Savage Tide - A Chronicle

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Savage Tide - A Chronicle

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:23 am

Well, here we go. One chronicle of the Savage Tide Campaign. I'd like to encourage players to clutter up the thread with backgrounds, character journals, interludes and so forth, just to add that bit of depth.

And now, current status. This will be updated from time to time.

Party level: 1
Location: Telsite, Beldad.
Condition: Healthy, steadily employed.
Quotes: None as yet. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

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The Telsite Chronicle

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:15 am

War on the Horizon?

Tensions continue to build between Alahana and Dillidan Complex. Although the situation has yet to escalate into all-out war, military forces in both nations are understood to be on high alert.

With Dillidan forces occupying areas of Beau, and poised to take the rest of that nation, trade has been severely disrupted, putting a pinch on many merchants who rely upon trade with Beau for their livelihoods. Worse, should war erupt, the disruption of trade will spread across the continent.

Lord Lidu, of the Dawn Council, remains hopeful of a peaceful resolution, "A war between Alahana and Dillidan complex would prove disastrous for all," he said, "Even those attempting to remain out of the fray. Cooler heads must surely prevail in the face of such sabre rattling."

Others are more inclined towards pessimism. Alahana and D.C. have clashed numerous times in the past, after all, with the most recent war allowing Telsite to break free of drow rule. D.C.'s most recent territorial ambitions are simply a reminder that neither side can be trusted to leave well enough alone.

In a surprising development, recent ships from Paradyse have brought news of Doman military observers setting up shop there. What might cause a nation still recovering from the its recent demonic invasion to take a hand in a war in such a distant land is unknown. However, it may be that they wish to ensure that Beldad retains control of the Doman Gate, rather than risk having an expansionistic enemy poised to invade their heartland.


Smugglers Thwarted

Residents of the Merchant District awoke this morning to the news that agents of Lavinia Vanderboren had boarded and captured her ship the Blue Nixie. The Nixie was being held on behalf of the Harbourmaster's office by one Soller Vark who, unbeknownst to his superiors, was using it to smuggle rare animals, including a vicious rhagodessa from the depths of the jungles.

Although most of his minions were captured or slain during the fighting, Vark himself escaped during the confusion, and remains at large. The Guard are appealing for anybody with information as to his whereabouts to come forward.

Lady Vanderboren has come to the position only recently, following the deaths of her parents in a fire aboard their yacht last month. She has since been saddled with crushing debts inherited from her parents. The recovery of the Blue Nixie is likely to go at least part of the way towards restoring her family's fortunes.


Vilagio Expedition Launched

Anton Vilagio today set out on an expedition to the Sonelle Ruins. Discovered some four years ago by an elf named Leothe Sonelle, these ruins have drawn treasure hunters from across Beldad. Although the ruins have been thoroughly picked over, given their proximity to Paradyse, Vilagio feels certain that there remain areas that have not known the tread of feet in many centuries.

The Sonelle ruins appeared almost concurrently with the Doman Gate, on a formerly empty island, and there are those who believe the two are in some manner connected. Others believe that the ruins will one day vanish once more, taking with them any unfortunates remaining within their boundaries. Reports of strange creatures which defy classification lurking in the surrounding jungles are thus far unsubstantiated.

Log of session 1 <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>Edited by: Kelne&nbsp; Image at: 12/12/06 21:31

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