Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

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The Great Nevareh

Re: re:

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:07 pm

The sky is as glumly uniform as it has been all day. Looks like another wonderful cloudy day with no trace of the sun. No rain, either: the clouds are a fluffy white now, as opposed to the somewhat ominous gray they were back in town.

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:24 pm

Virginia, meanwhile, was mumbling to herself, reviewing English verb conjugations. She totally ignores the conversation about Casting for a moment. Why did they have to tack extra verbs onto everything? Too much to freaking remember.

"What?" She asked Edward. "Yeah, you go ahead. Need any help, just give me a heads-up."

With that, she went back to mumbling to herself, occasionally checking her notebook as a reference. I can't remember this one... "Why couldn't they have just conjugated this one like the French did? That's so much easier to remember." She found the page she was looking for. "Oh. Right. There it is." She grinned, her teeth flashing white in her dirty face.

"Also, Edward. Sorry I snapped at you before about digging stuff up. I just worry that if people always go digging up everything they find, we'll lose the context of the item. I mean, you know. How deep it is, what the soil around looked like, all that shit." She squinted hard, ducking her head a little. She had something in her eye, but her hands were dirty and no part of her was clean enough to wipe them on.

"I knew one guy who found a couple of old computer discs and didn't write down where exactly they were. He just kind of remembered the general area. After he died I went over there to check it out, and it turns out there was a buried library about half a mile from where he thought he found the goddamned things. There's no telling what else we could have found if the bastard had just kept track of what the hell he was doing."

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kai@rpgww60462>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/24/05 13:25


Re: re:

Postby ziratha » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:49 pm

"Alright, I'll give it my best shot." Edward then goes on to cast in as wide an area as he can muster, In order to concentrate He pauses walking and turning the crank.

Edward stops looking at the sky and returns his gaze to his companions. He then says in response to Virginia, "Oh, not a problem, I figured it was something like that. Plus in the unlikely event something should be booby traped, You probably could disarm it better than me."

Finally, He looks at the grass, to see if it is simply brown due to disease or if it is dried up, in which case it could be helpful in starting a fire.

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:50 pm

"Ah, well," Jerry mused, "no use learning about the past anyways. It's done, ain't it? We got too much pressin' business at hand to worry what happened a longass time ago, right? I say, keep your eyes forward. Keep lookin' back, and a knife'll end up in your chest."

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:00 pm

Virginia inhaled slowly. "It's done? It's over, is it. Doesn't matter."

She turned slowly to face him, and her hand twitched on the handle of her cane. The top seemed to pull out about half a centimeter.

"Look, if you don't care how the world fucked itself, that's your decision. If you don't care why there are Hunters and what the fuck we're supposed to be for, that's also your decision. You don't have to care that we could cause this to happen again. You don't have to care about the reason you are the way you are. I won't hold that against you. But..." She pulled the top of her cane out a few more centimeters, revealing a thin sword concealed in the wooden cane. "Don't interfere with my research just because you don't understand why it matters. Or you'll get more than a knife in your chest."

You wouldn't be the first, she thought.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kai@rpgww60462>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/24/05 14:00

The Great Nevareh

Re: re:

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:05 pm

Edward's Cast flows out, the fringes of his consciousness expanding with the small breeze that caresses everything on its way out from Edward. With this comes a new awareness of everything around him...

First, about the grass: It's not diseased, just dry, and thus useful as tinder for a fire. Still, a fire might be a bad idea in the middle of a field of tinder-dry brush. It's warm enough, anyway.

Next: Nothing really fishy in the air, just that the air pressure is down a teensy bit. Whatever that means is something for a meteorologist, cuz you sure as hell don't know.

At the edges of your Cast you can sense some dire plants. It's not really necessary to go out of your way to find them and kill them since they're sedentary and won't threaten anyone who isn't specifically going after them. Still, better safe than sorry, eh?

As to how far the Cast goes, you don't really know. You're still too new to this to guess well. Could be 100 feet, could be 200. Who knows?

Aside from the plants, nothing dangerous. There are some reasonably fresh tracks on the road up ahead, though.

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:08 pm

Jerry's eyes went wide. "Holy shit, woman... don't have to go all psycho on me. Dang... do ya threaten to kill everyone you meet?"

He sighed. "I'd never TRY to interfere with your research. You find out what the hell happened to this damn planet, you let me know. Best damn read I'll have. But don't think I'll seek it. And don't think it'll change anything. I mean, think about it. We find out what happened, great. Does it CHANGE a damn thing about our situation? Hell no! We're still Hunters. World's still ruined. Planet keeps on going, right?

"Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetie, but I don't see how learnin' our past is going to make a lick of difference in the grand scheme..."

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:18 pm

Sweetie. If I wanted to be called Sweetie by some jackass who didn't know shit about my work, I'd have stayed with my husband.

"No, I don't threaten everyone I meet. I just like it to be abundantly clear that my priorities are my priorities. Sure, the world is still fucked. But where's your curiosity? How can you not care about the single most important event in the history of our race?"

She slid the sword back into the cane. "Hunters may not always look human, but we still are. This is still our world. Don't you think we have a responsibility to it? To understand what we've done to make it this way?"

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:26 pm

Jerry was beginning to get a mite miffed.

"What WE'VE done? Is there a soul in this pack here who has done nothing but help this damn planet since they got changed? Our responsibility is to help people NOW, who need help NOW. I didn't see anything in the job description about caring about shit that don't matter!

"You go ahead and care about the 'single most important event in the history of our race.' I'll care about what ain't irrelevant, thank you."

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:34 pm

Irrelevant. Doesn't matter. Also... I'm not helping people now. I see. This certainly does warrant a bit of discussion.

"What I do has applications now, you know. You think people just dug up technology and it obligingly worked on command? Someone had to figure it out. Someone had to learn the old languages, translate the manuals and textbooks, hack into the few computers remaining for information... and all so that assholes like you could call our work irrelevant. I want you to think about that every time you use something that my contemporaries found and figured out for your ungrateful ass."

She peered at him over her glasses, her eyes burning in the shadow of her hat brim. "You go ahead and live your life in ignorance. That's your choice. But some of us aren't content with that. Some of us want more."


Re: re:

Postby ziratha » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:42 pm

Edward half listens to the conversation as he is sorting through the great amount of sense that he is experiencing.

He does however hear enough of the conversation to form an oppinion. While I think its true that the past won't immediatly effect you, I think that eventually we will have to determine what and who did this to the World to save ourselves from the same fate. Plus It's entirely possible that whatever did this Is in fact still around and that would of course explain the whole "Rain of Ashes" thing that I heard about... However, He does not say any of this, since the last thing he wants to do is get someone mad at him for disagreeing.

As for what he has sensed from the cast, He mostly discards it save for one thing, those tracks ahead. He speeds up a little in the hope of finding those tracks.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=ziratha>ziratha</A] at: 7/24/05 22:15

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:50 pm

"Ain't that called greed?" Jerry said with a smirk. "But eh. I ain't against what you're doin'. Just don't rightly see the point. Sorry to disagree with ya."

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:56 pm

She shook her head as if to clear it. "Maybe it is greed. It doesn't matter."

She sighed. "I don't expect everyone to want to dedicate decades out of their lives to this, but it kind of hits a nerve when they don't even fucking care. To call my work irrelevant is like saying I've wasted the last sixty or seventy some-odd years of my life. I'm sorry to disagree with you when I believe that it's been worth it."


Re: re:

Postby Elitegamer7539 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:22 pm

From a little ways behind the others, Sam sighs, still pulling the wagon at an even pace.

"Even if you don't care how the world was ruined, you have to admit that whoever or whatever lived here before were damn smart, and learning from them has obvious benefits. I learned anatomy from an excavated textbook. Most of my medical supplies come from knowledge they left behind. As far as I'm concerned, those discoveries merit finding out more about them."

The Great Nevareh

Re: re:

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:03 pm

It has been roughly an hour since the group left Jansen, and the sun is now (in theory) high in the sky, lighting up the area and detailing the onset of day through the puffy-white clouds. The entire process of taking all of this stuff in is taking its toll on Edward. It's getting hard to walk and observe everything at the same time, since there's so MUCH to see! To someone who's new to the whole Casting phenomenon, it's like suddenly understanding everything. You see stuff from all angles. It's out of this world. It's also a lot to take in if you aren't used to the expanded and deepened view of everything. Wooziness is soon to set in.

The fact that Ginny just dropped the number of years she's been active appears to have slipped by the group of mostly-young Hunters. Seventy years is a lot of time.


Re: re:

Postby ziratha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:29 am

(ooc, funny story, I apparently misunderstood where everyone was, so I edited my previous post to reflect this... See, i thought that... sam? was in the lead, but apparently he was in the back.)

Edward has begun to feel somewhat woozy, so he decides to draw the cast inward until it both stops being such a drain and he can function without passing out. As he does this, he makes sure to keep an eye on the road ahead since he is expecting those tracks.

As for 'Ginny' mentioning her age, he did hear, but was so busy paying attention to other, more pressing senses he simply didn't register it. It sort of went in one ear and out the other.

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:56 pm

Virginia turned to Sam with a grandiose gesture of thanks. "Thank you. Sometimes the search for knowledge is good on its own. Sometimes it pays off and there's always someone who can do something with it."

I can tell I'm going to have trouble with some of these boys. They're not so bad, but they are REALLY not academics. Except the big one, oddly enough.

She idly rubbed the top of her hat, the weave feeling muted and distant through the leather of her gloves. But then, the glow-in-the-dark anthropologist isn't one to judge anyone, least of all on appearances. Job description kind of negates it.

She sighed and began to whistle softly to herself. She twirled her cane to the tune that evolved from general directionless notes into Ode to Joy, though it was unlikely to be recognized by most of the people who heard it. Her taste for very very old music was yet another facet of her obsession with the people who came before her, and yet another eccentricity to set her apart from the unaltered people she met wherever she went.

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:33 am

Oddly enough, Jerry joined in, softly, and to himself.

"... god of glory, lord of love, hearts unfold like flowers before thee..."

It had been a song his father sang him to sleep with. The old hymn was one of the few things he had kept with him from his life as a Hirsch. And it always brought a smile to his face, as it was now.

This Ginny ain't so bad after all...


Re: re:

Postby Elitegamer7539 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:42 am

Sam continued pulling the wagon, silently listening to the song. After a few moments of silence he speaks.

"Pretty song. Can't say I've ever heard it before..."

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Re: re:

Postby Kai » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:06 am

She paused in her whistling a moment. "It's old. It was old even when the fall hit, from what I can tell." Virginia looked at Jerry with an expression of profound respect under those dark glasses.

In his own way, Jerry's helping keep that song around. One little piece of the past... Maybe he's not so bad after all.

"I have the sheet music, but without a lot of the intruments it's harder to sightread." She smiled gently. "I'm glad not everything's been lost. At least we still have music if we want it."


Re: re:

Postby Elitegamer7539 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:14 am

At those words, Sam smirks and shakes his head.

"I couldn't sing to save my life, but it's nice once in awhile. Never learned to play any instruments either... That sheet music'd probably just look like scribbles to me."

The Great Nevareh

Fast-Forward through time!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:59 pm

(Since no one is doing anything along the lines of interacting with the environment, fast-forward through time! Feel free to continue your conversation, though. Just seems a bit final.)

Night falls.

The milky-white clouds are still overhead, casting a kind of bright gloom accross the otherwise featureless brown countryside. The breeze picks up a bit, and the evening fades to darkness with a general cooling of the air.

The tracks continue down the road.

Since nighttime is the generally agreed-upon time to rest, setting up camp might not be a bad idea. There's tent canvas and some dowels and stakes of various lengths in the wagon along with a variety of dried meats and foods. The grass is also edible, though it's not very tasty and it's not very nutritious when brown. There's some cookware in the wagon, as well, though no spices. Being Hunters, the party has covered more or less fifty kilometers since they set out in the morning, and have taken a larger-than-expected chunk out of their hundred-twenty kilometer journey to Holdenburgh.

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Re: Fast-Forward through time!

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:10 am

"Anyone not wanting the meat?" Jerry said as he began to scratch the earth to examine the grassroots. "With some luck, I can make a nice patch of salad for you guys..."

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Re: Fast-Forward through time!

Postby Kai » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:06 am

"I'll probably dig around in the wagon, unless you find something completely irresistable. Although... If it's dried meat, does it really count? It barely resembles an animal at this point anyway."

She paused, remembering the most enormous fish she'd ever seen. She'd been doing fieldwork when some friends of hers caught it, but even a gaggle of burly fishermen wouldn't touch it because of where it had been pulled in. They wouldn't let Virginia eat it either, having strained old ways badly enough just letting her on the boat.

Should have eaten that fish. The worst that could have happened is that I'd turn into a mutated facsimile of a human being. Knowing what I know now... it probably wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe I'd have grown gills. Wouldn't that be interesting.


Re: Fast-Forward through time!

Postby ziratha » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:45 am

Well, since no one else is gonna do it... Edward heads to the wagon and gathers some tent making supplies. With that he finds a relatively flat area and begins to try to set up a tent.

While he goes about his work, he listens to the conversation about the supplies, hoping against hope that someone would discover some fish. Thats when he hears Jerry speak.

He Wrinkles his nose and responds quickly with a definate "No, I hate...Salad."

The Great Nevareh

Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:18 pm

The roots are dry and dusty. It's dried, not diseased.

On the wagon, there is some dried salt meat. Non-dried, non-salted meat doesn't keep too well. It also doesn't need to be cooked, and if it were cooked it probably would cease to exist. The stuff is tough enough to make shoes out of.

On second thought, it might be old shoes.

As for the tent canvas, it's new, well-woven and of good quality, thus it must be one of the (few) products that Jansen manufactures. The stakes are metal, though, and are thus re-usable. There's enough for either two tents or a series of hammocks, but not both.


Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby Elitegamer7539 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:09 pm

Examining the meat and the roots, Sam finds his appetite dwindling.

"Might be a better idea to eat some dirt... I hate jerky enough already, but this stuff might make better armor than food."

He walks over to Edward and starts helping him set up the tent. While he works, he says to Edward, with a vaguely sarcastic tone, "Tell me you found something vaguely edible out here when you casted. Animals, beasts, dire plants, anything over this crap..."

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=elitegamer7539>Elitegamer7539</A] at: 7/28/05 18:53

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Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby Kai » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:03 pm

At the mention of finding slightly more lively food, Virginia whirled around. When she turned toward the group, the skin of her face appeared to be glowing slightly through its thin coating of dirt. It wouldn't be enough to illuminate anything around her, but it was apparent that if she were in a darkness so complete nothing else could be seen, the anthropologist would be clearly visible.

She rapped her cane on the ground in her excitement. "That sounds like an excellent idea. Let's find something and kill it. I mean, I couldn't probably sneak up on anything. Not at night. But there are enough of us that it really shouldn't be necessary. What exactly did you see?"


Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby ziratha » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:04 pm

Edward hears his name called and turns to listen to what they have say. He then responds in a low voice, "Well, I didn't sense any animals, but I did notice some dire plants, so if you want food, there should be some around... I'll cast again to see if there are any more around."

Edward stops assembling the tent while he begins to cast. He doesn't send it out as far as before in a small attempt to keep himself from getting queazy. He adds while wrinkling his nose, "I'll help hunt some food, but I Don't like plants very much..."

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Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:45 pm

"I'll try not to be insulted," Jerry said as he placed his hand on the earth. "But if any of your change your mind, you let me know, alright?"

Jerry concentrated, and began to feel the aura of his little bladed friends. He then attempted to tell them to burn their chlorophyll like mad, and grow as much as they could, as fast as they could...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:05 pm

As Jerry's consciousness expands to encompass the brown grass, he spends some effort to make the grass grow. A mild glow comes off of his hair (of all places) as a small patch of grass greens and then begins to expand, slowly but surely. It's a simple matter to coddle the grass into manufacturing as many extra nutrients as possible...

(Jerry energy -10% and Focus -2%)

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Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:27 pm

"Good stuff," Jerry says as he harvests his bounty. "Thanks fellas. You won't go to waste."

Half of the patch was placed into Jerry's satchel, and the other half he began to munch on.

"Last chance, guys. It's great for headaches, this stuff..."


Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby Elitegamer7539 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:07 pm

Sam pauses in tent building to crouch down and examine the newly grown plants. He turns to Jerry briefly...

"You mind?"

Without waiting for a response, he takes a single blade between his fingers and examines it closely by bringing it just an inch from his nose, going cross-eyed to focus on it. He sniffs the blade, with a slight frown on his face, then starts grinding one end of it between his fingers. All the while muttering under his breath...

“He’s not kidding... this stuff’d make a decent pain-killer, but I think for best potency it needs to be refined. Certainly isn’t the kind of stuff I’d recommend eating, though. Compared to the food we've got in the wagon, though, it might taste pretty good...”[i]

[i]Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=elitegamer7539>Elitegamer7539</A] at: 7/29/05 23:08

The Great Nevareh

Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:13 pm

The grass itself is an incredibly mild analgesic and is ridiculously nutritious though lacking in flavor. If you refined it enough it might be comparable to, say, diluted Acetaminophen. Aspirin is generally better despite being much harder on the stomach.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 7/31/05 0:10


Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby ziratha » Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:31 am

(ooc, *Pokes the great neverah* How are we gonna find food if I dont know what My char sensed with his cast about 5 posts back?)

The Great Nevareh

Re: Rain of Ashes: After the Fall

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:47 pm

(Edit: I need to learn to read)

Edward's senses fail to gather any non-plantlife in the area of his awareness. Maybe the camp scared off the wildlife? There ARE a few holes into which he could probe deeper, but nothing is immediately obvious in his area of cast.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 7/31/05 17:57



Postby ziratha » Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:07 am

(ooc. Are there supplies for multiple tents or just one big one?)

Ed turns to his companions and says, "Well, I don't seem to be seeing anything alive... I suppose you will have to make do with what we have."

After finishing his speech, he resumes working on the shelter needs of the group.



Postby ziratha » Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:08 am

Ed turns to his companions and says, "Well, I don't seem to be seeing anything alive... I suppose you will have to make do with what we have, or eat the grass after all."

After finishing his speech, he resumes working on the shelter needs of the group. As he does so, he drops the cast to prevent over awarness that might result in wooziness.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=ziratha>ziratha</A] at: 8/1/05 9:10

The Great Nevareh

Re: re:

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:03 pm

There's enough tent canvas for either two tents or a series of hammocks, but not both. As for the stakes and dowels, they aren't generous enough to make a very large tent.

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Re: re:

Postby KingOfDoma » Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:09 pm

Jerry didn't say anything just then, for he did still have a mouthful of grass in his mouth. He just scanned the skies to see if there was a chance it wouldn't rain that night. If so, he'd spend the night under the stars...


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