Virgil Tuscaday

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.
The Great Nevareh

Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:03 pm

No! It deleted my hugely long and highly edited post because I tried to link Nick Shogun's image! I guess I should have known better.
Is it at all possible to get the post back? I was tweaking it, and since my only copy of the character sheet is right now five hundred miles away from me, I can't do much of anything about re-posting it and re-editing it anytime soon.
Should I just try to do it again from memory?

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 6/19/04 11:58 am

The Great Nevareh

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:07 pm

There was never a post here. Ever.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 4/16/04 8:13 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:16 pm

If you want results on that. You might want to post it up in the Fanart forum. A few artists in there often don't check this forum. Someone MAY take it. However it's up to their whim. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:09 pm

The big thing I see is that he has absolute no skills that aren't killing things or 'Adventuring' skills.

Have a look about the accepted sheets here, you'll see most of them have skills that aren't used for dungeon crawling, things based off the character's interests, job, and so on. They round the character out, making him more interesting and less an engine of undoing things for XP.

I'll look at the techs and such later. I might suggest pruning off the ones he can't use yet for the sake of readability, though.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:24 pm

There wasn't one here, either. It's all in your mind. <p>I am currently inhabiting a world that is made up entirely of numbers. These numbers represent characteristics of creatures and beings that I pretend to be along with a bunch of other people. I work on them until I forget what the sky looks like, or what the feeling of the sun on my skin is...
Then I break and order chinese.</p>Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 4/16/04 8:14 pm

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Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:36 pm

Diran: Alright, folks, let's get to work.

Jinto: Alright, let's do it. description?

Diran: Fine, nothing too odd there.

Fenron: Stats?

Diran: ...Seems fine to me..

Meldon: ...Uh. Skills?

Diran: What ab-OH MY ALTHENA.

Nagan: ...What the hell?

Jinto: 4 pages of skills?!

Diran: Alright. We will delve into this mighty novel of abilities and attempt to come up with some gleanance of knowledge?

Hzar: Diran. What. The. Hellfire. Is. Gleanance?

Diran: WORK WITH ME HERE. Now. Combat Judgement, uh, Yinnea. That's your department.

Yinnea: Okay, okay. Being able to tell your opponent's moves is fine and all..but, um, does it need to be this complicated? Really? I mean, the GM is going to /kill/ you if you actually attempt to use this in combat with more than one round.

Diran: Alright. Survival. Meldon?

Meldon: Survival, yes. I...don't get it.

Diran: Alright. Whatever the hell next aside...let's attempt to move on here. For the love of Goddess. Persona's fine, but...what's this Will stuff?

Fenron: Apparently, he has one hell of a will to live. I mean, seriously. Adrenaline rush of mothafugging DOOM.

Diran: ...right. We're going to pretend we didn't see that, as a whole. Alright, next up, two schools of fighting which give him entirely too many skills...and..HISTORY!

Jinto: Althena. Alright, let's se.....WHOA MY EYES.

Diran: What?

Jinto: It''s...yaoi.

Diran: Yaoi. Look, we're in a...oh, god, it's tragic yaoi.

Jinto: Yes. Tragic yaoi.

Diran: Ow.

Yinnea: ...Eew...that's not even wai shounen-ai!

Diran: ..y'know, I thought I made it clear no more random Nekonian.

Yinnea: Aww... <p><Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies."</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:51 pm

Okay. So now he has no backstory at all and autohits for free?


People were complaining about backstory quality, IE: Make a better one, than telling you it was too 'mature' and had to be taken down.

I suggest you decombat twink him. A lot.

Even with stuff he can use, he quite frankly has more than any sane GM is ever going to allow. Were he in my RP, I would outright veto a lot of it.

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Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:33 pm

...On your history, Nevareh, and only giving it to GMs: That makes sense, but you have to remember that every GM on the board is also a player, and so keeping histories quiet doesn't really keep it away from the PCs. Besides, I'd say everyone on the board is pretty good at keeping OOC knowledge seperate from IC knowledge. <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin</p>Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 4/16/04 8:34 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Apr 16, 2004 10:20 pm

The request has been made...again, might I add...that Pervy be told to STFU. It has fallen into my lap to do so.

Pervy, STFU. Stop being so harsh on all the newbies, for crying out loud. <p>

The Great Nevareh

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sat Apr 17, 2004 12:51 am

How is he being harsh? He walked me through the process of completing my character. I'd probably be the same way. Then again, I'm the embodiment of all that is undesireable in mankind. <p>I am currently inhabiting a world that is made up entirely of numbers. These numbers represent characteristics of creatures and beings that I pretend to be along with a bunch of other people. I work on them until I forget what the sky looks like, or what the feeling of the sun on my skin is...
Then I break and order chinese.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:00 am

Indeed. I helped him work out of stuff this afternoon. >_>;

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pd Rydia
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Re: Virgil Tuscaday

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:03 am

Your post is all that I saw and it was unnecessarily harsh. Not to mention you don't exactly have the best record in the matter either. <p>

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