Welcome, player, to Y'tuin (Open RP, check the OOC thread)

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Re: As long as other crazy Chinese don't show up...

Unread postby Elitegamer7539 » Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:32 pm

Raze caught the med kit and considered it for a moment. He decided to wait to use it. Whatever lay behind that door may actually not be aggressive.

Unlikey, but one can dream.

"I'll pay you back for that later. Thanks."

And with that, he stepped through the door...

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Dragon Sage007
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Maaaaybe...maaaaybe not...

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:44 am

...and Raze would find Sorune through the door, leaning against a wall in a bright white room. "So you made it this far...impressive. That skeleton was meant for a single, higher tier warrior, you know. But anyhow...if you want to have your item, you have to face me now. I won't use any of my godly powers, to make things fair."

Terra just shrugged. "I guess we do what we have to do. I mean, he won't just give up. Want me to go up front, or do you want to cast some spell?"

Gojo chuckled, saying, "I'd suggest a wind-fire-earth combination, if you do the latter."

Terra shook her head to that, lowering her voice so that only Tiff heard it. "Try that Galvanic whip from your old character...try to get one of those knives. Or hurt one of his limbs."


Re: Maaaaybe...maaaaybe not...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:37 pm

Tiffi nodded slightly, absently chewing her lip. She had Faerie Fire, Galvanic Whip... a bit more checking proved that she still had Black Hand. Not too shabby, considering that the Whip and Hand both had uses outside of battle.

Use the Whip to trip him, maybe? Follow up with Faerie Fire and some of the elemental spells...

Her MP was recovering quite nicely, and she did want to hurry up. The more time they spent just waiting, the better the odds of the other group catching up.

"I'll spell him," she murmured softly. "Then do your thing."

With that, Tiffi gave Gojo Cho a quite sincere smile, before snapping her arms out, as if throwing something at the chef.

"Galvanic Whip!" Tiffi shouted. Threads of wind and air almost visibly braided themselves together, snapping into a coil which was targeted at Gojo's legs. She meant to immobilize or trip their opponent.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Maaaaybe...maaaaybe not...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:02 pm

"Pleasant. May we rest beforehand to dispel whatever fatigue we might have? My friend here has sustained a sizeable wound and I could use some regeneration to restore my ability to act. In other news, the effects on Royal Crescent are impressive. I'm also wondering about other newbie techs that could work, like Paint it Black or Full Reaper- is the mechanic still the same?"

Alexander Christ assumes the "Rest" position during the conversation- not really trying to sneak restoration in, but trying to speed up the process in case he's allowed.

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Dragon Sage007
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Aaaand crazy chef, ho!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:54 pm

Gojo laughed, cutting the whip in two as it reached for his feet, still taking damage but not being taken down as she had planned. Terra leaped directly into the fray, charging him with both maces out, only to be blocked by a deceivingly quick chubby chef. What to do, what to do...

Sorune shrugged a bit. "If you want to rest before you fight, that's perfectly fine. Just keep in mind that this -is- a race. And yes, the other mechanics are the same...but you'll have to find them out on your own. We left -some- of those old techniques in place, but not too many. And if you haven't enough MP, then you'll simply look like an idiot."

The Great Nevareh

Re: Aaaand crazy chef, ho!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:29 pm

"Oh well. Resting up is up to you, Raze- you're the one who's wounded."


Re: Aaaand crazy chef, ho!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:14 pm

Jumping back, Tiffi writhed her tail like a cat's. She bit her lower lip while hastily contemplating spells. What was good against a single, powerful foe...?

Almost word for word, Terra's advice from earlier came back, causing the mage to grin, though a bit nervously.

"Faerie fire!"

Pink flames wreathed her hands, shooting out to frame the chef in a halo of energy. This 'attack' was meant to weaken his defense, hopefully so that the next spell, or Terra's attacks, would do more damage.

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Re: Welcome, player, to Y'tuin (Open RP, check the OOC threa

Unread postby Mechanisto » Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:00 pm

Abigail Eaton Langridge steeled her heart, and tapped at one of the many spring loaded controls by her hand. A radio reciever flipped down to her mouth, ready to carry her thick british accent the rest of her squadron. "Squadron leader, Elegant oh-one in position... load cluster rounds!" She glanced at the preassure gauges one last time, and hauled at the arm-control servos with all her might; Her mechanical walking tank responded with a massive hiss of steam and engines, bringing it's main cannon to bear on the airship looming directly above; silhouetted by the apocalyptic blood-red thunder filling the cloudy night sky

"Open fire... and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!" She screamed, as her cannon spat fire and hell. A single, lone shot glistened upward, rather impotently. She paused, pushed her glasses up with a finger, then pecked at the visual display. "Knacker all...! Squadron Elegant two through five! Why have you not synchronized fire?"


The voice of her sub-commander. "Back now. Had to take the garbage... oh, did I miss something?"

"Only the opening barrage on Airship Alphonse 86." She scowled. "Oh-three and oh-four, report and explain your dereliction immediately!"

"Scrw of, im busy haking junks.u know how many salv pionts these are worht???"

"We're in an airzone, and your meleeing vibro-minelayers!? May I remind you that if we fail to destroy Alphonse..." her voice's calm was replaced with rage. "...WE ALL GET SMEARED BY IMPELLER BOMBS?"

"Meh. I can kil like 12 junks before the trash us? Wer all scrap anyway, and new mechs are cheap nuf 2 spawn. Are you gonna help me get these junks or not? ill split Salv w you when we respawn."

Abigail almost snarled with rage. "Your incompetence and negligence is inexcusable! Form up ranks IMMEDIATELY or I shall have you stripped of your command!"

"Whatev.... frkin' newb."

"ARGH... would it KILL you to stay in character for one MINUTE!? And where the hell is oh-five?" By now, she soudned more despaired than angry.

Her commander responded to that. "Oh... he didn't show up for the raid. Something about that crappy RPG you guys used to play... new version of the game out or something."

Abigail halted before shouting again, and blinked. She reduced the main game window, and checked out her favorite gaming site. She then stared blankly for a few seconds.

Her second command continued. "Something about importing old characters into the new format, but you get all stripped down so hecouldn't convince any of the others to switch over. I mean, what's the point of that game if your just level freakin' one all over again?"

-[ Abigail Langridge (account: Langridge ) has exited the battlefield ]-
-[ (account: Langridge) has exited "Victorian Mechanica" mainserver ]-

The first of many gravity-impelled bombs struck the ground, erupting in a massive pilalr of dust and shredded machine parts. The squadron, now reduced to wreckage ,was now limited to the general chatline.

"Aww, crap... this is all your fault, you know."

"Shtup! Wut I do!?!?!!!1"

<div style="text-align:center">-----</div>

The girl immediately tore open her clothes-closet, ripping open a cardboard box that had been sealed not too long ago. Within moments, she held the one thing she could honestly say had brought her closest to a true sense of freedom. Her headset; a sleek, form-fitting pair of sports shades. Except for the tiny cord hanging down, and the equally compact microphone arm, it bore no resemblance at all to the bulky full-immersion helmets that most people used. It was far sleeker, lighter, and even had a higher resolution... and despite the decidedly incredible expense, it was the only thing she'd asked of her father. Begged, even.

She slipped the glasses on, enthusiastically singing the cryptic and epic theme song she knew by heart. She doubted any of her old friends and guildmates would be willing to cast off their posessions so easily. But then, new friends were always a special joy all to themselves.

She plugged one of the visor cords into the front port of her personal computer. The second one, though... that was for elsewhere.

<div style="text-align:center">-----</div>

The door to the oldbies chatroom swung open, revealing yet another returning player. A coppery-red skinned Deysetsu, with a tall and elegant figure, and dressed in white, gold-trimmed priestesses robes. The outfit was topped with a rather elaborate hat that seemed to incorporate her volumnous, metallic-red hair in fanciful loops and tresses. For weapons, she carried a long ivory staff tipped with a gold-trimmed glowing crystal, an odd looking shortbow on her back. If there was any doubt as to her vocation, she bore a shoulder bag marked with the universal symbol for "medical supplies."

None of these items concerned her overmuch, though; she searched her person quickly, and was relieved to find a small, finely-crafted book hanging from her belt; she detatched it, hugged the iron-framed tome affectionately for a moment, and returned it to it's place.

She then turned her attention to the rest of the room, and set to meandering about. It was time to see how her world had changed... and to see if any of her old friends had decided to leave the old world behind. Doubtful... but you never knew.


Re: Welcome, player, to Y'tuin (Open RP, check the OOC threa

Unread postby Elitegamer7539 » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:36 am

"The other team's got more people... But it's no good if we lose. You used more MP than I, so let me know when you've got enough. If you're recovered before I'm healed I'll use that med kit." And with that, Raze assumed the resting position, smiling pleasantly at Sorune.

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Dragon Sage007
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And now things get interesting...

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:03 pm

Sorune shrugged at the two, simply waiting for them...and then he blinked, laughing a bit. "Well now...this is interesting. I could've sworn that a mob of skeletons would've slowed down that other team quite a bit more. Sorry boys, but you've already lost. You get a consolation prize, though. My member address is in your list...if you need anything, then you can give me a call. I'll warp you to the entrance...you can find your way back from there. I've got work to do, so you two will have to go without me." With that, Sorune clapped his hands and the two warriors would find themselves at the entrance to the same abandoned town Tiff, Terra, and Ethra were in. Behind them? Open plain. All that effort, down the drain...

The little skeleton was about to answer Cerr when Sorune, an elven-looking man dressed in a cape of leaves, green clothes, and an impressive-looking staff appeared. "What an interesting anomaly...monsters aren't supposed to be able to speak at all."

The girl quickly responded with a shriek, trying to hide behind her new friend. This guy obviously scared her...even moreso when she found that there was another one simply teleporting in, an enormously fat man with two kitchen knives and a large pack on his back. They didn't look that menacing, really.

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Re: And now things get interesting...

Unread postby Zemyla » Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:07 pm

Cerr was slightly indignant. "Oh, they aren't, are they? And just why not?" Sorune could tell from her body language that she wanted to protect her new friend.

The Great Nevareh

Re: And now things get interesting...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:35 pm

Alex Christ blinked once. Then twice.

"Oh well."

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Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:23 pm

Gojo stepped forward, saying, "Because we never programmed them to. After the last two Reyta crashes, we're very hesitent to just let things slide. We can't let things go on if they're bugging...you must understand. We developers put quite a bit of work into undoing Reyta's mistakes...we can't make them again."

Sorune, on the other hand, was reaching for the skeletal girl, a serious expression on his face. "We'll have to study her, and then delete her. Find out what caused this."

The skeleton? She was shuddering behind Cerr. And if she looked behind her, she'd see the old man simply bowing to the other two.

Teh Kev

Re: Go go intro post rangers!

Unread postby Teh Kev » Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:39 pm

"See you tomorrow Becky!"

She let out a sigh as a group of the students called out to her at once, using her 'nickname' to bid her farewell. She still regretted having one of her old friends come see her class, as she had exposed the entire class to her old nickname. But alas, the day was over and it was time to go. "Have a nice night Phillip!" Her bag slung over her shoulder as she waved good bye to the teacher she was currently assigned to, him returning the gesture. "Good night Rebecca, see you tomorrow."

A half and hours drive later, and she was back to her house. Well, considering she shared the place with two of her friends, it wasn't completely hers, but still. She had gotten home second today, so she got to park in the garage. It seemed as if Ryan was going to be the last one home again. He had been getting home kind of late for the past few days.

"I'm hooooome~" Rebecca called out in a sing song voice as she walked in from the door in the garage.

"Welcome hooooome~" Was the reply she quickly got, it being matched in the same sing song tone. "So are you going to try that new Y'Tuin game? I remember you mentioning you got a couple E-Mails about it this morning." Laura was prying as usual, then again, both Laura and Ryan played in the original with her, they all had brought their headsets with them, but they never actually thought they would use them.

"I guess... I just hope I can avoid any big ruckus. I was a bit of a well known character in the original after all." Laura walked over and gave her friend a good pat on the back, before grinning. "Oh just go set it up, I'll wait for Ryan to get home then we'll probably join you!"

Laura chuckled a bit, nodding. "Okay, okay..." With that stated, she headed upstairs, whistling as she went. Heading into her room, she flip the light switch on, before delving head first into her closet. She coughed a bit from the dust as she pulled the box her headset was in, from behind some larger boxes, one full of old stuffed animals she refused to part with.

She dusted off the box with her hands, and after brushing them off she pulled open the box. "Ahhh... This brings back memories." She pulled headset out, visor, wires and all. "Shame I'll have to use this old thing. Everyone says there are newer much fancier versions!" She more or less was thinking out loud, she did that often, something that got her in trouble on occasion.

She then walked over to her computer, headset in hand. Rebecca quickly replied to a few e-mails she had gotten asking if she was going to play the new version, then booted up the game software. "Heh... I wonder how everythings changed..." She put on the visor, then adjusted the microphone part of the headset. She then plugged it into the front of her computer, before typing in her old screen name and password from the original Reyta, something she still thought she would never be doing again.

<div style="text-align:center">-------------</div>

Emerging in the room for players from older versions, and standing at a nice five feet even was Saori. Her sapphire like eyes scanning the room before her, her armor was now a dark blue and it felt the same as before, light yet sturdy, and it's gold trim gave it a nice new sense of style. She ran a hand through her now shoulder length red hair, sure it was similar to her real hair, but at least she made it a different color. Finally she flicked her sky blue cape, she was ever so glad to have a different color cape. Looking back, her old dark red one seemed so, well, dark.

"Ah... I suppose I really did miss this game." She took a few steps forward, and didn't recognize anyone in this room, then again, it wasn't that crowded or anything. She would likely run into someone she knew in due time.

For the moment she decided to check over everything she had kept from the original version. Which much to her surprise, was quite alot. She was rather shocked really, she expected alot of equipment nerfs and the like. She was quite rich too, even if her old gold count was cut in half, she still had quite the sizeable sum. Even most of her old techniques and spells were there too. Although, given her current level one state, she wouldn't even be able to effectively use more then half of them for a good ten or so levels at the least.

Giving one final look around the 'olbies room' as it were, she headed towards the amusingly pointed at exit. She would be more likely to find someone she knew in the actual game, then here. So unless someone in the olbies room tried to spark a conversation with her, she would be heading straight for the game.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Go go intro post rangers!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:14 pm

Upon popping into the Newbie town, Saori sees a somewhat familiar face. Not an entirely WELCOME familiar face, but a familiar face nonetheless. That of one of the many, many outlaw-vagrant characters that tended to stir up trouble in town whenever they were present RIGHT at the spawn point, standing there and saying "Oh, well" to the air.

He's dressed in the same royal blue/black that he always was, and now as opposed to a sword he's using one of those scythes that Polearms are so attatched to, but it is definitely him. (Former) Lord Alexander Christ, vagrant, wanderer, vigilante, defier of order, (Former) wielder of the Divine Sword Reason, and otherwise all-around charming guy.

He tangled with the Watchers a few times for no real reason other than the fact that he objected to their existing- "Law has no place where there is no real crime" and "I really don't like your autocracy. What's next, taxes and tithes?" being his usual rebuttal to being asked to conform to the standards of good town conduct and safety. The fact that he had been twinked out on favors and rares to the point that fighting him was frequently very, very aggrivating added into his general annoyance level very quickly.

He looks more like a wimp now without all his scary items and his group of like-minded vagrants.

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Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:39 pm

As Saori entered, along with Luziel, and the other two fighters noticed that they were back in the town...they'd see something. Directly in front of them was Makai, the Pole arm that had abandoned them earlier...and in front of -him- was an army of skeletons. Hundreds of the buggers. Makai was cut down effortlessly, and simply fell on the pavement. People are supposed to log out, not just fall...how strange these things are.

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Re: Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:21 pm

"You shouldn't be viewing this as an error, but as an opportunity! I know you can attach logs to people, so why not do that with her and watch her learn and grow?" Cerr said, starting to get agitated, then added "Besides, I don't want her to get hurt."

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Re: Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Mechanisto » Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:57 pm

Luziel couldn't help but be stunned at her first sight of this new place. Her hand clenched slightly around her staff out of reflex, and she gently stepped down from the portal pedestal. Her extravagant white and gold robes stood out like a sore thumb here... perhaps not the most prudent of outfits one might wear when trying to avoid the attention of the undead.

"A rather eventful first day, it seems." She turned her head slightly towards the others, but her eyes stayed locked on the army ahead. "Did I miss something on the news bulletins, perchance?"

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Re: Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:08 pm

The both of them shook their heads, the bigger one staying in front of Cerr and speaking while Sorune went around to her side. "I'm afraid that isn't possible...we treat -every- error seriously, miss. I'd rather this didn't mutate. We -have- to quarantine it, see what happened to cause this error, and delete i-"

At that exact moment, the world around Cerr...glitched. It went fuzzy for a fraction of a second. When it came back, both Sorune and Gojo were gone. The old pole arm as well. And the skeleton was still trembling next to her mage friend, mumbling, "Make the scary gods go away." over and over again.

Regardless of missed messages, those skeletons were getting close. And there -were- a lot of them. Perhaps running should occur in the near future?

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Re: Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Mechanisto » Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:57 pm

The priestess in white took a quick step towards the others, touching their shoulders politely. "Not to sound presumptuous, but I'm going to start running... that way." She pointed to what looked like the most likely path of escape.

"And if anyone would like to join me, I *strongly* suggest we all fashion a party for ourselves, without delay. My enchantments cannot aid us unless we join forces." Without waiting, she hiked up her gown a bit, and started running as swiftly as she could... which wasn't very. At that time, the others recieved anonymous party invites, identifying their would-be ally by the name of "Luziel."

Teh Kev

We shall bravely.... Run awaaayyy!

Unread postby Teh Kev » Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:24 pm

Saori took a prompt step back, a frown quickly coming to her face. "Oh..." She noted the one who was there, Alexander Christ, she remembered him, he was one of the players who always poked into the Watchers business on a somewhat intrusive level. However, now was not the time for thinking back to old times.

"This is..." Her eyes scanned the entirety of the skeletal force in front of them, shaking her head at the sight. "Displeasingly familiar." A few years ago she could of stood her ground against this kind of force to an extent, cutting them down to a degree but now... Not so much. After the priestess ran off, and dropped party invitation in the process, she glanced to the skeletal army once more, before accepting the invitation. "I'm not sure if you remember me and still dislike me, but I'd advise we work together for this Alexander." Saying this to him was all she could do before she quickly equipped a simple steel sword and shield, before running off after the girl named 'Luziel'.

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Re: Hm hm hm...and now things really spice up.

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:46 pm

"My God." Cerr breathed. Then she regained her composure and said, "Well, the scary gods are gone, but don't do that again or they'll be back." Meanwhile, she was thinking, I don't want her to die, but what about that poor polearm guy? And what on Earth could kick someone offline?

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=zemyla>Zemyla</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/22/05 16:53


Re: We shall bravely.... Run awaaayyy!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:40 pm

"C'mon, then..." Tiffi whispers, tugging on her tail frantically before grabbing Terra's arm. She breaks into a sprint, running back towards the town. Someone has to warn the other newbies about the skeletal horde, and it will give them reinforcements...

The Great Nevareh

Re: We shall bravely.... Run awaaayyy!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:55 am

"Oh wow. Luzie? AND Saori the Watcher? Coincidence much, et cetera! Great to see you and whatnot, let's get some DEATH on! "

And with that he accepts the party invite and runs forward with great scythy gusto. He's somewhat non-burdened by the whole "Soon to death" scenario the whole thing has to do.

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Dragon Sage007
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I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:45 pm

As the group oh-so-bravely ran away, and old enemies got reacquainted, the skeletons tried their best to kill the group, hurling bones at them. Spectacularly bad aim, of course, what with being dead and all. In front of the group was a large church they could easily get to, and had easily defendable doors, and to the left was an alleyway that led to who-knows-where. To the right, another alleyway that ended in a dead-end, though it was a suburban area. Bound to be doors. Decisions, decisions...

The skeleton looked up at Cerr, still chanting a bit, and then going back to hugging the mage's clothing as hard as she could. "C-Celine...'m Celine..." she managed to mutter after a while, then went back to incomprehensible mumbling.

(For now, a much paraphrased version of what happened to Terra, Ethra, and Tiffi)

The 'other team' of the two girls and Ethra managed to finally pick up their weapons and kick Gojo's ass. Hardcore. I mean, seriously, they mopped the floor with him, and in no time flat. He mentioned that he was the Kitchen God, a friend of Sorune's, and quickly obliged the others with the custom items, as they were promised.

The first of which was Tiffi's Flyswatter, a weapon designed to smite bugkind, and enhance her fire magic! It even levels up with her.

The second, given with some weight...was the summoner's pendant. It had been cleared for use by the God, and was given to Ethra, who could use it to summon certain low-leveled monsters.

The third, and with the least thought on the part of the recipient, was something to keep the amulet's power in check. Terra received a special bracelet that would allow her to destroy any summons that came out.

As another sort of prize, the three also received the member addresses of both the gods, along with the invitation to call them anytime.

Gojo then made mention of some sort of problem that had arose with 'sentient skeletons' and rushed off, teleporting the three back to town. When they got back, Tiffi, eager to test out her new weapon, ran directly for the outskirts of town.

And there they found the army of skeletons. And ran right back. Doublequick. Not that this stopped Terra from being swarmed, but she was rescued, quick, and the three of them bolted for the church. And Saori would have to be pretty slow to not catch the pendant on Ethra's chest.

Edited by: Dragon Sage007 at: 11/22/05 20:15


Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:59 pm

Tiffi, with her instincts honed by a love of anime and cinematics, promptly beelined towards the church. What more picturesque location to hold off hordes of undead monstrosities, after all?


Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Elitegamer7539 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:36 pm

Raze, running with all the others and getting worried that he was lagging behind slightly... The curse of the axeman. But, if he got to shelter, they'd need him.

He was also bee lining for the church. Those heavy doors would give them some time to get ready for the onslaught, and they might find some holy water or something in there...

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Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Mechanisto » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:45 pm

If Raze had glanced behind, he'd have noticed the white robed Deysetsu presently held the rearmost rank. Fortunately, for her, she seemed able to match pace with him.

Luziel rushed to the door of the Church moments before the others began preparing barricades. The instant she reached the doorstep, though, she dropped to her knees and... with blinding speed... carried out a series of hand motions; touching her hand to her head, lips, neck, and heart, in that order. "Please-welcome-my-heart-and-soul-oh-great-and-nameless-one-and-allow-these-
With that, she crammed a handful of coins (*gold* ones no less) in the public donation box, and sprang inside like a cat.

"Shutter the windows quickly; it may save some of the stained glass... but keep the main door open until the shambling hord is on the very doorstep! There's no telling how many others may come here for safety. Besides, the enemy isn't exactly swift or stealth..."

She blinked a bit, perhaps noticing the blue-adorned polearm for the first time. "Is that you, Al? I thought you disapproved of temples..." She paused, scratching her ear-fin. "Well... mine, at any rate."

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=mechanistox>MechanistoX</A] at: 11/23/05 10:12

Teh Kev

Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Teh Kev » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:42 pm

Not wanting to be left out of all the activities, she had also taken headway for the church. Once inside, she scanned it over, before walking towards the rear of the church. "Tch..." Saori used to know the towns inside and out, every nook and cranny. She was a little disappointed she had less then helpful knowledge of this place. "In some places, there used to be underground shelters for cases like this..." She was once again, more or less thinking aloud. "Or some cases, even entrances to sewer systems that would run under the old towns... But now... I'm not so sure if such things are still around." She glanced back to the door of the church, still displeased at how much this reminded her of some of the events that led up to the shutting down of the original version.

The Great Nevareh

Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:57 pm

"It isn't the buildings I disapprove of. Use your lord land and your cash however you like. But please oh please don't dedicate it to saving my soul. Anyone here the group who won that contest? Oh, and we probably could use a plan or something. Not my strong suit, really."

With that, he sits on the floor and starts to recover.

"It's a temple, so people had to have a way of getting out. Erm... fleeing persecution and whatnot." He's trying very, very hard to roleplay, here. "I'd offer some help, but I'm as in the dark as you."

"Still, a sewer would make sense. If it isn't really a beeline to the sewage system there SHOULD be something like a heavy-duty alcove that leads there. I mean, this IS a building that sees a lot of use. Maybe one of us can blow a hole big enough to climb through. At the worst we'll only find a private cesspit or septic tank."

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Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:59 pm

Well, now I know her name. But she's still not telling me anything useful. she thought, as she hugged Celine. "It's going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right." she comforted it (her?).

The Great Nevareh

Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:25 am

"Less cuddling, more safety."


Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Elitegamer7539 » Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:15 am

"Indeed. I do not feel like dieing here." From his tone an onlooker might correctly guess that the player had decided to switch to role-playing mode.

"An escape route would be helpful, we'll probably have to fall back from here eventually...

Lady Deysetsu, you seem to have a closer connection to this place than any of us... Would you know if there was a source of holy water? I would imagine such would be useful against this hoard."

As he's saying this, he moves towards the doors again, also taking note of his surrounding -- noting whether windows are close enough to the ground that they wouldn't have much trouble jumping through, whether there were pews and whether or not they were bolted down, and checking to see what else in the room was heavy but movable...

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Re: I have nothing clever to add. Bitches.

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:28 am

"I am a guest here as much as anyone, but... I woudl know such a thing when I saw it. It shouldn't take long to find."

Luziel eyed the young skeleton with some trepidation. "If this little one can enter here, then I doubt the others will suffer an unnatural aversion to it either."

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Dumb stuff retroactively edited out of existance due to dumbness. Really, it's for the best!)</span>

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=mechanistox>MechanistoX</A] at: 11/23/05 16:39

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To clear things up! And doom everyone inside!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:22 pm

(A note to everyone. Cerr and the little skeleton? They're outside of the city altogether. Nowhere near the church at all.)
An observation of the church would be rather infuriating. No helpful church NPCs, no handy amounts of holy water, nothing that helpful, really. It just seemed like a long room, full of immovable pews, that was for people to sit in. Windows were, indeed, ground level and easy to get out of, and there was a very high ceiling. There is a door, but it's rather small and says 'Out of order'


Re: To clear things up! And doom everyone inside!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:25 pm

"Oh, yeah. We won the contest," Tiffi said, somewhat distractedly. She swung her flyswatter about aimlessly, biting her lip.

"...um. Block the door, set up mages to cast magic on 'em? All the warriors up front. Soak up some of the damage."

Thus is the extent of the mage's brilliant plan!

The Great Nevareh


Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:39 pm

"I can soak about as much damage as your usual mage. I'll be up front though I'll be more useful if anyone has a weapon I'm actually good with. This Sweeper of Sins is nice, but a sword of about the same quality would be welcome. Anyone have an Adamantium Foil, perchance? And some holy-enchantment spells would do me right if we're going to fight."

Alex Christ is fairly talkative for someone in the face of death, as though being in constant mortal danger is just another part of the job for him.

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Re: OMG!!!!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:47 pm

"Do we have any idea how strong they are, by any chance?" Luziel spoke over her shoulder, as she searched the front of the church for a bowl or water-stand. A filled and properly prepared would have been nice, of course.

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Re: OMG!!!!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:22 pm

Terra spoke up, simply saying, "I can kill them in one hit, and I'm level 6...Tiffi can probably throw quite a few strong spells at them...and our friend Ethra can summon plenty of meatshields for us. But how do we -stop- them from coming in after we open the door and run out of MP and HP? And I think this is all a huge mistake. Perhaps we should...y'know, just log out and tell the GMs about it. We already tried, once, and it kinda failed. Sorune and Gojo are both offline." Terra -really- didn't care about IC/OOC at this point, and it showed. Screw it all.

"And for the record, I'm not sure how to get out of this...a few players, even ones that can take out those skeletons in a single blow, can't possibly hold out against hundreds. We nearly died just trying to run from them..."

Poor emo Terra.

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Re: OMG!!!!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:42 pm

Luziel continued to search the church for an urn, bowl, or basin that might contain blessed waters. Her voice was still quite clear enough for the others to hear over her scavenging. "The second greatest power of all is courage... and the courage to do a thing comes from having done it before. AHA!"

Luziel threw open an ornately carved cupboard with a grin. Before everybody's hopes rose, she held aloft a pair of bottles. "If blessed water is good, surely blessed wine is an even grander boon!" She opened the first bottle using the tip of her staff as a wedge, and checked the contents.

"Never let it be said that Luziel Medallion Fled from the first battle ever to engulf her..." She lifted the bottle with a wink towards Terra... but despite her bravado, her face was filled to the brim with a nervous apprehension. "...better to die of fear, that to flee of it."


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