Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:41 am

Shadrick took another look at the corpse of the Licker, grimacing as he did so. "Antibiotics... That's probably a good idea. Who knows how many germs you pick when you have no... skin." He chuckled at his morbid little joke, his shivering calmed, now.

Slowly getting to his feet, Shadrick coughed a little, and leaned on a nearby overturned desk. "Well, I don't see Jack amongst these poor bastards, so I assume he went that-a-way," Shadrick nodded towards the door. "We should get going. Hopefully that... thing doesn't have friends."

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:51 am

Carissa nodded in agreement. She offered him a couple of capsules. "Take these and let us get going."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:10 am

In the skylight room...
Shadrick took the pennicilin and swallowed it, not really sure if it would do much good or not. He got up, hefting his new shotgun, and they both walked over to the door on the other side of the room... not bothering to search any of the other corpses in the room.

The two now found themselves in a Y-shaped hallway. If they kept heading straight, they would find a metallic sliding door with a keycard scanner next to it. The door was locked. If they turned left at the intersection, they would find a plain, unlocked wooden door that they could enter. This particular hallway was very dark and gloomy, so the two proceeded with caution... they didn't want anything jumping out at them, after all.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:23 am

Stephanie had been standing almost completely motionless for a few minutes, now.. one hand covering her mouth, the other rested against her hip. She seemed to be trembling faintly, though it was hard to tell. She spoke in a murmur, almost hesitantly..

".. Think.. it's a survivor?" Desperately, she wondered if it were Clay..

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:32 pm

Amanda remined quiet, she wasn't sure if Stephanie was talking to her, or to Bart. She turned her attention to the door and waited to see what Bart would do. Mainly because he was right next to the door, and because he seemed to be the most capable of the three.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Sat Jul 26, 2003 9:52 pm

Shadrick swallowed loudly. "Dark... Why did it have to be dark?" He swung his new shotgun left and right as he stepped gingerly down the hall, squinting desperately, trying to make out things in the gloom.

Reaching the intersection, he turned and gave Carissa an inquisitive look. "Um, any ideas on which way to go next?"

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Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Capntastic » Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:45 am

Bart turned and shouted towards the noises, hoping for an answer that was reasonably human. "Yo! You 'kay?"

He listened.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby MarguessanDamodred » Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:46 am

Carissa shrugged and sighed. "One way is as good as another. Let's just hope we don't pick the one that will get us killed."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:39 pm

Inside the art room...
The three people inside the room froze as they heard three shots fired from directly outside of the door, each ending in a sickening thud. Frantic footsteps could be heard as someone stumbled around outside the door. The Grease could make out what sounded like soft clicking noises beading out at a steady rhythm.

There was a bark.

There was a blood-curdling scream.

There was a thud, and then there was silence... save for the soft sound of jaws opening and closing, rending pieces of flesh. A low growl could be heard from outside the door.

In the corridor outside the skylight room...
The choice was made for Shadrick. To his left, from down in the offshoot, he could hear several soft moans and the sound of plodding feet. He judged that there were at least two or three zombies trudging toward him, maybe more. He couldn't make them out in the dark. The logical choice of action would be to head towards the (locked) door straight ahead down a narrow corridor.

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Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Jul 31, 2003 5:50 pm

Bart looked around nervously.

"Yeah, one of ya should open a door, so then I can be ready to clobber whatever is on the other side"

It sounded like a good plan to him.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:39 pm

In the upper east hallway...
Clay was still standing with the enigmatic fellow known as Jack as well as the shady looking fellow named Kenneth. Jack was slowly leading them down the hallway to a stairwell.

"I found some other survivors earlier." Jack said, walking over to the door that lead to the small room underneath the stairs. He swung it open to find that the room had been abandoned. A very brief inspection showed that there were no zombies, monsters, corpses, or anything of the sort in the small room. There was, however, a file on the desk, which Jack quickly skimmed through.

"Same old, same old." Jack thought to himself, recognizing the familiar traits of the T-virus infection. Figuring that the two probably wouldn't have risked going upstairs, he lead Kenneth and Clay out of the room and back into the T-hallway.

"They probably went in here..." Jack muttered as he pushed open the other door in the hallway. The double doors swung open, revealing an office area. Several desks cluttered the room, most of them had been pushed out of their normal alignment and a couple were toppled over. Papers, office supplies, and even coffee were all strewn across the floor... in addition to several bloodied bodies. Several moans filled the room.

"What the..." Kenneth muttered as several walking corpses began to lurch towards the group from across the room. Jack couldn't see into the private cubicles due to their drawn curtains, but he figured there would probably be more zombies in there.

"Aim for their heads." Jack ordered, then began firing at the monsters. While Jack's attention was diverted to one side of the room, two zombies began lurching towards Kenneth and Clay from the other side. He didn't notice them, as he was pre-occupied. Clay judged he would be able to shoot down both zombies from their distance.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 31, 2003 7:25 pm

Wiping his gun out infront of him, he fired off three rounds, aiming dully for chest shots on which zombie he judged as being closer. Sweat began to pour from his brow as he strove for a headshot on the second zombie, caring barely whether it hit.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:13 pm

In the office area...
Ruinth's first two shots hit the first zombie in the chest. As usual, the shots did little but slow the zombie down slightly. Clay's third shot hit the other zombie in the mouth, sending bits of gore, blood, and teeth flying. It kept moving, though.

Kenneth stood behind Jack and Clay, not really sure what to do. He wasn't armed and he was pretty sure he didn't have anything on him that could kill things that had already been killed.

Jack, on the other hand, kept blasting away at the zombies.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Thu Jul 31, 2003 10:31 pm

Shadrick hoisted his shotgun fearfully as he heard the moans of the zombies. Taking the safe route, he headed straight down the corridor, reaching a door. Running his hands over it, he could find no handle to open it with!

Noticing the keycard scanner, shining a little in the darkness, Shadrick gave it a closer look. The fact that the light was glowing bright red told him that the door was locked. They would have to face the zombies, or run back into the skylight room.

"I don't suppose you have a torch...?" He asked Carissa.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:41 am

Amanda shook her head, "It was a dog. It won't go down easy, even normal ones are hard to kill." She ran her hands through her hair, "If you're going to hit it, get 'em good upside the head, that would throw it off..." She said, trying to rememeber everything she had been told about attack dogs.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Fri Aug 01, 2003 9:41 am

In the Y-Hallway...
Shadrick could, very faintly, hear noises coming from behind the door. He didn't know if there was a zombie back there or something worse, but whatever it was could operate keycards. The red light had flashed to green with a small blip.

A pack of no less than five undead monsters had just stumbled into view when there was a hiss as the door rose up from behind Shadrick and Carissa. Strong hands pulled them inside the door as it slid shut.

"You alright?" A middle-aged man, looking somewhere in his forties, asked them. He had several emblems on his uniform. Shadrick and Carissa didn't know what rank that made him. Carissa could faintly make out "SGT. GRANT" on a small pin stuck to his shirt. Behind the sergeant, there was a dead body that was crumpled up on the floor. Blood painted a flashing monitor screen in hefty amounts.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Fri Aug 01, 2003 11:59 am

Carissa felt faint. "Yeah, I'm fine, just let me recover from the heart attack I just had." She took a deep calming breath. "Who are you?"


Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Ruinth » Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:41 pm

His hands tensing slightly at the discharged shots, he let out another four - two for each opposing creature while he backed up slightly, almost into Jack..
He had wished more than ever that these things would simply go down as easily as humans would with a shot to their chest.. He gritted his teeth.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:15 pm

In the surveillance room...
"Sergeant Grant of the Veribrant Police Department... but you can call me George." Said the middle-aged man, leaning back against the wall. His head idly turned to look at the door as the sound of the undead pounding against the door filled the room.

"Don't worry, they can't get in." He assured them. The only thing in the room worth looking at seemed to be the monitors on the far wall... a couple had drowned in static, but most were still working.

In the office area...
Kenneth held his hands up to his ears. The combined volume of both guns blasting away was hurting his ears.

Meanwhile, Clay's first two shots hit the intended zombie in the throat and in the chin. The combined impact was enough to take the zombie down for the moment, but it was still groaning on the ground. The second two shots hit the other zombie to the left side of its nose and in the forehead. The zombie went down and jerked suddenly, then stopped moving.


Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Fri Aug 01, 2003 10:00 pm

Shadrick relaxed his grip on his shotgun, and nodded his thanks to Sgt. Grant. They had been saved again.

"What is this room, sergeant?" Shadrick asked, wandering over to gaze at the still-working monitors.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Sat Aug 02, 2003 10:58 am

In the surveillance room...
"It's a surveillance room. We can see pretty much any room of the VPD from in here." Sergeant Grant responded, then remembered the dead body next to him.

"Don't worry about him... he wasn't killed by them. He was murdered." The man explained. Carissa noticed something glittering on the ground... something small and rectangular, with rounded edges.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:56 am

Carissa listened to the two of them vaguely as she peered about the room. When the glittering object caught her eye she leaned down and picked up the object, then examined it closely.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Sat Aug 02, 2003 8:47 pm

In the surveillance room...
The object in question was a dog tag. On it, among other things, read...


(DUN DUN DUN! Cmon guys, don't let it die... it's just getting good!)


Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:05 pm

"So, Sergeant, what plan did you have? Is there anyway that we can get everyone to this room? Like, a public announce system or something? With those doors, we could keep everyone safe until help arrives..."


Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby MarguessanDamodred » Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:28 am

"Wesker." she murmured as she read the tag. "Wonder what happened to the man who lost this." She walked over towards the men with it in hand, returning her attention to their speech.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Clip the apex.. Accept instruction.

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Sun Aug 03, 2003 12:52 pm

In the surveillance room...
The sergeant was just about to respond to Shadrick when he heard the name mentioned.


"Di-did you just say... 'Wesker'?" He said, eyeing the woman with shock and horror.

In the classroom...
Vincent and Jason were still camped out in the classroom for the moment. They'd managed to shove several of the desks up against the door to prevent anybody else from getting into the room. While yes, one might think they'd just locked themselves in, they had a plan...

The ventillation ducts.



Unread postby WhiteShadow » Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:35 pm

Shadrick spun, looking at Carissa and the item in her hand. "Who's Wesker? The guy on the floor?"

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Sun Aug 03, 2003 10:50 pm

"I found this on the floor." She offred the dog tag to either who would like to take it."


Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Mon Aug 04, 2003 12:43 am

Jason stacked the last desk by the door. " There we go as long as there are no zombies that can pass through solid matter I say we are safe... for the moment." Jason looked up above the door and saw that Vincent was to..At the ventilation duct. " You thinking what I'm thinking Vince? We can go through the vents to... Somewhere where these zombies don't come." Jason carefully climbed up the desks to see if he might fit through the vent.

(OOC: Welcome back!)

Kuro Kodomo

Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Mon Aug 04, 2003 1:34 am

((I'm still here, just wating for someone else in my group to say something...Image ))

Wishbone Ash

Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Aug 04, 2003 1:51 pm

((I'll yell and Patrick and Kaila to post later, ok? Heh.))

In the surveillance room...
"No.. Albert Wesker is a very dangerous man. We're not safe here. We have to find a way out of this police station..!" The sergeant said. He began to mull over the many surveillance screens. Undead could be seen milling about on most of them. A few survivors could be seen as well, but most didn't look like they stood much of a chance.

Shadrick noticed one of them was a teenaged girl with wavy brown hair.

In the classroom...
"I have a strange feeling there are things worse than zombies out there." Vincent remarked, looking about the room for the last time. He then had an idea.

"You know... we should use this is a sort of a safe room. We can get back to it really easily via the airducts and there's no way anybody can get in. We could store things in here." Vincent said, blinking a few times.

In the art gallery...
The noises from outside had disappeared mysteriously...


Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Mon Aug 04, 2003 6:35 pm

" That's a good idea Vince." Jason took a look at the air duct much closer. "Hm... Tight squeeze for me but I should still be able to fit."

Jason's eyes widened and he quickly climbed down the desks. He ran over to a desk and started looking through it. I remember that maps of the station are held somewhere in here. Including the maps of the air ducts. So we can know exactly where we're going!"

Wishbone Ash

Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Mon Aug 04, 2003 10:00 pm

In the classroom...
There was no map, however. Unknown to Vincent and Jason, the map had been taken by somebody not very long ago.


Re: *gulp*

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:35 am

Shadrick continued to examine the girl intently as he spoke to the Sergeant. "That was always the plan, Sarge, to get of here with our skins intact." He pushed his glasses higher up on his nose, the tv screen seeming a little fuzzy to him.

"But how can one man be more dangerous than a police station full of the undead? And if they can't get in here to hurt us, how could he?"

Wishbone Ash

Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:23 pm

In the surveillance room...
"He's far worse than any of the monsters you'll encounter outside, trust me. He had a hand in creating some of them, if my information is correct..." The sergeant explained, mulling over the screens. He was trying to find a place to go where they could be somewhat safe, but it looked as if zombies had infested pretty much every part of the police station.


Re: *gulp*

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:31 pm

"Damn. No map." Jason climbed up the desks again and checked his gun and took out a flashlight. " Come on Vince. I can probably take us to the surveillance room and we can see if there is a safe exit around here. That is if zombies haven't invaded it yet." Jason started to climb inside the vent and started crawling a little bit and stopped, waiting for Vincent.


re: *gulp*

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:29 pm

Shadrick grimaced. "If I had created a horde of maurading zombies, I certainly wouldn't be hanging around while they tear this place apart."

He too searched for a place not overrun by the undead, but found nothing. Shadrick turned to Grant. "Even if we do escape the building, there's still a town full of zombies to contend with. What if we headed for the roof?"

Wishbone Ash


Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Aug 07, 2003 3:23 pm

In the surveillance room...
"The roof's on fire. Several helicopters landed there and shortly blew up afterwards. I don't know what caused it, but I'm willing to bet it's the same thing that made the cars blow up outside." Grant explained, beginning to pace around the room. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets.

"We could try to make it to the parking garage, then take one of the armored vans and try to make it out of town with that. We could also try to use the sewer systems to navigate, should the garage be blocked..." Grant said, pondering the choices.

In the ducts...
Vincent clamored in after Jason, grunting a bit. The narrow crawlspace wasn't exactly very comfortable, especially for a big guy like him.

"The surveillance room? Where's that?" Vincent asked, continuing to crawl. He peered out from one of the grates, seeing the hallway they'd just been in before they had entered the classroom. A zombie or two had appeared there and were milling about aimlessly. Vincent frowned and moved on.

Eventually, the two came to a conjunction. To the left, they could hear bullets being fired at an alarming rate. To the right, there was silence.

"I don't think we should go to the left... what if whoever's shooting misses and hits one of us?" Vincent said, thinking.


Re: asd

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:01 pm

" Yea we should go to the right. And if you see a way to go up tell me because the surveillance room is upstairs." The duct felt like it was getting smaller and Jason was slowing down. the flashlight luckily was still shining brightly.


Re: asd

Unread postby WhiteShadow » Thu Aug 07, 2003 8:27 pm

"The parking garage... That actually sounds like a plan. But how do we get there from here, and could we possibly take detours to get to these people? Those armoured vans had a lot of room in the back, if I recall..."


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