Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

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Angel of Fire

Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sun Jun 22, 2003 1:41 pm

It was dawn on the Plane of Fire. The capital was peacefully quiet, as morning should be. Everyone was sleeping, except for a certain elven farmer by the name of Phena Anelmonde who lived at the edge of town.

Phena, a rather short elf with whitish sand colored hair and brown eyes, was pacing among her fields, waiting and watching. Waiting and watching for her new farmhand, Raishilliah Mosetale. Phena was old, and she needed help running her farm, which grew scarlet leaved plants in the dusty soil that tasted somewhat of... lettuce . (In case you're wondering, the ground is somewhat to the nature of Mars's.) Raishilliah was over twenty minutes late, and Phena remembered hauntingly the warnings that her few living friends had given her about Rai.
She's always late for everything... even when you need her. If anyone doesn't know the concept of being early, it's Rai.
Don't hire her.. ever.
But it was too late now, the deed had been done. Phena regretted it, certainly, but she had some faith in Rai. Phena kept waiting. Thirty minutes late... an hour hour and fifteen minutes late. She was frustrated, by all means, and started to check her plants for signs of harvesting readiness by herself. A sudden sound like nails on a chalkboard startled her greatly. Was someone else there, watching her work? Phena looked up from her work and saw nothing but a slight shimmer by the edge of her farthest field, near the onkalyfe trees (Onkalyfe trees are like trees in perpetual autumn.).
"What in the name of fire is going on here? Ah... my old eyes must be playing tricks on me... but maybe I should go check it out. One of the town leaders did mention some sort of transportation system near my house..."
She walked over to where the noise had come from. There was nothing there. Nothing at all.
"I must be going crazy," Phena muttered, shaking her head and turning back to her plants. Unconsciously, she felt driven to get out of her field. She had moved about three feet to the right when she saw someone thrown out of seemingly nowhere. Phena let out a startled shriek and ran to it. Lying on the ground in the middle of her field was a man, clothed in a black cloak and midnight blue robe. She instantly concluded that he was some sort of mage, judging by his appearance.
"Where did HE come from?" she asked herself, stooping down to check his pulse. He was unconscios.
"I need to get him to the hospital," Phena said, taking in the bruised face, the bedraggled brown hair, and the general thinness of him. "He looks like he's been beaten up and then abandoned." That was nearly what happened to the young mage before her. Phena desperately tried to lift him, but dropped under the weight.
"Rai has wings. She can fly him to the hospital," she concluded.

Raishilliah Mosetale woke with a start. She had had another nightmare, this time of humans invading the plane. This was a reacurring dream, but it seemed more... vivid then the rest.
"I have to get up," Rai told herself. She knew that her job started that day. Rai sat up and looked at her lava clock.
"Oh great! I'm almost an hour and a half late for my job. Phena is going to kill me..." She peered down at her pet fire salamander and sighed.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
It made a noise somewhat like a laugh and just pranced around the room. Rai got out of bed and started searching for some breakfast in her obsidian cabinet.
She looked in a large mirror and sighed. Rai hated mirrors. They showed her just how abnormal she really was. Her hair and skin looked like they had gone through a bleaching machine, she had only one color eyes, and she had wings, due to the fact that she was half phoenix and half elf. Her hair was light orange and her skin was almost the color of paper. Rai despised her eyes. They were solely lime green and they glowed in the dark. Everyone she knew was terrified of her at nighttime. In the dark, all they could see was two glowing green eyes and golden flaming wings. She wore a
white hooded robe and a green cape. Rai let out a sigh and went back to eating her sunseed bread and firebrul leaves.
Once she had finished, she ran out of her house and took to the air. Rai looked around her as she sped off. There were many people in the market that day, and, much to her puzzlement, Phena was not there. She usually went to the market at midday to sell her firebrul. Strange. Rai reasoned that Phena had already left.
"All the more reason to hurry," she said.

Some fifteen minutes later, Rai arrived at the farm. She landed and called out, "Phena, I'm sorry that I'm..."
Phena was not there. She began to be truly worried. What if Phena had become sick and went to the hospital?
"PHENA!" she yelled. Rai listened closely for an answer. She heard something very faint coming from the farthest field. "Rai... come... help..." Raishilliah took off running towards the field, hoping that nothing very bad had happened.
"Phena, I'm coming. Hang on!"
Arriving at the field, she froze. Phena was bent over a human, trying to get it to wake.
"What happened, Phena?" asked Rai gently.
"There's no time! We need to get him to the hospital quickly," pressed the old elf. Rai nodded, took the man and lifted him up with Phena's help, and leapt into the air.
"Meet... me... at... the... hos...pital." Rai called from high in the air.

About half an hour later...
Phena arrived at the green marble hospital and hobbled to the waiting room, a place that smelled like medecine, where she found Raishilliah. Rai did not even look up before she asked, "Phena, what happened out there?"
"Child, I do not know. I heard a terrible noise and saw a shimmer in the air, and then he just... appeared. Hurtled out of nowhere, it seems."
"Do you not know that the Phoenixgates are by your fields?"
"Phoenixgates?" inquired the bewildered elf.
Raishilliah sighed and explained.
"Phoenixgates were around before the Fifteen Year Demon War. They were transportation for phoenixes only, because
they are invisible to other races."
"Child, why can you see them?" asked Phena.
"Please don't interupt, but... oh all right. If someone has any phoenix blood in their veins they can see them. Anyways, during the Demon War, the makers of these Gates and their work were destroyed. They became almost useless, because no one else knew where they were. Also, the scientists had not finished stabilizing them, so they can throw you to any point in time. I think that that man found a Phoenixgate, and was thrown here. The gates seem to have a mind of their own." She shook her head vigorously. "If only they weren't invisble."
Rai stood up and walked to the doctors, asking, "Is he going to be alright?"
One of them nodded.
"It was good of you to bring him here. He was nearly dead of starvation. Told me so himself."
"He's awake?"
"Certainly, Miss Raishilliah. You can go in if you'd like."
Rai walked quietly towards the man, who had just regained consciousness barely a five minutes earlier.
"Hello..." he said weakly. "Thank... you... for bringing... me here."
"What's your name?"
"Kenaz Anerson."
Rai nodded and backed out of the room. She returned to the waiting room.
"Phena, shall I call a town council? We need to figure out how to get him home."
The old elf smiled.
"Yes, child, that would be a good idea. See how many people we can find."

Rai exited the building and flew to the town square.
"Ring the bell, please," she said to the bell elf. Ringing the bell was a traditional way to let everyone know that there was a meeting about to take place. Soon, there were over a hundred creatures there, and Rai began the meeting.
"Good afternoon. We have an issue to discuss regarding something that happened this morning."
Almost everyone there appeared puzzled. A young phoenix who had a reputation for stating the obvious yelled from the back, "Something happened this morning?"
His comment was met generally with people telling him to shut up and listen.
"Yes, Sikel, something happened this morning. It concerns a human who came here against his will. As you all know, or should, this jeopardizes the whole plane. Humans jump to conclusions quickly. They might assume that he has been kidnapped when, truthfully, a Gate caused him to come here. Think about that." She paused for a moment to let the statement sink in.
"But..." cried a phoenix, realizing the truth of the matter, "if he is an important person in... what do they call it?"
"Gaera," said Rai gently.
"If he is a figure of importance in... Gaera, then that could mean war possibly!"
Rai nodded and sighed.
"That's why we need to get him back to his world as soon as possible."
A scientist named Meyrien piped up, "We could stabilize the Gate!"
"How?" said Rai suspiciously.
"Easily... we need an artifact. The only problem is..."
"Is what?"
"The artifact is on the Holy Plane."
Rai looked at him worriedly.
"Are you sure that that is the only way?"
"Quite sure."
Rai sighed and nodded.
"Bring Kenaz in."

A moment later, four doctors escorted him into the building, as he was still not fully recovered.
"We are found a way to get you home. Will you come with me?" Rai asked of him, while explaining about the artifact.
He nodded and said, "I've heard of that. Anyone else coming?"
"Well?" Rai asked of the crowd. "Who will come?"
While decisions were being made, Meyrien asked Rai, "But Miss Raishilliah, why are you so worried? What could go wrong?"
"I do not know, Meyrien, but it could be bad. Very bad." Turning to speak to everyone else, Rai asked, "Have the decisions been made? Who is to come?"
(OOC: This is the point where you come in. Happy Trails!)

Edited by: Angel of Fire  Image at: 6/22/03 2:49 pm

Uncle Pervy

I dub Mini-Rekia the official Icon of this RP!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:05 pm

By this point, a lone, pale-skinned elf was quite intrigued by the whole proceeding. Not that she really cared about any sort of war. If the mortals here wanted to dishonor themselves acting like animals, that was their business. Really quite a shame neither side could see that time would solve the problem far better than any sort of fighting or artifacts.

But this artifact, now there was something interesting. Lord Mellewyn had been interested in such. Not only that, but in the Celestial Realm as well. Now that was intriguing! Visits to that plane were rare for her people; however honorable the Celestials were, they seldom dealt with her kind.

Thus, a pale elf with exceedingly angular features and clad in purple robes of silk that contained a number of protection magicks to allow the wearer to survive in the most inhospitable parts of the elemental planes, stood. Some there might doubt her elven heritage, but any viewing of her astral signiture would reveal that she is a full-blooded elf.

"I would be honored to go," She says simply.

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pd Rydia
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but Aya is all dragonny :{

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:46 pm

As Raishilliah flew over the market place, a curious visitor to the plane of fire was browsing its many stalls. Sizreina Baseton bounced from shop to shop, asking the stall owners myriad questions with childlike energy and interest, barely waiting for the answers before bounding off to ask another.

This was firebrul...that was an onkalyfe, the dirt wasn't very odd... the vendor's answers echoed in Siz's head. She was so preoccupied with mulling over all this new information that at first, she did not hear the ringing bell.

She noticed, however, when she was knocked off her feet by a hurrying passerby. She looked up from her new perspective to witness a mass exodus of people from the market...there were even signs of merchants closing up their stalls! Everyone was headed in one direction...

Something was up.

Siz leaped up, patted down her baggy, cyan pants, and eased her way into the crowd, following the flow of people to the meeting house.

She stared around the building, taking in details of the structure and the people within it, and unconsciously tuning out the voices speaking. Her blue-furred cat ears twitched, however, upon hearing the word "Gaera," and Siz suddenly turned to the speaker --a curious-looking winged woman-- and began listening.

"...we need an artifact. The only problem is..." Siz's eyes widened. Maybe this would be one of the great treasures of the fire plane she had heard of so much?

"The artifact is on the Holy Plane."

Well, nuts. I wonder, she mused, what treasures the holy plane holds?

"Who is to come?"

Siz looked up to see a familiar figure step forward. "I would be honored to go," she says. Siz's face brightened with a wide grin in remembrance. This was a woman she had met at the Doman ball! She made icicles that flashed all sorts of colors, including pink!

Siz bounded forward. "I'll go!" she chirped, furry tail swishing energetically. "I'll be happy to help sounds like fun!"

Edited by: pd Rydia  Image at: 6/22/03 3:47 pm

Uncle Pervy

Fair enough, they shall share it! ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jun 22, 2003 7:30 pm

Noticing the blue cat ears and tail, a smile spread over Caina's face. One of the very few mortals who had something like a sense of honor! How wonderful! Now she wouldn't have to endure a bunch of whiny honorless mortals alone! With luck, there wouldn't be any others. Wouldn't that be grand?

"Hello, Sizreina," she says, holding the smile. "Fancy meeting you here, of all places."

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pd Rydia
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^n_n^ Yay! Dragonback ride for mini Rekia!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 22, 2003 7:42 pm

"Hi Caina!" Siz replied happily. "Of all places! Funny how things work out, isn't it?"


Re: Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby LostDreamer » Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:34 pm

A loud sound sticks into the fable being told to the children scattered around Charon's feet. They automatically jump and run to where the noise had come from. Curious about this little incident she follows suit and keeps the children close due to the fact that their had left her in charge of them.

A woman... 'partially phoenix I am guessing' grabs the attention of the onlookers. Noticing a young elf boy about to start a fight with another child, Charon quickly breaks the two apart before anything serious happens. Then a word strikes a chord in her mind... "War." she mumbles. A elder elf nearby says "Yes dear child if nothing is done soon Garea will want the stranger back soon and might do anything, including raging war against us"

Looking about, and seeing all the innocence of the children playing and knowing no heartache, Charon knew she would have to contribute in some way... anything to keep these people from knowing great loss. "

"I'll go! I'll be happy to help sounds like fun!" she hears a female cat like being say. Seeing that she was not the only one wanting to help these people she unconsciously steps forward and yells from the back of the crowd "I would be honored to help out also."

She begins to walk toward the front dropping off children along the way with their rightful parents. She steps up beside the other two people and looks squarely at a slender woman. Immediately she see's she is an Elf, by something peculiar hints at the back of her mind... something she can not quite grasp...

"I'm Charon." she says bluntly, and pulls her greens cloak out of her bag on ties it on fully covering herself except for her head and one hand which outstretched to shake with the elven woman.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jun 23, 2003 8:11 pm

Caina didn't take that hand at first, for it was connected to what she recognized as one of the strangest Chimeras that she had ever witnessed. It was really quite obvious, however she tried to hide it.

The fact that a scoin of two honorable races would have debased itself with ephemerals like elvenkind turned her stomach for a moment. Oh well, not as though it was this pitiful creature's fault. Who knows? Maybe this Chimera's Fae blood would allow her to have some inkling of honor.

"I'm Caina," she answers, leaving the handshake unanswered. "Coming along, I suppose?"


Re: Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Tue Jun 24, 2003 3:15 am

A large Draconian was flying through the Plane of fire. Caecilius Talon encountered a town that had many people going to a certain building. " I wonder what all the ruckus is about... I am a few days early so I guess it couldn't hurt to stop." When Cae reached the building he listend to the conversation and just standing in the doorway and started to think to himself when the winged one asked for who will come and help retreive an artifact. " This place is on my way and it should not take too long to do that probably. So I guess I can do it"

He decided to go. " I shall go on this journey with you. I am Caecilius Talon by the way. Is there anything else I would need to know?"


Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby LostDreamer » Tue Jun 24, 2003 1:55 pm

Slipping her hand back into her cloak and smiling out of politness Charon replies "Yes. If I may."

Turning to the new aravial, she sees a tall reptilian creature stepping forward. Taking a step to the side letting the being forward, she wonders how much the armor he is carrying must weigh. Instead of asking she listenes instaed for a response to the question Caecilius Talon had given.

Angel of Fire

Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Wed Jun 25, 2003 4:42 pm

Raishilliah looked at the odd group that had formed; a cat-like person, what seemed to be an elf, a who-knows-what mix of species, and a creature of which she knew nothing as to his race. Thinking for a moment, she nodded.
"I am Raishilliah, or Rai. Thank you for volunteering, Caina, Siz, Charon, and Caecillus. You four will do... except that we could use someone more. Anyone else interested?" She grinned at the already simple-looking mission, thinking of the possible dangers, and then comparing them to the group. However, other thoughts began to pop up as she rested her eyes on the two which seemingly had already met.
Hmm... Are they planning something, perhaps? It does seem rather suspicious that they know each other...
Rai told the group of one more person that was to come, and one that was there but in no condition to travel anywhere.
"The stranded man, Kenaz Anerson, will be coming as well. He told me that he was a mage of considerable skill. Also, I think that still one more person would be useful. So," She started speaking to the crowd, "I need one more person, alright?"
Rai was sure that someone would volunteer soon enough, if they saw that they could be completely ordinary and not have to worry about being creamed by whatever was on the Holy Plane.
(OOC: Hatolisis the Hedgehog, I am waiting on you.)

Edited by: Angel of Fire  Image at: 6/25/03 4:58 pm

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Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jun 25, 2003 8:44 pm

"Rai?" Sizreina exclaimed with obvious surprise. She looked at Raishilliah as if she had suddenly sprouted a second head. "Err..."

Quickly, Sizreina recovered her composure, a bright smile taking over her expression. "I'll call you 'Liah!" she chirped happily.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Jun 25, 2003 10:20 pm

Caina hardly paid the draconian any mind. It was a nice hope while it lasted. Perhaps she would get luckily, and a few of the ephemerals woud get themselves killed doing something stupid.

Oh well, at least there was one other soul that new something about Honor!

"I like 'Liah, too." she says, walking toward Sizreina.

(OOC: I think Hali is gone. I vote we truck on without him, and write him in somehow if he returns )

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 6/26/03 12:05 am

Angel of Fire

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:47 pm

Raishilliah looked around the crowd in frustration.
"The meeting is over. However... if anyone changes their mind about coming, please do come along." Almost everyone started to leave, until Liah's scientist friend was the only one left. He was uncertain about how much they knew already as to the whereabouts of said artifact.
"Excuse me, Miss Raishilliah, do you know what you are looking for?"
Rai looked up from her information about the Holy Plane that she had been told and written down.
"I know generally what it is... but as to the whereabouts, nobody seems to know. Do you?"
"Well..." he hesitated. "I know the general location. It is said to be a crystalline jewel of some type, with ancient writing on it... and it is supposed to be in the heart of their greatest peak. I do not know if there is a way to the center or not."
Liah turned to the group.
"This may be harder than we have bargained for, and I hope that it will not be... too dangerous. Out of curiosity, what is wrong with the name "Rai"?"
She was getting slightly nervous about the whole business, but she made up her mind that it would not be so bad once they actually GOT to the Holy Plane.
(I agree. Hali might be able to meet the group on the Holy Plane... if I can contact him at all. So far, no luck with that.)

Edited by: Angel of Fire  Image at: 6/26/03 4:49 pm

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Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:52 pm

Siz's eyes widened, and her eyes flickered back and forth a bit. After a brief pause, she responded, voice barely a whisper: "S'a bad word. In draconic." At odds with Sizreina's apparent knowledge of the language of dragons, Sizreina's catlike ears flicked forward and backwards and her tail gave one broad swish.

Edited by: pd Rydia  Image at: 6/26/03 4:53 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:55 pm

Their greatest peak? Caina found this to be very doubtful. The Celestials didn't even let many of their own near it, let alone a raggedy group of mortals. Chances are they just misinterpreted something.

"Are we quite ready yet?" Caina asks, with a smile. "I can leave right now."

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Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:58 pm

"Me too!" asserted Siz, smiling and looking around at the group. "No good wasting time, is it? Might as well get started!"


Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby LostDreamer » Fri Jun 27, 2003 5:15 pm

"I am ready to leave now, the sooner we go and get the artifact the quicker we can send Anerson home. As for the name situation, they are both nice but lets try not to carry around any negative karma consirdering the place where we are heading."
She glances around the group and sees a wide variety in beings, and wonders to herself about how abvious this group of foreigners would look to those who inhabit the Holy Plane. Then a question struck her mind and she asked the fellow who seemed to know much about the place in wich they were about to venture into. "What kind of cretures are we going to encounter while on this escapade? Are we going to need special equipment or what...?" she trialed off as this flood of questions invaded her mind and waited for the answer.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jun 27, 2003 5:54 pm

"Celestials, of course!" Caina answers, giving Charon an amused look. "What do you think lives there? Mortals aren't allowed to live there or anything, expect maybe a few that they have accepted. As for equipment, well... anything you need to survive there. And I hope you're not going to try and fight celestials, dear. That would be bad."

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Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:02 pm

"Willy says that celestials have no sense of humor," Siz offered. "Best thing is to leave them alone and not do anything to upset them, and they should leave us alone. I don't think we can rely on them to help us, either. It's not their style."

Siz smiled, and took a deep breath, before finishing up by saying, "Miao!"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:14 pm

"Will's just full of himself," Caina answers, "I wouldn't take his word for anything. I don't even think he's met more than a couple Celestials. He's just assuming they don't because they aren't like him."

Mortals really were quite silly like that.

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Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:28 pm

Siz replied with a solemn miao, her face inscrutinable. Inwardly, she doubted Caina's assessment, being more inclined to trust her brother's information, but she couldn't deny that he was full of himself, or could in fact be wrong.

Angel of Fire

Re: Already almost started... sort of

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sat Jun 28, 2003 2:22 pm

Liah nodded in approval at the group which seemed prepared enough. Her tone was calm in comparison to her mind, which was thinking of all the possible ways that everything could go wrong.
"Alright, are you ready to go? Special equipment... is probably not needed. I know the location seems strange... I thought so too. However, the Celestials presumably keep it there so that no one takes it. This hopefully will not be a mission where fighting is necessary. Stealth is preferable if possible. Everyone set? Any more questions?"
She began to pace quietly to let the group reflect on the mission.
Oh, I hope that this goes alright. There are so many things that could go wrong!

Halitosis the Hedgehog

*pokes head in RP* <.< >.>

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Sat Jun 28, 2003 3:52 pm

A small phoenix, nearly half the size of many of the other creatures here, flies down,and lands near the group. "You are the ones who are looking for an artifact in the holy plain, are you not?" He asks Liah, cocking his little. "If so, I may be able to help you. I have been searching for artifacts myself... Five different artifacts from different planes. While in this town, I heard about the forming of a group to search the Holy Plane for a magical artifact. I beleive you may be looking for one that may be linked to one I found in the Holy plane." He reveals an oval-shaped crystal, scratchless and shining a light blue. However,when he turned it around, there were many lines of text. "I have been told that this text tells about other treasures of great power. I've got a feeling that it may tell of the artifact you are looking for. There is one problem though... I cannot read it, so I am not sure if it does tell of the one you are looking for or not... Would any of you just happen to be able to read it?"

Angel of Fire

*Pokey pokey* Welcome in!

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:30 pm

Raishilliah turned around with a start.
"Who are you? And... where did you GET that gem? From the Holy Plane, you say? You must be mistaken. That one is from..." She squinted at the text for a moment and declared, "It is from the Plane of Water. You must have gotten them mixed up. Anyways... this, logically speaking, should be the Plane of Water's equivelent to it. But... how did you hear about our mission? The meeting let out about five minutes ago... " Liah looked puzzled for a few seconds, but smiled a rather... forced smile, truth to be told.
"Alright. You can come. Are you sure you are prepared? We will be leaving soon if possible."

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Pokey pokey* Welcome in!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jun 29, 2003 11:05 pm

At this point, Caina had more or less stopped paying attention. Dimly, she noted what seemed to a phoenix joining them. And made her smile; phoenixes were known to have honor. At least it was better than some chimera born of a dishonorable union, or some ephemeral mutant dragon thing that looked about as honorable as a human beggar.

Instead, she went over to a few empty seats and laid across them to rest. When it was time to go, she'd rouse and join them.


Re: *Pokey pokey* Welcome in!

Unread postby LostDreamer » Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:50 pm

Inquestivelly smiling at the flurry of information thrown at her Charon decided it best to keep quiet for a while and sit. She wasn't truly conforted with the ideas being given, but kept this to herself. Anything could go wrong, and very quickly at that. She mused. Watching the Elf go over and lay herself across a few chairs and seemingly fall asleep, Charon became confused and mumbeled to herself "I shouldn't have stayed away for so long, people are so irratic in thier actions. It's all absurd." And with this she retreats into her own mind, sinking into a silent meditation. Watching and listening but not truly comprehending.

Halitosis the Hedgehog

*is poked*

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:07 pm

The small phoenix looked up to Liah. "How did I hear of it? News runs fast from person to person. I heard some people talking about it as i was passing through the town. Thank you for letting me come. The Water Plane huh? That's odd.. I Thought that was the Holy Plane. I guess I don't have the sence of direction i thought I did." He said,cocking his head a bit.

Angel of Fire

Move along now. *poke*

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:37 pm

Liah smiled at the phoenix's sense of direction. Every single young one seemed to get lost at least twice before their one fiftieth birthday. (She had too, at the age of probably thirty.)
"The ones who will be traveling with you are Charon," she said as she pointed to her, "Sizreina and Caecellus."
"And this is Caina." she said, gesturing to the sleeping form taking up several chairs. "And you?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Move along now. *poke*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:48 pm

Caina idly raised a hand and waved. Mostly to show she was still awake. Her thoughts were wandering, but she had not drifted off quite yet.

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Location: Temple of Fiends

Re: Move along now. *poke*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:58 pm

Sizreina, meanwhile, hardly noticed her introduction. She was poking her nose into every crevice she could discover, prowling around the room with catlike intent and curiousity. It was almost as if she'd forgotten the reason the group was gathered together...

Halitosis the Hedgehog

Re: Planewalker (Plane of Fire Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Halitosis the Hedgehog » Wed Jul 02, 2003 5:46 pm

"My name is Myrii", said the phoenix, "Nice to meet you. When will we be departing?"

Angel of Fire

Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:39 pm

Liah gave a nod.
"Nice to meet you, Myrii. When are we going, you say? Now."
She turned to Caina and called, "Caina. Wake up. We are leaving now." With that said, she gestured for the others to follow her.
"Come, everyone. The least time we waste, the better."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:47 pm

"Alright then, dear," answers Caina, as she gracefully sits up then stands in a single motion. Not bothering to rearrange her rumbled robes or her hair, she follows Liah out.


Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:25 am

"Hello Myrii... Nice to meet you. I'm all ready to go now."

Angel of Fire

Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Mon Jul 07, 2003 3:22 pm

Raishilliah glanced at the other two. Charon seemed to be daydreaming and Siz was examining everything in sight.
"Siz, Charon, Myrii, come on. We are leaving!" Liah yawned, rather tired by then.
"We need to get going, or we will not make it to the edge of town before nightfall. Phoenixgates are not going to get used this time. They are too unpredictable. These days, there is only one way to get there... and it is not on this continent, you can be sure."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jul 07, 2003 3:33 pm

"I suppose that's to be expected," Caina replies, rolling from her perch on the seats and coming to her feet in a graceful motion. "Shall we be off then?"

(I await the Brooming!)

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pd Rydia
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Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:12 pm

Siz's feline ears perked up and swiveled in Liah's direction.

"Coming!" she called, bouncing up and over to the group. She turned a bright, innocent grin to the others in the group, waiting to depart.


Re: Plot moving ahoy... and ahead

Unread postby LostDreamer » Wed Jul 09, 2003 5:16 pm

"Oh yes, I'm here. Sorry about that"

Her mind had been traveling about aimlessly and she jumped from her seat and trotted over to the group gazing at the open space they were about to travel.

"So which way are we heading, exactly?" She asked no on in particular.

Angel of Fire

The Brooming of DOOM!

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:33 pm

Liah gave a nod as the group was finally assembled.
"It is south from here, Charon, and probably a four day journey to the island. No problems with that, I hope? Of course you all cannot fly, so.." She started walking and called, "We have to take a boat."
Raishilliah left the meeting hall and waited for the others to catch up.

(Yes, a boat. They do have an ocean here...)

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Brooming of DOOM!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:43 pm

"I can fly," Siz chirped, striding along Liah. "But I can't fly others. We're taking a boat then? Is water blue here? Do you like pink?"


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