The Twelve

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The Great Nevareh

Re: Tah-Daah!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:54 pm

IM: Running along the walls, eh? I think I know what to do!

Zachary, in a split second, turns around and expends more of his precious power to stop those who are chasing them, two of whom who are unwisely not on the floor, waves his arms, and shouts: "100 Gs!"

He then amplifies the gravity in the area around the dwarves who are chasing them, making their previous wall-running become next to impossible- they are now being pulled towards the floor a lot harder than they were a moment ago.

(Zachary uses 100 G's on the dwarves that are approaching them- If they're running along the walls, this might cause them to fall and stun them.)

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Re: Tah-Daah!

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:51 pm

Jemyle looked down towards the ground, shifting his feet around. ". . .I'm not that strong, alright? But I'm fast, and I can think quick on my feet. Anyway. . .I don't think anyone anticipated the strength of some of the people who entered this tournament. . .they're too strong."


Zachary shouted out the spell, quickly turning around to cast it, just as the dwarves were coming up to grab Theodarus. Suddenly, as they leaped for him, they were shoved hard to the ground, smashing them against the floor. They began to pick themselves up slowly, rubbing their bodies in pain.

"Hmph." the red dwarf scoffed. "I have to do everything myself." he said, and began running down the passageway himself.

The Great Nevareh

And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:32 pm

"And Sha-zam! Let's see how you handle THIS, buddy!"
Zachary, in a follow-up to his previous attack, twirls out his staff and slams it to the floor, sending a pulse of force down the hallway at the dwarf that is rapidly charging towards them. Though the pulse is invisible, it is clearly upsetting the dust on the ground as it passes down the hallway and heads towards the red dwarf.

"Hey, use some of that spell-stuff you used before! Keep 'em down or something!"
(Burst of Force down the hallway at the Red Dwarf.)


Fall! Ye' Dwarves, Fall like ze turtles you are! Muhaha!!!

Unread postby wkz » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:26 pm

"Woah, that was close." Theodarus thought as one of the dwarves almost reached him. Another part of him, the part housing his wounded bounty-hunter's pride, wished he had been caught instead, but that thought was quickly shuffled to the back of his mind.

"Great, these dwarves are FAST." he thought to himself, just as the mark shouted "Hey, use some of that spell-stuff you used before! Keep 'em down or something!"

Finally remembering what happened much earlier, Theodarus took out his writing brush again, and proceded to alternate between charging the brush, and every 10 seconds writing a word on the walls and floors where the dwarves would run pass, a word as large as he could write without slowing down his pace. All the while running up the stairs.

The word? "Trip"

(Theodarus activates Words of Power multiple times. Each word is pretty self-explanatory, and each word requires 10 seconds of charge time...)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 9/26/04 8:33 pm

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Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:40 pm

Zachary and Theodarus made their way up the passageway, sending the dwarves flailing about uselessly. They reached the end of it, and came out into a large circular room. There was another opening to the east, and another to the north. The most interesting thing about the room was that it was littered with bodies, and blood. There were very few clean spots on the ground, and the room itself looked a crimson shade of red.

The second note of interest was a group of four people positioned at the north exit. The one nearest to Zachary and Theodarus was a black man with braided hair, who was holding a bow, with arrow in tow, aimed at a woman lying on the ground.

Parallel to him was a man in a cowboy-esque outfit, with a 10-gallon hat, holding two pistols outwards and loaded. One was pointed at the black man, and another was pointed to the third man--

This man was wrapped in multi-colored cloths and a turban, and was holding two spiked balls, aimed at the cowboy's head, as well as the woman lying on the floor. . .

The woman was a beauty, curvy, long beautiful brown hair, and a face to make any man weak at the knees. She was lying on the ground, the turban man and the black man both had their weapons aimed at her. Her face did not look in pain or worried, but rather. . .disoriented.

"I'm telling you. . ." the braided-hair man said, holding his bow with firm hands. It was hard to tell where he was looking, because of the goggles he wore. He was tall, lean, and muscular. He wore a light brown tunic and hunting boots. ". . .she killed them all. It had to be her. We have to exterminate her so that we aren't next."

"You're wrong!" the cowboy shouted. He had long blonde hair, a scruffy goatee, and ice blue eyes. He was alternating looks between turban and braids, sweat pouring down his forehead. "You're all wrong! It couldn'T have been her! I bet it was you two, and you're just trying to cover up!"

"That is impossible." the man in the turban and cloths spoke. He was pale, and had very thick eyebrows and dark brown eyes. None of his other skin was visible. "We met here at different times. Please lower your guns."

The woman said nothing, the cowboy's fingers inching towards the trigger. "You punched her down. . ." he said. "You're the one who initated the attack!" he shouted at the black man. "It's your fault! You hurt her!"

"This man is not the criminal." the man in the turban stated.

"If you two don't know each other, why are you helping him!?" the cowboy shouted at turban. "You're clearly in it together!"

Suddenly, the turban man looked over to the two newcomers. Cowboy and braids had their backs turned, and couldn't see, and the woman was face-up on the ground, so turban was the only one aware of their prescence.


Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby wkz » Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:43 pm

Theodarus didn't even think this time. "There's a pack of dwarves coming to kill us all!! Help Us!!"

(Theodarus activates Binding Agreement on the words "help us")

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 9/27/04 10:34 pm


Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:27 pm

"It still doesn't seem to smart-kupo. Or maybe you were just planning to hide behind people all the time-kupo?"

The moogle shifted from one foot to the other, not exactly liking the idea of dead weight tagging along with him, but not exactly inclined to just leave the fellow behind either.

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Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:46 pm

"It seems we have some visitors." the man in the turban spoke. Immediately, cowboy and the braided man shifted their heads, keeping their guns firmly in place.

"And where the hell did you guys come from!?" cowboy shouted. "You part of their troop as well?"

The braided man said nothing, staring at the newcomers.


"Hey, what's wrong with hiding?" Jemyle said. "Some people think it's bad, but it's part of my strategy." he said. "Just because you don't hide, or whatever, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It's what I'm good at."

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Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:19 am

It was taking every ounce of self-control the half-drow had to keep from snapping at the man.

A powerful relic is at stake here, and he did NOT count on POWERFUL individuals coming to seek it? Of all the... utterly...STUPID...foolish.... he fumed to himself.

But they had no time for discussion. Every moment spent talking amongst themselves, was another wasted for getting out.

"We should get going, before our time to leave expires." Adarl said, a slight glare escaping in Jemyle's direction, "And it seems that small exit is the only option we have."

The Great Nevareh

Re: And Ka-boosh!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:26 am

"Oh, St. Delyin mother of Ishtar! Why are you all pointing your weapons at eachother when there will be plenty of time for that later AFTER you've assured your own safety by getting to the exit? Time's a wastin' for those of us who would rather NOT commit suicide for no reason at all!"

Zachary of course seems a bit irritated by all of this, notwithstanding the bodies and the blood (which he might just be editing out of his vision.) He begins to enumerate things on his gauntleted fingers.

"One, if I was really all that dangerous, why would I even waste my time talking to you? Two, if this was an elaborate trap on my part you'd think I would execute it without exposing myself to harm at the hands of other warriors, wouldn't you? Three, all I really care that you're doing right now is blocking the way out of this room that wasn't our way INTO this room! Four, are we dressed like those corpses? And if my logic isn't good enough for you, then you may as well kill eachother now and save the labyrinth and the crazy people who are running this tournament the effort."

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 9/28/04 3:30 am


Spin Doc's in town!

Unread postby wkz » Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:01 am

Theodarus looked at his scholarly mark in disbelief, then face-palmed and groaned. As a trained negotiator/diplomat, he immediately identified a few major mistakes the mark had made with that speech to the paraniod foursome. No ordering people about (Adventurers and head-strong people HATE getting ordered, especially when there's no social/military order), no "superior" attitude (identify with the targets, make them your friend, or they will think you as an enemy), no brute "you are wrong" logic (even dumbasses hate being told outright they are wrong), no confusing words (that makes people feel stupid and defensively stubbon), no evasion of guilt (that's the biggest mistake against paranoia), etc, etc....

He groaned again when he recalled what he had shouted just a moment ago without thinking. "That would be like putting a torch into a barrel of oil." he thought. "All that training, and first chance I get, I acted like a country kid..."

Well, at the least, most likely they would be confused. He himeself couldn't even understand half the points the mark had thrown out. Time to try and salvage the situation.

He started speaking in a half-friendly, half-suspicious voice, "Look, you are confused. Why wouldn't you be, with everyone in this damp *#$%*& of a place, everyone a possible enemy. But I tell you right now, those three dwarves I mentioned earlier belong to the Devonshire Imperial Army. You may have heard of the BRUTALITY these BLOODTHIRSTY WARMONGERS does things. All armies DOES."

"People from armies NEVER work alone." Theodarus continued in his speech, hoping all of his intended audience are swallowing his ideas whole, "The fact that three are here will mean this place is CRAWLING with THEM like a nest of ANGRY HORNETS. And the fact they are here means they WANT the prize, and armies are ALWAYS williing to KILL EVERYBODY in the way to get it"

Theodarus paused for a bit, waiting for the ideas to sink in, then he planted the clincher, the seed of suspicion, "This room full of dead ARE MOST LIKELY the army's work, and three of them ARE coming to FINISH THE JOB. What are we going to do, fight each other when they cut us to ribbons, or get to the SAFETY of the exit first?" He looked meaningfully towards the stairs he had came from...

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 9/28/04 5:16 am

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Capricious Chaos

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:53 am

(OOC: Dave, minor character control about halfway through. Sorry, but I sorta had to do it.)

The cowboy and turban-man blinked, first being yelled at, and then having that become followed-up by another tirade.

The braided-man finally spoke. "I'm getting tired of this as well. . ." and turned his head back towards his target, only to find her. . .gone!!

"Shit." the turban man said, realizing what had happened. He suddenly glanced towards the cowboy man, who was looking around frantically.

"She's gone!!" he shouted. "How could she leave me like this!?"

". . ." the braided man adjusted his goggles, looking more than a bit perturbed. ". . .this has all been a waste of time." he lowered his bow, taking the arrow out of it and replaced it into a pack on his shoulder. He pulled an hourglass out of his pocket, looked at it for a moment, and quickly replaced it.

"I suggest you all get moving soon, if you want to make it to the next round. . ." he muttered, stepping out of the room. "We have just less than five minutes before the time limit."

"I'm with him." the turban man said, soon following him.

The cowboy, however, turned around frantically, back at the intruders. "You ruined everything!!!" he shouted, turning his twin pistols towards Zachary and Theodarus. "I'll make you pay!" Sweat was pouring down his face, his blue eyes wide and maniacal.

However, he didn't get to make another move, as three blurs of color shot into the room, positioning themselves in a triangle around the perimeter.

"DELTA FORCE!" a gruff voice shouted, which the trained eyes in the room quickly realized was the voice of the red dwarf, that Zachary and Theodarus had run into before. He, with the yellow and blue dwarf, had created a triangle around the three remaining people in the room.

As quickly as he had said it, a huge prism triangle enclosed the three.

". . .we finally gotcha." the blue dwarf grinned.

"I knew we could do it, guys!" the yellow dwarf smiled.

Meanwhile, Adarl and Fwupo, followed by Jemyle, trudged through the hallway, littered with bodies, like the area they had come from. They were coming to the end of the passageway, where they could see a shining sort of light, with three figures inside.

Adarl pushed his left arm back, and put his right hand up to his mouth, motioning for the two behind him to be silent and listen.

"That should do it." the red dwarf said, stepping back from the pyramid. "This is a barrier created by our combined magical powers. We don't need to concentrate to keep it going, as long as we have donated some of our power to it. It will stay up as long as we are alive. You have lost." he said. "We must now secure the perimeter, and make sure there are no others in our sector." he spoke to the yellow and blue dwarf.

"Yes sir!" the yellow dwarf chimed.

"But. . ." suddenly, the blue dwarf looked at the ground in horror. "You too. . .look at the ground. . ."

He was staring at the bodies on the ground. Suddenly, the red dwarf moaned in horror.

"These bodies. . ." he said, looking around in horror. "Gregory. . .Peter. . .Leisence. . ."

"They're all from the army!" the yellow dwarf cried out.

"This is bad. . ." the blue dwarf said, backing up. "Who. . .who could have done this?"

The red dwarf stared at the three inside the pyramid. "The plan has failed. . ." he said, his eyes switching between the three rapidly. ". . .could it have really been these guys?"


Re: Capricious Chaos

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:34 am

Fwupo leaned forward and whispered to his companions, "Do you know anything about an army-kupo?"

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Re: Capricious Chaos

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:12 am

"Yes..." Adarl whispered back, taking a moment every so often to glance at the dwarves, in case their presence was known, "The gentleman you 'kindly' dispatched for me earlier were with them. It seems they are all working together to ensure their group's victory. A cunning plan, I must confess."

He noted the large pyramid shape force of magic holding some other warriors within. It seemed this army had many tricks. However, to Adarl it appeared their forces were a bit too confident. They lacked even the common sense to remain silent about a fatal weakness.

" seems these three are just as 'wise' as their companions from before. We know what must be done to stop their magic. But the question is... do we *want* to free these people, or try to move on without them?"

He looked at both Fwupo and Jemyle, awaiting their answers. He wished to know their thoughts before acting.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Capricious Chaos

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:07 pm

"Actually, it wasn't us. We definitely didn't have enough time for wholesale slaughter. Though I would be inclined to think that the more people we have to go up against whoever it is that did this, the merrier, wouldn't you? No hard feelings from me, you were just doing your jobs. I'm sorry about the blows. Truce?"

Zachary has made a complete 180 degree turn from how he was before- one of the many hallmarks of a teacher.

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Re: Capricious Chaos

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:25 pm

Jemyle put his hand to his chin, apparently thinking about the situation. "I don't know." he whispered. "What I'm more worried about, is how we're going to get past these guys and make it to the exit in time." he looked at a pocketwatch hanging from his pants. "If I'm not mistaken, we have around 4 minutes and 30 seconds left."

The red dwarf turned to stare at Zachary. "Whatever the case is, I'm confining you three in here until I decide what to do." he said, his face stern.

Suddenly, from the north exit, a bloodied soldier came running, clutching a bleeding wound in his stomach. "Oh. . .thank god. . .there are still some people alive."

"Roderick. . ." the yellow dwarf said.

"The plan is aborted. Almost everyone has died." he spoke, collapsing. "I will be dead in a few more minutes too. . .I'm just. . .glad I found more living people. There's. . ." he coughed, blood spraying from his mouth. "They let some real freaks in here, guys. . ." he said, his body slumping to the ground. "You need to get out of here. . .fast!!"

The blue dwarf turned to face the other two. "Hey, maybe he's right guys. . ." he said. "This is getting kind of scary. . ."

The red dwarf stared at the pyramid, then back to the bleeding soldier. It seemed as if he was having a hard time making up his mind.


Re: Capricious Chaos

Unread postby wkz » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:40 pm

"Errr......" Theodarus tapped his partner's shoulder. "I think we have bigger problems to worry about"

He looked at the cowboy trapped with them, twin guns pointed at them. "Calm down, man. Calm down."

While in a corner of his mind, he thought " We have ruined everything? Huh? We just defused a deadly situation for him.... hmm....."

"I think" Theodarus spoke in a voice purposefully loud for the 3 short audience outside the shield. "I think this room's carnage is caused by this mad gentleman here with the guns....."

He also removed his writing pad from its holder. The thing's much smaller than any shield, and the thin metal's a poor subsitute for real cover, but anything was better than nothing against a person with twin pistols and that look in the eyes.....

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 9/28/04 8:47 pm

The Great Nevareh

*Elbow Nudge*

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:12 pm

Zachary nudges his companion and whispers something to him, namely-
"I have a feeling this barrier thing is both ways. We're safe from the bullets so long as it's up, though it being up isn't necessarily a good thing. If it were one-way-only, the dwarves would have killed us the moment we were trapped. Much safer tactic, that, than merely trapping people in a pyramid of energy that's draining to maintain for all time."

Zachary, though, to make sure that his erstwhile friend thinks of himself as safe, positions himself between Theodorus and the gunman. He then says, rather loudly.

"No, it couldn't have been him. He uses guns and these people have been cut up. Guns, believe it or not, aren't all that bloody compared to blades. Then again, he might be hiding his bloody blades because he's afraid that he might be found out. Why else is he so nervous?"

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Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:14 am

"HEY!!!" the cowboy shouted, apparently annoyed at being trapped with the two other men. "Shut up! You don't know nothin'!" he pointed his guns at the pyramid wall. "I'll bust outta this stupid trap!"

He fired, and the two bullets shot forward towards the barrier. As they hit it, it immediately shone gold, and the bullets came flying back in the same direction they had come. They each went sailing into the cowboy's head, knocking him dead before he knew what hit him.

". . ." the red-haired dwarf stared at the dead man, unamused.


Re: Whoops

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:53 pm

"It seems to me-kupo, that it is better to take out the dwarves before moving on-kupo. After all, our getting caught like that would be bad-kupo. I can move sneaky-kupo. I'll get it started-kupo." Again acting without waiting for confirmation, the moogle slipped down the corridor, taking advantage of the shadows cast by the walls, and any cover in the room, trying his best to get up behind the red dwarf and supplex him- a task made easier by their relatively similar height.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Whoops

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:35 pm

Zachary then smacks his face and proceeds to pilfer the weaponry and equipment that the now dead man had. You never know when you're going to need something.

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Re: Whoops

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:49 pm

Zachary found two silver pistols (each half-full), a pack of cigarettes, and cowboy clothes (if he wants them). Apparently the guy's pockets were too tight and small to carry anything more.

Meanwhile, Fwupo crept up behind the Red Dwarf, who, in deep thought, did not notice the moogle creeping up behind his equally small stature.

In a flash, Fwupo grabbed the dwarf and gave him a crushing suplex into the ground. Immediately, the jig was up, and blue and yellow dwarf came dashing toward him, in hopes to save the life of their partner.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:00 pm

Adarl winced slightly at the gunman shooting himself dead, though he felt little sympathy for someone acting so foolishly.

Fwupo then described his plan to sneak after one of the dwarves, with the half-drow wondering to himself once more. Perhaps fighting was unnecessary at this point, for now. Assuming their forces really were dead, the three could possibly be reasoned with. With such little time left, none of them could really afford a long, drawn out fight right now. A temporary truce could be worked out, and they could all get out before being disqualified. least, Adarl had considered such possible, before the moogle ran off and proceeded to suplex the red dwarf.

"...well so much for the diplomatic approach." Adarl sighed, drawing his blade and glancing at Jemyle.

"We will likely be too busy keeping ourselves alive to watch you." he told the man, for once looking serious instead of scornful, "Watch yourself, and pray you are more talented than you've told us."

He then started off, attempting to knock over the blue dwarf from behind with a shoulder ram.

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Re: Bwa

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:31 pm

As Fwupo dealt with the red dwarf, Adarl dashed off, and hit the blue dwarf sideways, sending it crashing into the barrier. It bounced off, and began to slowly pick itself off the ground.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked Adarl's shoulder, sending him careening sideways. He rubbed his arm. The blast had burnt through his clothes and seared his skin a tiny bit. He looked in the direction from which it came, and there stood the yellow dwarf, his arm outstretched.

"We don't have time to play around anymore." the yellow dwarf said to the blue one. "We need to do a combo attack."

They looked towards each other and nodded, and suddenly, a third person dashed out from the hallway. It was Jemyle. He ran towards the yellow dwarf, grabbing his arm, and, amazingly, throwing him to the ground. He quickly pulled a hunting knife out of his pocket, and slashed the dwarf's neck.

As the yellow dwarf died, Zachary and Theodarus both noticed the barrier's light fading a bit.

"NOOO!" the blue dwarf shouted, quickly bringing both of his hands together and shooting a stream of ice towards Jemyle. It hit him head on, sending him sailing into the wall. The dwarf then dashed in to finish the business.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Bwa

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:34 pm

"Hooplah! LEt's BREAK this thing!"

Zachary (after tucking the ciggies and the pistols safely into his coat) spins his staff around and smashes it to the ground, testing the weight effect he just poured into it, then proceeds to swing the staff at the barrier in an attempt to crush open one part of it.

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Re: Bwa

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:55 pm

Zachary swung and cracked his staff against the barrier, sending a shockwave ripple along it, and knocking Zachary skidding across the floor. Apparently, a simple thwack wasn't going to cut it.


There were now exactly three minutes until the doors to the exit closed forever.

It was also time for Sophia to make her decision.

She had been one of the lucky ones. She was teleported extremely close to the exit, and had been able to avoid any major battles and make it to the exit in under three minutes.

When she had first arrived, there was a total of 11 people in the room.

However. . .only one of them was alive.

He was sitting in the corner, a dark man in a black coat and long black hair, playing with a small puzzle. As she stepped into the room, a bit shaken, he stared up at her immediately. "Finally. . ." he said. "Another has arrived."

She stared at him from across the room, scared. If he had gotten here before her. . .he was either been very very lucky. . .or very very powerful.

He put his hand up to her. "Don't worry. . .I don't expect you to come any closer. This is dangerous. But. . .that is why I think I can trust you." She looked at him closer, and realized he was covered in blood. The men had attacked him. . .? Or had he attacked them. . .? "But. . .I need your help."

Sophia didn't know what to do. . .so she stood there, and listened to him talk. He talked for the next twenty minutes, and told her of the organization he came from, the Starcrossed, and the reason he came to this tournament. He told her of the horrors that could be unleashed if he didn't do something, and why he needed her help. As he told his story, the room grew fuller and fuller, and Sophia was forced to move closer to him. When there were three minutes left, he had finished, and she was sitting directly in front of him, still listening, as the crowd of people sat impatiently, waiting for the next door to open.

"They're going to open the door to the Space-Time Continuum." he said. "They had this tournament so that they can give away a fake version of the key. . .that will allow them to proceed to the gate without any harm befalling them. . .and unlock it themselves. We must get it at all costs." he told her. "We can't allow it to fall into such dangerous hands. The whole committee of this tournament. . .they are out to destroy the world."

He looked at her with his deep blue eyes, a solemn expression on his face. "We have to make it to the end and stop them." he said. "They know I'm coming, they know where I'm from. But. . .they don't know you. And that is why I need your help. You will be my vessel." he said. "We'll make it to the end together. . .and you will win and claim the 'prize.' They'll let you take it, because they will think that they can kill you. But. . .I'll protect you." he said. "Please. . .you must trust me. Will you help me?"

There was no time left. It was time to make her decision.

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 9/30/04 8:55 pm


I'm sick of saying "MARK, BOUNTY, MARK"

Unread postby wkz » Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:58 pm

"Hey! You Alright?" Theodarus said to the floored mark. He's concerned alright: Any mark that's dead or severely injured will get less money when he hands in the bounty...

"Guess it is all up to the newcomers to get us out of here" Theodarus said. "Oh, by the way, I never asked. Can you answer these questions truthfully? What is your name and where do you come from?"

(Theodarus activates Binding Agreement on "Can you answer this truthfully". He's basically trying to force Mr.Z to tell the truth whether he (Z) likes it or not, and dig with questions for information: "Is he's the mark Theodarus has been looking for?")

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 9/30/04 9:10 pm

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Re: I'm sick of saying "MARK, BOUNTY, MARK"

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:24 pm

Adarl wasn't entirely sure what happened, or why it happened.

One moment, he was taken completely by surprise at Jemyle's sudden agility, and deadly accuracy with his knife. The next, he saw the scrawny man blindsided by the blue dwarf, whom the half-drow tried to incapacitate earlier.

Without even thinking, Adarl charged for the dwarf. He raised the sword above his head, attempting to bring its full weight down onto his foe.

(Overhead Slash)

The Great Nevareh

I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:31 pm

"Sure, La- My name is Zachary Victor Templeton. I am a graduate student from the Foehn Thaumaturgical Institute and I am currently searching for a good subject for my doctoral thesis so I can begin teaching at the university level. I am a capricorn. "

Zachary begins to ramble on and on and on, as though he is trying to cover every single faced of the question and thus quench any future queries.

"Who I am is a question that is difficult to answer due to the philosophical dichotomies involved in the sense of "self" and the sense of "being." It is impossible to give you a succinct answer to this question... What the hell?"

Zachary is now somewhat confused... Why did he just suddenly volunteer all of this information? He tries again to break the barrier, using the Weight/Pulse of Force combo that he used earlier in an attempt to break the wall, and forces the question from his mind.

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Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:39 pm

As Zachary began running towards the barrier, Adarl's sword came slicing down through the dwarf with a quick slice, catching him off guard and sending him out of this world quickly.

With that, the barrier once again began to fade. The Red Dwarf, still positioned on the ground, watched this new turn of events with depressing eyes. He sighed, and held his hand up and cancelled what remained of the barrier.

He did this at the exact moment Zachary would have hit the barrier, but instead of that, Zachary went flying forward, smashing into a wall and drilling his way a good way through it, knocking some stones out and revealing another passageway. Not to mention, got him some good-sized bruises on his arms and legs.

The red dwarf looked up to Adarl, his eyes bloodshot and serious. "I give up. You've killed both of my partners." he said. "I have nothing left to fight for." he coughed, looking down at the ground. "I beg you. . .just spare me my own life. Leave me."


Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Cuicio » Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:34 pm

Sophia studied the man closely. She saw past his blood-stained face, and saw who he was inside, but this too was veiled by something. She considered her options. Challenge the man, and take a great risk of death, or help him, and risk just the same, if not more. She chose the latter.
"Very well, I will help you. But you must tell me this; where do you come from? You do not seem of this earth, and your masters most certainly are not."

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Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:56 pm

"I. . .am not from this dimension." Averyl stated. "I, as well as my co-workers, come from a parallel dimension to this one. In our dimension, dimension-crossing and the like is just another part of everyday life. Except, this dimension has always been a mystery. We have had people cross over to this side, only to never return. That's because you cannot. The reason has been a mystery now. . .until we jettisoned ourselves here, on purpose. . .never to return to our homeland. It is because the Space-Time Continuum, the crux of all the dimensions, lies here. And we have come to make sure that nothing bad happens to it."

He held out his hand. "The name is Averyl Vance. It is a pleasure to meet you."

The Great Nevareh

Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:02 am

"Yaaaaaaaaaagh! *Crunch*"

Zachary, after a moment of dazedness, begins to pick himself out of the rubble. He then coughs on the dust as it attempts to settle and wipes his eyes free of the other dust that is now floating pretty much everywhere about his person. As he stands, he winces from his newfound bruises and assesses the damage to himself.

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Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:24 am

Zachary was more or less okay, but he had slight lacerations on his hands, which were exposed to the stone, and small bruises on both of his knees.

He stood in the new room he was in, which had around 17 different entrances. The room itself was about as wide as a football field. Dead bodies littered it like grass in a field. Down, at the opposite end, was a different kind of entrance, however. It led to a metal room, where a large group of people were sitting quietly. . .

Time left: 1 minute.

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Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:54 am

"I suggest we all skip the plesantries, and get the hell out of here before we run out of time." Adarl stated bluntly, wasting no time in moving ahead through the room without the others. If Jemyle's estimate was accurate, it could already be too late...

The Great Nevareh

Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:29 pm

Zachary follows Adarl, since the Half-Drow is taking initiative and for some reason appears to know what he's doing. Zachary, being confused about his present situation, would much rather follow than lead.


Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:25 pm

"Agreed-kupo. Which way we goin'-kupo?"


Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Cuicio » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:00 pm

"A crux? Why would the Gods choose our world? What makes it special?" As she said this, she remembered that this was timed, and it would be best to discuss this outside, where there was not a high chance of death.

Edited by: [url=>Cuicio</A] at: 10/2/04 12:34 am

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Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:32 pm

(OOC to Cuicio - You and Averyl were already inside the exit. You were the first two people to arrive there. Unless you made your way through the crowd of people who arrived while you were talking, there's no way you could bump into anyone. Make sure you read the first page closely for all the details about the labyrinth and the exit. Anyway, I'll just make it as if your character only said her first line.)

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Averyl said. "That is why I left all my loved ones, my home, to come here and figure out that mystery."


Meanwhile, in the final room, Adarl, followed by Zachary, followed by Fwupo, followed by Theodarus, followed by Jemyle, dashed across the long expanse to reach the exit.

However, they were not the only ones running. There was about 20 other people dashing out of the scattered entrances around the room. They all converged near the exit, and a huge mob was created, everyone trying to squeeze themselves into the exit. Adarl and co., having run from the opposite end, were at the back of this mob. If they didn't do something fast, they would be completely shut out of the exit.

Time left: 30 seconds.


Re: I'm sick of it, too.

Unread postby wkz » Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:28 pm

Unfortunately for the party, Theodarus was not going to be of much help in this case. In fact, he was not much of anything, following Zachary as if attached by a leash, and having not much more motivation than something that would be attached to one...

"Zachary!! His name is goddaammmable Zachary!! I've been following the wrong guy all this while!! But at the starting field, he was the only one, the ONLY one fitting the description... DAMMIT... But the informant.... the mark has to be here. But what if he isn't? but....... but....." His thoughts continued around and round in circles...


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