MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

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Uncle Pervy

MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:09 pm

On the MAC Message Board, under the Employment Opportunities Subforum, a new thread has been posted overnight. it reads:

Sirius Cybernetics is now offering a one-time contract position to any interested party. The pay will be good, and succesful completion will result in a bonus, and special consideration in future dealings with Sirius Cybernetics.

Interested parties may visit our regional office at 1538 Payne Boulevard for more information and a proper interview.

There seems to be no contact information posted, hinting that the regional office isn't interested in dealing with people asking for more information without actually visiting. Those who are familiar with the busing system find that reaching this regional office isn't too hard, it is a block from the stop nearest to it.

Those choosing to do their research will find that Sirius Cybernetics is a corporation, based in Baron, that deals in a variey of high-end electronics and computer equipment. Recently, it seems that they have expected to taking civilization and law-enforcement mecha contracts as well. Their stock has grown quite pricey as of late.

(OOC: The season shall be early fall. You may start wherever the hell you want. Dorms, Class, Mecha Bay, On the bus, Walking into the office, Trolling the message board when the thread actually appears. However, do expect me to manipulate time for convienent meetings ^^

As always, IM your questions to me, so I may laugh at them)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 9/22/04 5:13 pm

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby NebulaQueen » Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:46 pm

A young sixteen year old boy sat at his computer, the monitor casting an odd glow on his now excited face. This is great!, the youth thought to himself.

Leopold S. Westland (or just Leo, for short), was, in a word, ecstatic about this post. The thought that there's a chance that someone else would get the contract had yet to cross his mind; all he knew was that this was just the opportunity he was looking for. When it came to his mech, Leo was pretty much strapped for cash, fully depending on grants, scholarships, and loans to get him something decent to pilot. However...if this contract worked out, this dependency may very well come to an end.

In his own little fantasy world, Leo was celebrating, entertaining daydreams of his success. In the middle of this, though, an arrow of reality pierced his bubble of delight, as a sudden idea came crashind down on him.


This detail may seem insignificant to some, but it was deathly important to the young pilot. You'd be surprised how many companies have qualms over giving contracts to sixteen year olds who weren't in the "super high genius prodigy" category.

However, Leo did not give up hope. Quickly, he logged into his account, Space_Butler, and waited for the page to finish loading. When this was done, we went back to the thread, and posted his query.

"Question: How old does one have to be to be eligable for the contract?"

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:02 pm

Ah, the bus. That wonderful peice of transportation that anyone could use, everyone could enjoy, and no one could deny. Everyone was equal on the bus...There was no being better than one another. No putting others below you. You were all on the bus, and goddamnit, you were happy.

That's how Amelia felt about the situation. Quite short and temprimental, she was often mistaken for being quite a bit younger than she was- Though her pointed ears probably threw some people off, she thought. Doing her light purple hair into a quick, sloppy braid, she sat back and closed her brown eyes. She quite happy, perfectly content...Till the ground infront of said bus cracked open, allowing legions of the Things from Below to spill out, just like in the movie Amelia watched a couple nights ago! Standing quickly, she knew she had to move fast- She groped blindly while keeping an eye on the hordes that were pouring out- Finding a rather conveniantly placed katana. Dashing off the now motionless bus, she began cutting into the attackers- "Shink! Take THAT, beast!" "KISHAA! You're no match for my kung-fu!" "SHWAA! You are a disgrace to truth and justice!" Then she saw it. The mother of all Things from Below, begining to climb out of the hole. She had one chance...Just one. It was suicide if she failed, but she'd be hailed as a hero for decades to come if it worked. She raised her katana...Sprinted in...Jumped...She was ready...She was going to do it!...

Then the bus hit a sudden bump in the road, knocking Amelia out of her daydream. She was almost disappointed to find that there was, infact, no katana, and even worse, no Creatures from Below attacking the city. Sighing, she pulled the information she had written off the message board out of her pack, to confirm the address, and waited. Of course, the waiting didn't stop her from snapping at a kid who asked what "You are no match for my kung-fu" meant.

Uncle Pervy

Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:11 pm

Some time later, there is a reply to the thread

It is the Policy of Sirius Cybernetics to emphasize qualifications over age

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 9/22/04 6:13 pm

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby NebulaQueen » Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:20 pm

Leo felt very...encouraged by this news. Still curious, though, he does his research...eventually finding out the aforementioned information on the company.

Before going off to the office, though, Leo posts a response.

"Excellent. Thanks for the information. However, I have one more thing to there a deadline for the contract? Or is it first come, first serve?"

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Zemyla » Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:51 pm

Ana, upon awakening, habitually checked the MAC message board for new messages, and found this gem sitting there. She also found that it already had some posts to it. Hmm, I wonder who Space_Butler is... she thought, since knowing who is interested in a topic is almost as interesting and important as knowing about the topic itself. But she had other fish to fry.

She quickly looked up Sirius Cybernetics both on its own page, and through a search of various financial and news pages. What she found piqued her interest even more, and she knew she had to go. She would not only be getting money and influence, but she would be finding out new information as well.

She dressed reasonably quickly, shut down her computer, and left for the office. She smiled as she wondered who else would be there.

Uncle Pervy

Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:03 pm

The Represantative doesn't reply to the thread anymore.

But mekadude112233 does: teh cntracts alwayz 1st com 1st serve n00b lol

Edit: If I have to give you another warning on your board conduct...

-Last Editted by SystemAdim


Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby SALSAlys » Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:07 pm

Pat yawned as she sat into her swivel chair, spinning herself in it while waiting for her computer to connect to the MAC Message Board. As her browser opened the section on employment opportunities, she grinned.

"Ni~ice..." she murmured. She had been aching for a chance to use her baby, and this would be her first contract....

Huh. Wonder if that means that upgrades for my mech might be cheaper in the future.... or if we'll see any action?

She actually relished the thought, grin widening before she logged off, hopping to her feet. The catgirl examined herself in the mirror, giving herself a brief once over. As usual, she looked more like a slender teenage boy, albeit a short one, with short, rumpled, curly hair and a generous smear of freckles. The only sign of her nekojin heritage were her black feline ears. Her casual tan slacks and high-collared, cream button-up shirt (only slightly wrinkled, and the top button left carelessly undone) looked all right to her... though she tossed on a burgundy tie anyway. Not that she expected to be really formal, but Pat considered a tie to be part of her 'statement'.... though to tell the truth, she really had no idea what she was stating.

Still fastening her tie into place, Pat left her room, walking along the halls. She intended to take a bus towards the meeting place.

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby NebulaQueen » Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:14 pm

Leo rolled his eyes. However, despite his annoyance, the lamer had a point...he couldn't wait around forever.

And lo, after a while Leopold found himself on the bus, en route to the office.

(OOC: I shall leave it up to Pervy and Shini whether or not he happens to be on the same bus as Amelia.)

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:54 pm

Rallison Mewf was already at the office. Luckily, it was chair-accessible, so she was able to glide up to the door without any trouble. But the door button was in a bit of an awkward place for her, so she kind of... tried to reach, but couldn't. And she really didn't want to have to open up the tools hatch... so...

"Hello? Is anyone in here? I'm here about the post on the message board?"

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Kelne » Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:22 am

Today found a young man with somewhat frazzled brown hair strolling through the city streets. He was dressed in a tidy but casual jersey and jeans outfit, and seemed to have a specific destination in mind.

It was a nice day for a walk. Which was a good thing, since Archie hadn't really been paying much attention, and had overshot his stop by several blocks.

This was alright, as it gave him some time to think. He was responding to the ad out of sheer opportunism, really. Present cashflow and future contacts sounded good, but once he got there, they were probably going to ask Questions, the fiends.

Questions weren't really Archie's strong suit. Not when they related to things like job interviews, anyway. 'Why not?' wasn't the sort of answer people liked to hear when they asked what had motivated him to respond to their ad. So he was trying to come up with better answers.

This was somewhat stymied by the fact that there hadn't actually been much information to go on in the original post. 'Why not?' might be about the only answer he could give.

Uncle Pervy

Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:13 am

There were three buses coming that day; one in the morning, one in the evening, and one in the afternoon. Rallison and perhaps Archie had taken the morning bus, intending to go after a nice breakfast or perhaps some other things. The rest of the group are crammed onto the afternoon bus.

The Bus trip is, for some, an interesting multi-cultural experience. Doma has been the home to many races for as long as anyone can remember. And, as is the habit of civilized people, they take the bus. The afternoon bus, today, is home to the usual smattering of humans. There is also a couple of dwarves in sunglasses, holding a spirited conversation on the pros and cons of Molybdenim. There is a half-elf with a mohawk, dressed in black leathers in chains, who is quite drawn into some music playing on his personal stereo. A nekojin in neo-traditional business garb casts foul looks toward a lizardman whose tail keeps thumping his. And, there are a couple of the 'species' simply known as Domans; halfbreeds and chimeras of a variety of species, human and otherwise; whose unique characteristics stand out enough to seperate them from any 'pure' species.

All in all, not a particularly exceptional busload.

As the stop by the Sirius Cybernetics Regional Office comes, the four who intend to seek the interview get ready to stand. Archie will see a woman in a wheelchair trying to open a door without a great deal of succcess, whilst a bus pulls up to the stop, just a block away.

(OOC: It's almost as if I contrived for you lot to be there in at the same time :O)

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Re: MAC RP: Find the Kitty. (Closed)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:22 am

Amelia hopped off the bus muttering to herself in a loud whisper- "This job is SO mine!" She began down the street, before checking the addresses one after another- Till she saw that Nekojin. Running in to help, she made her intentions perfectly clear- "Don't worry, I'm here to help!"

Inwardly, Amelia was proud of herself. If they were watching, this would definitely score some browny points.

Uncle Pervy

No one is safe!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:42 am


Amelia had made one minor miscalculation in her plans to rush to the crippled nekojin's assistance. Namely, she had forgotten to factor in that she had to cross the street, and that the traffic light was not in her favor.

This does she find her eyes drawn toward the gunmetal blue economy car that suddenly hit its breaks as she darted out in front of it.

"Goddamned kid!" shouts the driver, a blonde human shaking a fist outside the window. Luckily, there were no other cars following that one.

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Re: No one is safe!

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:46 am

"Hey!" Amelia shouted back at the driver, holding her position, "I'm trying to help that poor person open the door, and you're trying to hit me with your car?! What the heck is wrong with you?! Don't you have any descency!?"

Amelia then walked out of the way and allowed the woman to pass, but not before shouting after her. "Oh, and I'm not a kid! I'm 18!" Dusting off her khaki pants, she began for the nekojin anew.

Uncle Pervy

Re: No one is safe!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:50 am

"Fucking moron!" the driver shouts before he speeds off.


Oh dear!

Postby SALSAlys » Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:06 am

"....Ishtar on a pogo stick," Pat muttered, then shook her head ruefully. Since they were heading in the same direction, she briefly wondered if they could be applying for the same job....

Eh. Competition, I guess, she reflected, then glanced to both sides of the street. If safe, she would then cross.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Oh dear!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:08 pm

The light for crosstraffic has turned red; the crosswalks single it is safe to cross.

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Re: Oh dear!

Postby NebulaQueen » Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:54 pm

Leo just shook his head, and walked across the street.

What a fool...

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Re: Oh dear!

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:14 pm

Rally looked inside. Is there anyone in there? she thought. Again she called inside. "Hello? Anyone inside?"

Awwww... you'd think there'd be more people inside a cybernetics office... I wonder if this is the right day...

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Re: Oh dear!

Postby Zemyla » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:29 pm

At roughly the same time, Ana has just gotten off the bus and is crossing the street to get to the lab.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Oh dear!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:58 pm

Those outside see that the office building is about five stories tall, much of the outside plated in reflective glass. Along the concrete border of the top, the Sirius Cybernetics Logo can be seen clearly. All in all, a fairly typical office building

As for Rally, she turns out to be fairly blind.

Past the main doors, she sees a large and rectangular room, with marble-tiled floors. Several leafy plants in brass pots are set next to support columns, plate glass windows allow others to see inside. At the far end of the area, there is a semi-circular desk, with a seemingly-young half-elven woman, sits at the desk, giving Rally an incredulous look.

"I'm right here, are you blind or something?"

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Re: Oh dear!

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:16 pm

Amelia stood grinning, holding the door open for Rally...Until the grin faded and she actually opened her eyes. "Uh...Aren't you going to actually go in? Or did you just want to look inside?"

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Re: Oh dear!

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:21 pm

"Hi," Rally said again. "Could you open the door for me, please?"

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Blindness is catching...

Postby Kelne » Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:45 pm

Archie, for his part, arrived at Sirius Cybernetics a couple of minutes behind the others, having missed his stop. On the plus side, there wasn't much question of it being the right place, what with the large logo and everything. Though the door seemed a little blocked at the moment...

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:35 am

Amelia blinked a couple times, then replied. "...Oooohhhhh...Are you blind, too? I'm sorry, that must be horrible! The door IS open! I actually opened it a couple minutes ago..."

Man, if they're watching this, I must be lookin' pretty good right about now!, she thought to herself.

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 9/24/04 1:37 am

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby NebulaQueen » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:15 pm

Leo stood by the door, waiting for the ladies to get on with it and go into the damn building. While he didn't mean to be rude, he was antsy enough about the contract already.

I wonder who else is going to come for the contract..., he thought idly to himself.

(OOC: I shall be gone until sometime Sunday night. Pervy knows what to do.)

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby KingOfDoma » Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:01 pm

Amelia looked over. "Huh? OH! Oh gosh, I'm so embarrassed... Thank you..." she said politely as she took use of the open door and entered the building.

Oh, I'm never going to live this down... now they probably won't hire me...


Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:43 pm

As Pat approached the bottleneck area, she couldn't resist chuckling, then exhaling and blowing a stray curl out of her face. Glancing over the others, she grinned, ears flicking back. She didn't enter, instead waiting for those who had arrived before her to go.

"Out of curiousity, y'all here for the contract?"

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Sep 25, 2004 8:36 pm

"Yep! Sure am!" Amelia chimed, as she followed the disabled nekojin inside. The thought that the others were there for the same contract hadn't even crossed her mind- If anything, they were there to congratulate her on a job well done. Though they'd have to wait- The contract came first.

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby Kelne » Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:38 am

"Yeah, that'd be me," Archie remarked to Pat. With the bottleneck largely resolved, he took the opportunity to nip inside. The joke would be on all of them if someone else had gotten up really early in the morning and beaten them out for the contract. Still, such was life.

Odds were he wouldn't get the contract with all this competition anyway, but that was no reason to call it quits.

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Re: Blindness is catching...

Postby NebulaQueen » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:03 pm

Leo nodded to the group, and responded, "Same here"

As he noticed the others around, he was a bit...well, relieved. While he wasn't exactly fond of competition, he was expecting many more to come here.

Then again, that doesn't mean that there aren't others who have already come, but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.

Uncle Pervy

Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are! :O

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:10 pm

Thus does the group begin to file in, and the half-elf regards them curiously. She then says, "I'm guessing from, the way you're talking, that you guys are here about the contract offer we sent out to the MAC Academy, huh?"

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Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby NebulaQueen » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:33 pm

The young man nods enthusiasticly at the woman. "Yep..."

Remembering what the post said, he asks, "So...who do we ask to find out more about the contract?"

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A] at: 9/26/04 9:35 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:42 pm

The half elf nods. "I'll need you to list your names, then," she says as she pulls out a clipboard. "As well as your particular skills and stuff. After that, you can take the elevator to the top floor and go right into Mrs Rutherford's office; she's taking the interviews personally. I'll buzz you in on the way up, so don't worry about that."

With that, she puts the clipboard on the desk for someone to take.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 9/26/04 10:01 pm

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Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:13 pm

Rally rolled up first, deciding she din't want to have to rely on anyone again today. She pressed a button under her right index finger, and a panel underneath that armrest popped open, and receded into the chair. A thin, spindly, mechanical arm extended from it. If you watched closely, the button Rally had pressed had popped up to become an analog joystick, which she used to control the arm as it stretched toward the clipboard. With a click from Rally, the claw clamped onto the board, and drew it towards her. As soon as it was close enough, Rally grabbed the pen in her teeth, and began to write down her information. When she was done, she dropped the pen again and placed the clipboard back on the desk.

"There ya go," she said cheerily. "And if anyone's wondering, I have wet naps in my backpack..."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:29 pm

(OOC: Rolled for it)

Rally leaves a nice, illegible series of kinda-letters across the paper. As the half-elf takes it and looks at it, she gives Rally something of a look. "Would you mind reading that, please?" she asks.

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Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby KingOfDoma » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:37 pm

I need more practice, she mentally grumbled.

She sighed. "Rallison Mewf, Tek, terrestrial magics, mech repair, studying physicist... will that do?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Are those rocks suspended from the ceiling? Yes they are

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:03 pm

The secretary writes this down on the clipboard, and offers it out to the next person.



Postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:38 pm

Pat took the clipboard, not bothering to take up the offer of a wet nap, and wrote her name and skills in a fluid motion, only lifting her pen from the paper for the spaces between words. Of course, anyone glancing at her name could note its feminity now, though she looked as boyish as ever.

Hope they're not expecting magic, she thought, writing in "Mech design, repair, and piloting— purely mechanical."

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 9/29/04 11:39 pm


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