Waiting for the Night

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Waiting for the Night

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:50 am

(This is a closed RP, suckah. That means that nobody can post in it without my sayso! Sayso come from here. Har har! Anyways, BEGINNING HAPPENS.)

It was a regular day on the Autobot science vessel Aeon. The Aeon had been traveling to a distant star, with the intention of setting up a sensor array. However, an communication from Optimus Prime changed their course. A planet has sent out a distress signal, he said. Something about Decepticons, he said. The Aeon was the only ship anywhere near it, he said.

The small ship, with barely more than a skeleton crew on it, was ill equipped for combat. But, it was small, and didn't show up well on sensors, and had quite an array of sensors itself. At the very least, they could report what they saw. Well, that's what captain Airstream had said. They wouldn't even need to activate all the other crew that was in stasis pods, just a simple in and out mission. He was convinced it was a fluke. After all, low technology, regular biological life, and running low on natural resources, what could the Decepticons possibly want with this planet?

As the Aeon decelerated into the system, they saw what could only be described as a full-out invasion. The Decepticons had enough forces there to easily spot the lone Autobot ship, and no matter how fancy the helmsman tried to maneuver, there was no way that this science vessel even stood a chance. The first hit took out the entire bridge. The hundreds of hits following just whittled away at the hull. It was quite a miracle that any of the structure survived to suffer reentry.

The Decepticons left them for dead. No Cybertronian lifesigns were detected.

Four hundred years later, a rusted, skeletal hulk of...something...remained at the the bottom of a fairly large body of water. The forward sections of it crushed beyond recognition, barely anything left on the rear, and only the meagerest of solar panels remaining to power the little technology that remained functioning.

The ground shook. Not much, but enough to shake loose a power connection. The stasis pods began to shut down, for better or for worse, letting the mechanical life contained inside return to conciousness.

Edited by: FlamingDeth at: 1/26/05 3:46

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:06 am

There was darkness. Then there was awareness. Then there was motion outwards, then motion inwards followed by pressure.

For a moment, Tar-Mach had to sort all this out, as his systems came back online. The first surprising part was the water. He was quite sure that a ship was not supposed to have water filling it. The lack of obvious power was another tip off that something was wrong. The flounder a few yards from him was yet another sign.

Trying to gather his wits together, Tar-Mach emerges from the pod into the flooded ruins of the ship, looking around. Slowly, he recalls finding the Decepticons, then the crash. After that, things got uncertain. Looking around, he is certain that the mud deposits and aquatic life that have make their home in the ship's ruins are proof that his internal clock is not off. A great deal of time has passed.

After a moment of gathering his thoughts, Tar-Mach; too heavy to swim, begins to walk toward shore. All this fresh water was unnatural; where were the acids and the bases? The PH was even fairly neutral; no self respecting Junkion could remain in such water. Thus, leaving the other capsules behind, trusting them to open in their own time, Tar-Mach makes his way to shore.

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:09 am

Twin beams of light cut through the murky water that filled the ship, illuminating the pitiful remnants of what had once been the Aeon.

The last Havoc recalled, everything had been fine, the ship's systems humming along nicely. The stasis decks had been well-lit, with a few displays along the wall indicating the status of the pods' occupants.

Then... Discontinuity, and this.

Something had obviously gone horribly wrong during his time in stasis. But what? Clearly they'd gotten into a fight with someone and lost. Almost certainly, the decepticons were the culprits. But the devil, to quote an old human saying, was in the details.

If he could just get his hands on the black box, he might be able to get some answers. But for now, the top priority had to be locating other survivors. With that in mind, Havoc set about opening the nearest of the intact stasis pods.

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:04 am

Needless to say, the stasis pods were far more than simple glass tubes. A stasis pod was crafted from the most durable materials available, and the locking mechanisms were made as secure as possible. There's a reason they could be reworked to function as emergency escape pods with only a little work; it would have taken a fair bit focused firepower to crack one open through force. That's the way they had to be; cybertron's heros deserved the safest rest possible during their most vulnerable time on any ship. Despite all this security, one of the most vital systems was the emergency release; if for any reason the passenger awoke ahead of schedule, one simple flip of a switch would pop the hatch.

The nearby functioning pod that Havoc found was trapped under a massive support beam that had fallen from the celing, pinning the lid of the pod shut. It was a testament to the pod's design that it's transparent titanium window hadn't even scratched under the impact. A thick layer of algae covered much of the window, but Havoc could make out a dark figure moving in the pod. A dull, quiet thumping could be heard from inside; it was barely audible, even with one's audio receptors placed right against the glass.


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:22 am

Tarnation, technology these days is so unpredictable. First they do away with reliable solid state weapons, the next thing you know, coolant's leaking everywhere...

His scanners hadn't fully come online, and his systems were slow to boot up compared with those new fangled models, so perhaps Ojitron's remarks about the quality of "recent" technology could be forgiven. However, it is unlikely he would take them back, even when, a few seconds later, he realized exactly what had happened.

He clambered out of his stasis pod and settled down on the bottom of the lake, or whatever it was.

What in samhell is this? I don't remember ordering a bath...

With a weary mental sigh, the Autobot slung his gun under his shoulder and scanned the nearby area, quickly picking up on another Autobot signature. He slowly began picking his way towards it, and in a handful of seconds, Havoc could dimly make out his running lights as he approached...

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:09 am

And all the while, Tar-Mach marched towards shore, likely leaving a nice set of footprints to be followed in the mud.

All the while, his mind catalogues all the episodes of his favorite shows he had missed. Sadly, he realized that most of them had probably been cancelled. Except for Bargains and Consequences, that show was hundreds of years old before the accident.

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:17 am

Havoc's inexperience with water showed at this point, as he tried to speak normally. A few seconds' worth of severely distorted rumblings revealed the futility of this approach. Accordingly, he switched over to short range radio. It wouldn't carry more than 50 metres or so, so there was no chance of it being intercepted.

By this time, the newcomer had gotten close enough that he could identify him by the light of his own headlights.

"Good to see you, Ojitron. Lend a hand, would you?" he asked, indicating the beam trapping their fellow autobot, "I don't think I can move this thing on my own."

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:41 am

As he neared the shore, and thus the surface, Tar-Mach noticed a distinct lack of radio transmissions of any kind. No civilian radio or television, nothing military, not a single distress signal...if that was any indication, this planet had been abandoned by all.

Then a crackle. Faint, but Tar-Mach made out what he could.

...*bzzt*--on. This is Sh--*bzzt*

*crackle*--othing locat--*bzzt*--ector sigma. Continu--*crackle*

*bzzt*-- patrol. Squad Destron ou--*crack*

And then static. As if on queu, an enormous shadow passed above the lake...some sort bizzare aircraft, bearing an unfamiliar two-cockpit design, and half a dozen smaller craft behind it. It didn't seem to notice the submerged Junkion, however, as it continued on whatever route it had been heading on.

Meanwhile, back at the wreckage of the Aeon, the remaining survivors continued on their business of rescuing one another.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:46 am

"Spin the wheel for the lightning round; going, going...gone!" Tar-Mach may not be bright, but he was no fool. Keeping underwater, he scanned the starcraft as well as his limited systems would allow, whilst analyzing for more audio or visual signals.

If needs be, he may well poke his head above the water to get a better view.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 10/29/04 3:47 am

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:57 am

It seemed that even on this close to the surface, there was some foreign element that was interfering with sensors and communications. While it meant that his sensors couldn't get much information on the craft, it was also likely that any readings they could get would be just as spotty. He could, however, spot a somewhat bizzarre variation of the Decepticon insignia on the wing. Past that, however...the craft was moving to quickly to learn much more about it.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:09 am

"You don't even get a copy of our home version," laments the Junkion as he waits for the starships to head out of sight and probable scanner range, then emerges and goes to have a seat and wait for the other survivors to come.

Whilst he does, he ponders that symbol. Things really have changed, it seemed like. But other questions lay upon his mind as well. Did Bob Barker, still cybernetically preserved, work toward the 500th season of the cumilation of all visual media?


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:12 am

"Gotta live one here, huh? Dunno as I can hel you our much if ya can't move it on your own, but..." The Autobot leaned down and grabbed one side of the rubble, saying, "Ready, sonny? On three. One, two, three!" Trusting that Havoc would do his share, Ojitron began trying to lift the rubble off of the stasis pod...

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:02 pm

The two rescuers found the support beam too heavy to lift outright, but fortunately enough, it was a much easier task to simply push it to one side. It wasn't the beam's weight so much as the position it was wedged into that had trapped the pod's hatch. The instant the beam crashed to one side, the hatch popped upen and released a huge storm of air bubbles that drifted upwards. At almost the same instant, something else emerged from the pod; a sleek black figure, only slightly smaller than them. It also became obvious that it was of the female persuasion.

The figure instantly latched onto Havoc, hugging him as tightly as she could; her grip was fairly weak. Judging from her shaking grip and shallow breathing, she was obviously sick with panic.

“W… w… wha…” She managed to stammer; her voice carying quite clearly in the liquid environment. She turned her head a bit, apparently only just noticing the water.

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:52 pm

"Easy there," Havoc said, patting her somewhat awkwardly. He could certainly understand the panic attack. Being trapped in an enclosed space, possibly until their power cells ran down, wasn't the sort of thing anyone would enjoy.

After giving Mutewave a few seconds to calm down a bit, he set about gently disengaging her. "We have to see if there are any other survivors. are you going to be alright?"

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:29 pm

That one word seemed to affect her quite abruptly. Survivors. They had survived something... some sort of disaster. Her mind shook off enough of the panic to realize the obvious; the disaster was far from over. She was still frightened from the realization, but the shell-shock was starting to wear off. There was nothing like cold reality to focus one's thoughts. She let go of Havoc when she realized he was trying to seperate himself, feeling a momentary pang of embarrasement.

"I think... I can... try." She swallowed when she realized Havoc's rank, steadying her voice as best she could. "I mean... of course I can, Sir. Right away Sir. Mutewave, reporting for duty, sir."

She immediately gave her weapons and internal systems a quick checkup. She drifted up slightly, suspending herself in the water with a practiced ease, and began bringing her sensors online. Her eyes dimmed as she listened for something... anything... that wasn't just a native animal or peice of debris.


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:00 am

Ojitron supressed a muted sigh of embarassment at Mutewave's response to being released.

Kids these days have no sense of composure...

"Well, you whippersnappers seem to have things under control here," he commented aloud. "I suggest we split up and search the area individually. We should also check for survivors on shore, they might have already surfaced. In fact, my old joints don't take this water well, perhaps I'll do that myself..."

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:55 pm

"Sounds good," Havoc said, "We'll meet you on shore as soon as we've finished searching the wreck."

One impression that Mutewave's display had reinforced was that she had to be very young indeed. This was going to be a real trial by fire for her, in the most literal sense. How she'd hold up was an open question.

Still, it was a matter for the future. For now, they had to see if anyone else had survived. Certainly noone would have outside the protection of a stasis pod, otherwise they would have been released long ago. There was also the matter of the black box. It would have recorded all happenings on the bridge and a wide range of telemetry until the link was severed.

After consulting his databanks, Havoc transmitted a brief coded pulse. That should elicit a response from it. After all, the things were designed to be found.


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:13 pm

With a nod to Havoc, Ojitron set out for the edge of the lake, moving at a slow, laborious speed. As soon as he got out on the beach, he quickly scrabbled onto solid ground. As soon as he was off the sand, he shifted to his vehicle form. Only then did he take the time to look around.

He immidiately spotted a Junkion not to far off. "Hey!" He called out. "Don't you whippersnappers think of keeping a low profile until we know the situation better?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:32 pm

"John Kumble of Dallas, Texas, come on down!" declares Tar-Mach and he stands up, Smiling broadly at the commander. "And now the news. Up above in the sky, we has fleets! Markings are unknown, could they be extra-terrestial? More at Eleven."

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:48 pm

Mutewave set off promptly after the decision was made to split up. She headed around the edge of the downed ship, searching the perimiter of the ship for activity. She slipped into her sleek, featureless submersible mode, her limbs unfolding and twisting to form the largely hollow vehicle.

A simple enough task, which she began to regret with each passing minute alone. She tried to remember how casual the others had been. She focused a bit on the signatures of her allies for a moment, to help dispel the sense of isolation... if they thought this was busines as usual, well, so could she.

She gunned her turbines a just a bit, sacrificing a touch of stealth for speed.


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:24 pm

Woderful. I got the commedian. Can't there ever be any normal joes in this job?

"Is that so?" Ojitron asked, stalling for time while he tried to figure out whether to rant at this guy, or just ignore him. "And my name's Ojitron, not John Kumble, whoever in hell that is. Have you seen any other survivors?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:32 pm

"First to come, first to go." answers the Junkion. "All's quite on the front, don't stand up!"


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:35 pm

"I see," rumbled Ojitron in response, cranking his motor into gear and nosing forward a bit, trying to get a feel for and other factors on the planet. He hadn't been paying much attention when he first surfaced, and underwater is no indication of such things...

"How many of them bogies did you see?"

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby FlamingDeth » Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:18 pm

As one might expect, Mutewave and Havoc found very little of interest while scouring the lake. There were some pieces of the hull of the Aeon scattered about, some random pieces of large equipment that might be salvagable, if someone knew how to repair them. Mutewave happened upon the foreward cargo hold, which housed more stasis pods...unfortunately, it seemed that it had recieved a direct hit from something rather large, and all of the pods were horrendously damaged, with pieces of the Autobots housed within scattered around the area.

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:25 am

Despite having examined the wreckage for the entirety of her search, Mutewave was far from prepared for the carnage she found. She'd hoped (and almost expected) to find survivors... not limbs. To her credit, she managed to continue searching through the site for a few minutes. But when the realization hit her that this 'debris' was composed largely of her former allies and officers...

She skipped the rest of the perimeter, approaching as close to the surface as she dared in an attempt to travel overtop of the hull of the Aeon; it was the shortest path she could take to where she'd met up with the others. She managed to shake some of the shock of the mass grave by the time she found their trail. She followed the blatantly obvious footprints, eventually shifting to her humanoid form as she reached the shore.

She walked towards the others, looking visibly shaken. She gave Havoc as crisp a salute as she could manage. "I'm sorry, sir... there was no evidence of survivors at all. The... the cargo bay with the pods... I think she took a direct hit. There were... everybody... was..." She swallowed, stopping herself from rambling.

Naturally, she was very careful not to mention that she'd abandoned her search almost halfway through. Hopefully, she'd never have to mention it at all.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:00 am

"Seven to nine, I saw I did," Tar-Mach Reports, whilst noticing Mutewave emerge. After she gives her report, he asks, "We're a 100 miles from chicago, we've got a full tank of gas and half a pack of cigarettes. Now what?"


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:38 am

Ojitron was peering back and forth, and finally asked, "Didja see Havoc on your way up, Mutewave?"

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:14 am

Havoc emerged from the lake soon after Mutewave, shaking his head, "Nothing. We're it, I'm afraid." His own search had been fruitless and sobering. It was a wonder any of them had survived the wreck. This was far and away the worst disaster he'd been involved with in his life, and they still knew next to nothing about exactly how it had happened.

He turned his attention to the world around him, noting as Tar-Mach had the silence of the airwaves. Wherever they were, there didn't seem to be any locals nearby.

"Have any of you found anything out?" he asked.


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:12 pm

((OOC: The following might be totally in error, and the 'bots do know their location, but this is the impression I got from the intro...))

"Sonny, we don't even know where we are! Whatever happened, the crew doesn't seem to have left a note for us." As he was talking, Ojitron mentally ran through his data banks, sorting a few things out. According to the crew manifest, he and Havoc were the ranking survivors, although so far the others had wisely listened to his advice. There would be time to sort out details later, the first thing to do was reconnisance.

"Tar-Mech tells me there were some sort of flyboys going over earlier. If we follow them, we might find an airstrip or, better yet, a spaceport. Then we can snoop around some and find out where we are, and what's going on. I would suggest that."

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:03 am

Havoc nodded, finding no fault with Ojitron's reasoning. "Good enough to start with. We can take it from there once we have more information. Lead the way, Tar-Mach," he concluded, before transforming. After all, the Junkion was the one who'd actually seen the aircraft. He'd know best which way it had been headed.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:42 am

"Don't like those odds, nosiree." Tar-Mach replies. "Experts say: Stay where you are and transmit, transmit, transmit!"


Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:36 am

Ojitron let his engine rumble thoughtfully for a moment. It probably wasn't a good idea to split up their group, especially when it wasn't so small...

"Now listen, whippersnapper," the Outron began good naturedly, "if we knew where we had crashed, then I'd say a distress call was in order. But we don't. Furthermore, we crashed here as a result of who knows what. It could be an engine problem, what with modern technology being so unreliable, or we could have been shot at. But what if we haven't crashed on a friendly planet? What if the people here haven't even seen one of us before? If we look, and don't turn anything up, we can always come back. And if a rescue ship does land, at the very least they'll be a while examining the wreckage. We can leave a beacon of some sort for 'em too, to tell 'em where we went. A distress call is always an option later."

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:48 pm

Mutewave shook her head as she finally regained her voice. "This was no accident... the entire front cargo bay took a hit from a weapon. Something... massive, Like a capital ship cannon... or an anti-orbital gun. And whoever did it hasn't found us yet; judging from the marine life inhabiting the ship, we've been lost for... well, at least six months, assuming the flora and fauna multiply at an average rate. A rescue team probably would have found us by now."

She paused, remembering everyone's rank as she meekly added "Can we... not... split up?"

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Kelne » Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:27 am

Havoc had never been much of a one for pulling rank. He'd always preferred that people agree on what needed to be done and do it of their own accord. Thus, he was quite happy to discuss the situation after his moment of sheer disbelief at the idea of announcing their location to a potentially hostile universe.

"Mutewave raises some good points. Nobody knows we're here so far, and I'd like to keep it that way. With luck, somebody back home knew where we were supposed to be going and sent a rescue mission when we didn't check in." Certainly Cybertron had known of their original flight plan, and captain Airstream wouldn't have changed it without notifying anyone.

"That said, we don't want to advertise our presence until we're sure the planet isn't crawling with decepticons." After what had happened to the Aeon, it wasn't a possibility he was willing to discount.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:44 pm

"Never let the odd one sneak off," Tar-Mach says. "The Fleet's the thing. What's the deal? Purple triangles! Looks Decepticon to me!"

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Re: Waiting for the Night

Postby Mechanisto » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:36 pm

Mutewave nodded, noting the Junkion's designation. "I agree with Tar-Mach... whatever else we decide to do, we need to fidn a place to set up some eyes and ears. The only people who ever won a fight blindfolded were fighting fools to begin with."

She glanced at everyone in turn, hoping nobody could make a convincing counter-argument. She tried to repress the tiny part of her mind that said a stationary position would be suicide.

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Let's try charades...

Postby Kelne » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:04 am

"I think everyone agrees about the need for more information, Mutewave," Havoc said, even if he was finding it a bit tricky to figure out exactly what Tar-Mach was saying. He couldn't help but think that everyone interpreted his words in a slightly different way. If he was right about the bogies being decepticons, it spelt no good.

"As far as remote surveilance goes, I tend to favour personal reconnaisance. There's no need to hole up just yet, and it's easier to respond to changing events if you're on the spot. Which isn't to say we can't leave some bugs behind us as we go, of course."

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kelne>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/6/04 11:02 pm


Re: Let's try charades...

Postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:41 pm

At the moment, Ojitron felt a good deal like Havoc. Fewer euphamisms and more plain talking would have suited him better. However, it was not his to question why, or how in this case...

"Anyway, we won't get anywhere just spinning our wheels," the Outron commented, demonstrating the action in question as he did so. "Thanks to Mutewave and Tar-Mech's keen observations, we now know that we've been here a while and the area is possibly hostile. If possible, we should leave a few remote monitors here to keep an eye out for rescue and let them know where we are. We should also attempt to track down whatever ships Tar-Mech spotted earlier. But we should do so very cautiously. Have I got it all?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:06 am

"Eye in the sky," Says the Junkion. "One dollar exactly!"

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Re: Let's try charades...

Postby Mechanisto » Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:34 pm

Mutewave smacked her shoulder lightly; a circular panel opened and silently launched a small spherical object a few feet in the air, which she deftly caught. "I can fix a few of my remote mines to stay in scan mode. They'll detect anything in the water easily, and I can modify a few to check for transmissions in the airwaves as well."

The mine twisted in half of it's own accord, and a few tiny antennae popped out of the top and sides. "They won't be smart enough to actually decode messages... but it'll tell us the general activity in the area. And they'll be too quiet for others to hear unless someone does a focused scan."


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