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Re: Let's try charades...

Postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:49 pm

"Sounds good to me!" Ojitron exclaimed. "Lets get too it!"

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Re: Let's try charades...

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:58 am

Verily, with only minor misunderstandings between Tar-Mach and the rest, they got to work. Some of the modified mines were hidden quite cleverly amidst the wreckage of the Aeon, and a few scattered about the above sea level locations. The only activity of any sort they could notice was a garbled, faint radio transmission or two from what Tar-Mach would recognize as the direction of the aircraft from earlier.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:05 am

"It's in the air and all around!" Tar-Mach declares, as he catches the transmissions. "The winds, she says to me, 'Go thataway.' Five minutes and counting on this fabulous deal. And now, we go to Master Key!"


Re: Let's try charades...

Postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:24 am

"Well then, Tar-Mach, seems you've volunteered to be the leader!" Ojitron said cheerfully. "Havoc, you'd probably be the best man to back him up. Mutewave, keep your scanners open, I'll watch the back."

With a low sigh, he converted back to his humanoid form, which would probably be needed to transverse the terrain, as he didn't see any roads nearby. It was too bad, really, as he prefered his vehicle form these days. "Oh, and make a log of all the local plants and wildlife you see, along with anything else interesting. We were on a science ship after all, we should take a few notes while we're here."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:50 pm

"Well kiss my grits," says the Junkion, his voice betraying a bit of surprise from Ojitron's order. No one ever trusted him to lead anything before. Too bad the signals here were so spare, it would be a nice to order the group to kick back, have some energon goodies, and watch a few eps of the sector's premier gameshow.

"For duty and humanity, we bring you the letter east." He declares whilst setting off to follow the signals, regardless of whether this takes him eastward or not.

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Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Kelne » Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:27 pm

As long as the ground was reasonably level, Havoc didn't have a problem with it, since he floated a short distance above it. As a result, he used his speed to range out from the others, checking for anything of interest near their line of travel.

Not that he expected to find anything that their normal sensors couldn't pick up, but there was no harm in it.

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Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Mechanisto » Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:05 pm

Mutewave followed quietly, true to her name in more ways than one. She walked with relative stealth, but she also had nothing to say.

She did have some misgivings about the Junkion acting as command... she'd always heard that communication was the single most important facet of any team. Though in all honesty, she'd been told that a lot of things were the single most important facet of any team. And besides... what did she know? Everyone around her had to be at least two or three full ranks above her... maybe four. She felt like a commoner among kings.

I'd give anything for a waterway right now. Air has so little substance... She stayed quiet, keeping her sensors as sharp as they could be. I can't let anyone down now... I'll show them what this "commoner" can do.

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Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:48 pm

While they were traveling far too slowly to be able to actually catch up with the long-gone aircraft, the ensemble of robots and vehicles made decent time. Which is to say, before long, they were within sight of what appeared to be a city.

Even from the distance they were at, though, they could tell that there was no activity. The city itself looked like a standard Earth location - buildings of various heights in the center, some industrial buildings on the far side, the other sides appearing to be residential, with some farms farther out.

But everything was overgrown. Degrading. Vehicles, now in absolutely terrible shape, looked as if they had just been abandoned in the streets. All the windows were dim, and it didn't look like the distant power plant was doing anything.

And in the exact center of it all, there stood a tower, it's design nothing like the other buildings around it, in that it was black and purple, and sported the same mutation of the Decepticon insignia, a giant symbol directly on the side, that Tar-Mach had seen on the wings of the giant warship. There were turrets and sensors of all sorts on it - whatever was inside, they obviously didn't want anyone getting in.

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Re: .

Postby Mechanisto » Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:21 pm

Mutewave remained silent. Though she was the first to exhibit a comment... in a fashion.

She froze, and stared at the tower, utterly slack-jawed, and stunned into silence. If she'd been holding anything, it probably would have dropped to the ground.

Uncle Pervy

Re: .

Postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:02 am

"And I put before the honored jury, one dollar exactly!" Says Tar-Mach, motioning toward the building and the symbol. "We've been thinking about that lease, don't you move from that spot."

His piece said, Tar-Mach tries to get a sense for any transmissions that might be in the air, just waiting for an enterprising antenna to pick up. Wouldn't it be just lovely if they had a lovely quiz show playing right now?

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Re: .

Postby Kelne » Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:53 am

Indecipherable comments from Tar-Mach aside, Havoc was now convinced that things were about as bad as it was possible for them to get. Clearly, the Decepticons had not been idle on this world during their long sleep. What might have become of the inhabitants of this city wasn't something he cared to contemplate.

He studied the tower, magnifying it as much as his optics would allow. It was most likely a base of operations, and anything he could find out about it might come in handy. Even if the situation was clearer now, there was still a lot more to be learned.

Although he didn't like the situation much, Havoc was on familiar ground. Here, as they had been on Cybertron not so long ago - from his perspective, anyway - the Decepticons seemed to be the dominant power, with all the advantages and disadvantages that entailed. And if there was one thing Havoc was good at, it was guerilla warfare.

"I think we can all agree," he said dryly, "That setting up a distress beacon will have to go on the backburner for now."

Uncle Pervy

Re: .

Postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:16 pm

"The walls have ears, you know." Says the Junkion with a sage nod. "They catch the signal, we do not win the showcase."

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Re: .

Postby Mechanisto » Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:00 pm

Mutewave finally managed to recover from the (understandable) shock of what they'd found. She wondered if they had been detected. She nibbled on her fingertip a bit as she struggled with the materials resonance factorial equations...

"Well... if they have the ability to sense us, they've probably had us on their screens for the last hour or so. We probably would have heard from the by now if that was the case. Even if there isn't any civilian interference, the buildings should provide some cover."

She unsheathed her long, narrow sniper rifle and dropped to the ground, flat on her belly. A small kickstand dropped from the middle of the barrel as she steadied the gun, aiming towards the tower. She linked her internal sensors up to the gun's scope, and peered at the structure.

The gun itself had almost nothing in the way of sensors; it was just a focusing aid, designed to amplify her internal sensors over an extreme range, and with equally extreme detail. And with all her sensors focused so narrowly, everything else around her was a blind spot... an unsettling sensation for someone who was normally aware of everything within a mile. She bit her lip slightly, trying not to let the massive blind-spot get to her as she peered at the tower. The way it now loomed in her vision like a monolith did little to calm her nerves.

There must be something to see... something... anything...

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Re: .

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:14 am

The air, apart from the standard interference that they'd been picking up since waking, was still completely dead. Not a single radio transmission to be found.

For all the passive scanning that was going on, fairly little was being discovered about the tower. Visually, nothing new could be seen. Near as the Autobots could tell, nothing was going in or out of the thing, and there were no guards stationed around it - on the outside, at least. No radio or radar transmissions came from it. The interference seemed to be ever so slightly thicker around it, but there was no way that this tower could be producing such an evenly spread jamming signal. There also seemed to be some sort of unidentifiable energy reading around the top of it, but for all their scanning, no one could figure out what it was. Even Mutewave's scope could not help beyond that.

It seemed that the Autobots were running out of safe/desirable investigative options

Uncle Pervy

Re: .

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:19 am

"They say the rain cleans the air, you know," Tar-Mach mutters, as he puts his audio receptors into passive mode. "Sky's clean. All those knuckleheads finally shut up! This is the end of our broadcast day."

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Re: .

Postby Mechanisto » Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:53 pm

Mutewave looked up from her gun, but kept it steady. "For now, maybe... but if they have air-support, who knows for how long? I hate air support..."

She paused before adding hastily, "...unless it's ours, I mean." She looked back through the gun, eying the strangely warped decepticon emblem with trepidation.

"How... what happened here? How is this even possible?" She took a breath, and peered up from the scope again. "But more importantly, how... exactly... do we go about cleaning this up?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: .

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:43 am

"Call the bloody rozzers?" Tar Mach says, then shakes his head. "And behind door number two is our fabulous showcase! We'll pirate the airwaves, that's what. They got a lot to learn about rock and roll."

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What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Kelne » Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:10 pm

Not for the first time, Havoc reflected that while Tar-Mach might be a fountain of good ideas, they didn't do much good if it was impossible to decipher them. Studying the tower for a few moments longer, he decided that they were going to have to get a closer look. While Mutewave had a point about the speed with which air support could appear, Havoc had long since adapted to decepticon air support as a fact of life. He knew how to work around it.

"I'm afraid," he said, "That the first order of business is a closer look at that tower."

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Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Mechanisto » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:05 pm

The tone of Mutewave's response was perhaps just a bit tart. "...I've got a very close look at the tower itself as we speak, gentlemen, and there's still nothing going on."

She stood up, securing her weapon on her back. "I'm not saying we should back off entirely. A closer inspection of the city around the tower might be revealing... but let's avoid knocking on the tower itself, shall we?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:47 am

"There's a whole wide world out there, and I want me a piece," says the Junkion, unconsciously twiddling his mustache as he looks toward the facility, then away from it.

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Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Mechanisto » Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:03 am

"Whole wide... what's that supposed to... mean..." Mutewave's confused tone trailed off into silence, and changed to one of sudden concern. "Oh... my. How much of this world do you think they have now?" She gestured towards the tower.

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Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Kelne » Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:58 am

On the balance, Havoc suspected that Tar-Mach's vote was a 'no'. He could certainly understand the point of view, but...

"Your guess is as good as mine," he said in response to Mutewave's question, "But it'll be as much of it as they could grab. We can certainly take a look around the city," he continued, "and I'm not exactly advocating going up and ringing the doorbell. Still, sooner or later we're going to have to deal with the decepticons. And that means we'll want whatever information we can get from that tower."

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'll need to see more before I can be sure, but I think we can manage it, if we're careful."

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Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Mechanisto » Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:09 pm

(Thaaaat's it... this is getting out of hand.)

Mutewave eyed the tower, which was no less intimidating to the naked eye than it was through a scope... even if it appeared inactive for the moment.

Mutewave bit her lip slightly (when she was certain nobody could see it), and looked down at the abandoned city surrounding it. Well... it certainly seems as though they aren't keeping much of an eye on things. And since we do need a closer look, we may as well send the quietest one... something tells me they're waiting on me anyways. Her worried expression slowly turned to a small and ever-so-slightly eager smile.

"Not much choice then, is there? Sit tight lads..." She clapped and rubbed her hands lightly, and her elegantly curved body armor began spinning and twisting into position. Soon enough, she'd folded down into her secondary vehicle shape; a sleek, oil-black sports car, without a single straight-edge to be seen. The reformation was unsettlingly silent; the distinctive transformation sound was barely more than a whisper.

"I'll just take a peek around the city itself, and report back in half an hour at the latest... they'll never know I was there!"

As her stealth systems finished warming up, she slipped foreward across the unpaved terrain and headed out for the closest (and most easily hidden) road.

Uncle Pervy

Re: What's that, boy? Little Timmy's fallen in the well?

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:32 pm

"Give us a 'Hi Mom!' if the redcoats come," Tar-Mach advises, as Mutewave takes off. It was so nice when someone else decided to do the hard part.

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From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:24 pm

As she wandered the streets, Mutewave had the opportunity to see even more of...well, nothing, it would seem. Through the windows of the shops and such, she could see layer upon layer of dust, and a few random spiderwebs. As she got closer to the tower, however, she noticed something - the area seemed to be irradiated. It was bad enough that it seemed that no organic life could have possibly stepped foot in the area in over a century.

That revelation aside, it seemed that her presence wasn't even noticed. There was still no sign of activity from the tower. In fact, she was within only a couple kilometers of the thing before she was even able to detect any signs of life, robotic or otherwise, from within it. Even then, the readings on number and variety were extremely unclear. She was hesitant, however, to approach any closer than that.

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Mechanisto » Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:47 pm

She considered circling around the irradiated area to find the general point of origin... but she doubted it could be anything but the looming tower. The radiation itself also made her think twice about going for a closer look; not only would stealth be difficult to maintain at such range but a radioactive halo would make her almost a beacon compared to her normal silence.

She paused, surpressed a sigh, and turned back towards the others. This was only a quick scout-out anyways. She tried to keep a reasonable speed and stay as quiet as possible.

A a careful drive and a quick (and silent) transformation later, and she was back with the group. "Well, not much more to see there... though there were some very unreliable spark-signs from the tower. More pressingly, though... radiation. I'm pretty sure it's coming from the tower; I don't know if it's just pollution, or an active attempt to keep the area free of organic life... probaby a bit of both. And doing a fine job of each, I'd say."

"There's not much more to do here, unless we want to stake the place out for a few days... but I don't know if even that will do much. There was no sign of traffic at all." She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I say we head back to the ship, salvage some solar cells, and start thinking about what's for dinner... for the next few days.

Uncle Pervy

Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:43 pm

"No need to be pokin' your nose where it don't belong," Tar Mach says, "You'll get it chopped off by the rozzers!" He looks to the tower again. "That is not a dollar," he shakes his head. "Leaving just the wind at you back, that's fine partner. But that over yonder ain't no wind."

He crosses his arms, clearly not liking this at all.

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Kelne » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:15 am

Havoc gave the matter some thought. Such an 'application' of radiation wouldn't have occurred to him. Organics, after all, had not played a part in the long war on Cybertron. Major side-effects, of course, were that it wreaked merry hell on peoples' sensors, and, as Mutewave had concluded earlier, lit anyone sufficiently contaminated up like a neon sign. That tower was going to be a tough place to get into, and no mistake.

That didn't mean he was prepared to write it off, though. Still, there was another avenue to explore before he tackled the tower itself.

"We'll do both," he said, breaking out a surveilance kit and setting it up in the cover of some rocks. Passive surveilance only, of course, but if anybody came or went, or sent off any powerful transmissions, it would pick them up. "We certainly don't want to leave the place unwatched just because they've been quiet for a few hours. Run a fibre-optic cable, and we'll have real-time imagery back at the ship." A spool of thin wire emerged from another compartment. Fibre-optic cable was one of those things you could never have too much of, in Havoc's experience.

He then moved on to the next part of the plan. "While you three salvage whatever you can from the ship, I'll see if I can backtrack that ship Tar-Mach saw to its source. We've found its destination, by the looks, but where it came from may tell us something as well."

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Mechanisto » Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:23 pm

Mutewave surpress her surprise at the copious amount of cable Havoc supplied.

She blinked as she realized what he'd said. "Wait... us three? Does that mean your staying here with the station? Why not set it on autopilot instead?"

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Kelne » Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:26 am

Havoc shook his head, "No, as I said, I mean to see if I can backtrack the flightpath of the ship Tar-Mach saw. Even if I don't find anywhere obvious it might have come from, that will at least suggest we aren't setting up camp under an established flightlane." And, since it was bound to come up sooner or later, "As for going alone, I can cover rough terrain faster than any of you, and I'm stealthed. I'm the logical person to investigate."

Uncle Pervy

The Price is Right Theme

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:21 pm

Tar-Mach nodded in agreement with Havoc. While he could fly and seek the source of the fleet, he wouldn't even try to deny that he didn't want to do it. Of course, he didn't really want to look through the ship, either. But that was the lesser of two evils. Nor did he really want to explore that city or the tower, but it did intrigue him the most. If nothing else, it should create some interesting waste. And radioactivity, that's always fun! But, why put off til tomorrow what you could put off til the day after tomorrow?

"We shall deprive the poor ocean of her resources, one mine at a time," says the Junkion. "And in showcase number one, a new car!"

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 12/12/04 23:49

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Mechanisto » Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:16 pm

Mutewave arched an eyebrow a bit at Tar-Mach's comment. "I wish... but my wheels only work well on asphalt. besides..." She took the spool of cable from Havoc, and prepared to lay it out behind her as she walked. "...this stuff won't exactly trail out of a vehicle like a kite-string. Looks like a long walk back."

She paused, eyeing the cable. "Ohh... Multi-mode Triplex! Guess I won't have to worry about keeping the line ruler-straight... damn near impossible over grassland anwyay." With that said, she stepped in behind Tar-Mach and waited for him to lead the way.

She paused, and turned back to Havoc with an expression resembling concern. "Keep an eye on yourself, aye?"

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Kelne » Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:18 pm

"Always," Havoc said, nodding seriously, "I'll meet you back at the ship in 24 hours at the most." So saying, he transformed and skimmed off across the plains, heading in a straight line for the ship and beyond.

Uncle Pervy

Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:43 pm

"Let's spin the wheel," Tar-Mach says, as he takes motorcylce form, and heads back for the crash site. In a way, he decided he got the best job of them all. He gets to look for things in the wreckage! If only there were some good signals to watch, and some energon goodies, it'd be a nice vacation.

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Re: From now on, all subject lines will be song titles!

Postby Mechanisto » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:41 pm

Mutewave sighed enviously as Tar-Mach tore off. She followed after at a brisk walking pace, carefully unfurling the wiring as she retraced all their steps to the crash site. She kept her sensors on passive, and as alert as they could be.

Gonna be a long day. and not be the last of it's kind, I suspect...

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Walk This Way!

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:03 am

The trip back to the ship was quite uneventful. Obviously, Tar-Mach arrived back first, as Mutewave made quite sure to do the job properly. There were no new signs of...well, anything.

Havoc, on the otherhand, had a trip that was far more interesting. Well, not the trip in itself, but rather the conclusion of it. He had very little to go on for his tracking - pretty much just a general direction - but it turned out that he didn't need anymore. Slightly over a hundred miles away (he could cover a fair distance, given that he didn't have as much to worry about as far as terrain), Havoc found a slightly smaller town. He also found what was, near as he could tell, an exact duplicate of the other tower. Same arrangement of defenses, same radiation, same interference, same...well, everything.

It wasn't that there were two of them that bothered him. Oh no, it was that if his calculations were correct, and their distribution what he thought it was, there were several thousand of these towers dotting the surface of the planet. He'd have to see a third to be certain, but he'd seen standardized distributions of defenses enough to know where to look.

Uncle Pervy


Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:08 pm

Upon arriving at the shore, Tar-Mach resumes humanoid form, then takes the time to lounge about whilst waiting upon Mutewave to catch up. Of course, he would say he was watching the sky and scanning the airwaves for something useful or interesting. That was the standard excuse.

But eventually, Mutewave does arrive. She'll find him resting under on of the trees, looking idly toward the horizon until he looks toward her and stands up. "So, you are going to guess how much it's worth eventually, right Martha?" he says in a slightly tongue in check tone. "Th skies are clear, the air is fine, and there's just a delectable hint of napalm in the winds. Now we boogie!"

And with that, he makes for the waters and the crashed ship.

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Re: Walk This Way!

Postby Kelne » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:52 pm

This was, to say the least, very bad. If the decepticons were willing to set up a tightly spaced defence grid like this across the entire planet, then something very important was going on here. And, from everything he could tell, had been going on for a long time without interference.

They still had no idea what had become of the inhabitants of this planet. That was two abandoned towns so far, both clustered around a tower. Two he was willing to chalk up to coincidence. If he found a third, though...

Havoc mulled things over as he set out for the spot where the next tower should be. Best to be certain, after all. There were no good choices that he could see. Holing up and waiting for help simply wasn't going to work. Entering a tower in search of answers was going to be rather dangerous. And he didn't even know where to begin looking for the planet's inhabitants.

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Re: Walk This Way!

Postby Mechanisto » Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:56 pm

Much to his relief, she didn't seem disgrundled at his lounging at all (though really, it probably wouldn't have bothered him all that much anyways). She looked a little tense, but no more than circumstances might call for.

She didn't follow him into the water, though. "Sounds like your in your best element, then... I'll need some time to set up a com base; one underwater, and a well hidden one land-side. I'll join ye when I finish, but it'll take awhile. You'll have to start without me."

She hastily followed up with a brief, pseudo-official looking salute. "...sir." She knew he outranked her... but danged if she could remember what his exact rank actually was. Better safe than sorry. She began heading a short distance away from the beach, looking for a suitable place to camoflauge some equipment.

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Will it go Round in Circles?

Postby FlamingDeth » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:10 am

It didn't take nearly as long for Mutewave to set up the com stations as she thought it would. However, the process was long enough for her to catch a few glimpses from the other side of the fibre cable. It seemed that they had just missed a patrol leaving the tower when they arrived, since it seemed to send them out like clockwork. Every half an hour, it seemed, with the patrols alternating between a small group of three or so jets, and a small group of three or so...dune buggies? It was hard to tell what exactly they were.

It wasn't long after Mutewave finished with her task that Tar-Mach finished his own. He managed to salvage almost a dozen square meters worth of solar panels. Not much, but it was better than nothing. The Junkion also happened to find something else interesting - the generator that was powering their stasis pods. It hadn't been offline for long, so there was a good chance that most of it was still functional, and relatively easy to repair. The entire operation, however, gave him plenty of time to go through the same harrowing holds that Mutewave had gone through earlier.

Somewhere farther from the lake, Havoc had indeed arrived at a third tower. Luckily, this one wasn't located in the middle of a city...it seemed that the nearest town was too far away to have a tower in it without having an...inefficient...defense system.

He hadn't much time to think about it, though, before he saw a small patrol of three jets enter the tower. They didn't spot him, but he didn't have much time to think about that, either. As soon as the door opened, he caught a brief signal. A brief Autobot signal. One that he recognized, even with all the interference. In fact, it seemed that the so-called black box from the Aeon was located somewhere in that tower.

The door closed behind the jets, cutting off the signal.


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