Sailor Sex-Change.

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Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:47 pm

(( Okay before I start one thing, you can either do this in first person or not. I will try and stick with first person for when I am doing myself and third for NPC's, like Guardians for example. Now for the intro post, it may be a bit odd but I hope it makes sense! ))

Hi there! My name is Kevin, I am 16, with brown hair and blue eyes. I live in a small town and enjoy it, for many different reasons. Well I guess I am your average nerd, geek, dork whatever you wanna call it. I suppose I am rather skinny and should eat more, but hell I ain't in no rush to get fat.

Today is one of those days where you feel something exciting is gonna happen but ya just have no damn clue what it could be. Personally I find those days annoying, but anyway I am walking down to the local arcade to meet up with my friends.

Today I choose to wear some blue jeans, and my good ol' turtle neck over my t-shirt. Well its rather bland but I ain't trying to make a fashion statement or something.

The arcade isn't that far from my house so my parents let me walk there. Although I must admit I wish I could drive, would make it much faster. Considering its about a mile walk, glad its only that though.

Well here I am at the arcade, guess I'm the first one here. Usually I'm last because of Saturday morning cartoons. Yeah I watch cartoons, mainly Anime though.... Ah Anime, one of the best things in life right there next to Video games.

"Yo Kevin! Meeting up with your friends here again eh?" I turned to the counter to see David. He was one of the workers here who knew me from my constant trips here.

I nodded back to him. "Yeah, seems I am actually first today. Shocking isn't it?" David let out a chuckle. "Yeah, usually your the last one here!"

I walked over to a Capcom VS SNK machine and began to play on it inserting a few quarters.

"So how goes the plans?" A shadowy figure sat at the head of a large circular table, which stretched out for a good length many chairs strung about the table.

A deep voice from near the end of the table replied to the figure, "The plan is going smoothly. Although I do believe that they may have sent out scouts to the 'real' world."

A female voice answered that one with a yell, "WHAT? How the hell could you have let them send SCOUTS? Are you a complete moron?!"

The figure at the head of the table spoke again, "It does not matter. We have control over a vast quantity of realms already. There is little chance they could find anyone skilled enough to help them now."

A perkier voice from right by the figure laughed. "Oh what are you all worried about? A little humans coming in and ruining everything?"

A large majority of the table yelled "YES" In unison.

The figure at the head of the table sighed and shook his head. "Dismissed......" With that the table was slowly left empty as each of the people sitting at it faded off......


Edited by: [url=>ArgusDevilmen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/5/03 4:18:42 pm


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:17 pm

Heya! I'm Tanice Image I have long brown hair and "other" eyes. Yes you heard me "other". It even says that on my learner's license if you don't believe me! They're normally a messed up mix of light brown and blue. Though more brown I guess... even though I'd LOVE to say I had blue eyes... Well anyways... I'm that outcast kid... I'm not ugly, I'm not a super-genius, but I'm artsy and creative... I'm just that kid that by the luck of the draw happened to be given unanimous consent by the universe to be out of mainstream happenings.

Well anyway... I'm feeling very happy today... Like something good or fun is going to happen... but yeah... I'm headed to the arcade to meet with my friends. I'm pretty much broke and suck at the arcade so I just go to hang and watch... I'm more of an RPGer and you can't play an RPG at the Arcade.

After cartoons today I decided to have a shower... I figure... hey? I live right near the Arcade and am normally first, despite watching the cartoons I'll just dilly dally longer, clean myself up and stuff before going... Plus I woke up late and missed the first showing of Jackie Chan... ANYway... After hopping out of the shower and drying off I threw on a long dark-blue knit skirt with slits up the sides of it and a cool light blue shirt withg this wicked black dragon on it... Okay so it doesn't make the greatest combination.... I just felt like wearing it.

So I head out my hair still pretty wet and lo and behold Kev is actually the first one there today. I grin and decided to sneak up behind him and freak him out... *creep*creep*creep*

"BOO!" I cry out when I'm like right behind him then laugh. "So... who are you using today to kick butt with, huh?"

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:31 pm

Hey. I'm Phil. Yeah, weird name, ain't it? Don't blame me, blame my parents. I'm 17, bordering on 18. I'm only about 5'8", weighing in at about 120 pounds. They say I'm way too skinny, so I'm called "Bones" by a lot of people. Weird, eh? Well, I've got short brown hair in a haircut that's been described as "Knives' haircut gone real" and green eyes.

The arcade. I go every Saturday, ya know, to meet my friends. I rarely have any money to spend on games there, as I always buy games for my consoles. I have every console out there. Yeah, you could call me the rich kid. I'm also known as "Gadget" by some people because I always carry around my MP3 player, my Game Boy Advance SP, and my cell phone.

I wear my usual attire, some green shants (pants with zip-offs at the knees to make shorts), and a dark navy blue Dragonball Z shirt. Some people call me a Cartoon Network whore, but really, I love most anime. My favorite series are Lupin III, Ranma 1/2, and Excel Saga.

I can drive, heh...but I don't have a license. So my parents let me drive there, then they take the van back. Well, here we are.

"Later, Dad. I'll call you when I get back."

I stepped into the arcade with my usual chaotic grin, and went up to my favorite game in the whole arcade, Metal Slug 4. Without even noticing Kevin next to me, I start playing frantically, making my usual loud gaming noises, and yelling at the machine.

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:06 pm

'Lo there! I'm Lauren, but *you* can refer to me as "Your Dark Majesty". Kneel before me, for I am evil! Grovel, peasant! Grovel I say! AHAHAHAHA!

What? Why are you looking at me that way?

*Fine*, I'll be normal. You're no fun, you know that?

Anyway, my name's Lauren and I'm an alcoholic...

WHAT?! Right, right, This time I'll stop. Promise.

As I said twice before, I'm Lauren. I'm 21 years old, but if you call me an old lady you die in a horribly graphic manner. I'm a short girl at 5'3 and pretty much average in build at 116 lbs. I customarily dye my hair frequently, so it hasn't been it's normal color in about two and a half years. Currently it's black with two white streaks in the front, and just above my shoulders. My eyes are brown, but I wear white contacts on occasion. I like freaking people out. It's fun. Yes, I'm what you might call a goth...either that, or a wannabe J-Rocker, considering my love of visual kei. You might also call me an internet junkie, a slacker, a compulsive gamer, or a looney, all of which apply.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah! It's Saturday today, and that means I'm going to meet my friends at the arcade. Yes, I still like video games. Shut up. Always one to want to look my best--or worst, in the opinion of some--for my public, I decide to wear a long-sleeved black top with a big silver pentacle on front and "Proud Of Who I Am" printed underneath it, black PVC pants, calf-high combat boots, my spiked collar, matching wristbands, and fingerless black gloves. Since I never go out without my makeup on, I first put on white base makeup, then bright blue lipstick. I rim my eyes in black and pencil a black teardrop under both eyes, then put in my white contacts and fang-caps.

I stand back, admire myself in the mirror for a moment and grin. "Rawr."

Then I grab my old, beaten-up black backpack that's got the names of various bands scrawled on it with a White-Out pen, my headphones, wave to mom and I'm out the door. Eh, I think I'll walk today. It's not too far to the arcade, and I want everyone to get a good look at me. Yes, yes I do. Let them make all the nasty comments they want. My Kagerou CD's up at top volume and I can't hear them anyway. Ha!

It doesn't take me all that long to reach my destination, maybe 20 minutes at most, and I pop my walkman into my bag before heading in. Looks like some of them are already here. Ah well, I'm never the first one here, so it's not really surprising.

I spot the GGXX machine, and I of course make a beeline for the thing, this wonderful machine that is my current favorite in the whole universe. I plunk a couple quarters in, and ponder which character I'm going to play for a moment. I-no, I think. She's pretty cool.

And so, I proceed to merrily kick Ky's ass six ways from Sunday with her! Mwahaha! I hate Ky.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:32 pm

I jump some as I hear the, "BOO" Which I tend to do alot. Jump that is, I'm quite jittery. I let out a quiet sigh and continue button mashing.

"Kicking machine Chun-Li. I usually use Ryu but I felt like Chun-Li today."

I glanced over to the machine next to me after defeating Mai, and saw Phil. "Hey Phil, enjoying yourself?"

I quickly turned back to the game though after asking, since the next battle was loading up.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:58 pm

Yo. Name's Nathan, but you can call me Nate. Everyone does. It is my ultimate goal in life to pass through leaving absolutely no physical evidince that I ever existed. But plenty of mental scars, oh yes, I fully intend to become a legend in my own right.

First, I have to clear college, though. As a guy who started his freshman year at 17, and has very little motivation, if plenty of ability, I'm not doing so well on that front right now. But that matters little, as Summer Break has rolled around and school is out now. I'm 18, and officially an adult, putting in my first year working full time during the summer. Sure, it sucks, but at least on the weekends I have the time and money to go hang out with some peeps at the local arcade.

It's a twenty minute's walk from my house to the 'cade, so I figured I'd better get up early, and set my alarm for a reasonably early hour, and then promply slept through it the next day, getting up well after the sun and not registering a single thought in my brain for a full ten minutes after becoming conscious. A quick breakfast of toast later, and I was throwing on my black Five Iron Frenzy shirt (the one that says 'Solidarity' on the back, accompanied by a giant fist) along with my favorite cameo shorts.

In short order, I was trotting down the sidewalk towards the arcade, a few dollars of quarters in one pocket and my trusty butterfly knife in the other. You never know who you're gonna meet on the streets these days. However, as luck would have it, I had no 'random encounters' on the way to the arcade, and I was soon safely ensconed within it's walls, unable to see sun or fell breeze, concerned only with taking the highest place on the local 'Ikaruga' machine that had been denied me so far. As per my routine, I played a quick warmup round, beating the game in a near record ten minutes, and then took a break to relax and see who was around before getting serrious about it.

A quick glance revealed Tanice and Kevin over at the CvSNK machine, and Phil right next to them. Phil was making his usual ruccuss, much like I would while playing, while Kev played in stoic silence, as if he could transmit sheer willpower through the buttons and into the machine. 'Tanny' (as I think of her) just seemed to be watching, as usual. I think she prefers to stick with RPGs. While I enjoy a good RPG as much as the next hardcore gamer, however, I like a good bit of twichfest action every once and a while too. Absently, I flipped a quarter in one hand and was about to turn back to the Ikaruga machine when I spotted that Lauren was also here, at the GGX2 machine. It's a game I've never played, or even seen played before, and curiosity finally got the better of me about it. I strolled over to watch from behind her left sholder, doing my best not to be a nuisance, to watched for a bit. As I got near, I gave a cheery, "Yo, Lauren. How go's it?"

Edited by: [url=>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 4/5/03 5:00:31 pm

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:59 pm

Good day. I'm James. Some people call me Nate or Nathan, as it's my middle name, but around most of my closer friends, James is my name. I'm of about medium height, 5'9 or so, and wear plain clothes, almost never anything with pictures or brand names on them. I have blonde hair, a simple haircut with nothing special about it, and I wear glasses.

Today I actually had some spare cash on hand, and decided to go to the arcades. I live about 10 miles away, so I had to get a ride. My coming is always a hassle it seems. I'm pretty well known as a rather skilled gamer, except when it comes to PC games. I've beaten some arcade games on nothing more than a quarter or two.

It seems Kev has arrived early today, and just got startled by someone. Seeing as he's playing MvC, I walk up to him, quarter in hand, and say "hey Kev, wanna play a match?"

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:37 pm

"Eat floor, ya goddamned Knight of Ni!", I cackle, finishing Holy Knight-boy off with I-no's Destroy tech. It's always fun to watch someone be bounced to death between two giant hat-shaped speakers of DOOM. Besides, I tend to be a bit of a showoff in the arcade, especially if it's GGX or XX. I also tend to chuckle to myself while doing so.

"Neeheeheeheeheeee...oh, hi Nate!", I respond, going immediately from gloating to cheery, giving him a big, goofy grin that shows off my fang-caps. What? Just because I'm a goth doesn't mean I have to glare at people all the time. As you might have noticed, I'm a decidedly silly goth. While I'm waiting for my next fight to load --and incidentally hoping it won't be against Johnny, since I tend to lose BADLY to him-- I raise my left hand, twiddling my fingers in a slight wave to Tanice, Kevin, Phil and James, the rest of them being a couple machines down. I doubt they notice it but still, I wouldn't want to look like I'm ignoring them. Then I turn my attention back to Nate. "Ah, same old, same old. Scared a few people on the way here, rotting my mind with video games goes it with you?"


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:42 pm

I shrug in reply. "Meh, my brain's already mush. College does that to a person, no? And there wasn't much there to start with. But I'm gonna be leavin' my mark on the Ikaruga machine today. I can feel it here," I wiggle my fingers and give my best 'overconfident bastard' smile. I've worked that one down to an exact science. "Any idea of who's comin' today? I've only been back in town a week, so I'm not sure who's still regular."

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:48 pm

I turned quietly to Kevin, having just lost my last life against the final boss.

"Enjoying myself? Meh...I've played better. Oh, and hey, Tanice..."

I took a few steps back, waving and blushing like a communist flag in a snowfield. Yes, I'm a shy bastard around women. Never having had a girlfriend, I know not what to expect from girls. They're a mystery to me. I guess you could say I have a crush on Tanice. But if you tell her that, I'll kill you. That's all there is to it.

"So, should we start the meeting yet?"


"Everyone is here, right?"

( OOC NOTE: This will be my last post for quite a while tonight. I will be back about...4 to 5 hours after this post goes through. Please don't do anything major while I'm gone, 'kay? I'll remove this little note upon my return. Thanks, ja ne! ^_^;;; )

Edited by: [url=>WillBaseton</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/5/03 5:51:12 pm


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:05 pm

"You're always so easy to startle, Kev... That's what makes it so fun! If you paid for my turn you could butt-whup me." I often think it's reather pathetic that my best friends tended to be younger than me like Kev... I'm 18 you see, 5'8" yeah. I'm kinda boy-crazy too. I mean Kev is so cute! I don't know what it is about most younger guys too... Ah well... Can't help the way I am, ne? I'd never have the guts to ask him out anyway... Never very good around people... even though I love people... Eh... I'm just weird.

Phil greets me. "Hey Phil. Yeah... I only get my butt whupped anyway..." I really only come to the meetings because I don't want to lose friends and I want to make the others happy... ahh a psychologist would have a field day with me and anyone that got into my head would think I'm crazy or just sick... I think way too much...


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:29 pm

"Eheheh...." I chuckled somewhat nervously at Tanice, most guys my age would usually be around looking for a girl to go out with. Sadly though I believe in the old, 'Theres that one person out there thats just right for you,' deal. A bad way to find a girlfriend, especially since I am shy to begin with.

I nodded to James as he challenged me, "Sure if ya want to James. Everyone ain't here yet so we got time to kill." I waited for James to insert his quarter. Since he was a new challenger I would have to fight him as Chun-Li. No big deal though, I'm good with most the girls in fighting games.

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:18 pm

"Yep, college does that to one. I'm surprised mine hasn't completely liquified already, to tell you the truth. As to who's", I pause for a moment, mentally taking attendance of who's here and who's not. Kevin, Phil, James, Tanice, Nathan and of course I am all here. Ian, Chris, Trevor and Douglas aren't yet. There we go, mental tally's done.

"Four more people are probably going to show. Ian, Christian, Trevor and Douglas aren't here yet, but they should be eventually. Don't know exactly when though.."

The next fight had just loaded, so I turn back to the screen...and immediately curse.

Wouldn't ya know it? Johnny. Oh joy.

[OOC: Edited to accomodate the lineup change. See? I pay attention.]

Edited by: Rainbow Fright&nbsp; Image at: 4/5/03 9:31:03 pm

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:35 pm

Breathing hard, I stand against the beast. The most horrid of them all in this existance, the mighty DarkCloud, stood before me. My companions had fallen, one by one, to his unholy might and I now had nothing about me except my wits and a single throwing star. I gazed at the fallen bodies of my brothers. Gentle Nara, the Sage of life, had fallen trying to heal hotheaded Dorin, a ninja in his own right. And wise Trath, the Sage of wisdom and might, he had been trying to summon the mighty Bahamut to help us once more. All of us had saved each other's lives at one point or another...I guess it was my turn again. I gauged carefully how powerful he was against my own might, thinking of how to dispatch him and revive my comrades at the same time. Finally, I took aim, threw, struck....

And he Flarewaves me for too much damage, the cheap bastard. I sigh, turning off the NES emulator, checking the time. Fifteen minutes until we're supposed to meet. Meh, I'll just bike there, I live close enough.

I'm Trevor, definately one of the biggest geeks you'll ever meet. I'm fifteen, rather overweight even though I love biking, and have brown hair that just falls into a preset 'messy, but not horribly so' pose no matter how much I comb it. I usually just wear solid color clothes, such as a red shirt and blue jeans like I am now, and a watch that I got for Christmas with a chinese dragon animation on it.

I love that watch. Noone else does, because it's devoid of any markings that show the time, and you have to go solely on approximation. So, I grab a few bucks and my newest book, "Dragons of a Fallen Sun:The War of Souls" and dash out the door to where the bike is kept, peddling. I get there in record time, about seventeen minutes, and walk in calmly, waving a bit to everyone that's already there.

(OOC:And yes, I DID enjoy writing that first part. T'was fon.)


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:41 pm

I shrug. "Four more, eh? Group's gotten a little bigger since I left. But that happens, I guess..." I let my voice trail off, noticing that Lauren is about to go up against an apparently rough opponet, and decide to mosey back over to Ikaruga and show that top score who's REALLY the best. If I can get it done before things really get started, it'll give me major bragging rights (as a double first place holder, both in Ikaruga and the old Galaga machine near the back) and a confidence boost going into whatever winds up happening today.

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:10 pm

I looked up, smirking. I was on a major sugar withdrawal, and anyone who knows me knows that no sugar = depression for me.

"Damn, I'm thirsty. Tani, wanna come get a soda with me? I'll pay."

Subtle like a brick, no? Yeah, that's the way I am around girls. Scares 'em off most of the time. Maybe this time things would work out.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:10 am

"OOoooo Yeah, that'd be nice! A nice cold Coca-Cola, hee hee!" I was never one to pass up a freebie. Image In fact in all honesty I mooched a little too much from my parents... And "mooched" is just being kind.

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:11 pm

"Okay, great! Let's go."

Waiting for Tanice to go first, I walked over to the arcade's snack bar.

"So, you wanted a Coke, right Tanice? All right, I'll have a large Coke and a large orange soda."

I paid and brought Tanice her soda and sat down at a table.

"C'mon, sit with me."

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:37 pm

"Aww, *dammit*!"

Yep, Johnny beat me. Kicked my ass all over the place, but that doesn't surprise me too much. I lose to him a lot, cheap bastard that he is. But I will not let this failure deter me, no I will not! I pop another couple of quarters into the machine, and this time at the character-select screen I choose Testament instead of I-no. Hee. Test's a cutie. I'm also a lot more familiar with him than I am with I-no, so I have a better chance this time around.

Once again, I feel that manic grin coming across my face as the fight starts and *this* time it's going in my favor. Oh yes, victory *will* be mine.

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:39 pm

I insert my quarter and chose my two MvC players, and just to be differant, my selected team is Omega Red and Captain America.

"Communism and Capitalism unite!" I say with a smile. I would have loved for Bob to be here. And so, the match began. I immediately start with the cheap throwing techniques that Omega Red has, and things aren't looking up for Chun Li. My hands start to sweat, and my thumb slips, failing to guard Chun Li's lvl 3 Super. I'm left with just Captain America now, but confidence still holds...

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*enter fanfare*

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:39 pm

((OOC: Doing this in third person, sorry guys.))

As the gang continued to frollic around, the door to the arcade slid open with a hiss. Standing in the opening, the bright light hiding most of his features, was a tall and scrawny person. The light shone around him like a divine flame, until he stepped inside and the doors closed.

It was just Christian. Standing at a full 6'1'', Christian looked as though he'd weight more than he did, about a 140 pounds. His necklong ashblond hair was kept in a tight pony-tail and his pure blue eyes were barely visible behind the thick lenses of his glasses. He was dressed in a black turtle-neck, much like the one Kev wore, although it seemed a wee bit to thick for a warm day like this. In stark contrast with his turtle-neck was the completely white, loose jeans, and on his feet two black and white sneakers.

Christian looked out over the arcade for a moment with a very serious look on his face. Finally his mouth wavered a bit.

"HI YOU GUYS!!" He yelled happily as he grinned at them. Before anyone could reply he was at the hook-machine.

"Today, my nemesis," he growled under his breath, his glasses reflecting the sunlight in a eerie way. "Today I will defeat you!" He held up a quarter and it reflected a beam of light in a flashy manner. Holding the dramatic pose for a few seconds, he drew out the mood until finally he popped the quarter in the machine. This was going to be a long day.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:01 pm

Chun-Li started the match with a flurry of her kicks, but was no match for the captain. Luckily for me Akuma was my next character, and I began the match with a vicious attack. The captain went down soon after, but not after dealing some damage to Akuma.

"Good match! But I am going to get me something to munch on....." I walk over to the snack bar and buy a bag of Skittles and a coke.

I then sit by will and nod to him. "We still are missing a few people." I open my skittles and eat a few of them, then sip my coke.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:23 pm

I sit down with Phil and sip my soda. He's a great guy. He was always nice to pay for treats and stuff for me.... come to think of it he may be flirting with me... but Kev was so much cuter... I watched Kev as he came to the table and popped some skittles into his mouth.

"OOoooooooooooooooooooo! Skittles! Share! Kev! Please! Share!" I love skittles. I say I'm addicted to them even tohugh it's not really a true statment.... I just love skittles hee hee ^_^ I looked at Kev with big puppy dog eyes and a hopeful expression.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:45 pm

I stare at Tanice feeling a bit embarrassed at the big puppy dog eyes, she didn't really have to do that. It made me feel embarrassed.

"Oh... uhhhh sure Tanice... Here.... " I pour a some skittles from the bag into her hand and manage to smile.

Meanwhile, in the claw machine, Chris can swear he sees something moving in it........


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:50 pm

Image "YAY!" ^_^ I got my skittles. Hee hee hee. Maybe thats why I liked Kev so much... eh... whatever, he was still majorly cute. Not as cute as some anime characters, but cute ^_^ I eat the skittles a couple at a time and keep giving glances in Kev's direction.

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:35 pm





I sat up in bed, my hair flinging itself over and down into my eyes.

I slept in late! Damn it!

I got up and out of bed as quickly as I could. The house was quiet. Looked like my sister was asleep. Parents out someplace else. Just as well.

I had agreed to meet some new people earlier today, if only because spending all of my time just training doesn't work too well on your social life. Reaching into my closet, I fish out a random Invader ZIM shirt. Turning, I scoop up a pair of jeans from an open drawer in my cabinet.

After snagging a few other, miscellaneous undergarments, I hop into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and turning up the shower, hoping to get clean as quickly as possible.

Damn it, why I always gotta do this? Play Budokai too late into the night, and then.. aargh..

Hmmm? Oh, oh. Yeah. Forgot. Hi, I'm Ian, and sorry if I'm a little rushed in this, but I'm dealing with trying to get ready. I'm 17, almost 18, and am about average stature with a light muscular build. I'm working on that, but anyway, I'm just what you'd call a 'quiet teen', cept for the times I'm fucking pissed, which aren't too frequent. Maybe that's how I met some of these other people.

Damn it, where's my belt?

I'm a big fan of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT, namely, South Park, and horror movies in general, and my room is strewn with posters, DVDs, games, and merchandise that illustrate this fact. Yeah. And those people I mentioned earlier? The newer people? Yep. I didn't know bout this arcade that's supposedly around here, but I might as well head off for it. Sounds like it might be fun.

Okay, I'm finally ready. I think I hear my parents pulling in.. well, at least I don't have to worry about my sister.. with those thoughts in mind, I open the door and charge off, hoping to make it there in good time by.. running.

I should be there soon..


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:57 pm

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Chis's flashy entrance. But considering that I had made plenty of such entrances in my time, I really couldn't hold it against him. In the mean time...

Another quarter drops into the slot on the Ikaruga machine, and the game was on. Five tense, explosion ridden moments later, I have reached the end boss with a high score that could quite possibly surpass the next highest score on the machine by a considerable margin. But I had botched a pair of shooting combos early in the level, and my shield switching hadn't gone to well so my ship was running low on health. The trick to the final boss, as with most of the game, was switching your shield from light to dark at just the right instant, so that you wouldn't take any damage from the white and black shots he fired at you. At the same time, you had to absorb as many of those harmless shots as possible, so that your superweapon can be used often. If I could kill the sucker down in thirty seconds or less, the time bonus would put me in the #1 spot.

I manage to do it in twenty seven. Even before the end game animation has finished playing, I'm shouting like a mad man and doing little celebration dances. If the entire arcade doesn't know I've just blown past Big Shawn Brian's record on the machine by now, they must be deaf. A final "WOOHOO!" and a fist in the air later, and my initials have been entered into the number one slot on the machine with an emphatic *smack* to the fire button. (Which draws a disapproving look from the manager, but hey there's enough of my money in that machine to buy a dozen new buttons.)

Absently wiping a hand across my forhead to dispell imaginary sweat, I saunter over to Kev's table and collapse into a seat, a wicked grin on my face. "I am... THE MAN!" I announce, and wait to see just what's happening.

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:10 pm

Ah, success. I made short work of Johnny and my next three opponents with Testament, since I'm decidedly better at playing him than I am I-no.

And then the machine puts me up against Potemkin, and I die within seconds at the hand of the overpowered bastard. Fuckin' Potemkin Buster. Rather than putting in more quarters, I figure that's enough Guilty Gear for now, pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulder, and look around the arcade. Do I really feel like playing something else now? Maybe I should pass...looks like most of us are here, and I don't want to end up getting too engrossed in another game then.

I head over to the snack bar, but not because I really want anything. Have you ever tried to eat wearing fang-caps? I can manage, but it's not exactly something I recommend doing. Besides, I don't want to smudge my lipstick. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my makeup, and I'm usually super-careful about keeping it intact. I drag an empty chair over to the table, smirking a little but not making a wisecrack about the puppydogness apparent in the area. Hey, I can be tactful!

...when I want to be.

"'Lo everyone!"

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Dragon Sage007
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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:17 pm

Glancing up from my book at Lauren's greeting, I take a quick look and a mental tally of who's there and who's not.

There's Kev, playing at the machines like always. I sometimes wonder if he thinks about anything OTHER than video games and anime...not like I can talk, though. And threatening to deafen the entire populace of the town, was Nate. Chris, of course, had made his presence known for the sheer hell of it. Tanice and Phil were having sodas. Don't tell them, but I think Phil has a crush on Tan. I'm not sure about Tanice, though. The way she's looking at Kev, she either wants more Skittles or she wants him. Anyone else? I make six...ah yes, then there was Lauren. Despite being Christian and, you know, people trying to raise me to despise anyone different like goths, I rather liked her. She wasn't a negative person, and was really kind of fun to be around, if you could take a joke. But, moving on, Ian and Douglas were still missing. Maybe they just forgot to set their alarm clocks or something. Not like it would do any good to worry about when they would arrive.

"Hey Lauren. Still a few missing."


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:36 pm

"Didja beat your high score or somethin', Nate?" I suddenly have a craving for chocolate, but no one has any so I don't ask. Phil only offers me stuff, I never ask him for it. And I'm starting to get liquided out from the pop so I drink less and take smaller sips. Ah... there it is again... that feeling of futility that I get when I'm sitting with people and pretty much doing nothing productive but I stick around to be polite... Ahh yes... the weirdness of Tanice's mind...

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:56 pm

After having a very close match with Kev, I decide to sit down at the table, not feeling all too hungry.

"So, what do you guys wanna do today? It seems everyone is here"

*By the way, I'm James. It seems I haven't been noticed by anyone yet :{*

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:24 pm

Call me Namagomi. Call me a 1024-year-old trickster priest who can make dragons explode and piss off one Filia Ul Copt.

Call that my AIM and RPGWW Screen Name.

Call me Douglas, a 15-going-on-16 fat geek who's suprisingly strong for his looks. I've got curly brown hair, green-brown eyes, as well as a height of 5'8" (although my bad posture makes me look shorter), and weight of over 200. Yes, I'm that heavy. 'S not all fat, though.

I also have a nasty tendency of falling asleep on the couch.

Bernie woke me up this morning with his screaming, and after a hasty breakfast, I fed the macaw and took a shower...

"I need to lose weight"

Not that I'll do that, actually. I'm far too lazy to work out. Pity that. Also pity that I don't study.

Oh well, if it's one thing I'm good at, it's video games, particularly mecha games and the GG series. Which is why I was heading down to the arcade. Yes, the one with the GGX2 machine. All while listening to my custom-burned CD that has made my brother coin me as an "Ultra Music Geek".

Upon reaching the arcade, I immediately dashed over to the GGX2 machine, and popped in a quarter. Obviously, I was going to choose my best character, Eddie, formerly Zato-One.

"Heaven or Hell"

"Duel One"

"Let's Rock!"

I shouted in unison with the announcer as the first fight began...


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:17 pm

I nod. "Yup, sure did, Tanny!" I was tempted to go into length about the heroics I had put into my record breaking campaign on the Ikaruga machine, but I suspected that she would not appriciate it as much as some, and decided it was best that I spare her the details.

Quite honestly, I'm not sure what to make of that girl. She almost never plays the machines here (or if she does, I've never seen her do it), and other than the fact that she gets alot of free stuff off of Phil and Kev, I'm not sure exactly why she comes here as much as she does. She doesn't strike me as the type to come here just for freebies, but I may be wrong. I suspect there is more to her than I've seen so far, and I'd really like to see her cut loose some time, just so I have a better idea. Then again, maybe I've been playing to many RPGs again, and am over analysing people once more. I have a tendancy to do that.

Also, I should make it clear that I don't have anything in the way of romantic interest towards Tanny. Quite frankly, girls always look at me in a 'big brother' kind of a sense, even when they're a few years older than me, and I'm fine with that. My sister (who is older than me, and also immune to my 'big brother' effects) says this means I'll either never get a girl, or she'll be a good ten years older than me when we finally do meet, but that doesn't bother me right now. I prefer not having all that complicated stuff in my way right now. But I'm digressing.

Doug just came in, it seems, and I think I see Ian's car pulling up outside. That means well be starting soon, probably after Chris and Doug finish their respective games. I jingle some change in my pockets and wonder what kind of excitement we'll be getting into today...

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Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:32 pm

At that, I simply dropped my head down to the table with a sigh. Things never seemed to work out for me that way, see? People always come in and snatch my victories right from my grasp.

I give up. She doesn't like me that way...

"I don't feel so good..."

I wasn't faking-well, not COMPLETELY. Let's just say that blow to my ego kinda made my head spin. I stood up quickly and smirked.

"I think I need to go play my reality check game."

Odd, huh? Well, whenever something like that happens to me, I go and play Time Crisis 3. I call it the "reality check" game because I have to start thinking instead of moping. By now, this was probably a red flag to everyone that something was wrong. Oh well, who cares.

Without a word, I stood up and walked to the Time Crisis 3 machine, leaving my half-finished soda. My gaming yells were much more violent this time through.


Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:44 pm

Oh no... I frown. I hurt Phil's feelings.... I don't like hurting people's feelings but I can really be a completely insensitive dunce at times. Plus, it means no more freebies. I sigh, pout and rest my head in my arms. Why do relationships have to be so darn complicated? This is why it's so much work to keep a friendship... you'll always hurt their feelings at some point and it's hard to weather...

It's doubly worse with me since hurting people's feelings hurts my feelings... Empathy sucks...

Rainbow Fright

Re: Sailor Sex-Change.

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:48 pm

I just sit there, not saying anything and blink. I probably shouldn't be so surprised, since it's obvious what's going on here. At least, it *should* be obvious to everyone. Maybe it's because I'm the only one over 20, but I tend to want to be the "big sister" to the rest of the group whenever a problem --any problem-- rears it's ugly head. I'm usually pretty objective about things, and I'm good at cheering people up. If anything at all, I'm at least a decent shoulder to cry on.

I stand up, brushing nonexistant dust off my shiny black pants, before looking at the rest of the group at the table. I've gone into "adult mode", which my posture and now more-neutral expresion show quite clearly. I figure this isn't the time to joke around like I usually do, or I'll offend someone by not appearing serious.

" guys want me to go check on him before this potentially gets worse?"


Now things get interesting..........

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:48 pm

I blink as Phil starts to make his violent rant at Time Crisis 3.

"Well........... okay then..."

Meanwhile, a blue furry rabbit like creature looks at Chris through the Claw machines glass. It hops over into the place where you drop your prize and runs out of the machine and over to the table where everyone is gathering. Like a flash he jumps up on the table.

I stare at the creature for a moment before it clicks........


Edited by: [url=>ArgusDevilmen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/6/03 10:58:31 pm

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Re: Now things get interesting..........

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:52 pm

Yup. I suck at shooting games. But they calm me down, ya know? So all is good. I had died for the last time when Kevin made his explanation. Now, many times before had I told him that magical anime creatures don't exist, but he never believes me.

"Kev, are you hallucinating again?"

I turn around from the machine and walk over to him, staring at him.

"You really think you see a cabbit this time?"


Re: Now things get interesting..........

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:54 pm

I glance at Phil and point at the blue cabbit who looks back at me and jumps in my shirt squirming about.

"Se.......... AHAHAHAHAHA!! THAT TICKLES!" I fall out of my seat back onto the floor the cabbits head popping out of my turtle neck.


Edited by: [url=>ArgusDevilmen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/6/03 10:58:48 pm

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Re: Now things get interesting..........

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:55 pm

"Holy shit!"

I jump back a foot or two, panicked.

"...that...can't be real. Get the plushie out of your shirt, Kevin!"


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