Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

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Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Apr 26, 2003 8:30 pm

Gean heard another slam and sighed.

"Looks like one of the others got in the same boat." She put her hands on her hips and smiled.

"So lets get it rockin." She kicked the door.

"Hay you! Old man! I'm getin board. Hurry it up already."


A woman smiled at Ryo as she walked up to him.

"Its time sir." She said smiling at him. "I hope your ready." She said and led him to the main floor.


Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:14 pm

Ryo sighed and followed the lady to the main floor.

"Yeah I've been ready for a while now..."


Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby Ajil6 » Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:11 pm

Shek sighed inwardly, he just wanted to get this done with.

That, and to go home already. He wondered what was taking everything so long.

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Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu May 01, 2003 9:25 pm

(sorry about the long wait. But I have to work most of the day. This one is a long post.)

"So," Deacon said as he stared at the dark man. "That energy that stopped the star, it was a medium?"

The masked man nodded.

"Yes," he said looking up from his pack. "It came from that Temple. But there's more. It wasn't a normal medium."

Deacon smiled.

"Those two words don't belong together. Medium and Normal. You and I both know that the mediums are entities of Filigra, extensions of its body."

The masked man groaned.

"You are talking that rubbish again. DO you want to know what I found out or not!"

"Testy," Deacon said with a smile. "Go ahead."

"It was one of the ones mentioned in the old research files that we found."

Deacon frowned.

"But where is it. ..I need it." He said angrily grabbing the masked mans arm.

"Ahh. . .let go." The masked man said as he looked up at Deacon. Though shadowed by his hat, his face twisted with pain.

"I don't. . .know where it is. .." Deacon dropped the masked man and backed up. "But it has to be one of those interlopers."

"But who?" Deacon asked smiling.

He turned his back to the masked man.

"Prepare the device." The moon above highlighted the cruel smile on Deacons face as the wind blew around him. "Such a wonderful night for a death dance. Lets and see what Ryo knows."

The masked man spit on the ground.

"You think he knows anything."

Deacon stopped and looked up and taped his head with his finger.

"Oh, well. We can find out the fun way if we need to."


Gean jumped as the door to there room raised revealing Kalin and Rydar. She stepped threw.

"Looks like its time for some real fun." She said smiling.

Suddenly a large door opened to reveal a room filled with skulls and bones. Gean stepped behind the three men and pushed them forward.

"He he ha. Uh. . .you guys go on I'm right behind you."

(arena lay out)

Basically you are in a large underground area. There are stairs leading up to seats, in them are some old men and young men, all shouting and cheering.

Across from you, you see another door. As you stare at it. . .it begins to open.

(Ryo part)

The door of Ryo's room began to open.


Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu May 01, 2003 9:58 pm

Ryo shook his head and slowly walked through the door as it opened, he adjusted his trenchcoat and walked out into the arena into full view. He stared across it and shook his head when he saw who was on the other side.

"Oh boy.... This ain't gonna be pretty...."

He placed one of his hands on the deck Deacon had given him and his other on the strap of his Arm. Not sure which of these he was going to be using.

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Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu May 01, 2003 10:22 pm

Geans jaw dropped as she stared at Ryo. .. for an instant she smiled but then shook her head.

"Well this is surprising." She said with a laugh. "So tell me did you come to make some quick cash to?"

Gean stepped forward.

"Now for the rules!" Bellowed the anoncer. "The dealer shall be Ryo. A feisty man with brains."

"The fighters shall be the three men you see standing on the other side."

"HAY WHAT ABOUT ME!" Gean shouted looking angry.

"The twerp flat chested girl shall be removed since she is libel to be killed right off."

"COME DOWN HERE AND SAY THAT YOU STUPID. . ." Gean shouted as she waved her fist.

"Oh well now for the rules." the voice said. "The dealer shall draw a card, the card he draws shall determine what monster comes out of its pen. The dealer shall only get one draw so he better hope he gets a good one."

"A monster?" Gean said with a frown.

(note the deck you have Ryo is all the same monster. I will pick. There is more to it than this guys. . .but hay. . .I can't give it all way now can I. . . .he he he.)


Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Fri May 02, 2003 12:28 am

Ryo grimaced and drew the deck from his pocket. "Nothing personal, but you gotta do what you gotta do." He placed his hand upon the top of the deck and drew a card........

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Re: Yo, I'm back,

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri May 02, 2003 5:01 pm

"Yeah," Gean said. "Nothing Personal." She said and sighed.

"You must have your reasons." She said looking angry. "Cuz you don't strike me as the type to take orders. But that doesn't matter." She drew her ARM and held it up.

"Cuz, we are going to get this job and the cash that goes with it." She smiled evilly and then twirled the ARM and Shot at Ryo's feet.

"Nothing Personal." She said twirling her gun and smiling playfully. "So lets do this thing."

(I'll post the monster once everyone posts there reactions and responses.)

Darsis AlTanis


Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Mon May 05, 2003 2:28 pm

Kalin sighed lightly.

That Gean. There was no way that she realized how corny that line had sounded. Regardless, there was a monster to fight, and a career to extend. And, eventually, one traitor to eliminate.

Kalin drew the bolt on his ARM and braced it against his hip. He stuck his sabre point down into the earth in front of him, available for quick use once he had fired his ARM. He doubted that he would have an opportunity to load it again.

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Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue May 06, 2003 1:44 pm

There was a loud raor as the card lifted from Ryo's hand and began to glow. As they all watched there was a rumble, as the floor opened and a beast rose from the ground.

Its massive head raised up as it opened its mouth to reveal row after row of sharp jagged teeth. As the group watched there was a whirring sound as it stopped on the ground.

"Now all you blood thirsty fans." Shouted the announcer. "Hope you placed your bets, because now its time to fight."

Force levels as it is right now.

Gean 2
Kalin 3 (abel to use first skill)
Shek 3 (abel to use first skill)
Rydar 2 (if hes still here?)

Ryo 2 (yep. . .you know it)

The first to move will be Kalin.


(ooc. Another battle folks. I'm hoping to get this monster beat before I go on vacation. I am leaving next week and I wanted to let you all know. When I leave I will be gone for a few days. But it will continue once i return.)


Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby Ajil6 » Tue May 06, 2003 6:35 pm

Shek didn't like where this was going, he didn't like where it was going at all. What he thought was a cushy job as a temporary body guard now became a disgusting bloodsport.

He sighed and looked towards his freinds, then up at the monster.

Told you so.

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Tue May 06, 2003 7:58 pm

Kalin looked across at Shek, Gean, and Rydar.

"Lets take it down."

He raised up his ARM in a swift, fluid movement, and aimed it at the beast. His hand squezzed the trigger.

With a sharp hiss, a long shell fired at an angle, diving like a torpedo into the dirt floor. A small hummock showed its path, like a mole tunneling under a garden.

The path of the shell flowed under the monster, and detonated in a firey blast.

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Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed May 07, 2003 10:09 pm


The monster roared and shook as Kalins attack struck. It shook its massive head and turned to him its eyes narrowed.

Hp loss of Monster 12

(I know its low but there's a reason. Its another puzzle.)

Gean pointed her ARM at the monster and looked terrified.

"Holy crap." She said her eyes wide. "If . . .If your ARM didn't hurt it. . .what the hell will!"

The monster roared and turned towards Ryo, it snorted and slammed its massive claw on the ground. A shock wave shot across the floor, knocking him to the floor.

Hp loss for Ryo 45

(OOc. who ever posts next can attack. All I ask is that when you attack you don't attack right after the person who attacks after you. Oh and by the way. . .is Rydar's still around. I am not sure anymore.)


Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed May 07, 2003 10:53 pm

Ryo blinked before being sent to the floor. He grimaced, pissed quite a bit at this. "Son of a bitch.... Did that bastard trick me?" Ryo propped himself up with his Arm grumbling. "Damnit.... this was not part of the plan....."

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Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed May 07, 2003 11:18 pm


Boomed the announcer.

"An exciting start. What will happen next."

Gean laughed and slid her foot forward.

"What's the matter gramps, to much for you?" She teased as she raised her ARM and took Aim.

"Let me show you how its done boys."

Geans eyes narrowed as her ARM whirred. There was a bang as the bullet sot from the gun. . .and bounced off of the monster and instead hit the stadium wall.

Gean looked embarrassed as she lowered her gun.

"Uh. . .ok."

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Thu May 08, 2003 2:20 pm

(I have abosolutely no idea where Sobe went. He hasn't posted in many moons, and I think that it's to the point where you can either drop him without a real story type reason, or kill him off. This RP has already had a lot of inconsistencies, so I think just dropping him wouldn't really hurt. Incidentally, is this the classic quick heat/quick cool monster?)

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Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu May 08, 2003 4:37 pm

(yes yes it is. Good job Kalin. Yeah I think I will drop him. Hopefuly this rp will get more consistant. Good job on the puzzel. . .I'll have to make them harder.)


Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu May 08, 2003 6:33 pm

(( the problem there is no one knows any fire. Or ice. And the proper name in the last few wild arms was Thrast if I remember right. ))

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=argusdevilmen>ArgusDevilmen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/8/03 6:34:24 pm

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Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu May 08, 2003 9:06 pm

(ooc. theres more to the arena than meets the eye. . .besides. . you never know whats going to happen. Espeshily with me as a gm. Just take it easy. )

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Fri May 09, 2003 2:27 pm

((Well, I know water.....))

Kalin stared in disbelief as his attack had almost no effect on the monster.

"Well.... "

He raised his hand, palm forward, towards the beast. He called on the Water Medium inside himself and soft blue glow surrounded his hand.

His eyes blazed, and he shouted.


A sphere of water surrounded the monster, completely immersing it. The sphere constricted, crushing the monster with water pressure.

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Re: Lets get it on. . .(

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri May 09, 2003 5:46 pm

There was a gurgal as the monster hit the ground and pushed itsself back to its feet. Its body shook as if shivering as it glared at the group.

hit 50 hp

As the group watches the mosnter contiues to shake.



Unread postby Ajil6 » Fri May 09, 2003 6:30 pm

Shek looked up the monster and winced as he pulled out his long pole arm. He stared at the shivering beast as he began to charge towards it into a running leap-slash.

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Re: Kapow.

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri May 09, 2003 11:03 pm

The monster roared again as Shecks attack struck its back.

As Sheck's attack hits the monsters skin seems to peal and a large chunk falls to the floor.

Hp loss of monster


Monsters move

The monsters eyes flashed as it reared and turned towards Gean and the others. He raised its claw and swiped at Sheck, Kalin and Gean striking them all.

Grean losses 50 hp force up one now abel to use mystic

Sheck 30hp force up by one now abel to use force ability

Kalin 28hp force level up. . .can use force ability or Medium. However medium use shall cause the loss of 20 hp

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Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun May 11, 2003 11:18 pm

(ooc. I am going on a trip and wont be back untill thursday. I will go on with this rp when I get back see ya.)

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Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu May 15, 2003 6:00 pm

im back

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Wed May 28, 2003 5:27 pm

((So..... ah....

This gonna start again?))

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Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri May 30, 2003 11:20 pm

(ooc: Yeah. ..but I was waiting for someone else to atack the monster, befor I made it move again.


Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat May 31, 2003 12:24 am

(( OOC: Well its not my turn yet... ))

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Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat May 31, 2003 12:45 am

Gean fell over and jumped to her feet. She glared at the monster and pointed her ARm again. She pulled the trigger.

The monster roared and turned towards her.

Mon hp loss.


Darsis AlTanis

Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Mon Jun 02, 2003 8:05 am

The heavy blow also knocked Kalin to his feet, but he was up again shortly after, and began catching his breath.

He straightened up, and drew his sabre, then began strafing around the beast, looking for an opening to attack.

Gean's shot momentarily distracted the monster, so Kalin charged in swiftly, leapt up the things side, and slashed at it's shoulder.

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Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:34 pm

The monster fell forward and landed with a thud. Its eyes bulged as it grunted at the fighters.

(end round one)

Gean sighed and wiped her forehead. Her eyes narrowed as she turned to Ryo.

"So why are you here old man?" She asked with a smirk. "Your new buddies got something for you do do? Gonna kill another town?"

Little did they know that a pair of eyes stared down at them from a hidden seat. A cruel smile formed in the darkness as a sound began to rise around them.

The sound of slow sarcastic clapping. It echoed around them as the monsters eyes closed.


Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:23 pm

Ryo simply crossed his arms grumbling. This is obviously far from over...

"What I am doing here is none of your business Gean."


Re: Dream Chasers: Upon The Great Island (Freestyle)

Unread postby Ajil6 » Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:00 am

Shek looked at Ryo out of the corner of his eye, his attention still mostly on the monster.

"Well if its not her, it must be one of ours. Speak up buddy, cause you're next after this sucker."



Unread postby darsisaltanis » Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:56 pm

Kalin pulled his sabre out of the beast's neck, and sheathed the blade.

Ryo was still on the pedestal at one end of the arena, and Kalin walked towards him purposefully.

Upon reaching him, he looked up towards him.

"Ryo," he said, with strained calmness, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

Darsis AlTanis

Re: ee

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:01 pm

((Yeah, thats me, in case you didn't know))


Re: ee

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:16 pm

Ryo smiled. "Only one?" Ryo shrugged. "Well I don't see you being able to kill me by yourself. And I am guessing you are not yet done fighting."

Darsis AlTanis

Re: ee

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:22 pm

"You bastard!" Kalin yelled in frustration. "Get down here and we'll see who'll be able to kill who!"

He turned his back on the pedestal and angrily stalked towards his companions.

God, did that sound as retarded as I think it did?

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Re: ee

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:28 pm

The arena lights rose to reveal a dark figure standing at the top of a flight of tall stairs.

"Ahh, very impressive." Deacon said as he stepped into the light. There was an odd red smug on his cheek as he clapped his hands.

"You know, I didn't think you had it in you Ryo. But I am impressed, and you should know that that is not an easy thing."

Gean glared at him as he walked down the steps and stopped at the edge of the arena and leaned on the rail.

"You! Your the one who attacked me!" She said rasing her arm.

He smiled and shook his finger at her.

"Now now my dear," he said smiling. "Don't start threatening my life just yet."

Gean pulled teh trigger of her ARM and there was a boom as she pulled the trigger.

"Ha. . .take that you. . " Gean started to say but suddenly went pale.

Deacon had raised his hand and a strange light was emitting from it. He smiled and closed his hand around the bullet.

"You know, I wasn't sure just how you three took care of our last experiment. But then I watched your battle just now."

He stepped onto the edge of the arena and crossed his hands infront of his chest.

"I am going to offer you something boy," he said as he glared at Kalin. "You can either hand over the Water Medium, or we can have some fun." He jumped into the air and landed next to Ryo.

He smiled and looked over his shoulder with a sadistic grin.

"No worries, go and get the disk from that fools office." He rubbed his cheek and smiled at his hand.

"I got rather messy with that one, but oh, it was so much fun." His eyes widened as he licked the blood from his hand. "He screamed so loud, and its sad really. I had to finish him off before I really wanted to. His screaming was going to bring help. . ."

Gean backed up slowly as Deacon smiled at Kalin.

(note to Kalin)

YOu feel something inside of your mind atempting to speak, however you do not understand its words, all you can tell is that it is a despret feeling.

(ooc Sorry this has been so long. Things have been crazy. Hopefuly we can get this running again.)

Darsis AlTanis

Re: ee

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Tue Jun 17, 2003 8:39 am

Dammnit.... Schturdark... are you trying to warn me...?

Kalin's eyes took on a fierce glow. He almost never got angry, but when it happened...

"You want the Water Medium? You can come and pry it off of my dead body. "

He drew his sabre. His ARM was lying a few feet away, unloaded. He definitely would not be in top form until he was near an ocean somewhere.

I have no ideas what they're planning. Certainly they must know that the Medium won't work for anyone but me, and even then, Gean had something to do with it...

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A new quest begins. . .kinda

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Jun 17, 2003 11:15 am

Deacon smiled and suddenly vanished, reappearing next to Kalin in mid air. A bright flash blinded Kalin as Deacon punched him in the gut and grabbed him by the neck.

He landed holding Kalin out infront of him.

"Oh yes, I can see it." He said squeezing. He dropped Kalin to the ground and laughed.

"You get away from him!" Gean shouted and raised her ARM again.

"So your the one who has the medium." He said with a grin. "You don't seem to understand anything about it. But your going to find out some things. . .to bad you'll die right after you do."

He grind again and then looked over his shoulder at Gean and Shek.

"And I'll deal with the two of you next. But first I'm going to get rid of you."

The ground suddenly shook causing Deacon to look even more angry. He frowned and walked by Kalin and knelt down to whisper in his ear.

"You should know, even with the medium, you will never be abel to stop us." He stood up and disappeared again.

Gean ran over to Kalin and helped him up.

"This, is getting a bit weird." She said looking annoyed.

(ooc. Yay. back in action.)


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