Kai's character sheets

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Kai's character sheets

Postby Kai » Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:01 am

Poor Quinn. It's taken me so long to update the poor woman's sheet. This is in progress, so I'll be adding things and more thoroughly Philsys-izing her as time passes.

Anyway, Quinn. (Kai)

Physical appearance: Link.

Quinn is a rather tall, well-muscled woman (not to the "Fabio in a bikini" weightlifter extent, but she's definitely kept up with her physical fitness regimen.) with large black bat wings. These are not the only manifestations of her demonic blood. She also has rather obvious fangs and claws instead of fingernails. Her skin is covered in delicate scales, shaded in color from very light grey on her extremities to black down the back of her neck and on her back.

Background, should anyone actually be interested:

Quinn lived with her human mother for the early years of her life, resulting in a more human name. She didn't have contact with Rapierre, her incubus father, for the first several years of her life. Rapierre, when it occurred to him he ought to do so, took her in and rapidly forgot about her, finding alcohol a more engaging way to occupy his time. Due to a general lack of supervision, Quinn had to find her own ways of proving herself to the fullblooded demons. She slept with them. This was just Quinn's way of making friends. Maybe it's because she has succubus blood, but really... how well can you know someone you've never had sex with?

This particular habit is something Quinn never grew out of. She extends the offer of friendship to men and women alike, but can be "just friends" in the traditional sense. It's possible, but it feels very unnatural to her.

When Quinn was relatively young, her father commissioned one of his guards to teach Quinn and her half-sister Shillelagh some basic self-defense. Consequently, Quinn does have a good bit of respect for teachers. Sharing knowledge is something people should always be willing to do.

At one point, her father acquired a bizarre magical item that allowed him to store a rather odd assortment of animals inside a small belt-worn pouch. Quinn wanted it. He refused her repeatedly, and in retaliation Quinn persuaded a gentleman friend to level part of her father's house. Her father grounded her in the "house dungeon." While there, Quinn met a new prisoner who appeared to be totally drunk after his near-successful escape attempt. It seemed that the more he drank, the harder the guards had to work to restrain him.

Quinn was intrigued, and struck up a conversation with the mysterious prisoner. Upon learning the man was trained as a drunken master, Quinn offered to help him escape in return for similar training. He agreed and Quinn ran off with him.

Quinn occasionally does mercenary work, but isn't really interested in the money. The instant gratification of killing is rivalled only by the pleasure of meeting new and interesting people.

Level: 1
Race: Half-succubus
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max TP: 28/28
Initiative: 4+2d6

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +4
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +5
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 13/13
Modified for armor - n/n
Modified for skill - n/n
Modified for weapon - n/n


Weapon Damage -
Light: Punch+claws= 6+rank+5+1d6
Medium: Kick= 6+rank+10+2d6 (-2 penalty)

Base MDEF - 16+d20

25/25 skill points

Drunken boxing - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str>
Equipment Breaking (sundering) - 4<Str/Str/Cou>
[s]Two Fisted - 4<Dex/Dex/Str>
Improvised weaponry - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str>
[s]Drinking - 4 <Sta>
Erotic arts - 4 <Int/Cha/Cha>
Diplomacy - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
[s]Athletics - 4<Str/Sta/Agi>

Edit: Adding skills... <p>-------------------------
Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."

"It's like that old Scandinavian saying. You can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk real fast or you'll DIE."
--Rose:The Golden Girls</p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 4/19/06 16:05

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Re: Kai's character sheets

Postby Kai » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:53 pm

Zea (Kai) -Lvl 1 - 60 HP, 80 MP, 19 TP

DoB: 12 Falisara, Age: 16, Hair: dark blue, Eyes: violet, Height: 5'2"

Physical Description: Zea has dark blue hair cut in layers to frame her face. She also has violet eyes, a trait that comes, oddly enough, from the human side of her family. When she's working she tends to wear a set of heavy black robes with a pattern of green climbing vines embroidered on the bottom hem. When she's simply relaxing around her grandfather's house, she wears a lavender sleeveless shirt cut off at the midriff with a pair of black dress slacks or occasionally a khaki skirt. She doesn't travel with much of anything except for a change of clothes and her greataxe.

for your convenience.


Zea had contact with the dead when she was very young, around the age of four or five. This mainly consisted of the dead talking and Zea having little choice but to listen and respond. Her mother Quinn had this power magically suppressed. This did not, however, eliminate Zea's connection with the shadow plane. Her grandfather, in what turned out to be a rare bout of sobriety, recommended a tutor for the girl. Quinn had no problem with her daughter learning necromancy, but didn't want Zea growing up hearing the voices of the dead. Not conducive to a normal upbringing, even in Quinn's eyes.

Zea knows this ability was suppressed, but has little motivation to deal with it anyway. The dead have nothing she needs except their bodies, and she hardly needs their permission for that. Her connection to the dead often causes problems related to her spellcasting. The spirits of the recently deceased tend to be attracted to her magic.

When Zea turned 16 she left her grandfather's house to go find her father. She keeps in frequent contact with her mother, but doesn't really answer to her family any more. Zea doesn't live anywhere in particular, but tends to take up residence in the worst slums she can find.

These places are perfect for her research because they're full of people no one will miss. She uses trespassers for her research in necromancy. She was frustrated by the limitations of animated corpses. They can't repair themselves and require too much energy to maintain. So, she thought she might be able to hybridize them with plants. Plants make their own fuel, repair themselves, and reproduce without the complication of sentience. So far she's had problems containing the negative energy animating the animal flesh, keeping it from contaminating and killing the plant matter.

Unlike many necromancers, Zea doesn't harbor any disdain for the living. She simply doesn't want their bodies to go to waste. She's not gregarious by any means, and is largely unused to being around what her aunt called "her own kind" but she does understand the value of working and living with other humans. Zea doesn't reach for leadership roles, but she does try to be helpful when solving problems.

She considers herself different from most mages in that she doesn't see their arrogance in herself. This isn't entirely accurate, though. The very nature of her research combined with her inability to grasp the importance of morality set her up as "above" those around her.

Her morality is kind of an odd matter. She tries to do what's reasonable given a specific objective. She doesn't go out of her way to hurt people without provocation, but she isn't concerned for the welfare of people she has no personal relationship with. Zea can have good relationships with either "good" or "evil" people, but she's found that evil people tend to be less trustworthy. Not always, but generally.

Name: Zea
Race: Quarter-succubus
Level: 2
XP: 1050/1000
Max HP: 64/64
Max MP: 86/86
Max TP: 21/21
Initiative: 1+2d6

Courage: +2
**Wisdom: +6
*Intuition: +3
Charisma: +3
Dexterity: +0
Strength: +2
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 7/7
Modified for armor - 7/7
Modified for skill - 12/8
Modified for weapon - 10/8

Body=Shielded Robe (AC 7)

Weapon Damage - Scythe (15/18/30, -2/-0)

Light: 25+ 2d6
Medium: 30+ 3d6
Heavy: 44+ 4d6

Base MATK - 14
Base MDEF - 16

32 skill points
+9 skill points

Greataxe - 6 <Cou/Str/Dex>
Shadow Magic - 6 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Plant Magic - 6 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Summoning - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Diplomacy - 4 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Painting - 2 <Dex/Int/Wis>
[k]Reshtahan Tradition - 6
[k]Mixology - 2
[k]Human Anatomy - 3
[k]Undead - 6
[k]Botany - 5
[k]Poisons - 3


[Innate]Inadvertent Medium - Zea's aura projects heavily onto the shadow plane. This makes her a talented sorceress as far as the school of death magic, but one somewhat inconvenient by-product of this dual projection is that her magic often attracts the unwanted attention of nearby disembodied spirits. Whenever Zea casts a spell, there is a chance (5% * Level) that she is contacted by a spirit of some sort. In extreme circumstances, the spirit may attempt to attack or possess Zea or her comrades. Precise effects are per GM discretion.
[Shadow=1]Detect Corpse (6 MP) -Zea finds dead people. Or what's left of them at least. This spell can be cast as a free action--it also locates bodies or remains buried up to 10 feet below normal dirt or clay, but its effect may be blocked by some mineral deposits or other interfering objects.
[Shadow=1]Preservation (14 MP) - Preserves the remains of a living creature for a number of days equal to rank/2. The spell can be recast at the termination of the duration to continue the effect if desired.
[Shadow=1]Insinuation (8 MP) - Deals 8+rank*2+1d6 shadow damage to a single target.
[Shadow=1]Desecrate (18 MP) - Make a piece of land (100 ft sq.) imbued with Shadow energy for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of truly unholy land until the spell wears off. It cannot be cast on an area enchanted with Consecrate unless the caster is at least 3 ranks higher than the caster of Consecrate. All celestials and holy creatures cannot pass through this area of land. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result.
[Shadow=3]Drain (10 MP) - Deals 6+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by the caster as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
[Shadow=3]Death Scrying (2 TP) - Determines the cause and time or date of death of an animal corpse. This spell will not give most specifics as to the cause; if a person was murdered or killed by an animal, for example, it will only reveal that they were killed violently, not by who or precisely how. If a person died of a specific disease, poison, or other condition, the spell will reveal the reason.
[Shadow=4, Reshtahan Tradition=4]Death Absorption (4 MP) - Zea uses her mastery of death magic to transfer the injuries of another to herself. This heals any target of up to 12+rank*4+1d6 points of damage, but Zea takes 1.5x the amount of damage recovered. Zea can "cap" this spell's effectiveness if desired, effectively reducing the amount of healing and damage to a predetermined limit.
[Shadow=4]Greater Insinuation (12 MP) - Deals 12+rank*4+2d6 shadow damage to a single target.
[Shadow=4]Subjugation (22 MP) - Deals 10+rank*2+1d6 shadow damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.
[Innate, Shadow=6]Consume Death (4 TP) - Uses the energy supplied by the fleeting soul of a recently dead creature to restore astral stamina. Zea recovers rank*3+1d6 MP for each use of this ability, but it can only be used on a creature that has been dead for less than ten minutes and only once per creature. If the remains of an undead creature are used as a catalyst for this spell, she recovers rank*5+2d6 MP instead, as she is able to directly absorb the shadow energy powering their bodies.
[Shadow=6]Shadow Channel (X MP) - Zea can use her body as the focus for an ally's shadow elemental spell. As an immediate action (that does not cost Zea her turn), Zea can supply half of the MP required to cast the spell, cutting the caster's consumed MP by half.
[Plant=1]Plant Stasis (10 MP) - Places a plant into a state of suspended animation. It neither grows nor wilts, and all other metabolic processes are effectively placed on hold. This effect lasts for 24 hours or until dispelled, and can be recast at any time to further preserve the effect. It doesn't work on bloody plant monsters.
[Plant=2]Plant Growth (10 MP) - Accelerates the natural metabolism of a plant, as well as giving it the necessary energy to grow up to twice its original size and well beyond its natural potential.
[Plant=2]Warp Plant (8 MP) - Changes the physical form of a plant permanently, but is essentially a glorified magical way of making bonsai trees. It doesn't change anything else about the plant.
[Plant=2]Speak with Plants (6 TP) - Allows Zea to attempt to communicate with plant life. The precise effects are up to the GM. Most plants are not terribly intelligent and lack complex sensory organs, but this may not be a hindrance.
[Plant=3]Merge Plants (12 MP) - Temporarily merges two pre-existing plants into one plant which possesses aspects of both. Used to create scientifically deviant plant hybrids. Zea is free to animate these plants or otherwise manipulate them as she sees fit. This spell requires a brief ritual to cast and requires roughly 10 minutes of time.
[Plant=4]Animate Plant (20 MP) - Animates a pre-existing plant to serve Zea in whatever fashion she desires. This spell's effect is limited to smaller plants, vines, and shrubs (ultimately up to GM discretion). It does not grant a plant increased strength or other benefits, so most plants will ultimately make poor combatants, but there are numerous utilitarian and combat possibilities. Zea is able to communicate with animated plants either verbally or with instant mental messaging. An animated plant remains animated for a maximum number of hours equal to her Plant Magic rank.
[Plant=5]Entangle (10 MP) - Animates nearby plants to restrain an enemy by grappling them. Resolve the grapple as a contest of base AT rolls. An opponent wielding a slashing weapon can use it to free himself, allowing him to use his skill-modified AT instead. The plants have an effective base AT of 10 + rank. A successfully grappled opponent cannot move until they escape and suffers a -3 PA penalty; a grappled foe can attempt one escape each turn. The grappling plants also deal 10+1d6 damage each round they manage to hold a foe.
[Summoning=1, Plant=1]Summon Plant (10 MP) - Summons a non-magical plant of a type to be determined at the time of casting. Plants summoned must be of a relatively small size. This spell cannot be used to summon plant creatures, but it can be used to summon plants that would not normally persist in the area's environment, and it can also be used to conjure flesh-eating plants (of normal, small varieties, i.e. a regular pitcher plant or flytrap, but not a giant, Little Shop of Horrors monstrosity).
[Summoning=1]Summoner's Mark (4 MP) - "Marks" an item with a sigil or arcane insignia. The sigil does not have to be visible. In order to summon an item to her person that she owns, Zea must have first marked it. Marks are permanent unless dispelled.
[Summoning=2]Summon Alcohol (8 MP) - Summons booze from her grandfather's house. Woohoo. Generally speaking, it can be assumed that if an alcoholic product is manufactured on Gaera in any respectable quantity, Zea is capable of acquiring it.
[Summoning=3]Summon Marked Object (10 MP) - Summons an object Zea has marked to her location as long as it is on the same plane.
[Summoning=4, Shadow=4]Animate Lesser Undead (28 MP) - Creates an undead servant from an available corpse. If the corpse is in relatively good condition and not excessively decayed, it may be raised as a zombie. Otherwise, it can only be raised as a skeleton. If cast on a corpse that is buried or submerged, it takes one round for every five feet the corpse must travel to dig to the surface for the creature to arrive.

Typical Humanoid Zombie:
HP: 50 Damage: Claw 10+1d6
MP: 0 AC: 0
TP: 0 Initiative: 2+2d6
AT/PA: 10/10 MBlock: 10
Move: 3

Undead. Takes double damage from holy effects and fire effects. Shadow effects instead heal an undead creature for the amount of damage that would be dealt. Zombies are immune to poison, do not need to breathe, etc.
Zombies have essentially no intelligence and can only obey simple orders. They will defend themselves if attacked, but have no actual self-preservation instincts. Zombies have none of the skills they had in life.
Zombies are mindless and immune to all illusions and other mind-affecting spells.
A zombie can be equipped with a weapon. If so, consider the zombie's STR to be +2. All normal weapon use rules apply. A zombie has no skill with any weapon.
These statistics are for a human zombie and assumes that the zombie is wearing no equipment. Zombies animated from other types of corpses may have slightly varying statistics. The GM is free to designate specifics.

Typical Humanoid Skeleton:
HP: 40 Damage: Claw 10+1d6
MP: 0 AC: 6
MP: 0 Initiative: 4+2d6
AT/PA: 8/8 MBlock: 10
Move: 4

Undead. See zombie properties.
A skeleton has no internal organs, flesh, or other similar analogues. As a result, it is more resistant to physical blows that rely on piercing flesh, such as attacks with daggers or spears. Against these attacks, a skeleton's AC is effectively 60.

Edit: Levelled and updated PS version. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 4/19/06 20:19

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Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Kai » Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:35 am

Myrnal Shalienza (Kai) Pronunciation: mer-NAHL shal-YEN-za.

DoB: Age:20 Hair:brown Eyes:brown Height:5'5"

Physical Description:

Big Picture of Myrnal.
Myrnal. Profile.
Myrnal at a weird moment, but it shows her default clothes.

Background: Email me. It's long.

Name: Myrnal Shalienza
Race: Human
Level: 4
XP: 1500/2000
Max HP: 77/77
Max TP: 32/32
Initiative: 6+2d6

-----SHIT ABOUT ME------
**Courage: +3
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2
*Dexterity: +7
Agility: +5
Strength: +0
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 18/18
Modified for armor - 18/17
Modified for skill - 22/19

Body= mithril chain mail (AC 10, 0/-1)
feet= boots of sneaking (+4 stealth rolls)
misc= ring of protection (AC 4, stacks with body armor)

Weapon Damage - Enchanted Returning Heavy Dagger of Shock (7/10/13 +1d6 electrical, +3/+1)
Light - 13+1d6 +1d6 electrical
Medium - 16+2d6 "
Heavy - 19+3d6 "
AT/PA - 25/20

Accuracy - 23 (returns when thrown)
Damage - 10 + 1d4 + 1d6 electrical

Weapon Damage - Enchanted Keen Valthi Knife (7/10/13, +2/+0, crits on 14)
Light - 13 + 1d6
Medium - 16 + 2d6
Heavy - 19 + 3d6
AT/PA - 24/19

Weapon Damage - Nekogami's Claw Expanding Katar (7/10/13, +2/+2, multiplies critical hit damage by 1.5)
Light - 10 + 1d6
Medium - 13 + 2d6
Heavy - 16 + 3d6
AT/PA - 24/21

Weapon Damage - Light Crossbow
Accuracy - 22
Damage - 22+2d4

Ranged Attack Accuracy (throwing knives) - 23
Base Missile Evasion - 23
Base MDEF - 19


Throwing knives (x10) (damage 9+1d4)
Crossbow bolts (x30)
Silver Messenger Raven
scroll of glitterdust (It sprays glitter at you! It sticks and you sparkle!)
Potion of Healing (x3) (20+2d6)
Thieves' Tools
Daggers (x2)


weapon (dagger) - 6 <Cou/Agi/Dex>
[s]Chink Detection - 2 <Dex/Int/Int>
Throwing Weapons (knives) - 4 Kai&nbsp; Image at: 3/1/06 1:47

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:42 am


That's the most hilarious joke I've seen all day.

Now where's her real sheet? <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Jak Snide » Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:26 am

Shini, dude. :[

Anyway, I do see a couple of things that provoke questions from me. Is evasion limited in it's number of uses per turn? And how can someone bend light around themselves without using any magic whatsoever?

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:29 am

How is she hiding in plain sight?

And sneaking in chainmail, Mithril or not? <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Jak Snide » Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:34 am

Hiding in plain sight means that she can jump into the shadows and camouflage herself well, I think. Not simply stand in the middle of a room yet remain totally unseen.

Point about the chainmail, though. Light as it may be, metal rings on metal rings is still gonna make some jingly-noise without any magical intervention.


Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Archmage144 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:30 am

You have a character that fights people by dancing.

Hide in plain sight, which uses a Nekonian ninja technique to make one's self practically invisible with only nearby shadows for cover, is not the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on a Philsys sheet. If the precise mechanism of how that works needs to be elucidated, I'm game. I'm not going to name names at the moment as far as "who has done 'worse.'"

If you wear a tightly-bound black gi over a light chain shirt, the vast majority of the sound is going to be dampened by the fact that the mail is not moving; additionally, those boots she's wearing are magical and dampen quite a bit of the sound created by her movement. It's not a set of full chainmail--that'd be nuts. It's more the fantasy equivalent of a bulletproof vest, worn under clothing, and as such, it only protects her torso. Wearing any amount of bright and shiny chainmail as her outermost layer would detract from the level of "ninja" a bit.

Are there any more questions about a character I translated myself? <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>

</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=archmage144>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/25/05 10:03

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Jak Snide » Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:02 am

TP based Invisibility (bending light around yourself Predator style) and the max number of uses of Evasion per turn? The former is the only ability that I'm questioning the validity of. The latter is just something I want a rules clarification for. Also, I simply thought that "mithril chain mail" was referring to a full suit of the stuff, rather than just a vest.


Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Archmage144 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:13 am

An understandable misconception--I realize it's not clear by her sheet.That's easy to fix. *nods* Thanks for making me realize that.

She gets actual invisibility much, much later. Hide in Plain Sight is effectively "watered down" invisibility that only works when she's got cover of shadows, which she can effectively use as well as a solid object for cover purposes. She doesn't actually vanish from sight or become invisible, she's just incredibly difficult to notice due to subtle ninja tricks, such as learning to move (albeit slowly) with shadows. She can still be seen, without any magical assistance of any kind, if the enemy's observation check beats her sneak check. If she wants to move around while "hiding in plain sight," she has to stay very close to (or in) shadows, and probably spend more TP to use Fast Sneaking. If she's spotted by an enemy, she can't "hide" again from that enemy unless she spends the TP a second time.

If the name "Hide in Plain Sight" (which is taken straight from her D&D sheet and can be changed to something that sounds less nonsensical at first read) is a problem, that's not a big deal.

Evasion doesn't have a limit, but she's going to be burning a lot of TP to avoid the damage if she wants to keep rerolling or gets mobbed and wants to try to dodge them all. That's pretty much the concept for the Philsys version of this character, actually. I took some ideas from C_C's old Andar sheet and updated them, making them more workable. Myrnal's ability as a fighter is only average at best, and she doesn't do much damage normally. But if certain strategic conditions are satisfied, and she can get the jump on an enemy, she can spend a LOT of TP to tech-stack and slaughter them. In order to do as much damage as a mage of her level, she's burning about a third of her TP, so it's pretty fair. Plus, she can't just stand and nuke--she has to actively get into the thick of combat, take advantage of disabled/distracted foes, and otherwise utilize her sharp wits and accurate hand to outweigh her frail body.

Edited the tech in question for rules clarification, just so that it's clear she can't walk down the street totally invisible in broad daylight because she's close to a shadow cast by a nearby park bench. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>

</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=archmage144>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/25/05 10:30

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:10 pm

I was under the distinct impression that if you started above level 1, the highest you could go was level 2. And then only in rare cases wehre the character had already been RPed in freestyle rather extensively first. Backstory has never even been presented as an issue on the matter. The reason for this, my understanding was, was to prevent people from making stupidly overpower characters, such as the original concept for Ash, or a Valthi super soldier who can solo the Doman Military, etc.

All that said: Why is this character level 4? At what point are we cutting these things off now?

Edit: Wait, this is converted from a DnD character of hers? No wonder it looks overpowered. Still. The question of being level 4 right off the bat stands.

Edit 2: Because it's bugging me, I'd just like to note that Nezzeta's footwork in battle and Dancing are not, in fact, the same thing. SOME of her techniques use a form of footwork that, as I recall them, make it difficult for her opponent to keep track of what she's doing. There's a great deal of difference between a Tango and moving your feet quickly from place to place. Any DDRer should understand the concept. <_<

... At the same time, I'm not prepared to attack anyone techs if they aren't running around with a 12 foot sword. So eh. Both of you stop biting at eachothers ankles. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>Edited by: Besyanteo&nbsp; Image at: 10/25/05 12:45


Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Archmage144 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:47 pm

The character participated in a 16-session D&D campaign that ran the entirety of last school year. That's pretty extensive.

The first 18 pages of the character's backstory (IIRC) are before she became an adventurer and not relevant to her level; the remainder of it (something like 20-30 more typed pages) is her journal, a summary of her perspectives regarding the RP campaign and everything that happened in it. It's not just backstory at this point--it was RPed, I GMed it, and if any of my other players had decided to come to RPGWW and convert their characters to Philsys at any point, I wouldn't make them give up everything and start at level 1 either. The plotline I ran is now part of Gaeran canon (as was discussed this past summer) and is the basis for the RP that Kai is running now regarding Dawn attempting to resurrect Elaith.

For a level 4 character, she's actually "underpowered" compared to spellcasters; her damage output is totally reliant on tech-stacking and the ability to sneak attack. If she stacks all her techs for maximum damage, she'll run out of TP after about three attacks. If she can't sneak, she does very little damage. The D&D character was level 15 by the end of the campaign, and level 4 Philsys pretty much covers everything she could do that makes any difference. I have also preserved a couple of her more character-important magical items, namely her knives (she collects them). If you want a detailed description of how (in RP) she obtained these knives, Ash probably remembers better than I do and can point to the precise point in Myrnal's RP journal where it happened.

If she still seems overpowered for some reason, consider: She has no area of effect attacks, no effective way to wound combatants in heavy armor without tech usage, can cast no magic (but can duplicate one or two stealth-related techniques, one of which she can't even use yet), has relatively low HP, is not wearing the heaviest armor possible, and is effectively good at, combat-wise, two things, which are being stealthy and stabbing people. She's not a combat twink, or she wouldn't have skills like dancing. Her +7 DEX started at +5 and was obtained through two skill-ups. None of her secondary skill-ups at any of her three levels succeeded, which technically puts her behind par statwise.

What's so wrong with this character again? Why is a perfectly legitimate character played by a person that has done nothing to tarnish her ability to RP under such scrutiny, especially when there are characters of lower level that are technically more powerful than she is? <p>
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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:07 pm

Because the sudden appearance of a level 4 character that no one on the RP board she's being inserted into knows a damn thing about is damned obtrusive?

If she's prefectly legitamate with this grande collection of RP experience that you have logged/ran/whatever, then fine. We can deal now that we're all informed of it.

Please don't get pissy when people go after something that looks so horribly arbitrary at first glance gets jumped on.

That said, I don't have any further problems with the character. I'd only note that she's not exactly rounded to living in a real world... But aparently PhilSys is moving away from that concept right now anyway. <p>
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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Jak Snide » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:47 pm

Her prospects in a real world are quite similar to that of a career soldier, I'd think. Career soldiers don't learn a proffession like other people might do, soldiering is their profession, and fighting stuff is their job. Whether they join an army or take to mercenary work is up to them. While my own Jak has passing knowledge of how to run an inn he's a battle mage at heart and thus his prospects of employment range from adventuring to mercenary work to, as of late, joining the guard. Griff exeplifies this sort of character even better; he captains the Doman Guard, after all. If the need for fightings sorts ever evapourated then such people would find themselves unwanted due to their redudant training. As it is, though, the world is full of matters that are best solved with a mailed gauntlet to the face.

As for this Myrnal girly, given that ninja training is the sort of thing that starts early in life (I presume) then it's no real surprise that she hasn't developed many skills outside of what her profession requires of her.


Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Archmage144 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:37 pm

She picked up the ninja thing partway through the campaign, actually. She didn't start that way by any means--technically, she's still in training, but it's practical training. The GM of the RP in question is totally okay with the character being level 4. The character in question is being used as an NPC being GMed by the RPer that has been running on the forum since before last summer.

I'll let the RPer elaborate on other character-related issues herself.

I don't mean to sound acerbic, but I'm very frustrated by the level of criticism that has been directed at a person playing a very plausible character. No one has apparently taken the time to ask to read her backstory, which is available on request and not posted here because it's long. Very long. I don't want to fight and argue about the issue, nor do I want to create conflict. I'm just a little confused as to why this one character that is flawless systematically has stirred up so much conflict.

I can understand and sympathize when people fling feces at newbies posting new characters full of typoes that obviously don't understand the system and ask questions such as "wut is teh philisys do i hv to use???" I have had to coach a lot of people through character creation in my time, because Philsys is not the most intuitive system in the world the first time you use it. But I am very confused by the things people choose to criticize. Playing dragons, vampires, angels, and demons as PCs is kosher, but playing a girl who stabs people in the back is overpowered all of a sudden? Since when did all PCs have to have "real jobs" to survive in society? Being a soldier isn't a real job for an adventurer, apparently, and stealing to survive probably isn't acceptable, either. Since when do you need all that much skill to work a part time job? Do all PCs that have worked as waiters or collected firewood to feed themselves through tough times need to have a skill for it?

I can see one thing people might jump on me about&#058; "Look, Brian is giving his girlfriend special priveledges! She gets to start a character at level 4! She gets magic items! Look, he's defending her implausible character!" I want to make it very clear that that isn't how this works. I had three friends that RPed under me last year. Ashley was the only one that bothered to write a backstory that was more than one page. Despite the fact that her character wasn't the most powerful and another character had all the ranks in Diplomacy, she did almost all of the talking because she showed player initiative. I respect her abilities as an RPer, and instead of jumping to conclusions and being incredibly rude and offensive, perhaps the thing to do would be to ask questions and investigate the manner patiently. "Is this a joke? Please show us your real character sheet, seriously" is not the most polite way to start a conversation. It's an attack on the RPer's judgment when they've already established themselves as a good RPer in the community, and it's an attack on my judgment as well. Apparently I don't know anything about deciding who good RPers are. I guess I don't know anything about Philsys, either, since I helped create a character that "seriously makes no sense in Philsys."

Jak, thank you very much for having the time to talk with me about the things you saw as immediate problems and giving me a chance to explain and clarify things, mechanically speaking. Bes, I'm sorry if I've upset you as well, but I'm upset. I feel attacked, and I don't think I'm entirely wrong to feel offended. Perhaps I've reacted violently, but the whole start of this argument was a pointless set of insults. Shini, I'm sad to see that this is the kind of person you've become. Maybe we could have worked things out more reasonably if we'd been able to discuss this via IM, but I've had class all day (hell, I'm in class now and my batteries are going to die by the end of it at this rate) and both of us went to bed last night before you decided to critique the sheet. I remember back when you first invented Barius as an isolated island populated by assassins that were totally trying to kill each other all the time. I guess you've learned so much since then that it's not okay for anyone else to make mistakes. <p>
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</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=archmage144>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/25/05 14:37

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:10 pm

I can see one thing people might jump on me about&#058; "Look, Brian is giving his girlfriend special priveledges! She gets to start a character at level 4! She gets magic items! Look, he's defending her implausible character!"

Not even brought up, most likely, simply because of it's potential to start needless flaming. Or atleast it would in the fashion you mentioned. ... I could complain about the magic items sure enough, but I'd really rather not. Largely because to some degree I'd like to see them used more commonly.

Jak: Good points all. My appologies to AM for not taking the time to think of them before posting.

Also: I'm not particularly offended, I've just been conditioned over time so that I sound that way. You can ask Chris or Dave: It's very hard to tell when I'm angry and when I'm trying to make a point, or even a joke. You'd have to meet my family to understand where I get that from.

... Also: If Myrnal's an NPC, rather than a playing character, most any complaint against her is pretty well anulled. For all anyone else should be concerned about her, as an NPC she's allowed to shoot lightning bolts from her ass and surf wind currents with her hair.

In summation: I goofed more than once, Jak is awesome, and Myrnal as an NPC who has a defined level, a low one at that, is beyond scrutiny. <p>
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Yes, I really am replying to the thread!

Postby Kai » Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:19 pm

Actually, Myrnal started as a PC will be a PC again pretty soon. Her life as an NPC is currently restricted to her D&D incarnation. While I'm sure there are occasions when ass-lightning would be amusing, it's not worth never playing her again. Being used as an NPC will probably become more common as I GM a few more plots, but her intended purpose is as a personal character for me.

I've been leaving the technical criticism for Brian to discuss, since he obviously is much more comfortable with Philsys than I am. Anything about the basic nature of her character, or explanations about why some things are the way they are... those are things I can answer and will if approached via IM or email. <p>-------------------------
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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Kelne » Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:50 pm

My own thoughts, in order of initial reactions.

First thing I noticed, right off the bat, was that the sheet reads rather like a D&D sheet in terms of items and that one tech name. Of course, since I know Myrnal began as a D&D character, that's to be expected. The listing of certain items as +1 this and +2 that really stands out. Still, that's a stylistic thing. Nothing to really complain about here.

Thing 2. No background. Again, mildly annoying, but I see there's a note to contact Kai about background, and I've been following From the Ashes, so I can infer a certain amount about Myrnal without going and bothering Kai for said background. A condensed summary wouldn't hurt, but I know how difficult those things can be. Most of my own characters seriously need their own backgrounds expanded and/or revised, but I get away with leaving it as-is because they're well established and none dare question me. Or something like that. Again, no cause to complain.

Thing 3. Hide in plain sight. I forget what it said the first time around, but I pegged it as essentially the D&D skill of the same name. One of the skills I have rather major doubts about. I made a note to take a proper look at this version later and come back to if necessary. Looking at it as it stands, I don't have any problems. Myrnal is extremely sneaky, as befits a ninja, but confront her out in the open in broad daylight and it does her no good whatsoever. Face her on her terms, on the other hand...

Thing 4. Level 4, I see. Not typical for a newly created sheet, not at all. Again, having followed From the Ashes, and various posts from Brian about the preceding campaign, I'm aware that Myrnal has a decent history behind her as a D&D character. Certainly she has better cause to be level 4 in PS than my own character Jeff does to be level 15 in D&D. Still, in light of the fact that not everyone is necessarily aware of Myrnal's career, I foresee someone bringing this up.

The following Morning:

*Scrolls down to the bottom of the page, then up. And up. And up... Not a good sign.*

Shini wasted no time in making a sarcastic and unconstructive comment, I see. No doubt someone will club some sense into him. No doubt he'll dodge. Moving on.

Jak's spotted something I hadn't - namely invisibility, which in the form of bending light I tend to regard as magic. Use of Secret Ninja Powers to do such is borderline, but may be acceptable, and Myrnal can't do it yet anyway.

Looks like Hide in plain sight is being addressed, as is the chainmail issue - another one I missed. Conclusions seem satisfactory.

I knew someone would bring up the level 4 bit, looks like it's Bes. Things seem to have gotten a bit heated on the point, but it looks like it's been resolved.

And the issue of how well suited Myrnal is to life in the real world is raised. To my mind the answer is "worse than most, but better than some characters I could name." As noted, her skillset is pretty well optimised towards a career involving violence, and her options outside that domain are a tad limited. A valid choice to my mind, certainly in the hands of an experienced RPer. I don't see any indications that Myrnal's about to branch out into innkeeping or international diplomacy or basketweaving, and I imagine she'd be terrible at it if she tried.

In all, no real reason for me to post, since I have no major issues with the character, and the minor ones I might raise are already being, or have already been dealt with.

Nevertheless, I felt I should get it on record that despite the at-length discussion on the sheet, it doesn't represent any kind of knee-jerk reaction (with one exception), and that there really isn't anything personal at work here.

Also, since nobody has yet done this to my satisfaction:

*Clubs Shini.* Seriously. Think before you speak. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

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Re: Shit That Defines Myrnal

Postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:12 pm

Hey now, I wasted a good several hours. <p>
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Let's try this again, shall we?

Postby Kai » Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:27 pm

Here's a character sheet for Shakti. Some people know her, some don't. Anyway, I've got everything but her techs and some more spells. Equipment will also be edited in later.

This is the first PS sheet I've ever made on my own so CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is not only allowed, but welcome and probably necessary.

Name: Esperanza "Shakti" Messiah
Race: human
Level: 2
XP: 550/1250
Max HP: 56/56
Max MP: 111/111
Max TP: 27/27
Initiative: 3+2d6

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +5
Intuition: +6
Charisma: -1
Dexterity: +3
Strength: -1
Stamina: +0
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 14/14
Modified for armor - n/n
Modified for skill - 17/15
Modified for weapon - 17/15

Body=leather bracers AC 5

Weapon Damage - kukri (7/10/13)
Light - 11+1d6
Medium - 14+2d6 (-2)
Heavy - 17 + 3d6 (-5)

Base MATK - 16
Base MDEF - 24+d20

42 skill points
+8 for level-up

psychokinesis - 6
star magic - 6
holy Magic - 2
healing magic - 1
spatial magic - 4
writing - 2
weapon (kukri) - 5
perform (piano) - 4
perform (sitar) - 4
[k]anthropology - 5
[k]linguistics - 4
[k]Buddhism - 4
[s]applied anthropological theory - 6
[s]sense motive - 4
[s]pain resistance - 5
~~(+2 COU, reduces penalty for injury by rank/2, character remains conscious up to -rank HP)
[s]applied magical theory - 4

[Psychokinesis=1]Kinetic Bolt (4 MP) - Shakti projects a burst of mental force, which deals 6+rank+1d6 damage.

[Psychokinesis=2]Empathic Shield (6MP) - Target receives a rank+2 bonus against all mind affecting spells/psionics (Berserk, Pacification, etc) for rank hours.

[Psychokinesis=4]Kinetic Shield (10 MP) - Boosts damage reduction, adding rank AC to any target for 1d6 rounds.

[Psychokinesis=4]Telekinesis (16 MP) - By focusing on an object or area, Shakti can lift up to rank*20 pounds of weight, forcing the amount of matter to move as he chooses. The average human, decked out with equipment, weights 160 lbs. If the target is forcefully thrown into a wall, the damage dealt is half falling damage. This skill can also be used to attack with telekinetic "punches"--for these, calculate punching damage as though the user's strength was her Psychokinesis rank.

[Psychokinesis=4] Stun (10 MP) - Freezes target, making them unable to move or speak for 1d4 rounds.

[Psychokinesis=5]Scorn Earth (8 MP) - Using this spell, Shakti can float a foot above the ground for rank*minutes. Instead of walking she glides along, unconcerned with the hard earth or difficult terrain. While she remains within 1 foot of a flat surface of any solid or liquid, she can take normal actions and make normal attacks, and can move at her normal speed (she can even “run” without problems). However, at distances higher than 1 foot above any surface, her speed diminishes to 10 feet per round.

[Psychokinesis=6, kukri=1]Hand of Kali (10 MP) - Using this spell, Shakti can throw her weapon at her opponent, making a psychokinesis roll (MATK+rank) instead of a ranged attack against the target's missile evasion. The kukri deals medium attack damage and uses her MAG score instead of her strength to determine damage. It returns to Shakti after the attack.

[Star Magic=1]Guiding Star (4 MP) No matter her position on Gaera, Shakti can always attune herself to the stars and determine which direction is north.

[Star Magic=1]Nova (4 MP) - Spectral energy fries an enemy, dealing 6 + (rank*2) + 1d6 damage.

[Star Magic=3]Orion Strike (15 MP) -The power of the stars converges on the battlefield, bombarding all within 15 feet of the caster with its energy. This energy burst deals 14 + (rank*4) + 3d6 damage.

[Star Magic=4]Sunbath (14 MP) - The energy of the sun empowers the party, restoring 8 + (rank*3) + 2d8 HP. This can only be used in daylight of some sort.

[Star Magic=6]Supernova(26 MP) - The power of a collapsing star amasses in Shakti's hands, allowing her to fry an enemy for 10+rank*3+2d6 damage.

[Holy=1]Wrath (6 MP) - Deals 6+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to a single target.

[Heal=1]Cure (7 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 8+rank*2+1d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).

[Heal=1]Purify (5 MP) - Cures poisoning. The maximum amount of levels of poison that this can cure is equal to Healing Rank/2, with a minimum of 1.

[Space=2]Gravity Well (7 MP) - Creates a gravity well over a 4-hex radius. Anyone within the well must succeed in a strength check vs. the casting power in order to resist the effects. Those who fail to resist receive a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, and movement is cut in half. Flying creatures who fail to save are grounded by this spell.

[Space=4] Aquatic Motion (11 MP) - This spell displaces water molecules around the target, allowing them to move freely in water, as if it was not there. Note that buoyancy is completely eliminated for one who has received this spell. This makes it possible to cause aquatic creatures to sink, or to prevent someone from being able to swim.


[kukri=2]Precise Striking (2 TP) - Uses DEX to determine weapon damage bonuses instead of STR and eliminates all penalties to hit other than those caused by magical debuffs for one round. Heavy attacks are impossible when using Precise Striking.

[kukri=3]Cry Mercy (4 TP) - Due to the unique design of the kukri, an opponent is hit and then the heavy dropped point digs in on the way across and out. By taking advantage of this design feature, Shakti can decide before her attack to grind the bladed edge into her opponent after her hit, doubling the damage of the initial attack.

[kukri=4]Dextrous Striking (2 TP) - Adds DEX to AT a second time for one round.

[M-theory=4] Twin Spell (5 TP) Shakti's spell is cast twice in one round, effectively doubling the effects of the spell.

Edit: Levelled. Added a couple of new spells just for fun. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 4/8/06 18:25

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Re: Let's try this again, shall we?

Postby Kelne » Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:18 pm

By and large, the sheet looks good. A couple of minor mathematical things - I figure Initiative as being 2+2d6, light damage on the Kukri as 11 +1d6, and medium damage as 14+2d6.

The skills seem a bit off. While it's not strictly necessary to spend all skill points, I'm not sure if the shortfall is deliberate or not. Bear in mind that both [k] and [s] skills cost half points unless otherwise noted. Applied anthropological theory seems to be missing its rank. Also, I'm not sure where the +2 Cou noted under pain resistance comes from.

Let's see, spells. I'm not sure about Empathic Shield falling under psychokinesis, but since it's taken directly from the spellbook, that's an issue for another thread. Orion strike could use either a blast radius or a maximum number of targets hit. Also, does it only apply under starlight like Sunbath does under sunlight, or not?

Finally, Cry Mercy could likely be worded better. I think I know what it does (an extra set of damage without benefit of armour and the like), but it might be simpler just to state that it deals double damage since, mechanically, this would be no different. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

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Re: Let's try this again, shall we?

Postby Kai » Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:38 pm

I'll fix those in the morning. Thanks for looking over the sheet.

Edit the Second: The pain resistance thing is noted because I changed the prerequisite. It's generally STA +2, but the same reason she has that skill is also why I gave her a low STA score. I changed it to COU because that also makes some sense. If she'd had the minimum STA score, I think she'd have had too many HP.

I edited the sheet to spend what should be the rest of her skill points. The shortfall was an accident that should be fine now. I also corrected the weapon damage issues. Not sure what went awry there, but I appreciate you pointing it out. I fixed her initiative.

I added a metamagic-type tech at the bottom. Let me know if there's any problem with the way that works. I tried to balance it with Hakaril's rank 4 Charge Spell tech which, if I read it correctly, doubles the damage as well.

Also, let me know if this wording of Cry Mercy works better.

You're right about some of the problems with the star magic. I actually took the star magic from KoD's Cardinal, since they learned that discipline from the same teachers. However, it's been tweaked a little for this sheet and it could probably use a little more.

So, let's see what can be clarified about it. Star magic works anytime as, unlike sunlight, the stars are always there. The reason I limited sunbath to daytime use is that, unlike the stars, sunlight isn't present to the same degree at nighttime. Sure, there's the technicality that it reflects off the moon and whatnot, but I figured that a limitation like that would be fair for a mass healing spell at only rank 4.

Orion Strike does need some kind of limitation on it. I'd say a blast radius would be fair. A good limitation for Orion Strike would be that it hits all within 15 feet of the caster. At a higher rank Shakti could gain another spell with some more control over that energy and be able to cast it on another target area. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kai@rpgww60462>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/23/05 14:36

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Re: Let's try this again, shall we?

Postby KingOfDoma » Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:30 pm

*will make the same change, for solidarity* <p>

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For completeness and justice.

Postby Kai » Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:01 pm

I also realized that I should keep Virginia's sheet here for the sake of consistency. I doubt I'll need it, but damn it, I wrote the thing and I'm keeping track of it.

This was for Nevareh's RP, Rain of Ashes. More or less freestyle with rules added later. Anyway. Whatever. Sheet.

Virginia Fell


darkvision (the eyes, man. the eyes)
can bend the light around herself to create unnatural darkness
ancient languages (English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian)
excellent visual memory
computer programming
can track by scent like an animal
singing (lounge-style)
world history (except for that pesky pre-fall period)
anthropological theory
land surveying


book of graph paper with agonizingly small, neat field notes
pocket utility knife/multitool
pen with several nibs and ink
tea leaves and a coffee mug
very sharp trowel
folded up sheet music (Ode to Joy, Prelude in Db Major, Jupiter March)
brass knuckles
sword cane
a stone knife she made herself
thin leather gloves to cover her hands

Backstory/Assorted Character Stuff

Virginia is of average height for a woman, about 5'3". She has long brown hair which she generally keeps wrapped up in her hat. She's almost perpetually covered in dirt, oblivious to the dust falling off her as she walks. She'll wash herself if she's covered in something offensive (as she possesses a keen sense of smell and it's more likely to offend her than those around her). Most of the time she's so covered over with silt that her skin could be any color, but first thing in the morning she's just a caramel-skinned woman in sunglasses. White scars snake over her arms and body like crawling vines reaching out of the earth. They're the only exposed part of her that dirt can't seem to cling to in any way. Her voice is low and rich like the echoes in a buried library.

She wears denim pants that are battered and torn, two layered white tank tops and a white button-up shirt. She wears the collar of her shirt propped up around her neck. She also has a much-mended pair of old sunglasses that she's seldom without in public. She wears them to cover one of the outward manifestations of her change. Her eyes are a luminous blue with no whites. This, combined with her tendency to shine faintly gold in darkness make it necessary to cover most of her skin at night or when she doesn't want to be noticed.

She's an enthusiastic and passionate woman who spends most of her time digging around for information about events before the fall. Her top priority is that history be recorded and preserved. It's evident by her careful record-keeping that her deepest fear is being forgotten. It might be why she spends so much time trying to recover what history has smothered and left for dead. She's a lot like the artifacts she finds: very old but despite her age is very well-preserved and often disappears for long periods of time only to turn up in a pile of dirt or in an old city.

She enjoys the company of other Hunters when she can get it. They understand what it's like to de driven by something, an ambition that's almost a separate entity from oneself. She's always had friends and lovers, but it's hard for her to divide her attention between research and love.

She was married when she found The Syrum at the age of 30. She was lucky that the small item was Syrum, since otherwise she'd have been testing random chemical compounds on herself. She figured if her carefully-recorded death could contribute to the collective knowledge of humanity, then so be it. Shortly after taking The Syrum, she became more and more frustrated with her husband. She left him and their son to continue her research without a family to tie her down. Her son Christian was six years old when she left, but Virginia's been gone for nearly seventy years. He has several grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren. She's outwardly unconcerned with the particulars of her family, but those interested in history have met a distant aunt who funded their education. She's never offered any of them The Syrum, but her apparent reserve of money is a testament that she's got it. That and those strange unsettling eyes.

She had a terrible cough when she took The Syrum. She could probably have fixed it by now, but it hasn't gotten worse and she doesn't want to waste the effort. She could be learning a new language or tracking down sources of information. If it hasn't killed her in seventy years, she assumes that it's never going to. When people express concern, she waves them off and blames it on how dirty she always is.

Her crass jokes and sarcastic remarks are belied by the delicacy and even reverence with which she handles the delicate objects that had, against all odds, survived for centuries. The search for knowledge and the pursuit of truth are all she holds sacred. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Just because I've gotten some of this done!

Postby Kai » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:19 pm

Preliminary sheet for Daien's Birthright-esque RP.

Safiyeh Kiyankadah AKA Javid (Kai)



Backstory! Or rather, an overview of her backstory for the sake of fitting it on a sheet and not being a pain in the ass for everyone else.

This starts with Safiyeh's grandparents. One man married one woman, and they had three children: two girls and their youngest, a boy. Out of these children, one would inherit the very nice (but now rather crowded) family mansion. Ordinarily the parents of these three would have taken the easy route and ruled that their son received the ancestral property. However, the male child was the youngest, and it was just as fair to leave the property to one of the daughters. As a result, the parents made a deal with their children. The first one of them to produce a male heir would receive their parents' property as part of their inheritance.

So... the race was on. The children each got married and set about the business of producing a son, ambitious folk that they were. The second daughter married a blooded man and was the first to bear a child.

In any other world such a child would have been exposed for being two inconvenient things: a freak, and a girl. Luckily, the baby with the glowing blue eyes was judged a blooded (and therefore a rare, special, and valuable) freak. That little problem of the baby's sex was certainly not going to stand in the way of an obviously-superior child.

The girl's parents told no one else she was female. Within her immediate family her name was Safiyeh. To everyone else, Safiyeh was a charming, if somewhat quiet, little boy named Javid.

Javid's grandparents seemed content with the results of the absurd baby race and it was only after their deaths when Javid was twelve (and her parents firmly inhabiting Javid's birthright) was the lie revealed.

Luckily for Javid-turned-Safiyeh, most of her extended family's bitterness and jealousy were directed at her parents for doing such an outlandishly underhanded thing. Some pitied the girl.

It wasn't all isolation and angst for Safiyeh herself, though. From an early age she had been taught to conceal the truth from people, to lie, to charm people into believing what her parents wanted them to believe.

She also had some of the benefits that come with growing up male. She spent time outside with the desert wanderers that occasionally passed through her region, learning what they had to teach of survival on the sands. She learned the use of a poisoned blade from them, since in most other areas of combat she could not trust herself with anything more direct. Even after the lie was abandoned, most of these men continued to call her Javid. They acted as if nothing had changed, though she grew her hair longer and adopted more feminine mannerisms. Women from the settled areas were generally not welcome on such excursions. However, the fastidious use of her male name was an open statement to the families in the city that Safiyeh would be accepted.

Her surname, Kiyankadah, was given to her shortly after this time. It means 'willed by the kings,' as if to make a very clear point. The real social authority in this region, the nomads who ensured the safety and security of the settled area, openly supported this girl. It was also an implication (privately, between Safiyeh and her mentors) that when the time came to choose new community leaders for the nomads Safiyeh, their Javid, would be chosen by the will of the kings.

Though the acceptance of her mentors meant a great deal to Safiyeh, the old lie had become a very pressing habit. Constantly being addressed by her old name by people who knew better had two effects: On the one hand it was an assurance that her name could be separated from its old associations with confusion and deceit. On the other hand, it was a constant reminder that at least part of her would always be Javid. Part of her would always be a liar.

Safiyeh found that even though she was hardly a formidable warrior, she could still be of use to her people. Since for so long her very identity rested on the perceptions of others, her awareness of outside points of view assisted her when dealing with unfamiliar people. She found that by spending time with members of other cultures she could immerse herself in their ways. Her respectful but careful approach to others became a significant asset to the diplomatic efforts of her people.

Race: Khinasi human
Age: 22
Bloodline: Basaïa
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max TP: 19/19
Initiative: 1+2d6
Missile Evasion-- 15+d20

Base AT/PA - 5/5
Modified for armor - n/n
Modified for skill - 9/9
Modified for weapon - 9/8

Weapon - Knife (2/4/6)
•Light: 6+1d6
•Medium: 8+2d6 (-2)
•Heavy: 10+3d6 (-5)

heavy robes AC 2
leather bracers AC 5
Total AC=7

knife (usually poisoned)
4 vials of basic combat poison (level 3)
2 vials of stronger poison (must be ingested) (level 5)

A note on the poison: Safiyeh must coat her weapon with poison within 24 hours of use or the poison is no longer effective. Often this means applying poison before combat, though if she has already poisoned it for a previous combat, the poison remains for 24 hours.

Poison in its vial may be stored indefinitely, and each vial holds one dose of poison. Safiyeh can make more if she spends one day on each vial she wishes to refill.

Courage: +1
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +1 (+6 with nonblooded folk)
Dexterity: +0
Strength: +0
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: +0
BP: +4 (spent 12 points)

34 skill points

[k]Etiquette (Noble) -4
[k]Etiquette (Articulate Speaker) -4
[k]Anthropology -4
[k]Linguist -4
[k]Navigation -4
[k]Negotiation -4
[k]Poisons -4
[k]Survival -4

[s]Deception - <Cha/Cha/Int> -4
[s]Diplomacy - <Cha/Cha/Int> -4
[s]Intimidation - <Cou/Cha/Int> -4
[s]Observant - <Int> -4
[s]Sense Motive - <Int> -4

Knife - <Cou/Str/Agi> -4
Disguise - <Cha/Int/Wis> -4


Techs and Things:

[innate] Bloodmark. Due to Safiyeh's status as blooded, she receives +1CHA for each BP she has when nonblooded people can tell what she is. Safiyeh's eyes mark her quite clearly as blooded. They are a luminous blue with no whites. This is highly visible and makes her easily recognizable, though it can be disguised by doing things like, oh... covering her eyes. Because her nature is obvious due to an actual physical mark, she gets another +1CHA. This puts her up to +5 CHA due to being blooded and having glowy eyes. This applies to nonblooded folk as well as blooded people who might have some sort of inferiority complex. Mainly just nonblooded.

[Innate, Sense Motive=1] (4 TP) Character Reading. The use of this tech gives her a +10 bonus to sense motive checks for the purposes of determining lies. This does not tell Safiyeh what the truth is, but it does indicate that the person to whom she's speaking is being deceptive. The duration is (rank*3) minutes.

[Innate, Survival=1, Navigation=1] Familiar Ground. When on the terrain favored by her bloodline (deserts and plains), Safiyeh receives a +10 bonus to survival and navigation checks, as well as observation checks dealing with this terrain. She may lead a group of people (2/BP) and they receive a +2 bonus to survival checks under her leadership and guidance.

[Innate, Diplomacy=1] (2 TP) Persuasion. Safiyeh receives a +BP bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks that lasts (rank*3) minutes.

[Anthropology=1, Observant=2] (2 TP) Mimicry. By careful observation of the people around her, Safiyeh can attempt to build a rapport between them and herself by taking on the outward trappings of their culture. This may mean their ways of speaking, their body language, or even their manner of dress.

[Intimidation=2] (2 TP) Overpower. Using threatening body language and careful insinuations, Safiyeh can attempt to frighten her target into submission by implying that she or someone else will do them harm if they fail to comply with her demands.
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 1/20/06 18:50

Elementalist Daien

Re: Just because I've gotten some of this done!

Postby Elementalist Daien » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:53 am

Just a thought-

But the bonus only applies to Diplomacy, Intimidate, and other such checks, and only when dealing with unblooded. Unless, of course, the blooded in question considers himself inferior to other blooded.

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Re: Just because I've gotten some of this done!

Postby Kai » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:55 pm

Good note to make. I should note that more explicitly. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Yadali Volpecula.... at your service.

Postby Kai » Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:52 pm

Yadali Volpecula (Kai)

See the information on the Tuathans contained here.

Name: Yadali Volpecula
Race: Wood Elf
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70/70
Max TP: 28/28
Max MP: 65/65
Initiative: 3+2d6

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +0
Dexterity: +2
Agility: +2
Strength: +2
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 4

Base AT/PA - 10/10
Modified for armor - 10/10
Modified for skill - 13/11
Modified for weapon - 14/10

Body=Leather Bracers - AC 5

Weapon Damage - 8/10/x
•Light: 14 + 1d6
•Medium: 18 + 2d6 (-2 penalty)

Base Missile Evasion - 18+d20
Base MDEF - 20+d20


[k]Herb knowledge - 4
[k]Survival - 4
[k]Nature - 4
[s]Animal affinity - 4<Cou/Cha/Int>
[s]Climbing - 4<Str/Agi/Dex>
[s]Stealth - 2<Dex/Agi/Int>

Air Magic - 4
Druid Magic - 4
Transmutation - 4

Rapier - 4<Str/Agi/Cou>
Tracking - 3<Int/Int/Sta>

[Innate] Mark of the Slain - Due to Yadali's quasi-religious significance to her people, any person who causes her death will be astrally marked as a result of his/her action. This mark can generally only be seen by Tuathans, so it isn't even visible to most Igalan Druids. This mark is distinctive enough that a Tuathan who encounters this person will immediately know what the killer has done. Reactions vary according to circumstances.

[Air=1]Gas Breathing (8 MP) - Allows Yadali to breathe any gas for (rank*10) minutes. This does not prevent any effects the gas may have besides hypoxia, such as chlorine.

[Air=1]Aero (10 MP) - Deals 5+rank*2+1d6 air damage to all enemies within a 10 foot corridor in front of Yadali.

[Air=4]Aero 2 (24 MP) - Deals 10+rank*4+3d6 air damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of Yadali.

[Air=4]Liquid Breathing (10 MP) - Allows Yadali to breathe any liquid for (rank*3) minutes. This does not prevent any effects the liquid may have besides hypoxia, such as acid.

[Druid Magic=1]Choking Brambles (7 MP) - Causes a web of thorny vines to erupt from the ground, entangling opponents. Deals 8+2*rank+1d6 damage, and roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, target cannot take action this round.

[Druid Magic=1]Speak with Animal (0 MP) - Druids can speak with any animal, with little effort. Yadali tends to try and communicate with them in their own language if at all possible rather than using telepathy.

[Druid Magic=3, Animal Affinity=3]Control Animal (20 MP) - By using this, Yadali can take mental control of any animal and make it change its allegiances to be friendly to her. This animal will obey any and all commands. The definition of "animals" includes things like bears, wolves, and the like, not humans, goblins, giant slimes, etc.

[Druid=2, Transmutation=1] Alter Wood (8 MP) - Yadali can cause wood to bend and warp, changing its shape or permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a Strength check to open, at your option). A boat or ship springs a leak. Warped ranged weapons are useless. A warped melee weapon causes a -4 penalty on attack rolls. Alternatively, she can unwarp wood (effectively warping it back to normal) with this spell, straightening wood that has been warped by this spell or by other means.

[Transmutation=3] Rusting Grasp (8 MP) - Any iron or iron alloy item she touches becomes instantaneously rusted, pitted, and worthless, effectively destroyed. If the item is magical, the spell does not function.

[Druid=4, Transmutation=4] Basic Wild Shape (35 MP, 4TP) - Yadali can take the forms of a limited number of animal forms that she knows well. These are limited to fox, bear, and horse shapes. When Yadali uses wild shape, her physical stats change that to match those of her adopted form; additionally, she recovers her health to the maximum for that animal. Any equipment being worn melds into her form and is unusable unless it could somehow be manipulated by the new form.

[Transmutation=4] Alter self (10 MP) - Using this spell, Yadali can change her physial form to that of another humanoid. This may be a humanoid she has met or one she makes up herself. Her physical stats do not change.


[Druid=4] Natural Spell (3 TP) - Yadali is capable of casting spells even when she is in animal form. Add the TP cost of this ability to the spell being cast. Unless she is using this ability, Yadali cannot cast spells while polymorphed into any of her wild shapes.

[Rapier=2]Precise Striking (2 TP) - Uses DEX to determine weapon damage bonuses instead of STR and eliminates all penalties to hit other than those caused by magical debuffs for one round. Heavy attacks are impossible when using Precise Striking.

[Rapier=2]Defender's Stance (1 TP) - Adds weapon skill rank to all PA rolls made this round. Even if no parry roll is allowed, half of the users's weapon skill rank is added to his PA for the remainder of the round. This tech cannot be combined with any other offensive tech, and the user forfeits any bonus attacks (but may use them, instead, as bonus parries).

[Rapier=4]Dextrous Striking (2 TP) - Adds DEX to AT a second time for one round.

[Druid=4]Gift of Nature (varies) When in a wooded area, Yadali can spend TP to regain her MP. TP cost is 1TP/10MP.

------Animal Stats for Wild Shape Stuff------

Brown Bear Damage: 2 Claws 18+1d6 or Bite 24+3d6
HP: 85/85 AC: 4

MP: (No change) Initiative: 1+2d6
TP: (No change) MBlock: (No change)
AT/PA: 16/12 MAttack: (No change)
Move: 4

Physical Stats: STR +5, AGI +0, DEX +0, STA +5.

Light Horse Damage: Hoof 20+1d6 (at -4)
HP: 70/70 AC: 2
MP: (No change) Initiative: 5+2d6
TP: (No change) MBlock: (No change)
AT/PA: 10/10 MAttack: (No change)
Move: 10

Physical Stats: STR +3, AGI +4, DEX +0, STA +3.

Red Fox Damage: Bite 6+1d6
HP: 35/35 AC: 0
MP: (No change) Initiative: 6+2d6
TP: (No change) MBlock: (No change)
AT/PA: 8/16 MAttack: (No change)
Move: 5

Physical Stats: STR -1, AGI +5, DEX +3, STA +0. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 2/10/06 0:30

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^_^ Guess who?

Postby Kai » Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:22 pm

Name: Holly (Kai)

Holly is a rather short girl (about 5'1") with incredibly messy blonde hair that would cover her eyes if it could ever manage to lie down on her head in an orderly fashion. She wears a bright red jacket often matched by either a red mage hat or a brightly-patterned scarf around her hair. She also wears purple paisley leggings with knee-high brown boots. She carries a whip dagger, which is basically a whip that has a small knife at the end and is also covered in barbed-wire and various razor nonsense.

Holly lineart
Holly and Xevan
Yes, I'm really linking this.
Another thing that's probably helpful.

Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 60/60
Max MP: 80/80
Max TP: 19/19
Initiative: 2+2d6

Base MATK: 11
Base MDEF: 17

Courage: 2
Wisdom: 3
Intuition: 3
Charisma: 4
Agility: 1
Dexterity: 0
Strength: 2
Stamina: 1
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 8/8
Modified for skill - 12/8
Modified for weapon - 13/7
Modified for armor - n/n

Body= AC 7
-Various layers of clothing AC 2
-Leather bracers AC 5

Weapon Damage - (whip dagger) 8,11,14
-Light: 14 + 1d6
-Medium: 19 + 2d6 (-2)
-Heavy: 24 + 3d6 (-5)
[k]Bardic Lore - 4 <Int>
Benediction - 4
Illusion magic - 4
Telepathy - 4
-flute - 4 <Cha/Int/Dex>
-oratory - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
-vocal - 4 <Cha/Cha/Int>
heal (not magic) - 3 <Wis/Wis/Int>
weapon (whip dagger) - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str>

[Benediction=1]Improve (8+(rank-1) MP) - Increases a minor physical substat by rank. Includes AT, PA, attack damage, missile evasion, or AC. Learn one skill per rank. Cost is determined by rank. Duration negotiable (add 2 MP to cost for every round on average the spell will last than rank).

[Benediction=1]Sharpen (8 MP) - Boosts the damage of a weapon by +rank for rank rounds.

[Benediction=2]Fortify (8 MP) - Boosts the AC of an armor by +rank for rank rounds.

[Benediction=3]Center (10 MP) - Boosts a target's PA by +rank for rank rounds.

[Benediction=4]Align (12 MP) - Boosts a target's AT by +rank for rank rounds.

[Illusion=1]Prestidigitation (2 MP) - Once cast, a prestidigitation spell enables Holly to perform simple magical effects for 1 hour. The effects are minor and have severe limitations. A prestidigitation can slowly lift 1 pound of material. It can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube each round. It can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. It cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of spellcasters. Prestidigitation can create small objects, but they look crude and artificial. The materials created by a prestidigitation spell are extremely fragile, and they cannot be used as tools, weapons, or spell components.

[Illusion=1]Distraction (5 MP) - The simplest of all illusion spells, this creates a very basic, single dimension illusion (which can be any dimension the caster has access to). This may be used to fool observers or targets as desired, and the actual effects should be left up to common sense.

[Illusion=2]Glitterdust (6 MP) - A cloud of golden particles covers everyone and everything in a ten foot by ten foot target area, visibly outlining invisible things for the duration of the spell and in general being quite glittery.

[Illusion=3]Disguise (8 MP) - This illusion allows Holly or a target to take the appearance of any object which Holly is familiar with and can imagine clearly. However, the target is NOT transformed into the object in actuality, and a physical inspection (touching the target) will make this obvious.

[Illusion=4]Invisibility (10 MP) - This spell makes the target invisible by bending light around him or her. Invisible targets still project themselves astrally, so this ability will not fool mages scanning the astral plane or reading auras. Invisible targets receive a +10 bonus to attack any foe who is unaware of their presence. This spell lasts for a duration of rank*4 minutes out of combat, or rank rounds in combat. Taking an action, such as attacking, breaks this spell early.

[Illusion=4]Smother Sound (8 MP) - This spell creates the "illusion" of silence, preventing all sound.

[Telepathy=1]Telepathy (0 MP out of combat, 1 MP in combat) - Allows Holly to speak telepathically "out loud." Anyone may hear this, unless it is directed at a target recipient.

[Telepathy=2]Guarded Telepathy (0 MP out of combat, 2 MP in combat) - Forces any prying minds to overcome Holly's abilities in order to listen in on a telepathic conversation. In order to listen in, the listener must make a Telepathy skill check roll vs. Holly's Telepathy skill check roll.

[Telepathy=2]Frenzy (7MP) - Causes the status effect "Berserk."

[Telepathy=3]Pacify (7MP) - Counters Berserk and Fear effects, and calms sentient creatures for rank rounds.

[Telepathy=3]Breach Mind (12 MP) - Holly can read a person's mind, or 'listen' to relayed thoughts, if they fail a spell resist check or a Telepathy check (use whichever check is greater).

[Telepathy=3]Hypnosis (10 MP) - Magically influences a target, forcing them to obey any single word command or simple command ("sit," "flee," "jump,"). This effect is not powerful enough to cause the target to actively cause themselves harm, though their clarity of thought is not 100%. GM's call, though a target is not likely to, for example, thrust their blade through their own throat.

[Telepathy=4]Confusion (12 MP) - Confuses the target, causing them to do one of three things: be dazed and unable to act for 1d4 rounds, attack allies and enemies randomly, or flee from combat.

[Telepathy=4]Guard Thoughts (10 MP) - Helps prevent outside listeners from breaking in on telepathic conversation, providing extra "shielding" (a bonus to all Telepathy checks to prevent intruders) equal to rank+2.

[Telepathy=4, Illusion=1]Hallucinate (8 MP) Holly can create an illusory effect by altering the perceptions of her target. This illusion may be fully realistic, but rather than being based on common sense as a normal illusion would be, the viability of the effect is based on a failed MDEF role.

[Benediction=1, Perform (any)=4, Telepathy=1]Inspire Courage (10 MP) Holly can use this spell while performing to give any allies who can see/hear her a bonus of benediction rank/4 to all of their rolls.

[Benediction=1, Telepathy=4]Empathy (8 MP) Holly can use this spell to create an emotional connection between herself (or another person) and one other person. As a result of this, she receives a bonus of (benediction rank) to sense motive and diplomacy checks, and a penalty of (benediction rank/2) to bluff checks.


[Bardic Lore=2]Recall Trivia (0 TP) Holly can attempt to recall bits of information from stories or rumours that she's hear previously. This may be a myth about an obscure artifact or deity, or a more mundane anecdote about how a local artisan met his wife. Effects vary based on the information Holly is seeking and GM discretion.

[Bardic Lore=4]Charismatic Casting (2 TP) The use of this tech allows Holly to substitute her CHA for one of her casting stats (either INT or WIS).

[Perform(any)=4]Performance Casting (3 TP) - Holly can spend TP to cut the MP cost of a spell in half, provided the spell's rank does not exceed her perform skill. This tech can only be used while Holly is performing in some way.

[Whip Dagger=2]Defender's Stance (1 TP) - Adds weapon skill rank to all PA rolls made this round. Even if no parry roll is allowed, half of the users's weapon skill rank is added to his PA for the remainder of the round. This tech cannot be combined with any other offensive tech, and the user forfeits any bonus attacks (but may use them, instead, as bonus parries).

[Whip Dagger=3]Improved Trip (3 TP) - Holly can make a normal attack roll, but if she hits, roll a second attack versus the opponent's PA. If the second attack is successful, the opponent is knocked prone and cannot stand until their next turn. A prone target takes a -6/-6 to their AT/PA and a -6 to missile evasion.

[Whip Dagger=4]Disarm (0 TP) - Holly makes a normal attack roll that deals no damage. If it hits, the opponent drops their weapon to the ground. Holly does not get this weapon, but they cannot pick the weapon up until their next turn. The act of picking up this weapon allows all combatants within melee range an immediate free attack action.

I'll edit this later to include the costs for some of these. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 3/1/06 0:51

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Tassi Abigail Wells

Postby Kai » Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:30 pm

Name: Tassi Abigail Wells
Race: Human

Background: It lives here in the writings forum.

Appearance: Art.
She also wears a shirt made of feathers. It's noticeable. Kind of a sleeveless corset style thing minus all the bondage implications.

Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70/70
Max MP: 105/105
Max TP: 28/28
Initiative: 1+2d6

Base MATK - 15
Base MDEF - 21


Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +5
Charisma: +3
Dexterity: +0
Strength: +0
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 8/8
Modified for armor - 8/8

Body=Shielded Robe (AC 7)

38 points total

alchemy - 4
drawing - 2
sewing - 4
healing magic - 4
holy magic - 4
shadow magic - 2
[k]humanoid anatomy - 4
[k]nature - 4
[k]religion - 4
[k]undead - 4
[s]animal affinity - 4
[s]applied magical theory - 4
[s]baking - 2
[s]cooking - 2
[s]drinking - 4
[s]pain resistance - 4 (Sta=2; Reduces penalties for injury by rank/2, Character remains conscious up to -rank HP)

-----Spells and Techs-----

[Heal=1]Cure (7 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 8+rank*2+1d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).

[Heal=1]Purify (5 MP) - Cures poisoning. The maximum amount of levels of poison that this can cure is equal to Healing Rank/2, with a minimum of 1.

[Heal=1]Ease Pain (8 MP) This is a pain relief spell that temporarily eliminates all sensation distal from Tassi's hands. For example, if she puts her hands on a man's shoulder, his arm down to his fingers will be affected.

[Heal=2]Cure Minor Disease (10 MP) Eliminates everyday diseases such as cold, the flu, or minor infections. It does not treat major conditions like cancer or heart problems.

[Heal=2]Restore Vision (6 MP) - Cures blindness to those who have been made blind by magical effects or spells. Does not cure blindness caused by injuries or other causes (this cannot restore sight to one who is missing their eyes, for example).

[Heal=3]Calm Mind (7 MP) - Cures berserked condition and may also cure confusion.

[Heal=4]Release Body (10 MP) - Cures paralysis caused by magical effects or spells. Does not cure paralysis caused by wounds or injuries, such as having one's back broken.

[Heal=4]Cure 2 (18 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).

[Heal=4]Panacea (14 MP) - Cures berserk, confusion, magically induced paralysis and blindness, and cures up to 3 levels of poison. If the user has at least 4 ranks of Astral Magic, this also cures up to 3 levels of astral drain.

[Heal=4]Revive (30 MP, 4 TP) - Revives an unconscious ally to 10% of their total HP (round up). The target suffers no disorientation penalty (besides some penalties for burdening injuries such as crushed bones) and can take actions right away (as in, their next turn in the normal initiative order).

[Heal=4] Persistent Healing (15 MP) Cures target of 5+rank*2+1d6 HP every round for six rounds.

[Heal=4]Minor Regeneration (20 MP) Regrows a small missing part such as a finger or an ear. Parts such as arms or legs can only be reattached with this spell if Tassi has the arm or leg to put it back.

[Holy=1]Consecrate (18 MP) - Make a piece of land (100 ft sq.) imbued with Holy energy for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of truly holy land until the spell wears off. It cannot be cast on an area enchanted with Desecrate unless the caster is at least 3 ranks higher than the caster of Desecrate. All undead and unholy creatures cannot pass through this area of land, and neither can other creatures of shadow, such as demons. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result.

[Holy=1]Beam (6 MP) - Deals 6+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to a single target.

[Holy=4]Beam 2 (15 MP) - Deals 14+rank*4+2d6 holy damage to a single target.

[Holy=4]Radiance (28 MP) - Deals 10+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.

[Shadow=1]Detect Corpse (6 MP) -Tassi finds dead people. Or what's left of them at least. This spell can be cast as a free action--it also locates bodies or remains buried up to 10 feet below normal dirt or clay, but its effect may be blocked by some mineral deposits or other interfering objects.

[Shadow=1]Preservation (14 MP) - Preserves the remains of a living creature for a number of days equal to rank/2. The spell can be recast at the termination of the duration to continue the effect if desired.

[Shadow=2]Deathwatch (5 MP) - Tassi can discern how close to death the people around her presently are. She cannot see hit point totals, so it's closer to an HP bar than the RPG HP-o-meter. It gives her a very good idea.

[M-Theory=4]Charge Spell (5 TP) - Empowers a spell for a turn, doubling end total damage/points healed.

[mag. theory=4, shadow=2, heal=1]Shadow Healing (3 TP) To heal shadow-aligned creatures (such as undead and some demons), Tassi can align her spells with shadow energy instead of holy energy, provided the rank of the healing spell does not exceed her shadow magic rank.

[Holy=1, [k]undead=4]Disrupt Undead (2 TP) Spells that damage undead can behave as though empowered with this tech.

[mag. theory=4, holy magic=4]Sanctuary (rank*5 TP) Tassi can tie an extra effect to a consecrated area. This effect lasts as long as the consecration. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 3/20/06 23:39

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Re: Tassi Abigail Wells

Postby Kai » Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:49 pm

Because there are character sheets and things up on the wiki that I'm no longer posting here, I will provide a link to the wiki category where my PCs live.

Any criticism or suggestions should still be directed to this thread, but most of my sheets are held wiki-side now. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Tassi Abigail Wells...In Exalted!

Postby Kai » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:02 pm

Name: Tassi Abigail Wells
Age: 25/65
Player: Lithaladhwen/Ashley
Caste: Zenith
Concept: Field medic!
Motivation: Assist the forces of good!

EXP: -

-Personal 16/16
-Peripheral 40/40

-Compassion 4
-Conviction 3
-Temperence 2
-Valor 3

Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom, pg 106.


-Strength 1
-Dexterity 3
-Stamina 3

-Charisma 4
-Manipulation 2
-Appearance 3

-Perception 4
-Intelligence 4
-Wits 3


-Integrity 3
-Presence 2
-Resistance 3
-Survival 3

-Craft (Water) 2
-Lore 3
-Medicine 5

-Linguistics 3
-Socialize 3

CHARMS (Page) Cost in Motes
Permanent Charms
-Ailment Rectifying (222) ---
-Body Purifying (222) ---
-Wholeness-Restoring (222) ---
Medicine Charms
-Medicine Exc. III (187) 4
-Touch of whatever (220) 5
-Contagion-Curing (220) 2
-Wound Mending Care (221) 10
-Instant Treatment (222) 7
-Wound Cleansing (222) 10
-Flawless Diagnosis (222) 1

Contacts (Colleagues) 2
Artifact (Feathers!) 3
Allies (Patients) 2

Darin Prentiss

Attuning cost 5, gifts a wearer with the blessed aura of the Zenith caste. If worn by a Zenith, it instead aids the strength of their passions. Anima affects all allies within essencex5 yards. Also gives the wearer 5L/5B soak.

Background: http://mysidia.org/rpgww/Tassi_Wells <p>-------------------------
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">"Because we care, my sweet imperialist dog." --Linka to Wheeler</span></p>

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