A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

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A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Apr 11, 2003 11:53 pm

Doma City.

Hustling, bustling, with all sorts of people going about their business.

There is a darker evil lurking..

But this story isn't about that.

This story is about a place in a completely different dimension.

A place where the laws of time/space are protected by particularly stingy and stubborn mages.

Where millions upon millions of silver coins are in a vault. A completely unguarded vault. Why unguarded? Because no thief bothers with the treasury. No, they go to the kitchens. To thieve a certain kind of pie.

A pie which is like no other kind of pie. But that's not the point. What matters is the name of the pie. Neo Vane Pie.

Neo Vane Pie. A delicacy found only on a certain floating island which gives the pastry it's name.

And it is there, or, more specifically the magic school on top of it, where this story would be taking place.


"Right! All of you! Yes, that includes you third years too. I swear...they're worse every year.."
Simon Farasia, Lavoran's replacement headmaster, shook his head. It used to be, at least how he remembered, that the headmaster got the ultimate respect. But not since that damned upstart, Diran Ilsvire, had come in and killed the last one. Now that they weren't invincible, it'd sort of..decreased his position, as it was. As it was, he was standing in the auditorium of Neo Vane, giving a speech to over 100 mages and soon to be's, none of whom were really listening to him..

...And that fire mage was about to set that first year's hair on fire.

Of course, now he'd gotten everyone's attention. He'd mentioned one of the damned Eight Dimonauts who'd gone to that Gara place. Yeah. And brought back those damned spells. He hadn't been there himself, but he heard they'd talked about sheer impossibilities as if they were....commonplace in that town! They hadn't burned the book, of course, but only first years'd even dare grab it, and they were generally goaded by the later years to snag the pie recipe instead. Damned good pie, but....

"...ORDER! I demand ORDER!"

Simon slammed his fist on the podium.

Everyone quieted. Of course, the silence spell keyed to the spot he hit might have helped.
"RIGHT! Now, let me say I'm very pleased to see the turnout this year. And once again, I'd like to give my apologies to the unfortunate student who suffered that accident from the final project last year. Once again, the reward for the proper counterspell is half the ingredient list for Neo Vane Pie!"

The crowd roared a silent approval.

"Now, normally, the Dragonmaster, our land's hero, would be coming by to speak a few words once you're all sick of hearing my voice. Unfortunately, due to...unexpected circumstances, he's unable to come this year. I'm sure you're all disappointed, but there isn't a whole lot I can do."

Simon took a big breath. Now was the part he had to get straight.

"Now. Earth Teacher this year is Mr. Porlan, Wind Teacher is
Ms. Sesil.."

"SesAL, Headmaster." the Wind Mage replied. Bloody stuffy sort she was, Simon thought. but, no matter.

"Ms. Sesal... Fire teacher this year is Mr...Mr..."

"Mijaka, Simon. Is that too much to ask?" Old Thilon Mijaka interrupted. It never ended. Ever since those damned interdimensional raids, the entire authority system had gone completely haywire. It was if the Headmaster was no longer the driving force behind the school!

Simon slapped his forehead.
"Okay. It's been a long day. I don't feel like giving out everyone's names. You're all bloody well color coded anyway, just find the teacher with the same color robes as you, you know what bloody well element you are, so we can get the orientation and dorm setups out of the way."

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby viator22 » Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:36 pm

Gerald Pollock sat in the fifth row of the auditorium that housed the students and mages of Neo Vane, dividing his attention between listening to the headmaster and flirting with the first year next to him. She was pretty but as far as he could tell, utterly brainless. Every now and then he nodded or said “yes” and “no” depending on the situation, and she didn’t even seem to notice. Even after the silence spell descended on the crowd she kept chattering, stopping, to Gerald’s relief, only at the mention of Neo Vane Pie. He tried, futilely, to commit what was said to memory.

“Mister Porlan, Earth Teacher, right.” That was his own area of expertise, Earth. The Mindless was a water and he probably wouldn’t see her much. Nothing bad in that. He hadn’t got a word in since initiating the conversation.

“-we can get the orientation and dorm setups out of the way." At these words the silence spell was released and noise washed over the auditorium, the noise that always accompanies movement by students of any kind. Friends talking, the unobservant trying to understand what’s happening, idle banter between the students. Gerald added his own noise, yelling at a couple of other students he’d met as he walked forward to Mister Porlan where things would be sorted out.

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:50 pm

Elecia Remus smirked, silently musing at the headmaster's apparent inability to remember names. Such a simple task...she, of course, would have no problem with it when she eventually would become the headmaster. Or headmistress? Not that it mattered, after she graduated, she'd be a garaunteed shoe-in for the position.

For now, however, Elecia contented her ambitions with going to see her instructor. No doubt Ms. Sesal was vastly impressed with her natural display of talent the previous year, and this year would be no different. The only problem was that homework...perhaps, if she showed even more skill during classes, she could get that waived...

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Animala » Sat Apr 12, 2003 3:54 pm

Raul sighed. Such a stunning display of incompetence. He was beginning to feel rather unimpressed with this institution. No wonder they hadn't been able to recognize his talent....

A student bumped into him from behind, causing one of his ears to flop in front of his eyes.

...no wonder they had allowed this accident to occur. Damn them! The ears kept getting in the way, and the fur made the standard robes rather hot and uncomfortable! And now they were using it as an excuse to have a contest! For pie!!

Although... Raul reflected as he elbowed his way towards the greatest concentration of red robes, it is some darn good pie...

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Apr 12, 2003 5:17 pm

Mr.Porlan was a rounded man. His robes were a bit thinned out in some spots, and he wore rather small glasses. His hair had long since greyed, and had long since turned more into a horseshoe-shaped crown around his head.

He looked at the swarm of students around him, and chuckled warmly.
"Alright, then. Once we're all settled, I'll lead you all to the classroom. Earth magic isn't done in the classroom as much as other types of magic, so...you're going to have to develop a taste for the outdoors! As for dorms, the Earth Mages are staying in the Northwest dorms on the FOURTH floor. We don't want a repeat of last year."

Ms. Sesal gave a similar speech. She'd started teaching at Neo Vane the previous year. There was a bit of rivalry between her and Mr.Porlan. Yep. Now, if only the bloody man knew about it, Ms.Sesal stewed. Ever since that one year...

"Yes. Good, good, you're all here. Ah, Elecia, always nice to see you. I'm quite sure you should be aware where the classroom is, if you aren't, follow an older year. I suggest any fear of heights or speed you may have gets overcome pretty soon, or you will find yourself in a spot of trouble. We are in the Southwest corner of the third floor dorm-wise. I am quite certain you can find that on your own. Now, windspeed to you. I will be there shortly, I have some matters to attend to. Eleci...no, I'll have Niteal handle the first years speeches."

As for Mr. Mijaka... he grinned at the turnout. For some reason, Fire always got a few more mages than the other ones. He himself prided himself on being flamboyant. He personally ensured the Fire Mages got better materials for their robes than the other classes, to the point where he paid out of his pocket. He himself had dyed his hair bright red. And, unlike Mr.Porlan, he mused, he still had some.

"As you know, I am Mr. Mijaka. For you first years, I'll let you in on something. If I hear of anyone playing the arsonist in this element, I will quite, quite happily send them home stark naked. Magic is a priviledge, not a right, and I will NOT see it abused."

He grinned.
"Now that we've got that settled, on to the classrooms and dorms. We're on the third floor, southeast corner. Now, I know a lot of you're only learning Fire Magic to become cooks. I'd just like to say I support this. The food flowing in's what keeps the magic flowing out, what I always say....now, follow me!"

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Animala » Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:45 pm

Raul snorted. "Cooking indeed," he said quietly to no one in particular, "Well, I suppose that might be all some could ever aspire to...."

Still, thought Raul as followed Mr. Mijaka, he had to agree with the man. Someone needed to take care of the needs of the more gifted. And that bit about arson...

Raul, since he was currently more flammable than most, couldn't help but agree.

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:59 pm

It must have been easy for even these first year students to see through Ms. Sesal's performance, thought Elecia. It was just obvious that, in order to, augment her already magnificent abilities, the instructor was allowing her to get first choice in rooms! Not one to turn down something good, Elecia scampered off to the stairs, and made her way to the third floor, as she already had in her mind that room in the corner with the wonderful view...


Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby viator22 » Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:16 pm

Gerald’s grin nearly split his face. This place kept getting better. He wouldn’t even have to stay inside much, wouldn’t have to sit in the occasionally stuffy classes all day. Man but all the other students must be envious.

He followed the other students along the hall, trying to get up and talk to Mister Porlan. He was still staying with his mother, since she had a house in Neo Vane. He was going to move out though. They’d worked it out, he was moving into the dorms. Just… just a little slowly. Regardless, he needed to sort things out with Mr. Porlan. Make sure it was all okay.


Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby ZuljinVernand » Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:29 pm

Seth Abachi had remained seated as the auditorium was slowly emptied of the different robed students. There were many reasons for this, he knew. One was that he didn't wish to crowd with the others as they filed out. That sort of thing would lead to pushing and shoving which he didn't like at all. Another was that he simply liked to listen to the quiet, even though nothing was ever really quiet for a dark mage.

He felt he enjoyed the auditorium. There was a certain stillness in it when it was nearly empty that felt almost comforting. He silently wondered if any other dark mages felt the same. Maybe they did, since it looked like a few of his prospective classmates had remained seated in the large auditorium as well.

Well, it wasn't like they were being told to go anywhere by any of the other teachers.
'Perhaps this happens every year...' He thought.

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:45 pm

The Dark Mage teacher, Mr. Vilden, looked up from his book. He wore the traditional black and grey robes of Dark Magic, and had..bright blond hair. He was the sort that'd probably walk into a wall if you were talking to him and turned a corner.
"OH! I'm terribly sorry! I completely forgot about you guys."

He stood up, leaving the book (A fantasy novel about a world with no magic, that depended entirely on technology. Impossible, he'd always thought.) on his seat.
"Right. Well, I might as well address you all directly. I'm sure you all came into this class with the hopes of summoning demons of the underworld to wreak havoc on those you dislike. Those of you whom have been here longer, you know why. As for those of you that don't..."

He paced about.
"Now, most of the teachers would wait until they were in the classrooms to give you these speeches. But I know how this always works. Every year, we get a couple more students who think they're going to become necromancers, or demon summoners. I'm gonna tell you something."

He looked over the audience, taking a deep breath.
"You're going to learn how to do all of that. You're also going to learn why, quite frankly, you don't do it. I don't know why, but it never seems to occur to the new ones that there's a REASON we don't have demons running around the countryside or skeleton armies running about. The problem is that you cannot summon a demon more powerful than you are. Not with our methods. And if you are foolish enough to try to do so, you aren't going to find many teachers to tell you how."

He then smiled.
"Now that we've gotten that overwith, we can start getting somewhere! I'll just lead you to the dorms first, and then to the classrooms. Oh...and one more thing."

"Remember, as a Dark Mage, you'll hear all negative thoughts as if they're being said out loud. So you might as well speak your mind around me. Got it?"

Elsewhere, Mr.Porlan turned around to face Gerald.
"Ah, yes! Gerald! I'd heard you were moving into the dorms soon, yes...I assume this is about that? Yeah. I'm afraid I can't let you have first pick, but I guarantee there'll be space left for you. We always do, in Earth. It's one of the elements with a little more...room as to what is learned... and those that have the choice generally avoid it. Good to see someone who's willing to put time and effort into things."

Elecia found her favored dorm fairly quickly. It was small, but it had the windows, it had the bunks (There was, after all, the possibility she'd have to share) all neatened and ready, and two desks.

Mr.Mijaka, however, had intended that the Fire Mages enter the classroom first, and that was where he headed. He stood at the door, motioning for the students to enter.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=banjooie>Banjooie</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/12/03 10:49:35 pm

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:53 am

Elecia wandered towards a bunk opposite the window, where she'd always be able to see it. While she wouldn't necessarily be paying attention to the window on the occassions where she'd be using the bunk, it was always nice to be prepared. She quickly began emptying out her bag, so as to claim the bunk for herself.

Just then, the thought crossed her mind that there might be someone else moving in here. Not just that, but it might even be a first year student. Now, while she was far from an expert in gauging the abilities of others, she assumed it was common knowledge that a first year student would be constantly bothering her for help. On the other hand, if she did, it would be a prime opportunity to impress them, for all the good it would do her...

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Animala » Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:42 pm

Raul stepped through the door and gave the classroom an appraising glance. Hopefully, even though the administration was lacking in ability, the facilities would be acceptable.


Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby viator22 » Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:38 pm

Gerald looked releaved at the teacher and then let the crowd move past him, to the back where a couple of guys were trading bromides. That kept him occupied till he reached the dorms.

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:20 am

Elecia was disappointed, or perhaps elated, to find that it was a second year who followed her into the dorm. A young girl, Melia had brown hair, large glasses, and looked positively ridiculous in green.

But, she was a second year, so she'd properly understand that Elecia was, as a third year, obviously superior. Right?

"Oh, hiya!" She giggled. "I know, I didn't have this one last year, but I really, really, tried, and this year I got it! So we'll get to spend the entire year together! Isn't that GREAT?" The grin on her face was sickeningly bright and cheery.

The Fire Magic Classroom was, suffice to say, a black and white issue.
The walls were black obsidian. The floor looked like it was made of marble.
However, the back wall was carved into a map of Lunar, and the floor had stones of various colors placed into it to create a circular mosaic picture of Neo Vane.

There weren't desks, per se. What there was a polished, smoothed circle stone bench around the mosaic. And tempered glass at one wall, which appeared to be used to write on.
All the students took their seats. Mr.Mijaka stepped into the centre.
"Welcome, mages and mages to be, to the Magic School of Neo Vane, Fire Magic. Just to make one thing clear, no, you do NOT get to know all the rules and regulations. I happen to play Rules-Lawyer style at T&D, and I happen to know what you people are capable of. I won't have you finding loopholes. You can know that yes, you are perfectly free to attempt to thieve the recipe of Neo Vane Pie from the kitchen. However, the chefs are free to use whatever means necessary short of death to prevent you from getting such. And I'm sure a couple of you may know what exactly those chefs can do with, say..."

He grinned. "An eggbeater?"

One or two of them winced. Painful memories, most likely.

"Now, to continue, I'd like to explain how these classes work, for those of you that don't know. Neo Vane Magic isn't like most styles. We don't teach you spells, we teach you the language. You use the language to create the spells. As such, we can teach you magic faster than most schools ever could. All we ask in return is that you follow a simple set of protocol and procedures. "

He took a deep breath.

"Are there any questions?"

There was always some wisecracking first year that would ask "Why do the 'Check this out'?" And he put his money on Raul. But....you never know, he thought.

Ah, the dorms.
Gerald found himself standing in what looked rather like a smaller version of a hotel lounge, with 9 rooms. Three in front, three to each side. The middle area had three tables, with four chairs around each one. Two chairs, therefore, overlapped. The floor was carpeted, rather...flamboyantly, and the walls had paintings here and there. All in all...it was a fairly ritzy place.

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:04 am

Elecia almost visibly winced in pain as the other student opened her mouth. It was as if the heavens themselves deemed it fit to punish her for some future crime. For a brief moment she entertained the thought of shoving the girl out the window and using some of her supreme wind abilities to send her rocketing to the ground, but eventually decided against it. Option number two would be to ignore her, but that wouldn't last very long. This left the obvious third answer, responding.

"Hm...that's a tough question indeed." the third year student responded, feigning deep thought, voice dripping with sarcasm. "On one hand, we have agreeing with you on that. The merits of this are that I wouldn't damage anyone's delicate ego, and you may eventually get bored with yammering on and go bother someone else. The merits of disagreeing would be that it would likely shock you into silence, it may break your will to the point where I'll have a minion of my very own, and it may even disgust you so much that you go and find a different room."

"...I mean, of course!" Elecia said, suddenly exuding an air of cheerfulness. "How are you?"

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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:15 am

(Somebody delete this)

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Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:19 am

Melia nodded along with what Elecia said, blinking a little bit at the bits about minions, and all that. But of course, her mood changed, right? So she must have been kidding. Of course she was. Who wouldn't want another friend, right?
"I'm great, Elecia!" She then rushed forward and hugged the girl.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:26 pm

Elecia shuddered at the thought that her brilliant display of verbal mastery had gone right over this student. Well, either because of that, or because she now had another person latched on to her.

"...er...wonderful." mumbled Elecia, trying to think of how she could use her newfound leech...

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New subject.

Unread postby Animala » Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:39 pm

Raul smirked and raised his hand. This was his chance to show them that he wasn't like other students. That he was willing to question the basic foundations of what was taught, and reveal the flaws. This was his opportunity to do what no student had dared before.

He didn't bother to wait for the teacher's acknowledgement. "Yes, sir. Why the 'Check this out?'"



Unread postby viator22 » Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:24 am

The dorms where comfortable, that could certainly be said. The boys Gerald was with first took a quick look at the bedrooms, then immediately went to the tables, sliding some together and grabbing chairs. Gerald had acquired a couple of good bromides for next to nothing, plus an artful piece he liked. The was some named Luna and he'd never heard of her. She wasn't bad looking though, and she had blue hair like his.

At the table he was stuck next to a weasely kid named Recard, by virtue of being a bit slow. Recard was from Reva and dear Althena was he a horn dog. In Geralds short experience he had displayed every bad stereo type of that town and none of the good ones. He had pick-pocketed at least one of the other students, those attempts that Gerald saw, and all of his vast bromide collection seemed to be . He was greedy, insulting, and sneaky. Worst of all was the fact that since no one else would want to room with him, and Gerald got last pick....

"This is going to be a long semester." Said Gerald, laying his head in his arms.

"Wanna see my Beast Special? Won't cost ya nothing but change."

From the other side came another voice, a voice he like far more. Laurence Almeda was from Burg. He was smart, soft spoken, and honest, almost Recard's polar opposite. It was not, however, good news. “Isn’t that the from the auditorium?”

Which it of course was. She was standing in the doorway waving and gesturing at the Water Dorm. The Water Dorm that was right across the hall. Gerald put his head back down and groaned.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:29 am

(...On the grounds Zuljin doesn't post often, I won't wait for him. <.<)

Mr. Mijaka sighed. As did most of the second years and ups.
"Well....Raul...I'll tell you."
He took a deep breath.
"Let's say you're in a duel. You want to hide the fact you're tired. If you do that, you're keeping your opponent from knowing how hurt you are. So, you do the little dance. You'll get to the point where you do it completely unconsciously, by the by. Now..what's more likely to frighten your opponents?"
He sagged. He, altogether, looked beaten down. And the spell he cast, a small fireball, looked absolutely horrible. He looked like he was going to fall over.
"This is where 'Proper Showy Spellcasting' can save your LIVES."
He then bounced a little... leaning his weight onto his forward foot, swinging around, a trail of fire following his foot, until he'd swung in a complete circle. This was all done rather quickly, mind, and as he did it with his back foot next, it looked rather like the infinity symbol traced out. And then, he leapt in the air. The flames leapt up, covering his form, but not quite touching him. As he landed, he did another hop, but spun in a circle. The flames flowed up his body into his hands.
And there was, most certainly, something to check out. A gigantic spray of flame fountained from his hands, covering the wall in a light dusting of fire.

The class applauded. He looked to Raul.
"Both of those spells were just as strong. Understand now?"


Ms.Sesal herself walked into the dorms, and called Elecia and Melia out.
"Yes, yes...erm..I know you two know the drill for this stuff, so I'll let you two be, erm...alone, yes. Perfectly alright, mind you. The others will be arriving in approximately an hour, and classes will start tomorrow. Oh, and don't forget, you can go to the kitchens if you're hungry. And I think, ah, yes, I think you're gonna find Paul's going to suggest the pie thievery first this year. I have to say, three years in a row shows dedication."


Mr.Porlan followed the students into the dorm.
"Well, I like to give the yearly speech in the dorms, because the classroom's too stuffy. One of these days, I'll get the Earth room redone so it's more like the Wind one. Anyway...

Right. You are going to be Earth Mages. This means you're going to have the hardest possible element you could have chosen. However, this means you will learn the widest variety of spells of Neo Vane Element. You will either need a great deal of money, scholarships, or to get very, very good at the Truth or Dare competitions we have around here. "

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=banjooie>Banjooie</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/15/03 9:45:43 pm

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Jooie is evil. :(

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:38 pm

"...alright." said the third year student, as her instructor left the room.

Even with her ever advanced intellect, it took Elecia a moment for Ms. Sesal's words to sink in. When it did, however, Elecia couldn't tell if she should be dreadfully amused or flying into a rage. Instead, she simply turned to Melia.

"Why, might I ask, did you have to convince our instructor that we're both lesbians?"

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Re: Jooie is evil. :(

Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:46 pm

Melia blinked.
"...Wha? Well..um...I'm not, I just wanted to give you a hug, y'know, because you seemed sad. I'm really sorry?"

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Re: Heheh...

Unread postby Animala » Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:58 pm

Raul blinked in surprise. So there actually was something to that ridiculous showmanship...

He noticed his mouth was hanging upon. He rectified the situation.

"I understand completely, sir," he said with a respectful nod.

Perhaps this school will have something to teach me after all...

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Evil with a capital M?

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Apr 18, 2003 4:01 am


Elecia drew a blank on what to say.

No, not really. She just drew a blank on what to say that wouldn't go over the girl's head. It was as if Melia was the deity of obliviousness descended down and assuming human form for the sole purpose of irritating Elecia. However, after a moment of thought, she found the proper word to express how the girl how to redeem herself.



*strikes a victory pose at end*

Unread postby viator22 » Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:54 pm

Gerald let the words sink in. His family had money, but did they have enough. He wasn’t real scholarship material, not good ones anyway. He would have to work hard but he wasn’t adverse to that. The reactions of the students around him were similar by the large. Most diverse spell selection…. Gerald had heard that there was lots of variety to Earth and he wondered what it could do.

He was going to be a mage. It sunk in now. He was here, in this great school of magic, training in what his professor had just told him was the hardest element. And now he understood this in a way he had not before. The knowledge brought a grin to his face.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Apr 19, 2003 4:06 am

Mr.Mijaka smiled.
"Good...good...I think that's all the instruction we'll really need for today. Dorms're upstairs, I'm sure the later years can handle getting you there... As for me, well, there's a staff meeting going on fairly soon, so I've got to be off. "
He turned, and walked out of the room.
He looked rather worried.

Ms.Sesal whistled to herself as she left.
Oh, very good, Elecia's gone and found herself someone. I should have guessed. They make _such_ a cute couple, and, well, opposites attract, after all..now, where was I? Oh, right, the staff meeting...

Melia, on the other hand, just nodded slowly.
"So what you're suggesting is, on the grounds that I'm responsible for the potential shattering of your id by an outside force, I should therefore strip myself of my own dignity and risk severe beatings on your behalf to fulfill your own need to believe in your superiority to avoid actual confrontation and interaction with other people?"

She hmmed. "Okay! I'll go ask Paul when he comes back about it."

Mr.Porlan continued.
"So...yeah. Most of the money you'll need's in spellbooks. Of course, there's always the markets outside you can haggle at, if you don't like Neo Vane's prices...but I think the easiest way'd be the Truth or Dare. I myself used to be quite good at it when I was your age. Does Earth still play Lawyer Style? Anyone know?"

A few murmurs of agreement came from the crowd.
"Ah, good. Anyway, erm..there's a small meeting I have to get to, so the classroom will have to wait. Terribly sorry."

He chuckled to himself, and walked out of the classroom.

Lawrence sighed, and turned to Gerald.
"...Truth or Dare? Oh, right, I remember. It's just like a normal game, except you have to bet spellbooks every round. And if you can't take a truth or dare, you have to give up your ante."

The boy who'd been passing out the bromides nodded.
"Yeah. We're Lawyers around here. The idea is we twist what we're dared to do or told to say so that it's as unembarassing as possible. It's the damned Daredevils who generally beat us, because we can't outdo them before they think of something we can't get out of."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=banjooie>Banjooie</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/19/03 5:20:48 pm

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Re: ..

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:43 pm

"Nonono." said Elecia, feeling a need to correct the earlier year's observation. "See, the id is the negative part of the personality, the part which urges you to do unsavory things. The ego is the one which urges you to do all sorts of good and nice things, while the superego regulates them. In short, none of them particularly aply to this situation, especially since the theories involving these have already been proven false."

"...otherwise, yes, that sounds about right."

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Re: ..

Unread postby Animala » Sun Apr 20, 2003 2:37 pm

Raul watched his instructor leave, then snorted, rabbit whiskers twitching in contempt.

"Is this how they usually do things here?" he asked loudly. "Barely get things started and then run off on 'adminsistrative business'?"

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Re: ..

Unread postby Banjooie » Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:38 pm

A few of the students blinked. One of them, Navin, looked to Raul.
"...Generally..no. This is...highly irregular. It won't do at all. Now what're we supposed to do?"

A sixth year got up.
"Right. Anyone more senior than I am? We can't legally teach here, but we can try something in the dorms. And we need to get those set up."

A seventh year stood up.
"Hey! What're you trying to do, take over Neo Vane yourself? This is HARDLY procedure!"

Another one stood up.
"...And what IS procedure, if I may ask?"

This, of course, sparked a huge argument as to what exactly procedure was. Indeed, Neo Vane WAS Neo Vane.

The hall of councillors was quiet.
"....So, where is he?"
Simon looked about the eight teachers. There were some who looked upset, some nonchalant, some who probably didn't know what was going on...

"...Where's who? The Dragonmaster? Is this even our BUSINESS?" The Light teacher, Ms. Samir, glared.

"...You mean, 'Is it our business that the protector of Lunar is missing and nobody knows why?', don't you?" Mr. Porlan roared. "He did the dragon trial after Alex. Nobody knows what's become of him, even his damned wife."

"Please. It's not like Ghaleon's ever coming BACK. Do we even need a Dragonmaster anymore?" Ms.Sesal smirked.

"Is that how Neo Vane Mages show their respect? 'Oh, you haven't saved the world, we don't care!'? I'm disgusted!" Mr. Mijaka slammed his fist on the table. "You just wait till there IS an issue!"

Mr.Vilden laughed. "There it is. The Neo Vanic fear of world-saving. We could do anything Alex could with our hands tied behind our-" His words were stopped by a hand striking him rather hard in the head. Mr. Bilchar, the Sword Mage, stood up.

"If you'll PLEASE to remember, Mr.Vilden, our Lemia Ausa was brainwashed by Ghaleon, and we were all quite happily unaware of what was going on. We are effective mages, but I'm not going to believe we're infallible. We need the Dragonmaster just as much as he needs us."

Simon stood up. "ORDER! I won't have FIGHTING in our OWN ranks! So, why don't we decide what it is we're going to do, before this turns into an all out magic war!"

Mr. Arthialus, the Water Mage, nodded. "Look. We'll send out the later years. Spend a few months just tracking down what we can. Then, if we can't find anything, we'll just..um...set up an expedition! Call it a formal training exercise. The fact we'll be saving the world is just a side effect."

Ms.Sesal was shocked. "S-save the world? Do you not remember Nash? Or Mia? Or GHA-"

Mr. Mijaka stood up. "Look. Traditionally, I'm supposed to disagree with Arthy. But...I've got it. We'll send mainly fourth ears and lower. The higher ones, we'll just keep out of the action. That should prevent anything too awful."

There were general nods. "Then we'll definitely need at least a few months of training. Can't have completely untrained mages going out there, right?" Simon looked about. He was going to have order, damnit.

General approval followed.

"Right. But for now, let's just discuss things that're fairly important. Like, for example, the cooks. They're asking for more license in their pie retention policies. Apparently, they're asking for booby traps...."

"Yeah. We gotta protect the pie recipe. Speaking of which, let's get some ordered. Damn good pie, it is.."


Re: ..

Unread postby EKDS5k » Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:58 pm

Dammit all! I'm never late for anything in my life! And now this! The driver just had to take a short cut, didn't he?

The shortcut Simon was thinking about was chosen by the driver of his decidedly inexpensive coach. It had also hapened to be very bumpy, and two of the wheels had suffered broken spokes. Unfortunately, there was only one spare, and the driver had said it would take all day to fix just one of the wheels.

So he was on foot. He had already changed into his robes, not wanting to show up for his first day at the Neo Vane School of Magic and look horribly out of place. The white cloth fluttered behind him, while his backpack bounced (on his back, obviously) and the cheap longsword his father had bought for him rattled in its sheath as he ran towards the main doors of the school. He was nearly out of breath, and slowed to a walk as he approached.

Impressive place this is...

Having grown up on a farm, and a poor one at that, he wasn't used to such quality. He went straight for the doors, looking for either a similarly coloured student, or perhaps a teacher/other official he could ask where to go...

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Re: ..

Unread postby Animala » Thu Apr 24, 2003 2:30 pm

Raul stood listening to their pointless squabbling for as long as he could stand (roughly 55 seconds, if anyone's counting).

"Right," he muttered to himself, massaging his temples. The noise was giving him a headache. "Alright," he said loudly, "I'm heading upstairs to find the dorms, which I am pretty damn sure is not procedure." He picked up his bags and headed out the door, turning as he left to add, "If people who know the way want to lead me there, which might possibly be 'procedure,' they're welcome to."

And with that, Raul stepped out into the vast unknown.

Or the hallway.


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Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Banjooie » Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:00 pm

Raul found his dorm. It actually read 'Fire Students Dorm' on the door. It figured, naturally, that Neo Vanists would give huge lectures on it AND have it on the door. And the first pick of the rooms was all his...


As the teachers left, Mr.Bilchar hmmed. The Dragonmaster...wasn't as battle trained as the last one, Alex, had been. Of course, not to say he was a WEAKLING. .Mr.Bilchar had personally sparred with him, and he'd done alright. But...being the son of one whom PRETENDED to be the Dragonmaster. That can't be good for the ego. Perhaps...

Perhaps I should watch where I'm going.

He blinked. He was standing about 3 feet away from Simon, about to walk into him.

"Odd..I thought I'd handled the Sword Mages. You late, boy? I'm Mr.Bilchar. Perhaps we should get you to the Classroom."
Of course...once that mess was settled...speeches made, and all...

Time passed. It's wont to do that sort of thing.
And when time passes, things occur.

Especially late at night.


A knocking came on Elecia's door.
"Right. Which of you two're coming?"
Melia came happily bounding out the door.
"Oh, we're off for the pie again? Alright. I guess you're not coming, eh, Elecia? It'd be so fun, too..."
Meanwhile, over the course of half an hour, every student in Neo Vane was woken up at least once. If they wanted to come along on the Neo Vane Pie Raid, they were perfectly free to. Of course, there were the usual risks of beatings and whatnot involved, and you weren't EXPECTED to come. No shame in not doing it. In fact, almost all of the upper years had completely forsaken the idea.

Naturally, they always sweet talked the first years. And explained how the chefs didn't know the first years as well, so it'd be easier, of course...


Re: A school year in Neo Vane (Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu Apr 24, 2003 8:27 pm

Still out of breath from his run to the school, Simon took a moment before he responded to Mr. Bilchar.

"Er, yeah, late. My buggy ran into some problems on the way here, and I was stuck on foot....sorry."

He wiped some of the sweat from his forehead before continuing.

"Oh, and ah...pleased to meet you. I'm Simon Winters."

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Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So..ye

Unread postby Banjooie » Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:56 pm

Mr.Bilchar nodded.
"Ah, good to meet you, Simon. It's still not that late, right? ....ah, what the heck. You go have first pick of the dorms. I'm often late for things myself. Heheh..."


Re: Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu Apr 24, 2003 10:22 pm

Simon blinked in surprise. Any dorm would have been an improvement over his room back on the farm, and he would have been happy even with the worst one. The opportunity to get the best one was something that hadn't even occured to him might happen.

"I, ah....Thank you, sir. I'll take my stuff there right away."

He was about to take off towards the dorms, excited by the thought that, not only had he not been reprimanded for being late, he was actually rewarded for it. Then a thought occured to him.

".....Where are the dorms, anyway?"


Re: Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So

Unread postby viator22 » Thu Apr 24, 2003 11:17 pm

"Meh. I need to talk to the teacher."

Gerald was leaning back on a bunk, wearing a to big shirt and a pair of baggy grey shorts with the drawstring dangling almost to his knees.

"How stupid was that though. Didn't even grab a change before I left." He sighed audibly."At least I'm not shacked up with Recard." He'd managed to talk another first year into taking that bunk. He was sleeping in a room with Laurence, who owned the shirt. The shorts he had received from a sympathetic but over-sized sixth year. Sleep claimed him....

....to be disrupted in what seemed like seconds, by a series of light knocks. It didn't seem to have affected Laurence, the guy slept like the Earth itself.

"Hey. There's a Pie Raid. You first years coming?"

Gerald thought he detected a kind a mocking in the voice and bristled. One couldn't say no to a challenge like that, could one. No. Some inner shard of sanity managed to hold him at the edge.

"Why would you want First Years though? Your big enough aren't you. We'd just be in the way."

"Come now. You've got it wrong kid. It's easier for the first years. Your small and fast. PLUS, the chiefs don't know you like they know us."

And with that, another stupid kid was added to the swarm converging on the Neo Vainic kitchens.

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Re: Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:50 am

Mr.Bilchar chuckled.
"Ah, I'm too bloody absent minded. Been here too long, I guess. Now..fourth floor, southwest corner. Stairs're up there, second floor, behind the auditorium. The Sword Classroom's just over there, but...eh, it's too much work and all you're missing is probably some discussion on a Neo Vane Pie Raid. I'm sure one of the students can fill you in on basic Neo Vanic life."
He had more of a bellow than a chuckle, it seemed to Simon.
"..Now, you'd better get up to those dorms quickly. I may be fine with lateness, but some of the other teachers may not be so good about it.<span style="font-size:xx-small;">Like Ms.Sesal, for instance...</span> But we won't get into that. You have a good sleep, and we'll have classes first thing in the morning after breakfast."


Re: Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So

Unread postby EKDS5k » Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:34 am

Neo Vane Pie? Wasn't that supposed to be like.....the best pie ever? But what did he mean by a raid?

Simon took a moment to get his bearings, and recall which way was south. He nodded.

"Yes sir. Thank you. I'll uh....see you in the morning, then."

With that, he turned and took off towards the stairs, half walking and half running, still worn out from hsi trip here. He groaned a little at the thought of having to climb four flights of stairs. By the time he got to the top, he was completely out of breath again, and had to lean against the wall for a few moments.

He surveyed the dorm area, and after some consideration, took the room at the very southwest, in the corner.

After all, if it's in the corner, it'll have more windows, and a better view.

He entered the room, chose a bed, sat down on it, and began to unpack his stuff. What little of it he had, anyway. A few sets of worn clothing and some trinkets that had personal value was just about it, though he did have one new shirt and a pair of pants, bought shortly before he left home. After all, it wouldn't do to head off to school and not have at least one nice shirt.

He felt the bed. Comfy, though he was too excited to sleep, despite the fact he was dead tired.

Maybe I'll just stay awake and see who shows up as my roommate...[i]

Deciding to do just that, he stood up, drew his sword, and began going through some basic movements. Just for somethin

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Re: Erm, we'll assume certain people are ahead. <.< So

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Apr 25, 2003 5:40 pm

And soon enough, his roommate arrived.

"Right. Shows what kind of respect you have for Neo Vane if you're not even there for the first classes. Pfft."

She wore the proper robes. HER sword was particularly of fine craftsmanship. The kind rich people buy for their children. And...she wore a string belt. It had lots of small cloth bags tied to it.

Raven black hair, combed/brushed/otherwise-fussed-over to perfection, then tied back in a ponytail.

"And what IS that, anyway? Looks like a painted bit of wood." She laughed facetiously. "Of course, I'm absolutely utterly sure you've got the money to buy a DECENT sword..Unless you'll be depending on the school castoffs.."

She hmmed. "Well...I've got an extra...so here's the deal. I promised to help with the Pie raid tonight. So...if you go in my place, I'll give you a better sword. Sound good?"


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