[Tai Fanfic] A Nice Day for Bonsai

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[Tai Fanfic] A Nice Day for Bonsai

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:10 am

"Hey, T-BONE!" a familiar voice called out. Yes, the voice was very familiar and very annoying and very unwelcome. Tai let out an unamused 'tch' as he snipped a branch of his bonsai tree mistakenly. Outwardly, he hoped that ignoring him would somehow make him disappear but inwardly, he realized that no matter what, Neil Lageman was likely to come over anyway.

Neil swaggered over, forgetting that it had been only two days ago that Tai gave him a generous Bomb di Wind to the gut. The scratches from the pile of bushes that broke Neil's fall had hardly even healed and yet here he was; standing there...right in front of Tai... grinning. No one could possibly be that dense, perhaps for once Neil wanted something important...

"I slept with a hooker las night."

"...." No...no it was same old Neil. The human was like some sick recurring nightmare for the mazoku. Ignore him....he'll catch the drift....maybe this one time, he'll just .... leave.

"I bet Miang would make a great-"


".... ...What?"

"I agree."


"I see your point."

".... .... You make my brain hurt." Tai couldn't help but to smile at this. How could something be so funny? Ah yes, because the fact was to undeniable- Neil was an idiot.

"So anyway...Miang could make a killing as a prostitute. You could be her pimp!" Neil grinned and slapped Tai on the back heartily.


"Wait...you skipped two."

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" Tai's eyes flashed dangerously. If anything, Neil provided the quick before dinner snack.

"Uh....I...." The cogs began turning...If he said yes....Tai would hit him. I he said no Tai would hit him. Then what should he say? "I.....like....peanut butter." Ah yes, the always effective random comment. Good job, Neil, good job.

" ... Hn." Tai decided to let him slide.

".... ...." It was killing him inside it was. Pictures of Miang flaunting herself on the corner of Carnwall and Main, scantily clad, purring for affection....

"You're drooling."

"I know," Neil said breathlessly, gazing into the clouds, oblivious.

"Dreaming about peanut butter?" Tai baited.

"Yeah... all over Miang."

"That's what I thought. Bomb Di WIND!" An explosive blast of air snake out of Tai's hands and into Neil's chest. He went flying backwards into the street and landed in trough full of water. A startled chocobo quickly went to pecking Neil mell-pell.


Tai reached into his jacket and scratched his chest watching Neil with an air of apathy. It wasn't any different than any other time he abused him, though the chocobo was a nice touch.

Snip. Snip. It was good day for trimming bonsai trees, that it was.


Oh my.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Feb 02, 2004 1:29 pm

...I love this. Seriously. One-shots. XD

Very amusing! And I think it shows that more fanficcing should occur! Interesting episode, and it dost make me giggle.

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