Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

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Uncle Pervy

Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Dec 10, 2002 3:29 am

A ripple of anticipation goes through Kajar as the sun rises over the clouds below.

For three days, the Kingdom of Zeal had been held suspended over the the Eternal Blizzard and the world below. Magicks unlike any seen by humanity before had plucked the realm from the embrace of the earth, and set it in the sky.

The sun was still an unfamiliar and wonderous sight to all, so rarely glimpsed through the clouds of the endless storm. The Stars of the night sky were legends, glimpsed perhaps once a century by the people below. Yet now, these wonders of nature could be seen by all. Many were still moved to tears at the sights, knowing in their hearts that Queen Elforan I and the Gurus were right cast the spells and bring the Kingdom to the sky.

As the Sun rises, the people wait. Today at noon, Queen Elforan will emerge from the Royal manor, after recuperating from Weaving the spells that hold Zeal aloft, and share with her visions of the future with her people....

(OOC:And go. Just post where you are, what your Character is thinking/Up to, and leaving advancing time and the plot to me. Also, go to the OOC thread and list your spells, if you have not already)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 12/10/02 2:45:21 am

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Dec 10, 2002 4:10 am

In his small room upon the earth, Talos closed yet another book. He could barely read today, even though that was his calling. Today the queen would announce....everything. The libraries, the housing, the magical theories....everything.
~The libraries, they'll probably reach up to the stars, not just the sky! The books, all of them full of useful knowledge, not just piddling trivia. I'll finally be able to leave home and go someplace! Ah...bliss....but I'd best study. Don't want to be found wanting when the queen arrives....~ With that, Talos buried his nose deep into another of his dozens of books.


Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Dec 10, 2002 11:19 am

Kaze flinched as the light came in his window. It glinted off of his pale hair, creating something of a halo. He squinted up at the intruding brightness, which he was quite unaccostomed to, and reached over to slam the shutters closed. His pet ferret lifted it's head from between it's paws at the sudden noise in what was normally a silent room, except for the occasional casting of an experimental spell. Kaze turned back to sheaves of paper and piles of magical, semi-magical, and totally useless devices. In this room, he had managed to reconstruct all of Zeal's magical learning from the few fragments he had gathered from the outside world before huddling himself away. Now, he worked to expand it.
As he reached for a book filled with his own, almost illegible hand writing, his mother's voice called into the room.
"Kaze, we're going to hear the Queen make her address soon. You'll need to come."
She was answered by a short grunt. Since this wass all the affirmative she usually got, she continued on her way down the hall, leaving Kaze to his brooding.

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Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Dec 10, 2002 1:48 pm

Ardiss sat in a dark room, holding no windows. All was lit by candles spread erractically about the room on tables and dresser drawers and even the floor. Before him stood a more ornate candle, and set in front of him on a table was a large, dusty volume. Many more of the volumes were spread about the bed, the floor, where ever was convenient, each with atleast three book marks, if not many more. He suddenly stopped, and looked at the candle. He muttered a few words, and the flame grew many times it's natural size, boiling the candle wax away, soon leaving a dark spot in the room.
And he sighed in frustration. The day of the Queen's adress was here, and he STILL did not have his spell words down properly. Any amatuer should be able to produce a dark flame!
He replaced the candle, and turned his attentions to his book again, when there was a knock at his door.
"Ardiss, you need to get ready. We'll be leaving soon! Put your books away and get moving!"
He sighed, placing a mark in the book and closing it. His best friend, and after an effect landlord, Lana. She was right of course, he had to go, and get moving now to make it. So, would there be time to study on the way? ... Sure, why not? He grabbed a bag and stuffed it with four books, which sadly, from his viewpoint atleast, was enough to have the cloth of the bag streatched to the point that the engraved title of the first volume could almost be read. It would be hard to pull any of them out like that, especially one handed... With another sigh of frustration, he removed the second book, which he considered least inportant of the four. He placed the shoulder strap over his right shoulder, and headed for the door.
Just another new day in history.

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Dec 10, 2002 4:04 pm

Kumenil rose slowly from the temple floor, greeting the morning light with a faint smile, unusual for the aged monster hunter. Today the queen would speak, and he would listen. But it was still many hours to noon.

Making a final bow to the statues in the temple, and to the priests, Kumenil left the building. He passed several chambers of faith, many of which contained praying citizens. During these three days in the sky, many still feared that the dream would end, and that they would plunge down to the unforgiving surface. Kumenil had no such fears. He had faith in the Queen and her gurus, more so than even than his faith in the gods.

As soon as he stepped out of the large temple, Kumenil casted one of his spells, a simple trick to focus the shadows of his body in his face, shielding his eyes from the sun. The casting took only a mere seconds, and the flow of mana in his body trembled only slightly. Kumenil was heading towards the forest, as he usually did early in the morning. He had no intentions to hunt any kind of monsters, that was not to begin until later in the evening, but instead he was heading towards a small waterfall, a place he had only recently discovered.

As soon as he reached the fall, far away from any kind of settlement, he took off his clothing. The breeze was mild, at least compared to what it would be on the surface of the world, but it still sent shrills through his body.

Making sure everything was well stashed away in the usual place, Kumenil stepped into the waterfall. The shrieking chill pierced his body like a thousand nails, but he only twitched a little. Soon enough the cold disappeared as his body got used to it, but it was replaced by the exhausting power of the fall as it pushed against him with all his might. Only after standing there for over an hour Kumenil stepped out. Although he felt a little beat, it soon disappeared and was replaced with a feeling of freshness that he found highly amazing. Quickly he dried himself on the towel he had brought and headed back to the royal manor, ready to listen to the queen...


Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Dec 10, 2002 4:07 pm

Kaili groaned silently as she rustled in her bed. She was still getting used to the light that peered through the window nearby her and woke her up. She sat up stretching her arms and looking around her small room. It had the necessities, books, a bed, a desk, 2 chairs, and a dresser for her clothes. Of course the little extras she had in here were for Jet. His small food and water dish sitting side by side not to far from his simple bed, a blue cushion. She tossed the covers off of her standing up and stretching some more. She walked over to the dresser opening it pulling out a clean robe. She slipped out of her black night gown and quickly pulled on the robe tying a small red cloth around her waist to keep it in place.

"So... This is the day the queen makes her speech... Jet? Are you awake?" She glanced down at the Grey and yellow cat that let out a mew in reply while stretching.

"Yes I suppose the sunlight woke you up as well." She kneeled down petting Jet gently letting out a purr in appreciation. She chuckled and stood back up brushing off her robe. She then walked over to her book shelf pulling out then opening a book. "Well I may as well read some... There is still some time to kill before the queen's speech..." With that she sat down at her desk placing the book upon it and skimming it. Jet let out a meow and hopped up on the desk watching her read.

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Deeum » Tue Dec 10, 2002 8:09 pm

Sayra was outside as the sun began to grace the skies.She sweated quite alot from her morning pratice, and continues to slash and swing at the air to improve her aim and speed farther then what they are at currently.
Knowing the Queen will make her long awaited announcement soon, Sayra seathed her sword looking towards the castle.
Her home was fairly close to it so it would only take a 15 walk to reach.
"I wonder if The Queen has had enough time to recover.."
She thought looking up to the sky, sighing with contentment.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 11, 2002 3:26 pm

As Talos read into a book on the Applications of Light Magic in the field of revealing hidden enchantments, his parents slowly begin to stir from their sleep. Even though they live more in drreams than reality, a day such as today was more than enough to draw them away.

Soon enough, he hears a tap on his door, as his mother calls, "Talos, let's be on our way. Don't worry about breakfast, we should be able to find something there."


Kaze's writing was interrupted as the door to his room opens. It is only a crack, but enough to nearly double the amount of light in the room.

"Are you ready?" His mother asks. "We'll be leaving in a few minutes."


Adriss and Kumenil come to the square before the Royal Manor to find that people have already begun to gather for the coming address.

And as Kumenil knows from experience, when people gather and have to wait for awhile, two things happen. One is a riot, the other a festival. And the latter was beginning to brew there, surely enough. Several enterprising zealites had begun to set up small stands and sell quickly-made foodstuffs to the people there, while a few talented musicians lend their songs to the air in hopes of getting a few coins.

However, both the Soldier and the Fire Mage see that not everything is quite so joyous as the budding celebration hints. The melting snow has caused more then it's share of problems; a numbers of homes and buildings in the lower areas have been flooded, and will require a good deal of work before they can be restored to a livable state. The Royal Manor, as well as several Nobles and Tenament Owners, were giving shelter to the refugees.


From her own home, Sayra could see one of these flooded out areas, as the sun reached higher into the sky.


For Kali, the sun slowly creeped along the floor as she read, letting her know that the time for the Queen's Address was coming closer.

(OOC: Koneko, still waiting on you.)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 12/11/02 2:47:15 pm


Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Dec 11, 2002 4:46 pm

Kaili looked over as Jet mewed batting at her book. She smiled at him and closed the book standing up and placing it back into her book shelf. She slowly walked over to her rooms door and walked out. She held the door open as Jet scampered out after her, then closed it once he was out.

"We should head to the square now Jet...." Jet meowed in response and followed after her closely as she began to walk towards the square.

(( OOC: Too bad Kaili wasn't around to help the flooded houses <_< ))

Yari Koneko

Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Wed Dec 11, 2002 4:56 pm

(OOC: Waiting for me? *is honored* Image *returns from shadows to post* Image *enjoying new emoticons...* Image )

A relatively short man, with short black hair and sharp, objective and observant brown eyes was quickly hurrying along. He was clad in simple garments of blue, a shirt and pants; long and heavy, as was the usual with non-magical apparel. As he sweated profusely, he vowed to himself to buy something lighter the next time he could.

Kazuhiko Aoki had been busy; but not now. He was something of a serious worker as architects go; and so he had been occupied making rounds around the kingdom, observing just how the fact of floating could affect his craft, and thus his career. Now, however, he needed to hear what the Queen had to say. His pace was a brisk one.

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Dec 11, 2002 5:06 pm

Kumenil shrugged slightly as he saw the water-filled abodes, and the people working to empty them of water, either with magic or by hand. He walked over to the buildings and grabbed a bucket from a nearby well. Noticing the questioning look from one of the houses' occupants he frowned slightly.
"We are all part of something much larger than ourselves at the moment, and if one wheel stops," Kumenil paused slightly, taking a deep breath which sounded more like a sigh, "the entire clockwork might come to fall apart." He was quoting Kasen, the founder of Zeal. He was quite fond of it, and generally referred to it as often as it would seem appropriate.

The hunter, dressed in his, if not formal then at least better, set of clothing then passed the man and walked over to one of the water filled houses. The man was left staring at him, unable to even grasp for words. He was about to thank him, but as soon as he managed to catch Kumenil's attention he thought better of it. Obviously the warrior was ordered to assist in the emptying, for how could one such as he feel any kind of need to assist those of worse fortune?

((OOC: Perhaps I should notice again, that Kumenil carries a look of anger and scorn on his face, nearly always. He's not aware of this, it's his default expression. Also to note is, I don't want to point out Kumenil as a hero or something, believe me, I just want him to do something until the ceremony begins.))

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=christianc>ChristianC</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/11/02 4:07:18 pm


Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Dec 11, 2002 5:37 pm

Kaze put his book away, carefully marking his place. He then got up and walked to the door, and followed his parents out of their house and towards the gathering place.
Upon arriving, he discovered that a festive atmosphere had already formed. For the most part, however, he was ignoring it. He did take the time to buy a small pastry, which he chewed on thoughtfully while eyeing the people in the crowds around him. His left eye, which was coal black, reflected the glare of the morning sun. His right eye was a pale golden color, which shimmered like topaz in the rising sun.
Perched on his shoulder, his ferret watched the crowds with far less suspicion and greater curiosity. It sat up on it's stubby hind legs and pawed excitedly at Kaze's light brown hair. Kaze reached up and gently pushed it back down. He continued eating his pastry, waiting for the speech to begin.

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Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Dec 11, 2002 6:40 pm

Ardiss managed to find a place to sit and munch on a cheap, pretzle like pastry he'd bought earlier, and was already hopelessly entrenched in his study again. It was curious to him, that he could produce so many spells so efficiently, and yet so many others were totaly beyond his scope. He'd gathered by now his element was indeed fire, and yet there was a nagging feeling that maybe there was more to it as he continued to experiment. This morning had taught him that there wasn't any element of dark he had power over, and yet he'd seen other mages pull tricks that atleast in appearance must have required use of more than one type of magic in their execution.
Outwardly he just sighed, turning a page, and waiting for the speech to begin. On the bright side, atleast Lana hadn't expected him to follow her around till the ceremony began.

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Deeum » Wed Dec 11, 2002 7:22 pm

Sayra viewed the flooded out area with a look of slight worry, but quickly dismissed it after noticing the crowed of people heading towards the square.
Seems its just about time for the queen to come out.
quickly she entered her home, gathering a few items just incase.
It was nice living alone, but wishes her parents would have stayed with her instead of moving to the lesser part of the kingdoms.
Her worry about the floods once again danced in the back of her mindas she headed out the door and to the square.

((i'm the queen of short posts.. RAWR..))


Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Dec 11, 2002 7:42 pm

Kaili slowly entered the square gently pushing her way through the crowd. Jet was sitting atop her head mewing occasionally and batting at her tied up hair. She managed to find a place where she could sit down and she did so quickly, glad she was able to find a place that was not as crazy as everything else. Jet let out a mew and hopped down from her head onto a table, Kaili pulled a chair up form nearby and sat at the table watching as Jet sat down grooming himself.

"Well this place certainly is busy......." She paused for a moment remembering the floods. "I wonder if me lowering the water level in that one building was of any use..." She shook her head and raised her right hand muttering a few words a small ball of water slowly forming and floating in the air in front of her. She said a few more words and the ball began to take the shape of a mouse. Jet glanced at the ball and quickly pounced on it, getting himself a splash of water. He mewed and Kaili smiled.

"Jet you should know better by now.." She slowly began to pet Jet looking around while doing so. "I wonder how much longer......." Jet mewed and began to purr on the table as Kaili petted him.

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Dec 12, 2002 3:29 pm

As more and more people arrive at the square, Kumenil's worked eased up a bit, as more people, either with or without magic, aided in trying to dry the houses. Of course, it would still take a long while for all the water to be removed, but at least it was better than doing nothing.

Kumenil didn't have to focus much on his work, so he took the time to look around. He recognized some of the people in the crowd, many he'd seen in the temples and the manor during the few times he'd visit it, but mostly they all melded into a big crowd. Kumenil was trained a warrior, and he'd spent much to much time for himself, fighting or reading, and he had to admit he wasn't the best at remembering faces.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:23 pm

As Noon approaches, the gathering swells and gains momentum. It seems that every citizen in Kajar is showing up, filling the Square near to bursting! Indeed, no one save the sick and invalid would miss this speech.

Work upon the water removal slows to a halt as the time draws near, and the workers migrigate to the square. So far, simply bailing out the water has not had the desired effect. A few earth mages have been working to construct some Canals, so that the water might be drained away and prehaps used later. Without the Eternal Blizzard, water may become scarce soon...

As the sun nears it's apex, A single trumpet blares out. The front gates of the Queen's manor slowly open.

The time was near.

(OOC: Gather up. And feel free to help a GM out by having your characters meet in the process. I'll post the next bit tomorrow. After I make a properly inspiring speech Image )


The real reason Kaze has an animal minion...

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:30 pm

As Kaze finished his pastry, he became distracted by the sound of blaring trumpets. In the brief moment of confusion, the ferret on his back fell off. Kaze looked about for it, but in the growing crowd it was hard to find. Fortunately, it's collar had a magic stone encased in it's latch, which he used to home in on it.
He found his pet on a table. There was a young woman sitting there, but more importantly, to Kaze, was his ferret, squared off against a larger cat. The confrontation appeared to have just begun as he hurried towards the spot, as the cat noticed the ferret and began to hiss...
Kaze picked up the pace, hoping either it's owner noticed what was going on or he managed to get there before something bad happened to his pet.


Re: The real reason Kaze has an animal minion...

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:05 pm

Kaili paused for a moment, ceasing to look around. She returned her gaze to Jet who was hissing at a ferret that was on the table. She blinked for a moment picking up Jet who let out a final hiss as he was pulled away from the ferret. Kaili held him with her right arm against her chest, Jet looking up at her letting out a confused mew.

"Now Jet you shouldn't pick on smaller animals..." Jet meowed in response to her seeming to understand somewhat. Kaili then turned her gaze back to the ferret and slowly reached out her right hand towards the ferret. "Don't worry Jet won't hurt you...." Kaili send in a reassuring voice, "Where is you owner little one?" She then slowly attempted to pet the ferret to calm him down.....


That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:29 pm

Kaze hurried up to the scene, snapping his fingers with incredible authority. The ferret looked over and saw him, immidiately leaving Kaili's reach and scampering over to Kaze's end of the table.
The boy picked up his pet carefully, and nodded to the woman, a bit disgruntled, but understanding the near incident wasn't entirely her fault.

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Interaction? What's that?

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:29 pm

Ardiss noted a change in the atmosphere of the crowd, and looked up from his book to find that the crowd was gathering at the square. And with good reason: The door to the manor was open.

Well, no time like the present. He placed a marker in his book, snapped it shut and quickly stuffed it back into his bag. He stood confidently, and began to head for the throng of spectators. Except he was so swept up in his own thoughts, he hardly notticed Kaili and Kaze until he nearly tripped over the latter. He quickly disentangled himself, and mumbled out something like an apology.

He prepared to continue on his way, more than likely unaware that Kaze was about to do something nasty to him in return?


Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:46 pm

Kaili raised a eyebrow and stared at the boy grimacing somewhat. Jet meowed and hopped onto the table sitting down to groom himself.

"So... You like animals I take it......" She spoke to him somewhat coldy yet with a trace of kindness, most likely due to her affinity for animals. And Kaze's ferret was a interesting one, she had maybe seen a ferret only once before. But this one seemed much more tame then the one she saw. She glanced over as Ardriss bumped into Kaze. She took no real notice and just waited for Kaze's response.


Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:58 pm

Kaze managed to grunt out "My friend," while pointing to the ferret, before being almost run over by Ardiss. As he began dusting himself off, the ferret pranced about his head making annoyed ferret noises at the absent minded fellow.
Kaze quickly got a hold of the agrivated animal and began stroking it to calm it down, sparing little more than an annoyed glance with his mismatched eyes at Ardiss. He was to worried about his ferret getting itself into more trouble to bother with any sort of tangling with the person who had bumped into him.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=joshuadurron>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 12/13/02 8:46:12 am

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Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Dec 12, 2002 10:21 pm

Since the crowds have gotten thicker and must bustly, Sayra pushed and slide herself towards one of the food stalls to buy a some food as everyone waited for the queen to come outand about.
Again, it was getting rather difficult to move around with many of the others having the same idea. Not that it was annoying or slightly frustrating. but the jabs to the side and getting pushed about was about to take its toll. Finally reaching one of the stalls and requests her food. Without thinking she started randomly talking to the person beside her.
'Zeal hasn't been this lively in a while..'

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:49 pm

(OOC: There has been some confusion. The name of my character is NOT ADRISS. Nor Ardriss, though I see how the extra "r" could be a question of what's supposed to go there. It is Ardiss. Pervy's one mistake is no excuse to ignore that it's spelled that way at the begining of ALL MY PREVIOUS POSTS.Image Thank you.)

Ardiss, unharassed by those he has bumped into, which by now includes not only Kaze, but several others as well, has made it somewhere close to the front of the crowd. He now waits there for the speech to begin.

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Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Dec 13, 2002 4:04 am

Kumenil looked down at Sayra as she spoke to him.

"Well, Zeal hasn't been floating above the clouds before, at least not what I know." He paused to order some food. "But I'm a bit surprised no one has started fighting yet." He made a deep sigh. "It's usually like that."

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Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Dec 13, 2002 2:10 pm

A slight grin grew on her face at the mention of war.
'Isn't That the truth.." Sayra spoke before taking a nibble of the food she had just bought.

'But.. if such things did happen, I'm sure we can handle them. I have faith in this kingdom.'


Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Fri Dec 13, 2002 3:24 pm

Kaili grumbled slightly glancing over at Jet who looked back at her letting out a meow. She smiled at Jet, and then turned back to Kaze. She placed her shoulders on the table her robe sleeves sliding down to the table loosely. she then leaned on her hands looking towards the palace.

"So, just your friend..?" She asked Kaze once more in a regular tone as opposed to her harsher one she had a few moments ago. Jet meanwhile hopped back onto her head sitting there and looking towards the palace as well.

IM: Too bad, if he was a real animal lover we might have been able to become friends...

Yari Koneko

Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Fri Dec 13, 2002 11:17 pm

Aoki arrived at the square somewhat out of breath. He wasn't exactly the most athletic of people (after all, he rarely left his house), but he had it where it counted, or so he often said.

His bright eyes took in every detail of the square, and one thought popped into his head as it spun.

IM: Tooo many people...

Nearly losing his balance as he almost bowled over a small child, a very young one which only came up to his knees, he steadied himself quickly, and came to a food stall. Quickly ordering, he began to munch slowly and solemnly on a nondescript bread-like substance.



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I finally post again! Woo!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Dec 14, 2002 4:36 am

Until Aoki's waiting was interrupted by a certain scholar.
"So you're here to hear the queen too, huh?" Talos said conversationally, his parents elsewhere getting food. "I'm Talos. What about you?"

Edited by: Dragon Sage007 at: 12/14/02 11:50:50 am

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Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Dec 14, 2002 3:33 pm

Kumenil looked at the girl in confusion. Then he realized what she'd meant and made a little smile.

"Oh, no, no. I meant that no one has started fighting here yet, as it's rather common that when people gather, old wrongs are remembered." He took on a serious look again.

"But it's true what you say, should any of the surface dwellers find a way to the skies, I'm fairly sure our soldiers can handle them." He was interrupted by the cook, who nudged him a bit. His food was done, a bowl of miso-soup, and he paid the man some money.

"However," he began again as he had swollowed some of his soup, "the amount of monsters that managed to remain in Zeal even as we rose into the skies seems to be more than we'd expected..."


Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Dec 14, 2002 4:32 pm

Kaze had gotten his ferret to calm down. When he heard Kaili's question, he responded with an eloquent shrug. How could he make this person, who knew nothing about him, understand exactly what his pet meant to him? Maybe she liked the animal too. But he doubted it was enough of a common ground.
The ferret, however, appeared to feel differently. It managed to wiggle half way out of his hands and lean over to sniff in Kaili's direction.

Uncle Pervy

Re: That's right, to innitiate character interaction. ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Dec 14, 2002 10:18 pm

The slight murmur that remained with the gathered Citizenry of Kajar died away as the Royal Entourage emerged from the manor.

Leading out are a score of the Queen's elite guard, Sorcerers in half plate armor with longswords at their hips. The Argent Guard, named after the Silver badges of office that they wore, were the most skill war mages in the land. Few managed to join the guard, and those who did were honored greatly for it.

Behind them came Queen Elforan I and the Gurus, escorted by a handful of trusty courtiers. Ather side stands the captain of the Argent Guard, a brown-haired man by the name of General Winslet. Following then was another score of the Argent Guard.

Reaching a stand nearly as old as Zeal itself, Queen Elforan steps away from her entourage and ascends it. The Argent Guard arrange themselves around the stage, ready to protect the Queen from any assault. The Gurus take position behind her. In the days when Zeal was part of the Earthbound kingdoms, it made a good deal of sense for the Guard to do this. But now, it seemed somewhat trival.

Dressed in robes of Royal Blue, matching her hair, the Queen of Zeal looks over the hushed, expectant crowd. She stands a little unsteadily, her beautiful face a little worn. Still, she stood under her own power, unsupported by anyone. As as the Queen speaks out, her voice amplified by magic, none could find any weakness in it.

"My People," she says, "People of Zeal. We stand at the beginning of a new era in the annals of our history. No, we stand at a new age in the history of humanity.

"For as long as history reaches, we have been subject to the tyranny of the Eternal Blizzard. For aeons, we have been it's slaves, subject to it's whims. It has always been there, striking down our hope and our dreams with its endless opression

"Yet no longer.

"We have risen above the Eternal Blizzard. No longer are we subjects to its hateful storms and endless cold. No longer are the people of Zeal slaves to its whims. We stand now in the light of the Sun, the first to bask in it. Our Kingdom floats in the air like a chariot of the gods, embraced by nuturing warmth unknown to the people below.

"It will not be easy, our new lives above the clouds. Already, the overflowing waters have deprived many of their homes. Yet soon this water will become scarce, as our wells dry. But I know that the mages of water and ice shall provide. Already, the Guru of Life seeks to establish a source of water that shall remain everlasting.

"However, we shall not seek only to live. Above the Eternal Blizzard, our Kingdom shall flourish as none other has before. Life shall no longer be a trial, my people. We shall no longer live only to survive. Now, we have the opportunity to build a utopia in which all shall prosper and live peacefully. We now have at our feet the power to reach that perfect future, the future that King Suo I wanted to lead out Kingdom to. Now, two centuries later, we can truly fulfill that dream.

"My people, I shall strive to bring about the bright future that we all deserve. I will do everything in my power to ensure that we attain this. Yet, I cannot do this alone. I will require your help, My people of Zeal. Just as your neighbors need your help to reclaim their homes, I need your help to begin this bright new era. I know that I can trust in you, my people.

"However, this day is not a day for strife and toil. You have made merry, while awaiting my words. This gladdens my heart, to see my people enjoying themselves so. Rest now, and enjoy the celebration today. I too must rest, for I have not fully recovered from the casting the magics that set our kingdom afloat. Make merry this day, my people. You have earned it, suffering under the Eternal Blizzard as you have.

"A new age stands before us, waiting for us to claim it."

With that, the Queen nods her head, and descends,returning to her entourage amidst cheers from the people. General Winslet says a few words to the two score of the Argent Guard. They salute as one, then break ranks and begin to mingle with the people there. So too do the three Gurus, descending and joining the festivities after silently observing the Queen's address.

With General Winslet at her side, and the few courtiers, The Queen returns to her manor. The cheers and hails die away, as the festival begins anew.

(OOC: CI some more, amongst yourselves or the NPCs. Things shall happen soon enough. Image )


Excellent speech!

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:11 pm

Kaili blinked as the ferret sniffed at her and was about to wave to it as the queens speech started. She remained silent for the speech, not really paying that much attention until she mentioned the Guru of life searching for a source of everlasting water. She pushed herself to her feet her robes sliding to her wrists once more. Jet quickly hopped onto her head letting out a meow to the ferret as if saying goodbye.

Kaili said nothing to Kaze as she slowly began to push through the crowds her robe dragging behind her. She let out a groan when a few of the younger men in the crowds glanced at her.

"You would think they would know by now I don't like men staring at me.....Or being involved with me in any way." Jet mewed in response as he sat down on her head. " I need to find the Guru Of life..... I need to discuss this everlasting water source with him..." Kaili continued to push through the crowd trying to find the Guru.....



Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:27 pm

Kaze had quickly gotten his ferret back under control as the Queen's speech started. He had kept it under control as he listened. But now, as the Queen had called for merrymaking, he had allowed it to go a bit wild again, and it frisked merrily about his head and shoulders.
Kaze himself was not very interested in celebrating. Rather, he was more interested in finding his family, which he had lost in the crowds. He began making his way back to the pastry booths, where he had left them.

Yari Koneko

Re: Interaction? What's that?

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:45 pm

Aoki listened intently to the Queen's speech, taking in every word with somewhat of a blank expression. There was a funny taste in his mouth; one might call it the taste of open air. But it might just be the breadish stuff, the taste of which still resided in his mouth.

It was a funny aftertaste, completely different from the relatively bland bread, he decided. Strange entirely.

Talos had been cut off by the beginning of the Queen's speech, and Aoki dared not talk during it for fear of missing something important; an eye twitch, perhaps a slight break in tone, that would've signaled something else. But there was none that he could detect. The speech over, he turned to Talos. "Kazuhiko Aoki. Nice to meet you," he said simply.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Bravo!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:56 pm

Pushing through the crowd, Kaili catches sight of the Guru at a stand selling fried potatoes; one of the few crops that could be cultivated in the Eternal Blizzard.

The Guru of Life, Mura Sazabi, an older man barely five feet tall, takes to his recently purchased treat with a grin. As Kaili approaches. He looks up at her, and asks, "What may I do for you, young lady?"


Re: Bravo!

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Dec 15, 2002 12:40 am

Kaili looked down to the man with a open smile, Although she hated most men, she respected highly the gurus and Winslet. Jet meowed at Mura in what could be considered a greeting, or just a plain meow.

"Sir, I am Kaili Garnet a mage who specializes in water and ice magic. I heard from the speech the queen made you were working on a limitless source of water...." She paused for a moment to take a breath before asking her question. "I was wondering if I might be able to help in some way?"

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Re: Bravo!

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Dec 15, 2002 2:50 am

Feeling more pride for her kingdom more then ever, Sayra finnished cheering with the rest of her fellow followers of the Zeal kingdom.
Though something in the back of her mind told her to stay alert. not very sure why this was so, but it was an odd though nontheless.
Turning around to the old man behind her she gave a serisous look about the question asked beforehand.
'The Armies of Zeal wil surely defeat the remaining monsters. Its not like they have very far to run on a floating land.'
looking around, the people stil rejoiced and praised their Queen's words with more merry bantor.

'Funny.. IT feels like nothing could possible go wrong doesn't it?'

Uncle Pervy

OMG Neovane Influence?!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Dec 15, 2002 3:00 am

Mura takes another bite from his treat, and chews thoughtfully for a moment. "Yes, yes. The Water trouble," says the Guru after a moment, "Yes, that is a problem. Well, young lady, I do have a plan, and perhaps you could be of help. Yes, perhaps. Do you know a spell that creates water? It would help if you did, yes."


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