Dragons of Gaera

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Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Aug 16, 2002 11:36 pm

Dia asked me for info on just Celestial dragons but I'm bored so I'll do the whole shabang! ...BANG!
reptilian wings (1.5 times the body length); about 25-40 feet (females tend to be smaller than males) from snout to tail tip; sharp fangs and talons; heavily muscled hindquarters and wing muscles elemental affinity; flying; morphing; enhanced smell in dragon form; farsight, relative speed and agility
MISC: The longest-lived of the terrain dragons, forest dragons are smaller than many of their counterparts, but also more recluse. They prefer to live in forested mountains -- the Shuman mountain range provides an ideal habitat, however, the dragons tend to avoid living too close to Riva.
Of all terrain type dragons, forest dragons are most likely to have differences between elemental affinity and coloration. Green shades are very common among forest dragons, regardless of element.

comparatively stocky; flat paws with rounded claws for traversing the sands and digging dens; straight tails for cutting through desert currents; small razor sharp teeth; usually have a fin from their crown down for cooling elemental affinity; flying; morphing; fire breath; infravision
MISC: Desert dragon are notorious for their short tempers but are often just hot air. They were the preferred mounts of the dwarves since, from their build to their temperament, they were similiar. Along with their fire breath, desert dragons can spit molten glass, often coined 'lava'. The dragons consume the sand and store in a special pouch. When they breath fire next, the sand melts and glass comes out. It's usually a skill for adorning their lairs.

Frigidlargest of almost all dragons; heads shaped like ice picks; thick necks; stocky muscular forelegs; webbed toes; long stilt like hind legs; unusually long tails for swimming elemental affinity; flying; morphing; ice breath; enhanced telepathy
MISC: Due to their size, the frigid dragons are usually languid and fearless. During the winter months they go on a feeding frenzy, eating mainly fish, but they will eat almost anything that gets within distance. This is to fuel thier internal furnaces that keep them warm despite the cold. During the summer, they mainly sunbathe and hardly eat at all. Their breath is a peculiar liquid that, in almost any temperature, freezes upon hitting the air, often turning into shards and slicing or freeze=ing whatever it touches.

Second largest of the terrestial dragons; slender heads, stream lined bodies, webbed feet for swimming, flat, crocdilian tails; elemental affinity, siren song, flying, morphing, bolt breath, wind generation, telepathy
MISC: Friendly dragons or terrifying, they all enjoy a challenge and fight amongst themselves for fun. They can kill large prey with their electrical attack but some have a higher affinity for electricity than others, 'stormchasers' and 'windies' are the slang for them.

demonic looking in pure form; thin, needle like heads, slender, almond shaped eyes often red or black; sometimes shredded-looking wings; elemental affinity, telepathy, flying, teleporting, morphing
MISC: Being of the shadow, they have a tendency towards evil but many are neutral doing whatever required to accomplish their goals, guided by their own personal beliefs. They are somewhat shunned by the other dragons because of they're evil association.

lightly feathered wings; glowing aura; various body shapes; large; elemental affinity, telepathy, flying, teleporting, morphing, healing, siren song
Rarely do celestial dragon come to the 'middle' plane preferring the serenity of the celestial plane. When they do come they may seem aloof and mysterious but that's because they are. They are more content to watch the world play out than bend it one way or the other. They hardly speak in their own voice preferring telepathy but their voices are quite nice and they enjoy singing.
<center><table border = 1><tr><td><center>Image
"You're cruel." "I am?"
"Yes. You are." "I aaam?"
"Yes. You are." "....Well, what can you do? *sigh*" --Nadeisco</center>

<center> 2 Sugoi!~~Mmm, Mechage RPGWW style!~~Live Journal</center></td></tr></table></center></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Jan 31, 2003 10:33 pm

<div align=justify>THE RAI

First off, the Rai are not a race of dragons. Rai is a term originally used by Ryuugami (the goddess of dragons) to describe dragons who've become insane past the point of redemption. The word itself was adopted by dragonkind, and has come to be used to mean "damned" and/or "outcasted" amongst dragons themselves.

Two Connotations

Rai can be used in two entirely different senses. There is the one, close to the original, which means "insane."

Now, dragons that have gone insane are exactly that -- insane. They aren't necessarily evil, but given their size and power, they can be quite a nuisance (especially if they start seeing pink elephants everywhere and decide they need to be destroyed). This is not to say, however, that there are not some Rai who are or turn evil.

One subrace of dragons is particularly inclined to become Rai, and they are the shadow dragons. For whatever reasons --perhaps due to their affinity for the dark and the shadow plane-- shadow-inclined dragons turn Rai with a greater frequency than do dragons of other affinities or races.

However, that does not mean that most shadow dragons turn Rai. On the contrary, the vast majority of shadow dragons are as sane as any of their counterparts.

The other sense of the word Rai means "outcasted." Dragon society has never really liked the shadow dragons very much, and their tendency to go Rai supports this bias. The efforts of celestial dragons, who are very extreme and unbending in their holy-good affinity, has not helped to promote acceptance of the shadow dragons, either.

As a result of this, most dragons shun and outcast all shadow dragons, calling them Rai, regardless of whether or not they are, in fact, insane. Thusly, one has to keep in mind that, depending upon the source, a dragon called Rai might not be, in fact, Rai.

A Note about Celestial and Shadow Dragons

As a side note, celestial dragons and shadow dragons are not opposite ends of the spectrum. Celestial dragons are extremists who will use just about any means to serve their concept of "good." They're unbendingly dedicated to holy-good, and are rather aloof and cold. They do not spend much time with most dragons or other races.

Shadow dragons, on the other hand, are not similarly dedicated to the concept of evil, as one might think. Shadow magic and energies are not evil in and of themselves, and neither are shadow dragons. The shadow dragons are neutral beings, with the ability to go to either side as the individual sees fit. Their affinity for dark powers might lend a slightly greater tendency to favor evil than with other races, but that is all. They are also very worldly, and enjoy living in the company of other beings, being slightly more social than most dragon races. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 1/31/03 9:34:29 pm

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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:02 pm

Good work, Dia. I agree mostly with what you've put down. It's inspired me to add a little bit more to the guide.
[edit] I'll do a seperate guide for the Argovian dragons which are a bit different.

Note on Dragon Society in General
Dragons social creatures and also conform to a social hiearchy as most social creatures do. The are emperor dragons, which is not to say they are the rulers but they are usually the largest of the dragons, unnaturally so. This is probably a mutation as they are extemely rare. 1 in every 5000 dragons may be an emperor or a half emperor. These emperor dragons usually take up the role of leader but in the case that they do not the next in line is a generally respected dragon. This dragon may have to contend for power, either physically, socially, or a mixture of both.

Female dragons are socially on par with male dragons. The sizes between the two don't vary too much, though males bear more spikes and larger horns. Females can also be leaders and empresess but only 1 in every 9000 is an empress. Females usually entertain smaller, tighter groups over larger, more impersonal ones. Females tend to enjoy conversation and analysis more than the males who enjoy looking at the 'big picture'.

Outcasts or 'Rai'
It takes quite a bit to be outcast, or in the case of shadow dragons, nothing at all. Barring insanity caused by whatever, murder, social corruption at large, and general displays of 'evil' are all reasons that dragons have been outcasted and considered Rai.

Due to Ryuugami's general love and respect for life and prosperity, shadow dragons are a bit touch and go at being considered as bretheren. The shadow dragons have been characterized by the other breeds as being harsh, cruel, cold and basically evil. On the contrary, the shrewdness, intelligence, and rather blunt nature of the shadow dragons (as well as the reputation of the more evil shadow dragons) have been greatly misinterpreted. If there is any crime they can be committed of, sarcasm would be the greatest.

After the Solasian Wars, the dragon community adopted the general belief that Ryuugami had abandoned them entirely and the newer generations calls themselves the 'Rai'. It's a bit of a misnomer but due to the weakness and sparcity of Ryuugami's priesthood and the spread to which the dragons have cast themselves have made efforts to strengthen the dragons have been difficult. <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nekogami>Nekogami</A] at: 1/31/03 10:23:43 pm


Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Choark » Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:26 am

(this is assuming Wyrms are in fact a sub-dragon race)

Gre'Par'th Dragons:


Though refurred to as dragons by the Gre'par'thian tribes these are in fact Wyrms, almost mindless ceatures that live only to kill and eat.

The lowest form of dragon there can ever be, they don't have any magical abilites at all, from breathing fire, to flight, to telepathy. No true culture exists and they have no form of speech.

There life span can go up to 50 years, however it is more then likely they'll have been killed before that time. Each Wyrm can take 10 years for there body to fully mature allowing them to breed.

Breeding takes place once every 5 years, for those able, and the Wyrms collect together and the strongest fight for the right to mate. (This is all purely instint and no larger thought goes behind it)

=-oh well thats it from me. Not to good at these sorts of things anyway. I'm not sure what Ryuugami will think of these creatures, or how they came about if they are sub-dragons but maybe you'll have fun thinking of a story :P-=


Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Kadrin77 » Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:38 pm

Spiffy stuff. Well done. o__o

One thing. Could the desert dragons be made the dwarves' preferred pets or something? The dwarves fight on foot. They believe fighting on a steed shows weakness and cowardice.

I'd be very grateful if it could be edited.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Dragons of the Mount.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat Feb 01, 2003 4:59 pm

Dragons of the Mount

The Mount is home to representatives of just about every dragon type that ever existed on Gaera as a whole, as well as some that have never called Gaera their home, and migrated to the Mount from elsewhere.

The Mount is but one name for the massive plane that these dragons call home. It can be reached from Gaera by travelling to an island Southeast of Argovia, getting past the humans and dragonkin living there, climbing the mountain that takes up most of the island, and convincing an Elder Platinum dragon that resides there to let you through the portal he guards. Not surprisingly, the Mount doesn't have a brisk tourist trade...

The plane is made up of 3 distinct "layers" - the under-layer (the seemingly bottomless depths of earth), the sky-layer (the sky and the countless floating islands) and the 'twixt-layer (everything in between the first two). Naturally each layer is home to different varieties of dragons.

The Mount is governed by councils. Twenty or so dragons living in close proximity on the same layer meet to form a council whenever there is an issue to be discussed. The eldest/most powerful/most respected dragon of each council then takes part in another council, made up of members of about twenty or so smaller councils. So on and so forth, until around twenty dragons meet at the Summit, held at the colossal mountain at the centre of the plain, which is considered neutral ground and part of all three layers.

(I'll add moe soon. I hope.)

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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Nekogami » Sat Feb 01, 2003 5:59 pm

To Kadrin:

The Solasian dwarves are a bit different from mountain dwarves and if a dwarf or any thing tried to make a pet out of a desert dragon he'd get yelled out then flamed.

Solasian dwarves originally came from the mountains and started to war with encroaching humans. In a brief war (3 years), the griffons and dragons intervened on either side. A certain faction of dwarves saw the advantage of the dragons and griffons (who are equally intelligent and socially similar) and became mounted riders.

Since both desert dragons, griffons, and dwarves tend to be a bit pompous they get along exceptionally well. So don't think of the mounts of the dwarves as beasts but rather comrades in battle. <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>


I see.

Unread postby Kadrin77 » Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:55 pm

Ah. I was not aware you were referring to the Solasian dwarves. In that case, spiffy.

...if you need anything concerning the dwarves just ask, and I'll gladly lend a hand.

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pd Rydia
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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:54 pm

Ah yes, a note about dragons and insanity...

Dragons who are stuck or choose to stay in their human/elven form for extended periods of time tend to lose touch with reality. If they go too long without being in their dragon form, they go insane. Dragonhalves with the ability to transform into dragons have to also spend time in their dragon form, or else they, too, go nutso. ={{{ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>


Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Feb 01, 2003 9:05 pm

Since the thread is here...

I've been wondering for a while if there is a distiction between Dragons and Drakes on Gaera. For instance, are Drakes considered young Dragons, or a less intelligent, magically skilled, long-lived cousin? Or do they even exist at all? <p>

They call me Lorr...</p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 01, 2003 9:08 pm

Ask Jak about that, I think he set up a precedent for it... <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby Nekogami » Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:26 pm

Hey, Dia. I was wondering do dragons have a specific alternate form? I assumed generally they took the form of humans and griffons took the forms of elves. Can you either confirm or elaborate on this? <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:32 pm

Some dragons have human forms, some elven. Most shadow dragons have human forums, most forest dragons have elven forms. For the others, it's not really set. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Argovian Dragons

Unread postby Nekogami » Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:48 pm

Physical Characteristics
Dragon Form:
<align = "justify">Long, slender bodies with somewhat squat legs (5+ feet on all fours, 11+ feet bipedal)
Scales of various colors on some much of the body with a short coat of fur on the paws, forelimbs, face, tail, spine, and a mane
Short snouts, mammalian in nature, Wingless

*Unlike Igalan dragons, Argovian dragons give live birth.
Gestation period: 296 days

**Argovian dragons though so unlike their cousins still have the same elemental affinity and much of the same ability as Igalan dragons but in different forms.

Tall and sometimes long features
Furred forearms and paw-like hands
Unscaled reptilian feet
thin, sometimes slanted eyes
Hair color like element

Long SocietyClans of Long
Unlike the dragons of Igala, the Argovian dragons have a more stratified social culture. Found mostly on Terumahilana and some of the smaller surrounding islands, the Argovian Dragons have had many generations to create a society of 12 specialized clans. Collectively these clans are called the Clans of Long, Long being the traditional first argovian dragon. The 12 Clans can be further divided into 4 seperate subsets- Fighters, Light, Darkness, and Neutral.

Shen- The Shen clan are a powerful clan of summoners, polymorphists, and clerics of the healing and purifying arts. They are pacifists.

Min- Diviners, healers, and monks, the Min clan are dedicated completely to mastering the art of magic and the supernatural. They believe in the balance of good and evil but nonetheless, attempt to control the amount of evil allowed to exist. They're greatest enemies are the Tsung.

Fa- The Fa are monks and scholars many of the Wei, Ng, and Yu clans send their children to Fa run schools to be taught the fundamentals of learning.

Chen- The shadow warriors of the Long. They are almost exclusively shadow dragons and are mostly assassins and thieves. They are probably the most hated clan and given the least respect.

Tsung- Summoners of darker things, time mages, and a portal masters, the Tsung are quite powerful and challenged only by the Min clan in strength.

Liu- The Liu Clan consists mainly of assassins, mercenaries, and 'ninja'. They are more respected than the Chen since they are percieved as more 'productive' than the self-serving Chen.

Wei- The Wei clan is the closest to peasantry as the Long clans go. They are the largest clan but do little more than agricultural work.

Wong-The Wong are also scholars and teachers.They are somewhat travelers and philosphers but tend to be very abstract and hard to understand. They speak an entirely different dialect then most other Long Clans.

Yu- The Yu are merchants, artists, and entertainers. They are generally accepted in the presence of all the clans being the most neutral of the neutral clans.

Li- The Li Clan are fierce warriors. They are very win oriented and failure is hardly an option. They are a small clan but are respected and renowned for their skill in battle.

Lao- The Lao warriors of reclusive and somewhat secret. They allow few into their territory and those that travel outwards are probably outcasts and do not show their faces to outsiders. Exiled Lao often live a life of hermitage or commit suicide.

Hsu- The Hsu are not as militant as the Lao or Li but are still bound by a strick code of conduct. They are very knightly in their virtues and beliefs. They can be hired for their services but if they ever deem a task unworthy or unjust they're likely to leave or turn on you. This is the only fighting clan that permits women warriors openly.

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Argovian Dragons

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:52 pm

OMG I want to make a Lao Long dragon!!!

*slaps himself*

Bad Ross no. :{

<p>MEGAMOG911: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *counters by shoving a random chatter up LDC's falopian tubes*
UltimateKoD: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp GAAAAAAAH!
UltimateKoD: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *SHOVED*
Consolelover: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp >_> It never ceases to amaze me how willingly some people volunteer for things like that.</p>

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:59 pm

Drake is a name for a dragon who hasn't reached adulthood, normally in it's "teenage" years, although it can apply to older children as well.

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pd Rydia
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Re: *ahem*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 05, 2003 6:54 pm

I want some aged dragon to call Dia a drake, just so she can spaz out. :D <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Re: *ahem*

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Feb 05, 2003 6:56 pm

Ryuugami: *huggles Dia* My little drakey-wakey Diiiaaaa. ^-^ <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>

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Re: *ahem*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:22 pm

Heheheheh... XP <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:36 pm

*suddenly has an urge to drag out Elstha again*

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Re: ....

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:47 pm

Do eeeet >:D <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:05 pm

Y'know, I knew that was exactly what you were gonna say. :D

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Re: Dragons of Gaera

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:54 am

<center>baby Long (Argovian dragons) = pups
baby (Igalan/elemental) dragons = kits
baby griffons = squabs</center>
As previously mentioned in this thread, juvenile dragons are known as drakes. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Anybody have any valuables? It's been several hours since I pillaged anything!" -- UnclePervy (DFRD, Nick Shogun)
-=- "YOU! The big, injust, green guy with the perplexed look!!" -- Mikan (2 Sugoi, Nekogami)
-=- "Upgrade complete. Please reboot your ass" -- Squintz Altec
-=- "I SMASHIES....in a very intellectual manner" -- Banjooie

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Ash Fanrico
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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:20 am

Yeah, back in the day Ash had some experience fighting different types of Dragons. Him and Aurinon (an experienced dragonslayer from Ash's time, wore a skull of a dragon on his head) were pretty good at slaying such creatures.

Thus the reason why Ash has that "Dragon Slayer" tattoo on his right arm. Got that after his first Hunt.

Dragon Slaying's a very dangerous business, one of the most respected jobs amongst warriors and fighters. The reason why, is cause Dragon's are a crafty sepcies. If you survive for a long time and have completed more than 3 hunts, you're considered very good and skilled.

Preferred Weapons of the Slayer: Spears, Tridents, Claymores, & Ogre Axes (large axes).

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Re: >>

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:37 am

Is this post or pre-Solasian war, Ash? <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>

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Ash Fanrico
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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:16 am

Well Ash was born and alive 2 centuries ago.

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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:34 am

Ummmmm....Then why is there dragon slaying? <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: ummm...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:28 pm

For the same reson there is fox hunting? There's no good reason, but people do it anyway. <p>MEGAMOG911: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *counters by shoving a random chatter up LDC's falopian tubes*
UltimateKoD: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp GAAAAAAAH!
UltimateKoD: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *SHOVED*
Consolelover: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp >_> It never ceases to amaze me how willingly some people volunteer for things like that.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: ummm...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:26 pm

Only foxes aren't an intelligent species.

I'm thinking something like personal Vendetta, meself. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:04 pm

That's what I would suspect Pervy. Hmmm...the Solasian War was about 120 years ago...so there wouldn't really be any real problems between dragons and humans. I suspect the Dragon Slaying existed before Ash was born as well, so what was the market for killing dragon and why did it exist? <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: ummm...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:33 pm

I'm thinking a few things.

-Personal Vendettas: A dragon did something to one person, and they blame the entire race for it. Think KKK for Wyrms.

-A more socially acceptable form of Homicidal Mania: Allows one to be violent as hell, without the general reprocussions of Jail time and execution; as Dragons tend not to be considered citizens of the state in most cases.

-I forgot Image <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: ummm...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:57 pm

A note: Just because a species is intelligent doesn't mean that societies or individuals cannot treat the species as inferior or beasts or something similar. A sad truth. <p>MEGAMOG911: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *counters by shoving a random chatter up LDC's falopian tubes*
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:50 pm

Also, although this may sound cruel, it's obvious that there are uses for the parts of slain dragons. Some people may kill them merely to manufacture armors and weapons from the parts. Given, whoever wore it would probably be hunted down, but it's simply logical.

After all, wonder how ivory is collected? They used to kill the animals, (and still may, in the case of poachers). <p>"I've overlooked a lot of prosecutable offenses recently. Tricking poor drunken Largo into coming to Japan, maxing out your credit cards. Taking advantage of your friend Tsubasa. Spending Dom and Ed's money on toys not tickets. But I can't overlook you pursuing high school age girls."-Seraphim, Megatokyo</p>

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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:58 pm

Yeah, that makes sense, Doug. I guess I equating it with someone hunting Asians for their brains, or black people for their nifty hair...o_o But there's much to be said for the usefullness of dragon parts. <p>

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:19 pm

Umm... correct me if im wrong, but isn't 2 centuries about 200 years?

Ash is not a bigot or predjudiced, if he was, he'd for sure have killed Aya and Dia on first sight. There was a market for some parts and bones of dragons (like bear claws, eagle talons and coon skin caps are in reality), but they were mainly slain due to problems they caused for villagers, AKA: razing fields, devouring cattle and herders, burning villages, etc.

Any race/species has a few bad seeds in it. There are evil elves and good elves. There are good humans and just as equally as bad humans. Same with orcs, orcs don't cause much problems, unless they have a beef with someone else or in times of war, or if someone killed a family member of theirs.
Though there are evil orcs as well, like Orcish raiding parties and bandits.

I'm willing to believe that there can be some evil dragons out there. Ones that like to harass or kill others for sport or for food. <p>"You know if someone's good if all they need to kick your sorry ass is a long piece of wood with hay attatched at the end! That or they're fucking nuts." --- About da Broom</p>

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Re: ummm...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:40 pm

*stalks Amanda so she can steal her hair!*

Ash does have a point, just like there are evil humans, there are evil dragons. Maybe there's something in the water.... <p>
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:14 pm

... OK, I gotta throw in my 2 cents.

I understand dragonslaying in other RP universes. Usually, dragons are just evil beasts. But here, they're sentient creatures. And whether or not they are humanoid, they need to be treated as such.

If dragonslaying is to occur, it should take on an X-menesque, "freak-hater" quality, IMHO. It's not like it isn't common knowledge that dragons are sentient in RPGWW. But fear and hatred are common too. I think it'd be pretty interesting to see a big ol' Doman version of the KKK running around, claiming that humans are the only pure race, and that all other species should leave it. That'd make for great RP... <p>--------------------
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:17 pm

Why Doman? What about the Rivan dragoons? >_> I don't think many people in Doma are going to be of that mentality when their queen is, like, a dragon... <p>
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:29 pm

Dragonslaying is a double edged sword.

Like i explained to Dia, most of the dragons a slayer kills are those that threaten innocents, or have caused a great amount of damage and have a death toll included in their reputation.

Ash is not some bigoted murderer. He knows that there are good and evil in all sentient races and species.

No he might have had first thoughts when he ran into his first dragon, but those thoughts were obviously dispelled by talks with experienced slayers like Aurinon, or from future experiences.

Now there are some who do this sort of thing for the sheer fuckin' thrill of it, for trophies or parts to a concoction or potion. But they are the more butcher type, who kill without reason or purpose.

Ash partook in some hunts that had to deal with dangerous dragons. He donned a tattoo cause back then people knew that those who were dubbed DragonSlayers had been called into stop more innocent lives to be lost, or more damage to be done to a farming community. Also he got that to prove to people he wasn't kidding or making it up.

As i said in this message in Instant Message:

AshFanrico: also most would know back then that those who slew dragons, dragon
slayers, only killed off ones that had done something wrong or threatened some people...
cause those who go off actually and purposely hunting a creature are sportsmen or
AshFanrico: purposely as in it's just there.
pd Rydia: Maybe, but a term &quot;dragonslayer&quot; would NOT be liked or used in
the area of Riva...not seeing as how dragons are integral to their country's founding...
AshFanrico: for the thrill of it, nothing more.
AshFanrico: yeah... probably one reason why Ash wears those arm guards to cover that
kind of stuff up.
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Re: ummm...

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Mar 07, 2003 12:11 am

Wow.. lots of Dragons on Geara.

Sadly i would submitt mine. But my race is sorta .. not from here >_>;;; <p>
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