School Daze (reincarnated RP)

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School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:37 pm

<small>(OOC: No godmoding. Use proper spelling and grammar, please. This is a SPAM RP, so events in this RP are not to be canon in any RP world. GMing free-for-all. Use the child version of any character you want, relative age in Gaera proper be damned. Have fun!

Addendum: The teacher's name is Ms. Grumps and she's a shared character. Feel free to RP her!

Addendum 2: You can find a summary of the first 100 posts here.)</small>

"Daaa! Ah dun wanna go te school!" A short, slight, bewinged figure twisted and turned, protesting loudly as her father pulled her disorderly brown hair back and tied it in a ribbon.

"Shush, Dia," the tall man responded, tying the hair ribbon with surprising skill. He spun the girl around to face him. Everything seemed to be in order, but the girl's pale blue eyes looked up at him reproachfully. Well, given the nature of school, perhaps that was in order, as well.

"What m'Ah doin' in a Doman school enyway?" the girl pouted in a thick Rivan accent. "At least ye could've put me in a proper Rivan school. One that trains mercanaries! That's what I wanna be, Da!"

"No you don't," the man responded automatically, turning Dia around and nudging her towards the door. "Go on now, let's get you to school."

"It ain't proper," Dia mumbled darkly, at this point throwing out complaints at random. She dragged her feet, pouted, and complained as her father guided her out the door and down the street. With each step and complaint, they drew ever nearer the dreaded school.

"Well, here we are," her father announced. "Doma City Elementary School. Now, be a good girl, Dia, and behave yourself. And learn lots -- it's a priviledge to be able to attend school, you realize!"

Dia mumbled darkly and rebelliously, but dutifully dragged herself into the school. Spotting a group of kids her age, Dia gamely followed them into a classroom filled with even more kids, who all appeared to be around age five, just like her.

So many children, all in one spot! Dia's mouth dropped open as she stared into the room, unaware of the looks her wide-eyed amazement were drawing...

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 10/23/03 6:30 pm

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:52 pm

One of these looks Dia was getting came from a little boy with a stout build only partly due to the bulky suit of full mithril platemail on his five-year-old body. He was attempting to pick his nose with a heavily-gauntletted finger, and failing miserably. "Hi," he said, "I'm Sewyntas but my fends caw me Spween. Wanna pay with bocks?"

Edited by: [url=>SpleenInfinity13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 9:56 pm

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:57 pm

Dia and "Spween" may or may not see a black bundle of fur huddled up in a corner, hidden partially by a rather tall picture book. However, this is no ordinary bundle of fur. It is, in fact, actually a little boy. It's kinda hard to tell, though...the book hides his face pretty well. The only thing you can really see well are a pair of oversized, floppy bunny ears at the side of his head.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 10:00 pm

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:58 pm

Dia gave the armored boy a look as if he were an alien from outerspace. And indeed, perhaps she was wondering whether or not this was actually the case; perhaps the boy really was a brain-eating outworlder out to consume her precious grey matter! Sure, he was ACTING friendly, but pretty soon he'd be cutting open her skull to get to the sweet sweet cerebral cortex inside!

Well, Dia was going to grow up to be a famous mercenary, and this just wouldn't do.

"You cain't have mah brains! Back, evil fiend!" she shouted, right before dashing up to 'Spween' and punching his stomach.

Too bad he had armor there.

"Oooooowww!" she moaned, stumbling backwards and rubbing her fists. Then, as if there was any doubt on the matter, she added, "That hurt!"

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:07 pm

Wander around the room, close to the wall opposite the door, was a little Garoujin boy, Chocolate brown fur, deep green eyes, wearing a red t-shirt and blue over-all type pants, with no shoes. He was looking around at things in general, but never lingered in anyone place. As he continued on, he was headed for what sounded like a dull *clang*. Maybe that was something interesting?

Meanwhile, sitting in a chair, waiting for teacher to being, was a little girl. She had short cut platinum blonde hair, gray eyes, and was wearing dark green skirt that went past her knees, nicely embroidered with flowers, and a white shirt. She also had a nice set of green sandals that fit oh so perfectly, with bronze buckles. She just watched the other kids show up, looking at them like they were somehow... below her.

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:09 pm

"I dun want your bwains, I just wanna be your fwend." Seryntas was evidently very saddened by the fact that Dia had chosen to attack him rather than be his friend (despite the fact that he would grow up to have the same attidute multiplied by a thousand). However, he didn't cry, because he wanted to seem more mature, or his brother Sarakir would laugh at him. Speaking of Sarakir...

"Mmmm..." Spleen's twin said around a great big mouthful of...paste. Yes, that's right, the boy who will grow up to murder his parents, burn down the farm, and hunt Seryntas like a dog for six years is the class paste-eater.

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:10 pm

A tiny form stood in front of an appropriately tiny mirror, on a little stool. The blissful off key humming of a small child who has no ear for music emanates from it, as the little girl runs a bright pink brush through her short pageboy cut white hair.

She stops after a moment, pulls back her volumous sleeves so she can grab a powder puff from the table next to her and begins to lightly smash the puff to her face, clouds of light blue powder erupting each time. The little girl stops, adds a pink bow with a tiny skull on it to her hair, then steps back to admire herself.

"I feel pretty." Said the minute and badly made up Amana Ill Bast. Bright red lipstick was smeered across her mouth, and bright purple eyeshadow across her eyes.

The little drow straightened out her large pink pajama like clothing, and shuffled out into the living room.

"Time for school Mother. I gotta go learn now."

The leather clad drow woman reading a scroll looked down at the tiny thing addressing her, rolled her eyes, and scooped up Amana and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

After a few seconds they reappeared outside the school building, where the elder Ill Bast gave her daughter a peck on the cheek, and a small parcel of food, and disappeared, leaving the little pink clad drow child alone.

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:12 pm

"Oh," Dia responded, blinking blankly at Seryntas. Slowly, she processed his odd, Doman accent (and speech impediment).

"Oh," she repeated. "Ah, well, Ah ain't never...uh, ever...had a friend before. So, um, okay. If ye really don' want mah brains that is." She eyed Seryntas suspiciously for a moment, but didn't seem inclined to any more acts of violence...her hand was still throbbing.

"Mah name is Dia. Sometimes Da calls me 'Rydia.' What's bocks?"

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Check dis owt?

Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:13 pm

The young ones might have noticed something. There was a small group of bullies. 8 of them, in fact. They all wore different colored bathrobe uniform thingies that said 'NV', if any of them could read, and occasionally, one would fall over his or her own robes and then sniffle, before another of the little boys would pull that person up, then shake his head, and then they'd continue on.

"Wight! We are, Diwan, hoo awe we?" A small blond-haired boy in a green bathrobe spoke up, as all but 'Diwan Iwswire' blinked in confusion.

The little red-headed boy in the purple robes sighed, and smacked his forehead. That's what his daddy always did when he himself asked questions.

"We awe da Nevo Wanists. We are tewwifying."

This, of course, spurred a hue and cry from the rest of them.

"I dun wanna be tewwifying!"

"I wanna play hooouuse..."

"Diwan, when's snacktime?"

The purple robed mage turned around quickly to berate his friends, only to discover one thing. Bathrobes that are slightly too long for you cause you fall over hard when you twist too quickly.

And so, he started to cry.

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:17 pm

Meanwhile...another kindred soul was also in a painful situation...

A blue-haired child with a little pair of wings, bright purple eyes and a tail was being dragged toward the school by one who seemed to be his father...He also happened to have a toy rifle as well, hidden under his coat...He screamed in a real heavy Valthi accent as he was dragged
"Vut why do I have to go to this school?! WHY!?!?!"

The parent responded mechanically...
"Because this is your punishment for shooting all those nice Valthi kids in the head with that thing. You have to settle for an inferior education"

The kid took this and merely kept protesting loudly, creating a giant racket. Adult eyes turned in his direction as the brat kept screaming.
"Vut I'm not a Doman, I'm a Valthi! You said so! This is so humiliating and unfair and stuff!!!"

The parent, finally stopping at the school's entrance, did not let go of the little chimera, instead giving the typical response...
"The world's not fair, Kamos, Deal with it."
I know the world's not fair. Vut why can it not be fair in my favor?
"Now go off and meet some girls or something. I'll be back at the end of the day"
"Vut they ha--"
"No they do not have cooties for the last time, damnit. What is it with you and your obsession with the idea that girls have "cooties"?"
...The little chimera merely stood there, perplexed...
"That's what I thought. No cooties."
And with that, the unknown parent figure walked off, leaving Chibi-Kamos and his toy rifle to fend off the rest of the school...and as he entered, pouting, he kept one hand under his jacket, on his toy rifle...not noticing the looks he got from other people thanks to his appearance....

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Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:25 pm

Seryntas pointed at a small pile of wooden blocks. "Dose..." he said reverently, as though the blocks were handcrafted by Thartir himself in the presense of the entire Gaeran pantheon of deities, and borne by a thousand celestial dragons straight to the elementary school just so Seryntas and Dia could build rickety, badly-balanced towers that will fall down shortly after (or even before) completion.

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Going to Doman School Builds Character! :D

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:26 pm

(OOC: Kamos is going to wind up being the RP's equivilent of Calvin. I just know it. )

The little furball put down the book, revealing a face that looked somewhat cat like. He wrinkled his nose and adjusted his little glasses, and took a look around the classroom. First he looked at the Nevo Wanists or whatever they were called. One of them seemed to be bawling his brains out. Then he looked at the newcomer, who he could hear screaming from outside the building.

And last but not least, he looked at the paste eater.

"I need a better hidin' spot," he mumbled, before scurrying off to where the blocks were.

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Re: School Daze (reincarnated RP)

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:26 pm

And, entering the school were three friends! How cute.

One little boy wore something that looked slightly similar to something a (very) young ninja would wear, with his dark brown hair rather messy and uncut. He clutches a rather large brown paper bag in his hands, labeled 'Stuff'.

The second was a rather cheerful looking boy, wearing a blue shirt and a grey jacket. His blonde hair with lovely copper streaks blending in and out of it falls over his deep green eyes, more messily than the others. He holds what appears to be a plate with cookies on it. Perched upon his head is...

The third, and easily the cutest of the trio. A small white bird, rather chubby, yet still painfully adorable. And so, this was the trio that entered, all of them curious of what new friends they would make! Ned, Kyle, and Paper. Totally.

"Hiya!" spoke the grey jacketed one, waving to everyone.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:32 pm

Dia looked around the room, distrust etched very plainly across her face. She looked at each of the newcomers in turn, and eyed Kyle's cookies greedily...however, after deciding that they were probably poison cookies anyway, she walked over to the blocks...

Only to come across a cat...rabbit...cabbit...person. "Uh, hi..." Dia greeted warily. She wracked her brain, trying to determine what this creature was, and finally decided upon an answer. Better to check to make sure.

"Are you a face-eater?" she asked with all the innocence of an intensely paranoid little girl.

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:36 pm

The small little cabbit was currently engrossed in a plan, a brilliant plan of defense and strategy against all possible forms of danger! He was a cunning one, oh foe could surpass his fortress...

In other words, he was clumsily piling blocks on top of each other, in a hasty attempt to build a block fort.

However, Dia's question snapped him right out of his daze. He looked up, and managed to stammer out, "f-f-face eaters? Here?!" He backed up nervously...causing his previously built (but luckily, short) wall of blocks to fall crashing down to the ground.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 10:38 pm

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:41 pm

Dia, with a keen eye, quickly surmised that this young boy (she thought he was a boy?) was no threat.

She was unfamiliar with the process of friend-making, but she was a quick study! She thought back to how Spleen had greeted her, and said to the boy: "Hi, Ah'm Dia, but mah friends call me Dia. Wanna pay with bocks?"

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Can't resist. >_>;;

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:45 pm

"But WHY do I haveta go in there?"

"So you learn NOT to set people on fire."

"But that's what I wanna do when I grows up! I gotsa use magic to burn the stupids."

"Well, they might ALL be stupids, but you have to learn not to do it. So we're putting you in a classroom full of them. And take off that cloak, I don't want my big guy looking all mysterious and angsty."

"But Maaa.. it makes me look likes I have a DANGEROUSSS PAST."

"Oh fine. But if anyone makes fun of you, it'll be your own fault, you little hooligan. Now move it!"

And so a tight little bundle of rage and cloak-ness was shoved into the classroom. He had a little red cloak with little white half-crescents, and a little red hood, and little red eyes..

And, oh! Brown hair. And he looked very, very angry, angsty, and mysterious.

"@!#$." The little Astrynax murmured, showing signs of a larger vocabulary.

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:45 pm

He surveyed the carnage all around him, his plans crumbled to dust...well, the fortress may be down, but the soul still burns!

The small boy smiled shyly at her, and said, " name's Spob, by th' way."

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:46 pm

Jeridan, the wai little wolf boy, heard a word that was familiar to him, and suddenly he was able to focus on that. Looking right at Dia and walking over, he said:
"Ya playin wif bwocks?"
He blinked and waited for her to reply, his fuzzy face practically right in hers now.

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:46 pm

Seryntas was building a giant tower out of <s>bocks</s> blocks. Actually, a two-foot-tall tall tower, but that's not important. "Wanna hewp me?" he asked Dia and the cabbit child.

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:48 pm

The little angst head looked to the blocks and the gathering group.

"Stupid heads. Dumb ol' blocks. I wanna set anutha cow on fire." Grumbling, he tried to find something flammable yet concealable. He also wanted to find out where the cookie smell was coming from, as cookies were the best thing ever.

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WEEEE =D *hugs Dia*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:49 pm

"...for the last time, Stephan, you're going and that's FINAL, young man." a rather annoyed woman with long, dark brown hair sighed, literally dragging a young boy along with her. Her green eyes glared down at him, which the young boy returned with matching eyes and head full of short, matching brown hair.

"But its dumb!" the boy pouted, purposely stomping each step on his mother's Ishtarian robes, much to her annoyance. "I don't even like this bloody place!"

"Now Stephan, we've talked about this. We're here because Daddy is helping the King back home."

"Well, then he's dumb too then! I wanna go home!" the boy pouted, getting another sigh from his mother.

Across from them, a totally different mood could be observed between the man in dark blue armor and the young boy walking by his side. He looked down at his son, who was a mirror image of the pouting boy across from them, save his dark blue eyes and thinner eyebrows. He ruffled the young boy's hair, which was short and wavy much like his own, only dark brown like his mother's. His own hair was a dusty blonde.

"So we're gonna learn all sorts of cool stuff about Doma Dad?" the blue eyed boy asked his father, almost tugging him toward the school ahead of them, "Like their King and stuff?"

"Indeed Danny, and other neat things." He smiled, "In fact, I bet the King back home would love to hear about it from you."

little Daniel's eyes went wide, looking back up at his father, "REAAAAAALLLY!?"

"Indeed, that's part of why Daddy's here. To help Baron and Doma get to know one another better." he smiled again to the young boy, "And I'm sure you'll be a big help too Danny, so learn whatever you can in school, ok?"

"You bet!" Daniel cheered.

The four finally approached the school, the two brothers standing in front of their parents.

"Now, be on your best behavior you too..." the woman smiled, sniffling a bit as she hugged her two sons, Stephan squirming during the entire thing, "Mommy'll miss you so much..."

"GAH, not in frontta EVERYONE MA!" Stephan whined, as Daniel hugged him mother back tight, then his father. The man hugged Daniel, then patted Stephan on the shoulder.

"And I mean it too Stephan... I'd better not hear from your teachers..." he said with a mild glare, the young boy's pouting suddenly stoping.

"...k dad." the boy sighed.

"Look, I know you miss home, but Doma can be good too, you'll see, alright?" he asked, Stephan sighing as he looked back.


"Ok then... see you both later then! I can't wait to hear about your day." he smiled, waving to them.

"Bye boys! *sniff*" the woman sobbed, their father half dragging her away as the two boys entered, their first day of school in Doma about to begin...

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:51 pm

Dia was ready to reply to Spob when she was suddenly approached by Jeridan!

She blinked and before she knew it she had taken two steps away from the fuzzy garoujin, disconcerted by the proximity of his face to hers. This boy, she decided, definately looked alien and dangerous. This --combined with the stress of being exposed to a multitude of strange people, races, and customs-- left her with only one course of action.

She promptly shrieked and hid behind Seryntas.

"I dunno no Bwocks! Don't eat mah brains, please!"

Temporarily, all her attention was riveted on Jeridan, and keeping Seryntas between her and the garoujin. She had yet to notice the little cloaked angst figure...

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 10:55 pm

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No cookies?

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:54 pm

Disappointed by his apparent lack of turnup in the cookie quest, Asty sensed two newcomers - seemed like they were both wearing armor. Armor meant you were a fighter, which meant you were DUMB.

"More stupidheads. But theys got armor. So they's HEAVY stupidheads. And they's coming here. I hates this school." He remarked to himself.. out loud. Loud enough to hear.

He still wanted a cookie.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 10/22/03 11:12 pm

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:54 pm

Meanwhile...Kamos was already appearing as if he were going to get into hot water...the little brat sneaking around and holding the rifle in a mock ready-position..

...It was clear that he needs to lay off of the merc comics, or have his imagination surgically reduced in size...

And the supersoldier emvarks on another daring mission from which he will have little chance of returning!
He appeared to be sneaking up toward Dia....and continued in his little fantasy...
Gasp! An enemy officer! She must ve ready to wage war on Valth! Fast action is the only way to stop her!

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:55 pm

Jeridan was, well, more than a bit confused by this.
"Bwains? =o.o= I already gots'em. =>.9=" Here he patted the side of his head.
"... Can I play? Pleeeease?"
He gave them all the sad puppy eyes.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:58 pm

The red-headed one in the red robes, whom wasn't spending his time helping Diran stop sobbing like 'a widdle girl', as Nags said, was instead looking at the one in the weird cloak.

"Yoo wike fwame magic? I wanna wearn it someday! I wanna...."

As for Meowdon, as they kept calling him... I dun wanna be tewwifying. I wanna be nice. So he walked over to Dia. Girls are nice, from what his mommy told him. "Hi. Are yoo nice?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:01 pm

Asty practically bounced in joy. "Yay! It's fun!! n easy. I shows you - you gots to puts your hands in the air.. and then you do dis REEEEEEEEEALLY hard"

And he huffed and puffed..

And then a little bit of fire sparked out of his hands, and set part of the floor on fire. Even though his hands had been aimed at the roof.

"That's da best part!" His little red eyes sparkled.

IM: I's supposed to put it out, too.. but I forgot howda do that.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 10/22/03 11:07 pm

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:05 pm

Dia's eyes grew wide with fear, and then contracted in confusion, and then clouded over in anger.

"Damn straight ye ain't gettin' mah brains!" she assured Jeridan vehemently. She lifted her chin proudly and stepped from behind Seryntas, no longer using him as a shield, and snorted haughtily. She looked down to dust imaginary dirt off her oversized grey robes.

"But since we got that's straight, I guess we can play," she conceded magnanimously. "Spween 'n me 'n Spob were jes' gonna play bocks..."

Just then, however, Dia was approached by yet a new child. She turned to look at Meowdon,looking at him a bit crossly. Why were all these new children accosting her?

"Of course Ah'm nice!" she exclaimed in an exasperated manner that didn't indicate such at all. "Ah'm notta brain-sucker or a face-eater at all! But Ah can fight them if there were any!" She puffed up importantly, making her look just...kind of silly. "Ah'm a gonna be a big bad strong mercenary when Ah grow up!"

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Re: (:S)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:07 pm

Spob looked at the fire, and jumped back in alarm. Then he glared at the little angst ball...oh, what a glare it was.

If it's a fight he wants... thought the small cabbit child...

Then Spob closed his eyes tight, as his face contorted as if he had eaten a particulary nasty brussel sprout. of the blocks was floating!

It wavered a bit, right before making it's way to the boy in the cloak. Closer...closer...

Until it plopped on the floor.

Spob looked forlornly at the block, which was now beginning to catch fire a little bit.

I need more practice... ._.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/22/03 11:08 pm

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Re: (:S)

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:09 pm

Asty looked at the block.

He shook his fists and pointed at Spob. "I's just having fun! You wanna takes away my fires?!"

He huffed and puffed and..

Created a gust of wind that sent the block tumbling back.. hitting Spob's shoe slightly.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:09 pm

Jeridan blinked once. Then twice. Somewhere aslong the line, he'd stopped payying attention. But she was in his face about something.

" ... =o.o= ... Kay. ... Dosh dat mean yes?"


Re: Totally!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:10 pm

Two children were also making their way to the school, a very obvious family resemblance between the two. In fact, they would have been almost clones of eachother save for the fact that one was a girl, the other was a boy.

The boy was looking about as menacingly as he could, wearing shades and a tiny black trenchcoat, his dark hair flipping over his eyes so that he constantly had to brush the bangs back.

That was until his sister shoved him. She had enormous green eyes, and her hair was much longer, tied into a loose braid which bounced against the back of her knees. She was wearing loose black pants and a short-sleeved blue shirt.

"DAAAAA-MIIIAAAAN!" she scolded. "You're not S'POSED to be a big fathead on the first day!"

"Kaa~rin—" he protested, trying to fix a glare at her. "I hafta PROTECT you!"

She blew him a raspberry, then looked about eagerly for playmates, joining the group playing blocks bouncily. When she spoke, it was in a huge burst of speech.


Damian stood back and looked all menacing older brother.

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Re: Totally!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:10 pm

Unfortunately, Kamos was apparently not given enough time to exercise his imagination, because he was absolutely lost in it at this time, convinced that he was some fictitious super-mercenar ready to kill some big important enemy leader
He only has one shot! Will he make it?! Will he keep the peace in Valth? Only time will tell!

And Chibi-Kamos pointed the toy rifle in Dia's direction when she wasn't looking, and pulled the trigger, the spring letting go and the piece of wood flying out the rifle...

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:10 pm

"...I am NOT A MOMMA'S BOY!" the little blue eyed boy from Baron yelled, his similar looking sibling grinning with glee as they walked across the schoolyard.

"Oh yes you are, being all: OH I LOVE YOU SO BLOODY MUCH MOMMY CHANGE MY DIAPERS!" the boy sneered.

"I WAS *NOOOOOOOT*" he yelled, the glare growing bigger and bigger.





By now, it was probably loud enough to start drawing attention.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:15 pm

And then there was shouting! So, after all that, Jeridan forgot about Dia and the others, and toddled over to investigate.

" ... What're you two doin? =o.o="

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:18 pm

"Eeek!" Dia yelped, jumping up as a piece of wood whapped her in the back of the head. She spun around, face surprisingly animate with anger, and searched the classroom...before her eyes fell upon Kamos...and more importantly, the toy gun in his hands.

"AH'MA GONNA BEAT YE ALL THA WAY TE BARONIA!" she shouted with passion, closing the distance between her and Kamos with a few running steps and a leap. She fell upon the chibi chimera --fists flailing, feet kicking, and teeth biting-- with an enthusiasm and a skill born of a kid who's been in many fights since her birth.

<small>(I think the teacher should be a shared character. Doug, feel free to commandeer the teacher for your next post, as I don't imagine a fight would go on very long before she/he would step in.)</small>

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:20 pm

The two sibling suddenly fell silent, both staring open jawed at the person in front of them. Their chibi blue and green eyes blinked in time, as neither of them had ever talked to a non-human before.

"...WOW, A GIANT PUPPY BOY!" Dan cried out, running over and walking around Jerdian, looking him over, "You're really fuzzy o.o"

"...he's an ineejun Dan, you big dumbhead. Dad told me 'bout em, they're, like, doggies who can talk or somethin'." Stephan told him all knowingly, albeit wrong.

"So what's your name, dogboy?" he asked.

Proving that even as a wai little Kid, Stephan can still be a total ass =D

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Re: Weee

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:23 pm

"... =o.o= ... =e.e= I's a Gahroojeeen. An' my name's Jeridan. =o.o="

He stood for a minute, watching them.

"... And I's not a dog. ...=o.o;="

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:24 pm

The fire continued to spread - a little bit. It was a very small fire.

Apparently satisfied with his attempt to 'defeat' Spob, he made his way over to the fire and tried to remember what he had to do. He was having a hard time thinking - all the others were yak yak yakking, like his dad said stupidheads do all the time.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP" Asty yelled, "I cans't hardly think wits all those stupidhead noises."

He saw that two of them were fighting, and shrugged anyhow. Stupidheads did that, too.


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