One fine day in Cleft...

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Reako Somner
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Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Reako Somner » Tue May 06, 2003 5:04 pm

Reako was not as affected by the Dischord instrument as the others, having a developed a small tolerance to such things over the Bardic War, but he was affected nonetheless, and it took him a good minute or two to recover. When he did, he saw that Jeanine was crying. Beforehand, the song was affecting her heavily as though it were causing physical damage. But that could only mean... well whatever, that wasn't the problem now. Reako knelt down to the girl.

"Don't worry, Natalia went to stop the noise. She'll be back soon."

Reako gave a reassuring smile, then went back into thought. Daryl was supposed to have destroyed most instruments of Dischord after her victory. Who could possibly still own one other than Valen himself and maybe his

"ugh, what is Excal planning now? Hey Jeremy, can you stay here with Jeanine? I need to find Excal and talk to him in person."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 5:10 pm

Jeanine sniffles. "I'm,*sniffle* scared...I wanna find Auntie *sob* Natalia."

E Mouse

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby E Mouse » Tue May 06, 2003 5:36 pm

Somehow Jeremy got back up again, though he had no idea how - in fact, his brain seemed to be so disjointed from the effects of the Dischord instrument that he could barely see anything, let alone consider any psionics.

Over the roaring ringing in his ears, Jeremy heard something familiar. His name? He turned towards the source of the sound and could vaguely see someone familar standing in front of him. Very familiar, but he couldn't place a finger on it...

Somethin... something's wrong. I must have... must have... uh, amnesia. Yeah. How do you fix that again?

Oh yeah.

"One moment," Jeremy tried to say, but his voice was so slurred it sounded more like an orc trying to speak portugese.

Jeremy whacked himself on the head with a palm. His thoughts seemed to get mostly knocked back into place. He blinked, recognizing Reako at last.

"What'd you say again?" he asked.

"I said, could you stay here with Jeanine? I need to go find Excal and talk to him about something..." the elder psionist repeated.

Jeanine sniffled, still kneeling on the ground, looking pitiful and terrified. "I'm,*sniffle* scared...I wanna find Auntie *sob* Natalia." she said, fitfully.

Jeremy blinked at her once, still not quite recovered. He had a bit of a headache and his ears were still ringing, but he'd probably be okay in a few minutes.

"Well, I don't see any reason for us not to look for her..." he mumbled.

Jeremy felt something grab around his right leg. He glanced down to see Alice sitting on the ground next to him, seeming unable to focus properly. She looked around, confused.

The lesser psionist tapped her on the head. "You okay?"

Alice blinked and looked up. She gave Jeremy a lopsided, somewhat clueless grin.

"Headache." she said simply, releasing Jeremy's leg with one arm to rub her own forehead.

"Me too." Jeremy muttered. Then he noticed Reako giving him a bemused look, one eyebrow raised.

The lesser psionst glared at him for a moment.

"My, isn't this touching." his Author chimed in snidely.

Shut up. I can't deal with you right now.

"Too bad. You have to."

Jeremy sighed, and shook his leg to escape Alice's grip. "Get up. Natalia left for some reason, and Jeanine wants to go find her. Reako's going to go looking for Excal..."

Alice stared at him numbly for a moment, then nodded and stood up. She seemed a little shaky, but didn't have any serious trouble.

Jeremy glanced at Reako. "I don't know where to start looking, but Excal might have something to do with it. Why don't we follow you 'til you find him, first?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 6:00 pm

Jeanine looks up at Jeremy and smiles weakly. She sniffles, and takes his hand. "Thank you, Jeri-chan" she says, taking his hand. She sniffles again, then says. "Auntie Natalia hates it when I get lost. And do you have any medicine? My head hurts..."

E Mouse

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby E Mouse » Tue May 06, 2003 6:33 pm

Alice slapped her forehead.

"Asprin! Duh!" she said, suddenly sounding excited at realizing a solution to her current main problem.

She yanked at the collar of her tight-fitting tank-top and reached in with one arm.

Jeanine stared at this, confused. Jeremy quickly stepped between her and Alice. After giving the fangirl a moment's glare, he smiled at the little girl holding his hand.

"She's just looking for some medicine." he said quickly. Reako smirked.

Alice pulled out a small bottle of asprin pills, and a bottle of spring water. She expertly pulled out two of the medicine pills, tossed them in her mouth, and washed it down with some of the water.

Alice hesitated for a moment, then handed both items to Jeremy.

The lesser psionist looked at both of them carefully, some currently-unknown suspicion nagging at him...

Oh yeah.

"It's like an indirect kiss." the Author said cheerfully.

Jeremy ignored him. "I'll be fine without having some water." he said, and tried to swallow his own asprin pills.

They didn't seem to go down quite right. Jeremy coughed, trying to suck in air and failing, for a second, before Reako thumped him on the back with a fist.

He swallowed the pills properly this time.

"Thanks, Reako." Jeremy said, sounding slightly hoarse.

"And there's some more dignity down the drain!"


Alice, though looking a little disappointed, accepted the bottle of pills from Jeremy, and looked at its label for a moment.

"How old are you, Jeanine?" she asked.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 6:50 pm

"I'm not sure," Jeanine answers, look at the bottle in Alice's hand. "Can I have some too?"

E Mouse

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby E Mouse » Tue May 06, 2003 7:35 pm

Jeremy and Alice blinked.

"You don't know how old you are?" Jeremy asked, sounding confused.

The lesser psionist and fangirl glanced at each other.

Does she have amnesia or something? Jeremy thought, I wouldn't want to have to hurt her to try and get rid of it...

Alice shrugged, and turned back to Jeanine.

"Okay, you can have just one for now. If your head still hurts in an hour or two, you can have another, okay?" she said, taking out another asprin pill for Jeanine.

"Next, the problem of if she can swallow pills properly. And if she can, whether she needs water for those." Jeremy's Author mused.

Give her chewable tablets, then.

"Is this an actual REQUEST for Alice to be assisted?! From YOU? OH MY GOD IT'S A MIRACLE!"

... just shut up. I'm tired of dealing with these stupid little problems.

"Aw, poor Jeri-chan still has a headache." the Author mocked.


Uncle Pervy

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 7:52 pm

"Thank, Mrs Jeri-chan," Jeanine says as she takes the pill, chews it, and swallows. Overall, she seems a little less scared than before, though she still clings to Jeremy's hand. "Let's go now, please?"

Yari Koneko

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Tue May 06, 2003 8:13 pm

Pelm beheld the scene. The idiot looked to be talking to the really big robot... which was an accessory she decided she needed.

And then the lady that had tried to break up her fight with Christian said something and kicked the moron. Pelm decided she liked the idea, and followed suit, delivering a sharp kick to Excal's... more sensitive area slightly below his stomach.

Glaring at him, she snatched the ocarina out of his hands deftly and began to inspect it, moving it around in her hands and looking it over closely.

IM: Ehh? What's this?


Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Excaliburned » Tue May 06, 2003 8:42 pm

Well, shoulda seen this coming... Ugh... And Jeanine... shoulda realised it'd be Daryl... she was like... Looks like I made a mess a things... again...

As this was going on, Excal was doing his best to maintain some dignity. An exercise in futility after having been kicked twice when he wasn't expecting, and was pretty much lying on the ground.

"So... what? I shoulda let the fight go on?", Excal spat out, probably not very capable of steady speech given his emotional and physical state. After a few moments recovering, he lept up and snatched back his ocarina, making sure to put it safely back in his bag this time. "And THAT, is a very dear possession of mine, given to me by an old war buddy! Not to mention a dangerous commodity to hold in a town this beholden to bards!"

Still hunched over slightly, the Vigilante looked for a place to sit, and thusly sat. And once there, he looked at Natalia and did his best to swallow his anger.

"Natalia, I'm sorry about Jeanine, but... That bot was under attack from weapons that do not yet exsist, and something had to be done fast or else we'd have had a whole lotta dead people and a whole lotta questions about how they died. So I'm sorry if she got hurt, but a bit of pain for a lot of people is better than death for slightly less."

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Reako Somner
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Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Reako Somner » Tue May 06, 2003 9:14 pm

Reako ran to the scene when he saw Natalia and some other strange girl beating up on a man. By the time he got there, the man was sitting elsewhere and the two were scowling down at him. It didn't take long for Reako to recognize who it was.

"Excal... Excal?! What are you doing here? Why did you play a Dischord instrument here?"

Looking around, Reako noticed a good number of the taverngoers had some minor wounds on them.

"..I know I heard a plasma weapon discharge.... and a good number of people here are injured. Can anyone tell me what happened?"

Edited by: Reako Somner at: 5/6/03 9:40:29 pm

Bob the Cat

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Tue May 06, 2003 10:13 pm

Mae and Bob arrived on the scene, weapons lowered.

"What the hell happened in there?!?" Bob yelled to those in attendance of this active crowd.

Everyone else in town is still recovering, what with the bardic nature of the town itself.

"I should have figured that you'd be the source of that song. Jeez boy, didn't you ever take lessons as a kid? I don't think you should quit your day job." Bob said jokingly

"But in all seriousness, someone explain why there are people in various states of dying and unconciousness?" Mae asked, a little worn from trying to heal some of the people who were more critically injured.

Natalia looked onto her comrades and remarked "I'll let you two handle this, I'm going back to check on Jeanine. "

Natalia then ran off back to the beach...


Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Excaliburned » Wed May 07, 2003 5:12 am

"You'd have to ask that bot as to why the weapons were being shot off," Excal gestured towards the machine as he said that. "But, when I got here there was a big fight going on with it looking like the bot against the town, so I just stopped the fight as quick as I could. It just happens to be easier to take out a lotta bard-lovers than a combat bot. And, if anyone else pops up wanting to know that, someone else can tell 'em!"

At this, Excal sat there remaining disgruntled. Reako would have to be here as well. At this rate, who'd be next? X? Krono? Valen? Perhaps Daryl herself would deign to drop in? It was almost enough to make the vigilante want to drop by his room and sleep the rest of the day away. But, of course, like as not something else was going to happen. Too many folks who had a habit of having big things happen around them together for nothing to occur...


Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby EKDS5k » Wed May 07, 2003 7:46 am

"From what I have observed, it is impolite to refer to someone as if they were not there."

Had the robot been able to show any facial expressions, he would have had one of annoyance. As it was, it was just a cold metal stare.

When he spoke again, it was quite a bit louder.

"SECONDLY. This man," he pointed at Excal, "possibly saved me from taking extensive damage. As such, I believe the expression is...'I owe him one.' The next one of you who attacks him will be waking up in the hospital."

Yari Koneko

Pelm is confused and thus confusing.

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Wed May 07, 2003 2:55 pm

Pelm observed a great deal of conversation, gaining occasional bits of understanding from her vain attempts to read everyone's lips (especially the robot, who she couldn't even tell was talking).

Probably misreading something that the idiot with the cool-looking instrument had said, she looked confusedly at him, produced a blood-red gem and tossed it at his head, which bounced off harmlessly rather like a superball.

She had gotten the general understanding that he was saving someone, and even though he was an idiot for agonising the entire town, she understood his motive.

"Here." She said gruffly. "Hold this for a second."

Bob T Cat

Luckily for Pelm...

Unread postby Bob T Cat » Wed May 07, 2003 5:58 pm

A semi- robotic growl interrupted what was about to happen next.

"You, Canuck knight. You will hand over that instrument of dischord NOW."

The two trenchcoated figures were now facing the group gathered there, with one doing all the talking.

"Excal, is it just me, or does trouble follow you like a bee to honey?" Bob remarked looking at these two figures and then to the Canuck Knight.

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Reako Somner
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Re: Luckily for Pelm...

Unread postby Reako Somner » Wed May 07, 2003 6:13 pm

Reako eyed these newcomers suspiciously. They didn't look like any agents of time, or to be part of either bard or dischord faction. Yet they knew Excal's name.

"Who are you people? And what do you have to do with Excal?"


Re: Luckily for Pelm...

Unread postby EKDS5k » Wed May 07, 2003 6:20 pm

More robots?

Energy signatures indicate one has an estimated 80-90% cybernetic reconstruction. Base organism unidentified, possibly mutated human.

The other is emitting an unidentified anomalous energy signature.

Caution advised.

Chances of Excal giving up the Ocarina of Dischord willingly: >0.01%

He contemplated correcting Bob on his figure of speech, but then decided it would be better to interject on Excal's behalf. He stepped forward.

"You will be taking nothing from this man."


Re: Luckily for Pelm...

Unread postby Excaliburned » Wed May 07, 2003 9:16 pm

Excal caught the gem, and wondered idly what it was as he took care not to study it. After all, he had a bigger problem at the moment.

"No need for you to stand in their way. They desire something I have, and I have a strict policy of always giving something to folks like that. Now, just give me a second while I get it..."

The vigilante put the gem in his bag as he reached for something else within. Not the Ocarina of Dischord, but rather the Crissagrim he had once been given. He didn't think it was quite as good as his Blood Sword/Aura Gun combo, but it would be less anticipated, and that would count for enough at the moment. Besides, he could always drop it later and draw his weapons at his hips later if need be.

"Alright... got it, and here you are," Excal said as he pulled out the weapon, and charged at the leader.


Re: Luckily for Pelm...

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu May 08, 2003 12:48 am

The fact that he had just put the ocarina away and thus shouldn't have had to search for it, plus the tone of his voice, easily tipped EKDS5k off that Excal indeed had no intention of giving up the instrument. In a span of time just slightly less than what it takes for a dog to wag his tail, the robot had already analysed several plans of attack. He also knew that plans of attack usually fell apart for both sides within seconds, so the best thing to do would be close the distance, making it less likely for any high-output ranged weapons to come into play.

The mechanical construct joined the Canuck Knight in his charge, moving at almost the same time, and just slow enough to allow the latter to reach his target first. During his run, a three foot long blade extended from his gun arm, which he swung straight at the figure with the anomalous energy reading...

Bob the Cat

He's fast. Like a ninja.

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Thu May 08, 2003 1:04 am

The silent one was the one who met Excal. Before anyone could even react he had managed sidestep the advancing robot's charge altogether and then clothesline the charging Excal. As he went down from the force of the blow, Excal could get a closer look at the silent one's face, or the part that wasn't covered in a metalic mask draped around his jaw. The visible portion of his face, a dark pale blue with eyes that seemed almost dead...

The speaking one pre-emptively reacted to the robot's next move, as he raised his right arm, as the skin and the sleeve of his coat pulled back, transforming into an arm cannon that fired a large ball of plasma at the robot.

Bob sure as hell wasn't going to stand idly by while someone tromped on Excal. He'd figured that Excal had gotten his punishment from the angel chick who was there and Natalia. Whoever these guys were, they weren't all show, that's for sure. He thought of this as he shoulder slammed the one that knocked down Excal, just as he had his foot raised to stomp the downed Cancuck Knight.

Mae on the other hand, was acting instinctively, rolling to her left and firing a well aimed blast of energy at the shooter's upper torso from her laser rifle...


"Oh God, what now?!?" Natalia thought as she heard the gun fire from the town area. She realized that she would have to protect Jeanine if this got out of hand, which was a very likely possiblity...

Edited by: Bob the Cat at: 5/8/03 1:08:14 am

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Also like a ninja!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu May 08, 2003 1:50 am

Girvyn, having followed Bob over to hear, had also managed to mostly recover from the effects of Excal's little performance. He had mere moments before been considering whether he should continue to monitor the scene or run after Natalia, but this sort of firepower shouldn't be running rampant through the town. With that in mind, he leapt into action.

Quite literally, at that. Hoping to have the element of surprise as he emerged from the shadows, he flew into the air, getting in between the two men and the sun, hoping further to avoid getting hit by the considerable firepower. As he came down, he decided to leave his own weaponry in reserve, to use in further surprise attacks, and instead just came down with a kick, praying that the glare from the sun would keep him from being targeted.


Re: Also like a ninja!

Unread postby Excaliburned » Thu May 08, 2003 2:57 am

Excal rolled to the side and onto his knees as he saw Bob slam into the figure above him. Deciding that familiar weaponry would now be best, he let the Crissagrim stay on the ground, and drew the Aura Gun and Blood Sword instead, and quickly levelled the Aura Gun at the one that had clotheslined him. Then, getting to his feet, he backed out to snipe in, putting Bob and the bot between himself and the figures in the trenchcoat as he fired in.

After all, he was the one they wanted, so why make it easy for 'em?


Not so much like a ninja. More like a big robot.

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu May 08, 2003 4:36 am

The robot's attack having missed, he turned to face his assailant. Who was quickly preparing some kind of arm cannon.

Decidedly not good.

He swung out with his blade, connecting with the gun and deflecting it to the side, if not completely shearing it off. He immediately shoved his palm into the man's(?) face, letting loose with the laser that was housed there.

Primary Force Field inactive! Arming Secondary Force Field!

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Reako Somner
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Re: Not so much like a ninja. More like a big robot.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Thu May 08, 2003 5:02 pm

Reako drew Rival and went into a defensive stance. Closing his eyes, he began to focus on the one Excal had charged at, and held him up in the air a few inches, then hurled him against a wall, making sure to pin him there.

"Now would be a good time to strike him! Go for it, Excal!"

Yari Koneko

Re: Not so much like a ninja. More like a big robot.

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Thu May 08, 2003 5:21 pm

Pelm quickly assessed the situation. She needed her hearing back... now.

Chanting a short spell, she finished with a flourish of her hand. Everyone in the area would feel something like a light breeze washing across them... except Excal's bag, which puffed out suddenly like something had exploded in it... and a drop of blood dripped out.

Pelm's ears were met with a wave of new sounds, onrushing. Though momentarily disoriented, she drew her holy sword, Anaya, from its sheath on her back and brought it around in front of her.

E Mouse

I'd say something about a peanut gallery but...

Unread postby E Mouse » Thu May 08, 2003 9:22 pm

Jeremy fought the urge to grumble about Reako running off ahead as he guided Jeanine towards the town, looking around for Natalia.

Then again, if this does turn out to be trouble, it'd be better for him to help out than me... he mused.

"So would you chalk that excuse up to cowardace or accurate knowledge of your strength?" Jeremy's Author asked.

... both, to be honest.

Several panicked-looking people ran past. Jeremy blinked and glanced over his shoulder to try and follow them.

"I think they're running from something..." Alice added, trying to look farther ahead.

However, it was also hard to see far there, either, as a more tightly-packed group of frightened vacationers was surging through the street in the same direction.

"What the-"

The crowd quickly surrounded Jeremy, Alice, and Jeanine. The two (relative) adults tried to hold the position they were, and keep Jeanine from getting trampled - or scared out of her wits.

"What's going on?!" Jeremy shouted.

The only answer he got was an angry, famililar female voice that came from right behind him.

"You're getting your rear kicked for getting Jeanine lost in this crowd."

... This can't be good.

"With me around, is it ever?" the Author asked rheoritically.


Re: I'd say something about a peanut gallery but...

Unread postby Excaliburned » Fri May 09, 2003 5:23 am

Excal tracked the figure with his eyes as Reako called out for him to strike. He then called "I see 'im," as he moved to attack.

Keeping the Aura Gun on target, he started firing a steady patter of low strength, highly innacurate shots with the intention of providing cover fire and a distraction as he charged over, and focused energy in the tip of his blade. Then, when he was in position, he charged forward, thrusting the Blood Sword out in front of him, attempting to pierce the armour of this figure with the tip of his blade, and discharge the energy there into the target.

The Dark Gun
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And let there be stuff

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Fri May 09, 2003 3:32 pm

IM: Well... This is getting quite out of hand.

*He advanced rapidly towards the scene.*

IM: But whom to help and whom to hinder? That robot seemed to be like me... But he's far too clumsy with an operation like this.

*He scanned what was going on, spotting Excal as he charged, he decided that that was as good a place to start as any, and drew out his gun pairs, firing one shot towards Excal's sword hand, and another towards the sword blade.*

Bob T Cat


Unread postby Bob T Cat » Sat May 10, 2003 1:59 am

The cyborg was starting to show some battle damage as from the previous attacks his metalic body with some parts still fleshy began to show, and as its assailants seemed to be surrounding it, it launched a magic shockwave attack that knocked its attackers back a few feet, knocking its non-human foes off their feet. It struck the still standing robot's arm and then proceeded to fire at what it percieved was the robot's optic sensors with a beam that came from a circular lens in its chest.

THe other figure, had the top part of his trenchcoat blown off as well, showing numerous scars on his pale bluish skin. He slumped down against the wall, but then quickly shot back to life, eyes locking onto Excal. The metal-face mask around his jaw dropped, showing his mouth full of fangs. He screamed, causing a sonic blast that knocked the canuck knight into the angel...

Natalia kicked the young psionicist in the rear end. However not too hard, for in her arms she was holding the lost Jeanine.

"I recommend leaving this area immediately. It's about to hit the fan hard, and we need to put as much space between us and what's happening there. I just hope Bob and Mae can handle it..." Natalia said as she walked quickly back to the villa

Uncle Pervy

Hee hee hee

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 10, 2003 2:39 am

Jeanine latchs onto Natalia, and says, "I wanna go back now, too! It's scary out here! Jeri-chan and Mrs Jeri-chan should come too! Then we can have green ice cream and wait on Unkie Bob and Mae to come back!"


Re: Hee hee hee

Unread postby Excaliburned » Sat May 10, 2003 5:23 am

Excal's previous attack had gone well, but the other one had found time to take aim at his weapons. Fortunatly, they hadn't done much more than distract him as the surrounding chaos made for bad shots. Unfortunatly, that had given the one he had been fighting a clean shot on him.

However, the fight seemed to be turning in their direction with the weight of numbers. And, hoping to score one of the kills, Excal charged back at his chosen target again, hoping someone else would keep the second one off his back.


Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby EKDS5k » Sat May 10, 2003 10:04 am

EKDS5k, after being knocked back, made no move to dodge the beam. A futile effort anyway, as it wasn't something he anticipated, and since it was a beam, it was nearly instantaneous.

Rerouting force field power to keep his face shielded from the beam, he dashed forward with all his weight, firing thrusters on his back and slamming into the cyborg with more force than most reinforced walls could withstand. As he did, he wrapped his arms around his foe and began to squeeze, crushing the partially organic being in a massive hug of death.

Yari Koneko

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sat May 10, 2003 10:32 am

After having Excal chunked into her, Pelm was angry. That was the sort of thing that happened with golems and massive mechanical constructs... sort of like that robot...

Eyeing the bluish-skinned one that had hit Excal, she spread her wings. Digging her feet into the ground in a sprinter's position, she quickly launched herself at the enemy in a low-altitude glide, her sword put out in front of her in an attempt to impale the poor sap straight through.

(Difficult to describe, but it's kind of like the Gargoyle from OMF 2097's charge attack, but with a sword.)

E Mouse

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby E Mouse » Sat May 10, 2003 1:40 pm

Jeremy took a minute to recover from the literal ass-kicking he had recieved. After he did (and gave Natalia an unnoticed glare as she threaded through the crowds towards the beaches again), he glanced over at where he assumed the fight in question was occuring. Alice looked as well.

Now much could be seen, actually. However, various explosions and sounds simialar to lasers firing suggested a major battle.

Something a little too large-scale for Jeremy and Alice to handle.

"I think Natalia's right, I don't want to get involved with this one..." Jeremy started to say.

Both psionist and fangirl winced at the loud screech from one of the robots' sonic weapons.

Jeremy glanced at Alice. "C'mon. Let's get out of here."

The girl looked back at him, hesitated for a moment, and nodded. "All right, Jerry-chan."

The two followed Natalia and Jeanine towards Bob's villa...

Bob the Cat

Important announcement

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Mon May 12, 2003 2:26 am

OOC: Due to finals week, this rp will be temporarily postponed till Friday.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed May 14, 2003 7:02 pm

(OOC: I'm going to post anyways, so that Efrain has that much more to GM upon his return. :D)

Seeing his apparent success in the flying kick endeavor, Girvyn decided to try to captalize on it as much as possible. To that end, he quickly dropped down to his hands, and spun around, trying to kick the legs out of from under his opponents...


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