Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

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Halitosis the Hedgehog

Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:16 pm

Myrii jumped at the sound of the screetch, his eyes widening. His eyes darted around nervously, looking for any clue as to what the sound was.


Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Raishilliah » Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:46 pm

Despite their searching, none of the three could find the source of the noise, nor spot anything out of the ordinary. The golden sky was still and unwavering, the sound had ceased, and now the sound of birds could be heard once more. Whatever it was, it had ended as swiftly as it had come.

Raishilliah had managed to calm herself down a bit. Color returned to her face (the little it had) and her voice lost its slight quiver.

"Yes, Siz, it probably was related to the fog... though I am not sure how. Perhaps... a teleportation system of some kind... yes, that would make sense. Perhaps that was the sound of whoever caused the mist leaving here... and it was most definitely not a sound that is natural to here. That much is certain." She stopped and gazed out to sea.

"Regardless," she comtinued, "we need to leave here as soon as possible. It is clear that the mountains are not safe... we need to cross the ocean soon. It is up to you... do we fly across, with those that cannot fly being carried... or, do we take a boat?"

Yamna raised a hand. "I say we take a boat. I do not know about the rest of you, but personally I do not want to run the risk of someone falling or something like that... the boat is safer, albeit a bit less speedy."

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pd Rydia
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Re: *GMs*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:38 pm

"Let's take a boat," Siz agreed. "If something happens to us on the water, we can try flying while carrying those who can't."



Unread postby LostDreamer » Wed Nov 05, 2003 6:24 pm

(OOC... I am so sorry my comp. has been weird this week and I finally got it back up for more than 5 min...Image )

IC:: Charon had become content with the smell but the wrenching noise destroyed any pleasant thoughts she had. Letting her hands drop away from her ears, she looked to the others not quite knowing what to say.

"The boat plan sounds best. It would help to save energy in any case," Charon said meekly.

Uncle Pervy

Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 06, 2003 3:40 pm

"Either way," Caina says. "I trust that you can keep me from plunging to my bloody demise."

In truth, she was curious to see what Sizreina's dragon form looked like.


Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Raishilliah » Sat Nov 08, 2003 11:00 pm

"All right then. It is decided... the vote seems to be going towards getting a boat." Raishilliah agreed. She was in a pleasant mood at the moment. Everything was working out fine now, despite the interferance... and besides, the most that'd stood in the way was a little mist! She grinned, feeling a bit smug.

"Should I go get a boat, then?" asked Yamna a bit uncertainly.

"It would be appreciated, yes," Raishilliah answered, the grin still on her face.

Yamna let out a slow whistle, somewhat high and shrill, though rather pleasant to listen to.

Near the horizon, a tiny speck could be seen coming across the sea toward them...


Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Nov 09, 2003 1:40 am

"Let us just hope that fog does not appear again or else we will most probably go off course and in even more danger." Caecilius look over teh horizon and saw a tiny spec and thought to himslef, hmm... Could that be just another traveller going by ship or the one who is trying to stop us. Well, I guess we will have to wait and see.

Edited by: [url=>Darkphoenixfri13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/9/03 1:48 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:40 pm

Caina noted the speck, but she had more important things on her mind. Perhaps she could use some ice to make a servicable boat. Then again, the fire elementals wouldn't care for that. And there would be the tempation to have bits and pieces of that boat melt at the proper times, and send the less honorable plunging toward the bottom...

Estrella Y Luna

Re: *GMs*

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:33 pm

Charon calmly walked to the edge of the water and peered down into the odd liquid. "Simply lovely" she said to herself. Looking up to see the speck growing larger, she stood up and waited by the water's edge.

Halitosis the Hedgehog


Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:08 pm

"So, How are we supposed to get a boat?" Myrii said, almost sounding as if he didn't beleive they would be able to get one. "I don't see any docks or harbors anywhere."


Re: cookies.

Unread postby Raishilliah » Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:23 pm

Raishilliah grinned. "That is what one would think at first, but you would be surprised where you could find a boat... if you knew how to find one, that is."

She lifted a hand and gestured to the speck on the golden horizon. "You will see."

The speck was growing closer to them, and now the group could tell that it was a small wooden ship with a burn mark across one side, with a reddish dragon figurehead. The ship cut swiftly through the waters, leaving a swirling orangeish pink trail in its wake.

"There is our ship," said Yamna rather placidly, as if he was merely talking about the weather.

Uncle Pervy

Re: cookies.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:53 pm

"Oh, good!" Caina says, grinning. "How did they know we were here?"

Estrella Y Luna

Re: cookies.

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:37 am

"The ship moves so well. Hopefully this will be a relaxing ride," Charon commented.

Turning to Yamna she asked "Did you call for the boat with the whistle a moment ago?"


Re: cookies.

Unread postby Raishilliah » Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:06 pm

(Sawwy for it being a bit rushed...)
"Indeed I did, milady." Yamna nodded. " There is a special call sometimes learned around here... you can call a nearby boat with it."

Raishilliah was staying silent for the moment. It seemed she was tired of answering questions...

Uncle Pervy

Re: cookies.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:34 pm

Caina nods, waiting for the boat patiently.


Re: cookies.

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:00 am

Caecilius started to talk to himself quietly." So it was just the boat. Well how would I know? I always flew. " He stared at the boat and waited for it to come.

Halitosis the Hedgehog

And more cookies.

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:16 am

Myrii sat down on a rock, never taking his eyes off of the boat on the horizon. "Will the boat be large enough for all of us?," He said. "It looks a bit... small..."

Estrella Y Luna

and more cookies

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:14 pm

Charon followed the boat with her eyes as she seated herself down next to the water. She loved it just seated right there next to the lovely colors playing with the sand next to her. 'A peaceful moment in time' she thought.


Re: and more cookies

Unread postby Raishilliah » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:55 pm

"It should be large enough, Myrii," Raishilliah reasoned, twisting a lock of hair around her finger reflectively. "It just looks small because it is not very close by."

The boat crept toward the shore, becoming larger by the minute. It was becoming the size of a small house by now... Soon, it was close enough that they could make out the lettering on the ship. Well, those that could read the Phoenix language could, that is.


One of the sailors called out to them, "Were you the ones that called for us?"
After a simple nod from Yamna, they lowered a rowboat of sorts and drifted it over to them.

"Climb in," Yamna said, pulling the boat partially ashore.

Uncle Pervy

Re: and more cookies

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:32 pm

Caina wasted no time stolling in, though she noted the boat with a bit of distaste. Creating something like this tended to dishonor nature in some way. Thus, she noted the materials, then sought out a sailor that didn't look too busy.

"Pardon me," she said, smiling at him. "Might I ask how this vessel was made?"

Halitosis the Hedgehog

Re: Re: Re:

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:51 pm

Myrii hopped up from the rock, and took to his wings, flying over to the ship, landing near where the others were getting on from the small boat. He looked around the boat, seeking out any runes or symbols that would designate the origin of the craft.


Re: Re: Re:

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:38 am

Instead of going on the rowboat, Caecilius did the same as Myrii. He took off into the air and landed next to Myrii. " I thought this ship would be a tad smaller."

Estrella Y Luna


Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:31 am

Charon followed Cina onto the rowboat and once abroad noted the craftsman ship of the large vessel. She could only imagine how long it took construct such a ship. She merely gazed around in awe.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Re: Re:

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:34 am

Charon followed Cina onto the rowboat and once abroad noted the craftsman ship of the large vessel. She could only imagine how long it took construct such a ship. She merely gazed around in awe.

Halitosis the Hedgehog


Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:01 pm

"The fact is," Myrii said, "that the boat is large enough to fit us all, and that is all that matters at the moment. We need to get accross this ocean safely..."


GM Post: Something that should have happened earlier

Unread postby Raishilliah » Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:15 pm

The sailor that Caina was speaking to glanced at her nervously. Why, pray tell, was she asking how the boat was made? It seemed wierd, somehow. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but her questions made him a bit uncomfortable.

"How the boat was made? Uhm... well..." He pointed to a forest on the west shoreline. "See, a bunch of young ones practice flying over there, and see, they're not that good at it and all, so they tend to knock some of the trees down and summat. We get wood from that, and various other places..." He rested an arm on the ship's ledge, pondering for a moment.

"I have to get back to my work now," he commented, and trudged off.

Myrii didn't see any runes or symbols of real importance, except for a few of the phoenix's runic letters spelling out
A Jeryxi Ferry, or something close to that translated into Common. It was evident now, at least, the name of the isle they were headed to.

Raishilliah was near the stern, looking out to sea, when Yamna crept up.
"Raishilliah, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked in a low voice.
"Whaaa..." She looked up, utterly startled.
"Oh, Yamna. It is just you. Alright, what is it?"
"It is about why I came with you so readily... I sensed that something was about and I did not want to be alone in the volcano with it," he explained worriedly.

Raishilliah was silent. This wasn't something she'd been expecting.
"All right, I understand," she said finally. "We need not tell the others, though. No need to worry them. If any problems arise, we can handle them..."

Their eyes met with an understanding glance. The secret was safe.

Uncle Pervy

Re: GM Post: Something that should have happened earlier

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:49 am

Caina kept to herself, unhappy with the answer she got. It was less dishonorable then those any human would have given, perhaps. Still, there was no honor to be had in harming nature when magic would have sufficed. Longer-lived races should have known better than that.

Hardly happy with this situation, she kept to her own corner of the boat, not really wanting to talk with anyone.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 11/29/03 12:51 am

Estrella Y Luna

Re: GM Post: Something that should have happened earlier

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:02 pm

Charon stood by the edge leaning slightly over the side looking all about her. She was used to forests and closed in spaces. This was a treat for her and was soaking up every second of the experience. It made her want to fly, but decided against it... 'I don't need those just yet' she thought and turned her back to the water. Noticing Cina alone in her own corner, she walked over and sat a few feet away from her.

"I apologize for my differences. I'm not quite sure why I seem to irk you so. I never meant to anger you or disrespect you in any way. " Charon said calmly and leaned her head back gazing at the sky.

Uncle Pervy

Re: GM Post: Something that should have happened earlier

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:09 pm

"Oh, it's nothing that's your fault," Caina says. She smiles. "Don't worry, you've been an honorable soul so far. Some things just irk us older sorts sometimes, now worries about it."

After a moment, she adds, "Let me ask a question of you. Doesn't it...annoy you to know that this ship is made of wood felled by sentient hands, rather than nature?"


Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Raishilliah » Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:49 pm

The ship glided away from the sandy bank, leaving barely a trace. The land was gradually shrinking from sight...

Sailors bustled about the ship, trying to finish their jobs as quickly as they could. It was clear that something was coming up... perhaps lunch. Regardless, the majority of them appeared rather eager.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:43 am

Smiling slightly, Charon glanced about. "Yes, and no. It does bother me a great deal to see the life of such mighty trees be reduced down to a craft such as this. But in the same right I see the life it has produced from the agelessness of the ships beauty," she replied softly. She was weary about her response but spoke honestly.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:42 am

"So, you say it is alright to needlessly destroy nature in turn for a simple conveinence?" asked Caina. "Don't you feel...sickened by it? Don't you feel that nature, that which supports us all, which predates us all, is deeply wouldn't by this?"

She tried to keep her voice even and conversational, idly paying the sailors a bit of mind. Charon's responses thus far were not as they should have been.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:15 pm

"Ah yes it does. The boards ring with the sorrows of their lost majesty. But at the same moment it gave opportunity to these people. Besides I do not balm any of these people. As the one sailor said, it is the younger generation who destroyed the life. These men picked up the slaughtered beauties to create something out of their death." Charon responded.

She realized the differing views would never change for either of them. They both had lived very different lives. She had total respect for the living earth and believed with all her heart nothing should ever happen to the beauty of the earth. Charon agreed with this, but had seen the damage the earth caused itself. Saw how the people lived with it and used the damaged bits to create things such as this ship as items of 'comfort.'

standing and looking over the edge of the ship and into the wake of the water she spoke solemnly "The comforts to cover the pain of the past."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:12 pm

"Accidents..." Caina answers, shaking her head. "That is what...irritates me about this. They lack the honor to take their fledglings from the forests to a nice plain. Disregard, I suppose. I suppose there is no shame in using the products of that sort of accident...The shame is the accident itself, don't you agree?"

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Mon Dec 08, 2003 6:37 pm

"Exactly. Yes, I do agree. It is the future generation who need to be taught the lessons of respect of all things living." Charon replied with a smile on her face. 'We came to an agreement,' she thought.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 08, 2003 6:58 pm

Not entirely without hope whatever the dishonor her forbearers have done, Caina muses. "True. So long as the dishonor is not repeated. Hm, mind if I pry a bit into where you're from?"

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:04 pm

"I don't have a home, if that is what you are asking." Charon said softly. It was something she wasn't comfortable with, and brought up many memories.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:25 am

"Now that is troubling," Caina answers. There were many senses of being homeless, and the ice sorceress pondered which one that Charon hinted at. By some definitions, Caina was homeless. Ephemeral definitions that meant nothing in the long run, of course.

"So you were a wanderer then?" She asks, deciding to grant the chimera the benefit of the doubt that she meant the word in an honorable sense. "Planewalking type or keeping to a single plane or dimension?

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:19 pm

"I guess you could say I am a wonderer. I travel where my feet take me and try to learn what I can." Charon replied with a forced smile.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mew? <.< >.>

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Dec 11, 2003 4:13 am

"Oh, I can relate," Caina says with something of a grin. "I tend to be all over the mortal realms at any given time. Once I get back from here, I hope to settle down with my daughter for a little while."


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