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Uncle Pervy

Re: Let's try charades...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:53 am

Tar-Mach removes the Solar panels, and places them under some foliage for now, so that they don't give off any reflections to give them away. Then he drags out the generator. "Spend and save at our place, eh what?" he says with a grin, "Come morning, this puppy's gonna ride!"

And, once the generator is placed, the Junkion goes back to his previous spot, and back to scanning the skies. Of course, he's really just trying to get a good TV signal. It seems to Mutewave, and anyone else about, that he means the in the morning part in a literal sense.

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Re: Will it go Round in Circles?

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:44 am

Well, this at least answered the mystery of where the black box had gone. It was a very lucky break for him to have arrived just in time to catch a transmission from it. Now the only question was what to do about it.

Havoc wanted the information contained within that box, not to mention the tower, very badly indeed. But how to go about getting it? Reconnaissance, as always, was key. There was still plenty of time before he had to be back at the lake, so he found himself a good spot in concealment, and settled in to watch the tower for a few hours. They'd opened up the door once. It was possible they'd open it again.

He was under no illusions about his ability to take on an entire planet of decepticons and win. If they suspected he and his companions were here, they would move swiftly and surely to crush them. Secrecy and stealth would have to be their watchwords, whatever they did.

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Re: Will it go Round in Circles?

Unread postby Mechanisto » Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:39 pm

Mutewave glanced up at Tar Mach long enough to hear his words and give a nod, but her eyes were drawn back to the com station soon after. She watched and listened for a few more minutes, waiting anxiously for the results from the next half-hour mark.

She let off a small sigh, and started typing a message for havoc. he likely noticed the patrols himself... with any lkucjk, he'd have better observations to send back in kind.

She sent the message, and wandered over to Tar Mach. "Well.. .looks like the tower isn't as enmpt as we'd hoped. We showed up just in time to miss the half-hourly patrols they send out; squads of three, air and ground alike. No idea where they go, but we should probably keep out of sight."

She stroked her chin at the salvage he'd dragged onto dry land. "Looks like a start, then... anything else down there?"

Uncle Pervy

The Cover of the Rolling Stone

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:46 pm

"Experts say it'll be dry as a bone down there," answers Tar-Mach, not really shifting his position much. "Need to get away from the fuzz? Go jump in the lake! It's got the ListerTech Gaurantee; double your money back!"

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Re: The Cover of the Rolling Stone

Unread postby Mechanisto » Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:42 am

They'd been stranded on a planet filled with certain danger, and all of them were worried. All but one, it seemed. Mutewave pursed her lips tensely, eyeing the Junkion.

"I can put up with your grave robbing... there's no call for waste. And I can understand the need to keep our calm about us. But in case ye haven't noticed, out of the two of us I'm the one who's invisible on land AND sea..." She thrust her thumb at herself as she stamped her foot. "...so excuse me if I don't feel like running laps in a giant mass grave. You don't seem to care about any of them... so I guess you don't care if we join them either!"

Her voice became increasingly frigid and unsteady as she turned away and stomped towards the com station. She briefly wiped her face with a faint sniffle.

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Cover of the Rolling Stone

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:11 am

Tar-Mach glanced away from the sky toward Mutewave, giving her an odd look. "Bits and pieces, all have a place they say. Spin the wheel...Bankrupt! Sometimes it happens, catches ya right under the hood. Worryin' 'bout dead men, Johnny? That just makes you a dead man waitin' to happen. The past, she's got a funny way of not changin'. Look alive, or you're not be alive, chaps! There's a lot of garbage in that water, free if you call in the next five minutes! I've got two hands, second hand works for me."

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Re: Will it go Round in Circles?

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:04 pm

Havoc's response was short and to the point. "Acknowledged. Maintain radio silence." With any luck, the decepticons didn't keep a watch on autobot frequencies, and Mutewave certainly hadn't made the transmission obvious, but on a world with so little activity on the airwaves, any transmissions at all would be suspicious if noticed.

He hadn't thought he needed to point that out to Mutewave. Certainly going to the trouble of laying that much fibre-optic cable should have been a clue that he didn't want to chance any signals. Not that the cable was an ideal solution, but it was unlikely anyone would stumble on it by accident.

Still, Havoc resolved to remove the cable when they'd completed their observations. Air patrols were one thing. The ground patrols Mutewave had reported could well notice the cable if they crossed it.

As he made his own observations, he reflected on the report. Set patrols at such rigid intervals suggested they were mostly a matter of routine. There were also bound to be more decepticons in the towers than had come out. The picture still wasn't encouraging.

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Re: Will it go Round in Circles?

Unread postby Mechanisto » Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:03 am

Mutewave paused to listen to Tar-Mach, looking over her shoulder. By the end of it she turned back to the station with a shake of her head and a quick dismissive wave. He couldn't tell whether she disagreed with him or was just being moody (though he would have been comfortable wagering a guess).

She sat down by the meager station and noticed Havok's response. She sighed, and considered asking Tar-Mach to come out from the open. Thinking better of it, she slumped down into a not entirely uncomfortable position and sent a quick response.

Understood. Awaiting further orders.

She considered complaining about her partner but thought better of that as well.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Will it go Round in Circles?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:55 pm

Tar-Mach takes her response with a mental shrug, and goes back to watching the skies. What was with her, he pondered. Things become junk all the time,, what's wrong with reusing it? She didn't seem to care about the salvaged Decepticon parts that he had. What's the point of worrying about the water, either? Sure, it's annoyingly pure, but that shouldn't bother a non-Junkion much. Why worry about what couldn't be undone, either?

Eh, she'll get hers when she needs repairs, and the only servos around will come off one of those poor sods down there.

With that in mind, Tar-Mach decides that if he can't find any new signals, he'll just have to enjoy some old ones instead! While projecting Television signals would be a bad thing, looping one internally and watching it in the back of his mind shouldn't be a bad thing! With that, he delves into his internal archive of recorded shows, and picks one of his Favors: The Price is Right, Season 18, Show 7. Bob Barker vs. the Hell's Angel.

Externally, he seems to be daydreaming whilst watching the sky.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 1/4/05 18:59

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Enjoy the Silence

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:29 am

The patrols continued in their predictable intervals. Through his observations, Havoc also noticed that they left in different directions each time -- likely to different towers, given their vectors. Whenever a patrol entered or left, the Autobot was able to recieve more of the signal. The box was definitely in there, somewhere. In the mean time, it seemed that his brief exchange with Mutewave hadn't been noticed, as he wasn't surrounded by Decepticons. Yet.

On the other end of the brief radio exchange, Mutewave was able to see at every half hour mark that there was indeed another patrol. Even with her limited experience, the pattern was noticable. Tar-Mach, on the other hand, was enjoying his show, as he predicted he would.

One thing that all noticed was that it was getting darker outside.

(OOC Edit! If you want more details than I'm describing, contact me via IM to ask me. Or PM, or whatever.)

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=flamingdeth>FlamingDeth</A] at: 1/7/05 17:58

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Re: Enjoy the Silence

Unread postby Mechanisto » Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:11 pm

Mutewave looked up for a moment, as dusk approached. If anything, it was more of a relief than a source of nervousness. Naturally, she was the sort to be more comfortable in darkness than out of it.

She resumed her watch, keeping an eye on the comm box and her sensors on the sky. I hope Havoc gets back soon... something tells me he's the one who really knows what he's doing here

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=mechanistox>MechanistoX</A] at: 1/9/05 13:11

Uncle Pervy

Re: Enjoy the Silence

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:07 pm

Tar-Mach, for his part, simply grins at the sky. Most of his attention is focused inwards.

"Now, Skulleater, one more time: spin the wheel!"

"Yeah, you just watch bullshit!"

"Oh, you got a dollar and twenty-five cents."


A little chuckle escapes the Junkion's lips.

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Re: Enjoy the Silence

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:33 am

Havoc had used his time to the best advantage he could, noting the patterns of movement, and observing all he could of the entrances. Formulating a plan was going to require quite some thought. He considered staying on site, but there seemed little chance he'd see anything new. Best to head back while there was still some decent light.

Havoc had something else to ponder as he made his way back across the plains. If he were an organic, where would he hide from the decepticons? Given a larger scale picture of the area, he might be able to make some educated guesses. What he really wanted was satelite imagery. As well wish for the moon while he was at it. He'd have to make do with what he had.

For now, the question of where the locals might be percolated quietly away in his brain, along with the beginnings of some ideas.

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Stop the Rock!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:23 pm

Indeed, where had the organics gone? Havoc pondered this question. There were to primary options that he saw - first, they could all, every one of them, be dead. This was not exactly his desired option. Second, the most likely place where they could escape the radiation, keep hidden from Decepticon sensors and patrols, and still have a fighting chance for survival...underground.

Havoc made his way back to the others with appropriate haste. Hiding from one of the predictable patrols until it passed, he arrived back at camp, and saw Tar-Mach doing his best to relax, and Mutewave looking ever so slightly emotional while examining the salvaged equipment.

What he didn't see was Ojitron. He had come to the surface with them, hadn't he? And had followed them to the first imposing tower? Yes, he had...but then what? Whatever it was, Ojitron was definitely not with them in the camp.

At the same time, Tar-Mach's internal computers were able to filter through the interference, and finally put together a coherent radio transmmission - from their missing comrade, in fact. Instead of a report of his current situation, or surveilence reports, or anything of the sort, it was a short, desperate cry for help - which was quickly silenced.

Coincidentally, Mutewave's sensors were finally able to notice something that was potentially interesting. There was an object coming towards the camp. It was ground-based, unfamiliar, and moving very, very quickly....

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=flamingdeth>FlamingDeth</A] at: 1/24/05 17:26

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Re: Stop the Rock!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:18 pm

She was about to ask exactly what Tar Mach meant, when...

"Uh oh..."

Mutewave bit her bottom lip as she heard the unexpected and unidentified ping. Most of her outward concern was dispelled by Havoc's return; If they were going to have guests, it was better to have everyone home to help set the table.

She unholstered her rifle, which promptly unfolded into it's enormous fully operable form; the thing was almost as long as she was tall, and the sort of curvaceous, meaty thickness that was satisfying on any weapon. After checking it over, she flattened down against a small hill and dropped a small kick-stand from the base of the gun's stock. She put her eye against the enhanced scope and scanned the night-shrouded horizon for the unidentified vehicle... hopefully, a line of sight would be possible at all.

While she went trhough all this preperation, she sent an extremely short-range message to havoc as he approached. After considering, she sent it to Tar-Mach as well. "We have a guest... an unidentified land vehicle came up on my sensors. Whatever it is, it's in rather a bit of a hurry."

She frowned at the glowing, neon-orange landscape the scope gave her. "...some orders would be appreciated."

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=mechanistox>MechanistoX</A] at: 1/24/05 18:21

Uncle Pervy

Re: Stop the Rock!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:01 pm

"Well kiss my grits!" Tar-Mach says, pausing his show. "We get signal!" He pauses for a moment, then says, "And now the news: The chief's in trouble, bad mojo, man, baaaad mojo! Then it all goes dead. And now for the weather!"

The Junkion picks himself up, then looks to Havoc. "The play's the thing and you're the director; know what I mean, know what I mean?"

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Can't Stop the Rock!

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:08 am

Havoc scanned the campsite with practiced speed. There was nothing out in the open, but the concealment would never hold up to a detailed search. Few things did. The trick was to make sure the foe didn't search hard enough in the right locations. So much for that.

He put the question of Ojitron on hold for now. Time to figure that out when they'd gotten out of this potentially hazardous situation alive. "Both of you hold your fire until I give the signal," he said, using a tightbeam signal to them, "Secure a good line of retreat in case things go sour, and stay out of sight. We'll find out what we're dealing with soon enough." Suiting actions to words, He got close to the campsite before transforming and taking cover in a small gully. "Range and bearing, Mutewave?"

Whoever it was probably knew they were here. It would be a rather large coincidence otherwise. Still, this didn't have the feel of a decepticon assault. Not only did the 'cons use overwhelming force whenever they had the option, but the patrol he'd observed had been going about business as usual. News of autobots certainly would have shocked them out of their complacency.

Damn it all, where was Ojitron? They could do with an extra hand right about now.

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Come Out And Play!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:22 am

Darting in and out from her display, Mutewave found she didn't have much of a way to keep a bead on the newcomer - whoever it was, it seemed he really knew how to get close. Even so, her scope gave her the 'advantage' of being the first to get a decent look at their new friend, who seemed to be dragging something in the dust behind himself.

A simple land vehicle, resembling those that they had seen in the patrols, for the most part. It rolled along the ground with supreme grace, even on the rough terrain, it's wheels gripping on the surface like -- wait, wheels? It was quite strange...it seemed that instead of wheels, this vehicle rolled along on recessed spheres, allowing it to move freely in any direction, while simultaneously maintaining any orientation...a triumph of ground agility, to be sure. However, Mutewave quickly noticed something else about this tan and purple vehicle. Unlike most other Decepticons that she had the displeasure of seeing, this one didn't seem to mount any weapons at all. None that she could see, at least.

The others had their chance to see it soon enough, as it continued to close the distance, now being a mere 200 meters away. At this pace, it seemed that it would reach them in a matter of only a few seconds...

Uncle Pervy

Red Sands!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:23 am

Tar-Mach, for the time being, warms up the Seeker Jet guns embedded in his arms. However, that's not a very fun solution to this. It would be so much better to just wade in and do things the good old Junkion way. But then again, if they're all shooting at it...

Oh well, nothing to do but wait for orders.

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Re: Red Sands!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:10 pm

Mutewave fed her voice back through the tight beam havoc had offered her. "Target appears unarmed at first glance, and should be considered extremely maneuverable. If I don't shoot now, it'll be too close for the scope... pegging it from behind would not be viable, with whatever it's carying behind it." She pulled the view back a bit, trying to get a better idea of whatever it was hauling.

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Civil War

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:14 pm

"We're not here to pick fights, Mutewave," Havoc reminded her gently, zooming in on their visitor for a closer look, "Besides, that doesn't look like any decepticon I've ever seen. I'll wager they'll be more scared of us than we are of them. Just sit tight for now."

On a suspicion, Havoc was trying to get a look inside the canopy of the vehicle. He wasn't sure that it was built by the mysterious organic inhabitants of the planet, but it seemed the way to bet.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Civil War

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:03 pm

Tar-Mach just bides his time. If it's a friendly, then all's well! If not, eh, they have it outnumbered.

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How I Could Just Kill a Man

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:11 pm

As the vehicle got closer, no doubt to Mutewave's surprise, it no longer seemed to be dragging something behind, but rather, someone. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be their wayward comrade - and he didn't exactly look to be in the best shape. In fact, it appeared looked like someone had beaten him to death with his own arm, and almost literally due to the fact that one of his arms did indeed appear to be missing. Even if they were able to recover what was left of him, she was unsure that they'd be able to bring him back.

Unfortunately for Havoc, his own inspection revealed that the vehicle didn't even appear to have a conventional pilot's compartment. As it swerved out of Mutwave's field of view once again, what he did notice was the Decepticon symbol plastered on the side...not a good sign in itself, but then why was there only one of them? Without the instruments provided by Mutewave's scope he could only wonder what was in the dust behind it, but given this new information, the conclusion practically jumped to itself.

In almost no time at all, it would be on top of them. Mutewave knew that if she didn't fire now her fancy rifle would be practically useless against it...but she was ordered to hold her fire. Decisions, decisions...

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Re: How I Could Just Kill a Man

Unread postby Mechanisto » Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:59 pm

Mutewave struggled between her orders, and her impulses... but in the end, only one thing mattered. Her orders might have come from the officer with the highest rank, the most experience, and the more reliable judgment. But one thing that officer did not have was The Whole Story. And following orders that were based on old or incomplete info could be worse than not following them at all... sometimes much worse. The decision was now hers, and hers alone. One of the worst things a soldier could experience. In this case, it took her only a fraction of a second to decide to disobey orders. Which was just about how much time she had left.

She only had time to say one thing to her teammates, and she said it as firmly as possible: "Hostage on point."

Her finger itched like hell as she flicked the rifle's safety back on and tossed it aside. She slapped her hands against her shoulders as she shunted a week's supply of null-charged liquid fuel into a pair of portable mines, and got ready to throw them into the path of the oncoming vehicle. The bomb's radius of effect would be rather massive and potent, but the timing and range would be critical... no sense risking knocking her own team out. She hoped her throwing was as good as it used to be.

Bloody hell... I hope the lads back home believe I just didn't want to risk hitting the geezer... I'd hate to have a reputation for using minimal force.

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Re: How I Could Just Kill a Man

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:49 am

While Havoc had no idea what Mutewave had seen, it had to have been something pretty drastic. With a silent sigh, he drew a bead on one of their visitor's wheels. So much for the possibility of it being friendly...

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Stop and Panic!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:21 am

The proton charge traveled near instantaneously towards the target. Unfortunately, that shaky trigger finger nearly botched the shot - she did hit, but just barely. The shot was shallow, and any damage it did seemed quite superficial, but at least now she knew that the Decepticon's paint wasn't as advanced as the rest of his technology appeared.

Mutewave seemed to have made a slight speed miscalculation, though. By the time she had discarded her rifle and taken out the mines, the vehicle was practically on top of her. The vehicle skidded to a stop while simultaneously transforming, ending up under a dozen meters from the stealthy triplechanger.

The end result was something to behold. Two of the orb-wheels portruded off his shoulders, cackling with energy, while the other two were embedded into the hands, making them fearsome bludgeoning devices. The 'cockpit' area had shifted around to form the legs, and it was unclear exactly how the rest of him had unfolded from the vehicle, but the end result was a lanky yet lithely figure, which happened to be towering over Mutewave by several meters, at least.

"I believe this garbage is yours." said the recently arrived Decepticon, dropping the mangled and battered form of Ojitron before the remaining Autobots. "I certainly hope that three of you can put up more of a fight than this one...it does get exceedingly boring here, after all."

(OOC: Order of initiative:

Also, Mechanisto, your post was somewhat unclear...I had no idea if Mutewave had fired or not, so forgive me if I got that wrong.)

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Re: Stop and Panic!

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:14 am

Was there anything he could have done differently? Havoc knew that the question was one that would haunt him in the time to come.

For now, though, the important thing was to make sure nobody else got too badly hurt taking out their foe. Easier said than done, if he could scrap Ojitron so easily.

It was easy to forget just how arrogant the decepticons could be if they thought they had the upper hand. By the sounds of it, this one hadn't even bothered to check in with his fellows, wanting all the 'fun' for himself. He wouldn't be getting the chance to rectify that mistake. White noise washed across the radio bands as Havoc began jamming all transmissions.

"Engage at will," he said with icy formality.

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Re: Stop and Panic!

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:14 pm

((OOC: Sorry; I think I might have posted one thing, then edited it into something different... mighty confusing. My intent was for her to drop the rifle without firing, and focus on over-charging the mines.))

Mutewave couldn't help but gape at the decepticon's mobility... but fortunately, she managed to finish her gaping by the time he'd arrived and delivered his brief speech. There weren't many options right now, especially at such close range; to him, twelve meters would easily be within brawling distance. At the moment, there were two priorities.

She hurled the bombs *past* the enemy, one to each side, hoping to land them a short distance behind him; they were set to detonate as soon as they touched solid ground, and would hopefully affect the enemy more than her own teammates. Her own shielding would keep the brunt of it off her back... hopefully.

As soon as this was done, she did something she was rather good at; she dove to one side with all her strength, curling up to roll on the ground as she landed. She didn't want to be between her enemy and her allies' weapons. More importantly, she wanted very much to avoid becoming a human shield for him... no sense in pulling a Hot Rod.

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Keep Movin'

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:16 pm

The bombs flew, the bombs landed, the bombs exploded, just as one would expect from the bombs. The null-field they sent out luckily didn't quite make it to Tar-Mach or Havoc, and her shielding held the effects off Mutewave, but the devices seemed little more than a minor distraction to the Decepticon, as he recovered almost instantaneously - however, it did give her teammates a split-second more time to act, and kept him from babbling an arrogant speech at them in the mean time.

(Tar-Mach is up! Hoorj!)

Uncle Pervy

Re: Keep Movin'

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:49 pm

Well, this turn of events certainly rules out a proper free for all, Tar-Mach decides, as he takes aim with his inbuilt lasers and fires upon the stunned Decepticon, aiming for the engine bits that would presumably be in the front of the thing.

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Fire in the Hole

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:17 am

While Tar-Mach certainly didn't have any trouble hitting the front, it seemed that luck was not on his side, as that didn't seem to house any sort of engine-bits. It also served to let him know that the front was most likely not the most vulnerable place to attack, as his weapon did little more than cosmetic damage. It also looked like he wouldn't get another shot like that, as the Decepticon was already shaking off the effect of the mines...

(Mutewave is up, but I'll let Havoc do stuff at the same time, since he didn't actually do anything last time. Hopefully we can keep initiative-stuffs straight from here on out. :( )

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=flamingdeth>FlamingDeth</A] at: 2/7/05 16:36

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Re: Keep Movin'

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:31 pm

Havoc swept an experienced eye over the enemy, checking for any weak points. As he did so, he twisted a dial on his blaster, diffusing the radius of the blast a bit.

It was an old trick, but one that had proven useful on many occasions. Havoc took a shot at the foe's head, hoping to fry his optics at least temporarily.

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Truckin' mah blues away

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:24 am

Mutewave came out of her roll, landing within arms reach of where she'd tossed her gun. Her hand slipped around the bracing, and in moments had it leveled against the enemy once again. Her stun attack might have largely been wasted, but it did serve one purpose... it proved that non-lethal force was not going to be an option.

Not that there was a whole lot of doubt remaining at this point. She tried to catch her breath as she changed her gun from stealth mode to the thunderously not-at-all-stealthy mode. She fired off however many intense, electric-purple blasts that time (and coolant) would allow, aiming for the decepticon's head out of habit.

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Staring at the Sun

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:06 am

Havoc was somewhat baffled by the layout of the attacker. He couldn't even identify half the visible components, much less determine if one was weaker than another. Unfortunately, by the time that he had his weapon on target, the target was already leaping through the air. At him. And it looked like said target was somewhat determined to smash his face in.

The motion made it difficult for Mutewave to keep a bead on him. While accurate, sniper rifles were by no means the fastest weapons available. She got off as many shots as possible, and could only hope that some of them hit.

Havoc fired, as the hurtling mass of Decepticon soared towards him. He hit right where he was intending, which quite possibly have damaged his optics, but that didn't exactly change his enemy's course. In fact, it was very likely only by last minute intervention by a purple bolt of energy that he wasn't crushed entirely. Instead, the attacker was pushed off to the left, only managing to put a noticable dent in Havoc's chest plate and knocking the ranking Autobot roughly to the ground.

As the Decepticon rolled back to his feet, Havoc thought he saw something. What was that in his back? It looked like some sort of access port to a spark chamber. Sure, it might be difficult to get this guy from behind, but even so, it couldn't be that easy...

(Havoc! Then Tar-Mach! Then Mutewave! Actually, why don't y'all go at once. It'll make it easier on me.)

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Paint it Black

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:14 am

It couldn't be that easy, but it was the best plan he had at the moment. There was one advantage to being the one in charge of the jamming - you could cut it off for a brief message if you wanted to.

Havoc sent a quick burst transmission to the others before resuming the jamming, "Flank him. There's an access port on his back. It may be a weak point."

Suiting actions to words, Havoc began circling around to the right, readjusting his blaster's focus and loosing off a couple of shots at the Crusher's - as he'd come to think of him - leg joints. If they could get him properly boxed in, at least one of them ought to be able to get a shot at his back. And in the meantime, they could keep pounding at him until a clear shot presented itself. Not that pounding seemed to be doing much good so far...

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Re: Paint it Black

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:55 pm

Mutewave tapped a finger to her ear as Havoc's message came through. If any of them would have a chance of pulling off such a precise shot, it was her. Now that there was a little more distance between them, she took the time to wait for an opening and aim very carefully.

She wore a worried frown as her eyes flicked over the decepticon's body... she swallowed hard, and hoped she'd recognize an "access port" when she saw it.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Paint it Black

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:38 pm

Well the gunnery failed, Tar-Mach decides. Thus he decides it's time to do things the good old fashioned Junkion way. He waits for the Decepticon to be distracted a bit by the actions of his peers. Then, when it looks like friendly fire won't be too much of a danger, he wades in and tries to slug the Decepticon in the face, or at least land one or more blows around the head region.

Uncle Pervy

Waking up dead on Monday morning

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:20 pm

Why did it always come back to this wretched pure water? Tar-Mach emerges from the lake once again, this time with a girder left over from the ship in hand.

He dashes back into the fray, a battlecry on his metallic lips and he seeks to bring the girder upon the Decepticon with as much force as he could muster, preferably on a part that seems to be soft or full of vulnerable circuitry.

"Suck it, Trebek!"

Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 2/10/05 0:47

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People Can Fly

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:59 pm

Unfortunately, said legs joints were moving too quickly to get a solid shot off. Several shots hit the surface of the legs, though, to no avail.

Tar-Mach was having decidedly less luck with his own attacks. In fact, if negative luck was possible, he would be having it. His very first punch was intercepted and caught by the imposing Decepticon, who promptly countered it with a punch of his own, one which had the unfortunate effect of launching the Junkion from his present location back into the lake.

The overall effects of this was good for the resident sniper, as his back was turned to her. However, Mutewave was having trouble keeping a bead on him...she may have been a decent tracker, but the Decepticon was just moving too fast, too close. Firing too early would tip her off and have possibly disasterous effects for her. If Havoc and Tar-Mach could keep him relatively stationary for just a moment, though...

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Re: People Can Fly

Unread postby Mechanisto » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:12 pm

Mutewave clamped her jaw tightly, struggling to keep her gun within a few millimeters of the appropriate angle. She sent a tight-beam message to Havoc.

*I have a clean shot, but he's moving too much... and he's too close to begin with! Just... can you get him to stand still for half a second? Don't tackle him or anything, but... dunno... maybe... can you get him to brag a bit? Decepticons love that, right?*

She hoped the historical vids weren't exaggerating about that.


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