The Twelve

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The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:52 am

"Actually, this stuff is left-overs from people who did the tournament before. I wouldn't doubt that they'd have pretty much anything back there."

Zachary looks at himself, no longer a blue scholar in armor, now a green knight.

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Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:01 am

The woman came back to Zachary and Theodarus, twirling a circlet around one of her black fingernails. (Theodarus would recognize her from his earlier visit to the spa.)

"How's this?" she held up a thin silver circlet to Zachary, waiting for him to take it. "It was all I could find without doing some major digging."

As the now-green knight took it, she turned and looked at Theodarus. "Hey, haven't I seen you before. . .?" she said. "Can't remember your name. You look like you need some clothes as well. What can I do you for?"


Re: Clothing

Postby wkz » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:09 am

Theodarus recognized the face all right. After all, he nearly ran screaming from her once before. (he did run, just not screaming...)

Feverantly hoping she does not remember the promised "date", Theodarus procedded to describe the items of clothing he wanted: a pair of pants, a long sleeved shirts and jacket, a short strip of ribbon (for the hair) and a bale of paper of different roughness...

... And all the while purposefully looking at the items hanging all over the room, such that he would not have to show her his face more than he should (for purposes of courtesy).

"....oh, and did you pick up some self-inking brushes? I seem to have lost some of mine down there." he concluded.

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Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:44 am

"Are these them?" the woman said, pointing to a small cup of brushes, stacked pretty high up on the closest shelf. "All this stuff is new." she tossed the cup to Theodarus, and then left down the hallway.

She was back in a flash, producing a strong padded shirt and a pair of pants, each of them solid blue. Underneath them was a dark navy jacket, which looked it like it would come down past Theodarus's waist. Finally, there was a thin white sliver of ribbon.

"I couldn't find any paper. . ." she said, reaching behind her back. "However, will this do?"

She handed Theodarus three thick rolls of parchment scrolls, the paper thick and rough, but still paper.

She smiled at the two, and then moved to leave. "My name is Xali." she said. "Don't hesitate to ask me if you need more help. And don't you forget about our date, Theodarus." she winked a red eye, before exiting the warehouse.

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Re: The Reason

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:34 am

In a way, the man's purpose was not too different from his own. Though part of him had momentary concern for the other swordman's safety, the half-drow told himself that Saffron made his choice. He needed to remember that when the two of them meeted again.

"I suppose, we are not much different." Adarl decides to tell the man, "I also had another pressing reason for being here. But now, it would seem I will be lucky to leave here alive."

Adarl thinks for a moment, then looks up at the other man.

"I'm curious... what does your sibling look like?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:57 pm


Zachary puts on the circlet to keep the hair out of his eyes, and then looks around. He definitely FEELS great, that's for sure. Now to find something to eat.

Without another thought, he turns to leave, before yelling "Thanks!" and tromping out of the warehouse.

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Re: The Reason

Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:09 pm

"Well. . ." Kamome began. "Obviously, he has the same color skin as me." Kamome raised his hand, showing a chocolate-brown hand. "He's skinny, and probably a few inches taller than me. Maybe 6`2"." Kamome said. "He was trained well in the art of hand-to-hand combat, and like me, excels in the area of speed and agility."

He looked down sadly. "I just don't know why he would choose to go with them. . .he would have no reason to do so."

Kamome shook his head. "Enough about that. Have you seen him? I happen to know a lot about the other Zodiacs, due to my frequent run-ins with them. If you give me some descriptions, I might be able to tell you who's who. Or, especially, if you think you've seen my brother."


Zachary sped out of the warehouse, and then soon out of the doctor's office, where Negi was standing, apparently having no trouble with his slashed rags.

The green knight made his way back to the circular brick hall. It was now a question of which way to go. . .left or right?

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:16 pm

Using the crappy logic of "When in doubt, right's alright," Zachary hangs a right at the circular brick room, in search of some sustenance.


Here we go again...

Postby wkz » Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:19 am

<font size=5>CRAP</font> Theodarus thought to himself as he wore the articles of clothing given to him, outwardly composed, yet having lots of turmoil inside.

As he securely tied the ribbon to his hair and politely accepted the parchment scrolls, CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!! She remembered!! Worse: She knows my name, she had obviously asked around!! How am I going to dig myself out of this!??

Stammering an excuse.... any excuse, some excuses, one excuse, he couldn't remember.... he beat a hasty retreat from the succubas once more...

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Re: The Reason

Postby Molokidan » Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:02 am

Zachary head to the right, into the first door he saw.

Inside, were four people, each occupying one of the four beds.

The farthest man in the back, Zachary knew he had seen before -- it was the old bald man, with a scarred forehead. The other person in the back was another elderly man, this one cradling a violin in his lap. He had long, stringy grey hair, and a well-trimmed mustache to boot. His sunken-in eyes pierced through Zachary.

The next man, this one closer to Zachary, on the left, was dark-skinned, and wore a simple black suit with a yellow tie. He had braided hair in a ponytail, and it kind of reminded Zachary of Kamome. Except this guy had yellow highlights, making him look more like a bee than anything.

The final person was, oddly enough, a woman, and was showing no interest in the newcomer at all. In fact, her back was to him, and all he could tell was that she was middle-aged, and was wearing a pantsuit.

The bee man raised a hand to Zachary, nodding politely. "Sorry, we're full." he said. "You might want to try the closest rooms to the entrance, because people tend to flock to the rear in crowded situations such as this."


Theodarus exited the warehouse, to see Negi, finally standing, and looking in better shape than before.

The doctor with the blonde ponytail and earnest smile was now tending to another patient, away from the two of them.

"Do you feel better now?" Negi said to him. "I feel great. . .I really need to thank you for everyting back there, Theodarus." he smiled, placing a hand on Theo's shoulder. "There's no one else that I know in this tournament that would have helped me more than you did. I was really lucky to have you as a roommate, and I want to apologize for how I treated you earlier. You're a great man, a better one than I could ever be, at that."

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:26 pm

"Thank you very much, sir. Do you know if there is anywhere where I can find some food and drink? I apoogize for barging in and asking questions like this."

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Re: The Reason

Postby Molokidan » Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:08 pm

"No problem. I'm happy to help." the bee man said, a smile appearing on his dark face. He pointed across the room to the immediate right corner from the entrance, which housed a refrigerator. "In each room, there's a refrigerator. Inside the refrigerator is enough food rations for 4 people, along with drinks. You just have to find a room that isn't full yet. Does that answer your question?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:25 pm

"Most certainly! Have a nice day, sir. And a very good evening... or whatever time it is."

Zachary tips his head to the bee man and walks out of the room, sure to close the door behind him. He then goes in search of a room in which he can stay. If he runs into Christopher first, then Zachary will see how he's doing before he finds a place to sleep.

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Re: The Reason

Postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:20 am

Zachary continued down the hallway, knocking on doors, only to continue hearing replies of "Full" and "Go away."

Eventually, he came across the first door from the entrance, and knocked on it.

Inside, Kamome's head snapped to the door. "Yes?" he asked. "We have two spots open, if you're someone who is looking for a place to stay."

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Re: The Reason

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:42 am

Adarl, thinking over about it, decided there was not much to lose in telling Kamome. If the man, through some very, very slim chance, happened to be associated with them in some obscure way, he would know the information anyway. Perhaps, there was some small hope he knew something about Saffron as well...

"The two we both encountered, I'm sure you are already familiar with." Adarl begins to speak, "I have only run across two others. One was named Winslow, a man with short blonde hair, an odd uniform, and twin sickles for his weapons. The other man..."

Adarl seems visibly pained for a moment, before he composes himself and continues.

"The other man, Saffron, had blonde hair as well, only much longer. He wore an odd set of crafted armor made of metal plates and leather straps, and carried two weapons similar to mine. Do you know any..."

The half-drow was interrupted by the knocking at their door. When he heared the agile fighter agree to let the person in, without even seeing who it was, he became very tense. Adarl leans himself down a bit, hand ready over the sword at his feet should the knocker prove to be yet another adversary.

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Reason

Postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:54 pm

"Indeed I am, Kamome. May I claim some of the food and one of the bunks? Also, have you seen Christopher? I was wondering how he was doing."

Zachary walks into the room, in his new garb, and looks around for a place to plunk himself down.

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Re: Holy Crap, interaction! =O

Postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:28 pm

Kamome nodded at Adarl and sat back against the wall, fiddling with his bow. He looked over to Zachary, eager to hear what the mage had to say.

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/24/04 21:38

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Together, Sorta

Postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:42 pm

"I thought it was you." Kamome said, motioning to the two beds closest to the door. "Make yourself at home. Food's in the fridge. I haven't seen Christopher, but I imagine he's alright, in one of the other rooms. Ari should be by soon to report any Zodiac activity, so I'm sure you can ask him if he's seen anyone."

Kamome then turned back to Adarl. "I'm sure you're familiar with Adarl, Zachary. . ." he smiled. "We were just talking about the Dark Zodiacs."

He ran a finger over his bow, lying along his side, and then finally continued to speak. "Saffron and Winslow. . .I do know them. If I remember correctly, Saffron is the 2nd member, and goes by the codename of "The Dog." Winslow is the 4th, but I've never heard him called by anything other than his name. Saffron is a blonde man who wields a rather large sword, and Winslow looks like a delusional private university student. I'm amazed you got away from them alive. You didn't. . .perchance. . .kill them?"

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Holy Crap, interaction =O

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:17 pm

"No, they are both very much alive, last I saw them..." Adarl tells the man. For now, however, he decides not to give many details. Specifically, why the two of them allowed him to live.

Instead he turns to Zachary, a bit surprised the man made it this far. It seems the gravitymage's skills served him well after their parting of ways. Adarl just hoped the man would not be another Jemyle.

"I see you are still fairing well thus far." the half-drow tells Zachary.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Holy Crap, interaction! =O

Postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:43 pm

"Yeah. As you can see, I had another run-in with Brucie boy and this time we met his wife as well. Remember him, Kamome, and that little trip to the pocket dimension? Well, he caught up with me as we were tangoing with Rose. I really don't remember if you were there or not. Kind of fuzzy, really. What's in the 'fridge?"

Zachary nods around and then heads over to the food storage center.

"Negi was with Theo and me as we crossed in, and he was getting his wounds dressed. Rall made it too, I think, unless he was struck down between us and the door and then immediately vaporized. Got me some new duds, anyway. No longer am I blue, but now I am green."

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Postby Molokidan » Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:17 am

"There is a vegetable soup, and a plate of chicken and mashed potatoes for each of you." Kamome said. "I already drank one of the orange juices, but there is one glass left, and then two glasses of milk. I guess you'll have to fight over the orange juice if you both want it. Then, you heat up all the food in the microwave over there."

He pointed over to the far right corner of the room, where there was a small, square white refridgerator, next to a black microwave on a table. Underneath the table, Kamome had tossed his dirty plates.

In the opposite corner, there was a small door that one would guess led to the bathroom.

"Rall actually came by earlier. . ." Kamome said. "Now that I remember it, he was going to go find Ari, Zander, and see how they were doing. Of course, he boasted that he had Bruce's head. I didn't know you were involved with that, Zachary. . .quite impressive."

With that, he digressed, and began to fix his bedsheets, which consisted of a thin white linen sheet, underneath a thick grey wool blanket.

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Re: Re:

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:27 pm

Adarl simply takes one of the glasses of milk, remaining on his bed and listening to them speak. He was not entirely sure what Kamome and Zachary were speaking of, though he guessed most was about their journey up here.

It seemed another of Saffron's comrades had fallen, from what Zachary said thus far. So far, this still left him without knowledge of half the Dark Zodiacs. He knew of Saffron and Winslow, the halfdrow still wondering what they had in store for him, now that he had effectively severed ties. He knew of Victoria, Kamome lucky to get away with his life. There was Lamotte, who was finally put to rest by Adarl's blade. And now he was hearing about this couple, Bruce and Rose. Bruce seemed to be dead, his wife he would not know unless Zachary chose to mention it.

Adarl was tempted to ask them both questions about their journey thus far, to get more information. However, that would likely involve him giving the same. And the halfdrow wasn't sure he felt like revealing that much just yet. There was still much on his mind to think about.

He wanted to leave, truthfully, now that his main objective seemed unlikely to succeed. He also knew if he stayed, at some point he would have to cross blades with Saffron. And despite his anger at the man's beliefs earlier, he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to harm the swordsman.

But Adarl had a feeling no one could leave here alive without being the victor. The tournament sponsors took great pains to ensure that, from what he observed thus far. There had to be some other answer to this... maybe he should reconsider what Saffron offered. But to accept it would betray everything he was, and all he had lived for up to this moment.

Adarl continued to think, the troubling thoughts obvious on his face as he sips his drink.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Parkins

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:41 pm

"Nice of him to mention me. All I did was kill the guy. Yeesh. OJ, y'say? Sounds delicious."

Zachary fetches his ration of chicken and the remaining orange juice, and proceeds to heat up the chicken.

"Maybe I shouldn't have let him take the head if he isn't going to be gracious about it."

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Kamome's Thoughts

Postby Molokidan » Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:55 pm

Kamome shrugged. "Rall is Rall."

He looked from Adarl to Zachary, pursing his lips thoughtfully. "It seems that the Dark Zodiacs are finally coming out of the woodwork. Just the ones I've seen include Saffron, the blonde swordsman, Winslow, the young boy, Suzunosuke, the old bald man, Victoria, the veiled woman, Bruce, the large man, and then Lamotte, whom Adarl finished off."

Kamome turned to Zachary. "Now I hear Bruce died as well. . .and in these cases, as far as I know, they all died by themselves, with no backup. However we've met people like Saffron and Winslow multiple times, and they haven't instigated any sort of fights towards us. And then, we meet other members, and their personalities seem completely opposite of the others. It makes no sense. Just from observing those six's actions, it seems as if there could be no constant plan at all between them. And that's only half of the group. It's driving me nuts. . .because if there actually IS a plan, it's so grand and complicated that I have no hope of grasping it at this point."

Kamome stopped himself, smiling weakly, and turned to Adarl, who had been silent for most of the time. "Do you have anything to add?"


Re: Kamome's Thoughts

Postby wkz » Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:30 pm

*Some minutes into the past*
"Thank you, Negi" Theodarus replied, "And don't worry about all the things said in the past... its past, as they say..."

Then with a yawn, he continued, "Ok, time to find a room. Given that we are the last people here, I think we would have problems finding a bunk with two empty spaces... shall we split up for the moment?"

(OCC: if Negi said "YES")

"Alright then, I wish you good luck, and hopefully we'll meet again in better times..." With that, Theodarus went looking for a room...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Parkins

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:51 am

"You left out Rose, Bruce's wife. Theo absorbed her in a rag and then rolled it around in some fire. So we have seven."

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Finally Together Again!

Postby Molokidan » Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:45 am

Negi bid Theodarus goodbye, after agreeing with his advice to split up and look for vacant rooms seperately.

The bounty hunter was on his own, moving meticulously through the donut hallway, knocking on doors and looking for a vacant room.

He finally came back to the entrance, and stared at the last door around, growing weary and losing hope.

Sighing, he knocked on the final door. "Is there a bed and food available?"


"Ah, you're right." Kamome said, listening to Zachary. "I had forgot about her. . .I never met her, after all. So she's out of commission too. . .that means 1/4 of their army has been demolished. It just doesn't make sense, compared with their past missions. I mean--"

Kamome was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by "Is there a bed and food available?"

"Would you mind getting that, Zachary?" Kamome asked. "Feel free to arm yourself if you think there might be a threat."

The Great Nevareh

Re: Finally Together Again!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:33 pm

"If anyone attacks, I'll discipline them with my karate-chop schoolteacher action."

Zachary then leaves his post, clinking and clanking in his new armor, and walks over to the door to open it, while answering the question.

"There is bed and food available, though your grammar is atrocious."

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Re: Finally Together Again!

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:14 pm

The knock forced the half-drow out of his stupor, looking and listening intently at the door.


Re: Finally Together Again!

Postby wkz » Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:39 pm

Post Edit, OCC:
Ah crap... double posting...
Someone delete this....

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 12/27/04 22:49


Re: Finally Together Again!

Postby wkz » Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:48 pm

"Than..... oh hey" Theodaus replied, as he saw the familiar faces inside the room "Its you guys... I guess I can sleep easier tonight..."

( "And yes, my grammer is wrong, I'm too tired to care" )

As he entered, he looked at Kamome's injuriesm then at the apparently unmarked half-drow. "Guess it was lucky most of us even got here... must have been tough... so anything interesting happened?" Theodarus concluded, fishing for information...

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The Four

Postby Molokidan » Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:26 am

(OOC: Don't sweat it, wkz, the grammar problem was my fault anyway. =P)

"Good to see you again, Theodarus." Kamome nodded. "Do make yourself at home, and take the remaining food. A lot of interesting things have happened indeed. We were just talking about the Dark Zodiacs ourselves. . .how did you fare during the last round? Did you run into any obstacles?"


Re: The Four

Postby wkz » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:26 am

The words Kamome said prompted Theodarus to remember Rose, and spiraled him into depression once more. Sitting onto an empty bed, he mumbled

"I .... well .... I had to kill one of them .... she was brainwashed, and I had to kill her .... Rose was .... I was .... first kill, and it had to be .... dammit .... "

With that, he lapsed into silence, sitting there hunchbacked and gloomy...

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Re: The Four

Postby Molokidan » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:30 am

Kamome stared blankly at Adarl, then Zachary, and then looked back to Theodarus, confused and unsure of what to say.

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Four

Postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:41 pm

"...You seem to have things slightly backwards. Rose, beautiful woman or no, was a villain. Even before she was... erm... "brainwashed," she did despicable things and took many lives. She was also in the process of trying to kill us. That, and the moment she noticed that Bruce was dead, I doubt she would have listened to reason any longer. You did what needed to be done. Though it's sad you don't have any proof of it- she's worth a couple of million, from what I hear. You being a bounty hunter and all."

Zachary begins to eat his chicken in a meticulous but ravenous fashion.


Re: The Four

Postby wkz » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:07 pm

"Let me make one thing clear" Theodarus said to Zachary with some heat "I DO believe she was brainwashed into despicable things and taking lives!! She's .... she's ......"

With a sigh, he continued, "But you are right, even if I do not have to like it. She would have caused a lot of trouble if she had survived, especially with Bruce gone..."

"But it sure makes you wonder... are all the 12 Dark Zodiacs controlled as she was?"

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Re: The Four

Postby Molokidan » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:34 pm

Kamome stroked his chin again. "That's an interesting point, Theodarus." he said. "What exactly set them apart from the others, that you could tell that they were brainwashed?" he asked. "From the ones that I've done battle with. . .I couldn't really tell one way or another. To tell you the truth, that idea never even crossed my mind."

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Four

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:06 am

"They've been brainwashed, certainly, but probably in a way that we aren't going to reverse. When you are released from captivity at a very young age by a man that you begin to revere as godlike, what he tells you to belive you end up believing. All their lives they have been told something and that something is what they are going to believe until they are faced with irrevocable proof that they are wrong. Cheers to whoever finds a way of proving their mindset is wrong before they end up in a position where the only thing that can stop them is death. Their leader is the one who dictated their lives to them. Still, they haven't tried to use us yet, so that might say something. We aren't being manipulated in any way we can tell. This chicken is good! Plus I seriously doubt that the people who are running the tournament are oblivious and disconnected. That's a subject I'd like to know a little more about- who IS running this tournament, anyway?"

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Re: The Four

Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:11 am

"Good question." Kamome said. "They're known as the Committee. . .and I know that there's only five main members. Only those that make it to the final tournament are able to see their faces. I'm guessing that the woman with the whip at the beginning, and the small mage on the orb are two members. As for the other three. . .I haven't seen any other 'staff members', besides the cute-looking secretary girl that was in the spa. Any ideas?"

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Re: The Four

Postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:47 pm

(OOC: Sorry x.x; Should have been keeping a better eye on this, my apologies)

Adarl had little to add to the conversation, still not willing to risk going into further detail about his experiences thus far. Part of him knew this to be slightly foolish, given the very real threat to his life.

However, the other wished to be left alone, to still come to terms with all this. And now with this talk of brainwashing, his doubts were starting to creep back up. Could this explain that sense of duality he felt around Saffron of late? Was there still some chance? Should he even have hope at this point...

As Kamome spoke of the Committee, it got him to thinking a bit about their motives. The lure of a powerful artifact, drawing the strongest warriors in the world into one place.

"...I have an idea about their motives." Adarl speaks up, looking down at his glass, "Perhaps they wished to remove potential opposition."


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