My freestyle character sheet

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Arbitrary Avarice

My freestyle character sheet

Unread postby Arbitrary Avarice » Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:13 am

I'm not quite sure if this is the fs format you guys use, but seeing as how I'm new here and this form has worked anywhere else I've been, I'll put this up for now. Anything you guys would like changed/added/taken away are fine, provided they don't mess too heavily with the mechanics of my character...

...tis not that I'm unreasonable, mind. It's just that I've had him for 5 years. I prefer to keep him as he is.

Name: Avriel
Age: 17
Height: 5ft3
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black with streaks of silver and blue running down at random intervals
Hair form: Long and flowing

Background: (And there's a decent amount of it, mostly paraphrased)

Avriel is a young amnesiac, belonging originally to the confines of his people, the Hunters. Hunters are, as their namesake implies, a race of humans who are more intricately bound with their animal side. They live only for one thing - the chase, the hunt, and a feeling known as the Rapture, when a chase reaches it's peak. Hunter children are subjected to what is considered torture in other societies, from the age of One Moon and 3 Comings of the Shadow (One moon cycle and 3 days) from their third birthday. The number 3 has esoteric significance to their people.

Until the age of 15 Avriel was one with the Hunter tribe, having undergone the last of the tests, a true hunt, which ended with the death of a fae creature amidst a forest path. Having been trained since birth to be so, Avriel moves with supernatural grace and accuracy, making barely a sound. He is immensley strong, with sinews infused with his native magicks, which are free energies that he can bend to his will in times of great need, or times when the moon's cycle is quarter, half, three quarters or fully through. A skilled acrobat, Avriel can leap, somersault and roll with as much thought has breathing. Avriel can use almost any melee weapon, and can fire bows and throw knives with uncanny accuracy at estimable distance.

However, at age 16 Avriel was stalking prey into a forest named Talindornea, a huge city filled with fae creatures of all sorts. The city itself never truly existed, but was a twisting of the tree's magick drawing people into it for a time. Upon entering Talindornea and climbing its myriad of tree platforms, Avriel was spotted by humans - the human race loaths and will happily eradicate hunters, who are wont to prey on them - and was forced to flee, being vastly outnumbered. Stepping too quickly, Avriel landed on an unstable platform and fell a great distance, landing in an abandoned store and losing his memory of everything besides his name upon impact.

A blacksmith named Arctic found Avriel after a rainstorm, and washed clean of his markings, was not recognised as a Hunter. For a few months Avriel was content to be the blacksmith's apprentice (although somewhat unwieldy) and learnt a few tricks of alchemy from a girl named Emerald, who was stolen to be sold as a slave. Because he had no memory of his strength, his speed or of any knowledge he once posessed, Avriel is as yet unaware as to the true extent of what he is capable of, and will remain so until his memory is restored.

Every once in a while when dreaming, Avriel will rise instinctively and kill silently in the night, his body remembering what his mind does not. During times of great conflict, such as his discovery of Emerald's capturers, he loses control of himself and is able to use some of his strength, speed, agility and magick, often resulting in his banishment following the destruction if he is not struck down by a greater force. Having been exiled from Talindornea, Avriel now wanders, yearning for answers, longing for his love, Emerald, and pining at the accidental death of his friend Arctic after the ensuing fight to attempt to reclaim Emerald.

Other notes:

Without his memory, Avriel still walks in a manner that is effectively silent. Running is audible as is any other human running.

Humans cannot recognise Avriel as a Hunter, as he lost his way into Talindornea before recieving the tatoo insignia on his forhead that his people mark as the mark of a Hunter adult.

Whilst very powerful, Avriel is extremely prone in battle even when able to use Hunter experience due to the fact that Hunters are trained to go after lone foes only. More than two opponents almost garuntees a short and thorough beating for Avriel, unless he is able to intervene with magick - something that only happens if one of his assailants attacks him with spells of their own.

And yeah, I think that just about covers him and his quirks. Some may say Avriel is over-the-top, but the restrictions placed upon his use of the over-the-top abilities make him an interesting character to take to town, to the forest, or to a murder. Enjoy. Comments?

Posts: 900
Joined: Fri May 31, 2002 11:20 pm


Unread postby Banjooie » Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:44 pm

Kay, seems fair enough. I'm assuming you made up the hunters, which means it's one of those fairly neat situations. SO.

The only problem is, um, where you plan to RP this char here. ^^;

Arbitrary Avarice

Re: .

Unread postby Arbitrary Avarice » Mon Jan 19, 2004 9:58 am

Well, he can go anywhere. He has no idea where he is, and more to the point, he's leaving from Talindornea. Talindornea is literaly anywhere there are trees.. it just randomly pulls people into it's depths. All I need to do is pick a forest, and allow him to walk out of it.

Seeing as how he has no home, and he's already wandering, and has no recollecting of anything other than Talindornea, he can just slip right in.

Oh, and yeah. The Hunters were the first 2 years of my RPing with this char, I started em, but the site I had em on closed and I lost all my stuff.. no backups :(



Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:40 pm

Seems spiffy, and your posts lack major eye-hurting abuses of grammar and punctuation! YAY! *gives a cookie*

In the main world we RP in here though, we don't have the Hunters, but I suppose you could add in your character or make him an outworlder (we have a sizable number of those as well). Very well thought out. =D

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Spiffy.

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Jan 20, 2004 6:42 pm

Hmm, I may have an extremely suitable plot device to introduce your character to this world. If you want a nice easy way in then IM me on AIM (suicidalsprite) or on MSN (

I am just too damn British.


"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine</p>

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