Memoirs of an Angel

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Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue May 30, 2006 12:48 am

Some of you are at least passingly familiar with Darin Prentiss, half-celestial son of the Archangel Christopher. It has been suggested that Darin is the "least offensive person alive," being the somewhat meek former roommate of General Silvar when the two attended Gunnir together. After the unintentional murder of one of his commanding officers in the Prandian army, Darin fled to Doma seeking sanctuary from a government that had he given reason to fear him, earning himself the moniker "The Reaper of Time."

It was then that Darin learned that the Prandian government had killed his mother and taken him as an infant in hopes of turning him into a super-soldier. Left to confront the truth about his past, the situation heated up when the Archangel who sired the young man decided that the best option for the safety of humanity was to dispose of his son--his "mistake."

Now Darin lives in peace at the castle where he is currently involved in a relationship with the healer Tassi Wells. It seems that Darin's life has settled down and become far less complicated; no mercenaries, governments, or celestials are hunting him, and he's finally found himself a nice girl. Everything is looking pretty good, and the future is bright.

Or is it?

My work schedule is going to allow me to be free on weekends, though I might be able to manage a weeknight since I get off work at 7 and start at 11 the next day, though I can't be up until 4 AM RPing for obvious reasons. The fact that I'm stuck with dial-up internet access all summer means that I'm not as flexible as I'd like to be when it comes to being online.

I've got one volunteer since I absolutely need one character in question, but I'm open to three or four more (four being the absolute maximum), preferably people who know either Darin or Tassi. System is Philsys, so post sheets for me to review. I'd like to avoid a HUGE level disparity, but it doesn't matter that much in Philsys so I can deal with it if it becomes an issue.

In case it wasn't entirely clear, post available times with your sheet. If you can be available weekends, you're definitely getting some sort of priority. <p>
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby Kai » Tue May 30, 2006 12:50 am

Ashley and Tassi, reporting for duty. <p>-------------------------
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue May 30, 2006 2:39 pm

I volunteer either Kamos or Adrienne for this, and I CAN do this on Saturdays. Not sure about Sundays, though, and my brother comes home at approximately midnight. This means, typically, that I won't be able to be on after then.

Aside from that, Kamos is the first post, Adrienne is the last.

Kamos has, if nothing else, had at least one halfway-decent discussion with Tassi, and has run into Darin at least once.

Adrienne, on the other hand, has mainly encountered the two in a bar while she was trying to study her head off for the Mage Corps entrance exam.

EDIT ON TIMES: I can now be on anytime during the night, weekends included. Seeing as I have now installed AIM on my mother's computer (with her permission anyway), this expands the times I can be on.

Guaranteed times for now:
Mon-Fri: 2:00 PM onward
Sat-Sun: 8-9:00 PM onward

Also, holy fuck. This has the potential to be the Oldschool Asskick group. <p>"DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT US? OUR TREASURE MAY BE HEAVY, BUT WE ARE LIGHT AS WIND. ONLY MAGICS MAY HURT US, BUT ONLY WE KNOW WHICH ONES." --Omoikane, Digital Devil Saga 2</p>Edited by: NamagomiMk0 at: 6/13/06 13:17

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue May 30, 2006 10:37 pm

Sounds tempting. I'd like to submit Dan or Katherine for this, both on my character post.

Dan knows Darin from the castle.
Katherine is a bit overly 'helpful' most of the time, if she needs a reason to be involved. *EDIT* I completely forgot, she's also remember him from the semi-spammy RP I did with the Chaos Priest family there.

I can probably do Saturday afternoons after 4:30/5:00pm. Every other Sunday is gaming night with some buddies of mine. Weekdays I can manage after 7:00pm, if I know what nights the RP is on.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 5/31/06 6:45

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed May 31, 2006 12:18 am

Curse you, Brian Robert Ford, for making me be in ANOTHER RP!

... *sigh* [url=>KingOfDoma</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/1/06 0:25

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:13 pm

Looks like I'll have to be bumped out.

My usual Sunday D&D group is going to try running something on Saturdays as well, so it's looking like that's out for me also. =/

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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:19 pm


I'm interested, though really, none of my characters are known to any of these two--Dia is passingly familiar with Darin, I think, from one of his intro RPs, and from Hakaril.

The more regularly set the hours, the better, as I won't be online all day, and I'll remember a regular schedule better. But for the time being, I can make time to be online anytime between the hours of 6am to 9pm, with a little room for running over. I won't be RPing past 10, or online past 11, generally. <p>
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:58 pm

Two things.

Thing the first: Thursday opened up, but MAY be closed again. It could also open up on a biweekly basis.

Thing the second: DAE AND DIA IN AN RP = GOLD. Pass it up not.


Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:15 am

I can't really be online "during the day" because it ties up the phone line, we only have one, and I get yelled at for being online at night, too, so the horrible fact that I'm at home for the summer is rearing its ugly head.

Right now I'm still waiting for the "regular weekly schedule" that I've been pseudo-promised... <p>
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Re: Memoirs of an Angel

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:35 pm

OK, OK. It's looking like they want to switch me to night shifts soon, so... well, for the IMMEDIATE future, I know I'll have tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday free. I will update this list once I get next week's schedule.

Out of all days, Saturday looks best.

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