One fine day in Cleft...

For all RPs taking place in other settings.
Yari Koneko

*Took too long to post...*

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:01 pm

Pelm followed, a grin barely visible on her face. Which quickly widened, and started into a chuckle. Pelm couldn't hold in her laughter at Christian's little speech. The chuckle quickly turned into a louder giggle, which proceeded to evolve into a full, loud laugh.

Wiping a tear from her eye, Pelm quickly composed herself. She wasn't quite sure if Christian had been serious about his Doman Coin Exposition (TM), and didn't particularly want to offend him.

Trying to change the subject slightly, she inquired, "Hey; where're we going?"

E Mouse


Unread postby E Mouse » Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:32 pm

Jeremy noticed Natalia waving, and hesitated.

I really can't be sure if she's going to be trying to absue me again, but I'd rather not insult Jeanine either...

He sighed. Great. Now I'm even being sadistic unto myself.

"A man after my own heart!"

Shut up.

Jeremy waved back, and walked over to the sand fort.

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Reako Somner
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Unread postby Reako Somner » Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:29 pm

Reako wasn't all too surprised to see Natalia here. After all, Bob was here too, and Natalia usually went where he did.

What WAS surprising, however, was the fact she had a child with her. Natalia wasn't usually the babysitting sort of type, to his knowledge.

"Natalia... did you finally find a man capable of, er, surviving you, or something?"

Reako knew how Natalia could be at some times, he already knew just from looking at Jeremy that she had pulled something over on him. The concept that any male could handle her simply baffled him.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Apr 29, 2003 9:26 pm

"Hello Jeri-chan!" Jeanine says, waving at Jeremy. "Is that man your butler?"



Unread postby Excaliburned » Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:02 am

Sigh, I suppose this is what I get for allowing myself to get sidetracked... the Vigilante thought to himself somewhat bitterly. His quarries were gone, and the shopkeeper was back about his buisness. Excal figured he could probably get some information from him about which direction they went. But then, with those wings, he could get similar information from random passerby as well. And thinking of doing so, he then did so.

Beginning to ask questions, he quickly figured out which way the lady and her companion had gone. Soon enough he managed to get them in sight again. Having them back in sight he then had to decide between letting them know he was following, actvely getting their attention, or trying to keep them unaware of his presence. Figuring on a peacable approach, he'd leave them be and not take any measures to avoid notice. After all, he had already informed them of his interest, and thus most courses of action could be safely delayed until later, if he needed them.

Bob the Cat


Unread postby Bob the Cat » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:13 pm

At the Harpsichord...

The angry looking female bartender was in the middle of scrubbing a dirty mug with washcloth.

"Hmph, 17gil <span style="font-size:xx-small;">damn robots, going to start up trouble like always...</span>" She said this with a scowl on her face as she glanced at one of the patrons through the corner of her eye, coming up behind the robot, chair over his head...

At the beach..

"Hee hee, that certain someone is a little intimidated right now, but I'm sure he'll come around..." Natalia said as her eyes trailed off, obviously thinking of something else. But she soon snapped back to her current situation. "So what brings you here? Vacationing too? Kinda strange that two veterans of opposite sides of the bardic war would come to the same spot." She thought outloud, entertained by Jeanine's little innoccent question.

The two mystery men(?)

They walked along the beach, until they both stopped, about 30 feet away from where the 2 psionicists and the adventures in babysitting duo.

"Impossible! She's supposed to be in deep freeze! But her current energy signature doesn't match her battle progam thankfully. Could she have been the reading I had picked up earlier? Both of you return to base. Why is she with that woman....

Edited by: Bob the Cat at: 4/30/03 3:15:15 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: ^---*dies*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:24 pm

Noticing the two mystery men, Jeanine smiles and waves at them, then looks to Natalia. Half of what the assassin just said failed to make any sense to her.


Re: ^---*dies*

Unread postby EKDS5k » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:38 pm

He dropped some money on the bar, it having been held in a small storage compartment on his arm, and sat down to wait for his drink. As he did, he scanned the bar and it's tender more closely. She was a large woman, definitely not attractive by the majority's standards. She had something on her neck, too.

Scanning, extrapolating: identified as: tattoo. Plain black text: "Untouched by Man"

Militant lesbian theory: confirmed

He noticed the scowl, too, and immediately scanned for the source. In the reflection of the glass she was cleaning, he could see the image of a man swinging a chair at him.

The robot didn't move, preferring instead to leave no doubt in anyone's mind who the aggressor was in this situation. The chair came crashing into the back of his head, exploding into many smaller chair pieces.

Damage sustained: Negligible

Instigator: Bar Patron

He stood up and turned around, facing the man. Any size advantage the man thought he had was lost when the 8 foot tall robot looked down at him.

"That was completely unprovoked and I must retaliate."

Without giving him a chance to speak, EKDS5k was in motion. His right elbow shot up, cracking the drunk in the jaw, shattering it in the process. In the same motion, a metal hand clamped on the man's wrist, as the mechanical construct whirled around, letting go and hurling the man through a window and out into the street.

Edited by: [url=>EKDS5k</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/1/03 5:35:59 am

E Mouse

I have a bad feeling about this...

Unread postby E Mouse » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:40 pm

Jeremy blinked at Jeanine, not immediately comprehending her question.

"Butler?" he asked, "Um.. no. I don't have a butler, sorry..."

Following this, the lesser psionist watched Natalia carefully as she seemed to space out, and thought what had recently been said...

Intimidating somebody? A man being able to 'deal' with her?!

"Remind you of someone?"

Sadly, yes.

"They'd probably love to compare notes..."

Jeremy sweatdropped. Since it was hard for either to see a reason for as such, both Natalia and Reako glanced at him.

The lesser psionist snapped back to the present, and the other sentance Natalia had said finally regestered in his head.

"Er... what? Bardic war?" he asked, "What do you mean by that? I've only heard vague rumors -"

"Jeeeeerry-chan!" a distant, sing-song voice called. Jeremy paled.

"On second thought I think I'll help with the sand castle." he amended quickly, and darted over to kneel down near Jeanine.

Uncle Pervy

Re: I have a bad feeling about this...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:52 pm

"You can help make the houses," Jeanine says, Offering Jeremy a plastic shovel.

E Mouse

Re: I have a bad feeling about this...

Unread postby E Mouse » Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:33 pm

Jeremy grinned feebly at the little girl, and accepted the play-tool offered to him. He started carefully rearranging the sand in and around the (fairly impressive) miniature fort, while frantically trying to think about what to do.

Well, I can't really sneak away right now.... my best bet is to stay near Jeanine and hope her apparent innocance keeps Alice hesitating...

"Okay, so she can chat with Natalia!"

... you stay out of this.

"Then what's gonna keep her from dragging you off into the forest and raping your pathetic ass?"


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Reako Somner
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Re: I have a bad feeling about this...

Unread postby Reako Somner » Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:02 pm

"Well, things have calmed down here quite a bit since then, and I felt I'd look at the old temple while a war ISN'T going on. It's hard to explore and admire things when there's a number of people from other dimensions and a vigilante out to kill or stop you."

Reako thought for a moment, noticed Natalia's facial reaction at the meantion of the "Vigilante", and put 2 and 2 together.

"...Excal is here too, isn't he?"

E Mouse

Re: I have a bad feeling about this...

Unread postby E Mouse » Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:40 pm

Jeremy's eyebrow twitched upon hearing this.

"I'm jinxed, aren't I?" he asked aloud.

"Damn straight you are." his Author teased.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:55 pm

"Auntie Natalia and Unkie Excal are really good friends," Jeanine adds helpfully.

Bob the Cat

^---my hero

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:02 pm

Natalia looked to Jeanine and then up to Reako and smiled as she politely responded to Reako. "Why yes, he is here, I had the benefit of greeting him earlier..."

Another crowd was forming at the Harpsichord, as someone else was attempted to break a bottle over EKD's back.

From the outside of the bar, a weak explosion could be heard. More likely than not it was some poor drunken sap trying to take down the robot with a miscast spell that more than obviously did not work on him....

"Investigate the commotion at the bar. I've lived too long to know that all these things this day can not be a mere coincidence"

The two mystery figures made their way to the bar...

Edited by: Bob the Cat at: 4/30/03 8:30:01 pm

E Mouse

Re: ^_^

Unread postby E Mouse » Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:04 pm

"If I didn't know otherwise I'd come out and start screeching about Natalia and Amber having a catfight."

I'd start yelling at you except for the fact that you always withold information anyway.

"Appreciate your ignorance. You might not like to know what I do."

... a good point.

Jeremy managed another uneasy grin. "I've met him before, too. We, er, fought once, but we're on better terms now..."

The lesser psionist turned his attention back to the sand-house he had been making, almost without thinking about it.

... why the hell does this look like that Mr. Saturn thing?

"Boing! Zoom! Ding ding!"

... then again, I won't ask.


Re: ^_^

Unread postby EKDS5k » Thu May 01, 2003 5:47 am

The explosion outside was not currently his concern. Right now, the robot had to deal with the patrons who were attacking him for no perceivable reason. Granted, wood and glass did little besides scuff the polish on his armour, but he figured it wouldn't be long before someone broke out some heavy magic.

Sure enough, a few short moments after the bottle hit his back, a medium strength blast of fire was thrown towards him, knocking him backwards, and crushing a table and some chairs in the process.

Perhaps a demonstration of my firepower will convince these people that they are hopelessly outclassed.

Quickly getting to his feet, he opened fire with his machine gun, emptying round after round into the unlucky fellow who had cast the fireball...

The Dark Gun
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Re: ^_^

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Thu May 01, 2003 10:34 pm

*He heard the sounds of explosions and gunfire.*

IM: Well... The violence overflowed pretty fast... Or robots are VERY uncommon and considered hostile around here... I wounder which one it is. Fagh!

*He thought, sarcastically, and he hurried towards the scene.*

IM: This does not bode well...


Re: ^_^

Unread postby Excaliburned » Fri May 02, 2003 5:10 am

Excal turned towards the sound along with the rest of the crowd. Explosion, sounds like miscast Bang spell. Nothing to worry about, he quickly sorted and disposed of the sound in question, and turned back around to seek his quarry again. He did so quickly, but shortly thereafter another sound rang through the town. Gunfire, steady burst, likely machine guns... That's not period... Excal stopped dead here and turned back to the sound. Must be that 'bot... And if he's shooting, then either he doesn't give a damn about the timeline, or he's in big trouble!

Having decided something big was going down, Excal was caught in a period of indecision as to whether he should follow the woman, or seek out the gunfire. Figuring she'd be easy to track down again regardless, Excal let her go and ran, drawing his weapons as he went.

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Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri May 02, 2003 9:23 am

((OOC - Ahh... Welll...

I'm sad to say this, but it seems I've succumbed to one of those periods of laziness again. I've been without the net for a good three weeks, which means I've got tons of things to catch up with. Not to mention some school tests that are quite important. I'm going to have to jump off this RP. Sorry everyone, especially Koneko... ;_Image )

Bob the Cat

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Sun May 04, 2003 1:11 pm

Time froze for everyone around Christian except for Christian himself, as two glowing balls of light hovered around him

"You are our only hope, please help us!"

With that a pillar of light consumed Christian and when time returned to normal, to Pelm, it looked like he had disappeared completely.

At the barfight in progress:

What the robot did not realize was that Bob had yet another ulterior motive for coming to the resort town. A few months ago, someone had stolen a few powerful weapons from one of his shipments.

Why does that matter now? One of the denizens of the bar who had just witnessed this, had just fired a quick plasma burst from a a plasma rifle while fleeing to the back door...

Along with that fact, the local law enforcement was on its way to investigate...

On the beach
Natalia stands up abruptly and asks, "Did you two hear that?"

Elsewhere on the beach
Mae talked into her watch..."You hear it?"

At the villa
"Yeah I hear it." Bob responded to his minicomp he was wearing on his left arm. "Shall we go?" He asked his wife...

"We should, it could get messy very fast. And we have a responsibilty in this as well..." Mae's voice sounded very sincere.

"Alright lets gear up" Bob said as he started to look through some things...

Uncle Pervy

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 2:17 pm

"It sounds like Uncle Bob is trying to grill steaks again," Jeanine notes, "Should I go call the fire department again?"

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Reako Somner
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Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby Reako Somner » Sun May 04, 2003 3:12 pm

Reako's ears perked up at the sound of the blast.

"Hmmm, no, I doubt that's Bob trying to grill anything... it sounds like something familiar..."

Thinking for a moment, Reako recalled James testing some of Bob's gun weapons before buying them.

now, what weapon was that...?

"Wait a minute, that sounds like a plasma weapon in use. Is that robot fighting something in the middle of town!?"

While Natalia likely knew how Reako could have heard such a thing from so far away, Jeremy didn't, who then gave him a quizzical look as to what he was talking about.

E Mouse

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby E Mouse » Sun May 04, 2003 3:20 pm

The lesser psionist blinked. "Plasma weapon? Wha? I didn't hear anything..."

A burst of what sounded like machine-gun fire, on the other hand, was easily heard by each of the four crowded around Fort Awesome.

"... I DID hear that, though." Jeremy mumbled, sounding spooked.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." his Author muttered.

Uncle Pervy

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 3:30 pm

"No, it sounds exactly like Uncle Bob grilling Steaks," Jeanine corrects.

E Mouse

Re: One fine day in Cleft...

Unread postby E Mouse » Sun May 04, 2003 3:50 pm

Jeremy turned to boggle at the little girl.

"What in the world does your uncle use to COOK?!" he asked.

"Apparently, machine guns, fire magic, plasma weapons, and possibly some blood of the innocent as seasoning." Jeremy's Author chimed in.

Oh, hush.

"On another note, doesn't it remind you of someone else's way of cooking?" the Author continued.

Alice had often used magically-created fire to cook, along with her frying pan.

... you're just trying to make me think of her, aren't you?

"Too late."

"There you are!" Alice cried, from almost directly behind Jeremy.

The lesser psionist tensed up a moment before the fangirl latched onto him, hugging his neck tightly.

He sighed, and tugged at Alice's grip. She held on for a few seconds, but then let go and hopped in front so Jeremy could see her current outfit; a tight-fitting black tank top, and an alarmingly short pair of dark purple shorts.

In other words, mind-bogglingly modest, for Alice.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow at the girl. Then something made him look down.

"Um, Alice..."

She glanced down as well, and froze.

Alice's feet were neatly stomping the recently-constructed Mr. Saturn-looking house, and she had also kicked down a wall of the fort in her haste to show off to Jeremy.


Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 5:14 pm

"Miss Jeri-Chan is mean," Jeanine says, looking at the ruined Sand-Saturn and frowning.

Yari Koneko


Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sun May 04, 2003 6:49 pm

Pelm blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Quadce. Quince. Hexce. Septce. Octce. Nonce... you get the idea.

After her eyes were remarkably well cleaned, she thought to herself.

Noting the loud sound coming from the middle of town (where they had been heading), she figured he had probably used invisibility or something to escape her... so she wouldn't slow him down.

She smiled to herself. Of all people, he should know that she was far faster than he... but he must've gotten mightilyi] better with magic to have pulled that off...

Thinking she'd catch up with him later and hang him upside down to punish him, Pelm sprinted toward the source of the crash

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Re: Bugger!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun May 04, 2003 8:55 pm

Girvyn watched silently as those he was observing scurried around in response to the disturbance. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but this "Bob" seemed more concerned than surprised, almost as if he had expected it to happen. As much as he would have liked to just resume his normal lady chasing activities, it seemed that this situation needed to be monitored...

Girvyn waited for Bob to make the next move.


Re: Bugger!

Unread postby Excaliburned » Mon May 05, 2003 1:55 am

Having been in the area before, and having started running earlier gave Excal a bit of an edge. Hearing even more advanced weaponry than the machine guns go off, proved he didn't have enough of an edge though. One Haste spell later and things proved far better.

Shite! the Vigilante swore mentally as he arrived. Chaos everywhere, and those look like energy or plasma marks! Time Wraiths are definatly gonna key in to this place if something isn't done. And I might run into another one that hasn't got the memo that I'm off the hit list... So much for my vacation, then. Now, to try and break things up and some obfuscation...

Thinking quickly, Excal reached into his jacket and pulled out the tool for this job, a jet black ocarina made of wood from a lesser Baka Tree that would be recognisable to very few. An instrument of dischord. Putting the instrument to his lips, he began to play. To the ears of a diety of dischord, the resulting sound would be a symphony of such beauty that they would be greatly moved. To all else it was a great screeching train wreck of a noise that would make one think fondly of a person running their fingernails along a chalkboard. The effect of the song was to make white noise in the brain leading to loss of short term memory, and generally inducing innattention or gut-wrenching panic in anything that heard it. Not that the panic was an effect of clouding the brain, but rather an effect of not having the brain clouded enough and actually hearing the song.

With that in effect, Excal hoped that things would quiet down some, and that the instigators weren't the robot, or able to resist it.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Bugger!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon May 05, 2003 2:58 am

Jeanine suddenly cries out. "Make it stop!" the child exclaims, slamming her hands over her ears, and putting her head between her knees as she falls into a fetal position, crying as through she hand been kicked by an angry Bear.



Unread postby EKDS5k » Mon May 05, 2003 3:49 am

As the fireball-casting mage slumped to the floor, a highly advanced weapon registered in the robot's visual identification algorithms.

Plasma weapon! Force Field: On.

No sooner was the robot surrounded by a faint green glow than a searing blast of white hot plasma impacted with his chest. The force field flashed a bright red and a loud zapping noise was heard as it burnt out. He turned to fire on the man, but he had already ducked out the back door.

Analyzing path, and estimating current probable location: 78%

EKDS5k aimed his gun arm at the wall, switched to the rail gun function, and fired where he was 78% certain that the man would be. The tiny projectile rocketed out of his arm, through the wall, the man (hopefully), and probably the next several buildings before embedding in a rock or something somewhere.

Then he heard a sound, which he classified as "unpleasant to the point of damaging the human mind." A quick look at the state of the remaining patrons in the bar told him his classification was correct. He reached behind the bar, grabbed a bottle of the hardest liquor he saw, and exited via the front door, looking around for the source of the noise.

Yari Koneko

Pelm takes quick action... sort of.

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Mon May 05, 2003 2:56 pm

Pelm crumpled quickly to the ground, her wings splaying out as she collapsed in a heap, covering her ears.

IM: Goddess... get it out of my head!

Thinking more clearly than she would under normal circumstances, much less having her head split apart (figuratively speaking, of course), she quickly muttered under her breath, placing her hands over her ears.

A few moments later, picking herself back up and reaquainting herself with her surroundings, she looked warily on, and began to run in the direction she thought the noise had been coming from.

IM: Well, I can't hear a bus coming from three feet away now... but it's better than that.

Her speech was slightly slurred, as though she really couldn't hear what she was saying. She yelled at Excal, "What the hell are you doing?" at the top of her voice.

E Mouse

Pervy's sadism is highly approved.

Unread postby E Mouse » Mon May 05, 2003 6:56 pm

Jeremy's ears turned pink when he heard Jeanine's pouty comment.

"Sh-she's not - " the boy began to stammer, but Alice carefully hopped back over the fort wall and glomped onto Jeremy again.

"See, even the little girl thinks it fits!" she purred triumphantly.

"Yet she doesn't approve of YOU." Jeremy grumbled.

Neither got the chance to talk further, as Excal's instrument of Dischord broke in.

Jeremy and Alice both fell onto the sand, clutching their ears and crying out in pain themselves.

A pitiful display, but what else could you expect from them?


You saw nothing, citizen.

Unread postby Excaliburned » Tue May 06, 2003 1:39 am

Excal surveyed the results of his music. Everyone in sight but the bot and a few others were out of comission, and those who weren't seemed to be having some trouble.

Excellent, everything has cooled down and these people shouldn't remember anything improper having happened. Of course, they'll all have headaches tomorrow, but I'm sure most of 'em have had worse hangovers. It is a resort town after all. Of course... If any of them recognised a song of dischord... And there's still the folks who'll managed to resist it... like her... Well, ain't this ironic, stop looking for her, and she hunts me down. Well, here's hoping she isn't actually a demon...

With that thought, he gave a final trill and ended his 'song'. That done, the Vigilante took the ocarina and placed it back in its place and turned to face Pelm as he thought about how to answer her question. Deciding on the truth, he began to speak.

"What the hell do I think I'm doing? I was stopping a fight with highly lethal weaponry that would have attracted some folks you don't want to notice you if it had been allowed to continue. That aside, it's not like I was doing anything permanent. That song was a middling one, designed to induce forgetfullness and make concentration impossible. Basically, it's an anti-mage and psionist song, and the worst it'll do is mess with short term memory and give 'em sore heads for the next few hours. So, I just gave 'em their hangover a bit earlier than they'd be giving it to themselves. And any half decent adventurer won't even get that much. Just an ice cream headache for them unless they try and use psionics or some heavy duty spells. And even then, a good one will be fine any second now, aside from a hard time concentrating. So, given all that, could you have done better in ending that fight?"

Excal stopped at that, noticing that the robot was also outside with what appeared to be a bottle of booze, and seemed to be taking an interest in them.


Re: You saw nothing, citizen.

Unread postby EKDS5k » Tue May 06, 2003 5:05 am

After breaking the top of the bottle off, and taking a long drink, EKDS5k scanned the ocarina in the man's hand.

Source of noise identified.

"You there. You were playing that thing a moment ago?"


Re: You saw nothing, citizen.

Unread postby Excaliburned » Tue May 06, 2003 5:54 am

"I suppose I coulda been, any reason you're asking?"

Excal said this as he casually let his hands go towards his weapons and he began to call to mind some choice spells as well as other preparations for bot fighting.


Re: You saw nothing, citizen.

Unread postby EKDS5k » Tue May 06, 2003 6:07 am

The robot made no move of agression towards the knight.

"If you are, then I owe you some thanks. Those men had me greatly outnumbered, and were fast pulling out the heavy weaponry."

Bob the Cat

Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Bob the Cat » Tue May 06, 2003 12:39 pm

At the beach
Natalia was likely the only person in the entire town unaffected by the song Excal had played. She knelt down next to Jeanine. "I'm going to stop this song from hurting you anymore, stay here!" She yelled as she sped off into town...

In town, near Excal's position
Mae and Bob were recovering from the shock of the song, and regaining their composure. They both had semi-futuristic rifles in their hands, Entering the bar through the back entrance. What they saw was an abysmal scene...

As for the man who EKDS had aimed at, had it not been for the song's effect, he would not have stumbled allowing the rail-shot to whiz past him, as he made his escape to a nearby manhole...

Natalia... she had the ability to move without anyone noticing until it was too late. In this case, it was enough for her to be able to and then kick Excal in the ass.

"JERK! Do you have any idea how much pain you caused Jeanine?!?"

Near the bar
The two figures had suffered almost as much as Jeanine had when they had heard the song. After the song was over, they immediately recieved new orders.

"Destroy that instrument! Use whatever means necessary so that she does not enter her self-preservation battle mode!"

And so they went...

Edited by: Bob the Cat at: 5/6/03 4:04:54 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Stay out of trouble

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 4:42 pm

Sobbing still, Jeanine gets to her feet, her head aching.

"Where *Sniffle* did Auntie *Sob* Natalia go? *Sob*"

She rubs her eyes, and looks hopefully to Reako, Then to Jeremy and Alice.


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