...It's so beautiful. Father says that if the rain turns to snow long enough, it may begin sticking to the streets! Griff promised to take me sledding if that happens. He says it'll be fun...Even Griff seems like he's in a good mood today. I hope it never stops snowing, if it means Griff'll be in a good mood.

Father and I went for a walk earlier. He made me wear my heavy coat and one of those funny hats with the flaps that cover your ears. He said he didn't want me to catch cold....Though it seems silly. Why blame the cold if you get sick? Isn't that caused by things like bugs, and not washing your hands before you eat? Anyway, we went by the castle. It was so pretty, covered in just a little bit of white powder. Even the river running under the castle seems to have calmed a bit from the snow. The city just seems so much happier now. I never want it to end.

Gaerara 15th, 1301

Dear Diary-

It's been five days, and the rain still hasn't returned. I think I'm begining to adjust to the silence at night, even if the house is alot colder than usual. It's gotten to the point where it's begining to pile in the streets a little- Father says its coming too fast for it to melt before its covered by more. The headmaster at the Academy decided to allow us the day off, he said that this type of weather should be enjoyed- Even he thinks it's peaceful. Griff complains that if we wanted snow, we should move to Blizzardia, but Father says we need to stay here for his work. He also said Griff would complain that it doesn't rain enough there...Then Griff gave father a look. I hadn't ever seen Griff give anyone a look like that. Father was obviously joking, but...Griff still looked at him with a kind of dislike...Maybe even a hate...I didn't want to see them fight, so I left...A bit later, I heard Griff run into his room and slam the door. He hasn't come out scince, not even to eat dinner when Father made it.

I hope he's okay...

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/11/03 5:04 am

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Oct 11, 2003 4:51 am

It almost seems to be more about Griff than Cervant...

Anyhow, kudos or whatever. <p>
I am an <s>arrogant</s> elitist bastard.

And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:04 pm

Me likies. :{ More. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: Cervant. Wai.

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:58 pm

Gaerara 21st, 1301

Dear Diary-

I'm so excited! Father just got through speaking with an old friend of his about getting us a new house. The one we have now is nice, but...Father says it's too big for just the three of us, and it's too far from the castle for Fathers tastes. He said we've been invited to live in the castle with King Lezone, but he declined- Even the Grand General should live outside of the castle, plus he said it would be better for Griff and I to grow up in a real house. He says we'll go look at the new house tomorrow...I hope there's someone nearby to play with. Father says that it's a bit closer to Miguels house, so Griff and I could go play with him more often, except...He's Griff's friend. Not mine. Aleksei tries to be nice, but I can tell he really wants to play with Griff. I wish they wouldn't act like my friends if they didn't really want to be...I think I understand why Father asked me to write here now, thinking about that. But for now, I need to go. Fathers calling me for dinner.

Fried mushrooms again. Yuck.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/18/03 10:49 pm

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Oct 18, 2003 10:38 pm

Ashura 10th, 1305

Dear Diary-

Sorry for not writing in so long. Things got a little hectic during the move to the new house, and this book got packed away with quite a few others in the attic. I just found it yesterday when I was looking for an old novel Father asked me to look for. Anyway, I suppose I should update you on what's happened the last...Four years. Father's doing well, although he began acting strange not long ago, though sometimes he goes through phases where he's not quite himself. Griff is as quiet as he ever has been, he's calmed down quite a bit scince his outbursts of anger around when I last wrote. As for me, I'm still practicing white magic to an extent, although not as much as I used to- It's had to take a back seat to my studies, and the fact that Father wants me to begin learning how to use a sword, dispite the fact that I don't want to learn.

I think I'm a bit weird that way....Most Barians love fighting. Father says it's in our blood. But...I don't. I hate it. I don't think I'd ever fight unless I had to...I've been noticing it for awhile. I don't quite fit in here...I don't like fighting, I hate weapons, I hate seeing people hurt...But everyone else seems to love it. I sometimes wonder what makes me different from the others....Sometimes, it doesn't seem fair to me that I'm the only one who thinks this way. How come everyone has to be the same, and I'm the only one who's different?

Ashura 16th, 1305

Dear Diary-

Today, I met the girl who may very well be my first real friend! Although I don't know how to spell her name yet, so I'd prefer not to even try, I know it starts when an N. She's a couple years younger than I am, and she lives in the castle with the King! And the best part is she knows White Magic, too! Father says that he's known her for years, he and the King found her outside Blizzardia a few years ago. Father got a really odd look in his eyes while he was talking about it. I heard him say under his breath that "She's lucky she is who she is, or she'd have frozen to death"....I wonder what he meant by that? Anyway, she reminded me alot of how I used to be...She was real quiet and shy, and didn't want to look me in the eye when I talked to her. Like she was hiding from something. I hope I get to see her again soon!

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/18/03 10:50 pm

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Oct 18, 2003 11:39 pm

Bwee! :D <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Oct 19, 2003 12:59 am

THE MASSES WANT MORE! :( <p><div style="text-align:center">

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Oct 19, 2003 11:55 am

Loving it, do more.
Also: Young Nezetta, WAI! :D <p>_______________

Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.</p>

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:03 pm

Ashura 21st, 1305

Dear Diary-

I never knew how much so many people in Barius had in common. I spoke with Father on it earlier today, and he said he could only think of a few people who really stood out as being different. When I asked him who, he could only think of two...The girl from the castle that I met before (Although he wouldn't tell me how she was different- She seemed pretty normal to me.), and a man who arrived from somewhere else who used to be...Some sort of slime creature or something. Father said he used to be in the army, but wasn't sure if he still is. He also said that he had a son who was just a couple years younger than me. I'd like to meet him someday- One of the few Barians that stands out. I wonder what his son's like? I'd bet he looks just like everyone else, but I wonder if he acts like it? I guess I'll have to wait till I meet him to find out. Whoever he is, though, he doesn't attend the academy...I'm sure it's probably just because he's shy. Though Fathers asking me to stop writing for now and get started on dinner- He's finally letting me cook! Hope I don't set anything on fire, like Griff did that one time...

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 10/19/03 4:15 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:09 pm

Image I never heard of this guy...

Nice bit, Shini. More please. ^^ <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:44 pm

More more more.

More. <p>
<small><center><font color=navy>Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again, learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in</font>

{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {Fantasy Dragon Oekaki}</small></center></p>

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby ValkyrieShan » Sun Oct 19, 2003 6:50 pm

*What Dia said*


Pretty please?

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Re: Cervant's Diary

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Nov 02, 2003 3:18 am

Proteara 1st, 1305

Dear Diary-

Doing a bit more investigation into my latest interest, I've discovered that many Barians truely are the same! It's sad, really...All alot of us seem to care about is fighting....Why do so few dispise it? Both Father and Griff love to fight...So why don't I? What makes me different from everyone else? Again, Father just says I'm special...But I know that part of him is a little disappointed that I don't go out of my way to hit something when it bothers me....I think he thinks that I'm a coward, really...And it hurts, at times. I wonder how mother'd feel?....I wonder if Mother was like every other Barian, or if she was 'special', like me? Father didn't want to talk about it, and Griff wouldn't give me a straight answer. It's like they're both avoiding it...That's the other thing that's bothering me. At lunch today, I tried to speak with them, and neither really wanted to beyond a few words. Did I do something to displease them? I've also noticed that they give eachother looks alot...Not nice ones. Like the look Father gave the merchant after he tried to overcharge him for firewood over the winter. I hope that they're okay...

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 2/11/04 3:49 am



Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:36 pm

Keep writing of our wai wai chibi angel.

And as for looks...

Yfandes: ..Griff. STOP MAKING EYES AT THE MILKMAN! I thought you were STRAIGHT, dammit! eVe;;

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:28 pm

Falisara 13th, 1309

Dear Diary-

Again, I fear I've allowed school work and other such things from preventing me from writing, though I can't honestly say in the last few years I've been tempted to write of my days. Very few things of note happened (One of the only things that comes to mind at the moment is Griff joining the army, and being promoted to the Executioners.), and I've been busy with a few other things, but today, things changed.

A man arrived in the City today. Quite an interesting man, really....Though his name escapes me at the moment. He spoke with Father for some time at the castle, apparantly, until Father brought him to our home for a more personal conversation...It's strange. He left hours ago, yet I can still see him in my minds eye. I must admit, although he was quite interesting (I hadn't ever heard of anyone with orange eyes before), something about him was...Unsettling. Like the feeling I used to get when I looked at the Spire...He also had a way of talking that seemed as if ice hung off his every word, though Father didn't seem to notice. But enough about that.

Father and I live alone now, Griff's moved into the barracks near the castle. Father says the rigidness will do him well- I fear it will do him too well. At Fathers request, I've picked up learning the art of the sword a bit- Not like Griff has, of course (I don't think I could ever manage two longswords at once), but I've been practicing with Father's broadsword the past few weeks. I must admit...I like the encouragment he gives...And he reassures me that someday it'll help, but...I can't see when. Oh well....Now, I must stop for the evening- Scince Griff left, I've become cook of the house...Not that I wasn't before, unless we wanted charcoal for dinner.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 2/11/04 3:49 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Nov 15, 2003 6:22 am

Getting interesting. *Nods*

I'm really intrigued to see where you go with this particular bit. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.


Re: Nyao?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:11 pm

Indeed. Write more. And the note about charcoal for dinner just amuses me somehow. =D

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:38 pm

Falisara 17th, 1309

Dear Diary-

That same man came again today. He spoke with Father a bit....And Father didn't seem to like it. I tried to confine myself to my room to study, but it was hard to ignore Father yelling like that. I feel bad about it now, but I went to check on them, and...Father was on his feet, screaming at the man, while the man sat calmly, smiling just a little. Eventually, he simply stood and left. Although he seemed about the same size as Father....Father still seemed put off by him. As if this man were capable of besting him in every way possible. And as he left...He looked up at me...And smirked, like he knew something I didn't...Honestly, Diary...I'm scared.

Apparantly, Griff was here, too. He accompanied the man father was shouting at...I wonder why he didn't come say hello? I guess he was just a bit busy. I wonder what he was doing, though...Father says he simply wandered the house a bit, as if he hadn't been here in years. I would've liked to see him...But on the bright side, he gave Father a message that I should meet him for lunch tomorrow. I wonder why?

Anyway, when I asked Father later what he was yelling at, he told me to put it out of my mind. He said it wasn't something I should worry about, and I should just put it out of my head. I try, but....Whenever I close my eyes, I can still see that man...His white hair falling over his face in the rain, his orange eyes glaring at me, his mouth twisted in that all-knowing smirk....I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, though I know I should try anyway. Good night, Diary.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 2/11/04 3:49 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:31 am

You know...I am really waiting to see the grand confrontation between Fred and the "visitor".

Also, whom else does Cervant interact with? How do those other people interact with each other that she knows of? So far, it's mostly just family. What of friends, instructors, servants, and the like?

Aliester: That bitch stole my smirk >:

Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:07 pm

Falisara 20th, 1309

Dear Diary-

It's been three days scince I've seen the man, and I still can't get his image out of my head. Under normal circumstances, I'd say I had an infatuation with him....But I'm certain this isn't the case. Although I may not know quite what such things feel like, I don't think I could possibly be attracted to such a cold man.

Now, to get off that topic...Father hired a couple new employees to help around the house. I call them "Employees", because I absolutly abhor the term "Servent"...Some people would say that's ironic, given how close it is to my name, but...I don't like the idea of one person being forced to work for another. It seems unfair. Anyway, they're an elderly couple, in their sixties, I'd say...Watt and Maries. Both seem very nice, and I almost feel as if I've known them for some time. Maybe I'm just reaching for a grandparent I never had? However, I'm getting off topic. Watt is going to do some of the more mundane things- Run errands, retreive things around the house when Father is too preoccupied to get them himself, and so on. Maries is going to be our new cook. I'm glad she's going to cook for us, too- Her cooking is likely some of the best I've ever had, and she's promised to avoid using those awful mushrooms when she can avoid it. It's strange, though...She commented on my looks (She said I'm far too skinny, and should eat more)...And it didn't bother me at all. I suppose it was the way she said it. Oh well.

Also, I saw Nezetta earlier, and I'm pleased to say she was quite well. In fact, I've never seen her that happy. She said she had finally found someone she really admired. I'm happy for her, but I wonder who it is? I suppose I should've asked, but she seemed to be in a hurry. I didn't bother to ask why, though...Her outfit was begining to depress me (Far too much black for my tastes. I thought someone she knew had died, at first.). Another day, I guess.
For now, I think I'm going to go talk to Maries again for a little while, and see if I can't get a bit of help for my cooking...Not that I'll need to anymore, but it will still be fun to learn. Bye!

Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:02 pm


A fine amount of background detail, adds a good deal, it do.

Waiting to see what comes of it.

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Feb 05, 2004 2:06 pm

Falisara 26th, 1309
Dear Diary-
I'm scared. I think I might've done something terrible, but I'm to frightened to make sure. It seems as if the world's turned upside down, and I have no choice but to try and bear the confusion. Everyone's panicking, even Father...Even Griff. I've had to lock myself in my room to try and clear the confusion, but it doesn't seem to be working. I suppose I should write what happened, and try to organize my thoughts...

It started like this: Griff and I had to push back our lunch meeting we had schedualed about a week ago for today. Lunch itself was...Very uneventful. We barely even spoke. However, after lunch, Griff wanted to head out into Tsunami Field for a walk, and he wanted me to come...So I did, hoping it would help him open up a bit, and give me a chance to say some things...But when we got there, there was a strange man waiting for us. He was covered from head to toe in black armor, with a visor covering his face, and he had...I think Father called them "Morning Stars" before. Anyway...Before I knew what was happening, the man charged us. Griff seemed to...Watch, for lack of a better word (He didn't seem shocked, nor did he really seem to care). Then, he seemed to come to his senses, and moved in to help me...But the man was too much for him. Griff got in a few blows, and tried using some of his magic (I don't know why, but dispite the fact that it was fire magic...It made me feel cold.), but the man kept coming. He knocked Griff to the ground, and raised his weapon....And I attacked him. I didn't want to see Griff get hurt, and I allowed myself to act on impulse...I attacked him with my Lightning magic. It was awful...I could hear the electricity crackle between his skin and his armor, and he fell to the ground...I suppose he landed on something, because I heard something shatter as he fell.

Anyway, Griff told me to run home, and stay there until Father got home, and he'd take care of everything...So I did.

When I got home, Father was already home...He, too, was attacked. But not by an armored man....By the white haired man he'd been speaking with for some time. Father was quite wounded, so I quickly attended to him as he retold his story. He was simply doing a bit of work, when he heard a noise from the platform the Spire rests upon. When he went to investigate...The man appeared out of nowhere, with his sword drawn. He and father fought for some time, until it seemed the man had gotten the best of him...And Father says he's not sure how, but...He managed to knock the man off the roof. Weither the man is dead or alive, I fear for Father's sake..Not to mention Griff's and my own.

...I think everything that's happened has gotten to me. I'm begining to feel as if I have to vomit. I supposed I should stop and rest now. Good night, Diary.

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 2/11/04 3:48 am


Re: Nyao?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:32 am

Oh dear.

I like how this is all portrayed still, and the way she talks about the fight scene has a certain sort of ring to it, like how it would actually be if you WERE writing in a diary. I don't know why, but that just sticks out at me.

Write more, bastich.

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:48 am

Tunara 1st, 1309

Dear Diary-

I feel as if I'm constantly writing bad news...But I'm afraid that there's not much else to report.

Todays news...The white haired man has returned. He somehow survived being thrown from the castle roof by Father, and...Not only that, but he's taken Father's job. He had come home while I was out doing a bit of shopping (We were running low on a couple nessessities; firewood and the like.), and he was rather hurt...He told me over dinner (A nice beef dish with some sort of cabbage, rather nice, although greatly soured by the conversation) that he had been given his official release papers by the white-haired man himself. Apparantly, father attacked him in a fit of rage and...Was unable to so much as land a blow. He said he could almost feel the man taunting him, although words were never actually spoken. He continued on to say that the man toyed with him a bit (Father was getting quite worked up at this point, Watt had to hurry and get him a drink from Father's office to calm him down), before suddenly releasing a barrage of quick, sharp blows with a small knife at Father. Needless to say...I got a bit of practice with my white magic in tonight. Though I wish it wasn't nessessary.

I wish I had been home when Father returned, so he wouldn't have had to wait on me...But I feel horrible asking Maries and Watt to do such things for us. They do so much already, I feel as if I should help out more. Of course...Had I gone earlier in the day, rather than lounging around the house reading all morning, I could've been home for him. But of course, I had to be lazy. I feel awful, even though everyone else tells me not to. But I know how I can make it up to him...I go and personally talk to King Lezone, and see if I can talk him into giving Father his job back!

Tunara 2nd, 1309

Dear Diary-

Well...I did what I could. I felt as if I did well...But I'm uncertain of what good I truely did. I went to the castle this morning...I even managed to get an audiance with the King...But that man decided he was going to stand in on it. Neither could explain exactly why Father's job was taken from him, other than something about needing "fresh blood to get things moving"...The way he said it made me feel quite uneasy, a feeling that wasn't helped when he refused to clarify what he meant when I asked. However...They showed some kindness to us. King Lezone is still going to pay Father as a consultant (A gesture which made the new man, general...Vaniyakna, I think it was) cringe. He whispered something to the King immediatly following that I couldn't quite catch...But that only made me feel more uneasy. They quickly seemed to get into a small squabble...And I was excused before it got too out of hand. As I left, I saw Nezetta again, and I tried to greet her, but...She ignored me, as if I wasn't even there. I wish I knew why...

After my talk with the King, I went home for a short while. Father had gone out to speak with some old friends of his to see if anything could be done, and had given Maries and Watt the day off...So it was a rare treat having the house to myself. I took advantage of the quiet to finish the book I started some time ago, and curl up with a new one- "In the rain", by Leo Glinskalski. I'm fairly sure I remembered Father saying he met him, once, but I'll have to ask again to be positive.

I lost myself in the book, so much so that I missed father's return. But I was brought back to reality when Griff charged into the house. For once, he actually looked...Happy. He said he had been assigned to a "Diplomacy mission" in Doma. Father spoke of Doma, how it was nice, but not where we belonged. He'd speak for hours on why we didn't need their trade, and how we'd avoid contact with them as much as possible...But most of it didn't make sense to me. Anyway...The way Griff spoke, I could tell he was quite proud of himself. But something about the way he said "Diplomacy" was unsettling to me. It gave me the same feeling I'd not gotten in awhile, a type of cold, unrelenting terror, like the feeling you'd get while waking up from a night terror and stumbling around in the dark for a loved one to cling to...The same type of feeling the white-haired man gives me. But for now, I'm going to begin on dinner. I hope to use some of the techniques Maries tought me to create something to help Father take his mind off the recent troubles...And maybe get Griff to change his mind, scince Maries says the best way to keep a man in place is to feed him well.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:07 am


One ponders what role Cervant will have in the future. Will she stay part of the household, or perhaps go out and do stuffs?

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Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:25 am

Reshtara 12, 1312

Dear Diary-

I apologize for the recent lack of entries, though things at home have been...Chaotic. You see, in the last months, there have been...Many changes. The white haired man, Vaniyakna, has taken up Father's position as Grand General completely, and King Lezone seems...Changed by it. I've not been able to speak with him since that day so long ago, but...Well, as I was out looking for a new book this afternoon, I counted at least thirty soldiers in the streets. He's building up the army...Not to mention the navy. Not even Father knows what's going on...

Speaking of Father, he's doing well...Or as well as can be expected. Griff has returned to visit, so he's a bit on edge. He's still seen as a bit of a minor celebrity...And I suppose I'm one, myself, although I don't feel it, nor do I even want to be considered one. Although Father...He IS getting a bit upset over it. Mostly due to the loss of respect, though...Everyone seems to think that Sir Vaniyakna is doing a much better job than Father ever did...Although I have a horrible feeling about things.

However, I must go for now. Griff said he needed to speak with me. I'll write more later, if I can find the time.

Reshtara 16th, 1312

Dear Diary-

Have you ever had a feeling of foreboding? That, as bad as things seem...They're going to get worse? I've been getting that since Griff spoke to me the other day. I found him in Father's office, gazing at a display of weaponry Father had collected over the years. When I asked what he wanted to talk about...He seemed to not realize what I meant at first. He managed to pull his attention off the weapons long enough to ask how my practice with my lightning magic, and my swordsmanship was doing...He seemed rather pleased when I told him I hadn't had too much practice recently, due to other concerns. (Mainly helping Maries and Watt around the house, so that I don't feel bad for simply sitting around as they work) He seemed...Pleased. However, the look in his eyes...Something wasn't...Right...

I think I'm going to take a walk now, to clear my head. If I can manage, I'll continue later.
Reshtara 18th, 1312

Dear Diary-

My feeling of foreboding has turned into a feeling of sheer terror. Father called Griff and I into his office earlier to inform us he would be going on a trip to see an old friend in Blizzardia soon. He said he would be gone for at least three days, but he hoped to be home in time for my birthday...But I honestly don't want him to leave. I know it sounds childish, but...I'm afraid something will happen while he's gone. Griff, however, didn't seem to even be paying attention- His eyes were caught on fathers war hammer, given to him by King Lezone as a retirement gift when he forced Father to leave. I honestly don't know what's going on with him, but...It frightens me. I'm sure it's obvious by my writing, but I'm trembling even now, just thinking about it. I've tried reading, but...That does little to calm my nerves. It simply makes me more aware of sounds breaking the silence...And I jump at just about every one now. Even the thunder, which once served as my lullaby, is startling me.

I'm sorry, Journal, but I need to calm myself before continuing.

Resh- 20th, 1312

If anyone receives this message, please, for the love of the Storm, get help. I'm trapped in my room in the Amanziani home. I've locked the door and barricaded it as well as I can, but I don't think it'll be much use. My brother, Griff, has gone berserk. I can hear him, even now, smashing things down stairs with that war hammer. Please, I beg of you, get the soldiers, and bring them...I pray the cover of this book will protect the pages...I can hear him in the kitchen now. He's moving closer to me...Gods, I'm so scared...Oh, gods. Oh, dear gods, help me, he's coming up the stairs! Please, please don't let him break down the barrier I've put up! Gods, I can hear him in the hall right outsi

(Edit: Rewrote a bit of it to fit and sound better, and added a bit of what Pervy suggested.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 3/3/04 4:11 am

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The end? :O!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:21 am

Reshtara 22, 1312

Dear Diary-

I'm afraid this is going to have to be my final entry. I'm sure you can guess what happened...Griff broke down the barricade. It's haunting me...How could he have known how to use that warhammer well enough to break it down the way he did?...Anyway, I managed to run past him, but...he caught me. I ran as long as I could, but it was no good. I tripped, and before I knew what was happening, I felt pain...Horrible pain all over my body. Father says I was lucky I passed out...I woke up at a healers...Thinking about it, I think it's the same one Griff was brought to so long ago, when his back was cut...They say I'm going to be okay...But I can hear them speaking with Father outside, where they think I can't hear...I can't be healed for some reason. They've tried, and...I've tried against hope, myself, but...It doesn't work. The magic has no effect...I'm dying. They've given me two days at best...I don't know if I'd give myself that much time...It hurts. Every beat of my heart hurts...They told Father that one of my ribs snapped and punctured it...Along with another two in my lungs.I suppose you're wondering how I'm writing now...The truth is, I'm not. One of the apprentice mages at the healers took pity and allowed me to dictate this to him. Now I'm afraid...I feel that sleep is trying claim me again...And I'm not sure if I'll wake up this time. Even if I don't, I'll assuredly be lacking the strength to make another entry. Thank you for listening all these years, Diary. And Father, if you read this, know that I was never happier than when I was spending time when you and Griff. I love you both with all my heart, despite all that's happened, and I hope you can be happy with whatever your lives give you. Goodbye.

Cervant L. Amanziani

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 3/4/04 4:53 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyao?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:59 am

-"Bye for now, Diary."

Sounds too causal and slangy for Cervant.

-"Griff, however, didn't seem to even be paying attention- His eyes were caught on fathers war hammer, given to him by Lezone for his 45th birthday."

Hmmm...Lotta birthdays all of a sudden. I would think that one would get something like that as a sort of token for doing some sort of task.

Aside from these points, interesting. I might suggest having her note something like Cervant intending to toss the Journal out the window in hopes of someone finding it it; and hoping the covers will keep the rain from ruining her message.

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*Kicks it up a notch- And by that, I mean "Revives"

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:44 am

Date unknown, 1313(?)

Dear Diary-

I'm not quite sure how to begin this entry, as not only has something incredibly strange happened, but I'm also being forced to start a new book, but it seems I'm not dead after all. As strange as it may sound, I slipped into unconciousness at the healers, and now it would seem that I've awoken in Doma, although I cannot say for sure. All the buildings look rather foreign, and the skies are clear. That's something no city in Barius can boast. Honestly, I have no idea how I got here. I'd assume I was brought here to receive better treatment...If not for the fact that I feel fine. Actually, I feel better than fine. I feel great! Healthier than I've been in a long time, at least. I feel a bit more energetic than I have in a long time, too. The only thing I can really even say that hurts is my back, and that's more of a feeling of something missing than actual pain.

Anyhow, I've found some of the people here to be quite friendly and helpful, one man even giving me a bit of money when I explained what had happened as well as I could (While withholding a few certain details here and there, both to keep myself from breaking down and looking insane). I think his name was Will. A very interesting man, I hadn't ever met anyone like him before. He seemed to know Griff somehow, too. Apparantly, he's in Doma somewhere!

It's strange, though. Wasn't he in Barius? Why would he come here after attacking me? Maybe he's come to appologise. Either way, I've decided that I'm going to attempt to find him, although, thinking on it, I feel as if there was something I was supposed to do. I'm not sure what, but it's simply a feeling that I get. I'm sure that it's nothing. However, for now, I think I'll go talk with Will a bit more, and find a place to stay- The streets here don't look horribly comfortable.

Date unknown, 1313(?)

Dear Diary-

I believe I may have gone insane.

I've found I truly am in Doma, though. Nothing seems right. There are such strange things here- Dragons taking the shape of humans, animals that speak common, and merchants selling some of the strangest items I've ever heard of. I've even found that my friend Will is quite different, himself- It seems he turns into a woman when splashed with water; though I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Even the layout of the town is strange, compared to the City of Storms. The sunshine is nice, though, even if the lack thereof before hand on my part makes me look even more pale in comparison to everyone else.

I am having a bit of trouble sleeping, though. Maybe I'm just used to the sound of rain against the windows. That, and I've been thinking about what happened. Shouldn't I have died? They said there was no hope, my heart had been punctured. I looked- I still have scars from that awful night, but they're hardly visable at all, and I don't feel any pain like I expect I should. Perhaps they found a way to heal me while I was out? Maybe that's why I'm in Doma. Though I still feel that there is something I should be doing, and it doesn't explain the feeling that something's missing from my shoulders. I suppose I should ignore it- It's not harming anything, and I should be thankful that I'm alive today. But why am I?

I think I'll go speak with Will about it, and tell him the entire truth. He may have some idea.

(Edit: Rewrote with a bit of help, and a spellcheck. :D) <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>
<div style="text-align:center">Why Barius has no family reunions.</div></p>Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 9/10/04 6:54 am

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Re: *Kicks it up a notch- And by that, I mean "Revives&

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:17 am

I like this latest entry, especially her reaction to the Doman locals. Keep it up. <p>

Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.

"IM: ....my brother is a baby drinker." ~Ara</p>


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